Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Get Lean, Build Muscle " Bulk Up And Get Ripped At The Same Time?

By Eryk Helms

So you want to get lean and build muscle, and all at the same time, eh? Seems like that is the one thing on everybody's mind today. Got those big love handles and skinny arms and chest all at the same time. They call that "skinny fat" and it's not pretty. I know. I was there myself.

There are basically three ways to get lean and build muscle (These all assume you have a good workout plan):

1. Increase your calories and especially your protein every day. That'll start the process of gaining muscle fast. Once you've reached the size you want, start cutting back on the calories to reveal the new muscle underneath.

2. Burn off the fat first. Then go ahead and start adding on the calories. Then, go back and burn off any excess.

3. Manage your intake closely along the way, and add in extra interval training.

Each of these approaches has benefits and drawbacks. Let's look at them...

Method 1: You want to gain more than a single pound or two, right? So, increase your calorie intake (and especially protein) so that you start gaining weight fast, and work out like a maniac to turn those extra calories into muscle. Once you reach the size you want, cut back the calories so that you are below "maintenance" and move the emphasis in your workout to fat burning to get rid of the "padding." What you want to do is to bulk up fast, and then you need to trim down.

Method 2: With this method, you're going to put emphasis on burning fat up front, and then you need to start adding muscle by eating more. The downside to this is that you will have to do some more fat burning on the back end, because you just can't convert every extra calorie to raw muscle. And, you want to build that muscle NOW, right?

Method 3: My personal favorite. Go ahead and add those extra calories; but just don't be a pig about it! Monitor your body fat percentage along the way, and cut back the food a bit if it starts to climb, and add a bit more if you're not making the gains you want. Add maybe 500 extra calories a day to start, and watch it. Then, of course, you'll go through that last fat burning phase to get ripped. Throw in some high intensity interval training along the way to help burn off any excess calories. This method does build muscle a bit more slowly than the first one, but you'll look a bit tighter along the way.

So, basically, if you want to get lean and build muscle at the same time, it comes down to this: You need to eat enough good food to build muscle, and then you need to cut back and change the workout a bit to get lean. Pretty simple stuff; don't let anyone tell you different. - 17274

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Best Way To Lose Weight? Give The Booze A Miss!

By Henry John

It is quite common for there to be a misunderstanding about alcohol and weight loss. 'Alcohol makes you fat' is a cry that is often heard. It's probably used to try and frighten people off drinking, but the statement isn't strictly true. Alcohol doesn't make you fat, it actually prevents you from using stored energy i.e. fat. It pays to know about alcohol because it will help you to find the best way to lose weight.

When you drink alcohol, you give your body a bit of a dilemma. The energy in alcohol can't be stored because it is not a carbohydrate. What your body has to do is to covert the energy into something called acetate. Instead of then being stored as fat, it stays in the blood stream. Your body doesn't like this very much, so it uses the acetate energy first, leaving your energy that is stored as fat well alone.

It's easy to see that if you drink a lot of alcohol, you are not going to burn fat, in fact you will accumulate fat. If you stop drinking alcohol you will be able to lose weight more effectively. It's as simple as that.

To most people drinking alcohol becomes a habit. Too much alcohol like too much food is a bad habit. If you want to lose weight and keep the weight off, you have to get rid of all your bad habits.

After you have recognized your bad habits it will be much easier to lose weight. The most effective way of losing weight is to learn new habits, slim habits. This is the only sure fire way of losing weight permanently.

The secret of permanent weight loss is change. If you are drinking alcohol you need to know exactly how much you are drinking because this will very much affect how much weight you will be able to lose. You have to make change if you are to lose weight permanently. If alcohol is one of your bad habits, then you need to recognize it and make the necessary changes. If you have the will and the resolve, you will lose weight. Remember the way to make change is to learn new habits...it works! - 17274

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Interval Training and Wedding Weight Loss

By Ricardo d Argence

Your concerns about your appearance at your wedding will start the moment you have an engagement ring on your finger. When everyone is watching you you will want to stand out from the crowd.

The temptation to try to drop weight quickly is definitely there, but the best way to get yourself into a healthy and great condition is to adjust your diet and exercise plan in a healthy way. This is where Interval Training can come in to help make you the most beautiful bride that you can be.

