Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Friday, September 11, 2009

Arthroscopy and Its Benefits to Knee Surgery

By Dr. Richard Edelson

Arthroscopy is the use of a tiny camera inserted through a very small incision for the purpose of getting a clear view of the interior of a diseased or damaged joint. The use of this technique has made it quick and easy for orthopedic surgeons to get accurate information about joint damage and formulate effective treatment plans. Using arthroscopy causes a minimal amount of trauma due to the small incisions and tiny instruments used; however, it is important to realize that it takes time to recover from any surgery. The severity of disease or damage your joint has suffered will surely affect recovery time.

For example, if you have injured your knee(s) through hard use, like jogging, there will probably be a lot of damage to repair. Your articular cushion - the weight bearing part of your knee - may be badly degraded. If this is the case, you may never regain full use of the knee. After your surgery, you will surely need to limit your exercise regimen to low-impact choices.

You can speed your recovery time by following your doctors orders to the letter. Following your physical therapy routine exactly will help your knee to recover quickly and efficiently.

Another thing that will have an impact on the outcome of your surgery is your physical condition. People who are in better condition to begin with, recover more quickly. So you can see that it is not realistic to compare your recovery to that of a professional athlete, even if you have the same knee injury. The athlete will surely recover more quickly because his or her knee muscles will probably be in better condition.

Understand that, even if you have been a fairly serious athlete prior to your injury, it will be necessary for you to modify your fitness program to avoid re-injury.

Expect to devote 4-6 weeks to your complete recovery from arthroscopic knee surgery. While you should be able to get back to your day-to-day tasks pretty quickly, understand that returning to your exercise program will take time and modification.

Click here for more on recovering from knee arthroscopy .

If you are a manual laborer, it would probably be wise to take a complete break from your job until your knee is completely recovered. If you work in an office, you may be able to return to work in fairly short order.

Exactly How Fast Is Recovery?

Arthroscopy has gained popularity rapidly as the procedure of choice when dealing with damaged and diseased knees. The reason for this is that recovery is quick and relatively painless. Nonetheless, any surgery - even that done through very small incisions with very small instruments - will take a bit of time to get over.

In the January 2008: Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery a study documented the fact that 80% of patients who have undergone knee arthroscopy can go back to light daily activities such as housework and walking during the week following surgery.

Director of the Taos Orthopedic Institute in New Mexico, Dr. James Lubowitz is and a leading author of the study. He declares that this study gives the only definitive answer to the question patients ask most often: When can I be active again? - 17274

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Keep Safe Weight Lifting Habits

By Jack W. Anderson

If you're looking to improve your overall health and quality of life, drop those unwanted pounds of fat, increase your muscle mass and tone then bodybuilding is definitely the way to go. There are a few things any aspiring bodybuilder should keep in mind during their workouts in order to avoid any unnecessary injury or harm. This article will cover the common risk factors and how to minimize them.

A physical checkup with a licensed health professional is the most important thing you can do before even beginning to plan your workouts. Bodybuilding is a great idea for most who are up to it, but if you have any physical conditions that may require changes to your plan you will need to know ahead of time by discussing this with your physician.

Safety precaution number two is to make sure you have all the needed accessories. Of course you will want some comfortable gym shoes and clothing, but more importantly you will need a good pair of gloves. Weight lifting gloves will improve your grip, prevent dangerous slip-ups, and also improve your performance by minimizing the strain on the muscles in your hands.

You can find all your gear at a local clothing store or sports shop. You choice is clothing should simply be anything you are comfortable wearing while you workout. Shoes will need to be carefully chosen for maximum support as well as traction.

Do not try to start out with too much weight. You should not feel yourself strain from the first lift. Instead you should feel a good strain after about the tenth repetition. The goal is to slowly increase the amount you lift so you do not hurt yourself.

As well you do not want to strain yourself by trying to push past your endurance level. As with weight, the length of time you work out should be increased gradually as you progress so as to avoid burnouts and wasted time spent recovering.

