Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Friday, October 9, 2009

Check Out The Beneficial Dietary Advantages Of Acai

By Marie B Turner

Recently there has been quite a bit of publicity on the acai berry, a miniature purple berry that hails from the rainforest in Brazil. This little berry has been marketed as a vastly beneficial food complement that can help you to lose weight and retain good physical condition by preventing disease and the tribulations of aging.

But even with all of these claims as of March 2009 there have not been any controlled human studies that back up these claims. However, even without the scientific studies to prove it, after you become alert of the specifics about this little berry your common sense will tell you that this tiny little dietary powerhouse of a fruit is a very healthy additive to your diet.

Promotion claims on the acai berry vary from better energy levels and better digestion to detoxification and improved sexual functioning. There are claims that it can increase your heart health, improve the appearance of your skin, decrease your cholesterol levels and it has often been marketed as a weight loss product.

The facts are that the acai berry is one of the most nourishing foods ever found on the earth. It boasts one of the highest antioxidant levels of any food as measured by the ORAC or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. It has a healthful synergy of beneficial monounsaturated fats and Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids, and it has an nearly perfect essential amino acid complex, along with a wholesome dosage of fiber.

All of these healthy components can add to the claims being made. Fiber, essential fatty acids and antioxidants are a causative factor to healthful weight loss. Antioxidants are an important component for anti-aging and the prevention of disease. And it is common knowledge that good nutrition is a contributing factor to our all around superior health.

But, the acai berry is not a wonder food that has just lately been discovered that can make us all thin and healthy. This berry is just another in a long line of good for your health foods that can all be a factor to our excellent health.

Healthy foods are profuse in the environment. Blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, blackberries and more are other healthy berries. Spinach, broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower are very healthy. Pumpkin, tomatoes, oranges, grapefruit and sweet potatoes are healthy accompaniments to a healthy diet. All of these good for your health foods can be favorable to our physical condition and all of these foods can be a factor to the same health benefits that the acai berry has been acclaimed for.

The acai berry is a extremely nutritious food; in fact it is one of the healthiest of all. It has up to 10 times the antioxidant power of red grapes, twice the antioxidant power of blueberries. A nutritious diet is useful to our wellbeing so even without the controlled studies it makes sense that this naturally nutritious fruit can be beneficial to our health. Try the acai berry and see how it can benefit you. - 17274

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Ten Steps to Reduce Bruising, Step 9 - Taking Up an Aerobic Exercise Routine!

By Carolyn Cooper

After you've gotten serious in your desire to overcome bruising easily, you'll probably be a little bit skeptical of the wisdom of taking up a new sport or beginning a new exercise regimen. You are probably thinking that starting a new sports activity program will just mean that you are going to be more likely to getting a bruise than before the new program. While adding an exercise program irresponsibly could increase your easy bruising tendency, you should give consideration to a couple of other factors.

The fact that your easy bruising is directly related to how your body responds to injury is the first and foremost thing that you need to consider. Because your skin and blood vessels are now more fragile than they were when you were younger, you will learn that by following a proper exercise regimen, you will actually be strengthening your body in numerous important ways. An proper exercise program will help make your body more resilient and resistant to easy bruising.

In addition to this, you will find that when you are in good physical shape and enjoying a sport safely and appropriately, you are not nearly as likely to get hurt. Instead, your reflexes will improve and your ability to roll with things is going to be much improved. With that in mind, take enough time to evaluate what kind of sports or exercises can provide you with the highest level of benefits.

Your current physical condition should be the starting point for your evaluation of exercise programs. Generally, an aerobic activity regimen is going to be the best way to get the results that you are seeking. An aerobic program will have you starting to build up grace and skill, and it will also put you in an ideal position to improve your overall cardiovascular health and your heart's functioning. As your cardiovascular health improves, so to will your circulation, which directly enhances your body's capability to overcome your easy bruising.

