Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hair Care Secrets

By Cindy Myers

All through your childhood you must have grown up listening to tips from your mother or aunt on how to maintain healthy hair. Whether hair care tips and treatments work like magic or not, we are constantly trying old and new methods to preserve hair and maintain that lustrous look. To make things work we need to understand what we have and how to protect it. Do any of us really know what kind of hair we have and what treatment is best to preserve it? Sometimes things are best when left alone which means we need not require any hair care treatment like enhancing oils and shampoos etc. All you need to know is to take care of the good hair by eating sensibly and keeping the scalp clean.

To maintain our hair we must first understand what type of hair we have. It can be dry or oily or both in patches. Then we can use hair care products accordingly. If we are already blessed with thick and naturally healthy hair there is no need to use hair care products unnecessarily just because your favorite TV channel advertises so. However maintenance of healthy hair is necessary and can be achieved by keeping scalp clean and using protein based conditioners and also following healthy eating habits and diets.

Sometimes to keep in touch with the joneses, we indulge in hair coloring and streaking. Some use hair irons to give their hair a straight look and some use chemicals to perm their hair. These hair treatments are harmful as they contain chemicals and destroy the hair roots in the long run. Once roots are destroyed re growth become very difficult and are almost impossible. Natural hair care salons warn of the dangers of these products and also encourage the use of natural herbal products.

An array of hair styling equipments has emerged. Lifestyles have changed and more women feel the need to socialize especially in the corporate sectors. Hence they are always looking for something different to do with the hair. Hair care products like hair dryers, curlers, hair irons and mousse and gel are constantly being used by men and women and this adds to the woes of hair loss.

Hair vitamins to promote hair growth are available in the markets. Hair loss and thinning should be treated from inside and not just superficially. Sometimes vitamin supplements may help prevent hair loss and promote hair growth.

Finally good hair care involves keeping the hair clean and preventing it form clogging due to sweat. Washing the hair regularly and using conditioner leaves the hair silky and smooth. - 17274

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Hair Care Secrets

By Cindy Myers

Falling hair, balding scalp, thousands of remedies and confusion on what to use. This is a problem plaguing millions of men and women around the globe. Be it the new hair care product that your favorite multinational giant has introduced, or a simple homemade remedy your grandmother suggested, we need to know what will work for our hair type. In this trial and error process we begin to eliminate what does not work, but at what cost?

If you can identify your hair type like dry or oily you can use shampoos and conditioners accordingly. It is better to use a mild shampoo or herbal products. Sometimes these are on trial and error basis and one needs to try various brands before deciding what is best for them. You cannot afford to do that at the cost of losing your hair. So many natural herbal hair care products have flooded the market which does not use any chemicals in their preparations.

Sometimes to keep in touch with the joneses, we indulge in hair coloring and streaking. Some use hair irons to give their hair a straight look and some use chemicals to perm their hair. These hair treatments are harmful as they contain chemicals and destroy the hair roots in the long run. Once roots are destroyed re growth become very difficult and are almost impossible. Natural hair care salons warn of the dangers of these products and also encourage the use of natural herbal products.

Natural hair care tips suggests that using dried gooseberry powder with oil and massaging on the scalp gives a shine and is one of the best natural hair care tip to keep hair black .

Healthy nutrition and diet is important for hair care. Dry care is often caused due to unhealthy food habits. Under nourished hair roots makes the hair dry and break. Natural hair care remedy for dry hair recommends weekly conditioning of hair. Egg yolk or yogurt with honey and coconut milk applied to the scalp conditions the hair well.

Apart from all the above factors, good sleep habits and exercise is a must to keep healthy. Stress is part of life but you can keep it to minimum by exercising and yoga as it relaxes the mind. - 17274

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How To Build Up Muscle: Working Smarter Not Harder Is Essential For Muscle Building

By Henry Bantista

Nobody wants to be that little guy who gets sand kicked in his face and loses his girlfriend to the bully. Almost every guy has wanted to build up muscles at some point in their life. The reason there are so many gyms and health clubs in cities across the country is that almost everybody desires to be in better shape than they are. It does not matter if you look to lose weight or bulk up. There is one rule that applies in how to build up muscles that you must follow closely. Work Smart.

The first thing you may want to look at is what not to do when attempting to learn how to build up muscle. Do not follow the big boys. Sure it is great to have an idol and even use them as a source for motivation, but let's be honest, how many of these guys got that way through traditional bodybuilding measures?