So, what is exactly Interval Training? It is an exercise plan that offers a mix of high intensity activities in the same workout as lower intensity activities. Because of this the anaerobic and aerobic system so that your body will receive the benefits of these two types of training. That you can get a great workout in only thirty minutes is perhaps the most appealing benefit of Interval Training.

Warming up is the best way to start your workout. Once you are sufficiently warmed up, it is time to launch into the high-intensity phase of your workout. Decrease your pace to one that is more sustainable if you experience muscle fatigue.

So that you can breathe easier and your body can handle the activity and this will allow your body to recover a bit. Your body will eventually come back to normal, and at that time it is safe to return to the high intensity training and repeat the circuit.

Perhaps the best thing about Interval Training is that you can get a great workout in a shorter period of time. Additionally, it is a really easy concept to incorporate into your workout, but it will help to combat the monotony that can arise from your workout. And perhaps most importantly it is easy. You do not need an expensive trainer or gym membership. Instead you can listen to your bodies clues to know when and how you need to adjust your workout.

Without a doubt this program will rejuvenate you in time for that special occasion. Fad diets tempt you with extravagent claims about quick and painless weight loss. It is likely that a program like this won't work for you and you won't get the results you expect.

You will enjoy a lot of benefits,with a healthy diet and interval training exercise routine, and you will also lose weight! You will feel better, and what is better than that?

You will feel better with this increased health. Everyone needs energy while planning a wedding, and you will find yourself with more if you follow these simple steps. The best thing of all is that you will feel a whole lot better about yourself. And you will look at your best, I guarante that! - 17274

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Core Strengthening Exercises -- Get a Solid Core Now!

By Erik Helms

Core strengthening exercises are one of the best foundations for good health, and will make your workout program much safer.

Twist. Turn. Bend over. Sit all day. Get in and out of the car. Carry those groceries. We put our back through all kinds of stuff, and it never complains. Or does it? If we're out of shape in our core muscles, our back will let us know pretty quick. The core muscles support the lower back and internal organs, and if we stop taking care of them, like most of us have, we are in for some soreness and more and more days of pain the longer we let it go on.

And our workout routines become ever more risky; we always are on the edge of straining our back.

OK, then, what are some really good core strengthening exercises to do?

* Pilates. You can do any Pilates routine and you will come out ahead. I've used Pilates for years to keep the old middle tight and strong. Pilates has a sort of "girls only" reputation for some reason, but take it from me, guys; this is serious exercise.

* The Farmer's Walk. Wait... the what? That's right, Farmer's Walk. Pick up two heavy somethings, like dumbbells, and walk across the room and then back again. You will work your arms, hands, shoulders, upper and lower back, legs, and your core " like crazy, just to keep upright and balanced.

* The Wood Chopper. Grab a medicine ball. Hold it over your head and off to one side. Now swing it down and over toward your opposite foot, like you were chopping wood. Then swing it back on the same line. Repeat several times, and switch sides. Be sure to engage your hips and legs to keep your back fairly straight. That makes it harder.

* Saxon Bends. These are tough. Take that ball again, or a weight plate if you need more weight, and hold it over your head. Now bend over to one side, without bending your back from front to back. You're just going side to side. When you've gone as far over as you can, head on over to the other side. Back to center again is one.

These exercises are a great warmup for a weight training workout. They'll warm up the whole body, and you can step away from the treadmill. Or, just devote a whole workout to core strengthening exercises; your back will thank you! - 17274

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What are Probiotics?

By Jasmine Reich-Olulu

The foods we eat are changing our stomachs more than ever. We do not help our bodies when we consume fast food, deep-fried food, and processed food. With all this food easily available to us we need to start improving and protecting our digestive system. Thankfully doctors and scientist have found a amazing thing called probiotics. These probiotics do amazing things for the digestive tract and can help people with digestive problems.

Probiotics are relatively new to the average consumer and have hit the store aisles like wild-fire. Probiotics are what is known as healthy bacteria. Probiotics support the normal activity of the intestinal microflora that secretes enzymes to digest food. Probiotics also maintain the normal health of the intestinal lining in the small intestine which supports healthy absorption of nutrients. Good digestion starts in the digestive tract and this healthy bacteria is amazing. There are different ways to tell how powerful a probiotic is. The most important is called CFUs or colony forming units. The second is how many active species are in the formula.

