Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Two Fast Ways To Eliminate Thigh Fat

By Luke Rutledge

Do you want to lose that extra annoying flab on your thigh? It is possible, but if you think that you can lose thigh fat quickly with the help of quick weight loss pills or supplements, you are dead wrong! And if you thought that there is some special workout you could do to lose thigh fat, you are wrong again.

In reality, whether you want to lose thigh fat, belly fat, neck fat, or any other fat, there is no way for you to target certain areas of your body. You can target certain areas of your body when it comes to weight-lifting and muscle growth, but not for weight loss. Your body will decide which fat comes off first. All you have to do it start the fat burning process.

Therefore, it only makes sense to do things that would help you burn fat from all parts of your body: that is, follow a healthy diet and do resistance training workouts! This is the only surefire way to lose thigh fat!

1. The diet: The diet you choose to follow for the purpose of weight loss is very crucial. If you choose low-calorie or low-fat diets, they won't help you burn fat because these diets don't boost your metabolic rate!

Far from boosting your metabolic rate, these diets actually slow down your metabolism! Here is how: with a low-calorie or low-fat diet, your body doesn't get enough nutrition. Consequently it believes that it is going to die out of starvation. It immediately stops the fat burning process by slowing down your metabolic rate, and stores the fat deposits so that it could survive during starvation.

With such diets, you will lose a few pounds initially for sure, but as soon as you quit them and return to your normal eating habits, you gain back all the weight you had lost!

So what types of diets are the best? Diet plans that include meals with fresh fruits and vegetables work very well because they encourage a balanced diet. Fruits and vegetables are not only great for burning fat; they are also extremely effective at suppressing those pesky cravings!

Choosing a healthy diet plan is just not enough; you should also choose a diet which allows you to cheat at least once per week. On this cheating day, you are free to indulge yourself in your favorite foods. And don't think that taking a little break from your diet would make you fatter; far from it; it will actually help you lose weight by boosting your metabolic rate to a very high level!

Another advantage of cheat days is that they will help to improve your dedication to your diet plan for the rest of the week by reducing, if not eliminating, cravings for unhealthy foods.

2. Exercises: While a diet plan alone is enough for significant weight loss, many people try adding some intense workouts into their routines so they can accelerate the weight loss process! Strength and cardio training are the best ways increase weight loss. With strength training, you will not only burn fat, but you also add valuable lean muscle to your body.

Lean muscle not only makes your body stronger, it also helps you burn fat even while you're resting. As a matter of fact, you can easily burn around fifty calories per day with one pound of muscle, even at rest! This is because muscles need more calories in order to repair and maintain themselves.

Follow these two tips and see how easily you get rid of thigh fat! - 17274

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How to Build Muscle with Bodybuilding Exercises

By Mike Rafters

If you want to look for a bodybuilding exercise program just right for you, you may determine what techniques are also right for you specific to your body type. For example, if you're very slender, you might find that some traditional bodybuilding techniques are not going to work for you. These techniques are not designed for very slender people. If you want to gain weight quickly and healthfully, we'll need to concentrate on things like shoulder stability, balance, flexibility training, cardiovascular conditioning, core stability, and so on.

If you have poor posture, you'll need to work with exercises that will help align your posture and your body overall. Good posture is going to help you before you even begin. Because many bodybuilders have good posture naturally, their programs don't include this information specifically. However, having proper posture can make you look more if it simply because you're holding yourself better.

When you work on bodybuilding exercise, you'll also need to learn how to stabilize your shoulders. If your shoulders aren't stable, this can actually be detrimental to you when you're trying to work on bodybuilding. You can injure your shoulders and therefore yourself if you don't hold your shoulders properly. You don't want to be in pain in a few years just because you didn't do the proper techniques required for responsible bodybuilding and best results.

Core stability is important, too. Bodybuilding exercise workouts need to include this information because core stability helps protect your lower back from injury. If you don't develop core stability, you could injure your back. Many existing bodybuilding exercise programs don't really focus on core stability because experienced bodybuilders already have core stability. If you don't, though, you're going to need to learn how to make your core stable before you can embark on a serious bodybuilding program.

The right bodybuilding exercise program will also help make you flexible and focus on the training that's right for your particular body type. You are going to need both your lower and upper body flexible. You cannot be stiff before you begin to work out or you can injure yourself. Therefore, you'll need to stretch and warm up, again with exercises perfect for your body type, to give you maximum flexibility and therefore lower your risk of injury.

