Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Is Your Nutritionist Too Fat To Fish?

By Dr. Bill

This morning, like every morning, I tried to avoid reading my email first thing, because if I get hooked on a good story, I can easily lose track of time and I don't end up getting enough done. But I couldn't resist this morning, and I read an email from someone I know who was just diagnosed with Type II Diabetes

John is in his mid fifties and I wouldn't say he is fat, but I wouldn't classify him as thin, either. He is what used to be called "husky," a definition that isn't heard much, these days. I would venture to say he is about 20-25 pounds over fighting weight. He loves food, and he loves beer, and he is going to have to make some changes in his life, if he wants to keep it.

John weighs about 225-230 and is 6'1" His email said that his family practitioner recommended a nutritionist for him after she diagnosed him with diabetes. I think John could get back into shape in about three months.

John took his doctor's advice and made an appointment with the nutritionist. Upon arriving for his appointment he was checked-in by a receptionist who really could be called obese -- she was probably 250 pounds and maybe 5'5"

John thought it was a little odd that a nutrition clinic would have a lardass at the front door, but with all the crazy laws on hiring, he thought that maybe they didn't have a choice.

When they finally called John in after a 20 minute wait, he was ushered into a large office. A few minutes later the nutritionist walked in, and John's jaw almost hit the floor. According to him, this woman could not have weighed less than 300 pounds -- he swears on it.

She started to talk to John about what might help him with his diabetes, but John really had a hard time focusing. This thought kept going through his mind: "Why is this nutritionist and the woman who works for her so grossly overweight?"

The nutritionist got to the part where she was displaying plastic food to show John about correct portion sizes, but John could not keep silent. Finally he blurted out, "If you know so much about nutrition and the rules of dieting, why are you so overweight?"

This question stopped her dead in her tracks and stunned her into silence. She finally pulled herself together and acted as though she had not heard John's question. "Excuse me, what did you say?"

John played along and repeated his question. "How can you be so overweight, when you know all these rules about dieting and nutrition?"

At this point the nutritionist flew off the handle, and started screaming at him, telling him to get out of her office immediately. He obliged, but didn't think his question was out of line. The receptionist asked him if there was a problem, on his way out, and he said that someone apparently couldn't handle her own advice.

When he went back to his own doctor and told her the story, the doctor tried to keep her composure, but broke up laughing after a minute or two.

Between the two of us, he got some rules to follow.

I recommend, as John's doctor does, supplementation with pharmaceutical grade fish oil, especially for patients with Type II diabetes. Diabetes really ups the risk for cardiac issues, and although John does not have heart problems right now, his risk level is high. The pharmaceutical-grade fish oil is useful in the treatment of diabetes because it can help control lipid levels, particularly triglyceride levels. These levels are often elevated in patients with diabetes.

Not only that, but pharmaceutical grade fish oil has been linked to wide range of other health benefits, including reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and certain cancers, improved joint health, and improved behavior and mood.

It's really important for people with Type II diabetes to do what they can to elevate their mood, because many of them suffer from depression that is brought on by the disease.

I think John was absolutely within his rights to ask that question of his nutritionist. How is his situation different from taking health advice from a pulmonologist who thought nothing of smoking?

Nutritionists need to practice what they preach, not just preach during office hours where they practice.

John had mentioned to me that the nutritionist had cases of Diet Coke in her office. Did you know that more fat people drink Diet Coke than any other form of beverage?

Never be afraid to get another opinion, especially in a case like this. - 17274

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Fish Oil For Memory Improvement

By Dr. Bill

I'm having some hot chocolate at the moment, and I have to say that there are times when a hot chocolate is the best thing you can possibly have. I don't have this very often, but when I do, it just puts me in a great frame of mind in an instant.

Seeing my test scores in medical school used to perk me up in the same way, but after I found out the results, the effect would wear off quickly and sleep was all that was on my mind. With the hot chocolate, I am more inclined to get out there and do something productive.

I saw an interesting article in my local paper yesterday. I can't saw that I often find relevant news in my little local paper, but obviously, you never know.

I read about a a competition called the USA National Memory Championship, which was started in 1997 by Tony Dottino, who runs the Dottino Consulting Group. The article detailed the ways in which the consulting group was able to apply neuroscientific concepts to business applications. The conclusion was that most people do not comprehend the astonishing things that their brains have the potential to achieve.

