Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Monday, June 22, 2009

Fibromyalgia Symptoms Relating To The Cronic "Flu" Illness

By Pat Colapinto

Fibromyalgia, a chronic illness, affects nearly 6 million people in the United States. Fibromyalgia symptoms are characterized by widespread pain in the muscles and other soft tissues of the afflicted. This pain can vary in severity from mild to debilitating. The pain is comparable to the aches and pains associated with the flu.

Although pain is the main symptom of fibromyalgia, it is by no means the only symptom. Fibromyalgia, like other chronic pain syndromes, has a variety of symptoms associated with it. The first of these is fatigue. People afflicted with fibromyalgia often feel tired all the time. Upon waking from a night's sleep, they do not feel rested. Sleep is the body's way of regenerating. However, if the sleep is disturbed too often and the body is never allowed to enter into the deep restorative stage, then fatigue is inevitable.

People with fibromyalgia also suffer from chronic headaches. These headaches come in two main forms, but a person with fibromyalgia can also suffer from a combination of the two. The first type, called tension headaches, is caused by the continuous contractions of the muscles in the neck, upper back, shoulders and jaw. These contractions cause the muscles to tense. The tension leads to pain beginning in the neck and spreading to the temples. The other type, migraines, is caused by the constriction of the blood vessels. Stress and anxiety causes the blood vessels to slow circulation to the brain. Then, suddenly, the vessels dilate again which causes the pain.

A less common, but extremely frightening symptom of fibromyalgia is called costochondritis. Costochondritis is the inflammation of the seven bits of cartilage between the sternum and the rib cage. This inflammation is often accompanied by sharp chest pains that mimic cardiac problems such as a heart attack or stroke. The pain can cause anxiety which contributes to the fear of a heart attack.

Constochondritis can last for months and chronic conditions are not unusual for fibromyalgia patients. - 17274

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Losing Weight y Eating More

By Francis Mack

You wouldnt think that it would be possible to lose weight while eating more, would you? It goes against just about everything we believe and everything we have been taught.

However, once you can see how our bodies process food, and how this is controlled by our brains, the subject gets a lot easier to grasp.

There are a lot of misunderstandings about how to lose weight effectively, and about how we put it on in the first place, and why it stays on. The well-known diet programs give no information about the root causes of how the body stores and burns fat.

Food has always been seen as the issue for dieters, and how to get by with less of it. But it's not correct to say that food is our problem. Neither is eating less the answer.

How many people would believe that you can change your body in 11 days - losing 9 pounds in the process? Very few - it would be a radical concept to most.

However, these figures have been achieved, over and over. These numbers are typical of what you can expect when you start.

To simplify it, the system works because of what happens when we eat. There are 2 types of hormones produced - a fat-burning type and a fat-storing type.

And you can control the production of these hormones by eating certain foods - you can have more of the fat-burning type produced, and less of the fat-storing type.

It's a briliant concept - and the way it's controlled is through the food. Certain foods trigger one hormone type or another, and when you follow the correct sequence, it's like switching on a light.

It's important, for the system to work as it was designed, that you eat more than 3 meals a day, according to the pattern. This is a critical part of it.

There's no doubt that the system gets results. Probably the most attractive thing about it is the speed it works at - you see results in days. And it won't stress you out. - 17274

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Are Detox Diets Safe

By Ron Cripps

Do detox diets leap to mind when you see models on TV, specially as they seem to look fantastic and that they are in fantastically good physical condition and do you wish you could manage their lifestyles and give the impression of being that fine.

Even though it's accurate that a few models hold nourishing lives, the truth of the matter is that the necessities of the profession make them accept dreadfully unhealthy eating habits in bid to keep their bodies in that shape.

In reality, well being is more about feeling well and being well inside. When our bodies function well and are clean from toxins, we feel in good health. But what most don't realize is, it shows on the outer surface, both through our bodies (the improving in the skin's condition is in particular remarkable), as in our character. In my humble belief, this is much more attractive than an malnourished, slim person that is bad-tempered constantly.

On the other hand, if you feel short-tempered with a good reason, or are in a bad mood very often, or if you feel drained even following a normal session of time-out or slumber, that's an indication that your body is asking you to take better care of it.

