Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Monday, March 2, 2009

Some Healthy Heart Tips

By Dr. Bill

I'm still enjoying what native Floridians describe as "cool weather." That would be when the temperature is in the 70's. In Long Island, where I have spent a good portion of my life, that is a heat wave of monstrous proportions this time of year. Here when it is in the 70's I am peeling things off, and this time in Long Island I am always putting things on.

A friend of mine who's a former chef once said to me, "If you like warm weather, get a job in a kitchen. If you really want to burn up, work in a busy kitchen."

I had the fun experience of walking by a broiler one day and I can assure you my friend wasn't kidding. That broiler in particular ran at 850 degrees. Great for steak, not so much for people working within ten feet.

Moving along to medicine, here are your healthy heart tips for the day.

1. Heart attacks don't just happen when you're 65 or older - not that I'm considering that to be old, lately. In fact the demographic is getting younger and younger. Women aren't safe either - breast cancer has now taken second place to heart disease for the most common cause of death.

2. Nutrition is very important. That whole "eat the rainbow" thing is actually good advice. Vegetables and fruits come in lots of different colors. Brighter colors mean more anti-oxidants.

3. If you're past the age of thirty-five and experience some E.D., you might have some artery blockage. Have a cardiologist check this out immediately. Don't wait for a yearly physical.

One of the best habits for your heart is to take enteric coated pharmaceutical grade fish oil. Even doctors are understanding this.

The National Institute For Health and Clinical Excellence now advises doctors to provide fish oil for patients that have suffered heart attacks. The Institute believes that if doctors follow their advice, their patients will be at lower risk of suffering further heart attacks.

That's good advice, but it's after the fact, and what is called post heart attack treatment. Patients need to get on fish oil early, in order to help prevent cardiac events.

An article in my newspaper this morning mentioned a professional baseball player who took fish oil for his aching joints. The result? He's coming back to play much earlier than expected.

In the Institute study I mentioned earlier, omega-3 fatty acids cut the incidence of recurring sudden death by heart attack 45%.

Now, why wait until you've already had a heart attack? - 17274

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ORAC Antioxidant Chart The Top 5 Superfoods

By Ryan Sinclair

Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity otherwise known as ORAC was developed to measure and test the antioxidant levels in food. Oxidation can be harmful to the body and antioxidants are protection from toxic free radicals. ORAC scores foods on what would be best to help fight these toxins. These free radicals are the main causes of aging, and can even cause cancer from mutated cells. Only about 20% of people get the recommended amount of antioxidants sadly.

This means you should be looking for high ORAC value foods that you can easily add to your diet. The exact ranking vary depending on which website you visit, but the top 5 scoring foods on the ORAC scale are:

1. Acai

2. Mangosteen

3. Goji Berries

4. Pomengranate

5. Wild Blueberries

Luckily you should be able to get your days supply of antioxidants by eating any of these fruits. My suggestion would to try them all and decide which you enjoy the most. You could even mix some, or all, of them together in a smoothie for the ultimate antioxidant boost.

Acai berry juice happens to be my all time favorite antioxidant drink. In addition to being number one on the ORAC list it is also a great source of Omega fatty acids and essential amino acids. Acai berry will reduce cholesterol, improve your mood, and increase your memory. I used to drink a lot of beverages that contained caffeine to get the energy boost I need, but now I drink Acai berry juice to help me stay active. The boost even lasts longer and than many of those that contain caffeine.

The best reason to go with Acai is because of the great taste. A lot of people describe the taste as a flavor of chocolate berries. It has an amazing taste and you can enjoy it without realizing it is very good for you. The best way to start the day off is with a great tasting glass of Acai berry juice. - 17274

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Understanding the basis of probiotics

By Collin James

Understanding the facts about probiotics health will assist you in making a clearer decision when it comes to getting the Probiotics Complete Free sample offer.

The bases of a probiotics diet.

Lactic acid bacteria is the largest group of bacteria that is found in the intestine which has many harmful side effects. Taking probiotics on a regular basis helps to restore natural balance in the intestine. Here are just a few of the benefits behind probiotics.

* Eliminate bloating and diarrhea

* Stops symptoms of IBS

When you intestines run out of the beneficial bacteria that's when common problems such as diarrhea, urinary tract infections, yeast infections can show up. Restore the balance in your body and stop the symptoms all together.

