Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Are You Tracking Your Fat Loss Progress Accurately?

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Tracking your fat loss progress accurately is absolutely essential if you want to reach your body composition goals. The main problem here, however, is that too many people are using the wrong method, a weight scale, to track their progress.

What is the big deal with weight scales? They do NOT take into account all the positive variables that can change while weight stays the same or even increases. So if you are serious about staying on track please do not use a weight scale as the end all be all to your success.

And not all body fat tests are created equal.

So here is a quick summary of the different methods for measuring levels of fat:

1. Fat fold tests. Performed with skin calipers, fat fold tests are relatively accurate when done by an experienced professional. The key here is to make sure that the same person takes your measurements every single time. And also keep in mind that I have seen even the most highly skilled testers come up with skewed measurements.

2. Hydrostatic testing. Fat and lean tissues have different densities. And this test measures the density of your body to determine how much fast and muscle you have. Unfortunately, the preparation and the number of variables involved that can go wrong make this method not so attractive to the average person.

3. Conductivity. You have seen the machines that perform this test all over the place. They are relatively inexpensive and easy to use. They send an electrical current through your body to determine just how much body fat you are holding. Unfortunately, they are extremely inaccurate.

4. The absorptiometry machine. Also known as DEXA, this method provides extremely accurate readings and requires very little preparation. It sends some x-rays through your body and measures levels of body fat and lean tissue. The one major drawback? Expense.

Of the methods described in this article, I would recommend staying away from electrical tests, they are simply too inaccurate. Other than that, the main factor affecting accuracy will be the skill of the technician performing the measurements. So use the same reliable person over and over again. - 17274

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BMR And Fat Loss

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

The bedrock of any effective toning program is the ability to raise BMR (basal metabolic rate). The largest percentage of calories burned comes from your BMR.

The main problem here, though, is that you may be lost amongst all the marketing claims. Doesn't it seem like every new product comes with a novel way to increase calories burned?

Thus, here are 6 things that affect how many calories you burn around the clock:

1. Chronological age. As the years go by so does muscle. One of the main causes of disease with age is the loss of muscle mass. And muscle mass has a very strong influence over BMR.

2. Muscle mass proportion. Having a solid base of lean muscle tissue will ensure a powerful basal metabolic rate. And if you eat enough vitamins and minerals, the mitochondria (energy producers) within your cells will work full force.

3. A high fever. A strong fever will also raise your BMR. Does this mean you should try to get sick? Absolutely not! But it doesn't hurt to know the facts.

4. Catabolic hormones. In the short run, stress hormones will cause your BMR to go up. But caution is warranted here because over the long run, said hormones will actually lower your BMR. Why? Because of lean tissue loss.

5. Temperature. If you have to adjust to cold temperatures your BMR goes up. If you have to adjust to hot temperatures your BMR also goes up.

6. Starvation. The hormones released from a period of fasting or starvation will lower your BMR. And this happens very quickly. So never go more than a couple hours between meals, five hours max.

Learning how to master your metabolism is one of the most important things you can do to ensure long term fat loss success. Most women can see initial fat loss with minor changes, but if you want long term changes, you have to increase your BMR. - 17274

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Amazing Body Solid

By Krasen Dell

Body solid is no doubt now becoming popular fitness equipment especially those who are working out for that perfectly sculpted body. For these people who truly know what it takes to have a perfectly sculpted body, would surely find this kind of equipment amazing and one to reckon with. Both men and women simply adore this particular gym equipment for its amazing features. It simply has the magic they need for the type of body they so desire to have.

Body solid is now considered as a little magical piece of equipment for muscle building. It is now seen both in regular gym and the ever becoming popular home gyms of the young professionals who simply do not have much time to go to traditional workout gyms. Many find these equipment an amazing piece to help them achieve that body sculpt they want as it is not only easy to use but also provides all the tools they need in one single machine.

You also need not spend a fortune for this. Because of the fact that it is now becoming popular, it is no longer hard to find this kind of fitness equipment. Many fitness equipment stores are selling body solid at fairly reasonable price and awesome warranty.

The fact that it seemed to have packed a whole gym in just one machine is more than enough reason for anyone to be enticed with these awesome features. With these amazing deals, it is no wonder this kind of gym equipment is now becoming more popular. It surely provides you almost everything you need to attain your goal and desires to have perfectly fit and nicely sculpted muscles.

