Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Friday, January 29, 2010

Is Acai Force Max Really Work?

By Jone Peter

Are you looking for a real man's solution? Are you able to figure out the potent man in you? Acai Force Max has emerged as the present blessing of science as well as nature to bang off your confusion. It has the world's #1 super food in it.

Acai berry is the most beneficial fruit found in Amazon rainforest and has always been on media rampage. It acts like anti-oxidants that effectively cleanses your body and triggers great weight loss. It is one of the best super foods available in the world. It is highly enriched with essential nutrients that provide you numerous health benefits.

Acai Force Max utilizes its optimum capacity and ensures you overall safety and effectiveness, which many other dietary supplements lack. World famous athletes and sportsperson are using this amazing health diet, and they are very much gratified by its fantabulous performance.

It is absolutely correct that you cannot achieve a very well maintained, ripped body overnight. However, Acai Force Max challenged other products and help you out in a very few days of its usage. Earlier people used to think losing weight means dieting and exercises. However, its effective formula has made it possible to attain cult muscles toned body and without much efforts.

Acai Force Max is so much filled up with the goodness of acai berries that it requires no inflated fake promises for its consumers. It has emerged as the right choice for its countless users.

There are tons of cheats in the market who are ready to fool you with bogus and ridiculous hypes just to extract your money. However, this new acai supplement is an exception. It has been specifically formulated to satisfy you with true assumptions and promises. - 17274

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Do We Really Need To Buy Organic Chicken?

By Andrea Kristi

Chicken is a great source of protein. It is considered to be one of the healthiest meats and poultry; however, if you really care about your health, make sure you choose organic chickens.

Eating non-organic chicken on a regular basis is not the safest choice, because many farmers commonly use arsenic, best known as a deadly poison, in conventional chicken feed. Multiple studies show that prolonged exposure to arsenic may cause type 2 diabetes, heart and liver diseases and even certain forms of cancer.

Some studies show that children of women who were exposed to arsenic while pregnant, may be at an increased risk of cancer later in life.

According to the research done by the government, arsenic levels in some young chickens are up to four times greater than in other meats.

Arsenic is called a deadly poison for a reason, because exposure to large quantities causes immediate death.

If you buy organic chicken, you may be sure that you are not going to be exposed to even small levels of arsenic. Organic chickens are fed with natural feed which is not genetically or chemically altered. They are raised on natural vegetarian diets and are kept on pesticide-free soils. No antibiotics, growth hormones or any other medication is given to organic chicken. Organic free-range chickens get regular access to fresh air and sun and they have plenty of space to move.

Organic chickens, which are also free-range, can move and run freely, so their muscles are not wasted, but exercised. Organic chickens have higher amounts of Omega-3 Fatty Acids and plenty of beneficial fats, which can lower cholesterol. Organic eggs have a richer taste and are also better for you.

Buying organic chickens can get expensive, so you should always search the Internet for printable organic food coupons. Also, you may want to check local farms in the area, who may offer organic chickens and organic meats at lower prices.

Some people don't care about eating healthy, but many swear that organic chicken tastes richer and more flavorful. So even if you are not concerned about arsenic, give organic chicken a try anyway. You should taste the difference. - 17274

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Burn Belly Fat Fast - Do's And Don'ts

By Royce Meyer

If you'd like to burn belly fat fast you have got to make sure you do the proper things and avoid doing the wrong things. You only have a certain amount of time and energy to give to shedding off abdominal fat so you need to make certain you make maximum use of your limited resources.

This is the reason i wrote this article, to show you the things you should do and also the things you should not waste your time on in order to get a flat and horny stomach.

So, these are some of the rules of belly fat loss.

Do : Workout your entire body at the gymnasium. Even if you workout your legs,you're still burning fat from every body part, including your abs.

Don't : Spend too much time on stomach exercises. You can't burn belly fat by doing focused exercises. You burn fat from your complete body as a whole. Abs exercises aren't the best fat burning exercises as a whole.

Do : Struggle to lower stress in your life. It has been shown that stress can lead to excess belly fat.

Don't : Buy any dear ab workout machine which is promoted as a simple way for you to lose belly fat.

Do : Break down your meals to eat the same amount of calories more frequently in small meals and nibbles during the day. It helps the metabolism.

Don't : Use any kind of abs belt. They just don't work. They can't work. It is just an illusion of a session. To truly use electricity to get a muscles stimulation, the current will have to be really distressing.

Do : A lot of thorough cardiovascular exercise programs like running, rowing, jumping rope, kickboxing, and so on.

Don't : Waste your time on low intensity cardiovascular exercise programmes like the elliptical machine or the stationary bike ( with the back rest ).

