Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Sunday, June 14, 2009

How To Jump Higher For Volleyball

By Lynn Lopez

Volleyball, whether it's the kind you play on a court or on the beach, is a sport that requires teamwork, a lot of strength, and skill. You need to be able to communicate well with your teammates even in the middle of a game, instinctively knowing when and where someone is ready to hit the ball back to the opposite court. Also, one of the most important skills you can learn as a player is learning how to jump higher for volleyball. This skill will allow you to send the ball back to the other team even as it sails high above the court. If you're a relatively short player, this skill can also compensate for your height.

In order to jump higher, you have to strengthen your muscles and train yourself to move faster from a steady standing position and leap up to jump high. Your legs form the foundation of this skill, and so you have to focus on developing their muscle strength. Start doing some simple exercises such as toe stands, lunges, and squats; the latter two exercises will also develop your thighs, which are essential in powering up your body and help you launch yourself during your jump. Do two sets of these workouts, with 10 reps. You can also use ankle weights during these workouts to train your muscles to work harder; just make sure you choose weights you are are comfortable with rather than ones that are excessively heavy, which could injure you.

Jumping on a trampoline is a fun way to practice jumping higher for volleyball. Each jump will push you to work your muscles harder and help you jump even higher than the trampoline would usually help you to.

You can also embark on a plyometric training program. Plyometrics involves working the muscles in order to help them effectively work harder and faster, even for quick spurts of motion, particularly in jumping higher. To perform plyometrics correctly, your body must be in perfect condition to enable you to withstand the intensity of the training, especially the repetitive movements that require a lot of muscle power. You must be flexible as well as possess strength in your core area.

Learning how to jump higher for volleyball requires a lot of work and training, but if you train consistently and properly for a couple of months, you will soon be able to notice a significant height increase in your jumps. - 17274

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Plan A Jump Higher Workout

By Lynn Lopez

Certain sports such as basketball and volleyball need a huge arsenal of skills, and one of the skills that players of these sports need to learn is how to jump higher. Being able to jump higher gives them a serious edge over other players, especially the ones who can't really do very high jumps. In basketball, you can sink that basket better than anyone. In volleyball, you can toss back the ball way before it is halfway to the ground. If you're a really high jumper, you can combine that skill with a slew of other abilities you've developed for the sport and maybe even become a star player.

If you're serious about improving the height of your jump, you have to develop a workout that will train you to jump higher. This jump higher workout should consist of a series of exercises to improve your muscle strength, particularly that of your legs, which do all the hard work of supporting your weight prior to a jump and launching your body up during the actual jump. Such workouts include lunges, deep squats, and toe stands, which all train you to properly carry your body weight on your legs, thereby ensuring that your legs will be strong enough to support you as you perform jumps.

You can also integrate jumping exercises of different types in your jump higher workout; you can do a set of standing jumps and another set that involves jumping vertically from a crouched starting position. These exercises in particular will help ou measure exactly how the height of your jumps have been improving.

How else can you develop a jump higher workout that will be effective for you? Instead of doing it by yourself, you can always ask your coach or trainer to help you realize your goal of jumping higher. They can create a complete program for you and help supervise you during your training sessions to keep you from injuring yourself.

Keep in mind that when you engage in a jump higher workout, you have to do it regularly to obtain the maximum results. Training hard a few times a week is ideal to help your body become better conditioned, but remember not to do it every day and to always let your body rest and recover. A good, solid workout, when done properly and regularly, will yield better results and keep you in top shape. - 17274

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Avoiding Painful Leg Cramps

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Your mind has finally stopped racing and you've just nodded off, only to be rudely awakened by a deep knot of sudden pain in your thigh, calf or in the arch of your foot. Athletes and high heel wearers alike are often awakened from sleep by the infamous nocturnal leg cramp or charley horse. And though these occasional cramps usually are not serious, they are undeniably painful and downright annoying.

Keep track of your H20 levels

The exact cause of leg cramps is unknown, however, they are most often associated with dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. That said, and youve heard it before, drinking the optimal amount of water " 7 to 8 eight-ounce glasses of water per day " is the first line of defense against charley. Staying hydrated is also important for overall health, so the water speech bears repeating!