You might also find that you have parts of your body that are more developed than others. This is normal, but it will need to be corrected. You'll need to have a bodybuilding exercise program that focuses on all muscles of your body equally so that none are more developed than others. Having parts of your body overdeveloped while the parts are underdeveloped can make the overdeveloped parts work harder and can cause injury. This also slows you down when it comes to getting in your best shape.

In addition to your bodybuilding exercise program, you'll also need to do overall conditioning. Overall conditioning requires that you add cardiovascular exercise, too. Even though cardiovascular exercise may not help you "bulk up," it still exercises your heart and lungs, which is necessary for proper health and maximum benefit. In addition, this type of training is also going to help keep you from getting injured while you work on gaining weight by building muscle.

Before you begin any bodybuilding exercise program, make sure you do your homework and choose just the right program for you. You'll need exercises that will help you work of posture, core stability, stabilizing shoulders, increasing flexibility, and focusing on overall conditioning, too. If you do things right, you can have lean, sexy muscles, or you can have bulky muscles, as long as you learn the right techniques based upon your body type. - 17274

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Whey Protein Information

By Travis Killian

We all have read the nutrition labels and know how important macronutrients are to our life. After all, without carbohydrates, protein, and fats we wouldn't be able to have energy. However, there is one macronutrient that serves a greater purpose than to be used as fuel, and that is protein.

Proteins are distinct from other macronutrients because it is composed of little chains of nitrogen that contains subunits called amino acids. These are important to the body because they are a primary source of dietary nitrogen which is an essential element. Amino acids also serve a huge role in building muscle.

It is clear that protein plays a greater role in building muscle than the other macronutrients, so if you are building a better physique, do not neglect it. Whey protein is a form of protein that digests very quickly, usually within 30 minutes, and it also contains all of your essential amino acids. It is especially important when you workout.

One of the best times to take whey protein is right after you workout. The reason for this is that your muscles are depleted of their glycogen reserves and your muscle tissues are broken down. After you workout, you are highly sensitive to insulin - which shuttles muscles to your muscles rather than fat.

During this period it is very important to get as much protein and carbohydrates to your muscles as possible. You want to build back up your glycogen reserves and build back stronger so that you can hit the gym sooner. This allows for you to grow faster and stronger than ever.

So this sounds great, but is it safe? Whey protein is very safe for you; in fact, there is little evidence to suggest that it has any harmful side effects. Since it is found naturally in foods, especially milk, you can rest assured that whey protein will not do any damage, unlike steroids.

Another question about whey protein is how much should you consume. Well, for the most part, you could consume it during any time of the day. However, the most beneficial times occur right after you wake up and workout. This is because your body is sensitive and will benefit greatly from its fast absorption.

For the other times of the day, just stick to your basic meats and dairy products for protein. There is no need to rely heavily on supplementation to get you results. Remember that only proper diet and training program will get you there, but supplements can help.

Whey protein is any bodybuilder's, or person who wants to make a positive change in their appearance, best friend. Its benefits are astounding and you should always value the health of your body. Build confidence through an impressive physique and a better life through feeling great about you. - 17274

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Methods to For a Better Child Brain Development

By Michael Byrd

When and how to use methods for better child brain development is important; many recommend computer programs. According to experts however, it may be too late if the window of opportunity to enhance a child's brain development has ceased.

It is always good to begin even before the baby is born up to the time of his or her third birthday. This is the most crucial period in the child's brain development and determines its ability to learn for the rest of their life.

It may appear unusual to begin even before a child is able to read, write or reason, but there are studies to back this and it has shown that all these skills begin to develop even before a child goes to kindergarten.

A current study published was in Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology [Vol. 42: 174-181], where they observed 56 babies, who were as young as 5 days old, and enhanced their diets with omega 3 fish oil fatty acids with DHA.

Those who were given fish oil supplements proved to have a significantly higher cognitive and motor ability on the "Mental Development Index" as compared to those who were not.

Doctors have concluded that an early dietary supply of fish oil with DHA is needed at an early age to assure an improved performance and mental development for full term babies.

Research conducted among premature babies, which was published in the Clinics of Perinatology, [Vol. 22(1):157-75], discovered that even premature babies can also have benefits from fish oil. After they were supplemented with omega 3 fatty acids and DHA, a remarkable improvement was seen in their cognitive and visual development.

These are just a few of the many research findings that have proven the secret to a child's brain development is providing it with enough omega 3 and DHA.

DHA consists of rich long-chain omega 3 in the brain tissue. Roughly 95% of these lipids can be found during birth and develops to be a part of these tissues even inside the uterus and continues during the first year of life.