Do : Eat more fruit and vegetables. They're going to help you deal with hunger better and feed your body with antioxidants and vitamins.

Don't : Expect leads to a day or a week. This is a steady process and it needs time. Easy as that.

Don't worry, you can lose belly fat. You only need to take action and to do the correct things. - 17274

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What Role Does a Good Nutrition Plan Play in Muscle Gain?

By Ricardo d Argence

When you are in a place where you want to lose fat and gain muscle, or when you are thinking about seriously working towards bodybuilding, you'll find that the importance of protein is emphasized to you again and again.

You might find that you are told about protein enough that you start rolling your eyes. Yes, you know it is the building block of your muscles, but the issue is that so few articles will tell you why. It can be hard to take something seriously unless you know what it does and if you are looking to really make sure that your bodybuilding is effective, you need to consider how bodybuilding can work for you.

The first thing that you need to think about is what proteins are and why you need them so much. At the most basic level, proteins are organic compounds made up of amino acids. These amino acids that make up the proteins are essential when it comes to building muscle. They field the growth of muscle cells and they are going to contribute overall to the growth and strengthening of your body.

If you look at the kind of foods that will keep you strong and healthy, you will discover that proteins are often the key. While bodybuilders are known for making proteins a part of their life, you will find that just about any active person, whether they are a martial artist, a sportsman or an athlete, needs proteins to function.

When you are looking into body building, remember that you are putting your body through a lot of stress and trauma in a fairly short amount of time. After an intense workout, you'll find that your body does need to repair itself.

When you eat protein that is right for you, your muscles will repair themselves much more quickly and you'll discover that you are on a path that will take you towards a much healthier way of life.

If you want to make sure that you are on the right path to building muscle, you'll find that it is important to find good sources of protein. For instance, lean meat is a great way to get started. It is going to help you build up your muscles and repair, them, as will egg whites. If you want to build up your muscles, a good breakfast of lean meat and and egg white omelet can be a delicious way to start your day.

Soya beans also make great sources of protein and in general, they have less calories for you to count.

When you are looking for protein, but don't feel like cooking, remember that there are supplements that can help you get the protein that you need, all without needing to think about cooking at all. You can find them in capsule or in powder form, and they can even be mixed into beverages.

How are you going to make protein the cornerstone of your bodybuilding endeavors? There are many things that protein can help you with, so make sure that you know what it does and how it helps you. - 17274

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Following A Natural Diet - Eating Raw Foods

By Ali Bautista

The natural diet is also known as the raw food diet and this diet consists of mainly eating uncooked foods. These foods include dried fruit, nuts, sprouts, beans, vegetables, unprocessed plant foods, grains, seeds and seaweed. The vast majority of the food should be eaten raw.

The theory behind the natural diet is that important enzymes present in the raw food are broken down and become inactive when the food is cooked above 116 degrees Fahrenheit. These enzymes will help with digestion. Those that follow the diet believe that each food has a life force that will go away when it is cooked.

Those that use the natural diet experience increased energy, an easier time digesting, improvement in their skin, an easier time losing weight and it can help decrease the risk of developing heart disease. The natural diet is so healthy because the foods involved do not contain any saturated fats or Trans fat, which are harmful to the body.

The foods that are traditionally eaten in the natural diet include unprocessed natural foods, grains, fresh vegetables, young coconut milk, seaweed, beans, nuts, legumes, freshly juiced vegetables and fruits, fresh fruits, seeds, dried fruit and purified water. These foods should be eaten as whole foods, raw and if possible organically grown.

You can use some cooking techniques to help make some of the raw foods more palatable and easier to digest. Instead of eating the vegetables and fruits whole then you can juice them. Nuts and dried fruit can be soaked. Grains, seeds and beans can be sprouted and most foods can be blended and dehydrated.

Unlike most popular fad diets the natural diet does not have any harmful side effects. This diet will get rid of any toxin build ups in your body and the side effects are related to these toxins leaving your body. Most of these side effects include feeling tired, having nausea, mild headaches and specific food cravings. However these symptoms will go away in a few days. - 17274

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PUR Water Filters - Hype or True?

By Carl Smith

Do you believe that tap water is healthy for you? You may be one of the many who believe that their family is safe by drinking traditional unfiltered water. However, the water you drink may not be healthy for you. Choosing a PUR Water Filter system will help ensure your water is quality.

Water goes through an initial filtration process in water filtration plants. These plants have tons of water that is filtered each day. Because of the amount of volume they have to process, there is often many elements left unfiltered in the water before it reaches your home.