Although it may seem obvious, it always has to be mentioned that remembering to breathe is vitally important. It is very easy to get caught up in the intensity of the lift and actually forget to breath, which can result in various problems as you can imagine.

Finally, malnutrition is a major concern with any new workout routine. The vitamins and minerals your body has stored up will be used up very quickly under the new demands placed on it by your new routine. Be sure to keep your body nourished with the proper nutritional supplements. - 17274

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How To Eat A Healthy Diet

By Regina Filange

Eating a healthy diet can improve your life dramatically. It can help you to become healthier, have more energy and helps you to just feel great overall. Eating well can keep your weight at a normal level and that can help with heart disease and diabetes.

Your body needs a certain amount of calories per day. This can be different for eat person. There are many factors that go into how many calories that you need- age, sex, weight, age, activity all can change the amount of calories that your body needs.

Your body needs a lot of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and even water. When you eat foods that are not in these categories you should do so in moderation. High calorie foods should also be eaten in moderation. Try portion control when you eat. This will allow you to eat the foods you want but not have as much.

Portion control is also important. It is difficult to do- most restaurants give at least twice as much food as we should have on their plates. If you do go out a lot try splitting your meal or you can even try and order from the appetizer menu.

Most people do not drink enough water. Most are actually dehydrated. Water is essential for our bodies to function properly and stay healthy. Our bodies are 75% water so it is important. Water flushes the toxins and waste out of our systems. They help the kidneys and the bladder to stay healthy. Water also can help us to feel more full so we do not eat as much.

Make sure that the foods that you eat don't have too much salt and sugar. Especially try and stay away from any of the processed foods. You can have some of these foods but not very much. Eat them in moderation. You can really pack on pounds from these types of foods. Stay away from soda as much as you can. Soda can really add a lot of unwanted weight. Be careful!

If you exercise and eat right you should have a lot happier and healthier life. You will feel better about yourself and you will look much more healthy. Try eating a healthier diet and see how much better you feel. People around you will notice- that is a good feeling. - 17274

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Weight Gain Supplements That Work

By Jack W. Anderson

It's with good reason that bodybuilding supplements are lauded as the key to building superior ripped muscle with the addition of extra weight in muscle mass and an overall increase in your strength, stamina and intensity of your work out.

Choosing the wrong bodybuilding supplements can put you at serious risk of illness or injury due to potentially adverse side effects. Most weightlifters and bodybuilders know, however, that the proper choice in strength enhancing muscle building supplements is vital to increased gains from the start.

Creatine monohydrate is the mother of all performance enhancing supplements and no review would be complete without a discussion about it. It is produced naturally in the body from the amino acids glycine, arginine and methionine. As a supplement it dominates all other natural muscle building formulas and is considered by everyone to be the most important.

Creatine is best known for the immense bursts of energy and improved muscle contraction times it provides. By reducing the buildup of lactic acid it also allows for increased speed of muscle mass gain, overall strength gain, and a shocking increase in the energy of your workout intensity.

Another beneficial bodybuilding supplement is whey protein. This is considered to be the highest grade of protein and since protein is the building block for muscles it only makes sense that whey protein can help in this endeavor. Here's a fact that may surprise you. Whey protein actually contains some of the same ingredients that are found in a mother's natural milk.

Finally, it's vital to stress the importance of anyone interested in successful bodybuilding to make sure that they don't miss out on any vitamins, minerals or nutrients due to an insufficient diet or unhealthy eating habits.

Meal replacement bars as they are commonly know, can be used as a convenient and very fast method to provide your body with any of the minerals, vitamins and nutrients it may be lacking during your bodybuilding campaign.