The amazing surge is partly due to increased knowledge on the reported benefits of probiotic supplementation. Probiotics have been shown to reduce antibiotic-associated diarrhea, help maintain intestinal microflora balance and produce anti-carcinogenic effects. A study done by UAS laboratory also indicated that certain strains of probiotics may assist in lowering your cholesterol levels.

There are many different probiotics in the marketplace today. Knowing how to pick the correct formula is crucial. I have tried many of these brands myself and have fallen in love with one particular formula. The formula has 12 active species, and 120 billion CFUs. It comes in a 2.5 ounce bottle and it will last me about 3 months. The probiotic is made in America and the company is Extreme Health USA. I have done a little research on this company and they have been selling products to doctors and consumers for 10 years.

So now you know what they do and know how to pick a quality product, I want to go over some of the key points about probiotics. Make sure you are buying a product that is high in active species and CFUs. They may be more expensive but you always get what you pay for. If you have problems with your GI like 62,000 million Americans do, dont hesitate and try probiotic supplementation. You will be disappointed you didnt do this earlier. - 17274

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Basic Truth About Abs Workout Mistakes

By Thomas Moore

Most guys want a ripped, good-looking abs for several reasons: to be able to wear body hugging clothes, be healthier, and be able to attract plenty of girls. But the path towards that beautiful fat-free tummy can get really ugly.

There are hundreds of product out now in the market and they seem to promise the same thing; fast results. But the human body is not like clay to mold and see results in a blink of an eye, you will need long-term plan for that journey and the way could be treacherous. Here are the most basic problems and their solutions in obtaining that dream six-packs in reality.


Most guys are cool and excited in the first two weeks of the work out program; hitting the gym three times a week, doing all the basic exercises, and choosing the best diet. But most of them feel disheartened seeing still no visible results after and tendency is they would give up. We need to understand that it would take months or even years for the fat to convert into healthy-good looking muscles and two weeks won't even make up for that time percentage. Before planning on enrolling to the gym, you should set your mind that the gym will be your second home for the coming months and you need to keep on pushing no matter what. At the end, you will not only look "sexy" but you'll feel proud that you have endured the test and surely that abdominals is the fruit you reap.


When you work out your body uses a lot of energy and water so naturally your appetite for food will skyrocket. But one of the things that make any program a success is the consumption of the right food. Most of this food will alienate your taste bud but if you're not willing to make a permanent lifestyle change, the burgers, fried chicken, sodas, and cakes in the fridge will be your everyday nightmare. This will not only jeopardize your dream abs but will also inflict depression in your system. You need discipline in this area and a strong will to avoid the temptation. Healthy food does not necessarily mean cereals, veggies, and the likes of those "tasteless" consumptions. Instead of fried chicken, why not bake it? Or swap your lunch to a salmon or salad? There are lots of easy ways to cook food if only you are willing to learn them.


If your program says three repetitions only, then don't attempt to exceed that number thinking you'll gain more muscles if you do. Remember that your instructor is a professional and has seen this countless time so he knows the fact and he knows what would be the best training for you. Most guys often do this to fasten the results but the exact opposite happens (e.g. uneven muscle gain). Stick to your program and never facilitate because you might end up sprouting abs in your back due too poorly received workout plan. - 17274

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Natural Remedies For Constipation

By Julieanne van Zyl

One of the most frequent digestive complaints in the United States is constipation. This may be credited to the customary Western diet. Common to most folks in the U.S., it is often high in fats and processed foods and low in natural fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

The natural rate of recurrence of bowel motions will vary from individual to individual and also from day to day. One person will have bowel movements once or more per day while others may not have them anymore than 3 times a week. Constipation is defined, not by the number of times a person has a bowel movement, but rather by the consistency of the stool when it is passed.

Even though anyone can be affected by it, constipation is more common in women and in older individuals. Pregnant women, those who have just given birth, or anyone who has just had surgery will also be exposed to develop constipation. Medications such as pain relievers or some physical conditions such as multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injuries will also place individuals in a higher risk group.

Medications that can be used to increase the number of stools as well as improve the consistency of the stool, are readily available, but natural remedies are most recommended for improving this particular condition. Constipation is explained as a condition in which stools are hard and spherical and difficult to pass. The sufferer often feels distended or of not having completely emptied their bowels. It can be a very horrible feeling and really ruin your day.

