Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Creating The Perfect Body

By Ellen Valentine

Dr. Dennis Waitley is one of the best motivators I know. I've been very privileged over the years to learn from several. In 1988 I heard him tell a unique story about the astronauts and the space program that correlated to statistics he had gathered from the U.S Olympic team in previous years. He said that in simulations, they were told to visualize their tasks as if they were actually performing, both groups showed physical responses that were quantifiable, as if they were actually performing the tasks. Can that information help you to create the body you really want?

Powerful visualizations are creating for us in each and every moment. It is unfortunate that most times people see themselves as less than beautiful or accomplished or fit. So the trick is to switch the game and create a phenomenal body with fantastic results. To create the new you, see yourself as what you want to feel and look like in the body, make it real, create a sentient rich picture that could make you cry for joy and appreciation. Be in the great new body NOW.

Jack Canfield is a mentor and friend. in his wonderful book, The Success Principles he recommends using the time before sleep and the time before getting out of bed in the morning as prime creation times. Go over goals, recreate things from your day that could have had a better outcome, put yourself in that new car or home or job or new business. Give yourself the body you'd love to have. If you're a new mother, see all the baby weight gone and yourself in a new bikini the way you want to look. If you're a body builder, see yourself rippled and in the greatest physical shape of your life. The Success Principles is a great book, a must have for deciding upon and creating the life you want to have. http://tinyurl.com/ch9l2s

I want to share that even if you dont like the skin youre in, giving gratitude for what you have is really important. The reality is the more you push away how you look or feel, the more the feeling or unwanted situation will stare you in the face. Acknowledge all that is good about you; and please, dont say there isnt anything good. I know that isnt true at all. Think of every small and large accomplishment. Make a list and add to it every time something new pops in your head like, I have beautiful skin, my teeth are really straight, I am feeling healthy right now. Add everything you think of. Allow the list to grow and boost your self esteem.

If it seems difficult to SEE a new you, focus on how it will FEEL to achieve a body symmetrical and healthy. Healthy eating styles can be implemented too and will most likely be easier after youve spent a couple of weeks imprinting your hearts desire on the sea of awareness. Then, let go and trust that everything will really be perfect. Detach from the outcome. Let go of guilt, blame and shame. Put gratitude for what you do have together with detachment and sentient rich visualization, and enjoy the life and the physical shape of your dreams right now.

Create the body of your dreams and make it happen. Brain Science supports your right to create on every level; and Master Teachers all over the planet are proving it is so. Ellen Valentine - 17274

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Lower Ab Workouts - Burning Abs Don't Mean Ripped Abs

By Jose Loni

As you start to feel the burn while doing lower ab workouts, you're better off just going to the bathroom instead of deluding yourself into thinking that your six pack abs are on their way. Most advertisements promise you incredible six packs just by using their magic machines, but get real and start training with weights to jumpstart your metabolism. You'll be glad to actually lose belly fat and see those ripped abs revealed.

Lower ab workouts are excellent for toning and strengthening lower abs, but spot exercises can't burn a lot of excess body fat. To really see a difference, you should do full body movement exercises.

Infomercials are great at showing off the latest wonder machines invented with beautifully sculpted models working them sideways or on their backs making it look easy to entice viewers to buy and get supposedly ripped abs.

Don't get sucked in. Magic machines don't work and perfectly shaped models are just there to make you think they do work. It's all a marketing ploy because target area reduction doesn't work. You end up with stronger abs but you still have to burn the fat covering the ab muscles and magic machines don't burn fat.

What will melt those fats away is weight training. Working out the large muscles in the body will get the muscles more active, which leads them to use up more energy. To drive this increased energy use, the body now has to supply more fat to be converted to energy, effectively using up fat stores and revealing ripped abs.

Working the body out more causes the muscles to use up more oxygen than is available in muscle stores. So now, the body has to supply more oxygen to the muscles to keep them functioning. In addition, the body has to get rid of any waste materials collected in the muscles as a result of constant muscle work.

This whole supplying, clearing and repairing processes requires a lot of energy and because this process takes awhile to complete, the body is constantly 'working' or metabolism is now raised, and the body starts burning fat.

So you're better off just going to the bathroom when you feel the burn after doing lower ab workouts. This burn is not fat burning. To burn fat and reveal six pack abs, you have to start training with weights in order to raise your metabolism enough to melt abdominal fat away. - 17274

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6 Reasons To Try Amazon Acai Berry

By Carter Sinclair

1. Acai Gives You Long Lasting Energy. Acai has given Brazilian surfers and unbelievable edge to help them dominate competitions. It is longer lasting than coffee and gives you the same type of burst of energy. It is a lot healthier than other drinks because it doesn't contain sugar or caffeine.

