Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

6 Week Body Makeover - Learning How to Eat Right

By James Kim

Once you discover what type of body you have, you can customize your eating habits accordingly. The 6 Week Body Makeover makes daily eating easy with the Fast Track Menu Card (FTMC). The FTMC categories meals by what type of body you have. Also, you can choose between easy, gourmet and rapid results meal plans. Obviously, gourmet is going to take a longer time to prepare than easy, but the meals are more enjoyable.

For breakfast you will eat 4 egg whites & 1 cup of oatmeal. Mid-morning snack will consist of 4 oz. of tuna & cup of grapefruit. Lunch consists of 4 oz. of chicken breast, 1 cup of potato & 1 cup of steamed veggies. Mid-afternoon snack is 3 oz. chicken breast & cup cantaloupe. You will eat 4 oz. grilled fish, 1 cup of baked yam & 1-2 cups of steamed veggies. You have the option of eating 2 oz. of chicken breast & cup mixed berries as a late night snack; however this is an optional meal.

When you read the foods that I have listed, you might think to yourself that it's too much food. However, that's the beauty of this diet. The more you eat, the higher your metabolism becomes, and the end result is more calories burned per day.

Here is an example of a male body type "B" meal plan using the easy category. Breakfast consists of 4 egg whites & 1 cup of fruit salad. Mid-morning snack consists of 4 oz. chicken breast or turkey breast & cup of fruit. You will eat 4 oz. chicken breast, 1 cup of rice & 1 cup of mixed veggies for lunch.

Learning how to eat healthy is more powerful than dieting. Dieting does not work as you will trigger your bodies "starvation mode" effect and your metabolism will actually slow down to prevent starvation. The 6 Week Body Makeover will ensure that you can eat while losing weight. - 17274

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6 Week Body Makeover - Protein Diets Do Not Work

By James Kim

All protein/no carbohydrate diets are a popular way to lose weight. However, there are many negative aspects to these types of diets. This article will describe the reasons why you should stay away from all protein/no carbohydrate weight loss plans.

People generally lose weight on popular diets like the Atkins plan. Some people have had great success with these plans. Here's how people lose weight on all protein diets. When you eat carbohydrates, your body will retain more water. When you only eat protein, you will lose water weight as there are no carbohydrates to retain water. The other way people lose weight is when their lean muscle starts to break down because of the lack of glucose in the body. Catabolism is when your body breaks down its own muscle tissue in order to produce glucose.

Also, carbohydrates (in moderation) provide energy. A lack of carbs in the diet can make your body shut down; you might feel angry, irritable and weak. Glucose is your brains single source of fuel. If you are in school and are on an all protein diet, it will be hard for you to study and concentrate for long amounts of time.

Water retention is a natural effect when consuming carbohydrates. You will lose weight due to less water retention on all protein diets, however, this is unhealthy. There are healthier alternatives if you want to lose water weight.

The 6 Week Body Makeover provides a good way to lose weight while learning how to change your eating habits. Dieting does not work as you will never learn how to eat correctly and is usually a short term fix. Once you learn how to eat healthy, you will keep off the weight forever. - 17274

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Body Makeover

By Rico Kidd

How about if you could eat the same amount of food and still lose weight? Would you want to try this type of diet? The 6 Week Body Makeover states that this is possible as they have provided a way to lose weight by learning how to eat the right way. Each body type reacts differently to food, some people gain a ton of weight when eating red meats, some lose weight when eating red meats. Since each person's body reacts differently to food, it is important to learn what kind of body you have and what foods will help your body burn fat.

The first step is to determine your body structure. Your body structure can be defined by using the body blue print, which is enclosed in your six week body makeover kit. According to the diet, there are four types of body types: A, B, C or D. Once filling out the blue print questionnaire, you will be placed within one of these four categories.

Type A bodies have very sluggish metabolisms and these type of people have struggled with weight gain their whole lives. These people should eat less simple and complex carbohydrates and should eat more seafood (white fish) and lean meats such as turkey/chicken breast.

