Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Healthy Eating is 100% Fat-Unfriendly

By Thong M. Dao

It's challenging to find anyone today that is not worried about their health and weight. Many people lead an unhealthy lifestyle, making it nearly out of the question to remain fit and thin. Often we find ourselves eating out or on the run.

At home, we sometimes eat foods that are poor choices, picking sugar-filled snack foods rather than healthy foods. To become healthy and lose weight the natural way, you must break the cycle. It actually is possible.

One of the first things that many folks need to do whenever they are trying to lose weight is to cast off some of the habits that they have. This can be very difficult, especially if you have been eating in a particular way for a long period of time.

Sugar, aspartame, caffeine and bad carbohydrates are just some of the wrong things that many people are dependent on. As hard as it seems, you should know that the best and only way to sustain good health always is to get rid of these unhealthy habits. If you're having trouble breaking free from the bad cycle, try going cold turkey for a few days.

Once you are free of the poor eating habits, you must incorporate healthy ones. Although it is not necessary for you to eat perfectly all the time, you must make sure that you stick with a nutritious eating program for at least a month.

Why does this happen? This is because of the time it takes to get used to this habit. If you follow a diet that is both healthy and balanced for a month, it will become your regular way of eating.

Make sure that you are eating the right foods. Try to stay low on the glycemic indicator to control your healthy sugar level.

Make sure that you are eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables everyday. It's most important that you consume lots of water with a dash of sea salt added. It does need some drive on your part but that effort will be well worth it when you see your health and slim figure return. - 17274

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Read My Review Of A Fitness Program With More Than 'Lose Fat Fast' Promises

By Doug Winston

I'd like to introduce you to of one of the better fitness programs that I've encountered to date, by writing a review of the actual plan itself. You may have already heard about 'The Truth About Abs', and encountered a lot of sales pitches and 'is this a scam?' baiting ads. What I'd like to do is give you some actual information about the science behind the plan, because in my opinion this program is definately more than hype, and offers sound fitness and nutritional information that will help anyone who is trying to get fit and lean.

The e-book "The Truth About Abs" that Mike Geary has written is more than a guide to getting ripped abs - since the abs are only a small part of the whole picture. This is an easy to follow program that will help you change your eating habits and patterns, and give you exercise routines to boost your metabolism and build core strength and lean muscle. The book covers 3 main topics -

1. Introduction, important information on what it means to be lean, factors affecting your metabolism, a review of body fat percentage, training your abs, and lean vs fat body mass.

2. Full workouts, how to exercise more efficiently, explanation of multi-joint vs single joint exercises, along with total body work outs. Mike also explains why cardio IS NOT helping you lose weight the way you've always been told; and

3. Diet and Nutrition, explanation of how blood sugar and insulin affect your diet program, the Glycemic Index, and the calorie burning properties (thermic effect) of food.

The Truth About Abs training program has two parts : Interval training and Resistance and Weight training. The fitness schedules are easy to follow and are time effective. The program explains how sessions longer than 45-60 are not a good use of your time. The program calls for 3-4 sessions per week, each about 45-6- minutes.

This amount of excercise should be easy to fit into your schedule if you are serious about drastically changing your body tone and getting in shape. The best thing about this program is that you don't really need a gym or equipment, but the recommended set of equipment can be purchased for $30-40 - a set of dumbells and an exercise ball is all you need to do the programs set out in the Truth About Abs program.

There is a huge amount of nutrition advice that Mike has included in this program. The suggested diet plan calls for 5-6 smaller meals per day, eating every 3 hours (not including sleeping hours). An important tip is to plan your meals for an entire week, and shop once a week getting only the food you need for those meals.

Beyond planned, smaller and more frequent meals The Truth About Abs explains how to calculate your daily caloric intake requirements, and use that as a guide line for what we should eat. This section is really enlightening. You can eat regular and tasty meals and still lose weight. I can assure you that this is not a salad diet. In fact, there is an entire section of this book which explains why crash diets actually cause weight gain.

Mike provides meal plans that are easy to shop for, easy to make and very satisfying. These meal plans provide you with more than enough food and you are unlikely to experience any hunger pains. However, you need to be disciplined with yourself and follow the recommended diet plans. One of the first things the book says is: "The nutrition section of this book is vitally important to your success. Let me state this loud and clear... if all you focus on is your training, and your diet is full of junk, you WILL NOT see results! You need to apply BOTH the training strategies as well as the nutrition strategies if you want to make this work."