So it does make sense for pregnant women to consume more fish and get a supplement of fish oil. This is a good way to build a good foundation on a child's brain development from the very start and will surely be a big factor to determine its intelligence and ability to learn in the future.

Then, see to it that you breast-feed your child during the first year. Breast milk is said to contain rich amounts of omega 3's for your baby.

Research that was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition illustrated that even moderate amounts of dietary fish oil with DHA will radically elevate breast milk content. [Vol. 40, 780-785]

These findings on brain development persuaded my wife to use fish oil during pregnancy and lactation, and to give our children supplements of salmon oil while they were only six months old.

It was not difficult to give them the supplements. We extracted it from the capsule, placed it in a spoon and made them drink it. We are proud to say how people have observed them to be so smart and they have nice test scores to prove it.

However, the best part is they are happy and healthy children too. Give your kids fish oil and you will be happy you did. - 17274

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Weight Lifting Programs, How to Train Your Shoulders

By Ricardo d Argence

Shoulder development is very important when you are bodybuilding. A double back bicep pose not only makes you look great while doing it, but it also make you look wonderful while standing erect. If you develop your side deltoids in proportion to the biceps, the arms and biceps look large and well defined.

The shoulder region includes the posterior, medial, and anterior deltoid muscles. If you are including the whole shoulder girdle, then the rotator cuff muscles as well as the upper trapezius are included.

The deep muscles of the rotator cuff attach different sections of the thoracic area to different parts of the humerus. Upper trapezius muscles are the muscles that run from the back of the neck; extend to the medial deltoid, then downward to intersect with the middle trapezius. Toward the back of the shoulder, you will find the posterior deltoid muscle, beneath the lower region of the upper trapezius. The outer part of the shoulder is a where the medial deltoid lies, with the anterior deltoid muscle being visible outside of the pectoral muscles.

Either of your shoulders has an individual function when the arm is lifted. The arm is brought forwards, inwards, or rotated by the anterior deltoid. The medial deltoid allows the arm to move away from the side. When the arm is moved back or rotated outwards, the posterior deltoid comes into play. When the scapula is moved upward toward the ears, like shrugging your shoulders, the upper trapezius muscle does the job. Finally, the rotator cuff muscles provide stability to the arm when it is moving and allows the arm to rotate.

Coming to shoulder area, the military press, lateral raises, lying lateral raises, the Arnold press, behind the neck press, and bent-over lateral raises are just some examples of the exercises you can perfom to target those muscles. The upright row in addition to bent-over rows will also help you build the shoulder area to magnificent proportions.

The key to building massive shoulders is to understand how the shoulder works and keeping it healthy. Nothing will halt your progress faster than an injury in the gym, so clearly injury should be avoided. One of the most common injuries is to the rotator cuff muscles. The muscles that make up the rotator cuff are not large strong muscles. In order to prevent any injuries try incorporating some band work into your shoulder workout.

To minimize injuries be sure that you are using the right amount of weight. You should be able to have control of the weight through the entire movement. If you find that you can only do partial reps or you need to shift the weight around, then the weight is too heavy. Using too much weight puts too much stress on the shoulder and is likely to cause injury. Be sure that you can maintain the proper technique and use the full range of motion before increasing the weight.

Even if developing your shoulders muscles can be a very difficult task, you'll see that results are really worth the effort. Experimentation and determination is important, since everybody's body will develop at a different rate. - 17274

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A Healthy Energy drink is a good Alternative For Teenagers

By Julieanne van Zyl

These days, the desire for a quick fix is causing more problems than it is solving, so its a good thing that healthy energy drinks are being manufactured. While it might look like we have quick answers to our problems, they are often short-term solutions, which do nothing to fix the situation permanently. Sadly, one of the "quick fixes" that we are becoming increasingly addicted to and which seems to be the favorite of many people is the energy drink. Whether it is Red Bull or Power Horse, energy drinks give us the instant energy boost that we might need at that point in time.

But because of the abundance of these drinks, it is consistently available to teenagers and kids who can buy them for a few bucks each. Unfortunately, research has shown that kids who drink copious amounts of energy drinks are at a risk of exhibiting unruly behaviors and increased violence levels. According to the Journal of American College Health, "Miller and colleagues found that a collection of behaviors known as "toxic jock syndrome" was correlated with high consumption of energy drinks.

Toxic jock syndrome contains symptoms such as substance abuse, unprotected sex and violence". With this research established in different related studies, it is only natural to see that teenagers and regular energy drink consumption is not a good combination. So, if you have got a teenage son or daughter, try as mush as possible to discourage them from drinking these drinks too ofter and instead teach them to live healthy lives by adopting healthy lifestyles.