Type B bodies are able to build lean muscle and consistently maintain it. Building lean muscle is important as this is the key to increasing your bodies metabolism. B bodies tend to burn calories at a slow rate. B people can eat lean proteins such as chicken, turkey and seafood. They should stay away from foods such as potatoes, yams and pasta. Type C bodies are like B bodies. The only difference between a B and a C is that complex carbohydrates are tolerated more in Type C bodies as their metabolism burns a bit faster than a B . An example meal for a C body type is chicken and shrimp stir fry with garden vegetables.

D body types have very slow metabolisms due to a lack of lean muscle mass. They should stay away from most carbohydrates and focus on eating protein rich foods such as red meat and chicken. A sample recipe for a D body is a New York steak with steamed garden vegetables.

Knowing what type of body you have is the first step in weight loss. Taking the blue print is an important part of the body makeover diet. You will start losing weight once you know what types of foods work well with your body. - 17274

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Remember These 6 Points to Purchase the Best Home Exercise Equipment

By Thong M. Dao

As simple as it might appear, purchasing the best home exercise equipment demands lots of considerations. Let's consider the elements that actually matter while making a purchase.

1. What's your goal?. Choosing the right type of equipment and deciding how much you'll spend rely heavily on what you want to achieve and your fitness level. So before jumping to conclusion, ask yourself what you want to gain: cardiovascular health, strength, energy, or what. Answering those questions will help you pick the best equipment for you.

2. Determine your Budget. The second, most crucial thing you have to decide is how much you're ready to spend on a specific kind of home workout equipment. Different kinds of workout equipment have different prices. A nice treadmill requires from $1500 to $3500, an elliptical trainer from $2000 to $5000, a stationary bike between $500 and $1000. The old proverb, "you get what you pay for" also applies so be sure that you balance between usability, affordability, and features.

3. Space. Never ignore to examine the equipment and calculate how much room it will take up. It is something that is not paid sufficient attention. You might not say if the equipment could suit into your space at home when you are at a big store. Therefore take it into consideration.

4. Take a look around. It's not really wise to settle in the first store. Visit other stores and compare to find the best home exercise equipment. You should also do some research on the Internet to get informed of the product you want to buy. Find product reviews if possible.

5. Don't be deceived. Folks can do everything to make sales. Therefore when you watch television adverts stating that you are able to drop a few inches off your waistline or drop off a few pounds after a week, do not fall prey. Yeah, these seem too good to be true, and they are. Quick-fixes with "before" and "after" testimonies could be appealing however remember that bodies don't change radically after some sessions. Since if it does, everybody who wants to have six-pack abs or who would like to drop off pounds after pounds of fat must be satisfied right away.

6. Study all the cost. Shipping, transportation, installation and extra charges could stack up easily. And so prior to purchasing one, make certain that you note all those charges so that you'll get ready for the gross amount of money that you need to pay for your best home exercise equipment.

- 17274

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How to Get Ripped Abdominal Muscles Quickly By Dieting

By George Green

There is a layer of fat tissue that lies of over the ab muscles keeping them hidden. In order to get that ripped look you see on television and in magazines then you are going to have to get rid of this layer. This overlying layer of fat is what gives a lot of people that fat, loose, flabby look.

Increasing the calories burned and reducing calorie intake is the best way to get rid of this fat layer. In this article I'm going to focus on reducing calorie intake so you will know how to get ripped fast.

You only need to look on the bookshelves or in a DVD shop to find a lot of items about dieting. This can be very overwhelming. Reducing the calorie intake, however, is the main focus of the majority of these products. The main problem most people face though is staying motivated and keeping on the diet. To achieve your goal of getting rid of that fat and keeping those abs requires a change of lifestyle and a long term view.

The question that remains, therefore, is how do we keep motivated? Breaking down the long term goal, which can often seem like a huge mountain to climb, into shorter term goals I have found to be the best approach. It is important not to look beyond each short term aim. A lot of sporting disciplines such as weight training can benefit from this stepwise approach.

Going out and lifting a huge weight straight up is not advisable. Instead it would be better to work up to it slowly. The best and safest approach would be to gradually increase the the amounted you lifted until finally after a number of weeks or months you would probably reach your ultimate goal. This can be applied to dieting.

I have found the greatest success by aiming for around a 4 pounds weight loss over a one month period. Compared to those dieting books and DVDs this may seem very little. However, with most of these crash diets it is easy to become quickly demotivated and as a result of the sudden slowing of the body's metabolism it becomes increasingly difficult to lose weight.