If you're like me, you've procrastinated on starting a real plan for losing weight for a long time. Mike's program was just the incentive I needed to get started, and he provides so much information and detailed workout and meal plans, it was a lot easier to stick with my goals. - 17274

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5 Weight Loss Tips

By Dr. Bill

Well,the President made an appearance on Jay Leno, where he was trying to be your everyday hardworking executive, and he did okay, if you like your President on late night television.

He did make that one little (meaning big) mistake about comparing his bowling skills to those of a member of the Special Olympics. Oops. That's what happens when you let down your guard on late night television and try to relate to the audience by being funny.

Now go into your crystal ball and try to imagine if Sarah Palin told that story, or Rush Limbaugh. We would have heard how terrible it was 100 times by now, and everybody in the western world would have been scolding the teller. But this isnt the case with the current President, because all the media are deep in the tank for this guy, even if his numbers don't make sense, the people he hires aren't qualified, or the holdovers in his party are outright criminals, like Senator Dodd, Congressmen Frank, Rangel, and Murtha.

Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, recently had a meeting with illegal immigrants in which she called them patriots. Some would question that because they believe illegals are draining financial resources from those who are working legally. Nancy Pelosi comes from a state that is bankrupt, so you think she might have put more thought into that speech.

Okay, let's change the subject.

I want to offer you some easy fat loss tips. If you want to lose weight, you have to lose fat. To lose fat you must increase your metabolism.

1. Consume as much water as you can. That means plain water, not soda, or energy drinks, or so-called fitness drinks. Each day, while you are awake, your body requires 16 ounces of water every two hours. If you are exercising at a vigorous pace you need to increase that amount by quite a bit. Especially if you are exercising in the heat -- you might need up to a gallon of water per hour.

2. It's important to eat six to eight times per day. Try to eat a little something when you wake up, even if you are heading out to exercise. It's a good way to get your system in gear. You can break down your six to eight eating times in whatever way works best for you -- it can be 2 meals and 5 snacks, or 3 meals and 3 snacks -- just so you are not going hungry or skipping meals. Skipping meals is a sure way to self-destruct your weight loss plan -- it just creates hunger and you are likely to binge later.

3. Eat high-quality foods. No junk food, no fast food. Stick to high-quality protein and avoid products that are labeled "low-fat" or "no-fat." Those products have a large amount of sugar. When considering what fruits and vegetables to eat, think about selecting from the rainbow of colors available, and be sure that every meal has at least one green item.

4. Supplements. Make sure you are taking pharmaceutical-grade fish oil softgels that are ultra pure and manufactured from fish that live in deep water. This type of product will help you lose weight by raising your metabolism and generating more fat burning.

5. Eat more fiber and consume less sugar. Some vegetables and fruits have a higher fiber count than others. Find out which ones those are and make them a part of your weight loss plan.

I have a friend who recently lost about 25 pounds. I was talking to him and he could not stress enough how important it was for him to increase his water intake. He told me he was drinking a gallon of water per day, and he attributes that water intake to his initial loss of 15 pounds. He also said that once he lost that first 15, he started sleeping better too. His weight loss goal is 40 pounds and I have no doubt that he'll make it, particularly if he is willing to incorporate the five simple concepts into his plan. - 17274

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Green Tea Rx Antioxidant Cream

By Jake Wakefield

As we get older, our skin appears with wrinkles and other skin imperfections.

Even though we may get skin problems from this aging process, that does not mean we simply have to endure them. There are solutions.

Often times years of exposure to the sun, buildup of skin cells and use of mass-produced soaps and skin care products loaded with harsh chempicals can cause damage to your skin or at least have it in a non-pristine state.

Luckily, GreenTeaRx offers one solution that can help us maintain younger, healthier looking skin. GreenTeaRx employs both anti-oxidants and anti-carcinogens to achieve this effect.

With these two ingredients, GreenTeaRx replenishes and nourishes your skin in ways that we couldn't do before.

GreenTeaRx's effectiveness lies in the fact that there has been extensive scientific research utilized. The anti-carcinogens that are shown to be abundant in GreenTeaRx are an amazing natural chemical that targets and neutralizes free radicals. These are the unwanted cancer-causing agents that bombard your body daily. By minimizing these free radicals, cancerous cell mutation is less likely to occur. By using GreenTeaRx, you can fight back against these free radicals and insure that they do not have a detrimental effect on your skin.