Practicing martial arts may seem like an extreme choice, but it is a great exercise program that improves your strength and flexibility all at same time is. Some martial arts require sparring, while others do not, so you should choose your martial art carefully. You will be able to find a style that allows you the precise amount of contact that you are comfortable with, and martial arts is an activity that will definitely get your heart rate elevated. This is the reason that martial arts is a great exercise program for you to consider.

If you don't have any joint problems, you should definitely consider jogging. To maintain your joints in good shape you'll need good running shoes, good form, and a forgiving surface; but jogging is a perfect exercise program for your heart regardless of how you do it. As maybe the original definition of aerobic activity, jogging will help you get your heart and your circulatory system in its optimum possible physical shape.

If you live in a location that has lots of snow, and you're feeling somewhat adventurous, consider taking up snowboarding. Snowboarding is the perfect way to learn to combine speed and coordination for someone who loves spending time on the slopes. Once you become accustomed to the unnerving downhill rush, you'll find the experience highly invigorating. Once you master the first early learning phase, snowboarding won't be punishment to your body, and snowboarding provides a major boost to your cardiovascular activity level.

Preventing bruising is something that a lot of people think about, but if you have been thinking about it this long, it is time for you to take action; look to see what exercises are going to help you. Whatever your choice for an exercise program, you should consider adding a daily, all natural supplement program like Bruises Be Banned with its unique formulation that will help you overcome your easy bruising and help you reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17274

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Enhance Natural Wellness With Alternative Health Products

By Richard Ealom

With more and more press and information about the potentially dangerous, even serious, side effects of prescription drugs, lots of people are turning to alternative health products as a natural means to realize wellness.

Mother Nature has provided nicely for us, if we simply take advantage of her bounty. There is no doubt that natural remedies offer a source of health and wellness that cannot be gotten from prescriptions or over the counter medications.

Aspirin, for instance, one of the most efficient fever reducers, pain relievers, cardio-protectors and anti-inflammatory substances found on earth, is derived from the bark of the willow tree. Early people discovered the naturally helpful properties of aspirin way back in Cleopatras period, and in the 1890s it was commercialized as an analgesic.

You would most likely be amazed at how many diseases and health problems have a healthy cure or palliative therapy in nature!

Many daily physical complaints have an herb available that provides usefulness in eliminating or diminishing symptoms.

Given that so few people nowadays eat a healthy diet, it is more important than ever to provide your body with the right dietetic supplements. If you dont have the time or desire to consume the recommended servings of vegetables each day, for example, you can acquire a natural supplement to help furnish the necessary nutrients needed by your body for ideal physical wellness.

Amino acids are another fundamental area that is regularly shortchanged in the chaotic lifestyles of contemporary times. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins; building cells, repairing tissues, producing enzymes, and playing a major role in mental health.

Amino acid supplements are taken by thousands of health-conscious people who desire to make certain their bodies get the appropriate nutrition.

Three Reasons to Buy Food Supplements

1. Methods of Food Manufacturing: Contemporary profitable farming methods use noxious chemicals and often collect foods prematurely. In addition, countless foods are stored for prolonged periods of time. Amid all of these things, many of the nutrients that should be in our food just are not there anymore, especially nutrients like enzymes & phytonutrients, which are very easily destroy and ruined in advance of the food reaching your table.

2. Current Diets: Anyone who thinks that the typical person eats a healthy diet should view the documentary SUPER SIZE ME. The filmmaker, Morgan Spurlock, ate nothing but McDonalds food for one whole month. At the finish of the month, he had gained 25 pounds and added 65 points to his cholesterol count. His head ached incessantly and he was disheartened. His MDs said that his liver looked like pate. This is what fast food does to people, and this is precisely why every person needs to be using a nutritional supplement on a day to day basis!