2. Oprah Says To Drink Acai. Acai was recently talked about on the Oprah Winfrey show. Dr. Perrisone talke about how it is an amazing health food. If Oprah says its good then you know its the truth.

3. Improves Brain Functions and Mood. Acai contains essential fatty acids that are necessary for improved brain functioning. These same fatty acids that help you remember are also great in fighting off depression.

4. Acai Fights Cancer. A study by the Florida University disovered that Acai cauesd cancer cells to self destruct. Many scientists believe Acai is the next step in the battle against cancer.

5. Improve Your Vision. Antioxidants known as anthocyanins have been found to improve eyesight. Amazon Acai berry contains these antioxidants and they even improve your vision at night.

6. Acai Tastes Great. How many health foods do you know of that actually taste good? Not very often will you find a health food that actually tastes good. It tastes like a mix of berries and chocolate, it is so tasty that many say it tastes like a desert. - 17274

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Quick Abs - Choosing the Right Foods

By Jose Loni

Caloric intake does matter with regards to getting quick abs. If our caloric intake consists of too much non-quality foods and non-smart eating habits, then no matter how faithfully we workout, we're not going to get quick abs.

Choosing the right foods means choosing lean proteins, complex carbohydrates and fibrous foods. Choosing the right foods also means staying away from fatty, fried, fast foods and sugary snacks and pop. The latter are so calorie-laden that the body won't be able to use up all the calories taken in resulting in their conversion to fat, which are ultimately stored in the stomach area.

Healthy, quality foods are more compatible with our body. These foods are more easily converted to useful energy to fuel our activities. Because they're all used up, they won't be converted and stored as fat, usually in our stomach area.

Choosing the right foods and consuming them in smaller amounts but more often during the day ensures that the smaller amount of calories that was just taken in, can now be consumed totally, allowing no excess calories to be converted to fat and stored in the stomach area. In addition, since digestion requires using up energy, excess body fat can be tapped as fuel when recent caloric intake is not enough.

Regular exercise is the other key factor of calorie watching. Having a regular exercise schedule, the body will have a way of increasing its activity level by increasing the body's exertion and overall calorie expenditure.

Add interval and weight training to the mix to push our body to its maximum capacity to work. The muscles now have to work harder which means it has to use up more energy to fix, restock and remove waste products they accumulated from the training. This effect can last awhile resulting in more calories expended.

We do have to take care not to decrease caloric intake by too much because this sends a signal to the brain to start conserving calories for an emergency situation (starvation) and leads to fat storage and a lowered metabolism. That's why small, frequent meals are better than totally not eating and better workouts are required to expend more calories than we take in.

The calorie ratio is a great way to balance our eating and exercise. Eating the right foods, avoiding high calorie foods and eating several meals throughout the day will help keep the caloric intake balanced. While at the same time, regular exercise and incorporating strength training and interval training will help not only increase the body's metabolism but also increase the overall caloric expenditure. - 17274

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Toned Abs In 2 Months

By Dan Solaris

People generally hold those with well-build physiques and tight, toned abs in high regard. In this day and age, being able to maintain a fit body with tightly toned abs takes a great deal of will-power and dogged determination. Having a lean, healthy physique can do wonders for self-confidence and improve one's outlook on life.

There are a lot of reasons toned abs are becoming harder to come by these days. Hectic schedules and extended working hours, unhealthy eating habits and inadequate rest leading to slow metabolism- these are all responsible for the excess flab we're carrying around.

Companies that promote and sell fad diets and weight-loss products are raking in big bucks because people are desperate to get in shape- quickly. Yet, over 60% of people in the U.S. are still overweight.

A great number of those that take-up aerobics and weights classes give-up after a few months because of slow gains from their efforts. Most of the time, it's because they're not maximizing their workouts for rapid calorie-burn.

A lot of folks have a common misconception about attaining a tight six pack. They do countless abdominal exercises- leg raises, crunches, etc. and still see minimal results from their efforts after years of working out. Doing all the right things on all fronts- diet, exercise and lifestyle will raise metabolism and let you get tight, toned abs in 2 months!

Most people would we surprised to know that it's actually possible to lose body fat without dieting. Working-out intensely enough can still let you burn more calories than your daily intake from food, but results will come faster if we monitor what we eat. Avoiding highly-processed foods and candies while eating loads of fiber-rich fruits and vegetables can help in rapid fat-loss and a lean body.