After water processes in the filtration plants, more chemicals, minerals and sometimes bacteria are accumulated through the pipes that lead to a person's home. If this water is left unfiltered, this could mean bad news for the health of those drinking water in the home.

Fortunately, PUR Water Filter has offered an at home solution to solve the problems associated with contaminated water. There are many key benefits to having a PUR Water Filtration system in your household.

The first benefit to having this water filter system is that they are really simple to install. If you choose to get the faucet adapter, then it takes just a few minutes to install. There are no special tools or skills needed to get this product working properly.

Water from these filters tastes surprisingly refreshing and amazing. It tastes much better than bottled water. Your body will surely appreciate the taste of pure, clean water.

PUR Water Filters remove many different chemicals. Among the many that is removed include chlorine, lead, iron and carbon. These filters even leave fluoride in tact. The box containing your filter will include a more specific list of chemicals removed.

The units are very user friendly. For instance, if a person needs to use the sink to do dishes, wash hands or water plants then they can bypass the filter to save filter life. By making the filter become parallel to the ground, the unit will allow unfiltered water to pass through.

A really neat feature of PUR Water Filter is that they have a nice indicator to let the user know how much life is remaining on the filter. The faucet filters last 2-3 months with a mean lifespan of 100 gallons. The filter will stop working once the filter needs to be replaced.

If a person has really hard water, then they should be warned that this can shorten the lifespan of the filter. However, even hard water is easily filtered by PUR.

Perhaps the best feature of PUR Water Filters is that they offer all of these benefits at a low price. Most sink units run around $30-$40 with replacement filters costing around $19.99. If a person compares this to the cost of long term use of bottled water, then we can clearly see how affordable they are.

These small, yet powerful units are very functional and highly effective. They require no external power source to use and are discreet enough to not get in the way of daily sink activities.

Anyone who is concerned about their family's health should purchase a PUR Water Filter. You can rest safely knowing that you are buying from a company who has been around for a long time and has a track record of reliability, affordability and trust. Do not short yourself or your family by neglecting to purchase a PUR Water Filter. - 17274

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Grapefruit And The Atkins Diet Advice

By Lee Reid

American physician and cardiologist he was, Dr. Robert Coleman Atkins (17.10.1930-17.04.2003). Controversial dieting plan he has produced has made him immensely popular. The dieting plan enables individuals to consume unlimited amounts of fats and proteins. The catch is that the intake of carbohydrates is strictly limited. another dietary technique called the Atkins grapefruit diet was introduced after many controversial opinions.

The Atkins grapefruit diet is said to be a combination between the Atkins Nutritional Approach and the Hollywood or Mayo Diet. Additional serving of grape fruit or grape fruit pills is included in this diet. Guidelines however are very much similar to Atkins diet. The enzyme in grapefruits is considered to be the universal success of the Atkins grapefruit diet. Therefore the combination of Atkins low carb diet and the Grapefruit diet works as a dynamic duo in getting rid of that muffin top .

Only 20 grams of carbohydrates for the first two weeks is allowed by the Atkins low carb diet and the Grapefruit diet works as a dynamic duo. This is made to happen to integrate the human metabolism system for the new dieting method. Since it won't strain to burn the carbohydrates you intake, the methodology will help one very well to burn fat.

As with the experts judgment, it is unhealthy to consume anything excessively except for carbohydrates. This is a common misconception. In the Atkins grapefruit diet one's body gets a desired amount of carbohydrates because a glass of grapefruit juice contains 9 grams of carbohydrates.

Hence Atkins grapefruit diet will give a better balance in every intake of food. The Atkins Grapefruit Diet becomes more lenient when the dieter is 10 pounds within their ideal weight. As a reward the person will be allowed to add more carbohydrate food. This though should be controlled as overindulgence may put the weight you lost right back on and make your tedious efforts fruitless. - 17274

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Solgar Protein Supplements Offer Several Benefits

By Keith Woolley

Solgar has been a trusted name in dietary supplements since 1947. The Solgar mission is to provide the best scientific supplements to enhance the health and wellbeing of consumers. They have a commitment to offering their products only to the natural food market and aim to offer a great variety of products. Solgar protein supplements are one of the most popular supplements available today. They can be purchased at natural food stores as well as online natural food stores.

Solgar is please to be able to offer such a large selection of protein supplements to the public. The Whey to Go product line specializes in organic, growth hormone free whey protein supplements. Whey to Go different flavors that are designed to meet a variety of tastes. Solgar aims to offer products for all different kinds of people and all different needs.

Solgar also offers soy protein supplements in their Iso-Soy product line. These soy protein supplements come in chocolate or vanilla flavors. These supplements are designed to be chewable tablets. These are another in the long list of Solgar protein supplement variety. Solgar aims to offer enough variety in products that they will meet the various needs of their clients.