The enticing features that this gym equipment is among the many factors that lured people to have it in their home gym. It also saves them space for having a whole gym in this one great machine. For regular gym operators this kind of workout machine is a must have as it gives them great saving on not having to buy many other workout gadgets. These are more than enticing enough to enhance your work out regimen and finally have that nicely sculpted muscles in just one machine in a body solid. - 17274

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Can Exercising in the Morning make you Burn Fat?

By Ryan M Hall

One of the best and easiest ways to burn more fat every day is to get started first thing in the morning. In fact, one of the most common things I hear about working out to lose weight is to do your workout in the morning. Some people suggest that this is scientifically proven to burn more fat because you haven't eaten all night, but this just isn't true. It is true that starting your morning out with a workout can help to ensure faster fat loss.

If it's not scientifically proven to help you lose more weight, how can it burn more fat, that doesn't make sense. But it does. It may not be backed by science, but it is true that working out first thing in the morning will keep you from procrastinating. When you start your day out with a workout, and make it your first priority to finish your workout, then it gets done every day, no matter what. You won't spend your entire day dreading your workout. You get up and get it done, and you begin to form a habit of exercising, rather than procrastinating.

But why would I work out if I wasn't a morning person? Because it needs done. Even if you're not a morning person, you can still get a little workout in if you want. I am usually able to, and I hate mornings. Usually, my large workouts fit into my schedule if I go to the gym at lunch time, but there are plenty of days that I wake up a few minutes early and do one of my 4 Minute Slim workouts just to get the day moving. Couldn't you spare 4 minutes before your morning shower?

There are plenty of books, magazines and seminar speakers that say the best way to get the most important thing on your list done is to do it first. Doing so will make sure it gets done and isn't pushed aside. Wouldn't you say that your health is probably much more important than most of the things on your to do list? Author Brian Tracy says that the thing we fear most or want to avoid most is the very thing we should do first. If we do the hardest thing first, our day is much easier by comparison. Can you see how getting your exercise done right away will free your mind and energize your body to have a better day?

If you can fit a workout into your schedule later in the day and that is a better fit for your life, then you need to have what I call a No Excuse Hour. This doesn't have to be an hour, it should just be however long a workout takes. With the 20/20/20 Diet, my workouts only take 15-20 minutes. During No Excuse Time, you need to go to the gym NO MATTER WHAT! You can't say "I'm too tired," or "I'm too busy today," and you should never say "I'll do it tomorrow!" These are all just excuses. Just get your workout done with and you won't have to waste energy thinking of excuses, you can just relax for the rest of the day.

You also need to start your day off with some good fat loss nutrition. This way your day is started out right with exercise and a healthy meal. Think about it, if you start every day with a big greasy Egg McMuffin, you probably aren't going to feel energized and ready to conquer the day. So it stands to reason that you need to get started with some energizing super food.

There are many easy and simple ways to start your day off right nutritionally. You can make a super shake, have an egg white omelet with spinach and black beans, or even grab some fresh fruit and a protein shake. Any of these things would be a vast improvement over what most of us call a breakfast.

If you don't like eating breakfast, and you never have, so why start now, I have only this advice...it's time to start. Breakfast is the meal that tells your body it's time to start up, get the metabolism cranking and start burning fat. Most people who don't eat breakfast find that they are hungrier early in the day when they finally do eat breakfast.

It's really up to you. Are you going to take action and start changing your body tomorrow morning? Are you going to eat a healthy super breakfast? Or are you going to hit a drive through or wolf down a bowl of sugar cereal like the rest of the fat unhappy people out there? The choice is yours. Start your day off right and you will notice immediate changes in the way you look and feel. - 17274

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Building Muscle Mass - Weight Lifting Techniques

By Wakelin Smith

Weight lifting is a power training activity which many people participate in for the purpose of building, strengthening and increasing muscle mass and also for the purpose of losing weight. Before attempting to lift weights, here are some helpful tips that can help you to achieve weight lifting success.

First and foremost, one of the key principles you'll need to master is what the appropriate weight amount you should be lifting. Know that, if you are not comfortable lifting a weight at least 15 times, you probably have the wrong weight. The best thing you can do is take it slow, lifting a single set of 15 repetitions making sure your weight amount is correct. This will go along way towards you building up strength in a fast and effect manner. If you start out lifting the incorrect weight amount, you will only wind up hurting yourself.

When working with your weight lifting techniques, you may want to skip your warm-up. This should be avoided because lifting weights is the same as other sports. With all sports activities, you need a period where you allow your body to stretch out and warm-up to avoid injury when you start weight lifting.

