It May Not Be Your Fault If You Are Overweight Or Obese - Easy Things You Can Do To Outsmart Toxins
It's common knowledge that morbidly obese individuals have significantly slower than average metabolism that allows accumulation of toxins. These toxins in turn lead to problems and illnesses, including heart disease and high blood pressure, as well as a substantial increase in the risk of degenerative disease development such as osteoarthritis and diabetes.
Many people may not know that the list below is responsible for accumulation of toxins in the human body:
* fruits and vegetables laced with poison such as pesticides
* meat from animals fed grain that contains pesticide residues and animals shot with hormones
* processed foods with loads of artificial ingredients and preservatives. These chemicals stick to tissues and paralyze the body's ability to function normally
Now you may ask yourself: How does this work? Well, the body attempts to protect itself from contamination by these poisonous substances, when loaded with quantities it is impossible to handle, by encapsulating toxins in fat pockets and storing them until the body reaches later a level of functionality to process and remove them effectively.
The greatest challenge faced, is the incredible pace and immense quantities these toxins are thrown at the body, which cannot find the opportunity to eliminate the toxins already accumulated. In turn, we store even more junk while waiting for the perfect opportunity to get rid of it.
This fat accumulation again slows the metabolism down to such an extent that it allows for even more build-up. Just shows you how the cycle becomes self-sufficient, resulting in an early grave due to numerous chronic conditions and problems that have developed in the process. Now we get stuck in a rut with a question similar to that of the chicken and egg mystery. The answer is simple. Obesity can lead to toxin build-up in the body and toxin build-up can lead to even more obesity.
While the precise link between toxins and obesity may not be transparent, the solution to the obesity problem can be found in the consumption of a healthier diet consisting of lower toxic substances and higher fiber and nutrient content, which the body needs in order to eliminate as well as burn fat at a faster pace.
We need to consume more natural fruits and vegetables (washed thoroughly to remove all traces of pesticides) and find a way to consume less red meat that has been processed through commercial feedlots. In addition, avoiding processed foods that are full of artificial ingredients and preservatives and limiting or eliminating consumption of caffeine, cigarette smoke, and chemically treated water will help to reduce the number of toxins bombarding the body and aid in detoxification of the body. - 17274
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