Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tri Slim easy weight loss supplement

By Collin James

If yo have set a weight loss goal for 2009 like so many other people have, you should strongly consider getting some help. Tri-Slim is a well established name in the weight loss community and has helped me to reach my new years goal in a month and a half.

With the TriSlim formula you will:

1. Loss in appetite

2. My body was burning calories wit out even doing anything - increased metabolism

3. My body was not storing fats anymore

For many of us - the above process is exactly what we need to over come our weight problems and get back into our favorite pair of jeans we use to wear. With the 3 ingredients used in TriSlim a lot of people have been able to lose up to 15 pounds in 15 days - which to me - is amazing!!

Tri Slim uses three main ingredients in the weight loss supplement that I personally feel are the best three that are known today. Tri Slim uses green tea, Hoodia Gordonii as well as Chitosan, which is the fat blocker. - 17274

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The Acai Berry

By Janice Pettry

The Acai Berry is a small berry like fruit that is only found in the Amazon rain forests.For thousands of years, natives in Brazil have consumed this berry in many different forms as they knew it to have many different health benefits.

Today, we are introduced to the Acai Berry in many different forms. Medical experts have seen the amazing health benefits from there patients who regularly consume this berry in the various forms it comes in and they have started to majorly support the recommendation of it to other patients of theirs.

Health benefits of the Brazilian Acai Berry!

The biggest health benefit is the increased resistance to disease. Packing a heavy load of antioxidents, the Acai Berry charges up your immune system. The vitamins and minerals found in the Acai Berry aid in fighting certain disorders an are known to help fight cancer cells as well.

Increasing the antioxidants in the human body has proven to scientific researchers that the Acai Berry can ensure your overall health and fitness. With users consuming such a small amount (just one capsule) of the Acai Berry daily, lives are simply being changed!

The Acai Berry comes to us in many different forms. In an amazing juice form that tastes great which is created by MonaVie and in capsule form by AcaiBurn, Both forms yield the same results and it is just a matter of which form you want to use it in.

There has ever been so many helpful benefits found in just one fruit before and with the increased antioxidants in your body one other benefit has been an rapid weight loss weight loss. - 17274

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Healthy Grocery Shopping

By George B. Siba

Your grocery store is a great place to find both healthy, nutritious foods and the less healthy junk foods. Part of eating right is learning how to shop. This article will give you ideas to help you choose foods that have the best nutritional qualities as you wander the local grocery store.

There are some strategies that can help you make your shopping trips to the grocery store healthier. You will not have a healthy dinner table without first stocking your kitchen with the best foods.

Always make a detailed shopping list before going to the grocery store. This will keep you focused; a carefully thought out grocery list keeps you from succumbing to the temptation of junk foods. Keep a notepad in the kitchen. Write down things as you think of them, when it comes time to go shopping you will have your list ready.

Reading labels is an important expertise for any healthy eater. Nutritional labels supply information on the percentage of vitamins and minerals, the amount of calories, number of at grams, percentage of total fat and amount of fiber your foods contain.

Go to the produce section of your grocery store first. Start your shopping by filling your food basket with fruits and vegetables. This will leave less room for junk foods and get you started out right.

Pick naturally lower fat alternatives to high fat, high sugar snacks. Buying smaller package sizes will help you enjoy sweets while limiting calories. Watch out for extra sugar content, it is always a good idea to check labels for this. It can be a concern with low fat baked produce. Some manufacturers of low fat foods pack their low fat baked goods with extra sugar.

Honey and stevia are healthy sweeteners. Stevia is extremely sweet and noncaloric. Stevia is a notable herb, native to Paraguay, it has been used as a sweetener for centuries. Honey is mostly the sugars fructose and glucose; honey contains insignificant amounts of several vitamins and minerals and tiny amounts of several compounds thought to work as antioxidants, including, vitamin C, chrysin, pinobanksin, catalase, and pinocembrin.

