Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Usana BiOmega - Promotes Cardiovascular Health

By Angela Giles

Usana BiOmega is a fish oil supplement produced from the laboratories of Usana Health Sciences, a company engaged in providing high quality nutritional care since 1992. Usana BiOmega supplements the body's requirements of omega-3 fatty acids which are important for general health.

There are many varieties of fatty acids both saturated and unsaturated. Unsaturated fatty acids are beneficial for health. Omega-3 is one such family of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Two of its important members are DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). Scientific studies have confirmed that both DHA and EPA play a key role in preventing the onset of heart disease.

Omega-3 acids contribute significantly to promoting the health of the immune system, development of the neural functionality in children and sustaining bone health. Research has also shown their positive contribution to diminish the risk of diseases like cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and certain mental disorders.

DHA, EPA and other omega-3 acids are helpful in brain development in the fetus and after birth. Their presence in significant amounts has been found in nerve cells of infant brains. Experimental studies in children with learning and behavioral disorders have shown that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation has lead to improvement in the children's learning and behavior.

All oily fish like sardines, mackerel, salmon and herring found in cold sea water are a rich source of fatty acids. But along with the beneficial acids, they also contain traces of nickel, lead, mercury and other heavy metals which can be harmful to the health. Commercial refining processes, in their effort to remove contaminants, also tend to remove the fatty acids.

Usana BiOmega supplement is manufactured using a proprietary refining process known as double molecular distillation. This process performs the dual function of extracting omega-3 fatty acids and totally eliminating the heavy metals and pesticides. EPA and DHA are both maintained in a fresh state using natural preservative agents.

Usana BiOmega also contains Vitamin D which is essential in maintaining bone health and lung function but is found to be lacking in our diet. The body's daily requirement of omega-3 fatty acids is conveniently packed in just two capsules. The capsules are available in a lemon flavoring to remove the typical fishy aftertaste of fish-oil products.

Stringent USP safety and quality norms govern the production of Usana BiOmega, which is one of the highest quality fish-oil products on the market. Even pregnant women can effectively supplement their diet with these omega-3 fatty acids. - 17274

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How to build muscle in more ways than one

By James Hanson

Whether you are looking to build your body strength or simply improve your body image, muscle building training can give you both of this and a lot more. There are a variety of ways to achieve what you want - here, we list some of the best ways to fast build muscle fast.

The best way to achieve muscle growth is the natural way - with a good diet and regular exercise. Eating the right kinds of food and settling into an exercise routine that works out the right parts of the body can ultimately give you what you want. You can also burn any excess fat from your body and build muscle at the same time.

Some people claim that taking muscle-enhancing drugs can help you along, but this is generally not a good idea simply because it's not a natural way to grow muscle. When you're unsure about a certain drug or supplement, take the time to consult with your doctor just to make sure you won't be hurting your health down the line.

Most people equate muscle building with gym workouts. This is the most advisable way to build muscle, since you can apply pressure on specific areas that you want muscle growth in. Bear in mind that every person has limits - and this means that lifting something that is way beyond your capacity would do you more harm than good.

Beginning your weight lifting workout with an iron bar is easy enough. When you feel it's too light, slowly add more and more weight to constantly work your body out to its limits. The idea is to work just a little more than what you can normally handle. By doing the extra repetition or the extra set, you'll be opening the doors to muscle growth - soon you'll find you can lift more and more weight with every workout.

Asides from weights, there are also many other methods to build muscle. You could jog around your village to strengthen your legs, do sit-ups to build your abs, push-ups for your chest, and pull-ups for your arms and back.

Diet is vital in making sure that you get the results you want. Make sure you diet is rich is protein and carbohydrates and that you consume energy drinks during your workout. You need to make sure that your muscles have a steady supply of energy throughout the day; eating small meals frequently can achieve this, in contrast to consuming two to three larger meals per day.

You'll need to remember to maintain your workout regimen for as long as you want to keep building muscle. It's easier to lose muscle mass than gain it. When you know your limits, you'll be able to gauge just how long and how hard you need to work out - and, of course, when to stop.

