Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Friday, July 17, 2009

How To Do A Liver Detox

By Kym Butterworth

Do you want to find out to find out effective methods to for liver detoxification? Continue to read and you will find out simple methods you can use for liver detoxification.

The liver is the largest organ in the body carrying out many important functions. The functions include control of amino acid and glucose in blood as well as the detoxification of the blood stream. The liver is the only that carries out the function cleansing the body system and rendering toxic substances harmless. Sources of harmful substances in the body include, anti nutritional factors in foods, drugs and alcohol. High concentrations of toxic substances in the body impair liver function. The liver is designed in such a way that it has filters, which detoxifies the body. For the liver filters to function effectively, it must be clean and healthy.

Presence of toxic substances in the liver can cause liver diseases such as gallstones, hepatitis and jaundice. Liver diseases produce certain symptoms including, vomiting, and yellowing of conjunctiva and skin, fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite and itching. One of the methods for liver detoxification is to follow a healthy diet pattern on daily basis.

To be considered first is the effective diagnosis. This is done by laboratory tests to find out the type of detoxification needed. There are two pathways for liver detoxification, phase 1 and phase 2.

Next, go for liver detox diets. Taking protein foods such as fish and egg can activate the phase 1 pathway of detoxification. Other foods are cabbage, broccoli, tangerines and oranges. For phase 2 pathways includes, asparagus, broccoli, walnuts, cabbage, tangerines, oranges and avocado and fish oils. Generally, fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in the amino acid glutathione and vitamin C. Both glutathione and vitamin C are good antioxidants which remove free radicals from the body. For this reason most liver detox diets recommend these foods. Other antioxidant vitamins are beta-carotene and vitamin E.

Apart from antioxidant vitamins, simple nutrients such as, vitamin B and calcium play very important roles in the elimination of harmful chemical substances from the body.

Get good source of drinking water. You need adequate fluid intake to flush toxic substances in the detoxification process. The source of water maters to avoid introduction of harmful microorganisms into the body. For water safety, bottled water is recommended.

Use herbal remedies. A lot of plants contain substances, which are useful for the detoxification of the liver. A very good example is milk thistle. Milk thistle contains flavonoids, which protects the liver from damage and also carrying out a detoxification function. The mechanism of action of milk thistle is the prevention of the destruction of glutathione and enhancing the level of glutathione in the body. Milk thistle is also found to be effective in the treatment of many liver diseases including, hepatitis and liver cirrhosis.

Avoid foods that harm the liver. It is a waste of effort carrying out the liver detoxification process if efforts are not made to avoid eating habits that harm the liver. You must avoid the use of artificial flavorings or food additives. Alcohol and saturated animal fats should be avoided. Go for foods, which are produced organically.

Finally, liver detox has become necessary to keep the liver healthy. It involves lifestyle adjustment, a diet plan that is healthy and the use of herbal cleansers. - 17274

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Reason Why You Won't Lose Weight On The 6 Week Body Makeover

By Rico Kidd

The simple answer is "yes". The people who haven't lost weight start telling other people that they haven't lose weight and that' it's a scam. This is an article of the reason why people do not lose weight on this program and ways for you to become successful with the Michael Thurmond diet.

You can lose weight on the Michael Thurmond diet. The truth is, as long as you stick to the meal plans and body sculpting makeover, you will lose weight. You will start gaining weight when you divert from the plan and start adding foods to your diet that do not fit your body type. The reason why you gained weight in the first place is because you were eating the wrong foods. Once you start introducing these foods back into your diet, you will gain all the weight back and lose all the progress (weight loss) that you work so hard to achieve.

The diet works by you choosing and consuming the foods that will help your metabolism burn calories at a faster rate. You plan your meals based on your body blue print and determine where your problem areas are. Once you implement your plan, you have to stick to it. There are no excuses on why you are not losing weight on the six week body program unless you cheating on the diet.

Here are some mistakes the people are doing. They end up putting off the diet for awhile or start the diet, find it too restrictive and start eating foods that are not on their meal plan. The other thing is that people will start off well for the first two weeks and then they go to a restaurant and order something fatty and delicious. Once they try fried foods again, it is easy to start cheating on your diet and they go on feeding frenzies. After this happens, they despair because they start gaining weight and want to give up as they think it's impossible to start the program over.

