Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Friday, November 13, 2009

How Fiber Can Improve Your Health

By Wanda McCall

Fiber rich foods should be a main part of your diet. Why? Because, to begin with, they give you just what you need to get up and go. The result is, like my gramps said, You can feel pleased with yourself.

Foods loaded in fiber promote regularity and stop constipation. They melt and increase stool bulk, helping to move waste and toxins more effectively and effectively thru the bowel, which alleviates irregularity and bowel problems. Dietary fiber eliminates the necessity for harmful laxatives and helps prevent hemorrhoids and colon cancer.

But promoting healthy bowel movements isn't the only advantage of fiber rich food. They also lower cholesterol reducing risk of heart problems and normalize blood sugar levels preventing the onset of diabetes. Additionally, fiber, by making you feel fuller, is a great help in weight reduction and optimum weight maintenance.

In other words, fiber rich food not only help you to feel better. They help you look better too. So what's not to like?

Which foods, then, are the highest in fiber? The answer is simple! Plant foods! Fiber is largely the edible but indigestible parts of all plant foods - fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, seeds and nuts. This implies you won't find any fiber in beef, fish, poultry or dairy foods. You can find specific foods at this list of high fiber foods.

Sadly, the Standard Yankee Diet ( S.A.D. For short ) of burgers, fries and shakes is fantastically low in dietary fiber. Only about 5% of the populace are getting the suggested twenty-two to 38 grams of daily fiber. That's the reason why many millions of people in the U.S. Suffer from frequent hard stools and spend many millions of greenbacks annually for diuretics and other over the counter relief.

So if you're looking for relief of trots or would like to help forestall hemorrhoids, colon cancer, heart illness and diabetes, start to eat more fiber rich fruits and veggies, whole grain bread and pasta, brown rice, beans and heaps of nuts and seeds. - 17274

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Mind-Body Infertility Solutions

By Karol Cardinson

Through your mind and body you can further add to your fertility solutions by embarking on a series of acupressure treatments that you can perform on yourself in your own home. Self-applied acupressure utilizes the same concept and principles as acupuncture. Its goal is to unblock the body's energy meridians. The difference is that you use your hands rather than needles to stimulate specific points on your body. You will be focusing on those that are tied to your reproductive health. What is good for your fertility is also good for your general health and well-being.

There are four points that you or someone else can massage. Press these points twice a day, in sequence, morning and night. It doesn't take that long-just about eight minutes a day. You'll be boosting your fertility even if you can't go to an acupuncturist.

The first point is on the sole of your foot. With your sole facing you, apply pressure with your thumbs (next to each other) right below the ball of your foot. Press hard because the soles of the feet are quite thick. Press...then release. Do this pattern for one minute on each foot.

The second point is slightly above the ankle bone. This powerful point stimulates your female energy and strengthens your reproductive organs. Lay fingers horizontally across your ankle area. At the edge of your forefinger, you should feel another bone, located behind your shinbone. Press the tissue area on either side of this bone with your fingers and thumb in the same press and release pattern already described. Switch legs and repeat.

The third point is on the lower part of your thigh. This point has to do with blood flow. Place the palm of your hand on your thigh so that your middle finger is at the edge of your knee. Where your thumb hits on the side of your kneecap is the point you are looking for. When your circulation is better, your health is better-and your fertility boosted.

This last point is located between your thumb and your index finger. Open your hand wide, do you see the V? Find the center of that V. Press gently. Press for a minute on each side. This point is good for the immune system and for good health in general.

As part of your mind-body solution, be sure to incorporate imagining. It's a stress release and can help to slow you down in your hectic daily routine. - 17274

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Instructions On How To Get Fitter Without Exploiting Cooking Facilities

By Connor Sullivan

There are many people who believe that once cooking is involved any foodstuff loses many of the qualities that are essential for the health and well being of human beings. Raw food diets have been championed of late and are thought to be far healthier than the cooked variety. Raw foods do indeed provide better and more qualitative nutrients but some may not take to the uncooked produce regimen very easily. The items most people have eaten are salads and coleslaw which obviously contained uncooked products. But for most people, this is about all they have experienced. They do not experiment with other versions of uncooked produce, or they have never felt the need to!