The super stars of body building have a genetic advantage over the rest of us. They were born with the right combination of things to build up muscle, and in many cases these guys have not used just standard body building techniques to gain these massive physiques.

In learning how to build up muscles you need to find a program that makes sense. You need to approach body building slowly and sensibly. Find a program that is designed for you. Of course in order to see any changes you will need to change your routine and become serious about your desire to build up muscle. You cannot continue to do what you have been doing and expect to see some changes.

In order to build up muscles you need to create a program that caters to your particular needs. This usually means starting slow and improving over time. Naturally the first thing to do is to not hide behind a computer or sit on the sofa playing video games, while those are great hobbies they will not help build up muscle. You must make a conscious decision to change things. In other words you must be willing to change your lifestyle, and begin to focus on your muscle building goals.

Another tip to help you work harder not smarter when building muscle would be to overcome any mental barriers. You need to psyche yourself up to work out. Building muscle is hard work, they don't call it a work out for nothing. So you need to look past the big boys and the pretty ladies at the gym and focus on your workout. You will get better results by focusing on what you are there to do, lift weights. So don't worry about what the other guy is doing, concentrate on your workout and focus on your training.

The next step in the process of building muscle is to find a workout schedule that you can stick with. A common error people have when they are beginning to train is to start a program that is too strenuous and impossible for them to complete. It is important when you are just beginning to weight train to make sure that you develop a program that is right for your current fitness level and that is catered to your specific body frame.

Once you have a program designed for you, stick to it, do not attempt to over work yourself. Working smart and sticking with a program that improves gradually is how to build up muscle. By doing this you will be able to maintain the workout program on a regular basis. It makes no sense to workout hard then not be able to get back into the gym for a week or more. A weight training program is no good if you won't stick with it. By overdoing you can find that you have injured yourself. Throwing out your back is not how to build up muscle. So the first thing you should keep in mind when starting a weight lifting program is to be safe, do all training with moderation and workout smart. - 17274

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Edible Herbs You Can Grow Indoors

By Palti Shipard

Herbs are the leaves and flowers of low-growing woody plants that do not have a trunk, that have stems growing from the base. Examples of herbs are licorice, parsley, chives, thyme, rosemary, marjoram, oregano, dill and celery. Herbs can be used for a wide range of purposes ranging from culinary, medicinal, perfumery and other needs. Many herbs grow low and are aromatic, which can be dried or used to flavor foods. It depends on what you want to use the herbs for which ones you grow.

Herbs are useful in many ways. They enhance the flavors of foods and improve health. Using herbs in cooking can add flavor and aromas and make food much more interesting. There are lots of herbs that are easy to grow and look great when grown in the home and they can make your cuisine taste really good. They have the added benefit of providing fresh air inside the house.

There are culinary herbs intended for cooking, and medicinal herbs. Decorative herbs look good and they are also useful, they can provide you home with a nice looking effect. Here are some herbs that are easy to grow indoors.

Licorice is a blue-flowering plant, which looks like a pea vine. It is simple to grow inside and looks good too. Licorice is utilized in many traditional medical herb formulas in many cultures because it covers up the flavor of other herbs.

You can use the whole root with skin or peeled, to naturally sweeten foods. You don't need to use much. It can be employed to add flavor to teas. Many herbal teas sweeten and flavor their formulas with licorice.

Oregano is an evergreen herb with dark green, wide leaves and pretty pink, purple or white flowers. Oregano can be discovered growing wild on the mountains of Greece and the Mediterranean. The herb likes partial shade as its leaves can be burned by the full sun.

It is easy to propagate Oregano and this can be done by seeding, cuttings and root division. For seeds, it will be helpful to sow them in containers and cover the seeds with only a light layer of soil. Frequent pruning can encourage stronger and healthier growth. Oregano is very easy to propagate, the plant will send out runners when mature. Roots grow out from these shoots. Oregano grows well as a container plant. Oregano has an important place in Mediterranean cooking and can be used in many dishes.

Anise Hyssop is an evergreen, whose silver green leaves release a magnificent liquorice aniseed fragrance. The rich violet blue colored flowers are loved by bees and butterflies. The dried or fresh leaves can be used in tea or crumble the tangy flowers over fruit salad. Anise hyssop is simple to grown from seed. Established anise hyssop will produce lots of plants for you to share, they are very easy to grow by root division.

