Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Food Packed With Free Radicals Studies Show

By Dr. Jerimiah Crossderd

The acai fruit is a tasteful, fresh, organic fruit that comes with a wealth of antioxidants. In order to prevent damage to the body as well as slow the aging process, antioxidants are needed as part of a regular diet.

The process of the body's cells consuming oxygen, creates a by-product known as a free radical that can do lots of harm to the body. Antioxidants play a huge role in preventing and repairing the damage done by these free radicals. Adding antioxidants to your daily diet is the best way to protect yourself from these free radicals.

Terrible consequences can occur when free radicals are able to roam free in the body. These toxic by-products are the reason our DNA breaks down opening the door for cancer. free radicals can destroy our cells to the point where they break down so much they stop working.

Free radicals have been the factors behind various types of neurological problems to hormonal damage. Acai fruit has been found when taken on a regular basis to contain enough antioxidants to fight off these dangerous by-products.

Antioxidants have shown for years that they are the optimal way to maintain, repair, and strengthen the body from free radicals.

The acai berry was recently introduced to the mainstream audience by a Doctor by the name of Nicholas Perricone who wrote a book entitled the Perricone Promise. In this book he goes into detail about how the acai berry is what he calls the most perfect food on the planet known today.

In this book, Dr. Perricone also states that the acai fruit berry has every ingredient needed to look and feel younger. Also, according to Dr. Perricone the fruit contains everything needed to revitalize your health and hinder the process of aging.

The acai berry is categorized as a super food that gives you all of the nutrients needed when eradicating, preventing, and fighting harmful radicals. This fruit is defiantly worth researching if your goal is improving your overall health and well being

In conclusion, if you are looking for a diet that will fight off free radicals, improve your health, and reduce aging, then looking further into the benefits of this miraculous super food could be just the next step for you. - 17274

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What Is the Link Between Easy Bruising and Acupuncture?

By Carolyn Cooper

Acupuncture treatments can provide some amazing results for some people and if you have recently had a treatment session, you might be very enthusiastic about the positive results. One unwelcome side effect from your treatment, though, could be the fact that the treatment session results in your bruising. There are quite a few people who are disappointed about their bruising after they have had their their treatment from their acupuncturist, and when you are considering the effects your treatment is doing to your body, this bruising might become very alarming. Spend the necessary time to be certain that you know what the acupuncture treatments are doing to you and how it might be the cause of your bruising easily.

To begin with, acupuncture is a variety of a traditional Chinese medical treatment that has been growing in favor in the West over the last few years. Acupuncture relies on the theory that there are lines of energy that flow all throughout the body, and when these energy lines are broken, the result can be any number of ills, including depression, or gastrointestinal problems or even conditions of high cholesterol levels and heart disease. Very thin needles are inserted into the body at various intersecting energy lines during the treatment sessions. Although the treatments are generally not painful, there can be a very unique tingling sensation that is quite unusual for someone who has never had acupuncture treatments like this before.

Acupuncture treatment has become so readily accepted that there several insurance carriers that will now cover the treatments, and as a result more people are trying it and finding that it can provide some amazing benefits to them. If you someone who has tried it for the first time, you may find that you may have been left with a collection of minor bruises at the sites where the needles were employed. The bruises are normally not painful, so some people are quite surprised discover several dark bruises on their body when they've undressed to take their shower.

Bruising is somewhat likely to occur due to the very nature of acupuncture. As each needle is inserted by your acupuncturist, your skin is being damaged. If you normally bruise when you are getting a shot, it is duet to the fact that there are small blood vessels being broken, and that can very easily result in a bruise. The trauma to the skin can cause minor bruising, but the bruises shouldn't last long, and you should not worry that something has gone wrong with your treatment.