Generally, the less healthy, sugar loaded cereals are at kids height, the healthier products are on the top shelves. Some breakfast cereals have enriched white flour and high fructose corn syrup which isn't as good as whole wheat and honey. High fructose corn syrup is bad for you, dont eat it. It is important to read the labels to make sure you are getting something you should be putting in your body.

This is the tip you always hear, never go grocery shopping when you are hungry. Hungry shoppers make unhealthy choices that will be around long after your hunger has gone. - 17274

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Cajun Style Food And Why It Is So Delicious

By Dan Sewinski

There really is very little science to this particular form of cooking that includes a lot more than mere lagniappe from the pantry or the spice cabinet.Cooking in the heart of Cajun country is an art form.

Cajun cooking has been copied frequently all over the country and all over the world as well, but it is hardly ever copied with accuracy. One of the most intriguing aspects of Cajun cooking is that there are so few precise recipes associated with it.

An authentic Cajun recipe doesn't involve measuring spoons. It's an art. It doesn't come out of a book. It's done to taste. Eat the same dish, but don't expect exactly the same taste. Artists don't paint the same painting twice.

Cajun food is often made even more delicious or mysterious simply by the mood of the one doing the cooking. I'm sure that many of you have watched as Emeril Lagasse makes some special concoction and exclaims 'Bam!The major reason for this is that in addition to being an art form in and of itself,

There's a great deal of that in regard to Cajun cooking. It is a thing which goes way beyond the recipe's ingredients and deep down into the soul and heart of the cook. There's a good reason why many southern cooked dishes are called soul food, and you must not for one second forget that New Orleans is indeed known as the very heart of the Deep South.

The most difficult thing, perhaps when it comes to preparing good Cajun dishes outside of the New Orleans region is finding the right ingredients. It is nearly impossible to find the fresh seasonings and spices that are essential to most Cajun cuisine outside the heart of the old south.

If you are determined to learn to make Cajun food of your own, you must first find the ingredients.Not only that, but fresh crawfish and andouille sausage are a little difficult to come by during the heart of a Michigan winter.

When it comes to finding Cajun seasonings, don't expect your local grocery store to have what you need. You might find a few items on an international food aisle, but to get a good selection, visit a specialty food shop, or ask about special order.

When you have everything all together you should have some great music blasting from you speakers to get everyone feeling food. The majority of Cajun recipes need a lot of time for those flavors to meld together, so keep that in mind.

Similar to those who live in the Big Easy, Cajun food must not be rushed. It will be ready in just the right amount of time. As the one who cooks this food, you have to simply accept this fact. This food has its own way of letting you know when it's ready which is almost mythical--until you have found it out for yourself.

On the other end however, Cajun food is some of the richest and most delicious food on the planet. Mastering the ability to cook this wonderful food will make you a slave to its flavor for many years to come.Cooking Cajun food will try your patience, try your talents, and in some cases zap your energy, as it tends to be an emotional process for many. - 17274

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Gourmet Dog Food from Home

By Jeff Dunham

How can you ensure that the dog food you feed your pet is safe? The best way is to consider making homemade dog food. Do not worry about recalls on spoiled dog food. Instead, you can know exactly what goes into your dogs food by mixing foods on your own.

Table scraps do not constitute as dog food. Your dog needs a well balanced diet of food just like you do. Their food must contain meats and vegetables. Foods containing starches are necessary for your dogs food as well. Meat will be the main component of your dogs food.

Chicken, lamb, liver, kidney, beef and turkey are the most popular meats to use if you want to make homemade dog food that is fit for a king. Dairy products including eggs and other components should be included in your homemade dog food. Rice, potatoes and other starchy ingredients are necessary as well.

You can cook the meat you will use for the homemade dog food ahead of time. You can throw all the ingredients together into a food processor. The mixture of food can then be cooked for your dog. You can make enough for the day or make food for two or three days of feeding for your dog. Any food that you make ahead of time should be tossed out after about 72 hours of being refrigerated.

You can grind the meat you will use in a meat grinder if it is not already ground meat. If your dog does not like any meat chunks, you will want to process the meat. You can make large quantities, but it is important to remember that once food is cooked and prepared for your dog it should be eaten within three days.