Some other herbs you can grow inside include lavender, borage, bergamot and calendula. All these herbs have colourful flowers. Indoor herbs will make your rooms smell and look beautiful, many herbs are pretty and extremely fragrant. Your indoor herb garden will supply you with color, lush foliage, and a wide selection of flowers. You may also use fresh or dried herbs and mix them with products like soap, shampoo, lotion and oil. - 17274

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How I stayed Healthy in an Office Full of Flu Patients with Gene-Eden, a Broad Range, Natural, Antiviral Dietary Supplement

By Mark T. Johnson

A new press release sent out by the Center for the Biology of Chronic Disease announces that Gene-Eden, an antiviral supplement, may protect against the swine flu virus (H1N1 virus). The antiviral Gene-Eden was formulated and introduced to the market by polyDNA, a science-based biotechnology company that develops and markets nutritional supplements. Gene-Eden is an all natural, broad range, antiviral nutritional supplement that targets viruses during their latent or chronic phase.

Gene-Eden includes five ingredients. To identify these ingredients, the scientists at polyDNA scanned the scientific literature, analyzed thousands of papers using a proprietary bio-informatics-based computer program, and identified the most effective and safe natural ingredients.

A selection of the studies that include laboratory and clinical results, which show the powerful antiviral effect of the selected ingredients, can be found on the polyDNA website. Since the introduction of Gene-Eden, users of the antiviral supplement record great improvements in their health.

The following is the content of the press release.

"Everyone is looking for ways to protect themselves against the swine flu virus. Let me tell you about my personal encounter with the virus. About three months ago, I read an article on Dr. Hanan Polansky's book, where he describes his discovery of the relationship between chronic viruses and chronic disease. After I read the article, I started taking Gene-Eden, a broad range antiviral supplement, to reduce the number of chronic viruses in my body. My decision to start taking Gene-Eden had nothing to do with the swine flu virus. However, about two weeks ago, a lady working in my office was diagnosed with the swine flu. The poor lady was struck hard. She stayed in bad for a few days with high fever. She had a sore throat, muscle aches, was coughing, and felt completely drained. I was worried. Since we share the same office, I was certain I was next. About a week and a half ago, I started feeling a tingling in my throat. My first thought was "Here it comes!" But than I remembered that Gene-Eden targets many viruses. So I carefully read the label on the bottle, and decided to increase my dosage to the highest recommended one, two capsules in the morning and two in the afternoon. I was amazed at the results. The tingling in my throat disappeared, and now, ten days later, I am completely healthy, no swine flu, no soar throat, no fever, nothing. Together, Gene-Eden and I beat the virus, and it surly feels great."

The section in the quotation marks is a user testimonial on Gene-Eden. This testimonial was gathered in a study conducted by the CBCD. One question in the study asked the participants to describe their personal experience with the antiviral supplement. The quoted text is the answer of one of the participants.

More information on the antiviral supplement is available on the Gene-Eden website. You can buy the supplement on Amazon.com.

The Center for the Biology of Chronic Disease (CBCD) is a non-for-profit tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)3 of the IRS tax code. The center's mission is to advance the research on the biology of chronic disease and to accelerate the discovery of a cure for these diseases. "This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. - 17274

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What Does A Washington, DC Fitness Coach Do?

By Josef Brandenburg

Most of you might be curious to know the distinction between Washington DC fitness coach and Washington DC personal trainer. If you think that they are he same, then you would be wrong. There is a lot of variation between the services rendered by a fitness coach and personal trainer.

What is important is to know if the fitness coach is prepared to give it all he's got to make sure you succeed in your goal. A Personal trainer tags along throughout your journey and more often than not they are not willing to work for you. Personal trainers work with you while fitness coaches work for you. You need to find someone who will help you achieve your ultimate fitness goals by doing more then than just working with you.

If you are seeking the guidance of someone who observes you throughout your workouts and corrects you whenever required, then you are looking for a personal trainer. A personal trainer aims at making you fit at the earliest. For this he uses different techniques and various workout programs without a predetermined plan that may help in achieving the set goals. As long as you pay him a trainer will work in close association with you. But they do not help you in identifying your goals so that you can use appropriate methods to accomplish your goals.