One of the finest favors that you can do for your well being and most definitely for your body is go on from time to time one of the several detox diets available today.

Since they are in fashion, these detox diets are available in e-book downloads, hard cover books, magazines, and even the internet. Then again, the easiest way to select one is to ask a nutritional specialist that you trust. Then again you could also think about downloading our E-Book and Audio book Detox Diet 4 Idiots for a fraction of the price of a consultation and get the exact same recommendations or better.

One more good preference is to speak with friends and relatives who have been on these detox diets to report to you about their experiences. I consider this is actually the best guidance you can get a hold of, as these individuals think about about you and don't take a fee or sale on what they say that could affect their advice.

The main factor in detox diets is water. Consuming water has countless benefits to your body, including stopping dehydration. However, it's even more significant when adopting detox diets for the reason that water is the natural mode through which our body reduces harmful toxins. When damaging elements get treated by the liver detoxification process, they get expelled by means of the bladder or through sweating, both of which require water.

Detox diets also necessitate complements or particular substances to hasten the detox process. A large amount detox diets will consist of some variety of milk thistle, frequently in the form of tea or detox pills. Milk thistle is recommended because it eases the liver's workload and helps it work more effectively.

To finish, even the best detox diets around the world can't do a great deal if they're not accompanied by some variety of physical activity or an exercise program. - 17274

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An Introduction to weight loss and a nutritional diet

By Kattie Slowski

Having a nutritional diet is an essential part to any healthy lifestyle. Rather than going on fad diets or even worse, taking diet pills, a nutritional diet is ultimately what you want to be seeking to achieve. Having a healthy nutritional diet will help to ensure that you will stay healthy.

Contrary to popular belief, starving yourself or steeping meals is not going to make you lose weight. It is also going to be unhealthy in the longer term and you will find it easier to put on weight again afterwards. This slows down your metabolism and is actually counterproductive. You want to be speeding up your metabolism by having proper meals several times a day.

Of the three types of nutrients that the body, they are fat, proteins and carbohydrates. Each of these are of equal importance but it is even more important to get the right sources of these important materials. Any balanced meal should contain all of these.

Another good way to get started is by making detailed shopping list of the time you go to the grocery store. Also eat before you go out as this will help avoid the temptation of picking up random products off the shelves that you don't need. The most important thing is to avoid buying junk food and rather than buying multipacks of chocolate etc., just buy one occasionally.

It is also a good idea to plan your meals and prepare them beforehand. This will help you to organize a healthy lifestyle more easily and to have a more rigidly planned and consistent eating pattern. Finally, make sure that any diet contains a good source of fibre which you can find a number of fruits and vegetables which are essential to your overall health. - 17274

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Just How Important Is Clean Pure Water?

By Lee Jacobs

Many of us fail to realize just how important clean drinking water is for the body - did you know that the human organism is primarily water? We are talking about over 70%, with the quality of our health and wellbeing coming down largely to the quality of the waters contained within the body.

The body's make-up breaks down to 72% water, 20% solid tissue and bone, with the remaining 8% being a combination of chemical compounds. If looking at this from just a biochemical standpoint, it would make sense to assume that the quality of the fluids in the body would have a significant impact on the overall state of our wellbeing. Any life giving action that occurs in the body takes place in this body of water.

Many medically based discoveries have occurred during the last decade that has brought the capacity of the human body's ability to heal itself to our awareness. It seems the body can overcome nearly any pathology if given the chance. The body instinctively knows how to heal itself, and water seems to be the key.

Every cell within the body is governed by complex electrical signals sent via the nervous system stemming from the brain. Essentially, the nervous system is a complex array of miniscule "waterways". For instance, if we become dehydrated, the fluid within our nerves congeals, giving way to a congested mix of synthetic and organic contaminants that distort the vital signals within the body.

Many scholars have now concluded that the distortion of these sensitive communications within the body are the driving mechanism for many degenerative pathologies and neurological diseases such as Chronic Fatigue, anxiety, depression, Attention Deficit Disorder and even Alzheimer's disease.

