Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Looking for the Optimal Powder is Crucial

By Dr. Lorna Mistranski

Whey protein isolate and whey protein powder concentrate is an examination very frequently sought. This question without a doubt is one that has crossed the minds of a lot of hopeful weight lifters when glancing at the shelves of an assortment of kinds of whey protein powder on hand in the health food supermarket.

Which whey protein should you be using; concentrate or isolate?

The most imperative differentiation amid the two is that Isolate is processed at deeper levels so that the fat and lactose are removed. This more involved system provides a higher quality of protein. The fact is that over 90% of whey protein powder isolate is protein calculated by weight.

This is important as lesser levels of fat are a help for the regular daily diet of bodybuilders and when whey is used for the purpose of getting rid of excess weight.

A decrease in lactose levels will also a help individuals who are lactose intolerant as well as reduce the chance of that bloated feeling that can go along with some protein shakes. There are some side effects to consuming whey protein shake isolate nonetheless.

Since it is high in protein ratio, isolate powder requires you to pay a higher retail price. The filtering procedure isolate goes through is significantly more intensive to remove the components that are known as alpha lactoglobulins and lactoferrins which is significant immune boosters.

Whey concentrate has lesser protein available and the protein content can range anywhere between 29% in upwards of 89% in some brands. Whey concentrate protein contains higher levels of lactose so anyone who suffers from lactose intolerance should to be very aware.

Concentrate however cost less so this can be a better alternative depending on what your budget is. Whey concentrate also is low in levels of cholesterol, which is another benefit to consider for your diet.

On the whole, dietary and medical circumstances call for action to be taken into consideration when choosing the type of whey protein powder you choose.

Isolate whey powder may have the slight edge in regards to the biological value (BV) and will make available to you with more value for your money if you are needing a higher dosage per serving of whey protein. - 17274

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Teenage Body Building, Why It's Good to Start Young

By Ricardo d Argence

More and more teenagers are taking up bodybuilding. Getting in shape and building muscle is not a bad idea if it is done correctly. Many key areas of the body are still developing during the teen years, although their bodies may appear to have reached adult height. Teenagers in search of an excellent body building routine need to include nutrition, weights and rest.

Teenagers have energy reserves that are the envy of others, and those reserves may cause problems during a body building workout. Because of teen's never ending energy supply, they make over work one set of muscles and ignore others.

Contrary to popular viewpoints, less is more when it comes to weight training. A rounded workout in which all muscle groups are worked equally is better. Once a muscle hits the point of exercising no longer effecting it, overexerting them may cause injury or undo the work you have already done.

Proper weight training starts slowly and then progresses. Don't make the mistake of straining yourself by starting with a weight that's too heavy. You should start with light to moderate weight and then work your way up.

To many times nutrition is neglected in favor of massive amounts of supplements. While supplements can be helpful in moderation eating the right quantities of protein and fiber are more important. You see when you are training you are actually tearing the muscles and in order to heal properly and "build" they need proper nutrition.

Another often-overlooked aspect of nutrition is water. Your body is comprised of 60% plus, and major organs depend on water to receive nutrients. This includes your muscles. The recommendation of eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day is merely a starting point, when you are training you should increase your water intake considerably. Your joints and vital organs will thank you, plus you will increase the success of your work out.

Next to water, this is the most overlooked aspect of training, especially in teens who feel indestructible. When you sleep the growth hormone, IGF-1 and testosterone are released, these are both necessary to the repair and growth of your muscles. That is what sleep was designed for, reparation of the body.

Going to the gym daily to increase muscles isn't enough, you need to establish a balanced plan for growth. People who are into instant gratification will find this hard to do, but it is the best way to prevent injury and achieve success.

You can start weight training now; if you're into sports like football it's important that you are strong and healthy. Following these simple work out tips will provide you with both a safe and productive exercise session. - 17274

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Increasing your Muscle Mass With Body Building Supplements

By Ricardo d Argence

There is more involved in bodybuilding than just lifting weights. A bodybuilder needs to be aware of nutritional needs also,as to achieve the best results. You will need plenty of protein and complex carbs,that you should have a well-rounded diet.

