Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 16 on HCG...Check!

By Amelia Handley

Day 16 on the HCG Diet. That means I've only less than 10 days left on the low calorie portion of the diet. Just to recap in case some of you are just joining us or in case some of you are forgetful: the diet starts off with 2 days of loading. Loading is taking in as much fatty calories as possible. This increases the absorption of the HCG into the body. After loading the very low calorie diet begins (500 calories per day). This lasts for 23 more days.

Once you complete the low calorie portion of the diet you start what they call the maintenance diet. I'm all for being prepared (or over prepared as some might call it) so I've been looking into the maintenance diet lately. During the maintenance diet you can eat as much food as you want. (But no more than a total of 1500 calories per day). And there are a few exceptions when it comes to the actual foods that are okay to eat while on the maintenance diet. You can't have any sugar or dextrose or honey or molasses or high fructose corn syrup or corn syrup or artificial sweeteners. You can't have any nitrites or fast food. You can't have any trans fat. And you can't have any starch of any kind.

Whew! That's quite the list I thought. So while the food intake is going to jump considerably I have to point out that I'm still going to be feeling strapped when it comes to what I can and can't eat. But that's just me. And I'm getting accustomed to the feeling. It's not too bad; especially when my weight is going down so drastically.

Alright so now that we've had that nice little recap from loading to low calorie to HCG maintenance diet we can move on. Today I weighed in at 156. I know! I did so good yesterday and no weight loss. I decided to add some green tea in (which I did...YUCK!) and try to drink a lot more water. I think I messed up with my water intake yesterday. I didn't fill a pitcher first thing in the morning so I don't really know how much I drank.

I'm fine taking the HCG drops three times per day. And I think the B-Total drops are really helpful. I'm thinking of getting online and ordering some more for when these run out.

Now for the eating recap. On day 16's lunch I had a leftover green onion burger and another half of a grapefruit (this one was better than yesterday's). It's weird how some of them are just really sweet and yummy and others just aren't. I had Melba Toasts with lunch, as well. I had the last of the grilled chicken at dinner (more leftovers) and I drank a ton of water. Here's hoping I see weight loss again tomorrow! - 17274

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Still Rolling on HCG...Day 16!

By Amelia Handley

Day 16 on the HCG Diet. That means I've only less than 10 days left on the low calorie portion of the diet. Just to recap in case some of you are just joining us or in case some of you are forgetful: the diet starts off with 2 days of loading. Loading is taking in as much fatty calories as possible. This increases the absorption of the HCG into the body. After loading the very low calorie diet begins (500 calories per day). This lasts for 23 more days.

After the low calorie portion of the diet the maintenance diet kicks in. On the maintenance you apparently can eat as much as you want of anything you want up to 1500 calories per day and excluding a pretty short list of items. You can't have sweeteners: sugar, dextrose, honey, molasses, artificial sweeteners, corn syrups, etc. You also can't have any nitrites, fast food or Trans fat. And you can't have any starch whatsoever. Man I'm going to miss homemade bread by the time this is all over. Or maybe I won't even like it anymore...who knows?

When I first read it that seemed like a pretty big list of exceptions, but in comparison to the short list of approved foods while on the low calorie portion of the diet it's no biggie! 1500 calories is a massive increase from 500, right? And I'm definitely accustomed to limiting my food intake after the 500 calorie portion of the diet. All this weight loss has definitely been inspiring me to keep heading in the right direction.

The recap is now officially over and we need to get down to the nitty gritty of day 16. I weighed in at 156. I'm not really sure why I stuck at the same weight because I did really well with my foods yesterday, but sometimes that happens. In response I went ahead and forced down some green tea today and aimed to drink tons more water.

I'm fine taking the HCG drops three times per day. And I think the B-Total drops are really helpful. I'm thinking of getting online and ordering some more for when these run out.