Stretch your stems

Also, simple stretches prior to bed can stave off cramps. Try this simple stretch before you hop into bed each night:

Stand facing the wall, 30 inches away. While keeping your heels on the floor, lean forward, put your palms on the wall, and slowly move your hands up the wall as far as you can reach comfortably. Hold the stretched position for 30 seconds. Release. Repeat steps 1 through 3 two more times. Just remember, when stretching, to take it slowly. Jolting right into a deep stretch and quick bouncing motions through the stretch are mistakes that can cause injury.

If youre still bothered by occasional cramping, your diet may need slight supplementation. According to Charles Kuntzleman, EdD, associate professor of kinesiology at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, taking a daily supplement of 400 IU of Vitamin E is usually helpful. If the cramps persist, your body may be experiencing a lack of calcium and magnesium, found in dark green, leafy vegetables such as kale and broccoli. Dr. Kuntzleman suggests supplementing with daily dosages of up to 1,000 milligrams of magnesium and 500 to 1,000 milligrams of calcium.

Circulation is crucial for rushing nutrients from food and supplements to the areas of the body that need healing most. Chiropractic adjustments can help circulation and greatly reduce healing time. Remember to inform your chiropractor if youre experiencing muscle cramps. - 17274

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Let NatraTox Clean Your Colon

By John Steely

As our colons age, they can be the source of many illnesses and diseases.

The colon keeps our bodies healthy and rids them of harmful wastes.

It also makes sure we get enough nutrition to live each and every day.

Unfortunately, when it is filled with toxins, bacteria or more, there can be many long term poor effects on us.

Among the short-term effects are a lack of energy, loss of motivation, bloating and constipation.

So, how can we solve this problem and keep our colons healthy? To insure that it stays healthy and clean, you may want to consider a colon cleansing supplement which can allow you to feel better and live more healthily.

Colon cleansing supplements keep your body clean in a natural way while cleansing your colon of harmful waste so that you no longer look bloated.

They are usually formulated so that in a manner to be extremely gentle so that you do not have to worry about side effects.

It works in a natural way using clinically proven ingredients to truly help you.

If you want to start living healthier and lose weight quickly, try NatraTox. At the time of this writing, it is available for a free sample so you can get a taste of how it can help you without having to pay a penny for it. - 17274

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Learn How To Tone Up Arms Without Breaking Your Back

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

What is the easiest way to tone up arms? With effortless fat loss.

What is effortless fat loss? It's a system that lets you eat as much as you want.

The trick for entering the effortless fat loss mode is to modify your style of eating. Once your style is modified, the arm fat will melt away like butter.

What's the best way to practice effortless fat loss? Well, let me show you 4 steps you can take to get started:

1. Eat on a set schedule. Most people eat whenever they can. They are opportunistic eaters. Only if they knew Women who eat on a set schedule ever day end up eating 100 fewer calories per day versus women who eat erratically.

2. Never, I say never skip breakfast. If you are like most women you are probably skipping breakfast. A major no no. Study after study has shown that skipping breakfast promotes weight gain. In fact, one study showed that women who skip breakfast are 24% more likely to become obese.

3. Eat lots of protein. Now by lots I don't mean Atkins style. About 30% of your calories should come from protein, not more. One study showed that doubling protein intake from 15% of calories to 30% of calories, caused people to eat 441 fewer calories on a daily basis.

4. Eat good protein. What is good protein? Protein that is free of chemicals and low in saturated fat. Why? Because an extremely interesting study showed that eating natural cod instead of low quality beef, produced an 11% reduction in daily calories consumed.

You can learn how to tone up arms the easy way or the hard way. Hopefully, I've taken you one step closer to the easy way. Getting the sexy arms of your dreams doesn't have to be an all out war. They key is to work smarter, not harder. Making the simple adjustments as mentioned above, will make life much much easier for you. Good luck! - 17274

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How To Grow Taller - 8 Nutritional Facts That Affect Growth

By Shaun Davids

Have you been short all your life and always wondered how to grow taller? Well, did you know there are natural measures you can take to increase height? All you need is to know which foods to eat, what exercises to do, and when to rest.

