Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Monday, January 4, 2010

How To Straightforwardly And Smoothly Achieve Your Bodybuilding Goals

By Charles Ishihashi

More and more people are getting involved in the fast growing sport of bodybuilding. It seems that on every street corner there is a new bodybuilding being opened up, and there are several new magazines coming out every month that are dedicated to the ancient sport of bodybuilding. From the ancient Greeks to modern day westerners, bodybuilding has been a favorite sport of many people.

The reasons for getting involved in body building are numerous. Some want to develop an attractive body to impress the opposite sex. Some are simply into it for the massive health benefits, still others would like to someday compete in national and international tournaments.

Whatever your reason for getting started with bodybuilding, I'd like to give you a couple general guidelines to get started. These can help you tremendously to achieve maximum success no matter what your reasons are.

First of all, you need a specific, measurable goal. Strength, size, body fat percentage. Something that you can write down on a piece of paper. something you can measure and record. Choose a time three or six months out in the future, and choose what you'd like to achieve by that time. The more specific you are, the easier it will be to get there. Studies have shown time and time again that those with a concrete goal are much more likely to achieve success than those that don't.

Now you've got your target, you'll need to set up the path you'll take to get there. Choose how much time it will take on a daily basis. Decide on what kind of foods you'll need to eat, and not eat. And perhaps most important, make sure you budget enough time for rest and recovery, for that is when the muscles are actually building. Of course, bodybuilding is a serious commitment, so be prepared to do away with things that don't support your goal.

Once you develop a solid goal, and a specific strategy to get there, the motivation usually takes care of itself. The more you focus on your goal, and all the good stuff that will come when you accomplish it, the easier it will be to get there. - 17274

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Proven Diet To Burn Belly Fat In One Month - It's Unheard of To Shed Pounds This Fast!

By Elliott Mccarty

How would you like to burn belly fat in just 1 month...and keep it off? Well, take just one minute out of your busy day to learn more about a very effective and proven diet plan to get a flat midsection and a skinnier waistline in just 4 weeks....with EASE!

Alright, most important things first. If you want to burn belly fat fast, there are some very important principles you have to adapt to if you need fast results...getting proper nourishment and augmenting your metabolic rate.

Having said that, please consider my advice and keep away from those low calorie, low fat, low carb, and starvation diet plans. Those plans are based around dangerous techniques to drop pounds quickly and they will cause your base metabolic rate to decelerate to a crawl! This is due to the fact your body needs a specific amount of calories every day, many nutrients, and starving yourself will just flat out put your body in turmoil!!

Now, after investigating all of the best diet plans out here today, the one plan that topped them all to be ready to burn belly fat as quickly as possible is the calorie shifting diet from Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

The calorie shifting diet firstly works very well to burn belly fat and drop pounds fast since this diet is based exactly around those two principles I talked about above....elevating your base metabolic rate and getting correct nutrition!

Besides that, the only thing that places this diet plan in advance of the rest is the secret diet trick you may learn called "shifting" where you'll change round the calories from the meals you consume every day that may cause your constitution to skyrocket to the highest level! With your metabolic rate elevated throughout the entire day using the "shifting" technique, you may flatten your belly and drop pounds lightning fast! - 17274

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Can You Really Lose Weight With The Slim Fast Diet?

By Lee Reid

The slim fast diet is a dieting plan that is designed by combining healthy nutritious shakes along with well balanced meals which will help you achieve the goal of rapid weight loss. Several choices of shakes including Slim Fast Original, Optima, Low-carb, High protein and easy-to digest are offered in the slim fast diet. In addition, different delicious flavors including creamy milk chocolate are also available in the slim fast diet.

If you hope to follow or to start the slim fast diet plan, you will require slim fast diet shakes, fresh fruit and it is also recommended that you have some slim fast snacks and meals to ensure the maximum effectiveness of the diet.

Once you have stocked up on enough slim fast diet shakes you are ready to start your diet and travel the road that will lead to quick and effective weight loss. When dieting always remember it is vital to have a healthy breakfast as this sets the tone for the day. Try and have a slim fast diet shake for breakfast and also for lunch as you should try to drink the slim fast diet shakes twice a day for the best results.

Furthermore, even when you are in the mood for a snack, you could choose healthy options including fresh fruits or a slim fast nutrition bar. You must also make sure that you don't consume more than five hundred calories for dinner. The slim fast diet helps you to lose weight by reducing the amount of calories you consume without compromising on healthy food or starving yourself.