Anti-oxidants also are in GreenTeaRx and they fight even stronger against the spread of cancer. GreenTeaRx is able to fight in these two ways so that your skin can stay naturally young.

Also, as we get older, our bodies stop creating collagen and elastin. These two substances are very important for our skins and because they lessen as we grow older, it means our skin's appearance also worsens. However, GreenTeaRx improves these two substances by increasing their production so that our skin looks more youthful.

At the time of this writing, GreenTeaRx is offering a free trial so even if you are not sure whether or not it will work for you, you have nothing to lose by trying a free trial that could help your skin greatly! - 17274

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Do You Really Know What a Bruise Is?

By Carolyn Cooper

We've had a lot of discussion about healing bruises and how we can attempt to prevent them, but above all, it is critical to know what a bruise really is and what we can learn from that bruise. When you discover that you get bruises too easily, or when you find yourself in a place where they are just an every day inconvenience or bother, it can be easy to overlook exactly what they are and what they show is occurring in your body. For example, it is simple to forget that bruises have different gradations, ranging from minor to extreme or life threatening. If you are someone who is subject to bruising easily, make certain that you recognize what is happening in your own body.

To begin with, a bruise is defined as an injury that occurs to living tissue. Generally caused by blunt impact, a bruise will form when the capillaries just below your skin are damaged. From these broken or crushed capillaries, blood will seep upward toward the skin's surface, accumulating just beneath the skin to create that blue, blacks and green blotches that might be too common for you. While getting can be somewhat painful, they can also be painful and sensitive to the touch. For those people who have lighter skin, even insignificant bruising can look very dark and fearsome.

The frequency by which some people bruise more readily than others has a everything to do with their capillary health and how strong the capillaries are. Even within one's own body, capillaries may vary in strength and health. There are numerous reasons that might explain why some people bruise more readily than others, but their weak or broken capillaries are most often the major cause. When you are working to prevent bruising easily that then shows up colorfully, make certain that you keep this root cause in your thought process.

You should also make it a priority to be sure that you realize that bruises may be telling you of certain other types of disorders. Inexplicable bruising can be a warning of bleeding internally or even a sign of certain types of cancer. These signs can also point in the direction of having a situation involving problem platelet production or even a blood disorder dealing with coagulation. If you find bruising that takes place around the navel and is accompanied with severe abdominal pain, it may be a strong indicator for a severe case of pancreatitis.

Spend enough time to be sure that you know about bruising and what causes it before you attempt to treat them. Realizing what bruising really is and how it can affect your body will aid your determining what remedies are possibly going to work well for you. When it comes to bruising, it really is a case of discovering the best solution to suit your actual situation. - 17274

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The Amazing Acai Berry

By Kari Gambale

For hundreds of years the people in the Amazon region of Brazil have eaten a powerful little fruit called the Acai Berry. Growing atop 150 foot palm-like trees, the Brazilian people have found it worth their while to shinny up these trees to pick the berries and carry them back down in baskets.

The berries must be treated properly to preserve their natural properties. Only 10% of each berry is fruit. The rest is seed and has no nutritional value. Therefore it takes a substantial amount of these little berries to create a usable puree.

The people in this country have recently discovered the amazing benefits of the Acai berry. American scientists and nutritionists have studied the value of the berries and their findings have been truly astonishing.

The Athletes of Brazil have learned that a healthy portion of Acai berry prior to a game has a tremendous impact on the amount of energy and stamina a player has. Acai berries have been discovered to have exceptionally high antioxidant properties that rid the body of free radicals, help muscle tissue repair itself and produce energy and stamina.

Acai berries also have a substantial amount of carbohydrates which help the body store energy and deliver it as needed. 40% to 65% of our bodies energy should come from carbohydrates. In this respect the Acai berry is a beneficial addition to a diet helping the body process food and keep the body, its tissue and immune system functioning well.

The United Sates and other industrialized nations are susceptible to high levels of pollution, chemicals and additives that have begun to create health problems and an increase in serious disease and illness. The free radicals present in pollutants cause damage to our cells and healthy functioning of our immune system. Acai berries contain Vitamins and nutrients that have powerful antioxidant properties and help to rid the body of their negative impact.