Homemade dog food can provide the healthiest and safest meals for your dog. You can find recipes online or by talking to your pets veterinarian. You should talk to their vet in any case before you start mixing up homemade dog food. They can aid you in preparing menus that will provide your dog with food they love and ingredients they need. - 17274

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Advanced Wellness Research Acai Berry Offers Information

By Linda Kemp

Are you interested in having an edge in your next athletic competition? If so, you likely have tried many different supplements, with differing effects. Many so-called supplements are actually banned substances that can do irreparable harm to your body and can cut your athletic career short. And other supplements are basically just vitamins and minerals that are sure to help a bit, but not do anything remarkable. However, if you have seen the ads for the acai berry, you are probably curious about whether this wonder food can help you. In short, this berry is actually a very smart supplement for anyone involved in athletics or who just likes to exercise and has the power to help you get more out of your body.

Unlike other supplements that are either dangerous or ineffective, Pure Acai Berry has a special combination of nutrients that are extremely effective in promoting better stamina and energy. In Brazil, where these berries grow native, people have been using these berries in order to perform better in competitions and in order to have more energy for thousands of years. You can think of this berry in a similar way to an energy drink- a great way to replenish lost energy stores, to get extra energy before an especially challenging event, and a way to stock up on nutrients that keep your body running at its ultimate level.

Acai berry's great energy boosting ability comes from many sources, but most noticeably from its omega fatty acids and its almost complete proteins. The omega fatty acids are the good kind of fats that both provide energy and are protective of the heart and cardiovascular system. And, with an almost complete set of essential amino acids, this supplement is able to help you build muscle and repair muscle fibers after a hard workout. This is essential to keeping in top form and to doing your best in any type of competition or workout.

Pure Acai Berry has other properties that make it more beneficial than just a protein shake or an omega fatty acid supplement. For instance, the large concentration of vitamins and minerals, including potassium and calcium are very important to keeping the body in great working order and allowing it to function at its best. And the extremely high antioxidant concentration allows you to neutralize free radicals in your body to avoid dangerous cell changes. Considering that many athletes need to eat many more calories than the average person and eating is one of the primary reasons for the formation of free radicals, getting enough antioxidants is especially important!

Best of all, acai berry seems to have the effect of helping the people taking it to feel much more energetic throughout the day. This seems to be from a combination of all of the nutrients found within the berry and affects athletes and people who need extra energy for hard days at work equally. For people who are just looking for something to help give them enough energy to feel like working out after work, this is a good supplement and can help you get into a healthy routine that makes you feel great.

If using the acai berry to enhance your workout routine sounds like a great idea, just make sure you use Pure Acai Berry- the only completely pure and concentrated form of this supplement out there. You can even enjoy a free trial offer in order to see just how much of a difference it can make in your energy levels and stamina. - 17274

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Wu Yi Tea For Weight Loss: A Safe, Natural Alternative

By Petronella Lauritsen

You've probably heard something about Wu Yi tea by now - there are a lot of news stories out there about people using Wu Yi tea for weight loss. But what's the truth about this tea? Can it really help you to lose weight? As it happens, people have been drinking Wu Yi tea in China for centuries; of course, the Chinese are known for their slim waistlines and good health. So how does Wu Yi tea for weight loss work? Let's look at the facts.

A lot of research has been done on the health benefits of Wu Yi tea. Wu Yi tea is an oolong tea (the sort of tea commonly served in Chinese restaurants) which is grown around Mount Wu Yi on the Chinese province of Fujian. The soil of the region has a high mineral content, which along with the way the tea is processed after harvest is believed to give this tea its beneficial properties.

Many plants contain compounds called polyphenols; the plant needs this for photosynthesis. Now, this compound also happens to be why it is helpful to drink Wu Yi tea for weight loss. Oolong tea and especially Wu Yi tea contains an exceptionally high amount of these compounds. When you ingest polyphenols, your body begins to produce the enzymes which break down fat cells. This makes Wu YI tea for weight loss a healthy choice, since it uses your body's own fat-burning properties to help you lose weight.