As you can gather there are literally hundreds of different bodybuilding supplements on the market and the three mentioned above provide the best hope of obtaining additional muscle weight and increasing your workout intensity levels and post workout recuperation. - 17274

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Artificial Sweeteners and Natural Sweeteners Have Side Effects

By Jamis Hartley

It's easy to see that too much sugar is causing our world a fair amount of grief. With the wide variety of sugar substitutes many are choosing to reduce their sugar intake or eliminate it completely. The hard part is finding a sugar substitute that will work for you. There are natural sweeteners and synthetic sweeteners. Some cause side effects such as tooth decay, headaches or digestion problems. In this article you'll find a few quick things to keep in mind while trying to find the right fit.

When considering sugar substitutes there are two very distinct directions you can go. You can go with a man made artificial or an all natural sweetener. Each have their own side effects or benefits to consider. Artificial sweeteners are specifically engineered to provide some particular benefit, but I don't know that we have figured out how to create a chemical that provides that benefit without causing another side effect. Even natural sweeteners will have different benefits and side effects to consider. You will need to decide which works best for you.

Artificial sweeteners are products you may have heard of such as sucralose or aspartame. These are sweeteners designed to have zero calories and beneficial for weight loss. They seem on the surface to be a great product, but there are many reports of pretty serious side effects. The reports are still contradictory from one to the other, but the majority are reporting side effects such as migraines, headaches, stomach upset and even seizures in some people. In addition to the effect on our bodies there are some physical properties to consider. Aspartame cannot withstand heat and breaks down making it not suitable for cooking. Sucralose itself is suitable for cooking but it has to be mixed with filler that will leave your baked goods sweet like it should, but dry and quite different than you might expect. Artificial sweeteners are big money makers for many companies so be careful not to be tricked by clever marketing. Study both sides carefully and consider the long term affects before choosing to go with something artificial.

All natural sweeteners are a great and much safer alternative to artificial sweeteners and sugar. Some of the more popular ones are Erythritol, Xylitol, Stevia, Mannitol and Sorbitol. These are all natural sweeteners and are widely available. But, just because they are all natural doesn't mean they can be consumed at any rate without side effect. There are different benefits and drawbacks of each to consider. After quick study you will see three that stand out most; Stevia, Xylitol and Erythritol. Some of the drawbacks of Xylitol and Stevia include gastric pain and calorie content. Erythritol stands out as the preferred of all on the list as the only one with zero calories and ease of digestion, in addition Erythritol has the added benefit of not promoting tooth decay.

Erythritol is all around us in fruits and vegetables and is about 70% as sweet as sugar. As noted earlier, it is calorie free and digests very well. Another great benefit which is perfect for diabetics is that Erythritol will not cause an increase in your blood sugar levels. Erythritol is available online or in stores to be used as a sweetener all on its own or you can now find it as a base ingredient mixed with super sweet ingredients to make it as sweet as sugar. Erythritol is also very good for cooking and can be measured cup for cup like sugar.

This article represents only an extremely small part of the opinions and considerations to filter through. It is clear that my choice is Erythritol, but that is because I have done the research and tried the products. Hopefully my explanation of the process of eliminating artificial sweeteners as too dangerous from your list of options and the rationale used to determine Eyrithritol as the lucky winner will help you follow a similar path. - 17274

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Are Carbohydrates A Friend Or An Enemy For Fat Loss And Healthiness?

By Lewis Bradley

In just the past couple of years the popularity of low carb diet plans has exploded. Carbs have gotten the full culpability for our declines with obesity and ill healthiness. Are carbs really the culprit or is there more to the story?

Our bodies have a preference for carbohydrates as an energy source to fat and protein. Our digestive systems must toil harder to exchange fat and protein into energy and our brains can just function on carbs. However, there are good for you carbs and less nourishing carbohydrates and picking prudently will bring you improved wellbeing and weight loss. Try to pick complex carbohydrates and the minimally processed, most nutritious types of simple carbs.