3. Environmental Pressure: Numerous large cities have very high toxin levels owing to chemicals etc.. Even in more rural areas, you can be subjected to harmful toxins from pesticides and herbicides. Toxins have a very considerable effect on your general health and wellness. Taking nutritional supplements is one way for you to battle disease.

The American Medical Association recommends that you supplement your food intake. Utilizing alternative health products to increase your wellness is the smart thing to do! - 17274

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Why You Should Not Be Fasting-6 Reasons

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

In a never-ending effort to come up with new angles on fat loss, the health industry has created a slew of fad diets over the years. One type of diet that has gained traction is fasting.

Well, the main issue here is that fasting has some serious consequences for those wishing to lose weight. What type of consequences? Check out the following list:

1. Liver glycogen depletion. This happens in less than a DAY. Liver glycogen depletion is not fun by any stretch of the imagination. Why? Because liver glycogen (stored carbohydrate) is responsible for maintaining your blood sugar. Once it's depleted, expect some rock bottom energy levels.

2. The conversion of protein to glucose. Your nervous system needs glucose (sugar) to survive. Unfortunately, fat can't be converted to glucose so your body attacks the next best thing: protein. It essentially eats away at your lean tissue and converts it into sugar.

3. The cannibalism of other tissues. Muscle tissue isn't the only victim here. Other vital tissues like organs will also be cannibalized and transformed into sugar. This is definitely not a healthy state to be in.

4. Ketone bodies. Your body can only cannibalize so much tissue before you enter the danger zone. And once you're in the danger zone, your body will do everything it can to get you out. How does it do it? With the production of ketones which are basically an inferior substitute for blood sugar.

5. No benefits. If you're fasting because you think it's healthy, think again. There hasn't been any peer reviewed research that clearly demonstrates a benefit from fasting. Most likely, fasting will have a negative effect on your health.

6. Acidic conditions. If you fast, expect a more acidic body. On top of this, you're likely to lose a lot of vitamins and minerals through urine. Even worse, exercise will hurt a lot.

What effect do all these factors have on your body? A decreased metabolism. And studies have shown that most people end up bingeing after a fast above and beyond what's needed for weight maintenance. The end result here is a massive rebound in weight and fat gain! - 17274

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A Health Drink Worth Every Penny

By Anker Arkady

Are you getting your money?s worth when you buy your health drink? Today?s recession, the way I see it, is a blessing. You must be saying ?This guy is crazy.? Well hear me out first on why I choose to view it that way and why it may be connected with the health drink. Sounds farfetched right? Don?t worry, I completely understand. I have been there too.

When I buy a health drink, I want value for money. I want it to be worth every penny I spend. I know of the nutrients and vitamins it has so it has to be good and worth it. With the recession going on it definitely has to earn my trust before I spend on it.

But it is really not about spending because it is for my health. Therefore I am investing for my own betterment and health. I want to absorb most if not all of what these health drinks claim it has. But as you may know, we only absorb 20% of the vitamins and or supplements that we take and the rest would go to waste.

Being an advocate of health, I?m not a fan of fillers, additives and preservatives. Health drinks in my opinion should be as natural as possible. Hey, it?s called ?health drink? right? Those hard to read and hard to enunciate ingredients should never have estate on my health drink. Health drinks that are loaded with preservatives shouldn?t be called health drinks in the first place.

I want to make a strong statement by saying that I do not want to drink preservatives. I want my healthy drink to be fresh and free from those hard to read ingredients. If at all possible, I?d like to drink it straight out of the conveyor belt. We are, however fortunate in this era because of constant research and development. Is there a beverage in existence that fits my description?

I was very skeptical when I first saw Yoli Blast Caps. It was definitely a departure from the conventional. I mean, come one, does it have to have the name ?Blast Cap?? Sounds like the drink would burst of some sort. Well, it?s better the drink bursting and not the drinker after drinking it. On a more serious note, the moniker came from the pop it produces when the beverage is activated.