One of the key things to remember to build muscle is that you need to give yourself an all-round workout, so changing your routine every month or so will make sure that you exercise all of the areas you need to and make sure that your efforts give you the best results. - 17274

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Making Your Life Better Choosing a Good Detox Diet

By Chris Marex

Tips for choosing a good detox diet can benefit a person who's finally made the choice to attempt to clean his or her body of accumulated potentially-harmful toxins and impurities. The name given to the procedure which has as its aim the excision of all these toxins, chemicals, heavy metals and other substances from the body is "detox," or more formally; detoxification.

Unfortunately, people can sometimes become confused when it comes to a detox diet. This is mainly in the area of thinking a single detox will permanently repair all of the damage done over a lifetime. They're only partially correct, however, because no single treatment can return a person to a feeling of once-lost vigor. A partial restoration is possible, of course, but it'll take a while and maybe a consistent and regular schedule of detox before full cleansing will take place. Still, a little bit is better than nothing at all.

But really, an occasional detox diet is only a semi-serious recovery program. Rather, in order to gain ultimate benefit from the process, it needs to be regular, structured, intelligent and comprehensive. It also should be combined with food and other lifestyle changes, though long term changes in these areas can be a bit more difficult to sustain. However, when done in such a manner, the potential benefits tend to be much greater in the long run.

So, what sorts of components (foods, juices, combinations of both) should go into an effective detox diet? Generally the best of them have two phases which help to bring about complete if temporary - when permanent substitution of good foods isn't done - changes in the body's make-up, or the manner in which it regulates itself.

The first phase is sometimes called a "flush." It can be a way for hitting the body hard, in terms of introducing a blend of natural juice combinations which have other foods - like Cayenne pepper and maple syrup, for example -- in them into the body. All of these juices are drunk down, though there are other ways of introducing flushing agents into the body, depending upon what area or system of the body is being addressed (colonics, for instance).

Detox diets have the benefit of being able to be designed to address specific systems and processes in the body. One popular detox diet revolves around cleansing the blood through the drinking of those juices. Logically enough, the process is known as "blood cleansing." The aim is to help the body force toxins from the bloodstream, which has accumulated as the result of meals eaten in the past.

Blood cleansing by itself, though, isn't considered to be a full detoxification. It also doesn't really do much to help the body expel trace elements and heavy metals like mercury, for instance, from the tissues and organs of the body. What's called for in this circumstance is phase two of a detox, and it's what's known as a "chelating" treatment. This process aims to remove those substances from tissue and vital organs, where they've built up over the years. People should know, though, that they'll probably feel a little bad for a bit after the chelating treatment. The reason is all those substances will first have to be flushed through the kidneys and liver before they're excreted permanently from the body.

Effective detoxification aims to help a person deal with all of the problems created by poor diet and the introduction of others substances into the body which have occurred over a lifetime. To obtain the most effective results, it's always a smart thing to change diet permanently, and well as certain other lifestyle choices, like putting down cigarettes for good. - 17274

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Buy organic food online

By Karol Wariala

Brought to you by: Mustard Dressing. With the increasing emphasis put on organic food production, more and more people access the Internet for solutions that involve organic products. Besides the chance to get lots of information on nutrients, health benefits and health threats posed by non-organic items, consumers now have the chance to actually order organic foods online. Plenty of stores choose the Internet as a promotion environment, with the mention that the perishable nature of the products does not allow for long distance transportation. Therefore most of the organic foods online is taken from farm markets, family farms and other local businesses that deliver the goods in no more than two days.

Local food suppliers are the best possibility one can relish but when the access to such facilities is not possible, organic foods online are just as good. Given the absence of organic food availability in your area, you can search on the Internet for maps and reviews on the organic products retailers or suppliers that are closest and thus most geographically advantageous for you as a buyer.

The items that are chilled or frozen require special packaging for the preservation of the temperature. Once you find an organic store online that suits your needs, move on to checking their offer together with the terms and conditions.

You may also have to pay some extra charges in addition to the transportation too. Should you buy bulk quantities, web sites will often give you a discount; yet, keep in mind that there could be a minimum amount required particularly in the wholesale system. In case you want to purchase eggs, you won't be able to order just ten organic items, and the price will be usually applied to cartons or the form of packaging offered by the online retailer or the producer.