It is important that you make sure that you drink plenty of water when following the slim fast diet.Water is essential for washing away all the toxins. Also, when you keep yourself rehydrated with plenty of water this will cut down your intake of calories laden sodas, thereby making the slim fast diet a lot more effective.

For optimum results combine the slim fast diet with exercise. Any type of exercise such as jogging to aerobics to using weights will increase the number of calories you burn as well as you metabolism. Therefore when you exercise at least thrice a week along with the slim fast diet and a controlled food intake, it will help you to lose weight rapidly while making you looking and feeling wonderful. - 17274

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Are You Getting Enough Water?

By Beth Hoover

How much water intake is wanted to maximize water benefits? The answer is not simply to drink 8 glasses a day. Ideal water consumption is a little little more difficult than that.

To get the best water advantages to keep healthy, the optimum daily water intake depends on a number of factors. How old you are. How healthy and physically active you are. And what form of climate you are experiencing currently.

for instance, an older, out of shape marathon runner in Miami, Florida in Aug is going to want a ton more water than a healthy young stroller in Central Park does in May.

The conditions your body experiences over time and place are never continuous. And, since your body customarily loses water as you go through your normal day breathing, sweating and dumping waste, it's essential that you constantly replenish your supply of water. If you never feel even a tiny bit parched, you are likely drinking more than sufficient water. Thirst is always the first sign of dehydration. A good general rule is to drink at least a cup of water for every twenty pounds of body weight and more depending on your present circumstances.

Why is drinking enough water so important? The human body, just like the earth, is created up often of water. In reality, both are about three quarter's water. The human brain, for example, is about eighty percent water.

And it will only take a little loss of body fluids to create mild to moderate dehydration. Research has shown that just a five pc loss of body liquids could cause as much as a thirty percent loss of physical and mental energy. Dehydration symptoms include fatigue, tiredness, muscle weakness, dizziness, headaches and a definite lack of ability to focus and concentrate. And most folks that suffer from these Problems are not one bit aware that all they have to do to get some instant relief is drink some water.

Notice that I claimed, drink some water. I did not say have a cup of joe, a bottle of soda or a glass of beer. These alternate choices to water might be tempting but they don't really slake your thirst. Coffee and caffeinated soft drinks, as an example, are diuretics. That is, they make you urinate, which only leads to more water loss and more thirst.

Drinking a lot of water is also one of the finest things you can do to shed pounds and keep it off forever. Drinking eight glasses of water a day keeps you full, helping to cut down on overeating. And drinking water rather than high calorie and alcoholic beverages will help you in losing as much as twenty pounds in one year. - 17274

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Reduce Belly Fat - Diet And Exercises For Busy Women

By Santos Mccoy

This is how to reduce belly fat using diet and exercises... Specifically for busy women. Since time is expensive, you want something that's's quick and gets results. I have what you're looking for.

Reduce Belly Fat - Diet and Exercises

1.Do Belly Rubs

What you do is rub your hands together really hard for 15 seconds. Now, while lying down, rub tiny circles around you belly button with one of the hands for 30 seconds. Rest and repeat for a total of 5 minutes a day. Best to do it twice a day for 2-3 mins every time.

This works thanks to the heat energy in your hands. It is going straight through your skin and right into the belly fat deposits... Either loosening them up for excretion or literally destroying them right on the spot.

2.Eat 3 apples a day

Laugh at the boring tip if you'd like, but if you want a simple way to lose 2 pounds a month for some months... Here it is.

3.Jump on a mini-trampoline during your spare time

This is a great and convenient exercise. What I do that literally saves me 10's of hours of time every month is I jump on the mini-trampoline during TV commercials. So I mix my television time with my workout time... So saving a gigantic bit of workout time and the drives to and from the gym!

You'd be amazed at how many commercials get stuffed into tv programs... About 22 minutes worth of commercials per hour. So get jumping... It's maybe the best $25 I ever invested.

4.Walk on an incline

I personally hate walking and jogging when it comes to weight loss. A nice walk is fine, but I do it for leisure, not weight reduction. But walking on an incline, WOW, that's a massively weight reduction exercise.