I like the fact that Yoli Blast Caps does not have preservatives and contains natural ingredients. That is definitely what I look for in a health drink. The absence of preservatives is made possible through its technology. While most conventional beverages are pre-mixed, Yoli Blast Caps install its ingredients in the cap away from the liquid. And it stays there until there till you want to drink it.

So, it?s just like getting your health drink straight from the factory. It doesn?t matter if it has been on the shelf for quite some time. And did I mention you get to absorb more than 20% of the supplements? That?s because it?s brewed or activated just before you drink it. This makes Yoli Blast Caps one of the most valuable, bang for the buck health drink out there. - 17274

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Understanding The Connection Between Toxins And Obesity

By Alex Ariel Sanders

Chronic obesity and weight problems have led to serious outcries in recent years, specifically in the United States. Many feel it's the fault of fast food outlets and rather laid-back, sedentary lifestyles, but actually research has shown that there are quite a few factors that can be traced back to environmental toxins as well as toxin build-up in the body as a result of artificial preservatives. The link between toxins and obesity has shown that the two are directly linked in what appears to be a spiral, mutually feeding of each other, that's actually getting worse.

It has long been known that overweight or obese people have a slower than normal metabolism that allows toxins to build up in their bodies. These toxins lead to illnesses, such as heart disease and high blood pressure, as well as increasing the risk of developing degenerative diseases like osteoarthritis and diabetes.

You may not be aware that environmental toxins accumulate in the body from things like:

* fruits and vegetables laced with poison such as pesticides

* meat from animals fed grain that contains pesticide residues and animals shot with hormones

* processed foods containing a selection of preservatives which bond to tissues resulting in distraction of the normal functioning of the eliminating organs

How this works? The body tries to resist and protect itself from harmful and dangerous substance contamination, when bombed by immense quantities it's unable handle, by encapsulating the poisonous substance in fat pockets and storing them until later when it may have the ability to effectively remove them.

The greatest problem is that these toxins are pushed at us in such large volumes that the body cannot catch up to process and eliminate what has already been previously accumulated. Instead, we keep on storing more toxins in our body while we always keep on waiting for just the right opportunity to get rid of it!

Fat accumulation slows the metabolism down substantially, allowing more build-up to pack. The entire cycle may cause numerous chronic diseases and problems that lead to an early death. Okay, now we get to a question resembling that of the chicken and the egg. The answer, however, is simple. Toxin build-up leads to obesity and obesity leads to more toxin buildup.

While the exact link between toxins and obesity may not be quite clear as daylight, the solution to the obesity epidemic in USA lies in the consumption of a healthier diet. More fiber and nutrients is what your body needs to fight toxin accumulation and burn fat at an increased rate.

Its absolutely essential to consume more fresh fruits and vegetables, washed thoroughly to remove every hint of pesticide as well as find a way to eat substantially less red meat which has been processed via commercial feedlots. In addition, its recommended that we should avoid processed foods filled with artificial ingredients and preservatives and limit or eliminate caffeine, cigarette smoke, and chemically treated water consumption. This will help reduce the number of toxins destroying the body while aiding natural detoxification. - 17274

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Pineapple Diet Overview

By Monty Dayton

There are many different types of diets out there, but there might not be any diet that is harder to pin down than the pineapple diet. There are many versions of this diet around online, but even the real one is fairly restrictive. But there's no denying that there is a great deal of interest in this diet.

Eating pineapple is obviously the cornerstone of this diet and eating plan. Pineapple is your snack, it's the main part of every meal, and only tuna and ice water act as supplements. There are many different versions of the pineapple diet, but all of them are based around the same ideas.

Is the pineapple diet a fad diet? Definitely. This eating plan is a fad diet and should be undertaken carefully. With the majority of people, this diet will definitely work as far as weight loss.