It's called a diet for reason. The purpose of a diet is to lose weight. If you are not committed to losing weight, then you will not lose weight. Get in the mindset that you're going to lose weight in 6 weeks. Set aside these 6 weeks of your life to start dropping the pounds. It is an amazing feeling to stare at yourself in the mirror after you've lost 10 pounds. Imagine if you lost 20 or 30 pounds? Can you sacrifice 6 weeks of your life and give up candy bars and fried foods?

There are ways to wean yourself off fatty foods. First, start cooking more often at home and stop eating out as much. This way you can control portion size and what type of foods you're eating. Also, cook with less oil and start cooking with more water and soup broth. Start adding half the salt to all of your meals and slowly wean yourself off of salt. The food will taste bland without spices so you can add peppers and other low sodium alternatives. - 17274

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Losing Weight On Resveratrol

By Laura Lane

When it comes to health and anti-aging, it is hard to find better guidance than that offered by Oprah Winfrey. Several months ago, Oprah invited Dr. Mehmet Oz, a doctor originally from Turkey who specializes in cardiac problems and is known as an expert concerning reducing the problems caused by growing older, to speak on her show. What Dr. Oz presented was resveratrol; a scientific breakthrough in the fight against aging with which we all are forced to struggle.


Your body's organs are under constant attack by toxins referred to as oxidants. Oxidants and the endless war against them engenders wrinkles on the surface of your skin, while beneath that surface organ damage and even cancer are products of these toxic invaders. There are, however, naturally occurring substances-antioxidants-that can and will preserve the body's cells, organs, and organ systems, especially the nervous system. Furthermore, these antioxidants are able to rejuvenate the body, both inside and out.

What is Resveratrol?

Resveratrol is perhaps one of the strongest antioxidants that modern-day researchers have discovered. Resveratrol is effective at slowing the aging process because, when taken in large quantities, it energizes genes that each of us possesses called "Sirtuins." A Sirtuin is able to halt the weakening of cells caused by aging and to rebuild injured cells. Consistently consuming resveratrol allows a person to be less fatigued, more energetic, and to see his or her wrinkles softened, the age lines smoothed.

Hence there are a multitude of benefits generated by ingesting resveratrol on a regular basis. Resveratrol has been found to both fight against, and protect the body from, cancer. It can also protect the body if it is exposed to certain types of radiation and, of course, assist in weight loss.

Observing this, the drug conglomerate GlaxoSmithKline has put forth nearly one billion dollars in an effort to further our understanding of resveratrol, as the possibilities appear to be endless. Truly, we have just begun to comprehend all the benefits that resveratrol has in store for us in the battle against aging.

Homeopathic? Of Course!

Chances are you have already consumed resveratrol at some point in your life, though you probably weren't aware of it! Utilized for ages in the East as a restorative cure found in Japanese Knotwood, resveratrol was given the name "ko-jo-kon" in 1963. Japanese Knotwood is not, however, as exotic as you might imagine. In more than thirteen states it has been designated as a hostile and overwhelming weed, with the capacity to overrun your backyard in no time. The power of this plant is generated by-you guessed it-the large amounts of resveratrol contained within it. Knotwood has so much resveratrol that companies have begun using it to create dietary supplements, although some people simply cultivate it and cook with it: Knotwood is a tasty replacement for rhubarb.

Peanuts-ordinary, everyday peanuts, available in bulk at your local grocery store-are another source of resveratrol. Indeed, though they appear to be high in fat, studies show that people who ingest peanuts on a regular basis actually have a lower body fat percentage than the average person.

Do you drink red wine? If so, then you are drinking resveratrol. Back in 1992 scientists discovered that grapevines contained copious amounts of resveratrol. Thus drinking red wine is a heart-healthy choice for many of us. Even so, it's important-given all the benefits that resveratrol has to offer us-to remember that a single dose of a resveratrol supplement contains the equivalent of almost one thousand bottles of red wine! - 17274

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Are There Cod Liver Oil Benefits?