If you never knew which foods keep you healthy and which ones promote height growth, then read on.

Here are 8 ways how to grow taller with nutrition:

1. Observe how often you eat. You need to take note of when and how many times a day you eat. Sticking to the same schedule will help you in growing taller.

2. Do not skip meals. If you do, your body loses vital energy and minerals that aid growth.

3. Breakfast is very important. Your first meal of the day makes a big difference in how to grow taller - so never skip it. If you go to gym in the morning then either eat a light meal before you go, or straight afterward.

4. You need to avoid sugars, soda drinks, and most of that sweet stuff. Instead of growing taller, these things make you bigger in size.

5. Of course, as our parents would always advise us to eat -- eat plenty of green vegetables and fruits, whole grain cereals and whole wheat bread are also recommended.

6. Be conscious of how much protein you consume. Protein contains a number of vital amino acids - responsible for building your body. So it is important that you try have some protein at every meal to help increase height.

7. Are you sleeping enough? Rest play a big role in our growth and overall well-being. If you are not getting the recommended 8 hours of sleep a day, any way you use how to grow taller will not be as effective.

8. Lastly, avoid engaging yourself with unhealthy habits, such as smoking and drinking, which may cause other complications aside from hindering you to grow taller.

And those are some of the ways to ready yourself in you plan on joining a program to get taller. Take this advice to heart, and you will soon discover how to grow taller naturally. - 17274

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Resveratrol Supplements And Weight Loss

By Jennifer Bronsan

In the media as well as the news, resveratrol has been making a huge splash.

Television shows like Oprah have even gone as far as to recommend viewers to take this amazing supplement because of its great proven benefits.

Resveratrol was first investigated on television about 17 years ago on the show, 60 Minutes, where it was looked into why the French were able to stay so thin despite a diet high in foods like cheese. Red wine, in particular, was shown to show a very large role. As it has been found today, red wine is a huge source of resveratrol.

Scientific studies also have proved this. For example, in one study, two mice were raised with the same high carb diet except one was given a resveratrol supplement while the other one did not receive such supplement.

After time had passed, they were both weighed and it was found that the mouse that had received the resveratrol supplement was 30% thinner than the other mouse that had had the same life and diet except for the resveratrol supplement.

Our bodies can only absorb about 40-50% of the nutrients we eat. So, the rest of the food ends up being stored in fat cells for many years at a time. Often, this excess turns into toxins.

Since resveratrol has anti-oxidant properties, resveratrol can work to remove the toxins from our bodies and make sure things are running smoothly for us. These results can even occur just by taking resveratrol for a short period of time. So you can take advantage of the benefits right away.

If you are interested in getting positive effects from resveratrol, you should consider a resveratrol supplement like Pure ResV. At the time of this writing, Pure ResV is even being offered as a free trial so you can give it a shot and see the results before having to spend a dime on it! - 17274

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Get Flat Abs With The Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat

By Kelly Blackburn

Looking for the best exercise to lose belly fat? Well, how about 3 exercises? Skip the typical ab exercises, like crunches, situps and leg lifts and your metabolism will go through the roof with these exercises that work your entire body, including your abs... thus building rock hard abs & core, but also creating a much better fat-burning workout than a typical ab workout.

You may never do another situp or crunch again after you do this ab workout. This routine consists of a mini superset of 3 different and very effective exercises.

The 3 exercises are 1. Dumbbell Renegade Rows 2. Barbell Front Squats 3. Mountain Climbers on Floor

A good rep scheme to use with this could be 3-4 sets of 8 reps for each exercise, or more sets for less reps, such as 5 sets of 5 reps of each exercise. Instead of counting the number of reps, you can do mountain climbers for say 30 seconds.

Renegade dumbbell rows

Start in a pushup position with the hands on 2 dumbbells. Row with one arm holding a dumbbell while stabilizing your body with the one on the floor. After you bring the dumbbell back to the ground, stabilize your body with that arm while lifting the other arm in a rowing motion. You have to use all your abdominals to stabilize your body during the rowing motion. Trust me on this... your abs will get a real good workout!