Many will think this is some kind of fad but this movement has been growing and mushrooming for some time. Many start the uncooked produce regimen when pushed into it by circumstance in places where only uncooked produce is provided. In the face of this dilemma they take some food to be sociable and then are surprised to find that it is indeed delicious and very palatable. Curiosity then tends to get them to branch out on their own.

But what kinds of dishes make for good eating? For the uninitiated, it may seem that there is little choice. But for those who take the time to learn, the versions are literally endless. How about a gazpacho soup which is a very tasty cold soup from Spain? This dish is one of the easiest to start with and will set the newcomer on a very varied path bereft of cooking.

There are new and exciting dishes like burgers made from sprouting lentils and grated carrot, or sweet potatoes mixed with nuts and seeds to make crisp crackers. Even courgettes (zucchini) can be used to make a very tasty spaghetti style dish, all uncooked. Who would think that this would be possible? Young coconuts are also good for this type of dish as long as they are available to prepare. Desserts are also available in this style and many will use fruits and nuts to produce something quite acceptable even to the beginner.So popular is this style of living becoming that it is anticipated that in the future, people will be able to pluck fruit and vegetables directly from plants growing along supermarket shelves. This is probably the freshest that anyone could wish produce to be. Fresh produce loses many of the valuable nutrients the longer it is stored. In this way, the product can be consumed literally as soon as it reaches home.

For those who think that this will never catch on, there are many websites dedicated to the consumption of fresh and uncooked produce. Many extol the health aspects of eating this kind of produce and, looking at the obesity problems besetting the world at present, this may be the way to provide a healthy and alternative choice for the family.

Most will try this, at least incorporating some uncooked produce in their daily intake, before completely immersing themselves in the totally uncooked route. - 17274

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Getting Rid Of Cellulite: Tips For The Inexpensive Way

By Alex D Clayton

Many people have had cellulite for as long as they can remember thanks to it being passed through their genes. It is not an attractive feature and there's a great interest in getting rid of cellulite the inexpensive way. To save money over fancy treatments, you can simply make changes in your diet and exercise to see that cellulite slip away.

To understand why cellulite is such a problem, you need to realize that it's actually pockets of fat in your skin. As such, the best way to address the problem is to drastically reduce the amount of fat you put into your body. Consider starting a Mediterranean diet, in which you'll eat a lot of low fat foods like fish and vegetables to cut down these amounts.

Whatever your diet, you should opt for lean meats. Chicken is a good option. Mostly, you should eat things that will give you what your body needs. You'll never find such vitamins and minerals in processed foods, so be sure to avoid them at all costs. The natural processes will be sped up when you drink lots of water in addition to the food.

Many people think they will have to become part of a health club to do the exercise they need. Yet running is enough to give you a good cardiovascular workout against your cellulite. On the other hand, in the event that you can afford to join a gym, you should. You can swim, use equipment and meet many other people with the same weight loss results in mind.

When you go to the gym, you might want to sign up for a spinning class. This does not mean you'll be standing in a room spinning around, it means you'll be riding stationary bikes. To keep your energy up, you'll be riding with a bunch of other people while listening to music or maybe even watching a show. You'll be amazed what it does for cellulite.

Besides your typical routine, you'll also want to work at strength training. This helps to build your muscles which in turn work even when you aren't exercising and get rid of cellulite as you sleep. You should see what sort of equipment there is at your gym. A good one to start out is with those exercisers that give you a low impact exercise session.

Going to the gym and seeing just how much there is might overwhelm you. If it does, and you can extend your budget a little more, you might want to make the investment in a personal trainer. Trainers are skilled at knowing exactly what you need to do to achieve your personal goals. Also, if you use equipment incorrectly, you could get hurt, and your trainer will help you avoid this danger.

The fight against cellulite can be frustrating and exhausting. But don't give up because the solution is often right in front of you. It can be done without having to shell out a fortune, but it takes a lot of hard work and you'll have to adjust your lifestyle in terms of both your diet and exercise. But everything you do will pay of with great rewards and you'll be glad to have made the effort when you see yourself in the mirror. - 17274

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Five To Stay Alive

By Dr. Jason Fowler

It's the rare child who actually wants to eat fruits and vegetables. Kids are bombarded by television and radio ads for cereals, candy, and chips that contain huge amounts of sugar and large quantities of saturated fat. The sugar craving begins in childhood - kids quickly develop a taste for sweets. To a child's sugar-sensitized palette, the complex sugars contained in fruits and vegetables are a poor substitute.