Tony found that when discussing this topic with people, most seemed to want to avoid the topic altogether, and were especially interested in avoiding the subject of anything having to do with memory.

Here's what people were most afraid of: they didn't want to talk about memory loss that is related to aging.

Tony set out to educate people, teaching, "Your brain is like a muscle, and must be exercised. When given the proper training, it gets stronger, regardless of age."

Tony had a friend named Tony Buzan, who ran a competition in a English pub where patrons were pitted against each other to test their memories.

The partnership between Tony Dottino and Tony Buzan resulted in the creation of the USA Memory Championship.

So what's Chester's secret?

Just wait and I'll tell you.

There are a number of different events that contestants in the Memory Championship participate in:

1. Memorization of 99 names and faces

2. They are required to memorize the order of a shuffled deck of cards.

3. Poetry

4. Speed numbers

5. They are required to memorize 1000 random numbers or a list of 500 words.

Wow, the list alone was enough to humble me.

Chester is the defending National Memory Champion, and has competed for the last seven years.

Chester takes fish oil every day, along with his 3 hours of memory exercises. He firmly believes that fish oil increases his brain function, and he takes a B-complex vitamin as well, which he credits with increasing his powers of concentration.

Why? Well at least 30% of the brain is made of DHA, one of the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil. DHA is used by the body to maintain brain cell membranes and boosts brain power. So it's not surprising that Chester finds fish oil a great resource in boosting his memory.

Good food, exercise, and pharmaceutical grade fish oil will keep your brain functioning at an optimum level, as demonstrated by the defending champ. You can keep your own brain sharp by using an ultra pure pharmaceutical grade fish oil from the deep arctic waters of Norway.

The prime health concern of Baby Boomers is the possibility of developing Alzheimer's and experiencing memory loss. To alleviate their anxiety, Baby Boomers should be eating right, exercising consistently, and of course, taking a pharmaceutical-grade fish oil. These lifestyle choices can greatly assist in keeping their minds clear and focused as they age.

We might not be able to win the National Memory Championship, but we'll be able to remember where we parked. - 17274

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Usana PhytoEstrin - Optimizer Supplement for Women

By Angela Giles

Usana PhytoEstrin is a broad spectrum phytoestrogen product that provides relief from common menopausal symptoms in women. It is produced by Usana Health Sciences, known for its superior nutritional care products.

The reproductive cycle in women begins at the age of puberty and ends at the age of menopause. At both the stages, there are major hormonal changes that take place. Whereas in puberty, hormonal production increases, in menopause, it reduces causing several health complications. Menopause usually happens around 45 to 55 (sometimes up to 60) years of age and causes reduction in estrogen and progesterone levels.

Many experts in women's health recommend a natural approach to dealing with health issues surrounding menopause. They advise regular exercise, a healthy diet including dietary supplements rich in panthothenic acid, Vitamin E, calcium and phytoestrogens, which are botanical compounds with estrogen-like properties.

Phytoestrogens are naturally-occurring plant compounts also called as 'dietary estrogens'. This is because they resemble the natural estrogens in structure and action. They are extracted from plants like legumes and grains and also from fruits and vegetables. Estrogen levels are directly related to heart and bone health in women and therefore phytoestrogen supplementation is helpful during the menopause years.

Usana PhytoEstrin delivers a unique blend of phytoestrgen from 5 botanical sources. It contains isoflavones as another key ingredient and herbs that act as complements to the isoflavones. The herbs include licorice-root extract, black cohosh, chasteberry powder and dong quai.

A unique formulation in all respects, Usana PhytoEstrin helps in addressing a number of health issues in women related to hormonal changes during the pre-, peri- and post-menopause period. Usana PhytoEstrin is a laboratory tested product of the highest quality and adheres to the standards set by USP.

Usana products are acclaimed to be the best nutrition supplementation products. They have consistently outperformed other products in the market year after year in surveys that compared hundreds of nutritional supplements. - 17274

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Cures for Tinnitus

By Matt Hellstrom

If you hear ringing in your ears or some other constant sound when there does not actually seem to be any noise present, you may be suffering from tinnitus. If that is the case, you may be searching for cures for tinnitus to alleviate the issues that you are having, but it is much more helpful to understand how this condition is developed before you go any further in your quest to find a cure.