Today I ate another green onion burger for lunch (leftovers) with the other half of the grapefruit I had yesterday and Melba Toasts. For dinner I had the last of the grilled chicken I had in the fridge (leftovers again). And I drank so much water that I was afraid I might make myself throw up. So I'm crossing my fingers that tomorrow I'll see weight loss again. - 17274

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Body Fat And The Food You Eat

By Kwasaq Gosli

The following tips will help you mislay fat so that you enjoy good health, feel better and live a healthy life. Simple yet superb, these guidelines are projected as an initiative or a quick tract for the people desiring to lose fat with diet.

Accessing Target: First of all, you must be aware of the art of ingesting healthy food. Because eating meager on any grounds may not help you accomplish your goals. Even a little prejudice while continuing the process can abandon overall progress. As a substitute, aspire yourself to gain expertise from the mistakes you commit and then apply your gained skills to bring progress in future.

Keep an Eye on What You Eat: It is one of the most significant tactics to reduce fats fast. Always keep a check on what and how much you eat. Eating without proper timing is also undesirable.

Take meals with proper timings: Your eating time is very important for your metabolism to work better. When you eat regularly and normally you will have good power and this will ultimately help you lose extra weight. Deliberate food intake, stay away from overdoses and also we can keep an eye on what you eat.

Include fresh fruits and veggies: Add up more and more fruits and vegetables in your diet because this holds up protein and fiber, will help you losing weight. Avoid red meat and junk food, for the reason that, this holds up more fats and will mess up your body metabolism.

Fiber and losing fats: Fiber helps us in digestion process and settles in body for long time, since we will have a feeling of fullness and need no food for that time period. Intake of food rich with the fiber also helps us to sustain our level of sugar in blood.

Avoid Sugary Meals: Items like jams, ketchup, cream, canned food, soup, carbonated drinks, coffee and other drinks containing artificial sugar should be avoided with the topmost preference. They contain very low amount of fiber and high count of fats which ultimately reserves less energy in our body.

Also, care must be taken while using low-fatty foods because sugar is frequently used in such stuffs with an intention to transform their taste. Stability of your blood sugar will increase blazing of fats in your body.

Avoid Alcoholics: Being a desirous of fat loss, one must evade using alcoholics and various other drugs such as speedballs, heroine and ecstasy. It's all because such stuff deteriorates internal system of the body and it also discontinues various functions. Finally, they disturb your digestive system that results in producing fat in the body, due to which, people start gaining weight. - 17274

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Eggs Are the Greatest Gem of Diet Foods!

By Rose Miccolis

Eggs aren't as bad as people once thought. In fact, eggs are one of Mother Nature's finest low calorie foods. They are superior in nutritional value and high in all the amino acids to build the best lean protein available. The albumen, which is the white part, is where the protein is found and the yolk is where all the vitamins and minerals are found. This makes it a near perfect diet food.

There are all kinds of different eggs. How do you know which one's to buy? Most people think the brown eggs are the healthiest, but the color of the shell is determined by the size of the hen who laid the egg! The browner the egg, the bigger the hen! The nutrients in both colors are the same. The price is higher because it takes more grain to feed the larger hens.

There also happen to be one of the most versatile foods. From simply boiling them to making an egg frittata -- either way the nutritional content is invaluable. The white part, called the albumen, is where a lot of the protein is and where the yolks get all the vitamins and minerals. Many people cook egg white omelets without the yolk. They are missing out on some of the best parts of the egg!

When buying eggs always check the sell by date to ensure their freshness. Check for cracks too by opening the crate and peeking inside. The sell by date is more important than the grade of the egg. All consumable eggs are graded A. The most important fact to consider when buying eggs is the expiration date.

How do you know if an egg is fresh? Put an egg in a glass of water and to see if it floats. If it floats it's not any good and you shouldn't eat it. If it sinks to the bottom if is safe to eat.

When you want a low fat, low calorie food to eat- reach for an egg. You can hard boil them, fry them or bake with them. They are easy to carry around for a power snack to give you the energy you need. No matter what their color or size, eggs are the perfect food. - 17274

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Adding A Omega 3 To Your Diet

By Wanda McCall

Omega 3 is a natural contents and certain types of products such as fish and wild game. Often known as fatty acid, it has been well known for about seventy years. The benefits offered by these important fatty acid white impressive to say the least and they should be part of any good diet. The benefits of proven and as a result here even promoted by the American Food and Drug Administration.

