Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Monday, July 13, 2009

Human Growth Hormone For Anti-Aging And Athletes

By Bjoern Johansson

Human growth Hormone (HGH) is a peptide hormone that stimulates growth and cell reproduction in humans. This hormone is secreted by the lateral winds of the anterior pituitary gland located in the brain. The anterior pituitary gland is a major organ of the endocrine system and regulates various physiological processes in the body including stress, growth and reproduction.

Disorders of the anterior pituitary are classified by the presence of hypo or hyper production of pituitary hormones. Hyper production meaning that the hormone is produced in excess to the body's need and hypo production refers to the body's inability to make enough of the hormone and an intervention is needed to regulate the proper hormone levels.

Throughout the day, humane growth hormone is synthesized and secreted through the anterior pituitary gland in a pulse-like fashion. Surges of the humane growth hormone secretions occur at a rate of every 3 to 5 hours. The most predictable human growth hormone peaks occur during sleep and seem to onset one hour after falling to sleep. During the third and fourth REM sleep stages, the anterior pituitary secretes nearly fifty percent of the human growth hormone.

When human growth hormone is produced in excess within the body, a pituitary tumor is most likely the cause. Signs of excess human growth hormone includes thickening of the bones that make up the jaw, fingers and toes. Pressure on nerves can occur along with muscle weakness, a rare form of type 2 diabetes and decreased sexual function.

Deficiencies in human growth hormone are variable depending on the age of the individual. In children, it is common to see decreased height, delayed sexual maturity and congenital malformations. Although rare in adults, human growth hormone deficiencies include decreased muscle mass, energy, obesity and low quality of life. Following treatment in these individuals they have noticed a reduced fat mass, increased lean mass, increase in bone density, improved lipid (cholesterol) profile, reduced cardiovascular risk factors, feel younger, and improved psychosocial well-being.

Human growth hormone treatments can be physician prescribed or through over-the-counter supplements. HGH promotes growth of muscle cells for better athletic performance. Recent studies have found that healthy male athletes, that take HGH, have a decrease certain athletic injuries.

Human growth hormone has also been used as an anti-aging supplement. Popular in the battle against the signs of aging, human growth hormone has been reported to decrease body fat while increasing lean muscle mass, increase bone density, increase energy levels, improve the look, tone and texture of skin and boost your immune system. - 17274

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Building Big Muscle Is This Easy

By Danny Gutierrez

Despite all the hype and marketing surrounding a lot of the nutritional supplements being touted today as "necessary" and "must have" there is really only one supplement that is truly necessary for building muscle and that is protein.

The muscles in your body are comprised of two things: protein and water. It is absolutely necessary for you to consume plenty of protein if you want your muscles to grow. Make sure you get plenty of protein in your body before you start to mess around with any other supplements that may do nothing more the drain your wallet.

When you work out with weights you're actually breaking down your muscle tissue and tearing it. When you feel a muscle pump, your muscles feel like they're swollen or full, in the gym your muscles are actually being stretched to the point of tearing and that's normal and it's actual the beginning of the muscle rebuilding process.

Regardless of everything you've read about building muscle it's actually quite simple. Building muscle is as simple as going to the gym and working out and then consuming enough protein outside of the gym to allow your body to grow.

In order to grow muscle you're going to have to consume about 1-2 grams of protein for every pound you weigh. So if you weigh 200 pounds then you should consume 200 grams of protein. This is why I consider protein supplements to be necessary because it would be really hard and expensive to consume all of the protein you need from natural food sources.

It's not enough to just take protein though you also have to know when to take it. Protein is absolutely critical immediately following your workout and just about as important first thing in the morning and a few hours before you go to bed. Space your meals and protein shakes about three hours apart from each other so your muscles are getting a steady stream of protein throughout the day.

In addition to ingesting some protein right after your workout you also want to make sure you're taking some protein first thing in the morning and a few hours before you go to bed. Going to sleep means your body is going without food for 6-8 hours so it makes sense to take in some protein before you go to bed and first thing in the morning.