Muscle tissue requires protein in order for it to grow. You need proteins to repair muscle damage, and that is what results when you are in a weight lifting program, tearing down and rebuilding.

Complex carbohydrates are essential for stamina, they are slow burning and provide lasting energy. They also keep blood sugar levels stable while you are working out.

It might seem counterproductive to add fat to your diet when you are trying to build muscle and lose fat, and however the right fats are crucial,surprisingly, fats are a much-needed nutrient as well. Essential fats are monounsaturated fats these aid in boosting the immune system and energy levels.

Choosing and eating the most nutritious food available is ideal. In order to keep yourself from overeating, it may be wise to go from eating three large meals to six small meals in a given day.

Supplements are helpful for bodybuilders because the extra strain of your workouts makes it difficult to extract all the vitamins and nutrients you need simply from eating alone.

Natural fatty acids like omega three can lower resistance to insulin and result in natural development and healthy growth.

Creatine, it has been shown to dramatically increase mass in body builders.

Sometimes getting adequate supplies of protein is difficult, it then becomes necessary to take it in a supplement form. Some forms are slow acting boosting muscle repair while you sleep.

If you are considered underweight you may need to take high caloric supplements in order to put on weight. The extra calories will feed muscle growth while boosting your endurance.

Many things go into making your body all that it can be, proper diet and exercise with the right supplements and adequate rest will maximize your routine and help you build muscle. The key to any workout whether it is for muscle stamina or weight loss is centered on good health. Eat a healthy diet high in calories, workout, and take the proper supplements to kick your routine into high gear! - 17274

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Unearth Excellent Health And Nutritional Supplements Right Now

By Jacqueline J Long

You can find shelves full of dietary supplements like multivitamins, single vitamins, minerals and even herbs at every grocery store, nationwide shopping chain and even thousands of online stores. People take supplements because they suppose that they are not getting the acceptable nutrition from their day by day diet and nutritional supplements can fill in the gaps.

There is great deliberation about which nutritional supplements if any are constructive for human wellbeing because of concern over the body's aptitude to soak up fundamental nutrients from a pill or capsule form. However, there have been some noteworthy findings that ordinary and frequent use of multivitamins and other supplements can add to good health and thwart ill health and disease.

The continued use of nutritional supplements like the specific supplements folic acid and calcium have shown a definite consequence in the body such as improved immunity and with the supplementation of folic acid the sizeable reduction of neural tube birth defects in newborn babies.

After reviewing over 10 years of studies that took into deliberation the health benefits of multivitamins and other nutritional supplements including Calcium, Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin D, antioxidants, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin B-6 and folic acid, the Council for Responsible Nutrition released a report called The Benefits of Nutritional Supplements. This report indicated that the extensive use of dietary supplements and multivitamins provides a robust health advantage for humans.

Other remarkable results from this report showed that if all females of childbearing age took a multivitamin or even just a folic acid supplement, it might be promising to lessen the occurrence of neural tube birth defects by as much as 70%. And older patients who took supplements improved their immune systems and reduced the possibility of hip fractures. Enhanced health from taking dietary supplements could bring about considerable health savings by preventing or postponing illnesses and diseases by a matter of years.

But, not all of the news on supplements is good. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that is found in many orange foods. It is actually a precursor to vitamin A as it converts to vitamin A in the body. It has been found that beta-carotene from the diet reduces the risks of cancer and heart disease along with boosting immunity and sustaining good vision. Because of these notable conclusions, a few experts started recommending beta-carotene supplementation.

However, soon after that two first-rate studies showed that these supplements were in point of fact causing grave damage. The studies tested individuals who were at a elevated threat for lung cancer, including asbestos industry workers, former smokers and smokers. The study was immediately|hastily|/spin] discontinued when it found that in this higher risk group the ones that were taking the beta-carotene supplements were truly showing a higher mortality rate and a higher rate of lung cancer than those that were given the placebo.