In a study done on the properties of Wu Yi tea for weight loss, it was found that participants who drank oolong tea (such as Wu Yi tea) burned 10% more calories than did people who drank water. This may not be as dramatic as the weight loss claims you'll hear made of some products out there, but just think of what 10% more calorie burning could do for your weight loss plan! If you could burn off 10% more calories in your workouts, you could speed up your weight loss and get to your weight loss goals faster.

Wu Yi tea can help you to get over the weight loss plateau safely and naturally. Besides helping your body to burn fat and calories, Wu Yi tea can even block your body from absorbing some of the fat from foods you eat! This is just another great benefit of Wu Yi tea for weight loss.

If you're interested in learning more about how Wu Yi tea can help you lose weight, you may want to read up on the tea by reading Wu Yi tea reviews - there are quite a few places online where you can see what others have to say about this product.

There are a lot of other great benefits which Wu Yi tea can offer. The taste alone makes it something well worth adding to your diet as a regular basis. It's all natural, healthy and drinking Wu Yi tea for weight loss may be just what you need to get past the dreaded weight loss plateau. - 17274

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A Starting Fact About How to Gain Muscle Mass

By Allen Brian

Gaining muscle mass is the dream of the majority of male. But, if you want to do it on your own without using artificial supplements or dangerous steroids, then you need plenty of commitment and discipline to your diet and your physical training. To do this, you also need to take your schedule into account and judge how much time you can spend on workout in gym and make necessary changes to your diet. For gaining muscle mass, here are 4 hot tips you can use and shape your body up.

The Importance of Sodium

Sodium is a kind of mineral and important to your body. It increases your muscle growth and the fluid volume of your body. Even though is can keep water in our body, but it's not good if want to build muscle mass. It also helps to increase your carbohydrate storage and absorption of amino acid to your body. Another good thing of boosting the rate of fluid in cells, it can slash the chances of damage to your soft tissues and help your joint leverage improvement and relax your muscle strength while you do training exercises. Sodium has another function to improve the responsiveness of muscles to insulin.

Fish and Other Foods That Contain Omega-3

Eating foods such as fish that contain omega-3 fatty acids is very helpful in allowing you to gain more muscle mass. Eat fish that has a lot of omega-3 such as lake trout, salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines and herring. Foods like sprouts, kale, spinach, walnuts, cauliflower, broccoli, oregano, tofu, soy beans, Brussels sprouts, mustard seeds and flax seeds are all rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. To make our muscle more susceptible to insulin, you can eat foods above, which can help you to store more glycogen and grow more muscle mass. In order to forbid deteriorating of muscle and helping the metabolism of protein, we need glutamine. And the above biological process helps to preserve the storage of glutamine.

Resistance Training with Free Weights

Want to gain more muscle mass, and then eating the proper diet is not enough. You also need resistance training like working out with dumbbells and other free weights. Ancillary should be trained for gaining and building compound mass. Wide range of working out is a kind of good exercise and dumbbells is good and versatile equipment for you to do this. You can build any muscle part as you want with this one piece of equipment for gaining muscle mass.

Try Different Exercise Regimes

You and I are not born with understanding how our bodies would react with various types if exercises. What works for others may not work for you and vice versa. After trying different kind of workout exercises, you can tell which workouts can help you gain more muscle mass. If you want to know more about how to gain more muscle mass, there is much information you can get online. This information include the advices of building muscle mass, particularly if you have failed in performing other types of workouts. - 17274

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Acai -- What is it?

By Yvonne Cote

Acai Berry (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) is currently known as the latest diet miracle, but does it really work? Studies prove that Acai Berry has many health benefits, including the possibility of it being a cancer fighting miracle.

This round small purple berry is only about the size of a grape and has a seed in it that makes up about 90% of the fruit. The Acai berries are usually collected and eaten as food in the Amazon region. In many parts of the Amazon region the Acai berry is a major part of the indigenous peoples diet.