So if you can find a treadmill, incline it 10-15 degrees and walk on it for 15-20 mins. Try it and get back to me... Malicious laugh! It is a love-hate sort of exercise. You are going to love the weight reduction results... Particularly it peeling away belly fat. - 17274

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Water Benefits for Better Health

By Beth Hoover

Understanding water benefits begins with the incontrovertible fact that after the air you breathe, water is the second most critical component for your well-being and well being. But how much water amount do you need for optimum health?

The body is about 70 percent water. Blood is over eighty percent water. The brain is more than 75% and the liver is a superb 96%. The human body depends on the life-giving and curative properties of water and not on coffee, colas and beer. That is the reason why it is so significant that everyone drink an acceptable quantity of water every day.

Water benefits are many. To start with, water prevents dehydration of the body. Did you know that a five pc drop in body fluids could create up to a 25% to 30 percent loss of energy? Even just mild to moderate dehydration creates fatigue, headaches, dizziness and loss of concentration. Most of the people that are suffering from these conditions haven't a clue that relief could be just as straightforward as drinking a tumbler of water. And a 15% drop in body liquids may cause death.

Other water benefits include the supplying of essential nutrient elements to every cell in your body. Water boosts digestion and controls the metabolism of minerals and vitamins, while working as a natural appetite suppressant. Water also helps remove and expel poisons and waste products from the body by promoting healthy elimination and preventing bowel problems.

Since a lot of degenerative sicknesses result from the bodily accumulation of poisons, water is the body's way of flushing these unhealthy wastes from the body, to paraphrase, water is necessary for the body's purification process and for the prevention of many illnesses.

Most people believe the daily water amount to remain healthy is eight glasses. But the minimum water consumption relies on many factors, including age, climate, physical condition and level of activity. This implies that an older person working hard in a dry, hot climate possibly desires a load more water than a younger, more healthy person sitting on a porch swing on a cool spring evening. A good rough rule is to drink 1 cup of water for each twenty pounds of body weight.

Drinking plenty of cool, clean water is good for your health . Drink more than enough water that you never actually feel thirsty, which is the very first symptom of dehydration. That way you can be sure you have enough water in your system to stay energized both physically and mentally. - 17274

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Do You Know Your Spinal IQ?

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Your IQ that's measured in school has to do with problem solving - mental gymnastics. Your spinal IQ also has to do with problem solving. These are "problems" of the physical kind.

How far to bend over to lift those grocery bags out of your car's trunk? How much muscle force is necessary for you to pick up and carry your five-year-old child? What specific muscles are needed to maintain your "downward dog" position for 30 seconds in yoga class? How far can your back muscles stretch when you do a back bend at the ballet barre? These are the problems your spinal IQ tries to solve.

Spinal IQ is an inborn ability. Our bodies were designed for the rigors of physical work - they are very smart and very adaptable. One of our built-in control systems is the specialized set of nerve endings known as proprioceptors.

Proprioception is our internal awareness of position in three-dimensional space.1,2 This three-dimensional positioning allows us to keep our balance when we walk or run. Proprioception tells our muscles and joints how to work together to throw a baseball from third to first, to drive to the basketball hoop and sink a lay-up, or to hit a tennis ball to the corner of our opponent's service box and win the point.

Proprioception is very important in your spinal IQ. The spine is a complex system of bones, joints, muscles, and ligaments - a smart proprioception system helps all the parts work together smoothly and seamlessly.

To keep all the parts functioning we need to take an active role. In modern society, if we are not proactive, it's easy for our bodies to break down. Two key strategies for maintaining high levels of spinal IQ are regular strenuous exercise and regular chiropractic check-ups.

Exercise helps our bodies stay smart.3 When we exercise, our joints are mechanically stressed and challenged throughout their complete ranges of motion. This activity stimulates proprioceptors - training them to do their job well and building new and stronger connections between nerve cells. Exercise also builds muscle strength and flexibility, and in the process the muscles are getting smarter, too.

Chiropractic care can enhance the benefits of your exercise program by helping ensure optimal functioning of your spine and nerve system. With regular chiropractic care, your proprioceptive system is optimized and your body's ability to adapt to physical challenges is restored.

Your chiropractor will be glad to assist you in designed an exercise program that will work for you, helping you to improve your spinal IQ and your health.