The pineapple & tuna version of this idea tends to especially be effective because tuna is a great lean meat high in Omega-3s, protein, and low in calories. This is a great balance to the pineapple, which delivers a great amount of energy for a fruit. This combination, along with ice water, can help to guarantee a diet low in both fat and salt. There are several concerns with this diet, however.

The first concern is that pineapple is very acidic. This can make it hard to eat in large quantities and can also irritate things like canker sores in the mouth. In addition to this, pineapple contains a lot of sugar, which can be a problem for diabetics who need to watch their sugar levels.

The second concern is one that is common with fad diets: there are concerns over the nutritional imbalance that comes along with following a diet that has such a restriction on foods that can be eaten. It is nearly impossible to get the fully recommended amount of vitamins and nutrients from a restricted diet.

A third concern is that some of the claims that come with the pineapple diet have not been confirmed through scientific testing. Most fad diets will be effective in helping dieters to lose weight, but not all weight loss is equal. This doesn't mean that the weight loss from this particular diet is healthy, or because of the reasons the diet claims for the effectiveness of its own program.

While it works great for some dieters, the pineapple diet is not a weight loss plan that everyone will be able to, or will want to, follow. That said, this is one of those rare fad diets that provides some solid nutrition and can actually help dieters lose weight. - 17274

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The Benefits of Ginseng

By Dave Johnson

Ginseng has long enjoyed popularity as a healing plant. For centuries now, ginseng served as a stimulant, a healthy remedy for a variety of ailments, an aphrodisiac and pain reliever. Emperors were known to take it in an effort to prolong their lives and gain vigor, virility and energy. Ginseng is taken in a variety of ways: straight up as an extract, as tea and as capsules.

Now, are you wondering what the fuss is all about? Well, let's talk about some of the health benefits ginseng can give you:

Balance Body Functions. Ginseng is called an adaptogen, meaning it normalizes the functions of the body. When something is above or below average, it works to lower it to normal levels. This is particularly true of your blood pressure.

Healing and revitalization. Ginseng is also beneficial for healing and revitalization. This is the drink of choice for royalty who want to preserve their energy and virility and extend their lives. Ginseng is able to stimulate our immune system, encouraging it to work remarkably well as it fights disease and promote healing.

Tonic. Tired and lethargic? Do you want to boost your energy level as well as your concentration? Ginseng can help you as it is able to maintain and even enhance the functions of your lungs, liver and nervous system, as well as increase the flow of blood to the brain and body. Drinking ginseng will help relieve you of any stress you feel, and you will feel energized and your mind is more alert and responsive.

Diabetes Treatment. Ginseng can be used to lower your blood sugar level, particularly if you have Type II diabetes.

Treat Erectile and other sexual dysfunctions. Ginseng is also beneficial in treating sexual dysfunction problems. This includes problems such as symptoms caused by menopause, lack of sexual vitality, as well as erectile dysfunction. This is done by increasing the production of sex hormones for better performance and sexual prowess.

Other uses. As if this list were not long enough, people have also found applications for ginseng with regards to pains and aches (backaches, headaches, pain brought about by menstruation and childbirth), weight loss, insomnia and colds. People are also known to take ginseng to protect them from the negative effects of chemotherapy and radiation. - 17274

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How To Get Skinny Without The Hype!

By Lorainne Phyllis

Millions of americans would all love to know the secret on how to get skinny and best of all how to keep the weight off of them. Well if you have come to the internet in search of ways to learn how to get skinny; then you have come to the right place.

We have decided to reveal some of the tips that will enable anyone to learn how to get rid of that excess weight permanently. One of the great things about losing weight and getting into shape is that it does not rocket science. Yet so many of us tend to struggle with this issue and continue to live unhealthy lives.

Is there a deep secret that will teach me how to get skinny and stop gaining weight? Unfortunately the only thing that we all have to learn is what types of food to eat and how to eat them in the right portions. You also should know that you will have to begin working out on a daily basis. However the great thing is that you do not have to workout for long periods, research studies have proven that when a person works out with smaller workouts they tend to burn more calories.