The juice and pulp from the acai berries are commonly used to make many different things. These may include juice, soda, fruit smoothies and other fruity drinks. It is even served with granola in a bowl for energizing snack. How the acai berries are served depends on what people will be eating it.

There are many uses of the Acai berries. The berries are good for other things besides eating. People usually use the leaves to make things like hats rooms and weaving baskets. The wood from the trunk is also very pest resistant and is used sometimes in building homes.

There are many people using the Acai berry supplements for weight loss and energy. The acai berry supplements for weight loss are currently not FDA approved. Because of this people are questioning whether or not the supplements are effective for losing weight. Many, many people rave about the effectiveness of the acai supplements for losing weight especially when combined with a colon cleansing regimen. Many people also claim that the berry is great for skin care.

If you want to naturally increase your energy and stamina levels this is a good natural choice. The Acai berry is a great source of antioxidants and nutrition that will lead to a high increase in energy levels. When taken regularly the acai berry can also help to enhance the immune system which will also increase energy levels even more.

Some studies have shown that Acai Berry has cancer fighting benefits as well. Antioxidants have the ability to creative fuel within the body to strengthen cells, fighting off free radicals. Acai Berry is full of antioxidants and can be consumed regularly to ward off and help fight different types of cancer. Overall, Acai Berry helps your body function better and process food easier. This means your body is burning calories and fat better. All of these things helps someone who is trying to lose weight. If your body isnt healthy, your weight loss efforts can be thwarted early on.

The Acai berries also fight off heart disease. They can also help maintain good cholesterol levels, good vision, help with digestion and promote a more peaceful sleep. With the many positive benefits of Acai Berry is hard to imagine why someone would not want to add these to their daily diet and supplemental needs. The very is often referred to as the super food and ongoing research is helping to prove that it is indeed a super food source. - 17274

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Advance Wellness Research Free Trial Offer

By Linda Kemp

Imagine never missing taking a dose of your favorite health supplement because you ran out and forgot to get more. Advanced Wellness Research knows how frustrating that can be, which is why they offer a convenient auto-ship program. With auto-shipping, you choose what product you want and when you want to receive it.

Then, Advanced Wellness Research delivers it to your door according to your schedule. Advanced Wellness Research offers a variety of products designed for your health and wellbeing. Products like: Acai Berry and the Bright Teeth Whitening are just a few.

What about safety? Advanced Wellness Research puts every product they sell through a strict screening process to ensure their high quality and safety. They promise never to sell anything that they wouldn't give to their own families. If you're still not sure,

Advance Wellness Research offers all of their products on a risk-free trial basis. This ensures that you're getting only the products that benefit you the most.

Your Health - Your Schedule - If you're using health supplements to lose weight, feel better, look better or have more energy, then you know how frustrating it is when you get off schedule because you're supply is out.

Getting to the store can be tough with a hectic lifestyle, and ordering online can take weeks for delivery. Advanced Wellness Research, Inc. wants to be sure that you get your health products when you need and according to your schedule.

You can choose to receive your products once a month, once every other month, or whatever suits you best. And, you can cancel the shipments any time you want.

Most health experts agree that whatever you do for good health, it's best to stick to a schedule. Advanced Wellness Research will make sure that you do. Begin today. Find out what you have been missing. - 17274

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Losing Weight is Easy When Done Right!

By Dyan Pascal

There's so much bad advice on weight loss on the internet! A lot of people find that following traditional advice of not eating fatty foods just doesn't help them lose weight. It's because after eating unhealthily for years, your system starts to get gummed up. Most people don't realize that you won't lose weight overnight, even if you switch to eating healthy.

If you eat unhealthy, your body's digestive system starts to build up a gross, gum-like substance inside. The gum can then turn into plaque if it's not addressed over time. It can then become infestations of parasites. The plaque, gum and parasites have an effect on the body that can't be countered by eating low-fat foods.