We can carry these habits into adulthood and our long-term health suffers as a result. Twenty-four hours is not enough time in the day for most of us, and many consistently choose fast foods as a means of satisfying our need for food and a method for limiting the amount of precious time we spend on meal preparation.

But fast foods are not really food in the sense that the nutrition they provide is minimal. Fast foods are essentially empty calories.

In the'50s and'60s a well-known health-related slogan was "an apple a day makes the doctor away". This advice represented ancient folk wisdom. Today, decades of research has shown that apples - and all fruits and vegetables - have remarkable health-promoting and disease-fighting properties.

Most fruits and vegetables are packed with magical biochemicals called phytochemicals - "phyto" means plant. Phytochemicals give fruits and vegetables their color, so the more colorful a food, the more phytochemicals that it contains.

Ongoing research studies have shown that phytochemicals - of which there are thousands of varieties - provide protection against the development of many chronic diseases, including cancer, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, and arthritis.1,2

Many phytochemicals are antioxidants and neutralize free radicals in human cells. Others have anti-inflammatory properties, and these help slow the aging process.

Fruits and vegetables are so important for our health and well-being that many national organizations have promoted the "five to stay alive rule." The recommendation is to eat at least five portions of fruits and vegetables each day.3

Portions could include any of these - an apple, an orange, a banana, a cup of grapes, a cup of blueberries, a yam, a couple of carrots, a couple of tomatoes, and a couple of tablespoons of broccoli.

For many of us, "five to stay alive" would be a radical departure from our old habits. It might take a little effort to develop new shopping and eating habits, but once you're in the groove it is likely you'll be feeling so much better you'll wonder why you didn't start this healthy-eating plan sooner.

Your chiropractor is an expert on nutritional health and will be glad to help you create a food plan that works for you and your family.

1de Kok TM, et al: Mechanisms of combined action of different chemopreventive dietary compounds: a review. Eur J Nutr 47(Suppl 2):59-59, 2008 2Ware WR: Nutrition and the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer: Association of Cytochrome P450 CYP1B1 With the Role of Fruit and Fruit Extracts. Integr Cancer Ther December 2008 3Liu RH: Potential synergy of phytochemicals in cancer prevention: mechanism of action. J Nutr-4(Suppl 12):3479S-3485S, 2004 - 17274

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The Fiber Factor In Good Health And Weight Loss

By Alex Ariel Sanders

Any bodybuilder would know the connection between fiber and fat loss. However, this has not been known until only recently; in fact, the connection is considered to be one of the best secrets to trimming the body and building up muscles. Moreover, today you would find studies that don't only support the connection but also correlate sufficient fiber intake to the decrease of disease development.

Fiber is defined as the cell walls of vegetables and fruits that are indigestible. These cell walls are only found in plants, so you cannot get fiber by just eating meat. There are actually two kinds of it; you have the insoluble fiber, which doesn't dissolve in water, and the soluble fiber, which can dissolve in water. Both types of fiber, though, are needed by the body. If you can increase your intake of fiber, you can reduce your calories, since plants have very low calories.

These two kinds of fiber function in different ways to ensure that you can maintain good health. The soluble fiber works well with the bile produced by your liver and travels with the cholesterol in your blood, so it can also help in getting rid of them through elimination. Simply put, soluble fiber is great in getting rid of triglycerides!

Insoluble fiber, on the other hand, gives you the bulk. It is the reason why you don't feel hunger pangs whenever you consume it. Moreover, since this one is not digested entirely, you get rid of it through regular bowel movement. Nevertheless, even if it cannot be dissolved by water, it retains it, so you won't suffer from constipation or diarrhea. You can just imagine how fibers can help get rid of your bowel issues.

The insoluble fiber is also the one that forces that fats that have already bonded into the soluble fiber out from your body.

In addition to all of these benefits, fiber in general leads to the body burning its fat stores ridding the body of toxins that could cause illness and premature aging and consequently giving a person more energy.