Of course this is where most people tend to get off track. We all hope and pray that there are ways that we can begin shedding weight without having to do any type of exercise. So you might as well know that if you are serious about learning how to get skinny then you had better get up off that couch.

However if you want to implement healthy weight loss tactics this is the only way to get that accomplished. So if you want to find out right now how to get skinny and keep off the excess weight then be sure to visit the site below for valuable tips and information that will have you get back in the best shape of your life. - 17274

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Building Muscle Mass With Effective Bodybuilding Routines

By Wakelin Smith

The basics of bodybuilding are actually simple when properly understood. It is also important to remember that it is not a hit and miss affair. Then again, it does not take a genius to develop the proper bodybuilding routines. The proper way of doing it will surely result in building muscle mass if it is mixed with the determination to carry out the right workout.

Any bodybuilder, either a beginner or a professional, must learn to keep his weight training routine among his important priorities. With this, he must keep in mind that any desired muscle mass buildup only comes as a result of determination and patience. Desired results from weight training do not happen overnight. He must learn to stick with a program to gain the muscle size and strength he wants.

Also, efficiency is important in an effective workout. Keeping this in mind, he must develop an efficient workout program that trains all the muscle groups as well as develop strength. To be able to do an efficient body workout, a weight lifter does not have to spend 3 hours a day in the gym to build muscle mass. In fact, that much time spent inside the gym while exerting the muscles will likely result in overtraining. Look at it this way, if a weight trainer keeps his weight training workouts under an hour and a half (or better yet, and hour) yet performs them 3 or 4 times a week then his body will get sufficient rest to grow his muscles bigger and stronger.

Here are some other reminders for proper bodybuilding routines. For one, keep it short. The ideal range is between 45 to 75 minutes maximum while 60 minutes is the best time spent for a single workout. A simple reason guides this duration. After 75 minutes, there is a drop in the levels of muscle building and fat burning hormones that the body produces. It will also prevent you from fast recovery.

Two, the ideal rest in between sets is 90 seconds or less. It is important to keep the rest in between sets to a minimum. It helps improve a lifter?s cardiovascular system. Also, it has also been known that this kind of training stimulates growth hormones output the most. More so, this allows more time for the workout itself.

Third, the sets should be between 8 - 15 repetitions for muscle mass gains and 15-25 repetitions for body sculpting purposes. This range of reps is supported by some reasons.

It has been shown in studies that muscle building and fat burning occur more efficiently at these repetition ranges. Another reason is that since the body is doing so many repetitions, there is less probability of injury because the lifter will be using a weight that he can control. Also, Because the best blood pump to flow into the muscle cells are within these repetition ranges then this is important since along with the blood come nutrients that nourish the muscle cells and help them recover and rebuild bigger faster.

Lastly, training must be varied and cycled. It is not wise to get stuck with the same routine for a long workout period. If a bodybuilder does this, this would result in zero muscle growth. Therefore, proper bodybuilding routines must possess four characteristics, namely; right duration, enough rest, proper reps, and variation. - 17274

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Washington, DC Weight Loss Coach Shows You How You Can Stop Making Excuses

By Josef Brandenburg

The right way to achieve quick and effective weight loss in Washington, DC is with the help and encouragement of an experienced weight loss coach who would design a good, effective workout program that will surely help you reach your weight log goals, instead of putting you on an extremely tough, tiring workout routine that you will find difficult to keep up with. But only if you undertake it with the proper mental outlook, will you be successful.

So, here is the key to truly succeeding with your Washington, DC weight loss goals: get rid of the excuses that may be preventing you from succeeding. There is a maxim to life that Dr. Wayne Dyer once put forth in his motivational writings: "Don't complain and don't explain." In other words, rather than looking for excuses so as to avoid working out or achieving your goals, you need to dismiss such an attitude and seek your path to success instead. That is why it is necessary to eradicate the practice of complaining or explaining your problem. In doing this, you will be able to take the steps needed to succeed. This is because there will be no time wasted on unnecessary complaining that achieves no purpose.