A good daily supply of these fatty acids is being shown to be an important part of any healthy diet. Health benefits include helping to give you an optimum immune system. This helps to decrease the chance of leaving you a to a number of medical problems. It is also been proven to improve the quality of the skin and some even raise the fertility.

You can find these important fatty acids in a number of different sources. Unfortunately, due to the rise in price of the, one of the most important sources of fatty acids, prevalence in our diet is dropped in recent times. However, there are various other sources of fatty acids if you look carefully enough.

Other options include tinned fish and various dietary supplements. Unfortunately, tinned fish also has the disadvantage of containing other contents that the body does not require. However, if there is nothing else available, then these do still contain a reliable amount of fatty acids.

Another popular option is that it cod liver oil and other forms of dietary supplements. These are a good idea if you don't like fish or if it is prohibitively expensive for you. Some dietary supplements to contain all the fatty acids that your body needs to function properly. However, if you can, then it is best of all to go for fresh fish. - 17274

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Wheat Grass Juice And Its Health Boosting Properties

By Jeanne Roce

Like a large variety of grasses reared in the field such as barley, oats and rye, wheat grass belongs to the same group. Most of the juice that is made from wheat grass, however, comes from grass grown indoors on trays. Most of the dehydrated grass that is about 60 days old is usually used in nutritional supplements.

The juice made from fresh wheat grass is often mixed with sprouted wheat berries to produce a drink rich in chlorophyll. This juice is known to cleanse the body and to neutralize many of the toxins in our body along with slowing down the process of ageing and at the same time is believed to help prevent cancer. A lot of people are aware of the benefits of these juices after seeing those TV adverts for the Jack Lalanne juicer machine which extol the virtue of fresh juices.

Wheat grass may benefit a number of diseases as has been indicated by many medical professionals. The herbal medicine is also known to have great healing power just like aloe vera. It is interesting to note that many cats and dogs when ill or sick will often be found nibbling on grass. It is known to neutralize all the rotten food that produces toxins in our alimentary canal and the blood stream. Most of the enzymes that are found in the wheat grass have the power to detoxify most of the known toxins and additives found in our normal daily diet.

The life blood of all plants is chlorophyll which makes the plants green in color. The chlorophyll and enzymes in the wheat grass can be killed by cooking. It is, therefore, advisable not to do this but to consume it in its fresh form. An interesting fact is that many grass eating animals rarely get cancerous conditions, which could be due to them consuming chlorophyll in the fresh form. It is, however, worth pointing out that it is the enzymes in the grass that detoxifies the body and not the chlorophyll.

Many people who have purchased a Jack Lalanne juicing appliance will understand all too well the benefits of juicing. Producing a fruit juice with added wheat grass will give a delicious, refreshing nutritious beverage. These juices are full of many essential vitamins and minerals that can contribute very well to health.

For a number of years most of the vegetable juices have been known to have a cleansing effect on the body. Due to these cleansing properties many doctors advise drinking them when not feeling well. A but little known fact is that weight for weight, wheat grass has more amounts of protein than fish, eggs and beans and more iron than spinach.

Overall, wheat grass can be thought of as one of the superfoods. It is no surprise, therefore, that more and more people are discovering its health benefits. Experience the wonders of this grass and try adding it to your daily diet. - 17274

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Thermogenic Foods - Top 15 Foods Proven to Zap Belly Fat

By Travis Hunt

Fat burning foods, or thermogenic foods, help shake your metabolism into high gear. Burning fat isn't just exclusive to performing strenuous workout routines. With these 15 fat burning foods, you can surely get rid of belly fat faster.

* Peppers - These are the hottest (pun intended) fat burning foods you can get. They're tiny, but rich in thermogenic properties.

* Garlic - These savory bulbs of spice add a kick to any meal. If they're too overpowering for you, try mincing them into little pieces before adding them to your food. If you cook them frequently, you won't even notice they're there.