Recently it has been medically shown that even a drop as little as 4% in fluids within the body will cause up to a 30% loss of energy. So for all of us out there that at times suffer from low energy, more times than not this will be because we are dehydrated. A 15% drop in body fluids actually will kill us!

The statistics have it that more than 65% of people don't consume enough fluids, with many of us experiencing some degree of dehydration. Effectively this means that much of the populace is running at roughly 70% of our capacity, and in many cases less.

Conditions such as hypertension, ulcers, sickness, arthritis, fatigue and headaches can all be reduced, and in a majority of cases prevented entirely just by consuming an adequate amount of clean water.

It is important to mention that clean pure water is what should be consumed, not just adequate amounts of fluids like coffee, tea, and sodas. It is very important to realize that many fluids, like those mentioned, will actually dehydrate the body. The idea is to keep the body hydrated.

Keep in mind that every time we eat a meal, a certain amount of fluids will be used to shuttle the nutrients from the bowel. Additionally, an adequate amount of fluid is required to flush the toxin load from the body that accumulates from metabolic wastes.

If we supply the body with the right minerals and nutrients and an adequate supply of clean water, it can overcome practically anything. - 17274

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Proactive Stress Relief with Massage Chair Therapy

By Steven L Esquire

The new sign of the times is stress. Life is just getting a little more stressful these days. We all seem to be racing around trying to solve our problems. Everyone seems a little bit more anxious in easily irritated. Perhaps you are feeling a little anxious and tense. If so, then welcome to the new economy. Don't let stress get the better of you. Take proactive action to counteract stress.

There are some behavioral sings of stress. Some behaviors are avoiding people in responsibilities. Focusing on negative thoughts is another potential sign area your mind may be racing and concentrating constantly on problems. This may lead to increased anxiety and possibly anger issues.

Signs of stress can also manifest in the body. Most often reported for signs of stress are muscle stiffness and tension. This tends to occur more often in the shoulders and neck areas. Some other issues that stress can cause are fatigue, digestion problems, headaches and weight gain or loss. As stress continues to build it extracts more damage to your body.

You may begin to recognize some of the signs of stress occurring to you. The first step we must take is to become aware that we are under stress. Otherwise, the stress continues to build and will take its toll on our physical bodies. If we become aware that we are under increasing stress, then we can begin to take countermeasures to relieve its damaging effects.

Stress is different from other issues in that it tends to build up in specific areas of the body. It is commonly found to build up in one area. For example, you may find that you get back aches, stress knots or pain in your neck. This area is held under tension as a reaction to the stressful situation.

We have to first be able to recognize that we are under stress. Stress tends to build up in a certain area of your body. If you can recognize this and take appropriate counteraction then you can relieve it early. If it goes unchecked, then it will continue to build causing more pain and discomfort.

It is really important to be proactive when you come under stress. You have to be able to recognize the early warning signs that stress is beginning to build in your body. If we can recognize that it is building, then we are able to take proactive countermeasures to reduce its affect.

There are a number of things you can do to help reduce the build up of stress. Of course, diet and exercise are always at the top of the list. However to round out the field, it is important to help your body rejuvenate and heal. Massage chair therapy is an effective means to complete the circle of positive health.

To reduce your muscle tension, a massage chair is an indispensable stress relief tool. Massage chairs come with a number of massage techniques which can target specific areas. If you have stress knots, for instance, you can focus an acupressure massage for deep and thorough penetration.

More importantly, is a massage chair provides you with frequent massage therapy. This helps you counteract the build up of stress as it occurs. In this manner, you have access to effective massage therapy when the signs of stress began to show. You can quickly relieve muscle stiffness in its early stages.

It seems we have entered the age of stress. Let's hope it's a very short age. Meanwhile, we need to take proactive measures to counteract the damaging effects of stress build up. It is important to take action when we recognize it symptoms. A massage chair helps you to effectively relieve stiffness and tension as the stress is recognized. - 17274

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What Are the Reasons We Tend to Bruise More Easily as We Age?