As if obtaining excess energy drinks are not enough, research has shown that an astonishing 49% of all teenagers are into some kind of substance misuse. This basically indicates that about 1 in every 2 teenagers you find in high schools are into some kind of drugs. Not only are they into drugs, a superior majority are into alcohol abuse. A recent survey among youths illustrated that British girls were known to be the most aggressive females in the world.

The usual British chap somehow gets involved in binge drinking at least once a week. Binge drinking is simply drinking lots of beer immediately -this could be between 5-20 bottles in one sitting. At the moment teenagers have discovered a very effective combination that will get them just as high as drugs or marijuana. This is the fusion of energy drinks and alcohol. This lethal combination makes it a lot more risky for teenagers because of the health implications.

A survey carried out in ten schools located in North Carolina showed that students who took a combination of these drinks often needed medical attention and were virtually naive of the fact that they were drunk. This is not startling as it is possible that the large amounts of caffeine in most energy drinks is accountable for high energy levels in spite of how much alcohol you drank. So, if you find your teenager son having a lot of these, maybe you had better be on the lookout.

They found that students who mixed the drinks got drunk twice as often, were more likely to be injured or require medical treatment while intoxicated, and were more likely to perpetrate or experience sexual assault than students who drank alcohol alone. The effect was not related to the amount of alcohol consumed.

Some researchers have proposed that because the caffeine in energy drinks tends to make users feel more energetic, people who mix the drinks with alcohol do not understand how high they are and are more likely to take foolish risks.

"You're every bit as drunk, you're just an awake drunk," said researcher Mary Claire O'Brien of Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, N.C.

Therefore, a healthy energy drink is going to make a significant difference to a teenager's life. - 17274

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Fish Oil as Cure for Psychosis

By Michael Byrd

Fish oil for the treatment of psychosis has surely been the subject of so many researches.

Several scientists have been very impressed on what they are now discovering, and for sure you too will get excited.

According to the Medline Plus online encyclopaedia, psychosis is defined as the "loss of contact with reality. This typically includes delusions (false ideas about what's taking place or who one is) and hallucinations (seeing or hearing things which aren't there)."

Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, dementia, hallucinations, unfounded fears, extreme excitement, abnormal emotions, delusions, confusion and delusions are among the general definitions of psychosis.

If you suspect that you have the above symptoms, do not worry right away and get a diagnosis. Take note that psychosis is a chronic illness and does not occur just immediately.

Some of the causes of psychosis can be the use of illegal or prescription drugs, excessive alcohol intake, or any condition that may bring damage to the brain for it to malfunction, like stroke or Alzheimer's Disease.

Some people do not believe that the food that we eat has anything to do with psychosis. Well, that would just be like saying that junk food can sustain our health and make us live longer. That we know is just not possible.

So, what was found in the research?

Fish oil has been found to give major health benefits according to the latest scientific studies, and it includes the treatment of psychosis, bipolar syndrome and depression.

A research report in the Journal of Affective Disorders shows that "Major depressed subjects showed significantly lower total omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids?than minor depressed subjects and healthy controls." (Vol. 26, No. 38, 35-46)

In other words: a diet rich in fish oil fatty acids will make a person less depressed.

Based on another research done on patients with depression that was published in the American Journal of Psychiatry "Highly significant benefits of the addition of the omega-3 fatty acid compared with placebo were found by week 3 of treatment." (Vol. 159:477-479)

The implication: all you need is 3 weeks and you will get the health benefits that fish oil provides.

The Archives of General Psychiatry published a research by Harvard University which found that, "Omega 3 fatty acids were well tolerated and improved the short-term course of illness in this preliminary study of patients with bipolar disorder." (Vol. 56 No. 5)

Meaning: The condition of bipolar disorder patients improved after taking fish oil.

Another research reported in the American Journal of Psychiatry concludes, "The results of this study suggest that EPA may be a safe and effective form of monotherapy for women with moderately severe borderline personality disorder." (Vol. 160:167-169)

In other words: Fish oil can help women with extreme personality disorders.

The researchers in the department of psychiatry at the UK University of Sheffield also reported in the Journal of Affective Disorders that, "The findings [of their study] raise the possibility that depressive symptoms may be alleviated by omega 3 PUFA [polyunsaturated fatty acid] supplementation." (Vol. 48(2-3):149-55)

The implication: A supplement of good quality fish oil helps depressed individuals.

That is the summary of the benefits that fish oil can provide as treatment to psychosis and minor depressions.

The health benefits of fish oil can speak for itself naturally. - 17274

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