Fibers can greatly help obese people from getting rid of excess fat and maintaining the ideal weight by just replacing sugary, starchy foods, and some of red meat, with more fruits and vegetables which are high in fiber. Moreover, they can see drastic results if they can couple such diet with exercise, which also helps increase metabolism and burn calories.

Indeed, you cannot deny the wonderful relationship between fiber and fat loss. Furthermore, you can prevent yourself from suffering degenerative diseases since the foods high in fiber are also rich in nutrients that can prevent the development of illnesses. - 17274

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Is It Possible To Eliminate Bingo Wings With Nutritional Supplements?

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Having bingo wings is not fun. And lots of nutrition companies know this. Thus, the market is flooded with sleeveless snake oil that really doesn't help.

In all fairness, however, there are a select few supplements that do work. These are very rare, though. And in any case, supplements will never be able to do all the work for you.

Thus, here are 5 supplements that can help you get rid of bingo wings:

1. Yerba mate. The granddaddy of all teas, yerba mate is probably the most powerful tea money can buy. It will knock out cravings and elevate energy for up to an entire day. Proceed with caution, however, because too much will prevent you from sleeping.

2. Lung ching tea. Also known as dragon well tea, this loose leaf green tea will give you a steady increase in energy without the subsequent crashes that coffee gives. It's also much healthier for you than coffee.

3. Joint pills. Think of your joints as tires. Once they wear out, they're gone for good. Taking some joint pills like glucosamine sulfate can help prevent this. However, using proper form while exercising still takes priority here.

4. Health bars. Natural energy bars are great tools for getting you out of a bind. Just make sure you don't use them as substitutes for food on a regular basis, this will make getting rid of bingo wings that much harder.

5. Concentrated fish pills. Pills with concentrated fish oil do provide health and fat burning benefits, the research is clear here. However, taking too many pills is NOT better. In fact, it can decrease health. Also, pay close attention to nutrition labels as most manufacturers do not state EPA and DHA content.

Now I would like to point something out: supplements are not going to do all the work for you. If you really want to get rid of bingo wings, you're going to have to work hard. The main benefit of supplements is that they make the process that much easier. - 17274

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8 Tips To Build Muscles And Lose Fat

By Ricardo d Argence

Can you gain muscles easily? If you decide to dedicate yourself to consistent training and put forth a lot of effort, you will discover it is not as complex as some assume since your will achieve noticeable results.

To prevent perpetually gaining excess fat, it is best to follow 8 well devised steps that would greatly help and promote the process of losing unwanted fat. These steps work which is why they remain are so highly recommended.

1. Set your goal that you plan to achieve: you have to choose realistic goals that might be achievable over a short period of time, because once we aren't able to reach the target we have set ourselves the will to carry on gets beaten up. Therefore your will power is very important.

2. Water consumption: this is a very important phase as water is very essential for life even more than food and additional water helps in getting rid of additional fat, so consume as much as water you can ranging from 3.5 to 3 liters a day at least.

3. Multiple meals: consume 5-6 miniature meals every day which are of high Protein and minimal fat.

Invest some time performing cardiovascular workouts and do so at least three or four times a week. Thirty minutes of cardio training per individual session is recommended since this will aid in burning fat tremendously. And, as with the other methods, this will aid in keeping your metabolism speeded up.

Taking part in intense weight training sessions upwards of 2 to 3 times per week is most definitely recommended. This will greatly enhance the burning of stored fat since it will use the stored fat as energy during the exercise sessions.

Do you keep careful count of all your calories? You should because this is a very helpful method of making sure your weight is kept under control. By properly keeping tabs on the calories you ingest, you will be able to limit your calorie content which means you will reduce the amount of stored fat you possess.

7. Exercise in sets: instead of doing 30 mins cardio, consider the idea of doing 2 15 min session of cardio so that your body would attain the required rest in between the exercises and would respond better to it.