The important thing to remember is that if you were able to lose 4 pounds in weight a month, that is a huge 48 pounds over a twelve month period. Now that is a very serious amount. Remember, lots of small losses quickly add up into large losses. At the end of each month I usually set the target for the next month with a general outline of a plan which I often find goes a long way to keeping me motivated.

So if you're looking to get rid of fat or following a fitness program to get ripped or to just look and feel more healthier then a smaller stepwise plan is the best way to proceed. - 17274

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Medical Benefits of Green Tea

By Julian Alusi

It is surprising to know that the world is just awakening to realize the many health benefits of green tea. Although most of us may have had the opportunity to sip on the beverage in a Chinese restaurant or at a Japanese neighbors house not many of us outside the orient knew anything about the various health benefits of green tea up until recently.

Green tea is acquired from the leaves of a native Asian shrub known as the Camellia Sinesis. The leaves of this shrub are dried up for the purpose of preparing green tea.

China has been utilizing the benefits of this wonder drink for over four thousand years according to records.

Today however we have modern scientific methods of determining the true value of this unique drink. Not surprisingly science admits that the Chinese have been wise in making use of this drink even without having any empirical scientific evidence.

The shrub is endowed with some very beneficial substances that give it the medicinal properties to help the body in various ways. The plant is potent with powerful antioxidants which is the key to green teas popularity as a health remedy.

Epigallocatechin Gallate, known as EGCG for short is one of the antioxidants that green tea is heavily potent in.

The occurance of a balanced quantity of antioxidants is essential for the smooth functioning of the body. Plus they can help prevent serious cellular damage which leads to cancer.

When compared to Vitamin C the particular antioxidant found in green tea is measured to be twenty five times potent and more effective. The same is the case when EGCG is compared with Vitamin E and its effectiveness with regards to protecting cells and the DNA structure.

The regular consumption of green tea can help treat many existing bodily disorders and can also act as a preventive measure against a variety of other diseases. HIV and cancer are amongst the deadly diseases against which green tea promises protection. At the same time the consumption of green tea is excellent for giving a boost to the immune system.

The list of diseases that green tea has the ability to treat includes diseases the likes of Alzheimers disease, rheumatoid arthritis, heart diseases and even Parkinsons disease.

Green tea is also an effective promoter of weight loss. This is largely due to the fact that it helps to release more energy as the metabolic processes of the body are sped up with the consumption of the drink. This is why health care professionals recommend the use of green tea on a regular basis. - 17274

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Vitamins For Vitality

By Dr Jason Fowler

The New Food Pyramid: The U.S. Department of Agriculture has recently released a new, more individualized, food pyramid called MyPyramid. The USDA is offering many tools and tips on www.mypyramid.com. The traditional food groups include grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, and meat and beans. An important new category, Physical Activity, has been added to the overall pyramid. Sample menus, vegetarian diets, and tips for eating out are part of the informative and fun materials provided by the USDA. "MyPyramid for Kids" reminds kids to be physically active every day and to make healthy food choices. "MyPyramid for Kids" posters and coloring pages are available for downloading on the MyPyramid site. "Steps to a Healthier Weight", dietary guidelines, and detailed information for pregnancy and breastfeeding are included, as well as steps for outlining personalized MyPyramid Plans.

People often wonder about taking vitamins. Should I bother? Are they worth the money? Which ones should I take? In order, the answers are yes, yes, and ask your chiropractor to recommend the brand best for you.

Why take vitamins at all? The purpose of supplementation is to cover all bases -- to make sure they are covered. How can you be sure your diet contains all the cofactors and trace minerals needed to make your metabolism work correctly? And what about all the antioxidants that fight free radical formation and the phytonutrients that seem to have so much benefit in cancer prevention?

Likewise, it would take a lot of effort to be certain that your diet contained sufficient iodine, magnesium, selenium, chromium, folate, and vitamins B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridoxine), and B12 (cyanocobalamin).Taking a supplement guarantees that these requirements have been met. It's simple, safe, and efficient in terms of both time and cost.