Tinnitus can rear its ugly head in many different ways. It is caused by things like medication, prescription and non-prescription, stress and trauma. In most cases, these causes can be avoided if the proper precautions were taken. Unfortunately, far too many people neglect to do this and end up suffering from tinnitus.

When you are looking at the people that will normally suffer from tinnitus, you will see individuals who work in construction around equipment that is very loud, concert workers and enthusiasts or people that undergo a great deal of stress in their everyday life and job.

There is a significant pool of individuals who expose their ear drums to unnecessary risk because of things like iPods, Bluetooth devices and head phones. Having the volume on any of these items set too loud will put you at risk of developing tinnitus. If you are using these types of devices, you need to understand that you only need to hear it, not have everyone else around you hear it also.

When you are looking for cures for tinnitus, it is more about prevention than anything else. Lowering the stress level of your life and protecting yourself against loud noises at your profession are both common ways to prevent this condition. You are not being told not to use modern devices like a blue tooth, you are just being told to lower the volume level to not put yourself at risk.

When you think about it, with everything that we have to avoid in today's society, things like cancer and HIV, why would anyone risk doing damage to their bodies when it can be 100% avoided. Remember, this is a condition that in most cases is developed because of your carelessness or neglect to take the proper precautionary steps when you are exposed to loud noises. It is absolutely amazing that knowing the harmful side effects of doing this are not enough for people to turn down that volume ever so slightly and eliminate the risk of losing your hearing or subjecting yourself to the annoying buzzing and ringing in your ears.

Usually, if you have tinnitus, removal of aggravating factors such as allergens in chemical or foods and exposure to loud noise, will be sufficient. After that, preventing it from coming back is the key issue. Try to avoid those chemicals or foods or medications that led to the tinnitus in the first place. Often, this is the most common cure for tinnitus. - 17274

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How To Stop Tinnitus

By Matt Hellstrom

Many people experience a common disorder in which they hear a ringing in or other annoying sounds in their ear called Tinnitus. With tinnitus some people will experience a loss of sleep and may feel some feeling of anxiety. These problems may cause a person to look for alternatives to help them stop tinnitus and get rid of the ringing, buzzing or humming noises.

A person with Tinnitus may try to stop the ringing by drowning it out; they may use a more acceptable sound such as television or radio to make the ringing go away. Because Tinnitus is a disorder that is partly caused by constant loud noises, it is important to keep away from them.

With the Tinnitus disorder, may people will got through many different problems, and it is recommended that they take the time to change their lifestyles. By getting a new diet that is free of diary, caffeine, alcohol, sugar, fat and salt you will be able to lessen the affects of Tinnitus. In addition eliminating stress will also help you to get rid of the problems.

Supplementing your diet with foods such as Ginkgo Biloba and taking Vitamins such as B and A, will help with the affects of Tinnitus. These products help to stop any problem with your circulation and may help with neurotransmitter problems in addition to relieving the ringing in your ears. In order to purchase any of these by visiting your local pharmacy or grocery store.

One way to get rid of the ringing in your ears and stop tinnitus, are ear plugs aids and Tinnitus Maskers. The ear plugs cut down on the unwelcome ringing or other sounds that you hear. Tinnitus maskers will allow you to listen to other sounds such as the soft hum of a fan or the blowing of wind through the trees, which will allow you to have more control over the sounds that affect you.

The most important thing to remember, is not to let Tinnitus become a major factor in your life, take control of it by using any one of the remedies such as changing your diet, taking vitamins and dietary supplements, keeping yourself free from stressful situations.

Even though you may believe that you're not at risk for tinnitus, take at look at your listening habits when it comes to things like music or using power tools without protective eye and ear equipment. Regular, constant exposure to loud noises can still contribute to tinnitus or cause it to worsen. If you want to stop tinnitus, the best time is before it has a chance to take hold. - 17274

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The truth about residential reverse osmosis systems

By Nicos Stylianou

In response to the growing demand for home water filtration systems, a lot of people have chosen to buy and install residential reverse osmosis systems.

When I was in the process of selecting a water purification system for my own house, I did my own research on residential reverse osmosis systems. In this article, I will give you below my top three reasons why I should advise you against buying them. I start with the least and finish with the most important.