Do your best to increase weight training with every exercise you perform. However, you do not want to overdo things since this can lead to soreness or, worse, injury. Clearly, that would not be in your best interest so do not lift more than you are capable of. - 17274

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The Benefits Of Drinking Green Tea

By Sally Brigg

There are many green tea benefits; in fact it is one of the top foods for providing health benefits. Tea has been used for thousands of years for its health benefits and it was first used in China about 4, 000 years ago. A lot of research has been conducted to determine why green tea is so good for you. Drinking green teas has been found to help high cholesterol levels, arthritis, cancer, infection and cardiovascular disease.

The important active ingredient in green leaf teas are the catechin polyphenols, the most important being epigallocatechin gallate. This is a powerful antioxidant that can stop cancer cells from growing; it lowers LDL cholesterol levels and can stop blood clots from forming. In particular this antioxidant kills cancer cells and leaves the healthy cells alone.

Just as drinking red wine in moderate quantities is good for the heart due to the antioxidants found in red wine, the same goes for drinking green tea for the same reason. Further more, the green tea antioxidants are actually better for you than the red win antioxidants, so if you want a better heart in terms of health, drink green tea.

One of the most recent discoveries is that green tea may actually help in weight loss because drinking green tea actually increases your metabolism, helping you burn more calories, which in turn helps you lose more weight. Some other benefits of green tea include the killing of bacteria that cause teeth decay, and other things that when applied topically as a cream are good for your skin.

The only thing that might stop you from drinking tea is that it contains caffeine, and if you drink too much caffeine, you might have trouble sleeping at night. This would be the only negative side effect when drinking green tea, so drink it in moderation if this is a problem for you. Whether you drink 1 cup a day or more, it is much better than not drinking green tea at all. - 17274

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How Many Calories Do You Need to Lose Fat?

By Nik Tartin WS

The calories required to lose fat may vary considerably depend on how much weight you need to lose. Losing weight is all about energy expenditure coupled with the amount of calories consumed in a day, so if you increase activity as well as make smarter food choices, you can in reality get away with eating more.

Finding Your Calories required to drop off weight:

While it might be a little complex to determine personal calories needed to drop off weight on your own, there are Many online resources which may help you in this respect.

If you wish to drop off weight, then know that a pound of fat is almost 3,500 calories, so you need to consume 3,500 fewer calories or expend 3,500 more calories to lose a pound in a week.

Women should multiply their weight in pounds by 12, men by-- and that's how Many calories you need to maintain fat. To lose weight, drop 500 calories a day from that to lose one pound in a week.

Slow and Steady: You'll note that most of the online calorie calculators suggest losing about a pound of weight a week. While it is surely possible to drop off more fat in a week if you actually worked at it, but this is a good rate and simple for most people to accomplish either through eating less or by moving more.

If you think about this last statistic, that cutting 500 calories a day may help you lose one pound in a week, you may see that it doesn't have to be hard to lose weight, especially if you are working out more in addition to your less eating.

If you burned just 300 more calories in a day exercising you'll only need to cut about 250 calories from your daily diet so as to drop off one pound a week. If you combine cutting calories and exercising more, you could drop off two pounds a week and meet your fat loss goals even faster.

The main trouble with counting calorie as a means to lose weight is that we tend to underestimate how much we are eating. We may not know the calorie counts of foods that we consume out. Keeping a food diary can help track exactly what you're eating, or you may just replace high-calorie foods with more vegetables and fruit and you will be well on your way to losing fat. - 17274

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Crank Up Your Benefit Of Daily Massage From A Massage Chair

By Rebecca Gomez

Many people who have gotten a massage swear by it. You shouldn't just take their word for it but rather you should find out all the wonderful benefits of receiving regular massage treatments. Massage therapy is a natural way to relieve tension in the body and to improve your overall outlook. The true benefits of massage therapy are received when done on a frequent and regular basis.

The idea of getting daily massage treatments seemed like a dream or fantasy of the rich and famous. Most people can't conceive of getting daily treatments. However, with a massage chair this is a fact of life rather than a fantasy and dream.

Many people think that massage is something recent. In fact most of the massage techniques have evolved over thousands of years. Many have been used since the time of the Egyptians, Greeks and in ancient China. Of course, the techniques have evolved and been refined to their modern day equivalents.

Massage therapy provides many great and fits when received on a frequent basis. Some common benefits include improved circulatory flow, increase the flexibility, less pain and enhanced concentration. Massage therapy should be part of your daily routine just like brushing your teeth.