1Armstrong B, et al: Head and neck position sense. Sports Med 38(2):101-117, 2008 2Chow DH, et al: Changes in spinal curvature and proprioception of schoolboys carrying different weights of backpack. Ergonomics 50(12):2148-2156, 2007 3Akuthota V, et al: Core stability exercise principles. Curr Sports Med Rep 7(1):39-44, 2 - 17274

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Instantly Increase Your Metabolism With These 9 Foods

By Mitch Graves

You may ask "why do I need to increase my metabolism when I want to gain weight and build muscle?:

Well I'm glad you asked.

A slow metabolism will destroy muscle and store fat. Starving your body or inactivity will tell your body not to build muscle because it takes too much energy to maintain.

In a bulking phase, your body is demanding energy all the time for the heavy amounts of stress you're putting on it by lifting heavy weight and doing intense interval cardio.

Muscles need a lot of energy to grow. The best way to increase your energy intake is to eat more. But if you eat more and aren't aren't active, you'll get fat.

To minimize your fat gains, you must increase your metabolism. This is muscle beneficial and fat detrimental. Intense cardio and lifting weights already boost your metabolism.

In addition to your activity, you'll need a dietary boost in your metabolism. The following foods will increase your metabolism as well as help build muscle.

1. Fish - for the omega-3 (O3)

* Mackerel - 2.5g O3 per 3.5 oz of fish
* Bluefin Tuna - 1.6g O3 per 3.5 oz of fish
* Salmon - 1.5g O3 per 3.5 oz of fish

Omega 3 is a protein which can increase your metabolism by up to 400 calories per day. Talk about a burn.

Of course you can take an Omega 3 vitamin, but eating fish gives you the benefit of a lot more nutrients.

2. High Fiber Veggies

* Avocado
* Beans
* Broccoli

Fiber is an indigestible carbohydrate, but your body tries to digest it anyway. It uses up tons of energy in the process of trying to do so. Side note: Broccoli is also high in calcium.

3. High Protein Meat

* Venison - 34g per 100 grams of meat
* Chicken - 25g per 100 grams of meat
* Lean beef - 25g per 100 grams of meat

Protein takes twice as much energy to burn as carbs. This will increase your metabolism right away.

Include these foods in your diet and you'll benefit from a higher metabolism, even in your sleep.

Webmd supplied some of the information. - 17274

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Bodybuilding Workouts & Exercises, Muscle Building Myths Exposed

By Ricardo d Argence

If you don't watch your step you may end up falling for some fatal muscle-building pitfalls that will literally destroy your gains. In this article I'm going to expose 4 very common muscle-building myths in order to keep you on the proper path to the mind-blowing muscle and strength gains you deserve.

1. In order to build muscle, you must achieve a "pump" during your workout. The greater the pump you achieve, the more muscle you will build. For those of you who are just starting out, a "pump" is the feeling that you get as blood becomes trapped inside the muscle tissue when you train with weights. While a pump does feel fantastic, it has very little, if anything to do with properly stimulating your muscles to grow.

A pump is simply the result of increased bloodflow to the muscle tissue and is certainly not indicative of a successful workout. A successful workout should only be gauged by the concept of progression. If you were able to lift more weight or perform more reps than you did in the previous week, then you did your job.

2. The downside to gaining muscle mass is, you will be slower and lose flexibility. Believe it or not, developing lean muscle mass speeds you up. running. All of the movements that your body makes, from an involuntary twitch to running, jumping, and throwing, are the responsibility of your muscles. It all comes down to this, the more powerful a muscle is the more force it is capable of exerting.

3. You must always use perfect, textbook form on all exercises. While using good form in the gym is always important, obsessing over perfect form is an entirely different matter. If you are always attempting to perform every exercise using flawless, textbook form, you will actually increase your chances of injury and simultaneously decrease the total amount of muscle stimulation you can achieve.

Natural movement is a must when you exercise. This could result from a small sway in your back while doing bicep curls or a little amount of body movement when doing barbell rows.

4. If you want your muscles to grow you must "feel the burn!". This is another huge misconception in the gym. The "burning" sensation that results from intense weight training is simply the result of lactic acid (a metabolic waste product) that is secreted inside the muscle tissue as you exercise. Increased levels of lactic acid have nothing to do with muscle growth and may actually slow down your gains rather than speed them up. - 17274

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Goji Berries In The Form Of Juice

By Rachel Clark

Goji is a special berry that is not found very easily. However, it can be used to make a special juice known as Goji juice. Goji berries generally have a very mild tangy taste that can be termed as slightly sweet and slightly sour. However, they have a shape that is very similar to chewy texture of the raisins. Earlier, in a traditional Chinese's medicine system, these Goji berries were eaten raw, or sometimes were brewed in tea. However, now, they are also available in the form of juices and are sometimes added to the Chinese soups in the form of liquid extracts.