The Acai berry is just one of those natural sources that apparently have been helping the Brazillians remain relatively free from many of the illnesses plaguing the Western World. It is thought that this is directly attributable to the Acai berry. The Acai contains essential fatty acids, iron, proteins, fiber, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B2, and Vitamin B1. Most importantly though, it also contains Omega 6 and Omega 9, which have been found to be strong antioxidants!

Because of the antioxidants, amino acids, essential fatty acids, as well as phytosterols which are naturally occurring plant phytochemicals, the Acai is thought to be helpful in reducing heart attacks. The ingredients will all work together to burn fat efficiently, process your food more easily, as well as working to make your body function healthier. Thus, the Acai berry is highly suggested for you to reach a more perfect weight if you are overweight. Also, those phytosterols will reduce human cholesterol levels by up to 15%.

The essential fatty acids and antioxidants work together to lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise good cholesterol (HDL) in the body. The essential fatty acids also help you body absorb the important vitamins A, E, D and K.

Antioxidants, known as anthocyanins, as found in the Acai berry, are also thought to work as both an anti-viral and anti-bacterial agent in the body. Not only are these anthocyanins capable of accomplishing that particular task, but also they are proficient in helping maintain good eyesight. They also fight a range of other eye related eye diseases such as macular degeneration and even glaucoma.

If you suffer from digestive problems, such as acid reflux, the Acai berry contains enzymes that effectively enhance the digestive system helping to eliminate digestive issues. Other such problems related to digestion, irritable bowel and constipation, excess gas are likely to improve as well.

Acai berries are rich in Vitamin B that assists the body in regulating dopamine and serotonin levels. This helps your body relax, rest and sleep and we all know that a good nights sleep does wonders for our health and well being.

The Acai berry and all of its fantastic properties is now readily available in this country and certainly worth a try. - 17274

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Limiting Carbohydrates and losing weight

By Dave Rodgers

Limiting carbohydrates from ones diet has been a successful way to lose weight. Most people who struggle to lose weight have done so all their life. They try many gimicks some safe and some not so safe. Some people only have a few pounds to lose, some have up to 100 or more pounds to lose. Some people do if for medical reasons.

Ninety percent of the popluation in North America would like to lose weight. Most are on the search for the quickest and easies way to trim that excess weight. Some many only want to lose 5 pounds, others want to lose 20, 50, 100, 200 pounds and even more. Low carb diets seem to be becoming the "fashionable" way to lose weight in recent years. Many are getting stressed over losing their excess weight which in turn is making it harder and harder to achieve their weight loss goals. Other have medicle reasons to lose excess fat, and sometimes end up using dangerous methods such as diet pills, medical procedures, and restricting food intake.

Dieting is an industry in itself. There are many diets out there, including the low carb diet. This diet works, but so do all diets, if followed the way it was meant to be followed. Sometimes we stray we may have a function to attend and the food that you are to eat is not available. Sometimes life gets in the way, the most important thing to remember when this happens there is the next day. Don't allow one mistake undo all the work you acheived prior to that one event. Wake up and continue like the night before never happened. Don't be upset with yourself. Always remember it isn't the once in a while episode that brought you where you are today, it is a life long change recognize, realize and let it go. Once we have come to that realization that is when are road to permanent weight loss will be achieved.

The low carb diet is a fairly easy diet to follow. The trick is to avoid all white foods. Meaning no breads, pasta, rice, grains and definitly no sugars. Meal planning is simple, once you know what a carbohydrate food is, then it makes meal planning simpler. Higher protein foods make a huge difference to your weight loss goals too, especially if you are working out and/or doing a lot of activities and sports.

Most criticism of low carbohydrate dieting is based on the fact that the dieters will get most of their daily calories from meat, dairy and other high fat products. This can lead to high cholesterol and other problems related to a high intake of saturated fats. Medical advice is advised before starting this type of diet. Sometimes weight loss is good in the early stages but people cannot handle the restrictions in the longer term and start to deviate from the diet.

To some people eliminating all those carbs or comfort foods is difficult at first. No toast in the morning for breakfast, that beer after work, but now there is available low carb beer. Low carb dieting doesn`t have to be difficult. Most people create their own difficulties. Bottom line, know what you can have on the plan and stick to it. Best advise research options and plan what your goals are Low carb dieting isn`t for everyone, but it sure works once you give it a try. The nice thing to, by sticking to no carbs one loses cravings for sugar, and other sweet treats.