Having a tight schedule doesn't have to be a hindrance to getting a toned physique. Slightly modifying conventional cardio and muscle-building workouts can increase the amount of calories spent and shorten your workout sessions. Involving all of the core muscles instead of just the rectus abdominus will require more energy and a more efficient workout.

Doing total body resistance exercises with little rest in between can let you reap the benefits of calorie-busting cardio exercise while promoting muscle growth which raises our metabolic rate. Metabolism dictates how much calories our bodies burn throughout the day, so keeping this up with intense exercises and proper rest in between workouts will result in a tight and toned abdomen in 2 months or even less! - 17274

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Ab Workouts - Muscle Power vs. Duration

By Jose Loni

People are always asking which is better, having muscle power or long duration workouts? Generally, any kind of physical activity is great, whether it be muscular power training or longer duration endurance activities. However, if your goal is to have abs that are rock hard, then muscle power training is the way to go.

The traditional weight loss programs always emphasized sit-ups and running. Depending on what you want to train, you can run or workout with weights. If your goal is to get six pack abs, then running will not give you what you want.

Endurance activities will train your body to perform for that type of activity. For long distance running, the body will streamline itself and become lighter as you glide over the long distances. If your body did have big muscles, endurance training will decrease the size of the muscles to make the body lighter to run better.

Training for muscle mass will really help kick start your metabolism. As your muscles grow, you will feel your body become a fat burning machine. The bigger muscle mass causes increased overall activity of the muscles, which in turn forces the body to burn more calories.

The increased muscular activity burns the food that we eat and when the body needs more fuel, it will use the excess body fat and burn that. When the body starts burning more fat, the abdominal area of our body will begin to show the underlying abs and give us more ab definition.

Resistance training with heavy weights and low repetitions forces the muscles to hypertrophy and increase its overall muscle activity. The increased intensity of the activity will cause a buildup of lactic acid and carbon dioxide. Once the muscles slow down its intensity, the body will then deliver more oxygen to the muscles, to help replenish and remove waste products.

When the body has a chance to get oxygen to the muscles, the body will continue to replenish, and nourish the muscles from the exercise movements. As a result, the increased muscle activity forces the body to use up more calories and burn more fat.

Long duration or muscle power, the choice is really up to you. Both activities are great at helping you lead a healthy lifestyle. If ripped abs is what you want, then train for muscle power, it will be your fastest and most efficient way to get those abs that you've always dreamed of. - 17274

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Toned Abs - Females With Six-Pack Abs

By Jose Loni

Toned abs are a thing of beauty and we all want more beauty and less belly. There are 3 things we need to do to get toned abs: First, burn the fat. Second, make our body a more effective fat burner. Third, and most important of all, program our mindset. Follow these tips and we'll be on our way to more beauty and less belly.

A natural deterrent to females getting toned, six-pack abs is the layer of fat underneath the skin. This makes up the majority of the total fat in the body. This is why doing hundreds of crunches will not result in six-pack abs although the abs will get stronger.

As we get older, fat distribution changes. There is now more fat in our stomach, and especially for women, in the hips and thighs area. Add a slowdown in metabolism and the recipe is complete for a less than stellar-looking abs.

One of the most effective ways to whittle that waistline is to engage in activities like biking, swimming, walking, hiking, aerobics and very active sports like basketball, tennis and other racquet sports. The key is to keep our heart rate up and in its training zone for a minimum of 20 minutes to train the heart muscle and effectively burn fat.

As we lose body fat beneath the skin, our skin becomes tighter. As we lose fat within the muscles, we will look less flabby and more toned. So the key thing is the cardio and five times a week gets you toned abs faster.

Getting our body to maximize fat burning capacity is the next thing to do. And we achieve this by developing muscles. Training the large muscle groups first, followed by the small muscle groups helps burn fat more continuously.

Last, but not the least, mental programming is the most important factor to success. The key here is inch loss. This isn't a numbers game on a weighing scale. So getting into a piece of clothing now that was impossible to before means SUCCESS. And this confidence starts showing in just a few short weeks.

Remember, females with six-pack abs are not that rare. In fact, more and more females have well-toned abs. When you put together these 3 factors of burning fat, burning fat efficiently and proper mental conditioning, toned, six-pack abs are just a few weeks away. - 17274

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Women With Abs Lift Weights

By Jose Loni

Women with abs look hot. A well-sculpted, toned and fit woman is the ideal vision of most women today. You can make that dream into a reality, with simple adjustments to your lifestyle. Watching your diet, decreasing stress as well as regular exercise consisting of resistance training and interval cardiovascular training, will help you achieve overall good health and ripped abs.