All carbohydrates provide energy for our bodies yet this energy source can be broken down into two categories, simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. Simple carbs have a tendency to hit your bloodstream more rapidly and burn out quicker while complex carbs are inclined to be released slower and bestow a longer continual energy. A good example of a simple carb would be white table sugar whereas a good example of a complex carb would be oatmeal.

If you wanted to simplify things you may come to a decision to only have the complex carbohydrates and eradicate the simple carbs. However, the story is much more complicated than that and you may not want to totally reduce all simple carbs as some of the healthiest foodstuff on the planet are simple carbohydrates.

Many outstandingly nourishing and highly helpful fare are simple carbs. Most fruits and some vegetables are simple carbs and these foods are some of the most nutritious on earth. Blueberries, raspberries, mangos, peaches, apples and essentially all fruits are some of the healthiest foodstuff on the planet. The acai berry from Brazil essentially has the utmost antioxidant capacity of any singular foodstuff yet it is considered to be a simple carbohydrate.

The best tactic to add in healthy simple carbohydrates in your nutritional regime is to stay away from processing as much as viable and eat the food in its natural state. Whole fruit contains fiber and other nutrients that are not located in juices. Thus it is much better to devour the whole fruit instead of juices if possible. However, juices can be good in moderation and since the acai berry can only be found in a processed state outside of Brazil, acai berry juice in moderation is a wholesome choice.

If you consume too many simple carbs and simple sugars, especially white flour and white sugar products, it can lead to fat gain and ill health. Simple sugars make wild swings in blood sugar levels, which causes excessive insulin in your body and that can be very harmful for health and weight.

It is unhealthy to do away with carbs from your diet totally. You can, however, make enhanced choices by selecting more complex carbs and the healthier, less processed simple carbohydrates such as whole fruit. - 17274

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What Is The Best Diet Pill in the Market?

By Jesse Regan

When looking for the best diet pill out in the market, expect the task to be harder than what you may think. Almost every brand there is, considers itself the best among the line of diet pills. These would all proclaim itself as the worlds most effective diet pills that ever went out for sale. This makes it difficult for anyone who wishes to buy these as he spends more minutes in making up his mind on whatever diet pill he should use.

The wisdom on making the right purchase does not rely much on whatever any brands advertisement says. Well, a little credit may be given on what those claim though. However, it is best to take heed to experts advice on the matter. Remember, a diet pill has effects on the body. If one is not careful enough, he could lose more than just his weight. Indiscriminately taking in this is, therefore, dangerous.

For a diet pill to be recognized as one of the best there can be two bases. The first is how consumers think of it. Second is according to how specialists find it. The former can be very biased, however. Consumers tend to be carried away by whatever hype is being promoted by diet pill advertising. Oftentimes they can put more weight on the pricing of a certain pill brand rather than the over-all value, especially effectiveness and safety.

Seeking the insights of experts in the field of weight-loss and medicine is the most beneficial effort. Their opinions are more dependable because these are based on scientific research. They pay more attention to a diet pills ingredients, weight-loss potency, and the bad and good side effects as well. You may not be able to easily get their opinions though. To make the task of finding the best diet pill simple for you, there are websites that actually give expert opinions on the matter.

In terms of the experts criteria mentioned above, the search for the best diet pill can be narrowed down to a few. In random order, making it to the list are Phenphedrine, Liporexall, and Lipovox Hardcore Detox. These have made their marks in the weight-loss power, ingredient quality, maker reputation, and safety. Consumers have complemented the experts judgment by making these as their top choices too.

You may discover that the best diet pills can often have higher prices compared to others. That is the sad part of the story. However, if you wish to be on the safe side always, spending more on these diet pills is fair enough. Those with lesser prices can also be riskier to take anyway. The cheaper diet pills usually are banned after these are found to be unhealthy and unsafe for use by most people. Top quality diet pills, on the other hand, remain peoples choices despite the price because of its good records of accomplishment. You can find great information about healthy diet respite like this online. - 17274

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Bodybuilding - Common Myths

By Jack W. Anderson

1. 12 Rep Sets

The twelve rep standard is often prescribed in bodybuilding routines for gaining muscle mass. However, doing this many reps at once actually places the type of strain needed for strength and endurance, rather than gains in muscle mass. In order to develop strength and gain mass, you will need to include both strategies in your workout with the addition of sets of fewer reps of heavier weights to your routine.