If you consider using anything other than a natural remedy to improve your condition you should ensure that you really are constipated. TV ads shower us daily, exhorting us to use their products and laxative laboratories push their products vigorously. Sometimes this publicity can tempt individuals to believe they are constipated when in fact they are not. Always remember, using natural remedies for constipation will not negatively impact on your health. In fact, using these natural methods will only make better your overall health.

One of the first things to do, if you think you may be constipated, is to increase your fluid intake. The stools stay soft according to the amount of water left in the stool. A dehydrated body will pull as much water as possible from the stool in order to help uphold hydration in the body. A minimum of six to eight glasses of liquid a day should be a part of every adult's diet. While almost any fluid will do the trick the most recommended one is water. Fluids that contain caffeine however will do more to dehydrate than to improve your condition.

The conventional Western diet invariably does not provide enough fiber. The American Dietetic association recommend 20 to 35 grams of fiber per day per each adult. It's not difficult to consume those 30 grams per day if you look carefully at your diet. One small apple is 3 grams and half a cup of green peas is 5 grams, or a bowl of bran cereal can give you as much as 13 grams. However the fiber heavyweights are cooked dried beans, nuts, oatmeal , prunes, figs, raisins.. Another good source of fiber is the mangosteen fruit or if you cannot buy the fruit, mangosteen juice.

Regular exercise is of huge benefit in the maintenance of a healthy bowel. Regular exercise will help to alleviate constipation because the continued movement helps the peristalsis in the lower intestines. Peristalsis is the motion, or movement, of the intestines that pushes the stool through to the rectum. While any form of exercise is of benefit, walking appears to be the best and is especially useful for pregnant women who face constipation as their babies develop.

We can also train ourselves to go to the toilet. We tend to choose to go when it's convenient for us to go. However, habitually ignoring the urge to go, can lead ultimately to constipation. It is never, never too late to improve your bowel habits. A gastric reflex which is set off approximately 20 minutes after each meal, especially heavy meals, will subtly send a signal. So choose a meal, any meal, and every day following that meal go to the bathroom and sit on the toilet for at least 10 minutes. Wait for 20 to 30 minutes following that meal before going. It won't be long before you will begin to create the habit of going to the toilet at the same time every day.

Should these dietary and lifestyle changes not be successful, individuals may choose to add a little assistance. Eating a half a cup of sunflower seeds every day will help to increase the fiber. They are tasty and will help move the stool along. Whole wheat bread, bran and even oatmeal, horseradish, dried figs and plums will help the problem.

A condition in which the pelvic floor muscles don't work properly is known as pelvic floor dysfunction and this does not allow the bowels to empty properly. It is sometimes the cause of constipation in individuals. Biofeedback therapy helps teach those individuals how to coordinate the muscles and it improves the ability to go to the toilet.. Although biofeedback has only recently been explored as a treatment, the results appear to be promising. For example, after six months of biofeedback sessions, 43 of 54 biofeedback patients found them more effective than laxatives. Benefits appeared to last for at least two years.

Prolonged constipation will ultimately lead to the development of hemorrhoids and anal fissures, which are not only painful but can also exacerbate the constipation. They do this by narrowing the opening and not allowing as much stool through with each evacuation. Straining can also raise blood pressure and lower the heart rate which can result in elderly patients blacking out and falling off the toilet.

If these methods are not successful in alleviating your constipation and its related problems you should seek the care and advice of your primary care physician or health care practitioner. - 17274

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Advice For Obtaining The Right Water Purifier

By Chris Channing

The average family will buy a water purifier to help increase the taste their local city or city usually provides them. But travelers have an entirely different means of use for these helpful tools: to survive out in the wilderness, whether by choice or not. Before purchasing a model, there are several features of current water purifiers to request.

There are many applications where a portable water purifier would be needed. A prime example would be when traveling to a new country in which may have different water purification standards than of one's home country. United States citizens are sometimes warned to not drink water from the country of Mexico, for instance, since differences in purification processes may cause travelers to become sick and induce vomiting.

There are two general methods in purifying water to make it drinkable. The older method was to simply use chemicals to do so. This is generally somewhat inexpensive, doesn't require anything in addition, and is easy to implement. It is not the best choice, since it can have some poor side effects and may also leave a bad taste in the water. The preferred method is UV sterilization, which is more expensive initially but works great, and makes water taste better.

If money is no object, there are many neat little upgrades that can be tacked onto a portable water purifier. The most popular is the solar energy upgrade, which allows the unit to recharge an internal batter based on the energy supplied to it from the Sun. This is great for times when water may not be readily available and when batteries are just as inaccessible. Expect to pay more money, but it's money well spent.