If you're just getting started with working out in the gym it's important to not get too confused with all the hype behind all of the products and systems that are out there to help you build your physique. Stick to the basics in the beginning. Train hard and consume lots of protein. You'll get to a point where your growth plateaus and that's the right time to try new supplements. - 17274

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Best Way To Gain Muscle Without Getting Fat

By Greg Correll

Most people have 2 goals when it comes to fitness, they are-

1) Build extra muscle mass

2) Or losing excess fats

Either way, its almost impossible to get both accomplish at the same time, because both these goals are like a spectrum, focusing on both will most likely get you no where further from where you started.

So, how do you gain muscle weight without gaining too much fat at the same time? When trying to gain muscle mass, youll definitely be taking in more than your required daily calories, because if you want to build muscle mass, you must have enough food intake to build your muscles from.

Just before you make up your mind to binge eat all day long, understand this. Your body can only absorb the nutrients goodness so much, up to a point where your body can no longer assimilate the food intake, it will be turned into stored fats for further use. Therefore nobody gets ripped by eating too much, the key is simply to eat enough for muscle growth.

Just aim to eat higher than your required daily calories, let your body decide instead. Your objective is to gain lean tissues, and not fast. Generally, eating 300-500 above your normal calorie intake coupled with training should get you there easier.

Don't aim to add too much pounds a week, the natural weight gain is about a pound a week, couple with proper exercise routines. Always note your own body fat level, tweak your calories intake as you go, if you start gaining a lot of fats, be sure to tweak your intake level.

Slower and more consistent approach is the best way to go for gaining extra muscle mass, not overly eating but eating just enough to gain those lean tissues. Always listen to what your body is telling you, find out how those surplus of calorie intake is interacting with your own metabolism rate, and you'll get leaner, fitter and ripper in no time! - 17274

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Bruising Easily and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: What Do I Need to Know?

By Carolyn Cooper

When you realize that you seem to have a fresh bruise on a daily basis, and the bruises seem to be very dark even when you have no memory of getting them, you'll come to the conclusion that it is the proper time for to evaluate what could be causing the bruising. Naturally, you or your friends may assume that you're afflicted with one of the most serious conditions for which bruising easily is a symptom, but you're most likely just suffering from bruising that is the result of growing older. A common disorder that has been linked to easy bruising is Ehlers- Danlos syndrome, so you should learn everything you can about this disorder.

You may be aware of blood clotting diseases or disorders that can be the cause of easy bruising, but you probably are not aware that disorders of the connective tissues could be a cause also. By learning about the Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes, we will find a group of connective tissue diseases that appear in the ligaments and the joints, blood vessels, and the internal organs. These are generally thought to be inherited disorders, and the majority of them are caused by gene mutations that can result in issues with fibrillar collagens.

When looking at the Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes, it is important to recognize that they have many symptoms that can point to them, including things like skin that is easily stretched, hyper mobility, and fragile tissues. When looking at the range of different issues that will fall under the blanket term of Ehlers-Danlos, you will find that there are six types altogether. They include classical, vascular, kyphoscoliosis, hyper mobility, arthrochalasia and dermatosparaxis.

For each of these variations, bruising is something that can act as a warning sign, thanks to the presence of the increased fragility of the tissues which leads to more damage. Treatment of this syndrome will include things like skin protection, joint protection, strengthening exercises and wound care. In the majority of cases, it is thought that about 90% of people who have this condition do not find out until an emergency situation occurs, and they need urgent, medical attention.

While trying to determine the reasons why you continually suffer from easy bruising, it is essential to consider the signs that your body keeps giving you. There are lots of reasons why you should consider consulting with a doctor about this disorder, especially if you are concerned that one of your parents might have contracted it.