Beta-carotene is abundant in fruits and vegetables and it is harmless and beneficial when received from foods. Ideally, the greatest way to get sustenance is from patterns of eating, in spite of this most of today's diets do not afford adequate nourishment to retain health so dietary supplementation in moderation might be the best answer. - 17274

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How Effective the South Beach Diet is for You?

By Jesse Regan

One can think that a South Beach diet will only result in failure. An explanation on what food is permitted on any mealtime can certainly give the idea that it is a bogus attempt at losing weight. However, many people have undergone it and have proven its effectiveness. They have gone into the process of losing weight without experiencing hunger and its psychological effects. This is because a South Beach diet does not impose skipping meals on someone but it still works wonders in favor of the weight loss he desires.

With a South Beach diet, you do not ever go hungry but you do have to keep away from food loaded with starch and sugar. You can still eat anything else without them though. It is because carbohydrates from starch make the blood sugar to shoot up. Then it falls just as quick to make you terribly weak and starving. You can just eat more than you should and gain more weight in the process.

With 3 phases to undergo, a person on a South Beach diet will not have to miss a single meal at all. He actually trains his appetite to cease craving for those with high carbohydrate and fat content. In the process, he learns the habit of eating only those that are fit for a healthy and lean body. With fewer cravings and with a low carbohydrate diet, the body burns fat faster. This is how the South Beach diet works almost effortlessly for the dieter.

The first phase is almost a non-diet for the misinformed. For two weeks, one is allowed to eat three full meals a day. He is even allowed to take snacks in between breakfast and lunch, and lunch and dinner. All he has to avoid are those foods like pasta, rice, bread, sweets and pastries. The objective is to make the appetite get accustomed gradually to meals with less starch and sugar. Beer and alcohol intake, however, is totally not allowed.

The second phase may even appear more liberal. After someone gets used to a diet of no bread and other starchy delights, he is allowed to take them again in small amounts. The dieter will find out that after two weeks breaking the habit, his cravings for these foods is practically gone. The weight loss may not be much felt but one can sense that his appetite has changed much that his body itself would sound alarms should he take more starch and sugar.

The third phase is actually the beginning of a healthy and fitness-conscious life. Unlike the first two phases, this one has no timeframe. By this time, he has already the desired weight as a result. The dieter would actually no longer effort of limiting food since it has become his lifestyle. With eating habits totally transformed, he is assured of a healthy body for the rest of his life. You just heard one great example of valuable information about healthy diet respites . - 17274

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How Can You Really Prevent Bruising With a Rollerblading Program?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you are somebody who has suffered from easy bruising, it is probably past time for you to try a new approach to helping you overcome your easy bruising. Even though learning something new might create situations that will get you some new bruises before realizing its benefits to help prevent the occurrence of new bruising, you'll discover that there can still be a lot to be gained in reducing your likelihood to bruise in the meantime. This is where starting a regular rollerblading regimen may prove beneficial, so evaluate rollerblading alongside whatever other options you might be considering.

You should initially consider why it is that you are subject to bruising easily more often as you get older. Though many people have concerns about the reasons that they have a higher tendency to bruise easily than ever before, the facts of the situation are that in most occasions easy bruising is the end result of a collection of common conditions. In most occurrences, the walls of your capillaries have gotten thinner and more fragile, and combined with the reduction of collagen produced under your skin, there is a loss of normal protection against easy bruising.

Because this is happening, the end result is that you might suddenly find yourself bruising with little or no apparent provocation. You may casually look down and notice a very dark bruise on your arm or your legs and have only a vague memory of bumping yourself there at some point.

It can be quite irritating to deal with easy bruising at the same time you try to go about your normal daily life, and if you are fed up with finding new bruises and having to answer concerned questions asked about how you got them, you will make a concerted effort to discover a solution. Rollerblading may be just the answer to your bruising condition.

Rollerblading is a relatively recent form of roller skating that is growing increasingly in popularity. Rollerblading is a cross between roller skating and ice skating to many people because of you still have the wheels from roller skates but they are arranged inline similar to the blade found on ice skates. No matter which sport you compare it to, rollerblading is an excellent cardiovascular activity.