Importance of Goji berries can be seen from the fact that they are now used in all major snacks of North American food. Goji berries can interact with many anticoagulant drugs that are commonly known as blood-thinners, like warfarin. One can easily find Goji berries at all the Chinese herbal shops. Goji berry juice can also be found at various health food stores, and online stores. These days, Goji juice is available in the form of 32-ounce bottles. Although, Goji berries that were used in traditional Chinese medicine were not very expensive but these days, since they are available in the form of juice, this has added to some extra cost. Most people prefer to have raw Goji berries because they are cheaper as in comparison to Goji juice.

Till today, side effects of regular Goji consumption are yet unknown.
Currently, Goji juice has become an important product in the market that is resulting in the advancement of science and technology. There are many western health and food companies that are now regularly promoting Goji juice. Himalayan Goji berry Juice is thought to contain many important nutrients like phytonutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, and polysaccharides. These days, Himalayan Goji Juice is seen as the only tried, well tested, and a proven way to get the complete benefit from Goji Berries. Goji berry juice is made using a spectral signature technology that helps in selecting perfect Goji berries from many strains that are available. Himalayan Goji berry juice is seen as the most nutritious and well-balanced juice.

Goji berry juice helps in strengthening the heart and also helps in alleviating heart palpitations. Besides this, it also helps in fighting against insomnia and forgetfulness. Polysaccharides that from main constituent of Goji berries helps to control pituitary glands that are mainly responsible for producing HGH or human growth hormone that is seen as a powerful anti-aging hormone. Since many years, Goji berry juice has been in use by the pregnant women as it alleviates morning sickness. From the research and clinical trial, it has been proven that it can be used in the partial reversal of various kinds of sexual dysfunctions prevailing in seniors.

This juice is very helpful in boosting proper functioning of the immune system. It also has anti-cancer properties that make it perfect to be used for the treatment of cancer. Apart from its use for body weight loss, it also helps in treatment of hepatitis-B. It is believed that due to its rich nutrition content it can make metabolism strong, can create a significant difference on the life period. From many researches that have been carried out it has been concluded that Goji berry juice can significantly influence growth rate and can contribute towards long and healthy life. - 17274

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Learn Other Benefits Of Acai Berry Supplements Before Spending Your Hard Earned

By Amy Bram

If the popularity of health supplements worldwide was collated then one element you could guarantee a place at the top is acai supplements. Taking over some of the popularity of other healthy natural supplements, acai supplements have recently achieved worldwide fame because of the fact that many magazines, books and TV shows have highlighted just how many health benefits they have, but how could the acai berry supplements help you?

Acai berry can boost your health no matter where you are right now. You can use them to your full confidence as many ordinary people have reported great success with them. Many marketers are promoting acai berry as the ultimate weight loss products but there are other benefits that you must be aware of. Some of them include enhancements in metabolism, higher energy levels as well as making you sleep better. That is a sneak peek of some of the major benefits of acai berry supplements.

Make sure that there is no drawback to your health before taking in any acai berry. By far, there are only raves and praises from consumers using acai berry. Unless you have any allergy from taking them, they are safe to be consumed. Just to be on the safe side, you can visit any consumer review site to see under what kind of circumstances that you cannot consume acai berry.

To place even more confidence in them, you may need to study their properties in detail. As a rule of thumb, if you have more acai berry in the box, the more potent will be its properties. If you want to enjoy the full benefits of acai berry, read through the ingredients list and make sure that it contains a lot of acai berry.

The best acai berry supplements contain very little, if anything, else in them because it diminishes the amount of acai that each supplement contains. Generally, if you can have the higher the percentage of acai in each supplement, the better it is. Those high in acai are worth every penny that you pay for them.

Some merchants are looking for ways to make a quick profit. Beware of them as they may provide you with diluted products. If you can avoid them, you may find that your health have improved tremendously as you are consuming the full fledged benefits of an acai berry. - 17274

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