Imagine if you had been eating sweets all your life. One day you look in the mirror and you see that one of your teeth is turning yellow. Even if you started to eat healthy, it could be ages before your tooth starts to look healthy again.

The good news is that your digestive system can be cleaned up a lot faster than your teeth. The secret is to use a special diet that will naturally clear out all the gum, plaque, and parasites that have built up in your body over the years. Once your system is clear, then you'll start to drop those pounds easily and painlessly.

The best way to keep your system clean is to adopt an easy diet plan. It's important to have a diet plan that you can follow for the long term. The plan should nourish you and contribute to your long term health, but it should also be a pleasure to follow, so that you won't be tempted to fall off your diet. The only long term solution is to clear out your system and start to eat healthy again.

Most people who diet are looking to lose weight overnight, and never think about it again. Unfortunately, if the eating habits you've had so far got you where you are now, chances are if you went back to those habits, you'd just start gaining all that weight back again. Having a healthy, easy diet plan will make all the difference.

Using this natural method of dieting, you'll be able to lose weight without ever touching a diet pill. Most people don't realize that diet pills actually add to their digestive system's "gunk" rather than help remove it. Most diet pills promise to kill fat cells or reduce appetite. In reality, neither of these approaches are long term solutions.

Once you understand and start to adopt this method of weight-loss, you'll find that your weight will naturally drop, pound by pound. The weight you lose will also stay off, because what you're doing is actually healthy and nourishing. You'll get to enjoy the inner satisfaction of knowing that you're treating your body well. - 17274

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Advanced Wellness Research Product Info

By Linda Kemp

In theory, nutritional supplements are a great idea. They can help you to overcome deficiencies in other parts of your diet with the ease of taking a pill along with a meal. Of course the reality that you run into with many nutritional supplements is that they don't work that well. Either the substances that they contain don't do what they're supposed to do or there are so many knockoffs of the good nutritional supplements that it can be difficult to figure out which one is the effective one. For example, it's not too uncommon for a nutritional supplement to deliver the essential part of a beneficial plant, but for the knockoffs of that supplement to deliver a part of the same plant but to do so in a way that makes that substance worthless to the human body! In many ways, that's worse than not taking a supplement at all!

Having said all of that, there is one nutritional supplement that you can rely on to give you the benefits that you expect. This supplement is called Pure Acai Berry and it's highly effective at delivering all of the benefits of the acai berry of the rain forests of Brazil in South America! The acai berry is a palm fruit that's packed with minerals, fiber, antioxidants, and omega three fatty acids. In fact, these things are provided by this berry in a combination that's ideal for the human body's continued healthy functioning. Pure Acai Berry takes all of the essential parts fo the acai berry and concentrates them all into a pill that can be easily taken with a normal meal.

Naturally, supporting complete human health might be a pretty tall claim to make, but the acai berry follows through very effectively! There is no system in the human body that will not benefit from using the acai berry. This means that no matter what health issues you deal with, you'll see improvement if you add Pure Acai Berry to your daily diet! Even if you're already healthy, the acai berry will help you to maintain that level of health so that you can enjoy it for longer. You'll probably see benefits even if you are healthy. Things like more energy, greater mental acuity (in the form of improved cognition and memory), and quicker recovery from injury and exercise will benefit anyone!

The acai berry basically supports this high level of health by providing your body with everything that it needs in order to function optimally. The minerals will nourish your tissues while the antioxidants will protect your tissues and your DNA from free radicals and other kinds of pollutants. When the tissues of your body are properly nourished and free from damage, you'll enjoy a greater level of energy and greater comfort from a lack of otherwise natural aches and pains!

At the same time, the fiber and omega three fatty acids will help to regulate your body's energy level so that you'll have more consistent energy over the course of the day. The omega three fatty acids provide a slow burning energy source and the fiber will regulate the release of the calories into your blood stream that comes from that other food that you consume. This will allow you to be at your best more of the time both in the way you feel and interact with other people!

Pure Acai Berry is definitely the nutritional supplement that you've been looking for! - 17274

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