When you are attempting to make sure that your body is going to be getting the right kind of results from any exercise, make sure that you are looking into the benefits of cardiovascular activity that can be obtained with the proper exercise routine. Proper cardiovascular activity causes your heart to work harder, and as a result your blood vessels will become much more elastic and flexible and less apt to rupture upon light contact.

It's easy to get started with rollerblading. You might want to rent a pair to try at your local rink before making the monetary commitment of a purchase, or you can always just go out and purchase a pair.

With all of the cardiovascular benefits rollerblading can provide to help overcome easy bruising, you still should consider a daily, all natural supplement program like Bruises Be Banned which can help reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17274

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Natural Herbs to Increase Libido: Accelerate Self Healing

By Mike Hagler

Male libido and age are linked and libido decreases as we get older but you can reverse this and increase your libido naturally, with some herbal libido enhancers and sensible lifestyle changes. If you are serious about increasing your libido read on...

When viagra was introduced, it became the best selling drug in history and it continues to be a pharmaceutical best seller to this day despite the high prices of it. Due to high prices and a prescription required to buy viagra, herbal male sexual enhancers have flooded the market with a brilliant reputation of being safe as well as cheap. Experts have gone as far as to recommend a few of these herbal products to certain patients as an extremely effective alternative to viagra.

Basically, it works just as well as any other oral pill you are willing to pop into your mouth or even better, take for example Hot Rod, an alternative sexual medication. Given its all natural herbal remedies, it is able to increase life force energy, channel maximum blood flow to the penis and increase libido. It consist of ingredients unheard of to many of us, such as deer antler velvet, Tongkat Ali ( testosterone booster ), butea superba and other plant species used in Asia and the Himalayas.

Why herbal remedies are such a good alternative? Unfortunately 44% of men would not go to their GP if they experience erection problems, and those who do go to their GP about their ED wait on average 17 months before going for a consultation. But there's no need to delay - oral treatments for ED (PDE5 inhibitors). Herbal products have revolutionised the treatment of men with ED and are now widely available over the counter.

When nitrates and impotency alternative treatments can slow blood flow catastrophically, resulting in heart attack or stroke. There have been reports of men who after consuming herbal sex pills suffered transitory effects such as blurred vision and severe headaches. By the end of the day, it is difficult to judge whether it was an after effect of herbal sex pills or was it caused by something else.

Although there are a lot of speculations regarding the potency and efficiency of these herbs in increasing the male libido and over-all sexual function, medical experts have come a long way to prove that they really do work and as a result an increasing number of men are using natural alternatives.

Others believe that impotence is due to stress and is not an ideal state for getting and maintaining erections. Also, there is the possibility of the victim rehearsing the scene over and over again, causing a downward spiral that will eventually lead to impotence. In order to cure this, pills alone wouldn't be able to do the job.

For more energy some of the herbs mentioned work well namely, Ginseng, Ginkgo Biloba and Horny Goat Weed. All lift energy levels, enhance mood and help to relieve stress and fatigue. You can also add in Tribulus Terrestris which also acts as circulatory tonics but is a favorite of serious athletes for the enhanced energy and stamina it provides. - 17274

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IBS Nausea -2 Simple Remedies That Will Cure The Nausea Associated With Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

By Alison Harris

Nausea is one of the many symptoms associated with Irritable bowel syndrome. It is not exactly known what causes it but recent research point to an overgrowth of bad bacteria in the small intestines a major contributing factor.

One thing that is for certain is that IBS sufferers have very sensitive colon muscles. This might be the reason why they sometimes feel nauseous and experience a bloating.

The cause of nausea in each irritable bowel syndrome sufferer also seems to be unique to each individual and therefore what works for one patient might not work for the other.

This can be frustrating because you essentially become a guinea pig as your doctor has to keep trying different drugs on you to see which one would resolve the problem.