Front squats

These are similar to back squats, however with the barbell in front of your body on the front of your shoulders instead of resting on the upper back as in back squats. Cross your arms and while keeping your elbows pointing away from your body, hold the barbell with your knuckles pressed against each shoulder.

You may not get the form right immediately, but with practice and some help from a trainer, you will get it right. You wil really have to use your abs to stabilize your body during front squats. Your abs will have to work on this too, even it looks like just a leg workout!

Mountain climbers

Start in a pushup position and then shuffling your feet in and out so that your knees are moving in under your chest and then back out to starting position. It is kind of like climbing a mountain, but you are on a flat floor. For a more intense version, move your hands back and forth about 8-10 inches while you are doing the leg movements. Compared to standard mountain climbers, these are more difficult, and will work your whole body.

Let your body recover for about 30 seconds between each exercise. After each superset, rest about 1-2 minutes.

Your abs won't know what happened to them, since you won't be doing any direct ab workouts. After you try it, I bet you will agree with me! - 17274

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Nutritional Benefits Of Acai

By Dana Hawkes

Most of the studies that has been conducted to date regarding the Acai berry, pronounced as ah-sigh-ee, has focused on a particular type of freeze dried Acai berry that is known as Opti-Acai, but there are different other forms of this berry out there, especially as it relates to the Acai berry diet. Opti-Acai is a powdered or freeze dried form of the fruit pulp from this berry, which is been said to contain the following nutritional information:

100 grams of extract yields:

533.9 calories, 52.2 g of carbohydrates 8.1 g of protein 32.5 g of total fat 44.2 g of fiber 260 mg of calcium 4.4 mg of iron 1002 U vitamin A 7.59 % aspartic acid, glutamic acid, amino acids.

The 32.5 g of total fat content is broken down into oleic acid, making up 56.2 % of the total fat content, palmitic acid, making up 24.1 % and finally linoleic acid, making up 12.5 %.

Its pulp also included beta-sitosterol, making up between 78 % and 91 % of total sterols.

The oil compartments seen in the Acai fruit contained a number of polyphenols, including vanillic acid, procyanidin oligmers, syringic acid, protocatechuic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid as well as ferulic acid. These polyphenols have shown to degrade on a substantial level during exposure to heat or long term storage.

The Acai berry is a berry that is rich in antioxidants, meaning that the Acai berry diet is a really healthy diet that is filled with nutrients and nutritional benefits. There are a wide variety of health benefits associated with the Acai berry and the corresponding Acai berry diet, including an increase in stamina and energy, the ability to fight off heart disease, improving your cholesterol, stabilizing your blood sugar levels, inducing the ability to sleep better, supplying you with all kinds of vitamins and minerals and so much more.

When you understand the nutritional makeup of this berry, it should make understanding the Acai berry diet information a little easier, because you will understand how you are benefiting nutritionally rather than simply that you are. - 17274

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Is Breast Enhancement Procedure Safe On Breastfeeding?

By Vanessa Santos

After undergoing a breast enlargement operation, a lot of women make inquiries if it's fine to breast feed. The answer to that is of course, they can breast feed. According to a significant number of women who went all through breast enlargement, breast feeding is no more rough with or without implants. A number of women even thought that breast feeding with implants is easier than without implants.

Currently, more and more women who are still single and who have not begun yet their childbearing period are getting breast enlargement surgery. By way of this occurrence a lot now are concerned to find out if breast implants can affect breast feeding. In earlier days, mainly women who undertake breast procedure are married and over their childbearing years already so the anxiety for breast feeding is not given much importance.

The first silicone infection hit the media in 1992, as a result the alarm of risking the baby on breast feeding with silicone implants became a growing apprehension. But studies performed has shown that this is not the case. The reason was that, the silicon molecule is too large to pass by in the milk ducts through breast feeding.

A few years after that, silicone was removed and replaced with saline implants. Even if saline can leak into the milk, it has no hazardous effects to the mother or child as it is an inert substance.

The fear of most people at present-day are on implant position and opening site. Quite a few suppose that it is more optimal to have the implants situated beneath the muscle. It will also avoid the peri-areolar incision. The explanation for this is that with this method, there is fewer intrusion with the milk ducts which is found precisely underneath the skin and in the tissue on top of the breast muscle. Still, this is yet not certain. There are a large deal of women who go through implants on sub-optimal locations and yet are doing perfectly in breastfeeding.