By Peter Bertonich

It may have been your grandmother who first told you about cod liver oil benefits. For a long time it has been accepted wisdom that cod liver oil is good for you.

Are there really cod liver oil benefits, or is it a myth? Has science confirmed that there are indeed good reasons to take cod liver oil? And are there risks?

Yes your grandmother was right, even though science may not have known then that there were good reasons for taking cod liver oil supplements.

The main benefits of cod liver oil are from the Omega 3 fats that are found in it. And you are probably very aware now that there are a wide range of health benefits to taking more Omega 3 fats into your diet.

And as well as Omega 3 fatty acids, cod liver oil has a range of vitamins in it. Vitamins D and A for example. Now vitamin D has a role in processing calcium in our body, so that's good and can help combat osteoporosis.

But vitamin A is another question, there are now considered to be risks associated with too much vitamin A, and cod liver oil has quite a lot. In the UK it isn't now recommended to take cod liver oil and pregnant women are warned against it in the US.

So whilst cod liver oil has some good Omega 3 fats vitamin A is a bit of an issue. There are risks.

And there is also another risk too. Cod liver oil is sourced, as you might expect from the name, from the livers of cod taken from the North Sea. But in these times there are issues about contamination of fish in the North Sea. They can be contaminated with toxins like mercury, PCBs and heavy metals. Not high levels, but worrying.

They weren't there when your grandmother took here cod liver oil, but they are now.

A better way to source your Omega3 fatty acids, the major source of cod liver oil benefits, is to take the best Omega 3 supplements that are clean and free from the risk of excess vitamin A. Vitamin A comes from the liver of the fish but not the flesh, so it isnt a problem in Omega 3 supplements taken from the flesh of fish.

And you can get your vitamin A from vitamin supplements if you really want it, in controlled amounts.

And there are excellent Omega 3 supplements that are free of the contaminants that you may get from cod liver oil. Not all are though.

Yes your grandmother was right, there are cod liver oil benefits. But there are ways to get the benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids without the risks. Take the best Omega 3 supplements and you get the benefits without the risks.

Find out which are the best Omega 3 supplements at my website. - 17274

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The Foundation Of Protein Supplements: Protein Sources

By Henrick Scofers

Protein is an essential nutrient for the body, especially for the muscles. The general recommendation is an intake of around .3 grams of protein for each pound a person weighs. For athletes and bodybuilders, though, the requirement is higher because the body is working harder and demands more protein. The recommendation jumps from .3 to 1.25 grams for this group of people.

The total amount of protein intake is important, but equally important are the sources of dietary protein. Most people are able to get enough protein from their diet; but many athletes require protein supplements to meet their daily requirements for this nutrient. Protein supplements are usually made from four different sources. Each of these protein sources is different and athletes should choose according to their needs.

The four protein sources common in protein supplements are whey, soy, casein and egg. While some protein supplements are made from just one source, most often there will be protein from two of these sources in a given protein supplement.

Whey protein comes from milk. It is the most common choice in protein supplements. Whey protein is made up of nonessential and essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are not made by the body naturally and must come through diet. The body takes well to whey protein and will use it easily and safely. The only concern about whey protein is that it is not safe for those with a milk allergy or who are lactose intolerant. Concentrated whey protein is most often preferred as it more available and less expensive. Concentrated forms contain anywhere from 30 to 85% protein. The isolate forms will have about 90%, but are more expensive and harder to find. Whey protein helps to boost the immune system, provides amino acids and helps for quick muscle recovery and prevents muscle breakdown.

Soy protein comes from soy flour. It is the most complete vegetable protein. It comes in concentrate and isolate and like whey, the isolate form is higher in protein content and more expensive. Soy protein is easy to digest and the perfect option for people who have milk allergies or are lactose intolerant. However, people with soy allergies can not tolerate soy protein. Soy protein can be added easily to food to increase the nutritional value and can help to lower cholesterol.

Egg protein comes from egg whites. It is fat free and very high in protein. It contains all the essential amino acids and is completely absorbed by the body. It is considered the best protein source. It should not be used by people who have egg allergies.