On the other hand, what about making sure that you can wear your favorite swimsuit to the beach? This is where a uniquely formulated, natural remedy like the Bruises Be Banned daily treatment program can be beneficial for you. If you are trying to find an answer to how you can overcome your easy bruising, Bruises Be Banned can help you reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17274

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Learn About Super Foods, Acai Berries And Dietary Advantages

By Carol G Garcia

It is everyday knowledge that fruits and vegetable are a decisive piece of a healthy and nourishing diet but comparisons between foods have found that there are a few that are so beneficial and helpful that they are considered to be "super foods" or "super fruits".

Super foods are foods that have an excessive quantity of nutritional value for the sum of calories it has. A large array of fruits and vegetables in fact fall into this class including spinach, broccoli, pumpkin, tomatoes and more. Nearly all berries can be categorized as super fruits particularly blueberries, cranberries and the acai berry from Brazil.

The super foods have a especially high ORAC value. ORAC is the Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity and it is a scientific measurement of antioxidant ability, the antioxidants from a food are tested on their capacity to neutralize oxygen free radicals in a test tube.

Antioxidants are distinctive elements found in food that defuse free radicals within our bodies. Free radicals are unsound molecules that are deficient an electron. They are formed in our bodies by processes that need oxygen, which is just about everything. If you are breathing and you are living you are creating free radicals in every moment of your life.

Free radicals are always being developed but, they are extremely erratic and they can generate many troubles if they are not neutralized. Free radicals are considered to be a factor in illness, wrinkles and sagging skin and even in retaining too much fat. They can be detrimental to every system in our bodies from the immune system to the cardiovascular system to our brain function.

In spite of this, nature provides a way for the free radicals to be neutralized. Antioxidants are compounds found in foods that come in and impart the missing electron to the unstable molecule, by this means neutralizing the free radical and preventing some of the injury.

However, nature provides a inherent and natural way to counteract the mutilation that free radicals initiate in our bodies. Antioxidants from good for your health foods come in and provide the omitted electron to the free radical. It in so doing neutralizes the molecule and helps to foil further injury.

Continuing examination is proving that antioxidants are particularly useful for our wellbeing. So bolster your diet with blueberries, acai berry supplements, pumpkins, and more and be strong to the finish and eat up your spinach. - 17274

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Acai Berries Provide Fundamental Nutrition Our Bodies Require To Lose Weight

By Calvin Ferguson

The foods that are found in nature provide the significantly important nutrients that our bodies hunger after. Plant-based and whole foods give our bodies the tremendous nourishment that our bodies require to support the functions of living.

Suggestions are that we consume at least 5 fruits and vegetables day after day. Some nutritionists even suggest as many as 10 or more every day. A explicit advantage to a food intake filled with fruits and vegetables is that these foods bestow important amounts of crucially important nutrients and fiber in a very low calorie package.

Including a mixture of healthful fruits and vegetables to your day after day diet also provides an array of fundamental antioxidants and phytonutrients. Phytonutrients (the word "phyto" is Greek for plant) are nutrition found in plant matter that are non-vitamin, non-mineral, and non-caloric elements of plants that supply large benefits for your healthiness.

Startlingly enough, many people who are overweight are undernourished. Their diets consist of nutrient-poor foods and their bodies are craving nourishing nutrients. Many cravings are essentially our body's way of trying to get the significantly important nutrition that it requires.

When you add in nutrient-dense foods in your on a daily basis food intake, you give your body with the superb sustenance that it needs and you can overcome any nutritional deficiencies. It is also remarkable to note that you may also be able to engage your own body's natural mechanisms for burning fat and calories. With the proper sustenance, nature will automatically take over to bring you back to a beneficial state of balance and the additional fat can come off.

Not only that but your immune system will be stronger to ward off disease and the problems of aging. A lot of the highest healthful foods profit your brain, your heart and circulatory systems and your immune system.

Getting a array of colorful foods, such as green broccoli and spinach, orange carrots and pumpkin, assorted beans and legumes and nuts and seeds in moderation will profit your physical condition. Almost every type of berry is also very wholesome with the acai berry from Brazil leading the way with one of the supreme antioxidant capacities of any food found on the planet.