Proper form should be mastered while utilizing the correct weight lifting techniques. If you don't have proper form you can risk injury. In addition, the exercises will not be effective and may work against you. Good form is essential to building muscle mass correctly, and it proper form is one of the core principles of the sport.

If you have pain, don't attempt to work through it. Pain is a sign that something is going awry. As you progress in your workout, pain should not be a part of your practice. It usually means you are not dong something properly, and you should stop the lift, lower the weight value, wait for later or seek out someone more experienced for advice.

Rest is important. Control the weights while lifting. Be sure to keep your movements slow paced and even. Fast and uncontrolled movements can result in the unnecessary straining of your muscles and or injuries. Alternate your workouts so that you do not over work your muscles by working the same muscle group each day. Your muscles require twenty four to forty eight hours rest after every weight lifting work out.

Regular breathing is very important during weight lifting. Holding in your breath during lifting can result in your blood pressure increasing to levels that can be harmful to you and your body. Breathe out as you are lifting weights and breathe in as you are bringing the weights down.

By adhering to these simple tips on how to lift weights safely, you will reduce the risks of common injuries such as fractures, sprains, joint dislocations and long term injuries such nerve damage, bone stress, muscle overload and rotator cuff damage. - 17274

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4 Bodybuilding Tips To Develop A Muscular Back

By Ricardo d Argence

Those who lift weights are trying to build muscle so that they can look stronger and wider. They will slave away for hours on end with their workout usually consisting of bench presses and barbell curls. Even though they are trying hard and they really want those rippling muscles, they do not seem to get the results as quickly as they should for all of the time and effort put into their workout.

Of course, a well developed chest and arms is something that you want to achieve to help give you the "wide" look, it is not the only muscles that need focus for this to happen. Many people fail to even realize that there is a much more intricate muscle group that is often neglected in training programs.

The muscles that I am referring to would be the traps, lats, rhomboids, lower back and the spinal erectors. These are the major muscles in the back.

Allow me to let you in on a little secret, if you want to appear as wide, thick and powerful as you possibly can, nothing will allow you to achieve this goal faster than a well developed back. In fact, 70% of your upper body muscle mass resides in this area!

So get up off the bench press and put away the EZ-curl bar and follow this simple workout that will allow you to build the back you need to achieve the look you want.

There are four different major types of movements that you will want to add to your workout in order to develop your back the way you want it.

1) Deadlifts: I cannot possibly stress the importance of this lift enough.There is not a single exercise out there that can even come close to matching the effectiveness of a basic, bent-legged barbell deadlift. Perform 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps.

The deadlift is a workout that will work everything and it is the key to ensuring that you develop the strong back muscles you want.

2) A vertical pulling movement: The wide v-tapered look that you get from behind will be achieved through using these exercises. An example of this type of workout exercise would be chin-ups, v-bar pulldowns and lat pulldowns. You should do 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps.

3) A horizontal pulling movement: This exercise is commonly referred to as "rows". This workout will place emphasis on the upper and the middle part of your back, while stimulating the lats as well. Since there are many different rowing movements to pick from such as dumbbell rows, seated machine rows, bent over barbell rows and cable rows, you should have no problem finding something that works the best for you. Again, this workout should include 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps.

4) A shrugging movement: Even though this may not be as important as the other lifts, it is still one that you should include in your workout. It will target the upper traps and give you the diamond shaped look from the back. You will want to add 2 sets of 10 to 12 reps.

While it may not seem like a lot, you will need to make sure that you are focusing on the quality of the workout versus the quantity. This will ensure that there is enough muscle stimulation for the best back growth.

All you have to do is to perform this workout at least once a week and you will be able to have the upper body that you have always wanted and then some. - 17274

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The Benefits Of Liquid Calcium.

By Neil Butterfield

Magnesium and calcium are two of the most important minerals your body requires. Without Magnesium, your calcium isn't working as hard as it should be; as hard as you need it to be. If you're using pill forms of calcium, you're definitely not getting the benefits you should. Liquid calcium is the clear choice and I'm going to tell you why.

Thanks to marketers, many people believe that pills are as good as liquid calcium. In actuality, with pills, less than 25% is absorbed by the body, whereas with liquid calcium almost 100% can be used.