A Washington DC fitness coach on the other hand will help you when needed. They will identify your goals; draw a perfect workout or weight loss plan in order to make you see the results you have been anxiously waiting for. However, they are not going to be by your side and babysit you. Since they work with several people with similar goals, they create solidarity between them. Working in groups can be very useful because you will be able to note each other progress and see what it is that the other person is looking for.

In the weight loss and fitness world, it is not all about lifting weights. You are also going to need to focus on nutrition as well. You can do this by looking at what it is that you have available to you as well as seeing when and where you will be able to eat. Your Washington, DC fitness coach will be able to help you to find a diet for life as opposed to simply finding a diet that will allow you to live. The coach is there to help you in all aspects of your fitness and is not just there to be your workout buddy.

The truth of the matter is, you will want a coach. You are going to want to have someone who is there to help you as much as you want to be helped and will be able to do what you need on your schedule and not on theirs. You are looking to find a person who will help to not only improve your life through workouts and diet, but you are looking to find a person who can assist you in changing your lifestyle. This is the person you wan tin your fitness coach. Here they will be able to go and do all that you need of them in order to fill all of your needs and to allow you to become the person you want to be as opposed to the person you are. - 17274

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Observe The Healthy Edge Of The Acai Berry

By Denise O Kelly

What if you could get plenty of health benefits from one tiny little berry? Not only is this berry nutritious, jam-packed with antioxidants, essential fatty acids and amino acids but this berry is also delicious, purportedly tasting like berries covered in dark chocolate or a cross between a blueberry, a raspberry and a grape.

The acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) berry is rather rare as it is only grown in the Amazon rainforest, however, it is one of the healthiest nutritional discoveries of this century. It has more antioxidant capacity than almost any other food, it hosts a collaborative combination of healthy fats and an almost perfect essential amino acid complex.

Antioxidants are molecules that are capable of slowing or preventing the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation is imperative to life but in excess it can damage our cells which in turn turns into many diseases, premature aging and even being overweight. Nature has provided an abundance of nutritious foods that are packed with antioxidants. The acai berry has been found to have one of the highest antioxidant levels of any food ever discovered.

Antioxidant qualities in foods are measured by what is called the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity or ORAC. Acai berries have the highest ORAC of any other berry, boasting a 10 times higher ORAC than red grapes and 2 times as high as blueberries. Acai berry juice has 10 to 30 times the ORAC of red wine.

Not only that the acai berry has a host of essential fatty acids. The fatty acid content in this berry is similar to that in olive oil, as it is rich in monounsaturated oleic acid. Oleic acid makes the cell membranes more supple. By keeping the cell membrane supple, all hormones, neurotransmitter and insulin receptors function more efficiently. This is important because high insulin levels have been linked to numerous diseases, most notably diabetes, but also heart disease and metabolic syndrome, which is believed to be a contributor to many different conditions, including obesity.

The tiny, little acai berry is being proven to be a superfood, the term coined to describe a food with a high phytonutrient content that is believed to confer health benefits due to the superior nutrition.

The acai berry definitely fits into the definition of a superfood as it has been proven to be beneficial in the prevention of diseases, weight loss and the prevention of decline associated with aging.

The acai berry is extremely perishable so it is not accessible throughout the world in its fresh form but only in its processed forms, like juice or supplements. - 17274

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How to Work Killer Abs: Three Fundamental Strategies to Remember

By Travis Hunt

Several articles from health magazines and blogs posted all over the Internet offer ways on how to work killer abs. Anyone would be anxious to know the real key to achieve this goal, and I am quite positive many of you have discovered that there are a lot of steps on how to do it. However, did you know that the exact formula to build killer abs is to actually combine not one or two but at least 3 strategies to reach your goal?

It is not difficult at all. You only get intimidated because you are not doing it yet. Nevertheless, once you have started it, all your dreams will become reality.

There are 3 key strategies to creating an effective fitness plan. No, it does not involve paying for a personal trainer or signing up for expensive pre-packed food to be delivered to your home. If you want to know how to get killer abs, simply keep in mind these 3 simple points:

1. Healthy Diet

Becoming aware of your total percentage of your body fat can be useful in order to find out what kinds of meals you should include and exclude from your diet. If you do not know how to do it, just ask a doctor or nutritionist.

If yours is especially high, that means you will need to work extra hard at building your abs muscles. It also means you will need to change your diet.

You?ll never win the battle with the bulge even if you make a thousand sit ups daily; you won?t achieve six pack abs that way. Regular practice of eating highly nutritious will help you get to your goal for sure.