Body cleansing along side a low carb diet will put your weight loss. If you do a good body cleanse at least once a month ( weekly is ideal ) will definetely help in losing excess fat and keeping it off. - 17274

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Food Emergency

By Eric Vanderham

The idea of not having enough food for emergency preparedness can keep many of us awake at night wondering about our procrastination in storing enough food for our families. Many of us live in developed countries, but natural disasters, power outages, even volcano eruptions, earthquakes and blizzards will easily deter people from reaching town and having access to food. The ability to have enough cash on hand or be able to use a debit or credit card may not be feasible during disaster times.

Some people spend a lot of time buying, packaging, labelling and storing food for long-term solutions for emergency preparedness. I cannot disparage these efforts as the intentions are good. The problem is that the food quality and safety expires and the family has to eat the supplies prior to that time, and replace those foods. There are many of us who do not have the time nor the inclination to plan and package staples, yet we have a constant vague worry about how poorly prepared we are for a food emergency.

What I've found is a lot of food available that is prepared for much longer storage life such as 5 to 10 years, even up to 25 years. Freeze dried food, MRE's, these foods are what military personnel carry with them. For those of you unfamiliar with MRE's, they are individual pouches of food ready to slip into an MRE heater. THe heater is also a slim disposable holder that requires only one tablespoon of water to heat the MRE meal that you slip into it. The MRE will provide nutritious meals that are most tasty hot than cold, which is why you want the MRE heater with you. At about .99 for the heater, you can see what I'm talking about. The heater is not a piece of bulky equipment and does not require fuel.

As many of us have never heard of MRE's or the MRe heater, I am explaining this in detail. The meals keep best in 75 degrees farenheit or less and will last 5 years or so in hotter climates, longer in cooler storage. You can understand why the military finds these so valuable.

MRE's can be provide a 30 day supply of food in a box, with 2000 calories per day of meals per person. The 30 MRE heaters are also provided with it, depending on what company you by from. They eliminate the need for power or drinkable water to heat up the food, they are light to carry but have excellent food and last for years. You can carry them on hiking or wilderness trips, being ready for the unexpected such as poor weather conditions or being lost in the bush. You can keep a box in your home for easy evacuation as part of your emergency preparedness kit. They are fantastic to have.

There are also containers of freeze dried meals that last from 20 to 30 years. If you stock up on these little by little, you will have your food concerns taken care of, you can grab and go if you need to evacuate, you are able to feed your family if you are stuck in your home. One can has nine servings and indicate that it is lactose free, shellfish free, pork free, etc., Prior to ordering them, you will be able to see the nutrition facts, the ingredients, and how many servings it will provide.

Freeze dried food seals in the nutrients and are preferred over dehydrated foods. They keep the taste, texture and shape, they keep the nutrition, vitamins, fibre, color of fresh frozen foods. Some examples of the meals you may buy: vegetable stew with beef, chicken and rice, spaghetti and meat sauce, chicken a la king, beef stroganoff, vegetarian meals, beef or chicken teriyaki, lasagna with meat sauce, sea food chowder, incredible assortment of desserts, individuals cans of specific side dishes such as fluffy white rice, sweet corn, green beans, the list goes on and on.

You can see that you don't have to be eating boring beans and canned soup every day, nor do you have to worry about the expiration date. One man reported that the crackers he tried after 25 years of storage were still very tasty. There are also single and two-pack pouches of freeze dried food for travel, hiking, camping, etc. Best sellers are Beef Stroganoff, Lasagna/Meat Sauce, Beef Stew, Chicken Teriyaki, Eggs/Bacon. Happy Eating! - 17274

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Can The Right Diet Food Really Help You Lose Weight Quickly?

By Amanda Gibb

Is losing weight quickly something that you really want? Do you know which foods can actually help you to lose weight? Having the right diet meal plan is important to your overall weight loss program.

Obesity has become a serious issue in modern time. The lack of physical exercise coupled with desk bound jobs has resulted in many people putting on extreme weight. The need to eat properly is finally registering in the consciousness of people.

For safe and quick weight loss, time and effort are needed before results start to show. You still need to combine sensible and regular exercise with the best diet foods in order to lose weight and keep it off in the long term. Even if you're not sure of which diet food to eat, use common sense to guide your nutritional habits.