Monitoring what you eat by avoiding processed fatty foods, sugary snacks, fatty foods and carbonated beverages will help you control your caloric intake. The high calories that are consumed when eating these foods are sometimes too much for the body to utilize as energy and the excess is converted into body fat and stored in the belly.

Eating foods that are rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins allow our body to utilize the calories with greater efficiency and burn excess body fat. In addition, by eating small meals 5-6 times per day will help our body maintain a constant energy level during the day and keep our blood sugar from fluctuating too much.

Stress management is another factor in preventing fat accumulation. In a stressful situation, Cortisol is released that allows the body to store fat in the belly area.

Multi-joint exercises with resistance training increases the body's metabolic capacity, which allows the body to efficiently burn fat. The muscles that are developed from the exercises use more energy and the body is forced to utilize the excess body fat to fuel its increased activity.

Training in short burst intervals; allow our body to adapt to the increased demands of the activity. The muscles must increase its metabolic activity to meet the increased demands, which results in greater fat burning. Excess fat is converted into energy for the muscles to function properly during that activity. In fact, the muscle metabolic activity continues well after the activity is over.

It has been proven that increased stomach fat has been linked to diabetes, cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer. Reducing the fat in the midsection will help reduce those risks as well as give you the confidence to feel fit and sexy.

By simply making changes to your diet, decreasing stress and exercising with the use of resistance training and interval training, you can achieve a healthier and sexier look and become one of those women with abs. - 17274

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Detoxing with Zeolites

By Carrie Spry

Zeolites are formed naturally resulting from a chemical reaction between saline water and volcanic lava. Zeolites are structured like cages which have open spaces and channels. Ions and molecules can move easy into and out of the structure. This class of materials is known as molecular sieves.

Zeolites are natural minerals that hold a negative which is not common in nature. This enables them to attract and trap ions, atoms, and compounds with the opposite charge and remove them from a system, like a magnet. The heavy metal toxins that are found in our environment and our bodies are positively charged.

Zeolites have been shown to remove mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic and other heavy metals. Research has shown that it actually helps to balance the pH level in our body producing a slightly alkaline system. This in turn stabilizes the immune system.

Zeolites have been used in powdered form for over 800 years throughout Asia as a traditional medicine to promote well being and overall health. Zeolites have been giving a GRAS (generally recongnized as safe) status from the US FDA. The are natural, non toxic and safe for long term use.

Unfortunately, we are unable to escape from the exposure of heavy metal toxins. They are in the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. Being in the 21st century, we now like to apply more chemicals to our bodies to make ourselves fit in and smell nice. Be careful choosing your products.

When choosing zeolites to detox your body, read the product info to make sure that the product is cleansed of all the original heavy metals and toxins. You are not in any danger of absorbing these toxins, but it doesn't leave much room to absorb your toxins into it.

When looking for a product to used in your personal detox, keep in mind the following points. Choose a product that is natural and not synthetic. The zeolites should be activated or chemically washed to remove the natural toxins it has already absorbed, from being in nature. Also, you don't want to contaminate the zeolites before you ingest them, ensure that they are suspended in water. - 17274

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Do You Need Strength Training?

By Michael Sherrow

Are you wanting to get back in shape? If so, then you may decide to try to reach that goal by lifting weights. Sure, this is an excellent idea, but people who go with this option sometimes don't choose the correct program for the specific needs that they have.

Commonly, the individual will take part in a cosmetic bodybuilding workout. Now, there is nothing wrong with such a workout as it comes with many benefits. However, a number of people would probably benefit more from strength training in order to achieve the overall health and fitness goals they prefer to accomplish.

So, what is strength training anyway? Well, it is a type of workout that works on increasing the size of muscles and makes it easier for you to do various physical tasks. It actually will provide you with more strength and power. You can do this by taking heavy weights and lifting them a few times to build muscle. Although many people don't immediately see the benefits in lifting heavy things, there is much more to it than just lifting.

The first thing you'll notice is that there are benefits to your appearance when you try strength training. As you make your muscles bigger, the metabolism will speed up. Without a big strategy, you can get a better physique. The best thing is that you are going to be getting stronger as well, which provides you with more benefits.

Another great benefit to strength training is increasing the endurance of the muscles in your body. This allows you to do more tasks without fatiguing like you would have before you tried this program. This will help you in many ways, including helping you to avoid problems with your immune system and depression.

The actual process of strength training allows the person working out to burn off excess energy and anxiety. This aids in restoring a calmer sense of mind and significantly reduces the amount of stress one may feel. The many benefits that derive from this are legion.