* Ginger - On top of its numerous medicinal properties, ginger is also a great fat burner.

* Parsley - It does a lot of good for your circulatory system. Keeps your breath nice and fresh, too.

* Berries - They reduce your body's calorie absorption while satisfying your taste buds.

* Cabbage - Considered a high-fiber longevity vegetable, cabbages make for great sandwich add-ons.

* Lemons - Just a small tablespoon of its juice everyday will help you control your cravings and insulin levels.

* Brussels Sprouts - These cabbage-like thermogenic foods are full of vitamins and fat burning properties that jolt your metabolism.

* Broccoli and Cauliflower - Also good sources of thermogenic properties, these all-time veggie faves are packed with calcium as well.

* Green Tea - Before you eat, take a mug of hot or iced green tea. It will help in the digestion of your food and you'll be left feeling quite light.

* Apple Cider Vinegar - Lose the fat and gain a lot from apple cider vinegar's weight-loss benefits.

* Mustard - It's the perfect alternative to ketchup. Thermogenic foods like mustard are usually overlooked, but their fat burning properties are simply astounding.

* Cinnamon - Add this aromatic stick to your tea or chop them up and mix them with yogurt. You've got yourself a fat burningly healthy yet refreshing dessert.

* Vinegar - It cranks up your metabolism and can even be used in metabolic disorder therapy.

* Water - Who knew that drinking water, preferably ice cold, has a positive impact on your metabolism, too? While your body warms up the cool liquid, you're also burning some calories.

You can easily find these thermogenic foods anywhere. Before you head out to buy some, make sure you don't already have them in your kitchen. Include these fat burning foods in your diet and you'll burn that fat right off in no time. - 17274

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Trampolines And Gymnastics ' A Great Combination

By Dave Vower

Trampolines were invented hundreds of years ago. They are still popular today as a fun pastime as well as a more serious activity. During the last decade there has been a resurgence in the number of children and teenagers interested in trampolines and gymnastics. The health benefits, as well as the joy that can be achieved through using such a device, is becoming better known.

A typical trampoline is designed similar to a springboard. They are generally rectangular or square in shape and feature a strong elastic fabric pulled over a metal frame. There will be pads along the edge of the frame and the floor that help prevent injury.

You may have noticed that there are more trampolines in neighborhood gardens than ever before. Today there are many options available; the latest models come in all shapes and sizes. If you have young children then you could choose a small low lightweight option for indoor use. If your garden is big in size then why not consider one of the larger ten foot by ten foot models. These have an added security feature of netting to prevent you from jumping out and breaking a leg.

One of the main reasons for the increase in popularity of gymnastics and trampolines has been the greater number of events that are televised. In 2000, the Olympic Games in Sydney Australia featured trampolining fort the first time. The level of performers inspired many people to also take up the activity. Another place you can see such athletes is in the circus. The stunts and leaps that circus performers pull are breathtaking.

It's also known that regularly using a trampoline can be a wonderful form of exercising. It will improve your cardio vascular system as well as improve the tone and strength of your legs and abdomen. Be sure to warm up for a few minutes as it is easy to damage a muscle when out of practice.

No matter whether young or old you will find a trampoline great fun. It is a wonderful way of getting rid of stress and improving health. - 17274

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Trying To Find Diets That Work Fast?

By Amy Bernstein

Given the inactive life-style that the general public are now living, it is understandable why many are in the sustained search for diets that work fast. There are essentially diets that work fast, but there are certainly only a handful of them.

In searching for diets that work fast, it is critical to weigh things out and consider some crucial factors in choosing it to grasp if they are sensible to follow or not. Enumerated below are a couple of tips and considerations you must remember.

One critical thing to keep in mind is that this sort of diet normally shocks you with a unexpected losing of weight, but in the longer term, could make you gain more weight. It is really because this sort of diet is usually restrictive of certain food items. It would make you feel too deprived of the food you used to eat and you like. So, you would want most of the time that could push you to eat the wrong sorts of food. If you are under this diet, you want to look for set of meals with flexible food items that you would love.