The fact is this not many people want to work hard to get a ripped physique. So what do most people do? They would rather go for fad diets that promote diet food and hope to lose weight in days rather than over a sustained period of time. However, fad diets do work very well and can cause dramatic weight loss, which is why you find so many Hollywood celebrities and models swearing by the efficacy of these diet foods.

Well be talking about some of the more popular fad diets, and although they work, I advise you to stay away from diets that eliminate entire food groups from your meals. You can lose weight quickly with the help of low carb diet, detox diet, protein diet, no carb diet, low carb dieting etc though doctors, dieticians and nutritionists will always recommend proper diet menus and a healthy diet plan for healthy weight loss.

Some of the popular low carb diets (or no carb diets) are the protein powder diet and the Atkins diet. In both of these diets, the amount of protein consumed is increased through eating more eggs, poultry, fish, meat and chicken while carbohydrate intake is restricted. Usually various kinds of starchy veggies, grainy food products, rice, pasta etc are excluded from the list or are limited. Significant weight can be lost over really short periods of time.

If you want to lose weight, there are several types of diets available to you, from detox diets to calorie shifting diets and more. Each diet plays a role and has different purposes in your diet meal plan. To help you get the most out of your desire to become healthier, weve reviewed several of the diet plans (like the Fat Loss 4 Idiots, Eat Stop Eat and others) available in the market place for your benefit. - 17274

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Massage Chairs Are Prevalent in Chiropractor Offices

By Steve Esquire

Chiropractic medicine is a form of alternative medicine that focuses on diagnosing and treating problems of the spine, nervous system and musculoskeletal system. Chiropractors are specialists in holistic medicine and use natural therapies to help their patients to restore health to their backs. Chiropractors use a variety of treatments such as massage therapy to restore health to the back. Massage chairs are becoming increasingly prevalent in many chiropractor offices across the country.

Did you know the word chiropractor originates from Greek? This is a combination of "cheir" and "praxis" from the ancient Greek language. Together they mean a treatment done by hand. Technology has come a long way since the Greeks. I am sure the ancient Greek chiropractors would be enthralled with today's high tech massage chairs.

People often seek chiropractic care primarily for pain conditions such as back pain, neck pain and headaches. Chiropractors practice holistic, natural medicine. Chiropractors do not prescribe drugs for pain relief. This must be done by a medical doctor or M.D. Chiropractors must earn a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) degree from a college accredited by the Council on chiropractic education.

Chiropractic medicine is finally going mainstream after almost 5,000 years since being started in ancient Egypt. Big Government has started to cover chiropractic treatments with the inclusion in Medicaid/Medicare. Also, many state workers compensation programs also include chiropractor therapies. Big Government has now upped the ante for Big Medicine to do likewise. Big Medicine has been adding chiropractor coverage to some of its HMO and private medical plans.

Chiropractors work with patients to determine the root cause of conditions related to the back, neck and shoulders. Most of these conditions are related to the spinal column. This also includes the soft tissues such as muscles, tendons, and ligaments that connect the bones of the spinal column.

Most people have heard of a spinal adjustment. This seems to be the most known treatment by the general public. Most of us picture the chiropractor holding them, aligning their spine and then making an adjustment. The adjustment usually is accompanied by a crack or pop sound.

Many chiropractic offices are utilizing massage chairs to help automate and deliver more consistent treatments for patients. The benefits of massage therapy to helping the body maintain its health is more widely known. Massage chairs are used to provide targeted massage therapy which can loosen tight muscles and help restore flexibility.

Our spine is very unique in that it enables us to stand upright. When the spine is healthy, then this process is uninhibited. However, slight problems can shift the body weight around. These small shifts can cause an enormous amount of weight and stress to be concentrated in certain areas. This can happen by poor posture or lifting with your back, instead of your knees.

Your spine is particularly sensitive to not being in balance. The spine has to work together to take the weight of the body plus whatever you are carrying. If one area has problems, the spine becomes more sensitive in this problem area. The weight of the body can shift which can also cause further injury.

Massage chairs are being used extensively to deliver a variety of massage therapies in chiropractor offices around the nation. Massage chairs also provide the application of heat, traction for the legs and arms, air compression massage, music therapy, and vibration. The spine has many soft tissues like muscle, tendons and ligaments that need to maintain their flexibility. They become stiff and hurt. Massage chair therapy helps to reduce stiffness, while helping to restore flexibility and pliability. - 17274

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