Casein is another protein derived from milk. Casein protein is digested more slowly than whey, which makes it a protein often combined with other, more quickly digester proteins. Casein protein is ideal for adding to pre-workout meals or before bed. As with whey protein, those with milk allergies should avoid casein protein.

When you're shopping for protein supplements, always read the label to make sure that the protein sources used are suitable for your needs and that you can safely ingest. Protein supplements can be a great thing " but make sure you choose well. - 17274

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For Best Results Combine Acai Berry With An Outstanding Healthy Daily Life

By Clyde Armstrong

There are thousands of people who say to have had great achievement with acai berry supplements for everything from fat loss to anti-aging and more. There are superior reports the world over.

But the truth is that for all of the victory tales there are still many complaints from people who feel like the products were over-hyped and they did not work. So what are the facts?

Well the fact is that the acai berry has one of the maximum nutritional and antioxidant contents of any foodstuff found on the planet. That alone makes it good for your health and nutritious and you would think tremendously constructive. It can be very valuable.

Nevertheless, it is not a wonder supplement that will cure all that ails you. No substance is. Nature is intended to function in synchronization. There is no miracle supplement that you can take to magically take the fat off and iron out the wrinkles and give you a protection from disease.

You cannot eat a gigantic meal of double cheeseburgers, French fries and a high octane sweetened soft drink followed by a huge cinnamon roll for dessert, as you lay on your couch and view films all day long, (or even sit behind a desk and computer monitor), then take an acai supplement and be expecting first-class results. You will just be wasting your money.

If you work in harmony with the world and eat a beneficial and nutritious nutritional regime filled with the most nutritious foods on earth, including spinach, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, blueberries, lean proteins along with a lot of wholesome fluids like green tea and in particular water you could have brilliant results with an acai berry supplement.

In spite of of whether you want fat loss or anti-aging or just all-around excellent health, you need to blend the acai berry supplements with a good for you lifestyle that includes a extremely wholesome diet and a regular exercise program.

United with a beneficial daily life, an acai berry supplement can give you some excellent outcomes. The high nutritional content can be extremely beneficial for fat loss, anti-aging and the avoidance of sickness. But it must be part of collective wholesome daily life choices because nothing in nature works single-handedly. - 17274

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What to Expect from Weekly Personal Training Sessions

By Amy Nutt

The first few weeks of a weekly exercise program is very exciting, but then many people find they are not accomplishing their goals as fast as they had hoped. Soon afterwards, the enthusiasm drops, results fade, and the confidence in acquire the goals and maintaining the end results diminishes.

The average person lasts for approximately six months before losing interest and dropping their routine. Fortunately, there are common factors and patterns to this decline in interest, so once you spot them, you can do something to keep yourself on track and motivated.

Make sure you are realistic about your goals and the time that will be needed to be committed to in order to maintain your routine. Allowing 3 workouts a week at a maximum of 60 minutes each is reasonable and be sure to factor in travel time (if working out at a gym) and shower time so that you are not finding yourself cutting corners due to running late. Get yourself into a routine /schedule when it comes to the days you workout. If a routine is set and adhered to, it will become more of an automatic action and will fit in as a regular part of your life.

There will be times you will not feel you have the energy to do your workout. Instead of skipping it, restructure that days routine by doing the exercises, but at a lower intensity or for only half the time. It may help to adjust your mealtimes as well; some find that if they are hungry or have just eaten they have too many distractions to want to exercise.

Finding an exercise buddy will help you stay motivated as well. You will offer support to each other and help the other stay on track on those days that you would rather just stay at home.

Expecting some physical discomfort is normal and common for most who workout weekly especially for the first weeks of your program. Your body is working to improve its strength and endurance so it needs time to adjust. Be sure that it is only discomfort and not actual pain. Pain tells you to stop what you are doing because something is wrong. If you are uncomfortable every time you workout try working a warm up and cool down session. A series of slow stretches and regulated breathing will help.

As your body feels as if it is leveling out and adapting to the level of effort made during the workout, increase the activity level by approximately 10% to help improve your fitness level and add variety to the routine. This will help to evade boredom.