The acai berry also offers a host of essential fatty acids, 19 amino acids and a good quantity of fiber. Adding acai berry and other superfoods to your food intake can help your body to spontaneously lose the surplus weight as you generate great physical condition. - 17274

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Taking Away Acne With Herbal Remedies For Acne

By Jason Cartwright

Do you have acute problems with your skin and puzzled about what herbal remedies for acne are available? Normally acne occurs during teenage years and early adulthood, culminating in spots or pimples on your face, back, chest and even on limbs.

This skin condition can be very frustrating and even embarrassing for anyone to have. Acne is typically a result of malnutrition, unhygienic habits and a spike in certain hormones that happens, as we become adults. And so it is normal for many of us to seek the best natural acne treatment.

There is a variety of drugs and herbal remedies for acne on the market today. Herbal acne treatment is generally preferred to taking prescription medications, since they have fewer side effects. Furthermore, acne medications and chemicals can be very expensive, especially when you have to use them as a pimple cure for up to 6 months at a time.

Herbal remedies for acne consist of detoxifying, refining and filtering your blood. The Burdock Root, Red Clover, Milk Thistle seed, and the Dandelion Root tincture are some of these home acne treatments.

Burdock Root can be bought from your local herbal store, it is then added in vegetable dishes and even uncooked, in salads. Red Clover is frequently extracted in hot water and drunk daily just like tea. To make your liver tougher and cleanse your kidneys, Dandelion Root tincture is taken..

Milk Thistle is available in tincture or seed variety. The seed can be pulverized and combined with your cereal and the tincture can be drunk, just like medicine.

Other herbal remedies for acne come as oils and ointments that are applied on the skin itself. These herbal acne treatments are Tea Tree oil, Aloe Vera gel and Calendula. Tea Tree oil works as an anti bacterial solution that helps to eliminate infection in acne prone skin and lessen the irritation.

Aloe Vera gel works as an astringent for your face and also as an antibacterial which can help to kill the bacteria that causes infection in acne. Calendula functions to heal the infected tissues. This is one of the best natural acne treatment options and is often used in creams and ointments.

A lot of people can get advantage by using these herbal remedies for acne. The rewards of using such cures are that they are low-priced, have hardly any side-effects and are readily obtainable to apply as many times as you wish. - 17274

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Intermittent Fasting: Can we believe the hype?

By John Harris

Organic Fasting is method of weight loss and weight maintenance that has been followed naturally, by mankind, since the beginning of time.

As most of us know, it is somewhat common to hear well intentioned medical professionals saying untrue things about Alternate day fasting. Three of these arguments are contained below.

1. Fasting slows down your metabolism so you will not lose weight.

2. Fasting eat up your muscles, leaving you a greater fat to muscle ratio.

3. Fasting does not work because you always gain the weight right back afterwards.

Statements like these, along with many more have been around for at least the last 150 years. Like many other statements that have been around that long, there is current scientific knowledge that tends to prove them wrong. Let me show you three easy examples on why why the above statements are not correct.

1. Fasting slows down your metabolism so you will not lose weight.

This is actually quite a humorous statement. If this was the case then I dont think we would ever see pictures of people starving. You know, those skin and bones pictures. The truth of the matter is that your body requires a certain amount of calories a day just to function and stay alive.

When a person stops eating enough calories to sustain this need of their body then the body begins to take energy that is found in body fat. Each pound of body fat stores 3500 calories. This is the same as saying that if a person wants to lose 1 lb of body fat they must eat 3500 calories less then their body needs just to function.

Fasting provides this. The average person eats between 2000 and 3000 calories a day. With just one day of fasting per week a person a person can cut back on 3000 calories, that is losing almost a pound of fat a day!

While it may act to reduce metabolism at first, that very small reduction of metabolism will not have much of an impact at all on slowing down fasting weight loss.