Solgar does not just offer protein supplements that are chewable though; they also have two lines of easy to swallow tablets. The first type is the soy protein tablet that is intended to be swallowed instead of chewed. This can be a good option for people that do not like the vanilla or chocolate soy protein chewable flavors. Some say that chewables are more easily absorbed by the body, but easy to swallow tabs are still an effective supplement option.

Solgar whey protein supplements are also available in easy to swallow tabs. There are many people who simply do not like the flavor of chewables no matter how good they taste and this is a good option for those people. These easy to swallow tablets are a simple and quick addition to your daily meal.

Solgar's manufacturing facilities in NJ adhere to the very highest pharmaceutical regulations for supplement production . Supplement manufacturer regulations are not nearly as strict as pharmaceutical regulations, but Solgar aims to provide the very best quality. Solgar is committed to quality every step of the way from research to you.

Solgar supplements have won numerous awards for excellence in the natural foods market for the last seven years. Over twenty different products offered by Solgar have been given awards by different organizations in the United States and the United Kingdom.

Solgar has an unbeatable variety in supplements and they also have unbeatable quality in their supplements. There is a supplement available for just about every possible need. Solgar has a serious commitment to providing the very highest quality products every day. Organizations located in the United Kingdom and in the United States have honored Solgar with awards for excellence. This is a trustworthy naturals foods manufacturer with the wellbeing of clients in mind. - 17274

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Can You Tone Your Arms With Your Mind?

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Getting arm tone took me a very long time. Thus, arm fat haunted me for a large portion of my life.

And the most difficult part of the whole arm tone war was an unstable level of motivation. Despite all my efforts, I could not stick with a program for a very long time.

And at times I would reach tipping points, throw my hands up in the air and give up all hope. Then, I would reward myself with endless cookies.

Luckily, I had a wakeup call one morning. I realized that this pattern of ups and downs was not sustainable.

As a result, I began searching for a way to maintain motivation and adherence to a program. The answer to my prayers was Dr David Burns MD. He created a method that revolved around the avoidance of cognitive distortions.

So without further delay, here are 3 cognitive distortions you need to avoid that you don't fall of the arm tone bandwagon:

1. All/Nothing distortions. These distortions provide the foundation for perfectionism. If you find yourself having to have the perfect day of dieting or not dieting at all, then you suffer from this distortion. Don't try to get everything right every single time. Don't worry about small hiccups and always keep moving forward.

2. Over-generalizing distortions. Just because you haven't been successful today doesn't mean you can't be successful tomorrow. You simply haven't found the right approach. Yet with this distortion, you assume that your past failures will keep on being your future failures. The key here is to keep on trying new things with a fresh outlook.

3. Mental filtering distortions. Make sure to always give yourself credit for the smallest of achievements. With this distortion you hardly focus on the positive and prefer to focus on the negative. If you have a test, for instance, and get 99 questions right and 1 wrong, you focus on the one you got wrong!

Keep the above distortions in mind and make sure you avoid them at all costs. Doing so will allow you to win the mental "arm tone" war. In the end, the person with the highest level of motivation always wins.

More importantly, however, is to develop the habit of rapid action. After all, this information will be useless unless you act on it quickly. - 17274

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How To Stick To Your Resolution To Lose Weight.

By Owen Jones

Without a shadow of a doubt, the most frequent New Year's resolution in the West is to lose weight. However, it is also the first New Year's resolution most apt to be broken! Losing weight is not hard in theory, but practice is oh, so different. This is because it involves lifestyle changes.

Our bodies change as we get older and typically our level of activity decreases too. Maybe, we get an office job with a promotion, whereas we used to work 'in the field'. But people in general, do not adjust their diet to match their variation in circumstances. We sit behind our desks or in retirement and think we can still eat and drink like we did twenty years ago. Big mistake!

Luckily, there are dozens of diets available to help us attain our weight loss goals. There are the traditional calorie counting diets, as advocated by Weight Watchers; there are the 'new era' diets like Atkins, which have us counting carbohydrates and there are no end of fad diets which are frankly not worth wasting time talking about.

The choice of which diet you would like to follow is all yours, of course, but it is well worth examining the main types of diet to see which one will suit you. Then you must determine whether you will require the help and encouragement of a weekly visit to a club or not, or whether you can get that camaraderie from an online club of slimmers, where you talk to fellow slimmers in the club forum online.