You'll also reduce the injuries you get with quality strength training. When you engage in strength training, you'll work the body's ligaments in various ways that will increase their endurance and strengthen them too. This will make them less likely to get injured or to tear. This will improve your life in many ways.

Speaking of improving the quality of life, strength training works tremendously well in terms of its ability to enhance metabolism. That means the body will burn more calories as it repairs the muscles in order to make them grow. This, of course, means the bodys levels of stored fat will begin to decrease. While this would have a noticeable effect on physical appearance, it also would have an effect on improving heart health and reducing the risk of strokes.

Yes, there are many more benefits to strength training than most people assume. That is why strength training is so highly recommended to people that are looking to get in great shape and improve their overall health. And just a couple days a week in the gym may be all it takes. - 17274

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Fitness Over 40 is Easier than You Think

By Thong M. Dao

There's no question that fitness over 40 is widely discussed by medical professionals, organizations and people in all walks of life. Older people may sound off as their tender knees no longer allow them to climb flights of stairs.

You may know someone who has been previously diagnosed with coronary disease, high cholesterol, diabetes, or raised blood pressure.

You can improve your health and "real age" in so many ways by making use of fitness programs to help create muscle strength to support joints, boost physical fitness and alleviate arthritis-related pain.

Sadly, 60% of the population in the US do not get the prescribed amount of workout and 25% are not physically active. These statistics are slowly increasing, as is the number of folks who suffer from stress related diseases such as stroke, elevated cholesterol, raised blood pressure, and diabetes.

"Fitness over 40" programs don't always begin in the gym, however, and physical activity is only worthy when it raises your heart rate for at least 30 minutes. The options are endless because in just 30 minutes, you could jog or bike with your kids, exercise in front of the TV, jump on a trampoline or whatever.

If you are over 40, you need to think about the affect it will have on your current nutrition and habits as well as your ability to make the necessary changes.

To add more whole grains, vegetables and fruit to your diet is another must-do for those over 40 to keep fit. A nutritionist can help you to slowly change to a better eating routine.

A way to improve your health immensely is to eat 5 - 7 servings of vegetables and fruit, drink 8 to 10 glasses of water as well as to lessen the amount of white flour consumed per day.

Besides the importance of exercise, your nutrition and daily habits also contribute to your health. Cardio and weight training are essential components of your exercise program.

Exercise that improves the cardiovascular system includes jogging, bicycling, walking, swimming, jumping rope, trampoline or workout ball. Mix it up a bit and ask friends to join so that you"ll have fun and keep up.

With strength training, it's advisable to skip every other day so that your muscles have enough time to recover.

Train your strength 2 - 3 times per week, either at the gym or at home. Strength training will increase the support of your joints, reduce your risk of osteoporosis and shed off your body fat. - 17274

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Chronic Pain can be such a Pain

By Virginia Pipolini

In our modern world many people are plagued with chronic pain. For some it is a mere annoyance, that aching feeling. Many tune it out, only to realize when they release the pain of how much pain they had hidden away.

When we turn to the cause of our subtle or chronic aches and pains, we find many directions. Is it dietary, or chemical exposure? Is it overuse of the body through hard work? Is it abuse caused by substance addition, like drugs, alcohol or even sugar? There is no single answer, and no solitary solution.

One direction the subtle pain relief researchers have suggested is the connection between nutrition and chronic subtle pain. Often the holistic based recommendations for treating subtle, chronic pain combines many therapies, including acupuncture, yoga, detoxification, and nutrition.

One study conducted at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto Canada compared two treatment programs for chronic low back pain. The intent of the study was to show the affectiveness of naturopathic treatment such as dietary supplements including magnesium, breathing exercises, and acupuncture.(1)

In the study traditional physiotherapy was used for half the test group, and the naturopathic treatment program was prescribed for the other half. The results showed that there was a greater decrease of chronic back pain in those who were treated by the naturopathic methods.

When we delve into the nutritional value of minerals such as magnesium, we find that there are over 300 body functions that are dependent on magnesium. Unfortunately half of our population is deficient in magnesium. Low magnesium levels can lead to many health issues, such as muscle cramps and chronic pain. (2)

There is no measure of how long it takes to create a condition such as chronic pain, and likewise there is no magic bullet that will lift us from its clutches. Perhaps if we focus on some of the more basic elements, such as diet and nutrition, we might see progress in our plea for pain release. Magnesium, for example, is easy to introduce into the body through pleasant applications such as magnesium oil or a warm, nutritional magnesium bath.

References: (1)Naturopathic Care for Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Trial. PLoS ONE. 2007; 2(9): e919. (2) ScienceDaily (Dec. 27, 2004) - 17274

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