Calcium is lost through your urine, and this loss increases with a diet high in meat or other proteins. Being water-soluble, liquid calcium is quickly absorbed by your body, which eliminates most of this problem. Liquid ionic calcium is the best liquid calcium available.

Its a common mistake to think that a person is getting adequate calcium through their diet. Actually thats seldom the case. Calcium deficiencies are very common, which is all the more reason to take liquid calcium.

Liquid calcium magnesium helps so much with digestive problems that it's often a key in creating in OTC heartburn medications and saline laxatives. So of course, the best time to take it is after you eat.

You know calcium is good for bones, but did you know it was also good for blood clotting and nerve impulses? In pregnant women, it can stimulate contractions during labor as well as aiding in the production of milk.

If a child does not get enough calcium, they will get rickets. If an adult does not get enough calcium, they will get osteoporosis or osteomalacia (softening of bony tissue.)

Modern studies show a link between a lack of calcium and high blood pressure and colon cancer.

Symptoms of being low on calcium include: tingling of the fingertips and around the mouth, muscle spasms, numbness and painful aches.

Calcium can even aid in weight loss. If you're not getting enough calcium, your body thinks it's starving, so you will not be able to loose the extra weight without it.

Calcitriol is a main cause of high blood pressure. Calcitriol is a hormone that constricts your arteries putting excess pressure in your heart. When you aren't getting enough calcium, calcitriol levels increase drastically. Calcium is good for your heart a good for your nervous system.

If you suffer from PMS or menstrual cramping increasing your calcium and magnesium intake can make a significant difference. It all comes down to hormones that work to regulate your calcium and when there isnt enough they make sacrifices and you become irritable, suffer severe cramps, and even get depressed.

Liquid calcium gives you five times the protection over pill calcium for diseases like colon cancer and polyps.

Since taking calcium won't hurt you, and taking too little definitely will; starting to take a liquid calcium supplement now is the best way to protect your health for the future. After all, you're probably calcium deficient and don't even know it. - 17274

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Bruce Lee's Tips On Workouts

By Tony Gates

Bruce Lee, one of the best martial arts master in history, started at an entry level of different types of exercises that anyone can start with too. He exercised immensely without taking pauses between changing routines because it will keep the body moving all muscles continuously. Be sure to change up the routine to fit you the most.

Barbell Squatting - Do 2 sets of 12 reps each

Bruce Lee did a lot of compound exercises as this strengthened his body's endurance. When practicing the Squat, spread legs about 2 feet apart with barbell on shoulders, go down like you're going to sit, as your thighs are straight parallel to the ground then come back up without pausing. Muscles that gets worked out while performing the squat: hips, gluteal, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves.

Barbell Pullovers - 2 sets of 8 reps

Always use safety precautions and proper equipment at all times. Make sure you have a flat bench to lie your back on. Now, hold the barbell over your head (while laying down) and slowly lower the barbell down. Bend your elbows correctly until you reached the max comfort level your at and bring the barbell back up. Just repeat the same steps until your reps are met.

Bench Press - 2 sets of 6 reps

This type of exercise will expand the rib cage. Bruce advice that a martial artist needs solid ribs to take hard blows. Depending on your body size, you shall perform your own sets to help your type of fighting style.

Very commonly, Do Barbell Curls with 2 sets of 8 reps

Bruce used this method himself to pull or throw things around. Grappling will require much more curls than it would for a striker as quick as Bruce Lee. Biceps are the main concern when doing curls.

Good Morning Exercises? Yes, do 2 sets of 8 reps

Always make sure you warm up the muscles by stretching. When ready, hold the barbell across and on the shoulders, simply just bend forward but keep your legs and back straight.

Bruce Lee improved a lot over the years that he practiced because he had a controlled focus. Keep doing the routines until your muscles doesn't feel any more pain nor look any better, change it up a little bit until you feel more pain. This will keep your body going until you reach your goal. - 17274

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About the Pineapple Diet

By Monty Dayton

There are many different types of diets out there, but there might not be any diet that is harder to pin down than the pineapple diet. There are many versions of this diet around online, but even the real one is fairly restrictive. But there's no denying that there is a great deal of interest in this diet.

Every form of the pineapple diet obviously involves eating pineapple daily, if not at every meal. There are some versions that say only pineapple and ice water for as long as the diet takes place, while other versions also have tuna every single meal. Most versions are some combination between the two.

Is the pineapple diet a fad diet? Definitely. This eating plan is a fad diet and should be undertaken carefully. With the majority of people, this diet will definitely work as far as weight loss.