If weight loss, as opposed to toning up, or building strength is you main goal, then being realistic is a key factor of your routine. Initially weight loss will be rapid, from not only increased activity, but from general changes in metabolism caused by changes in diet and water loss. Within a month most people level out in weight loss, and instead of achieving 5 to 8 pounds of loss in a week, they will lose 1 to 5 pounds. On average only 1 to 5 pounds a month will be accomplished after that. This occurs because the body has become use to the changes in other related habits, and also because muscle is now taking the place of some of the fat that has burned off. Muscle of course weighs more than fat and so the number of pounds being dropped will be lessened. Taking measurements may become a more effective means to calculate the success of your results from the workout if this aspect is important to you.

Ultimately, all of us are different and get various results from exercising weekly. It all depends on your current level of fitness, physical condition, receiving personal training, type of physical activity, and the time a person devotes to their workout routine. The important thing to remember is that realistic goals need to be set and if they cannot be met, then, instead of giving up, or throwing in the towel, simply revisit your workout routine and make revisions to help keep you active and motivated. - 17274

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Acai Berry's Benefits and Side Effects

By Jessica Matias

Acai berries were discovered in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil and are said to be used as part of the diet of the natives for centuries already. The fruit wasn't known to the Americans until recently when nutritionists and health experts became aware of its health benefits. The acai berry is considered to be the number one antioxidant food.

Our body needs antioxidants to cleanse our system of various toxins. Antioxidants help fight cancer cells and rid the body of the toxins from the food that we eat and the pollutants that we encounter on a daily basis. One of the benefits of the acai berry is its high antioxidant content which is 300 percent more than antioxidants from other fruits. Presence of more antioxidants in the body mean a healthier body. It isn't a wonder, then, that the native people of the Amazon rainforest are free of the harmful toxins that cause various diseases.

Acai berry is a great way to fight obesity, too. Isn't it great? Yes, it is. Obesity is one of the major problems nowadays because of unhealthy food and lifestyle that most of us have. Well, it can no longer be much of a problem because acai berry has the combination of antioxidants, amino and essential fatty acids that help a lot to burn fats. It will help you achieve the balanced weight that's just perfect for your body.

Acai berry can help boost our immune system to fight diseases. Again, because acai berry has a great amount of antioxidants, toxins are flushed out of the body. Combined with other essential acids, it can be an anti-viral and anti-bacterial agent which is a great boost for our immune system. This can be achieved when acai berry becomes part of our regular diet.

Bad cholesterol known as LDL is a threat to our heart, thus, low levels of this bad cholesterol can help prevent heart diseases. To have a healthy heart, we should maintain high levels of good cholesterol known as HDL. Acai berry components can help fight bad cholesterol and maintain a good level of the good ones. It also promotes the absorption of other vitamins such as Vitamins A, D, E and K.

Would you also believe that attaining good eyesight can be achieved with acai berry? Well, you better believe it. Acai berry also contains an antioxidant found in bilberries known as anthocyanins that can help relieve eye strain and improve eyesight. The anthocyanins, when combined with other antioxidants found in acai berry, can fight other eye diseases such as glaucoma.

Acai berry can also be a great stamina booster. Simply explained, when the body is healthy, has a great immune system and free from diseases, it has more capacity to provide us with more energy, thus, helping us gain stamina. High stamina is a must for athletes, so it may be helpful to try eating acai berries before a game and observe the results.

After discussing the benefits of acai berry, let us move on to the possible side effects of this already famous berry. As mentioned earlier, acai berries have been eaten raw by the natives of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil prior to the discovery by the health experts in the United States. Those natives have been eating them for hundreds of years and so far there were no report of negative effects.

It has been observed, though, that consumption of acai berry can lead to lose of appetite. For those who are on a diet and doesn't want to gain weight, losing appetite can be another positive effect. However, there are those who consider lost of appetite as a side effect.