Discipline is a key player in all of this, too. Maintaining a reduced fat diet plan can help you lose the excess stored fat in your body. Try to eat more vegetables and lean meat. Eliminate the foods high in saturated fatty acids, which are commonly found in potato chips, any kind of deep-fried foods and processed canned goods.

2. Focus on your abs

You now need to focus on working your abs through three abs-targeting exercises. This is where all the fun and excitement begins. When all the extra unhealthy fat are out of the way, that would be the best time to build your stomach. Now you understand that maintaining a reduced fat diet is favorable to your training routine.

Doing 5-10 reps of each exercise, while gradually increasing your reps as your fitness level improves, is how to get killer abs. Sit ups, crunches, and bicycles are examples of very basic yet highly effective abs targeting exercises.

3. Strengthen your muscles completely

While you work on your abdominal, it is also important that you strengthen and condition other muscle groups as well. Here is why:

You see lasting results of your workout in just a short time

You reduce the risk of injury

You would not abuse working out your abdominal muscles

It helps the whole body stay physically fit

Activities such as Boxing, canoeing, karate, and swimming are only some of the wide range total body workouts you can do.

How to get killer abs is not cryptic at all. You just have to cover all the bases -- get your diet right, work on those abs, and involve the rest of your body. - 17274

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How To Gain Weight Naturally

By Joe Mizel

Eat correctly is a key element when it comes to bulking up your body mass with muscle. If you have been attempting to bulk up for several months and not seeing the results you want, then it may be time to review your bulk-up plan. The basics of gaining weight is to simply consume more calories then you are using. Sounds simple enough right? Well, not so it seems.

So what kind of meals should you be eating to gain weight? Glad you asked. First, you should start with consuming low saturated fat. You will also need complex carbohydrates to allow your muscles to recover after you have had an intense gym workout. Some examples of complex carbohydrates you can take are rice, potatoes or pasta. You will also need plenty of protein " this is what will allow your muscles to grow.

For those of you who are gifted (or cursed) with fast metabolism, you might have problems getting this to work. Why is this so? Well for the skinny guys you already have problems gaining weight naturally. This means you will have to consume more calories and with greater frequency. Remember the key is to take in foods there are calories dense.

Take healthy foods and not junk foods! If you have problems getting enough calories throughout the day, you might want to consider protein shakes. These pack quite a handful of calories and you will not feel full after drinking it, so it is a good way to consume more calories than you would otherwise with normal foods.

So there you have it, some quick tips on how you can gain weight. Once you are able to follow through and tweak your results, you will finally be able to get that muscular look you've always dream of. Going down to the beach for a stroll with only your shorts on will not be a problem anymore.

Imagine enjoying the attention you get from other people and the confidence you've gain from discipline and attainment of your hard work from dieting and working out. It will definitely be a great feeling once you have achieved your bulking up goal. - 17274

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Weight Loss With Weight Loss Shakes

By Samantha Reis

What Is Weight Loss Shakes?

Weight loss shakes is a kind of skimmed milk used to weight loss. They are also one of the best diet foods taken by dieters during their weight loss period. Weight loss shakes also called as weight loss protein shakes and weight loss meal replacement shakes. Generally they are offered in the form of powder, means flavored powder.

Ingredients Of Weight Loss Shakes

Like I said earlier, weight loss shakes comprises of natural ingredients. However protein or acid amino still is the main ingredient of this weight loss protein shakes. Thus the shake includes other healthy ingredients like Vitamins and mineral salt. Weight loss shakes is low in calories. They only contain 40 to 100 calories per 100g. As such, they can effectively reduce calories intake for body.

Weight Loss Shakes - Fat Burning

Weight loss shakes speed up the process of fat burning. You manage to lose weight if fat burning process goes well. Weight loss shakes helps to this body fat effectively through the help of fat eliminators. These fat eliminators are inclusive of Lecithin, Inositol and also L-carnite.

Weight Loss Shakes - Detoxification

Weight loss shakes help to detoxify our body. As far as concern, detoxification is crucial for dieters during weight loss period. Thus fiber inside weight loss shakes accelerates the elimination of the residues of fat metabolism. Furthermore it enhances the bowel movement inside colon. Unwanted toxin can be effectively trashing out from our body.