The pineapple & tuna version of this idea tends to especially be effective because tuna is a great lean meat high in Omega-3s, protein, and low in calories. This is a great balance to the pineapple, which delivers a great amount of energy for a fruit. This combination, along with ice water, can help to guarantee a diet low in both fat and salt. There are several concerns with this diet, however.

First, one of the largest concerns is sugar. Pineapple is a fruit that has a very high fructose (sugar) content. For diabetics who have to watch their insulin, this could become a major issue. Pineapple is also a very acidic fruit, which could make it unappealing for many different individuals.

A common second concern with the pineapple diet is lack of nutritional balance. While pineapple and tuna are both very healthy foods, you're not going to get 100% of your daily vitamins from eating just that. A daily multi-vitamin is a very good idea.

A third concern is that some of the claims that come with the pineapple diet have not been confirmed through scientific testing. Most fad diets will be effective in helping dieters to lose weight, but not all weight loss is equal. This doesn't mean that the weight loss from this particular diet is healthy, or because of the reasons the diet claims for the effectiveness of its own program.

The pineapple diet might not be for everyone. But as far as fad diets go, this one actually does help dieters lose the weight they're seeking to cut. - 17274

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How To Lose Man Boobs

By Steve Brodie

No red blooded male wants to be able to wear his partners bra. Man boobs can cause extreme psychological discomfort for men, especially as there aren't many women who fall head over heels for wobbly pecs.

Knowing how to lose chest fat comes down to knowing the causes and dealing with them appropriately. You may not know it but an oversupply of female hormones is the main contibutor. The basic cause is a hormonal imbalance between estrogen and testosterone, the main sex hormones. An excess of estrogen will cause a feminization of male bodies, with curvy hips and breasts as a result. This of course makes it a slightly more complex issue than just too much fat - fit and healthy men still get man boobs because of hormones.

The first step is to minimise estrogen in the body. Increasing testosterone as a way of lowering estrogen can be disastrous as some bodies will get man boobs because testosterone is converted into estrogen! Treating your body as a complex whole is the best idea, as sometimes treating individual elements alone can adversely affect other parts.

For some the cause of man boobs can be very obvious. If you are overweight and have man boobs then dropping the weight will help a whole lot, not just for your chest but for your general well being. Carrying excess weight can exacerbate the problem if your man boobs have hormonal causes also because testosterone is converted into estrogen in fat cells, so the more fat cells the more likely you are to have man boobs.

For a lot of men what Im going to say next will hurt, apologies in advance. Beer is a number one man boob causing drink. The hops in beer is very estrogenic and will lead straight to those lovely love handles and man boobs, sorry.

There are a couple of things you need to do to get rid of those man boobs without resorting to the drastic measure of surgery, which with its complications, scars and risk of returning boobs, should be a last resort. Basically it boils down to diet, lifestyle and exercise. These are all things which will make a healthier life your you, with the added benefit of getting rid of those man boobs. Getting to the gym is important, not only for your regular health but for shedding chest fat. Find an exercise program that will target problem areas, there are plenty that are specially designed for man boobs.

Diet is very important for getting rid of man boobs. Zinc is extremely important as it has a lot to do with testosterone and needs constant replacement especially if you hit the gym a lot, because working out will deplete zinc in your system. Organic wild meats and walnuts are great for getting your zinc in. Watercress is a must for including in the diet and broccoli and cauliflower are both estrogen modulators, so should be eaten regularly.

Curcumin and grape seed extract are natural supplements which fight the nasty effects of estrogen in the male body. Including soluble fibre in the diet can also help to drain the foreign estrogens from the body. Having man boobs is not something any man should have to live with, and there are natural ways to deal with them, so now there are no more reasons to live with man boobs. - 17274

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Consumer Alert: Beware of Acai Scams!

By Travis Van Slooten

Because of the acai berry supplement's fast growing popularity in the American market, acai scams have been known to steadily rise as well. Acai berry itself is a wonderfully nutritious food but the scams that have attached themselves to the acai supplement industry are giving it a dubious reputation. With the interest and money that the health food is raking in, many unscrupulous individuals would like to cash in on it too. To be fair though, there are still a lot of legitimate acai supplements out there that consumers can purchase, but if you are not careful enough, you could be lured by scammers that are bent on getting you to part with your money.

Who Wants Freebies?