After researching what your options are likely to be, you may well realize that you just looking for a means to overcome your tendency to bruise easily. Upon that realization take a thorough look at the Bruises Be Banned daily program, which utilizes a uniquely formulated, all natural product for treatment to help reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17274

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Blackhead Treatment - Eight Skin-Cleansing Steps Exposed

By Jason Cartwright

It is extremely difficult to know which blackhead treatment is the best thus you could notice yourself pushing any blackhead or zit that may crop up on your skin. You all the time consciously or unknowingly, tend to touch your blackheads. But opposite the prevalent attitude, the actuality is, mellow elimination of your blackheads can really assist in diminishing and preventing any additional injury to your skin.

The problem with having so many saying that their blackhead cure works the best, who do you believe? Well, here are eight simple ways to cure blackheads, starting now:

1 - Retinoid creams:

Topical retinoids for instance Retin-A help in combating the blackheads with success. It moreover removes and prevents the formation of the blackheads. It diminishes oil production and clears your pores by elevating ordinary performance of the cells. But, it is a prolonged blackhead treatment means.

2 - Exfoliators:

You can make use of a number of mild potency benzoyl peroxide exfoliating product for doing away with dead skin cells. It is really successful on the blackheads and is tender to your skin too. In this technique you can eliminate even the most tenacious blackheads. Also, microdermabrasion can be made use of as a blackhead remover.

3 - Gentle pushing:

It is possible to gently push the dirt out of a blackhead. In fact, this blackhead treatment works well to help clear up your skin too. It is true that pushing can aggravate your skin, but it is how you push the blackhead out. Being gentle is always recommended. Instead of pushing too hard on difficult blackheads, it is best to try another removal method.

4 - Chemical peels:

Another way to rapidly clear your skin from dead cells, is to use chemical peels containing glycolic acid or even some skin care products with salicylic acid. But if you have already used a retinoid cream, this could be a risky blackhead cure to try.

5 - Nutrition:

Another good cure is to start eating more healthily. To clear your acne, a good diet will help to slow down the production of sebum, while keeping your skin well hydrated. This can be done by simply avoiding saturated and hydrogenated fats, consuming more water and eating fresh fruits and veggies. Any carbohydrates and oils that have been heated should be avoided, while natural cold-pressed oils (like extra virgin olive oil) are great for this natural blackhead treatment.

6 - Blackhead strips:

These strips of tape are placed over your nose or blackhead area and then ripped off, to effectively get rid of surface blackheads. Though this is a short-term solution it is easy to cure blackheads quickly. Just remember to follow directions properly.

7 - Metallic Extractor:

Another way to is to use a metallic extractor with a small circular opening. Each blackhead can be sucked out, but this type of blackhead treatment must be done very cautiously to prevent skin damage.

8 - Beauty products:

This is a cosmetic piece of advice but key for those who do not cleanse it off their skin. You need cosmetics that don't congest your pores. That is, the non-comedogenic cosmetics! Follow these hints - do not keep your make-up on when sweating. Use make-up cleanser and exactly cleanse the make-up off your skin. Also, keep your brushes and sponges clean, so that you will for no reason require a blackhead remover.

There is no doubt that using a number of these techniques will help cure your blackheads. But for a permanent blackhead treatment, you should incorporate some of these methods into your daily life. - 17274

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Weight Problem - Weight Loss Foods To Eat

By Moses

Although there are a small number of conditions that create a weight problem for a small percentage of individuals, food is still the number one reason why people become overweight. In fact if you really want to lose weight then you need to learn more about the foods that can help this happen. Some foods help control weight while others actively promote the burning of excess body fat. There are now quite a number of foods that help weight loss and are also enjoyable with some of these listed here.

Some of these foods are commonly used and include the likes of pasta dishes, meals that contain brussels, cabbage and peas. Spaghetti meals that have tomato sauce and meats like veal which is low in fat content mean that you can enjoy your food without feeling guilty. For lovers of fish, why not steam some white fish alongside your vegetables for a meal that is low in calories but very healthy and full of taste Weight loss foods also include the likes of cream cheese (low fat variety), rice (dark), porridge oats and any of the varieties of yogurt.