The time in which it takes to purify water differs based on the model purchased. Some are completely automated and use electronics to test the water for drinking quality. Others may leave the hard part up to travelers, and demand that test strips be used to verify the safety of the water. In this case a little bit of extra money goes a long way in providing for extra benefits that are important in making safe decisions or simplifying a camping trip.

The innovations in water purification have changed the industry dramatically. We can now afford a basic model that can purify even the dirtiest of waters in just minutes, compared to the methods of the past where chemicals or hand pumps had to be used. Now hand-held water purifiers are necessities, not just upgrades for the wealthy.

Final Thoughts

Camping stores and sporting goods stores are the best bet for finding a water purifier. Internet store are also a good place to search if you are looking for something specific. Prices are also generally better on the Internet, where more selection is available to go through. - 17274

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Why is the Acai Berry a Superfruit?

By Fred Skipp

The acai berry has certainly gained and retained its popularity. People are still crazy about it because they believe that the acai berry contains almost all supplements, vitamins, and minerals that their bodies will ever need. Some people spend a lot of money buying vitamins and food supplements but they are not natural and therefore they are not as good as eating the acai berry.

Nowadays, most people are aware of antioxidants and why it is important to fight free radicals. The acai berry is one of the fruits with the highest amount of potent antioxidants known. There may be other fruits that have even more antioxidants than the acai berry but the jury is still out of which fruit has the highest amount of antioxidants.

A high level of anthocyanins are found in the acai berry. One of the main anthocyanins in the berry is called cyanidin-3-glucoside or C-3-G for short and the other is called cyanidin-3-rutinoside. There are many other antioxidants such as polyphenols. The presence of lots of potent antioxidants make the acai berry one of the best things that you can eat to make yourself healthy.

The acai berry contains high percentage of essential fatty acids. This is why some people take the acai berry pills instead of fatty acid supplements as a source of their essential fatty acids. More than 50 percent of the acai berry, based on its dry weight, is good fats. The oil extracted from the acai berry consists largely of monounsaturated fats and some polyunsaturated fats. The fatty acid content of the acai berry is similar to that of olive oil.

Your body also needs protein. Fortunately, the acai berry is also high in protein content. This makes the acai berry unique since most fruits are not good sources of protein. Some acai berry has very similar protein profile to an egg. However, not all acai berries are alike in terms of protein content. Some have higher and others have lower. This depends on the acai palm trees that they grow on.

There are many vitamins in the acai berry such as vitamin E. Most of the vitamins in the acai berry are found in the acai pulp which is why people try to drink juices that have acai pulp in them. The acai pulp is where all the healthy stuff in the acai berry are. There are many more vitamins in the acai berry making it one of the best supplements that you can find.

Most fruits only have some of these nutrients, vitamins and minerals but the acai berry has it all and more. There are fiber in the acai berry as well as lots of minerals. The acai berry is also low in sugar which makes it good for anyone watching their sugar intake. People who eat the acai berry regularly find themselves full of energy, stronger, healthier and they feel and look younger too. - 17274

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Key Muscle Building Supplements

By Allen Brian

How can you define which body building supplement is the best? Nowadays, you find search many types of supplements from the Internet or magazine. But choosing the right one for working out is not easy. What we talk about here is selecting the muscle building supplements, which could help us to achieve the best results.

Many skilled bodybuilding experts recommend protein as first choice of muscle building supplement. Protein is one of the most important factors for building muscle. Protein helps to transfer all the required bodybuilding enzymes to the place they should be. Another function of protein is to increase your energy level for more workouts.

Whey protein could be one of the best protein supplements you can implement into your workout program. With the right dosages and right amounts, the natural whey protein can give you the best results.

Another kind of supplement - creatine is one that you should try as well. Creatine also helps combat fatigue and allows for better workouts. The level of creatine is important for your workout results. You can improve your muscle building results by taking extra creatine supplements.

When you are lifting weights in your body building workout, your muscles are under a certain amount of stress. Your body will generate NO (nitric oxide) against this stress or pressure. If you are performing highly stressed muscle exercises, and then you should take some bodybuilding supplement to supply more nitric oxide. You can choose nitric oxide as your muscle building supplement. You would use it on your own risk because of the side effect with sexual health.