Selecting a diet plan that would help you to lose weight quicker should inspire you to eat better food items. In choosing the food items to incorporate in your meals, it should be nutrient-dense food items; natural wholesome food; fiber-rich fruits and vegetables. Also, you need to eat protein-rich and carbohydrate heavy food items moderately but don't deprive yourself of eating such.

Do not push yourself to succumb to fad diets that only give folks fake hope. Those would just work for a short term, and it is important to always consider long-term effects. It could also pose some threats on your general health.

If you need to search for diets that work fast, you can research on your own and pick which one would most likely work for your current position. However, diet alone is not enough if you want to get rid of your additional pounds fast.

If you actually want to lose weight fast in a shorter period of time, you want to ensure you have regular physical activities. It may be as easy as running or walking within the vicinity of your town. It would not need you to regularly visit a gym. Also, monitoring your food intake would help you lose weight quicker and more successfully. If you determine this goal, there's nothing impossible. It's far better to eat healthy food items and engaging in physical exercises than trying man-made diet tablets that could put yourself in danger.

Diets that work fast as existent, but diet alone would not work if you want to seriously lose pounds and maintain that for long-term. Be aware of always not to try trend diets that cause you to feel more depressed in the future. Depression, in a way, may be an incentive for you to gain more weight. Reputedly, those kinds of diets simply do not work. - 17274

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Lose Body Fat Through Protein-Rich Diet

By Pamela Smith

It is no more surprising these days if men and women equally want to lose body fat. Eating these days is already part of a lifestyle people and the foods served at fast-foods counters are practically bombarded with lots of fattening ingredients. Fortunately and unfortunately, fast-foods stands and outlets are sprouting mushrooms and people have easy access on these food services not knowing the detrimental effects of these types of foods.

It is normal for people to eat when hungry but with a diet such as, this you will crave less for food because of the fullness that you feel. According to latest medical researches, going on a full-protein diet is found to be the best way to lose body fat. With high protein diet you do not have to worry much with those calories and fats.

Protein diet can provide your body with sufficient vital nutrient that it needs. Cheese and meat are among the best sources of high protein. Unfortunately, these are those foods that people seem to avoid thinking these can cause unwanted fats. On the contrary, the foods that you avoid to eat are the vital sources of high-quality protein.

Eating lots of cheese is not harmful but good for your system. The kind of fats that you derive from this food is the good one which boosts the immune system. As much as possible, the intake of this vital food element must be included in your daily diet. The reduction of this intake may adversely affect your weight and overall health.

High-protein diets help lose body fat successfully without that insatiable feeling. The result is you do not feel hungry and a waning craving for food. With high protein diet you do not have to be always on the watch for those fats and calories. All the protein you have taken can provide you the vital nutrients that your body needs. You will feel more energetic too and can last the whole day without getting tired.

Most people who want to lose body fat believe that lactose diet as in drinking milk. This group of dieters drinks milk when they feel hungry and think that it is a good substitute for eating their regular meals. Lactose is not exactly what your body needs for it should be protein-rich foods instead.

A number of individuals are into lactose diet which is resorting to drinking of milk as a substitute for a real and healthy meal. Most people who are into this type of diet have to drink milk whenever they feel the pangs of hunger setting in their stomach. Health-wise this is not a very good practice because a lot of nutritious substances have been utterly disregarded. What the human body wants is not tons of lactose but protein-rich foods.

The best way to have toned muscles and a beautiful body is to include foods rich in your daily diet protein-rich foods and a regular exercise program. A diet such as this is indeed very effective for weight loss. And to have that slim and sculptured body, you should maintain a regular physical fitness program with your special diet on proteins. This is type of healthy diet and regular physical training schedule make such an ideal and very awesome combination to lose body fat. - 17274

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Not All Vitamin Supplements Are Created Equal - Natural Multivitamins

By Veronica Carrillo

During my quest for a healthier lifestyle, I found it was very hard to get all the essential vitamins and minerals I needed. For one thing, I was extremely busy with two kids, husband and a full time job. Creating healthy meals three times a day with all the vegetables we needed was just close to impossible. That is when I discovered a quick remedy, vegetable and fruit juice!