Weight Loss Shakes As Meal Substitution

Weight loss shakes used to substitute lunch and dinner during weight loss period. However they also used to replace breakfast. Weight loss shakes provide all nutrients and minerals needed by our body. Thus they also provide dieters energy during their weight loss period. There are a type of delicious and energy booster drinks. You will not feel uncomfortable and not well for taking weight loss shakes.

Homemade Weight Loss Protein Shakes

You can also make your own weight loss shakes. It is full of creativity and fun. Homemade weight shakes can be making within minutes. Generally ingredients for making these shakes are inclusive of like low fat milk, fat-free yogurt, frozen fruits, fruit juice, coffee essence and sugar free cocoa powder. Apart from that you can use weight loss shakes to make delicious desserts. The dessert absolutely tastes delicious and low in calories.

Weight Loss Shakes In Market

You can get weight loss shakes through two ways. First is the traditional way, which you can get it from any fitness store. Secondly, you can get it through online retail stores. There are many online health stores out there promoting weight loss shakes everyday. What you need to do is to compare their price and nutritional chart first before you put a purchase. - 17274

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Proper Diet and Exercise for a Longer and Healthier Life

By Jesse Regan

Thanks to high technology, many difficult things before can now be done easily. From modes of transportation, to communication, and even to common household chores, ease and convenience has been achieved. Now, people can just sit in front of their hi-def TV for hours as their main form of entertainment. Even their office jobs have become simple with the use of computers while factory workers no longer have to use much of their strength as they rely more on automation. Consequently, people have also become more physically inactive than ever.

That alone is bad news but what even worsens it is type of food many people prefer to eat. Most of todays food can no longer seem to do without ingredients with inorganic origins. What are most prominent; however, are the generous servings of fat and sugar in every meal. These two happen to be the main causes for heart diseases and diabetes yet still many people cannot let go of these. It is only when they reach their forties that they realize how their neglect for good eating habits has badly affected their health, which in some cases are too late.

Fortunately, many suggestions and methods are already out to avoid obesity and coronary diseases. The main solution is physical fitness. For a slim appearance, some people have opted for slimming pills and other kinds of food supplements. You may think these provide the easy ways but wait until you hear some bad stories about these. These are mostly artificial means and can produce undesired effects on the body. Besides, these may just make a person slim and not necessarily fit.

Your key to achieving a healthy body that can guarantee you a longer life is the combination of proper diet and exercise. With these, you do not have to take in orally anything but food and you certainly do not need to undergo an operation. The combination, instead, would lead you out of your sedentary lifestyle and bad eating patterns in the safest way. If you do both, you are guaranteed to get a fit body quickly.

Proper diet means eating the right food and avoiding those that can give weight problems. It considers the amount of food taken only of secondary importance. Meals should consist of items that can supply the body with good cholesterol, vitamins, and nutrients. Those that should be taken with much caution are those that are oily, salty, and sweet. Proper dieting is liberal on the frequency of eating. It is strict only when it comes to the types of food.

Exercise is needed to burn cholesterol and to hasten weight reduction. Workout routines like the cardio and weight training require the body to use up so much energy, which means spending most of its fats as fuel. Cardio routines are most effective in weight loss and builds up ones endurance. Weight training, on the other hand, develops the bodys physical strength. It aids in toning the muscles to replace the fat lost. One should take some caution though in performing some routines to avoid injuries.

These are some important tips about weight lifting diet you can find online. - 17274

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Notice The 5 Top Weight Loss Rules For The Resistant Dieter

By Stephanie M Mitchell

Some people believe that "all diets work" and that our difficulty is not that we can't lose weight it is instead that we can't keep it off after it is lost. We get on the diet and lose the weight then we get off the diet and the weight comes back. With the exception of the resistant dieter who never drops a pound in the first place.

I have often tried various diets and various methods to lose weight. I would religiously follow the diet program and the scale would not move. Not a pound was lost. Some women's bodies are completely resistant to weight loss.

It is a biological anomaly for women. Men will always be able to lose weight and gain muscle easier and faster than women because women are biologically programmed to hold onto the fat. In the scarce event of a famine our bodies are programmed not only to make sure we stay alive but also to keep any babies that we may be carrying alive. Biologically it is just more challenging for women to lose weight.

But over the years I have learned quite a bit about what works to lose weight and what won't work. Here are the top five rules that I have come up with.