By Carolyn Cooper

Don't you remember when we could hang out with our friends until the next morning after a full day of studying? How about when we pulled all-nighters, and were still ready to head out to party for the weekend? When we were younger, our body recovered a lot quicker from the damage that we did to it, and now we notice that we are now seeing a whole lot more bruises. It is true that we are now subject to bruising more easily as we get older, and when we do bruise, they seem to last a whole lot longer.

One reason why you might bruise more as you age is that you are losing part of the fat layer that lies just beneath your skin. This results in skin that has a rather papery look to it, and it is quite simply going to be less protective if you fall or bump yourself. Similarly, you will find that the tissue supporting your blood vessels is going to be weakening, which makes them more prone to incidental damage. As we age, the blood vessels themselves will also become more fragile, and it will be a situation that you should be aware of. When the blood vessels underneath your skin rupture because of blunt contact, blood can pool under the skin, which results in a bruise forming.

When we are evaluating the reasons why we are bruising more as you get older, remember that there may possibly be other factors to consider also. If we have spent a lot of time in the sun, that exposure might be a collaborative factor, as will using such things as blood thinners, whether they are similar to over the counter aspirin or corticosteroid drugs. Some people will also be effected by certain dietary supplements including vitamin E, ginkgo biloba, garlic, and ginseng which will cause us to tend to bruising easily.

Also keep in mind that bruising can be an indicator of a variety of more serious problems that happen as we grow older. If you honestly believe that you are bruising without cause, you should present your concerns to your doctor. You might need to be tested for illnesses that cover the spectrum from diabetes to certain related blood diseases. If you discover a higher level of bruising after you begin a new medication or a supplement, you will also want to discuss these occurrences with your doctor as soon as possible. Continue to focus on the fact that regardless of why bruising is taking place, bruising is your body telling you about some form of damage, and this is a situation that you shouldn't be taken lightly.

Try to keep up with your bruises. Stay in touch with where they occur, as well as when they occur. Are the bruises sore to the touch, and how long are they taking to vanish? Evaluate the medications that you have been taking to help with your bruising, and determine what else you can do to help heal them? Your bruising may very well be a problematic situation, but this problem can absolutely be solved with the proper research. - 17274

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Grow Taller Exercises Are Beneficial To Your Height

By Shaun Davids

If you could gain a few inches in height, would you be willing to do some grow taller exercises? There's no harm in trying these exercises that lengthen your spine and increase your height, so why not give them a go?

The trick to knowing how to become taller by lengthening your spine has to do with the cartilage discs between your vertebrae. These discs are the most stretchable part of your spine.

If you want to grow taller as much as possible, you need to understand which parts of your body to exercise. One such part is your spine, where various movements will help stretch those cartilage discs in your spine, and help you gain height naturally.

I suppose you have done grow taller exercises and stretches before, you might as well have heard of the better chances of growing taller through proper stretching. You'll be able to find a lot of stretching positions that you can look into to perform your daily stretching activities in growing taller. Like for instance, cobra stretch, cat stretch, basic leg stretch, the bridge, the table, bow down, super stretch and twists.

Hanging stretches are also beneficial, but it easier to do them at the gym. These stretches are simple but very effective. They generally involve you hanging from a pull-up bar, and extending your arms, spine, back and legs for about 10 seconds each time. For more of a challenge you could add a weight belt. If you keep asking "How can I grow taller" then stick to doing these stretches for at least 30 minutes per week, and you will see results.

Lastly, you may consider swimming as a sport that you usually enjoy, however it can also be one of the best grow taller exercises that you can engage with. Swimming can be a very enjoyable sport, and if you are still aware of the strokes that your swimming trainer taught you, then this would be an easy task for you then.

The best swimming style is breast stroke. This exercise is great for lengthening your spine so you can become taller. It is how your arm and legs extend through the movement that makes it great for stretching your spine.

And the combination of being in water while performing the breast stroke is what makes it a fantastic exercise for growing taller. It is the density of the water that helps offset the effects that gravity plays in compressing your spine.

Now that you know about a few grow taller exercises, why not add them your daily routine and watch as you get a few inches taller. - 17274

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Flabby Arms Myths You MUST Know

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Getting rid of flabby arms can be harder than finding a needle in a hay stack if you aren't using the right techniques. And many women don't have a clue as to what the right techniques are. But it's the marketers fault, not yours.