Reason #1: Because of the way they work, these systems' speed of operation is very low. You see, the way they process water is by using high pressure to push it through a filter which has very small holes, or pores as they are called. The principle is very simple: All that is contained in the water and has smaller molecules than these pores goes through to the other side (the output side), while the rest remains in the input side. In this way, the water gets filtered, as a large range of contaminants (with large molecules) do not make it through to the other side. This whole process is inevitably time consuming, due to the very small size of the pores.

Just to give you a rough indication, in order for one gallon of pure water to be produced, it may take up to three hours. As a consequence of this drawback, installation of residential reverse osmosis systems always requires for a storage tank with capacity 2 to 5 gallons of water.

As you understand, that extra storage tank will be taken into account when you estimate the space allocated at your home for the installation of the system. In addition, you should carefully dimension the capacity of this tank, in order to make sure that it will meet your maximum demand of water on a day to day basis.

Reason #2: The second drawback of residential reverse osmosis systems has to do with their efficiency, i.e the ratio of output to input water. This efficiency is very low, in other words they waste a lot of water. To be more practical, I should say that 1 gallon of purified water corresponds to 3 up to 10 gallons of tap water. What's left in the input side is simply wasted, guided into the drain.

This fact has a direct impact on your bottom line, as your cost per gallon of water is increased because of the higher water consumption. Furthermore, you have to take care of the water drainage, this complicating your installation set up.

Reason #3: And we come to the biggest downside of all, at least in my book. Because of the way that residential reverse osmosis systems work, the minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium etc) which are existent in tap water are discarded, because they have larger molecules than water and so do not pass the membrane.

Let me say that you can very easily tell when water lacks minerals, or it is demineralized as the exact term goes. It tastes funny, or better yet, it doesn't taste at all! It is flat.

But, unfortunately, the drawbacks of drinking demineralized water do not end on just the taste alone. Long time consumption of it can really endanger your health, as experts say. In fact, in their report that was published some time ago and was based on results of a detailed study, the World Health Organization claim that, in order to avoid any health problems, people should never consume water that does not contain minimum levels of essential minerals.

Having said all the above about reverse osmosis systems, my advice to you is that you should consider investigating water multi filtration technology instead. To find relevant information and see what I use, visit my website. - 17274

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Cellulite and Salt Intake

By El Bilson

A good way to reduce the appearance of cellulite is through proper diet. Limiting your salt intake can play a role in reducing the appearance of cellulite. By reducing fat and salt in your diet and increasing the amount of water you drink, you may find a way to reduce cellulite.

While the causes of cellulite are affected by a genetic predisposition, they can also be affected a great deal by lifestyle. Cellulite can start to appear when the skin starts to lose its elasticity. For permanent reduction of cellulite symptoms, there needs to be a lifestyle change. Dietary changes can help improve the appearance of the skin and give you more energy as well.

Most people know that salt causes fluid retention. However you may not have realized that fluid retention can increase the appearance of cellulite. When your salt intake is high, the areas of cellulite will swell and be more noticeable because of the retention of fluid. Some foods that have high sodium/salt content are easy to identify. These include processed and packaged foods such as potato chips, pickles, soy sauce, and processed meats such as cold cuts.

It's usually a good idea to check the Nutritional Information box on any food product you buy. This way you can check the amount of sodium in the food you are eating. Salt will be listed as sodium and will be measured by portion size. By becoming more aware of the salt contained in the foods you eat, you can gradually start to improve the appearance of your skin.

A reduction of cellulite in the body can be obtained over time with a low sodium, low fat diet, exercise and a healthy lifestyle. So remove that salt shaker from the table. When cooking, reduce the amount of salt that a recipe calls for. If the recipe calls for a teaspoon of salt, reduce that to one half teaspoon. Most of the time you won't notice the difference!

Invest in a book that lists the sodium count of most common foods. You will eventually get used to food being less salty. Most foods in nature are low in sodium to begin with. Fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables have very little sodium. But those two slices of sausage pizza you had at lunch used up about 88% of your recommended daily allowance of salt.

The recommended daily allowance for sodium is around 2,400 milligrams. While this sounds like a lot, it can be easy to exceed this limit within one meal. If you are serious about reducing the appearance of cellulite on your skin, then a change in diet can be helpful. There is no need to starve yourself. Just make an attempt to pick healthier foods. Lower salt intake and increase consumption of water. Dont forget to reduce fat intake as well.