Another bodybuilding supplement you should take in to account is glutamine, which also can give you greatest results. The enzymes for building muscle are carried by glutamine to muscles for growing larger muscles and make it more toned.

Deciding which muscle building supplement is the best has to be a private choice. Picking the right muscle building supplement will help you realize your desired goals. Choosing the right supplement that provides certain results would be a big difference between successful working out instead of unsuccessful working out.

While selecting supplements, do some research and choose one with proven results. The results usually exaggerated by the supplement companies, so you should careful while choosing a muscle building supplement. Read different reviews of specific products and then make the right choice for you. Picking the best body building supplement can truly enhance your workout regimen and contribute to a beautiful body as an end result. - 17274

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Lose weight today with pure cleanse pro.

By Collin James

This review of Pure Cleanse Pro which is a weight loss cleansing formula that is designed to flush out toxins and waste that are built up in your body from all the processed foods that are consumed on a regular basis. If your wandering why cleansing diets have become all the rage in the past year, it is because they work and tackle an area that even the best fitness trainers cant do anything with.

The benefits of cleansing are:

1. Lose weight fast 2. Energy levels increase 3. Clear out your digestive system 4. Loosen up fecal matter 5. Cleans out toxins 6. Eliminates bloating 7. removed stored water in the body 8. improves overall colon health 9. improves health of other internal organs 10. eliminates symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

Here is how Pure Cleanse Pro can help you

Pure Cleanse Pro is an all-natural supplement that could cleanse your colon and detoxify your body without harmful chemicals. This can help you lose weight, maintain your health and clear toxins from your body.

There are no harmful chemicals in pure cleanse pro. Pure cleanse pro works with your body to rid the waste and toxins on a natural level which in return improves your lifestyle. - 17274

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Feed Your Muscles and Starve Your Fat

By Victoria Jamison

When it comes to fitness and weight loss, one of the most difficult things to do is eat so you lose fat without shedding muscle. There are a few things you can do to help make this possible.

Eat More Than You Think You Should

Believe it or not, it's all about increasing the amount of food you're eating, not decreasing it. It's not about taking in more calories, but rather providing your body with the protein it needs at the proper times.

When you go for a long period of time, your body kind of freaks out. The next time you eat, your body will think that meals are going to come few and far between, so it will store whatever it can from that meal as fat.

It's extremely important to keep your blood sugar levels .. well, level. When they fluctuate up and down, it's nearly impossible to lose fat. When you go for an extended amount of time without food, your blood sugar level drops dramatically.

Eating a giant meal (even a healthy one) will put a huge strain on your body and cause it to rush through the digestion process. When your body isn't running as efficiently, it isn't going to get everything it should out of each meal. This will cause your body to crave more food sooner than you should. I suggest you eat every 2 to 4 hours.

Make It Clean

Make sure to consume plenty of lean proteins, complex carbs and fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables. Simple carbs like white flour products (bread,crackers) and sugar(cookies and cakes) can spike up your insulin level and prevent your body from burning fat efficiently.

Sugar Is Your Enemy.

When you're tying to avoid sugar, you suddenly realize how prevalent it is in our foods. It seems to be put into everything these days. You won't always see it listed as "sugar", but instead as maltose, sucrose or even fructose. You have to really keep an eye out for it.

The Perfect Drink: Water

If you're not drinking about 8 glasses of water each day, you're depriving your body of a very important need. Water will help your body to digest your food more easily and efficiently, making sure it absorbs all the nutrients you're offering it. What will also help your tone your muscles and lose weight.

Protein is Vital

This is one of the most difficult things for me. It's not easy to consume the proper amount of protein each day when you're loosing weight. I supplement with a very clean protein shake a couple of times per day. Eat lots of chicken, fish and very lean beef whenever you can. This will help your body boost it's metabolism and build lean muscle.

Rotate Your Carb Levels

Carb rotation or cycling is achieved when you drop your intake for a couple of days and then bring it back up for a day or two. This does a number of things. It doesn't allow your body to think it's starving. Just when it starts to think it's not getting enough carbs you inject it with plenty. This also makes staying on your diet a little easier. You can power through a couple of days of very low carbs if you know that's lal it is, a couple of days.

These are the things you should be watching closely if you've hoping to lose fat and not muscle. Keep your carbohydrate levels lows and utilize the rotation technique with the carbs you do consume. - 17274

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