If you do a quick Google search for flabby arms, you'll instantly see all the marketing sharks out to make fast money. Many women are stuck in a whirlwind of confusion when it comes to the removal of flabby arms. One site even states that worms in your digestive tract are the cause for arm flab

The good news for you is that I've spent a large portion of my academic and professional career figuring out the best way to get sexy arms. And the conclusion is that getting rid of arm fat is not nearly as hard as many would lead you to believe. In fact, with the right approach it can be a fairly simple process.

The bright side is that losing arm flab doesn't have to be that hard. In fact, I have spent a large portion of my life figuring out what works and what doesn't work. Here are 3 common misconceptions you HAVE to be aware of:

1. Long duration cardio. Endless bouts of cardio will send endless amounts of cortisol through your body. This hormone will consume your muscle until your body burns so few calories that losing arm fat will be virtually impossible. So doing lots of cardio won't make your arms look better, they will look worse!

2. Genetics are to blame for your flabby arms. Genetics do play a limited role in how your arms look, but they do NOT have the final say. In fact, lifestyle factors (exercise and nutrition) ultimately dictate how your arms look. You can change your arms at the cellular level to make them as sexy as can be.

3. Low-fat. Going low-fat is the last thing you should do if you want sexy arms. Doing so will reduce your arm-fat-incinerating hormones by 30%. And your digestion rate will speed up which in turn will increase the amount of fatty tissue stored within your arms. So decreasing dietary fat, increases arm fat.

Hopefully, you haven't been buying into any of these myths.

Ok, now you know 3 flabby arms myths to avoid at all costs. By avoiding the above you will be well on your way to sexy arm stardom. Getting those toned arms the right way doesn't have to be like finding a needle in a hay stack, it really doesn't! - 17274

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The Modern Juicer and How To Buy The Best One

By Mike Riley

Buying a juicer for the home can be very confusing and mind boggling sometimes, considering the fact that there are so many of them available these days. I first became aware of the the benefits of juicing after purchasing a Lalanne Power Juicer. There are many available and a lot of people end up purchasing an unsuitable one.

It is very important to realize the reason for purchasing a juicer and then go ahead looking for one. As vegetable and fruit juicing machines are quite different from wheatgrass juicers it is important to differentiate the two. I would advise writing a list of the features you want before going out and buying.

There are many different power juicers available in the shops. Types available such as a centrifugal juicer, twin gear juicer and masticating juicer can make the whole process of choosing quite difficult and often confusing. By far the most common and most affordable are the centrifugal appliances.

Due to the high speed of the centrifugal juicers they are most suitable for juicing vegetables and fruit. They are, however, not particularly suitable for foods like spinach, wheatgrass and lettuce. In order to prevent any of the juice going to waste it is often advisable to buy a single or twin blade machine. There are special types of juicing machines on the market for these types of foods. One of the most suitable types is the Miracle-mj 500 Juicer. They have the advantage of usually being quite cheap and contain no aluminium parts and are particularly easy to operate. With Masticating machines, the low speed units help produce high quality juice as a result of reduced oxidation.

It is important to check the warranty on offer before buying your juicer. A warranty of 5 to 10 years is usually available on most quality juicers. It is also advisable to check the blades before purchase as they will frequently require replacing after two to four months of normal use. Take a look at the yield of the appliance. This should give you an idea of the output and efficiency. The juicer should give more juice and a lot less less waste. I would suggest looking for an appliance with a power output of around four hundred and twenty watts. Higher powered motors produce more heat which damages the juice by oxidation.

A branded machine such as the Jack Lalanne Power Fruit Juicer is often a better investment than a non branded machine. The reason is that replacement parts are more readily avaialble and often a lot cheaper.