The sad news is that whatever drugs you may be prescribed by your doctor will not treat the cause of your IBS, but only reduce or mask your symptoms.

Other common symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome apart from nausea include:

1. Constipation

2. Abdominal pain and/or discomfort

3. Flatulence/gas

4. Stomach making funny noises

5. Bloating

6. Diarrhea

Some simple triggers of IBS Nausea:

A) Gluten (in grains like wheat, oats, rye)

B) Sugar

C) Some medications

D) Stress

E) Coffee and Tea

F) Spicy foods

G) Sweeteners, and of course

H) Alcohol.

Simple steps to relieve IBS Nausea.

1. Pure Peppermint Oil: is one of the most effective remedies for digestive issues and that includes IBS. It calms the wall of the stomach and intestines. Apart from that it also has pain killing properties and is very good for stomach cramps, spasms and abdominal pain.

It is best taken in capsule form, but make sure that the brand you are using are enteric coated, which means that they will reach the stomach before dissolving, otherwise you could end up with heartburn

You could also use peppermint tea, which is not as effective as peppermint oil, but will also make a significant difference to your symptom.

2. Boost healthy bacteria in your gut: It is important that you boost the amount of healthy bacteria in your gut. The easiest way to do this is to reduce the amount of sugar in your diet, eat more fermented foods like olives, yogurt, and sour cream, and take high quality probiotics on a daily basis.

We have discussed the various symptoms of Irritable bowel syndrome and also looked at two very effective natural remedies for nausea associated with ibs

Did you know that there are more many more natural cures for IBS that you may not be aware of? - 17274

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How to Design a Personal Fitness Plan

By Jesse Regan

A lot of people these days are now becoming more aware of the significance of staying fit to help them achieve the most out of their lives. Thus, it is also equally significant for people to be able to formulate a fitness plan of their own that would best fit their lifestyles and personalities. Moreover, proper guidance and supervision from professionals in the same and related fields are necessary to help conduct the exercises properly and safely.

In coming up with a personal fitness plan, various elements are given equal significance. A person's maximum heart rate is among those elements to best design the fitness program. This known step is not that difficult to go with. A basic calculation simply suggests that an individual has to subtract his own age from 220 to get the result of his own maximum heart rate. However, a modern and revised formula has come up which requires the person's age to be multiplied by 0.7 before deducting it from 208. An individual's maximum heart rate is needed in order to determine the type of intensity that is allowed to be applied on the exercises.

Aside from the maximum heart rate, exercise intensity is directly influenced by the overall goal of an individual. The most common recommendable exercises for average instances especially for those who are new in the field is 50-60 percent of the person's maximum heart rate. For more improvement and muscle development, an individual can go for exercises that are 60-70 percent of the maximum heart rate. In some cases, athletes engage in exercises with greater intensities than the ones mentioned above from which they can go for 75-85 percent of their maximum heart rate.

Exercises vary greatly and it is better for an individual to perform exercises that are able to apply intensities on larger groups of muscles. Continuous exercises are also good ones to execute for much better results. This kind of exercises simply includes walking, swimming, cycling, climbing stairs, running, skiing, and aerobic dances. This sort of exercises are the best ones to use and they are also often performed by athletes for most of their cross trainings to achieve far better improvements.

Exercise frequency is also another factor that plays a major role in every person's personal fitness plan. This is only done if an individual gives consideration on his level of conditioning, work out intensities, and the overall goal. One basic example is the recommendation of those who perform exercises with greater intensities to have more rest. Thus, frequency of the exercises is decreased accordingly with the intensity of the work outs. Generally, recommendable regular exercises are to be done 3 to 5 times a week.

The duration of each work out session is also well considered in the plan. Typically, an individual is required to have at least 30 minutes of exercises for 3 to 5 times a week while another 30 minutes is added for people who are aiming for far better improvements. Moreover, warm up and cool down exercises are also greatly considered. This type of exercises is needed to refrain from encountering muscle cramps and to better prepare the muscles for more intense exercises. You have there a great tip about fitness . - 17274

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Weight Loss Is A Problem For Everyone

By Roland Shannon

People have pursued many different avenues when it comes to weight loss. As we are all on a stretch to live longer and more fulfilling lives, it seems as if the only means that many people try in order to make this journey a successful one is by means of trying to lose weight.