Which brand of supplementation is best? There's no right answer here, it's more of a practical decision. Youwill know if a specific brand is right if you feel healthier and more energetic after taking it regularly for four to six weeks. You chiropractor will assist you by providing expert information and recommendations. There are no peer-reviewed, hard statistical data suggesting that one brand is superior. "Results" here are qualitative, not quantitative. The important point is that vitamin/mineral supplementation is necessary to ensure optimal metabolic functioning and physical well-being.

What about using specific supplements for specific things, such as taking calcium supplements after a bone-density study has revealed loss of bone mass (osteoporosis)? Is this an effective therapy? Well, in the postmenopausal setting1, if you're not exercising, the calcium you take will simply be excreted. Completely useless. On the other hand, if you are exercising or begin an exercise program, the additional calcium will be useful in providing raw material for stronger bones, built in response to the stress of exercise.

What about calcium supplementation for younger women? Again, exercise is the key to forestalling osteoporosis2. Of course, this includes taking sufficient daily calcium. The recommended daily requirement for calcium is 1000-1200 mg. So, a vitamin/mineral supplement supplies 500 mg. A cup of yogurt adds another 250 mg. A glass of skim milk or a piece of low-fat cheese adds another 250 mg. Non-dairy sources of calcium include calcium-fortified orange juice, spinach, turnips, and sardines (with the bones). So, dietary sources plus your vitamin/mineral supplements provide close to the recommended dose.

Additional calcium tablets or pills may make up the difference.

Vitamin/mineral supplements are important for busy people. Supplementation ensures a consistent, optimal dose of necessary nutrients. Balanced nutrition, in combination with regular exercise, will help provide vibrant, glowing good health.

1Rosen CJ Clinical practice. Postmenopausall osteoporosis. N Engl J Med 353(6):595-603, 2005 2Swanenburg J, et al: Effects of exercise and nutrition on postural balance and risk of falling in elderly people. Clin Rehabil 21(6):523-34, 2007 3Speckerr B, Vukovich M: Evidence for an interaction between exercise and nutrition for improved bone health during growth. Med Sport Sci 51:50-63, 2007 - 17274

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Lose 20 Pounds In A Month With A Malibu Pilates Chair

By Steve Estes

With the Malibu Pilates Chair being one of the newer and more popular options in the Pilates machine world, it is obviously very appropriate to ask if it is possible to lose 20 pounds in a month using one.

The majority of people reading this will have already heard of Pilates so it should come as no surprise to read of its popularity. And while it is a complete exercise system in and of itself, there have been a number of popular Pilates machines introduced.

Easily the most famous of these machines is the Pilates Reformer. Yes, it sounds like some grotesque device that might be more at home in the Spanish Inquisition, but it is actually a top notch all in one exercise machine. Even though it is hefty, it could be just waht you are looking for for your home gym area.

Next up is the Pilates Power Gym. Coming in at just under three hundred bucks, it is affordable and quite portable. It gives you almost all the features of a Reformer but at a fraction of the cost. This little baby will fit into any home gym. And since youll often see a version at many Pilates studios you can be guaranteed to get a serious work out in.

Last, but certainly not least, is the Malibu Pilates Chair. This one is taking the exercise community by storm. Its endorsed by actress Susan Lucci on late night infomercials and it is the most portable model described in this article. It might just be the most affordable as well. Ive seen it advertised online for just under $200. That, my friends is an absolute steal for a piece of exercise equipment of this high quality.

Whichever one of these devices you should happen to choose, don't go whole hog your first week on them. Go slowly, and work your way up the intensity ladder. There's nothing worse that the aches and pains of the weekend warrior when you trying to lose 20 pounds in a month.

And remember, weight loss isnt just all about exercise. It is also vitally important that you learn how to eat right. My personal preference and the plan I try to follow religiously is food combining. This method, combined with my use of the Malibu Pilates chair workout made it quite easy for me to lose 20 pounds in a month. - 17274

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Understanding The Body Detoxification Process

By Ron Cripps

Detox, is another word for detoxification, is the human body's natural, ongoing procedure of counterbalancing or eliminating poisons from the body. Toxins are chemically altered into harmless substances and removed from the body through stool or pee. A detox diet is the system of taking in certain foods along with drinks with the end purpose of removing toxins from within the body for better well being, so basically, it's a diet which detoxes the human body.