What are energy drinks? Developed in the late 90's, energy drinks are a new alternative to traditional "pick-me-ups". They usually contain a blend of ingredients that act quickly to give you a boost of energy. These ingredients include many traditional items like caffeine and sugars as well as nutrient blends including B vitamins and sometimes other natural supplements. The sizes of these drinks usually range from 8-24 ounces.

Are they safe? This is a very good question, and if you decide to try energy drinks, it is important to read labels and make your own decisions based on your health and lifestyle. Just like anything else, if you over do it, the result will not be good. If you have any health conditions, ask your doctor about using a particular energy drink.

Clean Up Another thing that really surprised me about units like the Angel was the amount of time it took to clean the thing up after use. After burning up thirty minutes of my precious time trying to clean this complicated machine I decided maybe, making my own juice simply was not worth it!

Also, beware if the item lists saturated fat in the label description. Try to reduce or avoid consuming products with high levels of saturated fat. The nutrition facts label not only helps you to identify the elements that you want to reduce (i.e. sugar, salt, and fat), it also tells you the nutrients that you should be consuming more of (i.e. vitamins and minerals).

Therefore, the nutrition facts label serves great importance as it is a nutritional guide for consumers in many of their food purchase decisions. - 17274

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Do You Want to Know? - The Truth About Six Pack Abs

By Veronica Carrillo

If you are working towards getting six pack abs, let me tell you that nothing could work to your advantage better than taking steps to lose the stubborn belly fat. Yes, I know that the fat on the belly is the toughest to budge, but believe me unless you make concentrated efforts to get rid of it, the horrid layer of flab would never let your carved out six pack abs to show. Let us take a look at how that belly fat can be got rid of then (because that would ultimately lead to those chiseled abs).

Exercise Right If you really wish to get six pack abs, you would first of all have to get over the myth that only ab exercises can be of help in your pursuit. An effective strategy instead is to include weight training as a major part of your regime. Increase the cardio workouts and go slow with the core exercises.

When discussing how to gain lean muscle, you should ask yourself if you would mind gaining a little fat. If you are willing to gain a little fat, your muscle building goal will be easier to reach. If you aren't willing to gain any fat, it will be more difficult. You must eat 100%, and be very disciplined. But you should reward yourself with a cheat meal once a week to keep your sanity. Speaking of nutrition, it will be flat out impossible to gain lean muscle without proper nutrition. For starters, you should find your basal metabolic rate (BMR). The BMR is the amount of calories your body burns per day just keeping your body alive. A quick way to calculate your BMR is as follows: Fat loss = 12-13 calories X,22 bodyweight in pounds Maintenance = 15-16 calories X bodyweight in pounds Weight gain = 18-19 calories X bodyweight in pounds

The only way to induce muscle growth is to inflict damage on the muscle. This damage is cause micro-trauma. This micro-trauma is actually an injury, and the body's response to this injury is to make the muscle better able to handle the stress the next time it occurs. It does this by increasing the size of the muscle.

So even if you are enthusiastic about your workouts, do not overdo them as that would bring harm. Understand that the results would not come overnight and if you know of the right exercises to do, even 2-3 hours of workout in an entire week would reap the desired results in as little as 3 months.

To gain lean muscle you have to be willing to work hard. You have to exercise and diet effectively. Also, when your progress stalls, you have to be able to switch it up. Your body is very good at adapting to stress or stimulus. If you eat 500 calories less than your BMR, and you lose weight for 2 weeks, and then your progress stalls, you can bet that your body has adapted. You need to either increase the intensity in the weight room, increase the cardio, or eat less. The same is true for weight gain. Eventually, you will have to eat more and workout harder than you are currently working out. When just starting a weight gain or fat loss program, slowly increase or decrease calorie intake, depending on your goal. If you start immediately eating 1500 calories a day, and after two weeks you stop losing fat, you're screwed. Patience is key. I hope this article has been helpful, and I wish you the best of luck. - 17274

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