Other than producing fruit and vegetable juicers, many more modern appliances can be used for different functions. They can be used to make many products including ice cream, nut butters and pasta. The more modern power juicer really is a versatile machine. - 17274

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What You Should Know About 1 Week Detox Diet Plans

By Ron Cripps

Are you starting on a detox diet plan since you know, the food, air and water around us isn't as fresh and environmentally friendly as you would prefer it to be. Vehicles and factories toss pollution particles in the atmosphere day after day, which we presently breathe into our systems. Food is processed with chemicals, such as food colorings and preservatives. It certainly doesn't assist us by consuming substantial amounts of food that are harsh to swallow, similar to alcohol, heavy spices, and red meat. And industries persist in polluting water, which we finish up consuming.

With the numerous chemicals and toxins, our bodies do the best they can, although unless we lend a hand to them, there's a cap to what they can do otherwise our systems breakdown and we get sick, from time to time seriously. A detox diet plan can yield a lot of change, specifically for your bodies liver.

Starting and staying on a detox diet plan isn't as demanding as most people think. In actuality, its customarily easier and with less cost to organize than what we generally eat, except for of course, pre-made foods, but then again, you want to limit down on those for your individual health.

For the first part of a detox diet plan it is important to drink a sufficient amount water. Our bodies require around half a gallon of water each day to work properly. Water is the avenue by which our system reduces toxins from our bodies, through sweating and the release of toxins through the bladder.

A detox diet plan can eliminate some foods or drinks, as long as it maintains the nutritional balance of our daily diets. This is one reason why you must check the nutrition values of a detox diet plan before you go on it. These incorporate the carbs, calories, vitamins, etc., that you're getting. This information is significant for the reason that you can then relate it alongside a dietary chart and see to it that you're getting all the nutritional fundamentals that you call for, even after cutting back on some types of food groups.

Another factor that is universal in a detox diet plan is the reduction of carbohydrates, more commonly acknowledged as carbs. Some will lower only minimal carbs, such as cake, candy and sugar, despite the fact that others will strive to cut down both simple and complex carbs, like the ones found in fruits. On the other hand, a detox diet plan should not eliminate them fully.

To finish up, the solitary element that is present in any detox diet plan is the purging of alcohol. Alcohol is one of the as a rule stubborn substances to decode down for the organ that takes care of our natural detox process. It is known to create scar tissue in the long run, which results in a cirrhosis. Reducing down on the alcoholic beverages may have a bigger bearing on you physical condition that what you might imagine. - 17274

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Bowflex Revolution Built For Serious Business

By Hank Smith

If you need a home gym that has everything you need, then the Bowflex Revolution is right for you. It has 400 possible exercise variations that works out every major area. It also includes a cardio workout with the rowing machine.

The bowflex revolution home gym gives you all the possibilities that a wide range of gym machines give you. Finding a single machine that does what the bowflex revolution gym provides will result in a failure. Unlike traditional home gyms, the bowflex revolution features elastic bands encased in light plastic to ensure portability. The technology is based off what NASA offers it's astronauts to keep in shape in space.

How Spiraflex works is that it doubles the benefits of free weights. This ensures you gain control of your workout. Unlike the Power Rod System, which as a progressive resistance the bowflex features a linear resistance.

Bowflex revolution has a maximum weight of 300lbs on the upper body and 600 lbs on the lower body. In addition to this, the Freedom Arm is adjustable by 170 degrees of rotation. This insures that you can work out your muscles from different angles. Bowflex revolution also comes with a leg press station and a preacher curl attachment to enhance your workouts.

The bowflex features a rowing machine so if you want to do cardio workouts you can. Compared to the older bowflex power rod gym, the rowing machine is smoother and gives you better resistance. Men's Health has given the bowflex revolution high ratings because it is far more advanced machine then any other workout gym on the market.

The bowflex revolution is quite simply a machine built for people serious in working out. The amount of technology and exercise crammed into this small machine is incredible. The quality of the material used is top notch. It is practically a compact light universal workout machine that acts as your local gym. One sad thing is the bowflex lacks a lat tower which would have made it even better in my opinion.

The bowflex revolution is an amazing machine, overall the amount of exercises and the technology pushed into this small home gym is great. The quality of material used to build the Bowflex is also reflected on the 10 year warranty you receive. The most compact and light universal machine on the market, even thought it lacks a lat tower the linear resistance feature makes it a prime choice for most athletes and weight lifters. - 17274

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