2. Three Set rule

You will actually want to do more sets of fewer reps to target strength training and vice-versa if your goal is gaining muscle mass. Keep the overall number of reps the same for the entire workout, but split them up into sets according to your goals. This three set guideline is just that, although many have come to see it as a hard and fast rule.

3. Three to four exercises per group

The truth is this is a waste of time. Combined with twelve reps of three sets, the total number of reps amount to 144. If you're doing this many reps for a muscle group you're doing too much. Instead of doing too many varieties of exercises, try doing 30 to 50 reps. That can be anywhere from 2 sets of 15 reps or 5 sets of 10 reps.

4. My knees, my toes

Due to a study performed by researches at Memphis University in 2003 where they discovered that knee stress during squats was increased by about 30% if you allowed your knees to extend past your toes, it is know a common myth that doing squats this way should be avoided to prevent that extra stress on your knees.

However, they also discovered that the stress placed on your hips by trying to hold your knees back and therefore leaning forward too much was increased by a whopping 1000%. The little extra stress on the knees pales in comparison.

5. Weight gain supplements

An entire industry was built nearly overnight with weight gain supplements. These products contained lots of sugar and in some cases even had cheap proteins. Guys were drinking these down by the gallon and even some hard gainers were finally building muscle but because of the quality of the ingredients the body preferred to add fat. The traditional weight gainer is no longer in vogue as supplement companies are more competitive with research and development so that they can create the next best muscle building supplement. Look for more nutritious supplements available these days. - 17274

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How Do You Maintain a Health Diet?

By Jesse Regan

If this is the first time you have gone into a diet, then you must have some doubts about the idea. Like others, you may have some misimpressions of dieting itself. Therefore, even if you are into it, there can be times that you wish you could just stay healthy without dieting. Then you must be educated all over again of what good dieting does to you if only it is done properly since the very first day you start out with it.

In fact, dieting is not about skipping most meals or forcing ones self to eat only in morsels even in great hunger. If so, failure can just occur soon, perhaps is just a week, when one can no longer take the starvation encountered during the first few days of the diet program. The entire objective of losing weight can just be set aside to face a bigger problem like stomach ulcer. Besides, when one gives in to the hunger, he may just do a rebound, eating more than ever instead.

In a diet, you are not given the choice of eating or not because it, in fact, obliges you to eat. You are not even imposed with meal schedules to follow at all cost. It is basically a control valve on what food you are supposed to eat and what you should avoid. It is, therefore, a list of food that you must eat to keep you fit and healthy. Dieting is actually kind and caring to your body.

Of course, to stay on the course of dieting consciously, a plan must be made. Without one, dieting can just last for a couple of days or a week at most. Writing the plan and the policies and having it posted conspicuously wherever the tempting appetite is strong will help much. The plan does not control the dieter though. There are times when the dieter must adapt to situations and, therefore, must be flexible enough. Sometimes, eating a little of those taboo food in the plan may help in avoiding a breakdown, a situation when the dieter gives in to the cravings for good.

There are only two main kinds of food content that the dieter must shun to make his plan work: high cholesterol and excessive sugar. Most animal meat such as chicken, beef, and pork has plenty of cholesterol. The fat from these food pose dangers to the cardiovascular system of the human body. An excessive sugar intake can raise the bodys sugar levels that could result into diabetes and bigger appetite.

On the other hand, the healthy food that should be included in the list is those made from whole grains, fresh and unsweetened fruits, and vegetables. For the necessary protein intake, fish and lean meat or even beans will do. There can be more allowable food that can be included in the list but the dieter must take caution at the amount he eats. These are only a sneak peek to many information you can find online about healthy diet respites . - 17274

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How Can Jazzercise Actually Help Me Prevent Bruising Easily?