Detoxification is good for a body when done right and using professional guidance therefore it is highly recommended that an individual that wishes to undertake this diet first talk to a physician or dietitian. That's since detoxification may be harmful to your body if not conducted right and sometimes the misuse of a detoxification program may create specific diseases or even undernourishment. All the same, with a correct guidance, detox diet might render the body healthier and stronger.

When there's fewer toxins in a body, the blood circulation increases, respiration is more powerful, stamina is raised, stress is decreased, and the person will feel better. But, the most popular explanation for why people go for the detox diet is the fact that it's the quickest and most secure method to lose weight. Most detoxification diets comprise of just fruits, veggies, and water, so because this sort of diet is very restrictive, meat, dairy, alcoholic drinks, and bread are to be avoided at all costs. This allows the body to soak up fewer calories and carbs. Detoxification additionally produces the effect of eliminating detrimental elements in the body such as fat and even cholesterol.

All the same, because a detoxification program is extremely restrictive, it must only be used for a short period of time as it might cause undernourishment. This diet is normally low in protein and carbohydrates so without those, muscle growth as well as energy are quickly depleted. After using that sort of dietary method, most people talk of having more energy and of losing weight quickly, although given that the diet is so restrictive, it is hardly surprising that a few pounds will be shed.

Still, detoxification is not a weight management solution. Following the detoxification diet won't teach you much regarding standard weight management techniques such as food portion control or a healthy meal pattern. Because of that most people gain weight again and feel just as slow as normal when they halt their program and go back to the original consumption routine.

The true reason for why those programs work in the short-term is because people make a special effort to change their eating habits for a few days. It only makes sense that if you swap cheese curls and soda for fruit and plain water you'll drop weight. Additionally, if you are failing to eat a lot of fat intense meals, that slow your body down while it tries to perform digestion, you will see additional energy. - 17274

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The Only Low Fat Plan That Worked for Me (How I Quickly Lost 52lbs!)

By Carol Everett

I am here to tell you about a great low fat diet plan that has worked so well for my daughter Mindi and myself. It it the best low fat diet plan I have found and both my daughter and I had great results on this plan. This is the one plan that makes perfect sense in every way. I was skeptical until I saw the awesome result that Mindi and I had on this plan.

Mindi is a working mother of two young children, who keep her busy, too busy, in fact, to be able to play games figuring out the perfect portions in her meals to help her lose the unwanted weight she gained after the birth of my second grandson. Mindi felt self-conscious and was still wearing maternity clothes many months after my grandson began to crawl.

Mindi often complained that others often thought she might be expecting another baby and she felt they were all looking at her. She needed something to change and change fast. Mindi tried so many diets and all of them failed her. She was about to give up trying until she found one program that worked so well!

Mindi's confidence is back up, she looks amazing and has more energy to play with her kids, and she tells everyone about her struggles and finally her success. Mindi's message is clearly not to give up hope that you can lose weight and that there is a program that can get you where you want to be and where you belong.

Mindi's struggle to lose weight made me realize that I too needed to lose more than a few pounds to be able to keep up with my grandkids. Too many diet plans are complicated, time consuming, and do not make sense for busy people. This plan fits into my day.

If you have had enough struggle and enough disappointment with other plans that just don't work then see if this one works for you like it did for Mindi and for me. Easy to follow, easy to use, easy to take the weight off. - 17274

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How To Overcome Sugar Addiction For Accelerated Arm Toning With 4 Effective Tools

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Unlike the boogeyman, sugar addiction does exist. And it's preventing many women from achieving rapid arm toning. Although not easy, you can beat this addiction.

What evidence is there that sugar addiction is real? Well, for one, doctors use sugar as a powerful analgesic (painkiller) when performing routine medical procedures on infants. Also, when given high levels of sugar, rodents show the same types of brain alterations that drug addiction induces. Finally, drugs used to combat drug addictions (i.e., naxolone) can eliminate sugar addictions.

Now you need to be brutally honest with yourself. Are you addicted to sugar? Do you need to have it on a regular basis? Do you get in a bad mood if you don't have it? Most importantly, are you coming up with elaborate reasons as to why you are NOT addicted as you read this? A yes to any of the above questions indicates an addiction

Here's the bad thing about sugar. It can completely blunt your arm toning efforts. Why? Because it cancels out all your fat burning hormones. Thus, in this article I am going to show you 4 effective tools for winning the war on sugar:

1. Substitutes. Remember that strange aftertaste you used to get after drinking your favorite diet soda? Well, the good news is that sugar substitutes have changed a lot. And although a substitute won't give you an energy high, it will taste just like sugar. My favorite one is stevia, an all natural herb from south America.