The other thing is that, because it's gaining popularity now, it may cost you a lot buying product containing the juice of acai berry. It's because most manufacturers are into the acai berry bandwagon now. Although I've said that raw acai berry has no side effects, I cannot guarantee the supplements and other processed acai berries sold in the market now. It's because they may have added other substances such as caffeine to their products. Might as well check the nutrition facts to be sure. There's no harm doing that.

Always remember this, weigh the acai berry benefits versus the acai berry side effects. I'm sure that the positive effects will weigh more than the side effects. - 17274

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Body Detox: Essential To Staying Healthy In Modern Times

By Denzel Smith

A periodic body cleansing is critical if you want to stay healthy. Poisons and toxins enter and build up in the body over time and should be thoroughly purged out before they enter the bloodstream and start affecting other major organs. Colon cleansing is the key to preventing this.

How can your body become contaminated with dangerous levels of toxins? There are a lot of environmental influences. Some stem from pollutants in the air caused by industrial plants and automobile pollutions while others originate from the food we consume.

Many toxins enter the body through the foods we eat. Organically grown foods are much healthier but food products that contain chemicals and preservatives can often cause a certain level of colon poisoning over time. It is easy for chemicals to enter the body.

If chemicals remain in the colon for too long, they will soon slip into the bloodstream and find their way to the kidneys, liver and other vital organs. This can be very dangerous and can lead to serious illness.

Toxins and poisons in the bloodstream also weaken the immune system opening you up to a wide variety of diseases. A regular body detox can prevent this as you follow a systematic process of cleansing your intestinal walls.

Many have likened the colon to a waste processing plant in a major city. If something malfunctions within the plant causing it to shut down, then an entire city's population is at risk for drinking contaminated water. The colon works the same way keeping you safe.

How can you tell if you require a colon cleanse? There several signs to look for. The most common is feeling like you don't have any energy or strength. This is very typical of a toxic digestive tract. Stomach cramps accompanied with long term bloating can be another signal.

Signs of a poisoned colon can include a weakened immune system wherein you may contract the cold and flu with unusual frequency. An outbreak of allergy or intense flare-ups can also be a sign that you may need a body detox.

So what should you do to keep your colon clean for good health? It all starts by recognizing the need to periodically clean your colon. The process that purges your intestines of toxins can be done safely at home.

When looking for a good detoxification program, there are many to choose from. The best ones contain all natural ingredients such as herbs and spices specifically design to purge your system. Other methods may include drinking lots of water and changing your diet to eating high fiber foods and fresh vegetables. This is a sure way to cleanse the colon over time. - 17274

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Tips For Eating Healthy Food On A Budget

By Dan Sewinski

Good eating is all about portion control. So many restaurants serve large portions now that Americans think they have to have large portions. Large portions are good only if the food is low in calories and nutritious. When you cook in your own home, be very aware of how you cook and the portions. Cook light with healthy foods.

The oil used in cooking is as important as the food when it comes to cooking light. Oil can greatly increase any food's calorie and fat totals. Even if you use only healthy vegetables and other low-calorie foods, adding a lot of animal fat in your cooking oil will make the dish unhealthy when you've finished cooking it.

Here are some ways to ensure that you cook light and healthy for your home. Use vegetable-based oil This is the most important rule. Use oil that is vegetable based to ensure that what you are cooking your food with do not have much fats and calories in them. The most popular of these are the corn oil and the palm oil. These oils are made up of what is called the good cholesterol. This kind actually help in the functioning of the heart and balances out the bad cholesterol that we get from meats and animal fats.

You should never put any artificial coloring, flavors, and other chemicals in your food if you can avoid them. They make any dish that you serve less healthy, and can lead to kidney and liver ailments in the future because of all the added salt. You also should avoid batter frying and deep fry mixes. They do not add any nutritional value to food, but greatly increase the calorie total for any dish.

Lessen the meat: Make it a habit to cook vegetables and seafood at home. Make meat a once or twice a day fare in your home. This way, you and your kids will be getting the protein needs that your bodies have but lesser of the fats and cholesterol that meats give. If you do have to eat meat, choose those that are lesser in cholesterol. White meat such as chicken and turkey are considered healthier than red meats like pork and beef. And between these two, pork is better as you can easily remove the fats and not eat it unlike with beef, where fats are distributed on the meat.