To obtain the greatest possible results, it is best to talk about your plans with your doctor during consultation. With this, your doctor can support you and work with you based on your plans. Even if you are not planning to have kids yet anytime soon, discussing this with your surgeon is very important. - 17274

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Cesium Chloride Used For The Treatment Of Cancer

By Richard Rosal

If you have not heard the term cesium chloride you may well wonder at its purpose. Formed from the combination of cesium carbonate and hydrochloric acid, this colorless solid is then purified via a recrystallization process which renders it ready for use as a good source of cesium ions.

Cesium is used in the high PH treatment of cancer and has proved successful in laboratory testing on mice to noticeably shrink cancerous tumors within as short a time as two weeks. Cesium chloride is easily absorbed by the cancerous cells, altering the PH balance within the cell to the 8+ range, where the life of the cell is significantly shortened and mitosis ceases. More exciting, all pains and symptoms associated with cancer were shown to cease within a 12 to 36 hour period after therapy was started.

An improved uptake of cesium chloride was noted when combined with such vitamins as A, C, Selenium and Zinc. However, patients who had received long term treatment with morphine for pain relief and chemotherapy were noted to take longer to recover from the side effects when starting the PH therapy.

The level of cesium chloride in the body becomes toxic at 135 grams. Ideally, the recommended dose is 6 grams a day to avoid any toxic effects. Cesium chloride is often mixed with rubidium, combining the rubidium ions with the cesium chloride ions to aid in upping the PH balance of the cells. The vitamins and mineral salts work together as strong electron donors and aid in the break down of the cancerous cells in the body.

Nausea and diarrhea were the two most reported side effects by patients who underwent PH therapy with cesium chloride. Doctors found that the best methods of negating these symptoms were by adding sorbitol to the treatment to negate the feelings of nausea. Adding vitamin C to the treatment seemed to aid in negating the effects of diarrhea to some degree. Patients who underwent the cesium chloride PH therapy showed marked and in some instances dramatic improvements, with tumor shrinkage and total disappearance of their cancer symptoms. - 17274

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Acai Berry Diet Capsules - What You Should Find Out About Acai Berries Before Purchasing

By Xylene Belita

Acai Berry appear like lavender grapes. And like grapes they have certain nutritional qualities and health benefits, but at astonishingly higher levels than most fruits.

Acai Berries are widespread in the Amazon Rainforests of Brazil. They have long been staple to the inhabitants of the region. Since Acai Berry is a drupe, its seed makes up 80-90% of the fruit. The juice and pulp of the Acai Berry derived from separating the pulp from the seed is popular in Brazil for use in juice blends, smoothies, and even ice cream and liqueur.

Lately, Acai Berries are quickly becoming popular worldwide. Acai Berries are packed with an overwhelming amount of antioxidants. Even ten times that of grapes and about two to four times that of blueberries. In addition, they are considered to have the best overall nutritional worth of any fruit on the Planet.

Acai Berries are tremendously rich in vegetable protein, which not like animal protein, do not result in cholesterol and are easier to take in by the body. They are also rich in carbohydrates which feed your body during actions like working out. They also contain very high amounts of essential fatty acids and omegas that lower harmful cholesterol levels. The lavender color itself is not accidental. These are from anthocyanins, a kind of antioxidant that lends it its lavender hue. Acai Berries actually have 10 to 30 times more anthocyanins than Red Wine in terms of volume! The astonishingly high levels of antioxidants help fight free radicals and prevent premature aging.

So what precisely does its antioxidants and nutritional value help with anyway? Why is it becoming so popular? To put it simply, Acai Berries can improve digestion; help in losing weight; promote better sleep; reduce muscle fatigue and pain, increase energy and libido, fight cancer and illnesses, lower blood pressure, strengthen the immune and cardiovascular system, and fight aging and inflammation.

Acai Berries even taste good! It has been described as something between a balance of berries and chocolate. Acai Berry is indeed the number one super food of the world. - 17274

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