By Carolyn Cooper

For some people, growing older can cause a number of undesired situations, and one that you might not foresee is easy bruising. All of a sudden it seems that minor bumps or slight impacts that would have left unmarked just a few years ago will start to leave spreading blue or purple bruises, and you will be scrambling to come up with ways to cover them up in frustration. Don't just simply try to cover them up but instead think about what process you can follow to prevent their occurrence in the first place. The older we get, the more easily we bruise because the elasticity of our skin is less than it used to be.

There is less collagen there to make our skin elastic, and this same factor that causes our skin to wrinkle will cause us to bruise more easily as well. This is actually where exercise programs like Jazzercise can prove beneficial.

Judi Sheppard Missett created and founded the Jazzercise regimen back in 1969. Currently speaking, there are generally thought to be more than 7000 instructors accredited in Jazzercise, who hold more than 30,000 weekly classes in 32 different countries around the globe. That's a lot of people who are all using the power of jazz music and the rhythm it engenders to enhance their physical health, and each participant has a multitude of reasons to love their Jazzercise.

Jazzercise fuses jazz dancing with other exercise routines like resistance training Pilates, cardio boxing movements, and even some forms of yoga, into an exercise combination that it can become incredibly catchy. It's easy to start for beginners to dancing or as a change of pace for expert dancers.

There are numerous benefits to participating in a Jazzercise program, and some of these include increasing your cardiovascular capacity, enhancing your flexibility and increasing your strength. Not only is this great for your body, but you will also discover that there is something very positive both emotionally and mentally about dancing around to a great Jazz beat. It gives you a unique means to express yourself physically in such a way that is probably unlike any opportunity you've ever had before.

What are the facts about how Jazzercise can help you overcome your condition of bruising easily? When you participate in Jazzercise, improving your circulation is one of the prime benefits you enjoy. This causes more blood to be available to any affected area, and this then causes enhanced healing of the injured tissue there. A bruise is defined as the breaking of the capillary blood vessels just beneath the skin, and once the capillaries have healed and the lost blood is reabsorbed, the bruise will no longer be present. Also keep in mind that Jazzercise also helps you develop strength and grace, which will help you not run into something that can cause the bruising in the first place.

Although Jazzercise is a great way to start a program to prevent the bruises before they appear, you should not overlook using a great supplement program like Bruises Be Banned as well. This daily program has been specially formulated to insure that existing bruises vanish quicker while helping to prevent their forming altogether. Take a moment and think about how great the results can be when you combine following a good, daily supplement program while you're working with your local Jazzercise instructor. - 17274

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Cooking With Garlic Sauce

By Ferdinand Emy

Garlic sauce is a very common marinade and dipping sauce, utilized in many cuisines around the world. As garlic is so versatile, you can use it in white cream sauces, paired with mayonnaise as a dipping sauce and employed as a marinade for meat dishes of all sorts. Garlic sauce likewise partners well with manage vegetables.

Basic Ingredients for Garlic Cream Sauces

Butter Onion, finely chopped Garlic, crushed Dry White Wine Salt and Pepper Flour Milk Herbs

Basic Ingredients for dipping Garlic Sauce

Garlic Mayonnaise Vegetable Oil Lemon juice Salt

Selection of Ingredients:

When you are picking which ingredients to employ with your garlic sauce, it is put forward that you use fresh ingredients. Garlic in oil and other already chopped garlics tend to have a diverse flavor than fresh garlic. This can dramatically transmute the taste of your dish. You must likewise treat already prepared garlic warily, as it can be dangerous to your health if not stored as directed on the label.

Preparation: 5 to 10 minutes

All ingredients should be chopped and organized prior to making sauce. This is especially essential in the case of cream sauces, as timing is more vital than with a standard dipping sauce.