Check all such elements before the payment and the order confirmation.

The most reliable organic foods online stores will have a geographical limitation in terms of delivery. This policy corresponds to the necessity to provide viable products that keep all their properties without deteriorating during transportation. The very first condition of buying organic food is that it be fresh, and therefore the items have to remain in a good storage environment until they get delivered.

Make sure that you take such aspects into account when you place an order. And finally, remember the fact that it is a lot better to shop with local suppliers, meaning that the Internet becomes the alternative when you have no choice. - 17274

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This Is One Of The Healthy Eating Facts That Actually Works!

By Dan Beckwith

It all gets pretty confusing, protein, nutrients, good carbs, bad carbs... there are tons of good healthy eating facts out there and it can get very frustrating.

Today, let's step back a little from all the confusion, and talk about one of the best healthy eating facts around. Do this, and you are guaranteed to have healthy, nutritious meals that will help you lose weight (if that is what you want).

Think about this for a moment... when was the last time you ordered a pizza or picked up dinner from a fast food place?

Why? You are trying to lose weight, and you know those things are bad for you...so why did you do it?

I'm sure there are exceptions, but my guess would be that most of you grabbed the burger or pizza for no reason other than - you didn't know what to fix for dinner. The fast food place was on the way home, and it offered a simple solution.

That may indeed be a fact, but not one of the healthy eating facts! True, after a hard day's work, the last thing we want to do is have to come up with an idea for a meal. It's even worse when you throw in the healthy, lose weight restrictions. (Tossing a frozen pizza in the oven is no better than having one delivered.)

Here's how to solve that problem...On your next day off (or whenever you can) set aside a couple hours and plan your dinner menu for each day in the coming week! Go two weeks if you are feeling ambitious.

Put each meal plan on a separate sheet of paper in a 3 ring binder. If you want to go all out, you can even separate the days with pretty, multicolored tabs. Eventually, you will probably want to laminate the pages.

Now, here's the important part. Each evening when you get home, open your binder to that day's menu and make it. We want to make this a habit, so never deviate under any circumstances.

All those costly, and unhealthy impulse buys from the local drive through will be totally eliminated. Plus, you no longer have to worry about what to fix for dinner.

This idea may seem too easy, but it works and will save a bundle of cash.

If you had a personal chef, and their job was to fix you healthy, nutritious, low-calorie meals, you would expect them to preplan the menu. If they always waited until the last minute for inspiration, you would most likely fired them. Think of yourself in the same way, pre-plan your meals. Then, don't change your plans during the week.

Right now, it may seem like a boring chore, but once this becomes a habit you will learn to truly love your binder.

If you plan all your meals to be healthy ones, it MUST eventually improve your health. It has to!

At the end of your first week, sit down and do it again. Make up a new meal plan for the next week. Try to make them all different recipes than the ones you had before. By the end of the first month, you will have a months worth of different recipes you can call on.

Every meal, for four weeks, will be different. This way you will never get tired of eating the same meals over and over again. They will all be tasty, nutritious and low calorie. Once you've gotten this far, you can stop your weekly planning and just continuously rotate the recipes in your binder.

I think that's one of the best healthy eating facts out there, and it will help you save a bundle at the grocery store.

For a free subscription to my "Fast Weight Loss" mini-course, check out my website. There is quite a bit of informative information there too! - 17274

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Vegetarians and Diabetes

By Jake Ryan

It is easy to become overwhelmed by diabetes. You need to take change your diet to help manage the disease. One particular life change people with diabetes have been changing to is a vegetarian diet. It eliminates all animal foods and sugar.

When you have diabetes not maintaining a proper diet can cause extra blood sugar to build up and cause bad health problems. Your insulin isn't being utilized enough or the cells are not using the insulin properly. Insulin is the glucose carrier to the blood stream and then to your cells to fuel them.

Vegetarianism is a life change. You can go as strict as not eating meat at all or you can with other vegetarian diets you can eat mean on special occasions.

Whether you extremely strict or more lenient on whole a vegetarian diet are lower in calories than an average diet. Since weight, loss is a major goal of most diabetics this is a good plan. Weight loss can reduce the cells resistance to insulin, which in turn allows them to process sugar like they are supposed to.