Body building may be a favorite past time of many, but do you know what body building really is? This is done for the purposes of competition or merely to look their best. The result of this disciplined effort is the existence of solid, toned muscles that lends a charming aesthetic appeal to anyone who is willing to pay the price. Just one browse through a muscle gaining secrets review will tell you that this program maybe the work out that you have been looking for all these time to finally sculpt your body into rock hard perfection. How do you achieve the standards needed and what would be the criteria that you can use to get the best possible result? There are basically two steps to an effective body building program, the first is weight training and second through the use of proper nutrition. If you are committed to taking action daily, Tom will show you precisely how to burn body fat naturally and keep it off permanently. Burn the Fat covers almost everything you will need to know about diet and nutrition.

Fruits and Vegetables

Of course fruit and vegetables should not even have to be mentioned but almost all of them have beneficial effects on the system and are foods that help with weight loss. Fruits like kiwi, strawberries and water melons are also good if you are pursuing a weight loss food program Unless you intend to carry out lots of stamina building exercise, you may want to steer clear of fruits with high calorie content such as bananas and figs but the likes of grapes are ok. As for vegetables, cucumbers, tomatoes, celery and lettuce are among the favorites when it comes to long-term dietary plans.

If you want to lose weight then you need to stay away from unhealthy weight gaining foods like cakes, puddings, chocolate and fast or convenient foods full of processed ingredients. Some manufacturers that do not want to lose their customers to health alternatives have managed to produce low-fat versions of many favorites like low-fat ice-cream, cookies, mayonnaise and even dark chocolate but there are many others. Low-fat foods are not necessarily a bad thing but that is not the end of the subject so before you include low-fat versions of all your favorite foods, check the labels carefully as you may find you will not lose weight at all.

Diet and Nutrition Program

Following a good diet and nutrition program is important for a successful body building program. Those who do train for body building competitions will need a lot of protein introduced into their daily diet. Carbohydrates are the main sources of energy for your body. If you are looking for a touchy feeling kind of program that allows you to whine and complain that you simply don't have the body type or the genetics it takes to have a cut and toned body, then Vince DelMonte's No Nonsense Body Building Program is not for you. As you will see in this No Nonsense Muscle Building Review, Vince's program is designed to get you off of your butt and get you to stop making excuses about your body. - 17274

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Nivea Goodbye Cellulite Hello Bikini Challenge

By El Bilson

Ladies have you tried using Nivea Goodbye Cellulite Cream and havent quite seen the results you are looking for? Many experts agree that a cellulite cream alone will not solve your problems, especially if you're not living a healthy lifestyle. But what exactly are the secrets to a healthy lifestyle.

In general, a healthy lifestyle involves doing things that have been proven to be good for your health. When we practice healthy habits, our bodies respond in a positive manner. This means you'll consistently be keeping an ideal body weight, you'll sleep through the night and will have enough energy to get through the day.

Although unhealthy habits such as consuming too many sweets, smoking cigarettes and indulging in too much alcohol may allow us to enjoy the moment, they can lead to an unhealthy body over time. Most people do not realize it, but our skin is a very good reflection of our overall health. People that are eating the right foods, getting exercise and enough sleep have skin that glows. If you're not taking care of yourself properly, your skin will often look tired and dull.

Experience in the skin care market has shown Nivea that women may need a little help with the healthy lifestyle aspect of their product. Apart from selling their product, this unique skin care company wants you to have success with their Nivea Goodbye Cellulite Cream (so youll keep buying it!). Nivea's Hello Bikini Challenge aims to get you the results your looking for in time for the summer season.

Unlike other get fit challenges offered by magazines, websites and such, the Nivea Hello Bikini Challenge is specifically designed to help you get rid of your cellulite. What makes this challenge even more exciting is that Nivea also gives you style tips on how to look your best in those revealing summer outfits so that you can really look your best at the beach this year.

Is it really necessary to do the challenge when using Nivea Goodbye Cellulite Cream? Not always. Many women will have great results just by following the instructions on the label. But many women are constantly in a state of getting in shape or their on XYZ Diet, hoping to lose the last ten pounds. Many women find that they are more likely to develop healthy habits when they have a plan to stick with and follow.