2. Fasting eats up your muscles first, leaving you with a greater fat to muscle ratio.

Again we have a statement that just does not make sense if you look at the science. It is true that at the beginning some small amount of energy is pulled from body muscles, but this is only a very small amount and it is usually pulled from muscle mass, not the actual muscle. What this basically means is that while the temporary mass of your muscle will descrease temporarily, you will not really be loosing muscle. You body will very quickly replace such muscle size once the fast is broken.

A long, long time ago, back when our ancestors survived by hunting and gathering they were not able to eat everyday. Food did not store very well and it was not readily available. Some days they would find food and some days they would not and the bodies of our ancestors adapted just fine to this lifestyle.

As a natural result when the opportunity came to eat, our ancestors would eat large amounts of food, and their bodies would simply store whatever the body did not need as body fat. Then, next time they had to go to bed without dinner their bodies would just pull energy from their fat storage|body fat).

It just does not make any sense to think that human bodies would pull body fat from muscle before they would pull the extra needed calories from fat storage. We need our muscle to function, while the main purpose of fat is simply to store energy for our bodies. This is what Intermittent fasting teaches and does.

Since it is our fat, not our muscle, that our bodies pull energy from, our ancestors were able to go for days at a time without eating while living off FAT stores, not muscle. Your body finally begins to consume muscle in large amounts only as a last resort after all body fat is gone. This is technically the definition of starving, when you have no body fat left and your body begins to consume your muscle to survive.

3.Fasting does not work because you always gain the weight right back afterwords.

It is true that if a person eats more than they need upon a completion of a successful fast period, and that person falls back into the habit of eating more than needed then that person will gain back weight. It is important to realize that this is the case will every single weight loss method out there. The trick is to only eat what your body needs, and, if your happen to gain a little back, well, that is nothing that Alternate Day Fasting can cure. - 17274

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Medicinal Mushroom Hot Water Extract vs. Alcohol Extract

By Dr. Markho Rafael

Medicinal mushrooms, hugely popular for thousands of years in the Orient, are coming in vogue today also in the West. On the coattails of their increasing popularity follow issues of quality and ethical representation between competing brands.

All medicinal mushroom species are plagued by this. Most fiercely debated is red reishi (Ganoderma lucidum), the most popular of all medicinal mushrooms. So this article will primarily focus on that species, but it's generally applicable to all species of medicinal mushrooms.

An obvious caution is to stay away from cheap, mass-produced reishi. It may be merely dried and pulverized. In order to be medicinal, the mushroom cell-wall has to be broken down. Mass-produced reishi may be mostly inert and ineffective.

Then there are the real therapeutic grade red reishi brands, which are produced with much more care. But even here there are big differences between brands. Each claims to be the best, of course, because they want to sell their product. So lets set the facts straight and be independently informed consumers.

Following are the three primary ways of creating reishi extracts. Each method yields different medicinal compounds, all of which are shown in scientific studies to have important properties.

1. Hot Water Extraction (polysaccharides, etc.)

2. Alcohol Extraction (triterpenoids, sterols)

3. Fermentation (arabinoxylanes, etc.)

Polysaccharides have been shown to possess powerful anti-tumor qualities through enhancing the immune system and by inhibiting blood profusion through tumors. They are also strong antioxidants. [1]

Triterpenoids include a large number of related medicinal compounds whose proven effects include stabilization of blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood clotting. But most importantly, the triterpenoids are the anti-inflammatory compounds of reishi. [1] Inflammation is a serious component in asthma, allergies, arthritis and many more conditions.

Finally, by fermenting the red reishi, the original medicinal compounds break down to form new compounds with unique healing properties. These "secondary metabolites" have among other things been shown to be immune enhancing and help regulate blood sugar, as well as having unique anti-tumor properties. [2]

Since this article is not intended to elevate any one brand over another, no brand names will be mentioned. Nevertheless, the author does know of two highly reputed brands (American and Japanese) that claim only hot water extracted red reishi is of any value and that alcohol extracts are useless.