One of the most common tactics of scammers are "free trial promotions." They use this strategy to get as much personal information as they can, including credit card details. While most of them promise not to charge you anything, others sign you up for subscription add-ons and charge you a large amount of money for it. All these can be done in just a click of a check box. Before signing up for anything, be sure to review their marketing strategies. In one way or another, you're sure to get hints that they're scammers. Above everything else, do not ever give out any of your personal information to companies offering free products.

Where Did They Go?

Most scam companies don't stick around for long. When you're robbing people of their hard-earned money, you don't get much repeat business. For this reason, you may want to avoid newer companies. Even though acai berry is relatively new to the supplement market, there are some companies that have been around for quite some time. You can always feel much more comfortable dealing with someone who has been selling the product for a while than with a brand new company no one has heard of. These pop-up companies could be legitimate businesses just getting started, but let someone else find that out. Spend your money on a company that is established if you want to play it safe.

Do Your Research, Protect Yourself

One of the best things you can do to avoid a scam is to know everything you can about the company and the product they sell. For starters, if you have any trouble figuring out where the company is based or how to get a hold of them, you may want to think twice about giving them your business. You also need to know that the only acai berry product you should buy is freeze dried, pure, organic acai berry. This is a healthy food after all, you don't want a product that has been spray dried with sugars or has added flavors or ingredients. Only the pure stuff is going to give you all the nutrition you want without the extra fluff.

If you trust your gut and go with companies that are forward about their product and honest about what you can expect, you should not have any problems. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Companies telling you to expect dramatic weight loss or a cure for all your ailments are just fishing for customers who are willing to take their bait. Don't be one of those people who gets scammed. Know what to look for and you can avoid those acai scams. - 17274

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Observe Antioxidants And The Health Advantages Of Super Foods

By Andrea B Henderson

Antioxidants are naturally occurring nutrients that shield the body and the immune system from free radicals. A free radical is a damaging and unbalanced molecule that is created in our bodies during oxidative processes such as the burning of sugars for energy, the release of digestive enzymes to handle food and the break down and discharge of environmental pollutants.

The term "free radical" actually refers to an atom or molecule that has at least one unpaired electron. This unpaired electron is exceptionally reactive to other atoms or groups of atoms and therefore extreme free radicals can hinder with the cells capability to function normally. At high levels, free radicals can also cause cell damage which is a reason in many health woes, including age-related conditions such as Alzheimer's and the development of cardiovascular diseases, cancer and other conditions.

An antioxidant will connect to the unpaired electrons and alleviate the free radical. Antioxidants can also nip in the bud the oxidation process in the first place but in the course of neutralizing the free radicals the antioxidant will become oxidized itself. That is why we need a recurrent supply of antioxidants in our diets. Oxidation is a instinctive process of living and it cannot be avoided but the it can cause can be minimized with a nourishing intake of antioxidants.

Some ordinary foods that supply antioxidants are citrus fruits and strawberries, which supply vitamin C, orange fruits like pumpkin and butternut squash give us vitamin A and Carotenoids. We get Vitamin E from nuts, seeds and whole grains. Selenium is found is fish, shellfish, red meat, eggs and chicken. There are also a number of phytochemicals including Flavonoids and polyphenols, which are also classified as antioxidants and can be found in soy, red wine, grapes, cranberries and tea. Tomatoes and watermelon provide Lycopene and Lutein comes from dark green vegetables like spinach, kale and broccoli. Lignan is found in whole grains like oats, barley and it is also abundant in flaxseeds.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and Glutathione are vitamin like antioxidants and the body also makes its own antioxidant enzymes referred to as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and glutathione peroxidase.

Due to the great evidence of the benefits of antioxidants in the past few years many antioxidants have become offered in the form of supplements. Some of these supplements are relatively safe, for instance, vitamin C tablets, however other antioxidant supplements have been demonstrated to be harmful. It is the synergy of nutrients that provides that benefits and no single antioxidant can protect the body.

By far the greatest way to get your antioxidants is through a healthy diet based upon vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meats and fish. It is suggested that we have at least 5 servings of produce a day, yet even more is constructive. Vegetables and fruits are low calorie, high-density nutrition so there is no dread of weight gain and it is not risky to get your antioxidants from food as opposed to supplements.

You can often impart the antioxidant level of a fruit based upon its color. The deep colors of nature present the highest levels of antioxidants. So have deep purple blueberries, bright red tomatoes, deep green kale and spinach, orange oranges and pumpkins. The more colors you have the higher your antioxidant intake will be. - 17274

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