Massage therapy should be part of your proactive, total health program. Many people wait until they feel any symptoms of pain and discomfort before they pursue getting a massage. This is not the best approach as you should get regular massage treatments to minimize the build up of stress, tension and anxiety.

One of the biggest hurdles for people to get daily treatments is time. It is not always convenient to run off to a salon and spend an hour getting a massage. Many people simply do not have enough time for regular massage treatments.

It seems that technology has a solution to almost everything. This is certainly so with massage. Imagine the possibility have one in your home. It would certainly be easy to get frequent massage treatments with the easy access of having one at all provide.

Some of the advantages of a massage chair are the tremendous range of techniques offered. You can find popular techniques such as reflexology, shiatsu and Swedish massage. Simply use the remote control to select your favorite and then sit back and relax.

How about time savings? One of the biggest hurdles is having enough time to get an effective treatment. Having to take a full hour of time every day is a tremendous obstacle. One of the great advantages of a massage chair is that it works in parallel. In other words, is able to massage many different parts of your body simultaneously. This enables it to complete a full body massage and much shorter time than a masseuse.

Massage chairs also offer you the convenience of availability. You do not have to go to a certain place at a certain time. Massage chairs can be put in your home or office and used as frequently as you like. You do not have a minimum time that you must use it or a maximum.

The flexibility of getting exactly the type of massage when I need it is what I really like about my massage chair. I like to use it as part of my stretching in the morning. At night it's great for relieving tension in the back or shoulders. It also has a foot massage which can be very relieving after being on your feet all day.

The best way to get consistent massage therapy is with a massage chair. They are always available based on your schedule. No appointments required, no tips and no driving back and forth. Massage chairs are simple and easy to use. Get the right massage every time in the convenience and comfort of your own home. - 17274

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How Did We End Up With The First Banana Bread Recipe?

By Ben Cook

Anyone who loves a good banana bread recipe will appreciate all of the evolution that brought it to us. Creating foods has been part of every culture since the Neanderthal. Of course, the more we know about a single food's history the more we are likely to create a palette that coincides with the food's original flavor as well as with today's modern adjustments.

While history is earmarked with culinary revolution from the earliest days to the last days of this week, the dawn of the banana bread recipe is harder to track than some of the other breakthroughs in cooking. Despite the difficulties in pinpointing the exact first banana bread attempt, there is plenty of evidence that can show us how the evolutionary experimentation infolded. This can help us understand what we are looking at and the most likely scenario for that time period.

When bread was first developed, it was what we now call today, a quick bread. Banana bread recipes fall under this category as well. Quick bread is simply a bread recipe that is devoid of yeast. It means that it can be finished faster and the cooking time is shorter. Waiting for yeast to rise can be a long process. Of course, when bread was first discovered as a viable food source, it wasn't designed to be eaten as a dessert of fancy bread. It was designed to fill the void and travel well.

12, 000 years ago bread was initially developed and became a staple of the dietary needs. It began to grow onto a more flavorful and delicate recipe much later. The simplest version of bread is nothing more than wheat flour and some water that was mashed together and then placed on hot rocks. In order to speed the heating process, the flat rocks were also covered from the top with hot ash.

Banana bread recipe attempts were most likely made during this time. In order to create a more pleasant taste there were numerous additions to the bread making process, including fruit and spices. A little mashed up banana in the original bread recipe could definitely help create some flavors that would make the bread much more palatable.

Bread was changed dramatically 6, 000 years later when the Egyptians figured out that bread dough made from wheat could rise provided that there was an appropriate place to ferment the dough. This added air, which in turn created a softer more palatable bread.

The first most obvious banana bread recipe attempt came from the Greeks. Once the Greek philosopher came up with the first ever written botany book, historians can see that there were bananas in Greece which were popular enough to be a primary local food. This meant that the lighter bread with bananas had significantly improved the taste of the food product.

In 1796 North America saw it first cook book, and it also saw its first introduction to leavening with Pearlash. It wouldn't be until'75 that baking powder would come to American markets. The'th century banana bread recipe was made in the United States and very closely resembles the banana bread recipe that sits in your own cook book. - 17274

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