Naturally, the reason they say so is because they want to sell their own brand. However, those statements are scientifically untrue. Hot water and alcohol extractions both contain critical compounds.

To determine if a brand of reishi (or Ganoderma) contains all the important medicinal compounds from the mushroom, find out if it utilizes both alcohol and hot water extraction. An additional plus would be if it also includes fermented reishi.

As a last point, when you look for the best reishi extract, one thing to look at is the form it comes in. For example, any reishi extract that fully dissolves in a water-based liquid such as coffee probably only contains hot water extracted reishi. So while reishi/ganoderma coffee certainly makes for a superbly delicious and healthy cup loaded with polysaccharides, it won't include the important anti-inflammatory triterpenoids.

Surprisingly, though, alcohol tinctures may include both hot water extract and alcohol extract. You will know if the alcohol tincture contains polysaccharides because when the alcohol and hot water extracts are blended, the polysaccharides fall out of solution and the tincture becomes cloudy. (Just shake it before you take it.) A cloudy medicinal mushroom tincture is an indication of high polysaccharide content. Capsules and tablets may be either hot water extract or alcohol extract or both.

[1] Boh B, Berovic M, Zhang J, Zhi-Bin L. "Ganoderma lucidum and its pharmaceutically active compounds." Biotechnol Annu Rev. 2007;13:265-301.

[2] Tang YJ, Zhang W, Zhong JJ, 2009. "Performance analyses of a pH-shift and DOT-shift integrated fed-batch fermentation process for the production of ganoderic acid and Ganoderma polysaccharides by medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum." Bioresource Technol. Mar;100(5):1852-9. - 17274

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Premium Acai Berry and Your Weight Loss Program

By Laura Lane

At present, one of the most popular weight loss products out in the market is the acai berries. These are actually fruits from acai palm trees that often grow from the Central and South America. Many local people have been using the berries for many years due to its purposes for cooking and as a medicinal product. In fact, in countries like Brazil, Belize and Peru, people use acai berries for desert products like yogurt or cakes.

Just recently, the weight loss properties and health benefits of the acai berries have been brought to the world when many companies started marketing the product as a dietary supplement. While it has only been sold as a fresh or dried fruit before, it now comes in juice, powder and tablet forms for easier handling and distribution. This is done so the many benefits of the acai tree could be brought to everyone around the globe.

Taking acai berries provide many health benefits to the body. Not just a simple weight management product, acai berry products also provide better immune, digestive and cardiovascular systems. With all the vitamins and minerals in the product, anyone most of the people taking it gets increased level of energy, improved sleep and healthier skin.

Detoxification is also one of the magnificent effects of the acai berries. When one regularly takes the the berries, the stomach wall is cleansed because of its high fiber contents. The body could more properly absorb nutrients when the toxins out of our system.

Our heart also benefits a lot from the acai berries. There are presence of omega vitamins in this fruit that lowers the blood cholesterol and helps improve the blood flow. It also has anti-oxidants that are said to be good for our bodies aging process.

The acai berries are now know as the SUPER FOOD. Many health professionals have seen the wonderful benefits of this product for our body and are now endorsing it to everyone. The popularity of the product also reached many audiences when it has been featured in many TV show and magazines all over the world.

If you are one of the people who want to lose or maintain weight, you might be interested on how the acai berries would work for you. The good thing about it is it's organic and very minimal preservatives are added to the products marketed. In fact, you can even order acai berries in its natural form and include it in your recipes for a healthier meal.

Anyone could buy acai berries in many health stores all over the world. If you find it difficult to find one in your area or don't want the hassle of going out of the way, there are also many companies selling them through the Internet. People who have pre-existing health conditions or pregnant women must consult their doctor's first before taking acai berries or any other dietary supplements for that matter. - 17274

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