There are a plethora of different diet pills that are available on the market. All of these pills come with a promise that as long as you follow a structured regiment of consuming the pills and engaging in a vigorous workout regiment that you will be able to see results fast.

The downside to a lot of these pills is people inadvertently take them for granted. They feel that since they are consuming these pills on a daily basis that they should expect to shed pounds without ailments, however weight loss is not as easy as so many people perceive it to be.

Everyone is pretty sure if there were such a thing as a miracle diet people would have already done it and no one would be forced to have to deal with excess weight for an elongated period of time. However the reality of the situation is there is no miracle diet, and we all have to battle weight gain the same as everyone else does. People are so interested in what they can do to lose weight quickly they forget the main objective at hand which is to live a longer healthier life.

There is a dilemma that many people fall into. The thing is many people do not understand that losing weight is not a substantially easy task to complete. You will probably hear so many people comment how they were able to lose weight, yet it does not seem to be as easy for you to complete the process.

When you are ready to join the weight loss bandwagon, you have to be willing to make a lot of changes in your daily life in order to lose weight fast. One of the first things you need to start with are the foods that you eat.

We are what we eat, therefore do not eat something that is going to cause you harm. You need to ensure that everything that you digest is as good tasting as it is good for you. You do not have to get rid of food entirely you just need to be aware of what food can do to you.

A lot of people make the mistake of utilizing food as their crutch. You simply can not do this if you are serious about losing weight. Turn to healthier things for comfort like a nice walk around the block or things of that nature.

You need to be able to make enough time for a little bit of exercise and physical activity every single day. It would behoove you to concentrate your efforts on working our for one hour a day for 6 days a week for the rest of your life. You will not only feel better by engaging in physical activities, but you will inadvertently begin to look amazing.

Presently there is not one single person in this world that has not been faced with the dilemma of excess weight, with a little strength and perseverance you can lose the weight.

You need to set up a plan of action and stick to it as well as you possibly can. You can lose weight quickly as long as you never give up in the fight. - 17274

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Why Am I Unhealthy?

By John Windsor

Health. A small word but a very BIG meaning. Health and all it represents can sometimes be a drug in itself. Every day we are bombarded by the pharmaceutical companies telling us how wonderful their products are for us.

Money is the key for these companies. We have latent fears about our health that are exaggerated by their advertising tactics. This fear is the key motivator for us to go out and buy their products.

We worry ourselves into a state of disrepair, much in the same way as our cars can break down if the correct maintenance is not given. Our mechanic as it where, could be merely a change in the way we think about our health, but how can we do this. Is there an actual technique we can use to change our viewpoint, let's see.

Examining the control centre within us is always a good place to start, so let's take a look at how this marvellous computer called our brain actually functions.

The brain is made up of a large tissue mass located not surprisingly in our craniums. The cerebrum is the largest part and is the heaviest part of the brain. It's here that the thinking processes take place and it controls all our voluntary muscles, you know the ones that move when we want them to move, for instance if we wanted to kick a ball etc. Our short term memory is also located here. Housed here is also our involuntary control system which regulates breathing and heartbeat etc.

The brain as we know is a large muscle mass which resides in our head...no surprises there then!!! The biggest part of the brain is the cerebrum. The cerebrum makes up most of the brains weight. This is the thinking part of the brain and it controls our voluntary muscles, the ones that move when we want them to.

"Fair enough John, thanks for the biology lesson, now what?"

Well let's see.

The conscious aspect of us isn't something that we need to consider at this point only the subconscious element, for a very good reason.

A certain part of us is housed elsewhere. By us I mean you and me. Trying to give this certain something a name is difficult for some people.

There is an element of us which doesn't reside in the brain. Now you notice I used the word us as in you and me. Something which is intangible, indescribable and which defies having a name.