Cooking for less: One way to eat light is to psych yourself to also cook light, not only in caloric and fat content but also in the number of servings. This is especially true if you are cooking for dinner. Cook less rice and more of the dishes. Do this gradually though. Drastic change in food intake can cause health problems. This is also not recommended if there are young children. With young children, it is important that you provide them with all the food that they need for growing up. This does not mean though that they should overeat but neither should you put them on a diet unless said so by a doctor. - 17274

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So Many People Are Asking - How Much Acai Berry Should I Take?

By Travis Van Slooten

Acai berry has recently become one of the most popular supplements on the American market, but many people are still asking how much acai berry they should be taking. While there is no set amount of acai which you should take, there are some things to consider which may help you decide what amount of acai is right for you. Depending upon the product you are using, the acai berry dosage may vary.

Who is Qualified to Determine My Dosage?

It is extremely important that you understand right away that only your doctor is qualified to determine what amount of acai berry, if any, is safe for you to consume. While there are many internet 'experts' who will rush to tell you that a certain dosage is right for you, they are not qualified to make that decision. On average, people are taking between 1000 and 4000 mg of different acai berry supplements. While you will most likely fall into this category, it is always the best bet to consult with your doctor to make sure you do not have potential allergies to the product you are considering.

What Are the Consequences of Too Much Acai?

If you accidentally or unknowingly took acai berry supplements which exceeded the usual dosage, chances are, nothing serious is going to happen to you. No side effects have been reported or observed to taking pure acai berry products. However, you may experience diarrhea or an upset stomach, as is the usual case when you overeat and this effect may not have anything to do with the fact that it is acai that you have just consumed. So that you don't worry so much about it, think of taking acai berry as eating apples, but it still wouldn't hurt to stick to the average dosage.

Are Certain Acai Berry Products Dangerous?

You need to remember that not all acai berry products are created equal. Some products are considered pure acai berry. They contain nothing except the nutritious fruit of the acai berry. These products are not known to have any side effects and are considered as safe as any common fruit. However, some products may contain fillers or additives such as sugars or caffeine which may have unwanted side effects if you consume too much. It is important that you consider the specific product if you are planning on taking a different dosage than what is on the bottle.

Again, pure acai berry supplements do not have any observed side effects. However, if you want to stay on the safe side, the best thing you can do is to check with your physician or at the very least, follow the recommended dosage printed on the label of your product. Also, do your own research before signing up for any product. The quality of the supplement itself is as vital a factor as how much acai berry you should take. - 17274

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Living Healthy Can Be Easier Than You Think

By Jill Gorman

People tend to over complicate living healthy. They think they need the latest exercise equipment, or the most popular diet to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Yet somehow we are now less healthy than we have ever been in the past. Waistlines are getting larger, and people are doing less and less outdoor activities.

After parsing this information what remains is the truth of the matter; a healthy lifestyle doesn't require gym memberships or prepared foods. What it requires is a commitment to long-term well-being and personal health. These are words that people do not like to hear, and yet it is undeniable.

Who among us doesn't want to be healthy? Everyone wants to have a great body, and a long life. Yet most of us don't do what it takes to meet these goals. We smoke, we eat too much and we drink excessively all while being sleep deprived and stressed. Eliminating these things can be difficult; however it is the only way to move forward with a healthy lifestyle.

And yet people do not do these four very basic things. Instead of walking on a daily basis they buy expensive gym membership that they never use. Instead of eating a healthy balanced diet that includes vegetables, fruits and yes even fat they buy expensive prepared meals that were created in a laboratory. Instead of getting a good eight hours of sleep at night they buy hyper caffeinated products to keep them awake longer.

The cynical among us think that this points to a common problem amongst a lot of people. Evidence seems to indicate that people aren't interested in living healthy, rather they are interested in the process of trying to live healthy. That is to say they are much more interested in spending time and money on attempts at health then they are in just getting down to business and doing it. This is a shame when you consider just how easy it is to lead a healthy lifestyle; and yet in our consumer culture it is unsurprising. - 17274

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