A vegetarian diet contains little or no animal products; this in turn reduces fat and cholesterol in the diet, which reduces the occurrence of other complications from diabetes. Namely cardiovascular and kidney disease, two of the most common complications.

A vegetarian diet is really the best diet for a person with diabetes. All the benefits in health, cholesterol, weight, and reducing insulin resistance make it the perfect diet for a diabetic. - 17274

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Natural organic products

By Karol Wariala

Other Authors: Salad Ceasar. Many companies have increased sales with the higher demand for natural organic products, in fact the shopper is much more aware what he/she buys and makes the selection more rigorously. Natural organic products bring a quality and health promise because of the special non-processed form of the ingredients. Presently, there are special sections in supermarkets where shoppers can read the organic certification for fruits, vegetables, dairy products and meat, which is a guarantee of the product origin and production specifics. In fact, lots of supermarket chains have special contracts with exclusive suppliers of natural organic products, and this influences positively the price policy applied.

Moreover, consumers are more and more interested to read and learn about natural organic products, they need to know what they pay their money for. Market studies indicate that there is quite a number of consumers who do not choose natural organic products because they don't make a difference. The advantages of organic foods are the main aspects one should be aware of in order to make a smart purchase.

Thus, the fact that organic food means more food than conventional items should be enough to convince one to buy organic. Thus, there are more vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and healthier proteins.

There are other issues closely related with the purchase of natural organic products. When you mainly rely on this kind of food, there are more benefits than you can suspect: there will be a lot less stress on the environment, for instance. This is the reason why so many green life supporters focus on the organic side of food and ban anything that has been highly processed, fertilized or treated with insecticides.

With the increased exposure of natural organic products we may wonder on the possible evolution of the food market in the coming years.

Will natural organic products stick to a high quality level? Will there be a corruption at the heart of the system and even organic items will undergo some processing? Will regular crops disappear? One can definitely predict, but the truth is that the future is constantly being written and re-written. It is easy to figure out why with the higher organic food demand, many regular food producers will adapt to the new conditions. However, the problem of this adjustment is the potential deterioration of the high quality of the natural organic products. It therefore remains to be seen which will win the battle of regular vs. organic. - 17274

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A Sexier Body with the Right Body Building Diets

By Maxburn

Fasting, starvation or deprivation of food are all things most of us think of when the word dieting comes up. In reality, a diet is merely the food choices one makes on a daily basis. For those of us interested in burning fat while we bulid muscle, the choices we make must be on those that help us to repair the tissue that was broken down from workouts.

The best body building diets include a balance consisting of 40% carbs, 40% proteins and 20% good fats. Your body building program may consist of gaining muscle or losing body fat but the best programs involve both. The calories may be adjusted upward or downward according to your plan for reducing weight. Some of the best sources of carbohydrates include oatmeal, grits, brown rice, sweet potatoes in combination with fibrous sources such as snap peas, green beans and broccoli. Proteins are the building block of muscle a come from lean sources which include chicken, turkey, and fish such as tuna. Fats are used many bodily functions such as the production of naturally occurring hormones. Some great sources of good fats include oils such as flax seed oil, and canned extra virgin olive oil.

Your body building goals can help you determine the type of diet that is best for you. Careful planning is in order if you are just starting your bodybuilding and fitness program. The best programs include a program for building muscle while burning fat. The plan needs to estimate the calories burned and from this you can determine the number of calories that can consumed. The calorie equation is simple: losing weight demands that calories in must be less than calories out. Male body builders with over10% body fat or female with over 12% should choose a diet that emphasizes fat loss. By focusing on building muscle, the number of calories consumed can gradually be increased since the muscle burns more calories (even at rest) than fat.

After identifying and implementing the proper body building diet and exercise program, the following diet myths should be kept in mind:

- A diet focused on starvation yields the results.

- Eliminating all fats is necessary for weight loss.

- Restricting all fat from the diet produces the best results.

- Low carb diets make you lose body fat faster than any other kind of diet.

A diet designed to build muscle while burning fat should be well planned. This plan should take into account the fact that the calories burned should be greater than the calories consumed. That building lean muscle promotes the expenditure of greater amounts of calories. - 17274

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