Just stay with me for a second because it will become clear. This extra element isn't something tangible, but more of a feeling, something we feel is part of us but which seems to be connected like a third party spectator looking in from a distance. This extra something just knows for some reason.

Labelling something with a recognised word can sometimes help us become comfortable with it. So let's give it a name that we all recognise. Let's call it our soul.

"I'm with you so far, but this article is all about health, so where does it fit in to your point."

Good point, so let's discuss this.

Let's accept for a moment that our soul knows everything, in other words it already has all the answers for us, ready and waiting.

"Just wait one cotton picking minute here. If it has all the answers, then why don't I get a heads up BEFORE the grief happens, it would just make life so much easier."

"Hang on, if it knows all the answers then why the heck doesn't it just tell us what to do BEFORE it happens!!! This would save us so much grief."

"Right, so what exactly are you saying, are you saying that we don't have the ability to understand what's being said.?"

The language used isn't what's important but the way it's communicated, is. The message comes in a form that is way beyond our mortal comprehension and understanding, however the good news is that we have a built in interpreter that can input this message in a way that we can understand, and we receive these messages in the form of a feeling or knowing.

"Right, so what you're actually saying is that our soul knows absolutely everything, can tell us how to heal ourselves and give us a heads up on the next lot of lottery results.


"There must be another explanation, because if this were true I would always have enough cash and my health would always be perfect, wouldn't it.?"

Very simple answer, it's because we hear but we don't listen half the time. We run around with no direction and because of this we can contract an illness or disease, or to put it another way dis-ease.

We need to develop our soul listening skills to the point that this all make sense in order to heal ourselves.

"But how?"

This my friend is for a whole other time, but don't worry just join my newsletter and we can work it out together.

Until then just remember.

"Thoughts become things, always chose the good ones."

Your Friend

John - 17274

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How to Choose a Body Building Supplement

By Ricardo d Argence

Bodybuilding supplements are taken by weight trainers to build muscle mass and reduce fat. They are also taken to improve a person's performance and make recovery from exercising and training easier.

When you are increasing your activity level because of an exercise program, supplements are often needed to make sure that the body has the correct nutrition level. Insufficiency of these will cause you to not have enough required energy to do the strenuous exercises involved in bodybuilding

Protein supplements such as creatine and whey protein are necessary to help you with building muscle. You need the basic vitamin and mineral supplements to ensure you do not become deficient in these during training. Vitamins and minerals basically change the food we eat into energy. Vitamins also help with muscle building and burning fat.

Protein supplements that will help you with building muscle along with your training program include creatine, amino acids, testosterone boosters, and whey protein. These proteins are essential for building muscle and help with muscle soreness.

There are ways to help you burn excess fat like carb blockers, supplements that burn fat and appetite suppressants. Antioxidants such as green tea are good for a natural energy boost. There are plenty of energy boosting products and supplements available now to increase your amounts of energy and endurance as you work out.

First and foremost, you must eat healthy balanced meals. You cannot get all of your nutritional needs from supplements alone. Since it is hard to get the nutrition we need from the foods we eat due to over processing, cooking, and other factors, we need to also take supplements.

It takes much more than vitamins and minerals to build strong, healthy muscles. Hard work and commitment are required in order to build up lean muscles and reduce fat deposits. If you do not ingest a supplement with your diet and training, you will have a very hard time building muscle.

Bodybuilders would be wise to avoid the dangerous practice of using steroids for muscle growth. While they facilitate building muscles rapidly, in addition they do extensive damage. Because tendons and ligaments do not increase at the same rate as muscle; harmful injuries can occur when a bodybuilder abuses steroids.

They also cause extreme aggressiveness, affect liver and other essential functions in the body. There is not a magic pill that can make you build muscle and lose weight without a lot of hard work and dedication. These products can also be dangerous.

Always keep in mind that supplements will work only if your diet and workout regimen are ideal. Good habits form the foundation for a successful muscle building program and there are no exotic supplements available that can make up for bad dietary habits or improper training. - 17274

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