When all is said and done, you will have faced your situation and accepted one of two options. That is, you will either have followed through on your goals or you did not. Needless to say, the right option is to follow through with the steps needed to achieve your goal. To do otherwise means you will never achieve what you are seeking in a Washington, DC weight loss program.

What is the best way to overcome excuses? There are many strategies one can employ and the most helpful is to look towards those that have overcome adversity in the past and overcame such adversities. Such people can often prove to be highly inspiring and lead other to shirk their tendency to complain and be more proactive instead. This is the sure path to achieving results.

One such person who overcame significant adversity is a man named Dan Caro. At the age of two, Dan Caro was severely burned in an automobile accident. As a result of this accident, he lost all the fingers on his hand and only retained his thumbs. Later in life, Caro committed himself to becoming a drummer and was able to successfully learn the skills to be a proficient musician. Dan Caro is living proof that excuses and complaints are merely a distraction a person imposes on himself. In other words, excuses lead to self-imposed limitations.

You need to take that 1st step towards losing the weight you've been wanting to and abandon your unhealthy attitude. A Washington, DC weight loss coach can help you by designing your very own weight loss plan. - 17274

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See The Miracle Of The Acai Today!

By Deborah F Walker

If you have been reading about the acai berry and acai berry products, you have probably heard some outrageous claims that say that this little berry can do everything from assist you in losing weight to preventing serious disease. What is this wonder fruit?

Well, the acai berry is really quite a miraculous nutritional discovery. It is loaded with vitamins and minerals, Omega fatty acids and an array of crucial antioxidants. However, it is not really that much more astounding than many other more common superfoods. There are many extremely healthy super foods such as blueberries, tomatoes, spinach, oranges, walnuts, salmon, green tea and the list goes on and on. The acai berry is just a more recent find.

In order to have a healthy diet you must eat a variety of healthy foods. Our bodies require a combination of nutrition in the form of the macronutrients of carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats and the micronutrients of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Antioxidants protect our bodies from free radicals and oxygen damage that has been implicated in everything from aging to disease. When we increase the quality of what we eat we add to our health and longevity. But adding just one superfood like the acai berry cannot do this. We must have a variety of healthy foods.

Your weight loss program will probably benefit from adding acai berry products but only because of the outstanding nutrition you are providing your body not because the acai berry is a magical fruit. However, if you want to lose weight you will also need to lower your calorie intake and increase your exercise.

Our bodies react powerfully to superior nutrition. We were born to eat abundantly from nature's own bounty. That means a healthy combination of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. This does not necessarily mean that you need to become a vegan because omnivores, or those who eat meat and animal products, may also have an exceptionally nutritious diet. However there are some animal products that are more nutritious than others and you may want to know where your food is coming from but of course, that relates to fruits, vegetables and grains also.

The foods that we should avoid are the unnatural and manmade things. If your food will not deteriorate on its own within a certain amount of time it probably is not very healthy to eat. If bacteria won't consume the food then you probably shouldn't either! The acai berry starts to lose its nutritional value as soon as 24 hours after it is removed from the palm tree it grows on so it needs to be freeze-dried or frozen almost immediately.

The acai berry can be an incredible addition to your nutritious diet. It can support you in your weight loss efforts and it can help protect your body from damage from free radicals and the oxygen damage caused from everyday living. This can help protect against diseases and other problems.

The acai berry can improve your diet but in order to get the highest benefit from this amazing fruit make sure that you also add in other superfoods, like blueberries, spinach, tomatoes, salmon, walnuts, broccoli, green tea and more. The synergy of the nutrients allows the maximum advantage from all of the foods. Your all around good health will improve with superior nutrition. - 17274

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