Cooking Time (Cream Sauce): 30 minutes to 1 hour Mixing Time (Dipping Sauce): 5 minutes

Cooking Instructions (Cream Sauce):

The different variances of garlic sauce are cooked in various manners. The same applies to cream sauces. Depending on the recipe you utilise, you may expend more or less time cooking. As with any cream sauce, its consequential to don't forget that you take your time. Cream sauces are delicate and require low heat and cooking for a lengthier duration so that the milk doesn't curdle. Follow the recipes you utilize vigilantly, as this will ensure your garlic sauce comes out with the right flavor and texture.

Mixing Instructions (Dipping Sauce):

Garlic sauce for dipping is as simple as it gets. Simply combine in a bowl, combine well, and refrigerate when complete. The order of combining is supple. As a great deal of garlic dipping sauce is to accommodate tastes, you should sample the sauce frequently to ensure you are accomplishing the correct flavor.


Garlic sauce is utilised for a variety of things. It is ofttimes utilised as a dip for vegetables, cooked meats and chips. It is commonly utilized as a marinade for both white and dark meats. Some people even use garlic sauce as a base for pasta sauces, such as garlic Alfredo.

Wine based garlic sauces are oftentimes used as a pasta sauce, as the flavor is rich without being as heavy as an Alfredo or similar white sauce. As garlic pairs well with many things, its common base for many dishes. - 17274

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How To Cure High Blood Pressure

By Christian Goodman

Do you know the reason why every time you go to a doctor's office, hospital, or any other health related place, they always begin with a check of your blood pressure?

High blood pressure or hypertension, often called the "silent disease" or the "silent killer", is a measurement of the pressure that is being exerted by the blood against the walls of your arteries as your heart pumps.

There are people who have dangerously high blood pressure and yet they don't know it because there are no symptoms for weeks, months, or even years.

Hypertension is a precarious condition and complications can be very grave. When the heart pumps blood through the walls of arteries that have lost their elasticity, the heart needs to work doubly hard to push the blood through them.

Because the blood needs to go through every organ in the body as well, the pressure affects not only the arteries, but the heart, liver, and lungsevery important organ in the body.

Since the arteries require greater pressure to keep the flow of blood going, every other organ also suffers from the extra flow of blood needed to keep those weakened arteries filled.

Complications of high blood pressure can be life threatening.

You may feel perfectly fine while your body is on the verge of a stroke, heart attack, dissection of the aorta, kidney failure, or irreversible heart damage.

Medication can help manage high blood pressure. But aside from that, a healthy lifestyle and preventive measures are also needed to fight the disease.

There are a number of things that can be done to control and lower high blood pressure. For starters, put down that saltshaker. Diets lower in salt have proven to be beneficial to many people but especially to those suffering from hypertension.

Second is to exercise regularly. This is very beneficial to the body in so many ways, lowering the blood pressure being one of them. For those who are overweight, dropping a few pounds can have a very positive effect in controlling high blood pressure.

A lot of people have searched for alternative ways and some reports have indicated that these alternatives produce a wide range of results. Some of these alternative measures that can control hypertension include acupuncture, aromatherapy, massage therapy, qigong, yoga, and shiatsu.

One area of relief I'm sure most of the medical community can agree on is simple relaxation. It has been known that stress can affect one's blood pressure so it is advisable to evaluate the things that may be causing stress in your life and finding other ways to handle those issues.

No matter what solutions you choose or the available options you try, one thing is for sure, controlled blood pressure is vital in maintaining a healthy body that will see you well into your senior years.

The sooner you become aware of your blood pressure levels and begin practicing the lifestyle that will keep them lowered, the sooner you will be begin enjoying health benefits that will last a lifetime!

My high blood pressure program can assist you even if your blood pressure is already beyond normal limits. By following a few simple exercises, your numbers will go down easily and in a completely natural way and often within a week - 17274

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