2. Loose leaf yerba mate taragui. More popular than coffee in south America, yerba mate is the most powerful craving killer I have ever found. Just make sure you keep on eating even though you aren't hungry. This will prevent you from bingeing once the effect wears off. And be patient because it takes about an hour for the tea to take full effect.

3. Working out with weights: Weight lifting is the best way to increase your appetite. And increasing your appetite is a great way to eat healthy. How so? Because the increase is so large that your palate recalibrates to liking foods that you would otherwise find bland. You will no longer need that hyper-taste that sugar gives foods.

4. Emotional healing. You need to address the emotional side of the addiction if you want long term success. The best method I have found for doing this is cognitive therapy. Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by David Burns M.D. is your best bet for self-administering this powerful method. Mind you, this is the number one recommended book by therapists.

Sugar is everywhere and unfortunately, we are biologically programmed to seek it out from the day we are born. However, if you want to accelerate your arm toning, you need to reduce your intake as much as possible. And if you are addicted, this won't be easy. But it's possible, and easier than ever before with all the new tools at your disposal. So get to it and good luck! - 17274

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Lose Weight Quickly Eating Your Favorite Foods

By Xylene Belita

Maybe you are now wondering: "What are negative calorie foods?". So, what is the negative calorie food all about? Well, there is no such thing as a negative calorie food, since the calorie as a unit of heat cannot be negative. But when you hear people talk about negative calorie foods, it only means that the calorie level of the food is so low that it requires more energy to eat and digest it than how much calorie it contains. Negative calorie foods are also known as fat fighting foods.

Celery is an example of a fat burning food. It takes energy from the body for digestion, because it does not contain enough calories to burn it. Cold water has a negative calorie. In fact, water has no calories at all but when you drink cold water, the body takes more energy to bring it up to body temperature. Everytime we drink a glass of cold water we burn up a little more calories and lose a little weight. But foods like this should be used wisely and should be taken in moderation.

People who are most attracted to negative calorie foods are anorexics. Negative calorie foods, if taken in excess would result in starvation and nutritional deficiencies. The calories used to burn negative calorie foods will be taken from the body's muscle mass, and this will be really dangerous to your health.

It is more healthy to use a negative calorie diet by fasting or detox. You can do this type of detox diet right after the Christmas holidays or Thanksgiving or after eating so many rich foods. You can do your negative calorie diet for three days or so. It is an excellent way to clean out your body's system. However, you should still get a doctor's advice before starting this type of diet plan.

Here are some important pointers to consider when on a negative calorie detox diet:

1. Never eat one type of food in huge amount, particularly fruits. Some fruits contain substances that are bad to your body if you eat too much of it. For example, grapefruit and pineapple can damage your stomach lining. Other foods can cause diarrhea or burden your liver. It is better to eat all the different foods in small quantities.

Some examples of fat burning fruits are: Apples, Blueberries, Cantaloupes, Cranberries, Grapefruit, Papayas, Pineapples, Prunes, Raspberries, Strawberries and Tangerines.

2. You should never spend all your day eating. You will only become bloated and feel unwell. Plan at least four or five salad meals every day, and let your digestive system rest in between.

3. Eat your food slowly and chew it thoroughly. You will burn more calories that way.

Some examples of negative calorie vegetables are: Asparagus, Beets, Broccoli, Carrot, Cauliflower, Celery stalk, Celery root, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Endives, Garden cress, Green beans, Green cabbage, Lamb's lettuce, Lettuce, Radishes, Spinach, Tomatoes, Turnips and Zucchini.

4. Detox diet and fasting may cause some uncomfortable symptoms like headaches, tiredness, depression and irritability. If the symptoms become worse, stop the detox diet and see your doctor immediately.

5. At the end of your negative calorie detox diet, you should gradually return to a normal diet and eat normal foods.

Garlic and onions are also examples of fat burning foods. If you want to lose 9 lbs in one week, then go here: Cheat Your Way Thin and you are guaranteed to melt your stubborn fat easily. - 17274

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