There are several things to be aware of before you purchase a cellulite cream. For starters, make sure you are dedicated to using the cream for six to eight weeks at least. Many women end up disappointed when they do not see results right away. Relax - getting smooth skin can take time!

The method you use to apply the cellulite cream can also affect how well you are able to get rid of cellulite. For most creams, it is recommended that you apply the product using a massaging motion. This helps move toxins and fluids beneath the skin. It also helps the cream absorb more fully.

The last thing you need to keep in mind before buying Nivea Goodbye Cellulite Cream is the fact that you need to apply it at least twice a day. Many women find that they are unwilling to apply a cream twice a day. Others may find that this fits right in with their schedule. - 17274

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3 Tips on How to Build Muscle Fast

By Arnold Stevens

Are you concerned on how to build muscle fast? Here are three good tips to help you save time at the gym and still get those super results.

You will need to have a gym membership and get a good set of weights. You will also need to have an idea of good nutrition and that you to eat five to six meals daily.

My three main points to assist you start to handle how to build muscle fast are as follows.

Use Progressive Overload

An important point in fast muscle building is progressive overload. It is a combination of your workout by using heavier weight each time or perform more sets than the previous time or take fewer rest between the sets.

Stretch your body to its fullest to achieve getting that new muscle growth, but be cautious. Each visit to your gym try to outdo the previous workout in more than one way. This will assist you make a steady improvement and also build muscle fast. People will want to know how it is done this fast.

Post Workout Nutrition

I think you are aware by now that post workout is very important, your body desires these nutrients to develop. You require this after your workout. Don't leave out either proteins nor carbohydrates. Yes you are right, they are needed to assist the function of replacing the glycogen stores, spiking insulin to aid driving protein to damaged muscles.

Get enough rest days

If you love weight training and working out, then you know how its hard to get away from the gym.Yes to get that desired look you must rest and sleep to let your muscles build away from the gym. Be wise take at least 2 days a week to relax.Your body, nervous and immune system need to adjust from your workouts.

It is important to use these three tips to build your muscle fast. - 17274

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Some Frequently Asked Questions About Knee Replacement

By Dr. Stefan Tarlow

What's involved in knee replacement?

Having your knee replaced involves having arthritic and damaged parts removed and replaced with artificial prosthetic joints.

An artificial joint performs exactly like a healthy, real joint. With an artificial joint, you can enjoy all of the physical activities you used to enjoy, and maybe some you couldn't enjoy before. The only difference will be the absence of knee pain.

Does my knee joint have to be in really bad shape before I begin thinking about having it replaced?

You are the only person who can make this decision. Once you have an evaluation by an orthopedist, you will just need to consider the procedure and the effect it will make on your life, and decide for yourself.

If you are having knee pain every day, you may respond by resting your knees. When you do this, the muscles around the knee become weaker. That means that you will have more knee pain.

If you have tried all the other options, like bracing, physical therapy, and medication, but they have not helped, it may be time for you to consider knee replacement.

Click here to learn more about surgery for torn ACL.

Minimally Invasive Knee Joint Replacement (MIS)

MIS is a very specialized technique in which a very small incision is made to access the knee structure. When this technique is used, the trauma to the soft tissues is very minor.

When MIS is used, it has many benefits over standard knee replacement surgery. Patients who have MIS experience shorter hospital stays, quicker recovery, and little, if any scarring. MIS is not, however, the appropriate choice for all patients.

A thorough consultation with your orthopedist will let you know whether or not MIS is the answer for you.

What risks are involved in MIS?

Of course, MIS is a major operation, and there are always risks involved with any surgery.

Whenever major surgery is performed, complications may arise. Happily, these are usually easy to avoid or mitigate.

As for driving and working, how long must I wait to return to my regular daily activities?

Consulting with your doctor, orthopedist, and surgeon will help you to arrive at an answer to this question. It depends on your physical condition, the demands of your daily life, and the advice of your health care professionals.

Click here to learn more about arthroscopic knee surgery. - 17274

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