It is also worth fixing in your mind, why you want to diet. Is it to look better? Or to feel more at ease in yourself? Or is it for health reasons? Or all three? Have a think about your reasons and let them motivate you. Whenever, you feel like packing it all in, remember your motivation. Get a book and journal your progress, but first write your motivation in bold capitals on the front page or cover. Keep it in front of you and read it out loud to yourself every day.

Sound out some of the slimming sites online and work out a few key numbers like the average weight people are for your height, sex and body type and your BMI or body mass index. Write these figures on the first page of your book too and use them as the eventual goals.

You could produce a graph and plot your weekly weight to see how you are doing. Set realistic goals and targets. You can get heaps of free information from the Weight Watchers and Atkins websites or / and go to see your doctor for advice and leaflets.

Aim to shed something like 10-20 pounds in the first month and eight to ten per month after that. Go slowly and aim to go slowly, because then you will hit your targets and you won't feel like giving up. When you get within five to ten pounds of your target weight, assuming that you have lost a lot of weight, throttle back a little and allow yourself a little more leeway. Drop your target to one pound a week, so that you will get a feel for 'eating normally'.

The dreaded exercise; you have to face it, you will have to do more exercise, but two times thirty minute walks a day is ordinarily enough. You could swim once a week too or get an exercise machine, if you are tied to the house by family. - 17274

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Exercises to Lose Weight - 5 Easy Workouts to Shed The Pounds Quickly

By Tess Rainey

In this article we will look at 5 easy exercises to lose weight and trim your body. These exercises aren't that hard, but when done in combination they are very effective in working necesary parts of your body and helping with rapid weight loss.

1. Walking: People underestimate the power of walking and therefore do very little of it. But just 30 minutes per day everyday can work wonders on your body. Over time these 30 minute sessions will trim and tone as well as improve your lung function. It is great for the body and mind and will help you function better in every aspect of life.

2. Swimming: Not the usual water sport, this stretching technique can do wonders for your arms and shoulders. To perform this exercise and warm up your shoulders for the next exercises simply hold 2, three pound weights and with your feet together, "swim" your shoulders backwards ten times and then forward ten.

3. Obliques: These stretches will help tighten and tone your waist line. Put your feet together and hold the three pound weights in each hand. Lift the right weight as high as you can toward your right armpit by bending your elbow toward the ceiling. As you lower the weight, lift the left weight at the same time in the same manner. Do this twenty times on each side.

4. Ballet Squat: Ballet is a wonderful sport to do even if just on your own. Stretching your body in any way can really help tone and strengthen your muscles so doing ballet will help you lose weight fast. A really simple ballet squat is an excellent way to strengthen your entire leg and buttocks. To perform this stretch, open your legs to second position with your feet pointed outward. Keep your knees over your ankles and lower yourself slowly; hold the weights in front of you. Straighten back up with your knees slightly bent, repeat this motion twenty-five times.

5. Tailbone Lift: A great stretch to strengthen your ab muscles is the tailbone lift. Lying on your back with your hands interwoven behind your head, lift your legs up and as straight as possible above your hips. Lift your tailbone one inch off the floor and bring it back down slowly. Repeat twenty-five times.

This article discussed 5 easy workouts to help you trim your body. These exercises to lose weight will help tone muscles and target the trouble areas most people have. By targeting these areas it will be easier to trim your body and shed pounds quickly.

Want to learn more? - 17274

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Bodybuilding Nutrition And Protein Bars: What You Need To Know

By Sachin K Airan

Protein bars can be very efficient at helping you get the bodybuilding nutrition you need to gain muscle, but to get the best out of them , there are a few things you need to search for :

To gain muscle, you need to also intake a lot of calories. When shopping for protein bars, you should pay close attention to the number of calories they contain. The calories in protein bars can vary a lot, so you won't get as much of a benefit from some as you can from others as a result. Some protein bars are aimed at individuals who are intending to lose weight rather than gain it - you should be aware of this so you don't purchase the wrong thing!

Although protein bars are, of course, concentrated on protein, they also contain carbs. Focusing on carbohydrates is critical if you intend to use protein bars either before or after working out because you'll therefore need high carbohydrate levels to get the energy you need. Except for paying attention to how much carbohydrate is in the protein bar, you may also want to pay attention to what form the carbs are in.

Infrequently they can be in the form of high-fructose corn syrup, and this is something you need to keep clear of. If the majority of the carbohydrates are in another form however, you are ready to go.

Protein bars also contain fat. Pay attention to this too. The only time you want a high fat content is if you are using the protein bar after exercising, since otherwise the fat can inhibit how effectively the carbohydrates are released into your bloodstream. Also make sure you buy a protein bar without too many saturated fats, since these are the kinds of fats that you do not want in your diet. - 17274

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