Is the Vince Delmonte eBook Any Good?
What about Vince Delmonte's No Nonsense Muscle Building EBook? Some eBooks have great content and poor design or great design and fluffy content. How does Vince's eBook stack up?
You need to know about Vince and his program a bit, first. Vince always had a scrawny physique no matter what he did in the gym. He would watch guys do very little in the gym and build muscle while he spent hours and got nowhere.
The fancy supplements and various protein shakes did not work either.
He finally decided to try a new approach in diet and exercise that would benefit his body type. People have different body styles. Some are ectomorphs, some are endomorphs and some are mesomorphs. Vince is an ectomorph. Ectomorphs have slender figures and find it difficult to bulk up. Endomorphs have chubby figures and have difficulty losing body fat AND gaining lean body mass. Mesomorphs (the lucky ones) are muscular and lean, naturally.
Vince learned that he needed to eat certain foods in various combinations and work out differently than mesomorphs or endomorphs. Along the way, he learned how to help virtually anyone, even a skinny guy like himself, have a ripped, chiseled physique via nutrition and exercise that benefited their body type.
Vince's "made for you" approach makes the eBook content highly valuable. Finally, someone has realized that what works for one person may not for another, so he offers you information to help you figure out your body type and then lets you know what foods and workouts will work best for your fitness goals.
The content is not only informative and beneficial, but his casual lingo makes it easy to understand. He includes engaging stories to keep you reading. I think this is easy for him to do because he is coming from the perspective of being able to relate to the average Joe rather than a professional bodybuilder who has hours to spend in the gym. He simplifies things to help you actually achieve your goals in little time.
The content is a bit scattered from time to time in terms of design, but it is still a good read. I guess some people (based on reviews) do not care for the colorful font, but I kind of liked it. And there are just enough pictures and images to keep things interesting while not distracting from the main content. - 17274
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