Beautiful skin starts on the inside. And the changes you make will not only reduce the appearance of cellulite, but will improve your overall health in many ways! - 17274

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Organic bread

By Karol Wariala

Sent by: Organic Bread Mix. All types of food are presently classified as organic or non-organic from fruits and vegetables to bread, meat and dairy products. Although organic bread, for example, is not within the reach of any consumer, lots of people consider it the only choice to include in their diets. To the honest, the stress on organic bread brings us back to a time when bakeries supported the life of communities, long before huge bread manufacturers took over the processes and automatized them. Whole grain bread from crops that have not been exposed to any sorts of chemicals make the only ingredients of handmade organic brain.

Other than the organic bread made with normal whole grain flour, there are kinds of organic bread made exclusively from whole grains. This helps people with food sensitivities or intolerance to wheat, but generally speaking a consumer will prefer one kind o of product only. The popularity and sales level for organic bread differs in various parts of the world.

Fortunately, in many farms worldwide, chemicals are not used that much in grain crops, which gives a semi-organic property to the final products.

However, heavily industrialized countries in the West offer plenty of bread products resulting from regular crops that are treated with chemicals for increased productivity and disease prevention.

Organic bread will be a privilege in such parts of the world under the circumstances. People can even order organic bread online from local bakeries in their home area. Of course the costs of such breads be a bit higher but if you have a reasonable monthly budget you can definitely afford such food products. Organic bread is not a luxury, but it rather represents a return to the natural, the authentic and why not to the traditional.

Small family farms are the ones that support organic bread producers. Sometimes combinations of organic and regular grains are possible too. However, such bread types cannot claim the title of organic since they are only partially free of artificial elements. Organic bread remains a tradition in many countryside locations where the farming activities have preserved some of the initial purity of the occupation. Even so, farmers and manufacturers are regularly checked and monitored by the authorities who pass the organic certification. - 17274

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American Diet

By Robert Varnum

Healthy eating is a topic that is important to many people. Here are a few healthier diet tips.

We often hear that Americans are not eating a healthy diet. In recent decades our average weight has risen substantially while our fruit and vegetable consumption has decreased. One of the most important things we can do for our waistlines and our general health, is to increase our intake of fruits and vegetables daily. By incorporating a few simple lifestyle changes, you can do just that!

The average American knows vegetables and fruit are very important to us for good nutrition for that reason most of us try to eat right. Studies have shown that if we eat more vegetables and fruit we will decrease our chances of getting heart disease, stroke or cancer.

Colors of the vegetables and fruit we eat is very important. Because the deeper the color in the fruit and vegetables we consume, the more nutrients will be in them.

Increasing your fruit and vegetable intake can be helpful in a weight loss program as well. The water and fiber content in fruits and vegetables helps you to feel fuller, quicker and they are often low in calories. The more of the right foods that you eat, the less room you will have for the unhealthy foods. As you eat more of the healthy foods, your appetite for them will increase as well. Remember that the fruits and vegetables are a substitute for the higher calorie foods, not in addition to them. If you only add fruits and vegetables to your current diet then you will be increasing your calorie intake, not reducing it.

You can add extra vegetables and fruit to your favorite foods that already have them in them. First thing in the morning you could add extra fruit to your cereal or add more vegetables to an omelet. To meals that are loaded with pasta and rice you could add vegetables to them and also you could add more of your favorite vegetables to stir fry dishes and soups. As an alternative to high fat snacks you could purchase pre washed vegetables and fruit for your snacks.You would be more likely to eat healthy snacks if they were as available as the convenient junk food snacks.

At mealtime place vegetables and fruit on your plate and always make sure you keep fresh fruit at home. For work you could have a small bag of fruit with some yogurt for dipping or you could take some vegetables with low fat dip for your mid day snack. For snacking emergencies you could have some dried fruit in the drawer of your desk.

Many fast food restaurants are adding healthy alternatives to their menus. Order apple slices or a fruit bowls in place of French fries or a chicken fillet sandwich or wrap in place of a burger. Try the smoothie shop instead of the ice cream parlor for a healthier treat that also incorporates a serving of fruit.

For a healthy diet you need to eat vegetables and fruit. By adding more vegetables and fruit to your daily routine, you will do wonders for your health and you can also lose some of that unwanted weight. - 17274

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