First rule is to Eat. That's right; never starve yourself if you want to have lasting weight loss. Eating regularly will keep you from getting excessively hungry which in turn will keep you from eating everything in site later on. It also keeps your metabolism going and your body will keep on burning calories. If your body thinks it is starving it will shut down your metabolism and conserve the fat so eat, at least 3 meals and as many as 6 small meals every day.

The second is to consume only quality food. That means nutritionally dense food that will benefit your body. Eating food that is lacking in nutritional value is a sure way to pile on the pounds. Also many cravings are actually caused by a nutritional lack so steer clear of any food that does not provide adequate nutrition.

The third rule is to eat protein with every meal. Protein is digested more slowly than carbohydrates and it will not create a sugar spike in your bloodstream. Eating protein will keep you fuller longer and you will end up consuming less later on.

The fourth rule is to be selective in the carbohydrates that you eat. Simple carbs, such as baked goods made with white flour and anything that is pure sugar will just spike your blood sugar and that makes you hungry again in a very short time. It will also go straight to your fat deposits, as it adds no nutritional value. Complex carbs, such as whole grains and vegetables have fiber, which keeps your digestive system running smoothly and they also provide high nutrition.

Fifth is to start an exercise program. Start moving. Take the stairs. Take a walk. Move more. You can begin slow and work your way up but exercise is crucial for long-term weight loss success.

It will probably be that you'll have to work at it. Few people with weight problems solve them once and for all for and never have to think about it again, but if you adhere to these rules the majority of the time, you will lose weight and you will be able to keep it off. - 17274

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Alternative Medicine For Management Of Natural Pain

By Richard Ealom

Constant Pain conditions are a rising problem in the US. And while the discussion still rages about whether or not chronic pain should be managed as a independent condition or just a symptom of a different problem it is apparent that pain managing has become a thriving segment of the healthcare business.

Consequently, the usage of pharmaceutical drugs for pain management has also reached an all time peak. Drugs like Oxicontin, Vicodin as well as methadone, are front page news in causing Americas latest drug crisis, as a result, the use of cocaine and heroin have also attained levels not seen in this country in 30 years.

Owing to the economic and scientific phenomena of the pharmaceutical development of the 20th century, thousands of yrs. of knowledge were abruptly discarded. Herbal medicine has safely and efficiently treated pain for millennia, and is far safer than the synthesized, processed medications that todays physicians seem to be all too eager to hand out like so much candy.

In the realm of alternative medicine, there are many types of natural pain management that are in actuality, the source of where many of our oh-so-well-liked pharmaceutical drugs come from.

Codeine and morphine are opium derivatives that may be helpful but are also greatly addictive, and even aspirin is a by-product of willow bark. Scores of other plants have been used in natural pain management since the distant past, such as lavender and chamomile for minor pain issues and these plants have the added benefit of also assisting with the emotional element of pain such as anxiety and difficulty sleeping. Plants like henbane and mandrake are so efficient that they are even used extremely effectively all through labor to minimize the pain of childbirth.

Some wonderful and potent herbal medicine can also be found in the spice cabinet. Spices like turmeric, and ginger are two of the most powerful anti- inflammatories on the globe. These plants are natural COX-2 inhibitors; they are the alternative medicine answer to the ever popular pharmaceutical drugs Celebrex and Vioxx. In the middle east, India and all over Asia where the diets are rich in spices like turmeric, and ginger and cayenne, where life is also far less well-located then our own, inhabitants have a far less occurrence of arthritis and on going back pain, and yet continue to work very labor intensive jobs such as farming and agriculture work even into their nineties.

There has continually been an established school of thinking in allopathic medicine that it is all right to harm one part of the body to cure another, as a consequence even ordinary over the counter NSAID pain relievers such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, can bring about long term harm, acetaminophen to the liver and ibuprofen to the kidneys, in natural pain management many plants, roots, barks, and other herbs not only antistetic in nature but they are additionally anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic as well, and herbal medicine is gentler on the system and is more synergistic with the body allowing for superior inclusion of the essential constitutes.

So you see that alternative medicine goes beyond the normally accepted ideal of treating just the symptoms and goes farther to treat many of the basic causes as well as some of the other components involved in persistent pain conditions.

More and more persons are turning to herbal healing methods to treat medical disease while alleviating destructive side effects posed by chemical pharmaceuticals. These methods have been used and confirmed effective, for 1000,s of years. - 17274

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