Did you know youre carrying around upwards of 20 extra pounds of un-eliminated waste in your intestines? When you use Probiotics Complete, your body begins IMMEDIATELY eliminating that waste! You will LOSE WEIGHT & FEEL GREAT! - 17274

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Fitness Infos - Weight Loss Center

By Dani Maurer

If you are interested in losing weight, you may have thought about joining a weight loss center. Weight loss centers are often used to describe weight loss programs that are locally operated. If this is your first time looking to join a weight loss center, you may be unsure as to what you should look for in one. An important part of joining a weight loss center is finding the weight loss center that is perfect for you and your own personal needs. For that reason, there are a number of factors, which are outlined below, that you will want to take into consideration.

One of the many factors that you will want to take into consideration, when looking for a weight loss center to join, is the location. With gas prices high, many individuals find it difficult to travel long distances. You will have to pay money to become a member at a weight loss center; therefore, you should be careful about adding on extra costs, like the cost of gasoline, to your membership. If, at all possible, you should look for weight loss centers that are conveniently located either close to your home or your place of business.

This cost will vary depending on the weight loss center in question. On average, most weight loss center memberships are around twenty or thirty dollars a month. With that in mind, it is possible to find weight loss centers that cost more money. If you are on a budget, a weight loss center membership fee may have an impact on the weight loss center that you chose to become a member at.

Although it is important to find a weight loss center that you can afford, you don?t want to have your decision be based solely on costs. You will want to take the time to examine each weight loss center that you come across. For instance, you should be able to find some weight loss centers that only have weekly or monthly meetings or weigh-ins for members to attend. On the other hand, there are weight loss centers that may have exercise classes or a fitness gym, which you should gain access to as a member. If you are able to find a quality weight loss center or one that comes highly rated and recommend, higher membership fees may be worth it.

With the internet, it is easy to review a company or a program, like a weight loss program. With a standard internet search, preferably with the name of the weight loss center in question, you should be able to come across program reviews or online discussions. Research is not only a great way to find weight loss centers that have great reviews, but it is also a great way to learn of any weight loss centers that you should avoid or ones that are known for not being worth the costs.

The above mentioned factors are just a few of the many that you will want to take into consideration, when looking to find a weight loss center to join. Although many weight loss centers come highly rated and recommended, it is important to find the weight loss center that can best fit you and your needs. - 17274

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Best Gym Workouts for Abdominal Muscles

By Jose R. Farino

It's no question that when you are going to the gym, you are looking for workouts to help improve your abs. Not all workouts are created equal, so it is important to focus on gym workouts that will help you the most.

Focus on all ab muscles. Remember, there are three different types of muscles in your abs, and not one exercise will workout all sets. There are upper abs, lower abs, and obliques (the side muscles.) to workout evenly, or risk looking strange. The oblique exercises will help with love handles, so they can't be forgotten. Exercises such as crunches, side crunches, and sit ups will help make sure all ab muscles are worked out evenly.

Captain's Chair is one of the most effective ab gym workouts. Start with legs dangling and slowly lift your knees in toward your chest. The motion should be controlled and deliberate as you bring your knees up and return them back to the starting position.

The Plank is a good exercise for the oblique muscles, or the side abdominals. The plank should be done with a straight torso, straight forearms, and toes on the floor lift up while keeping the body straight. The head should be looking at the floor, and you should work toward holding this position for 10 or more seconds at a time. You can add more to this with arm and leg lifts as you feel comfortable.

Bicycle Crunches are some of the most effective for working toward a six pack. To do a bicycle crunch you will need to: Lie face up on the floor and lace your fingers behind your head. Bring the knees in towards the chest and lift the shoulder blades off the ground and do not pull on the neck. Straighten the left leg out while simultaneously turning the upper body to the right, bringing the left elbow towards the right knee. Switch sides, bringing the right elbow towards the left knee. Continue alternating sides in a 'pedaling' motion for 12-16 reps.

Bicycle Crunches are one of the most effective ways to work the abs. Start by Laying face up on the floor with your fingers behind your head. Step 2 Bring your knees in-towards the chest and lift the shoulder-blades off the ground and avoid pulling on your neck. Straighten the left leg out while synchronously turning your upper body to the right, and bringing the left elbow towards your right knee. Switch sides, and perform the task for the right side. while bringing the right elbow towards the left knee. Continue alternating sides in a ' for 10 15 reps.

Ab Crunches with an Exercise Ball are done the same way as a traditional ab crunch. If done while sitting on the exercise ball, it will give these ab crunches an extra boost.

With these tips and tricks, anyone who enjoys going to the gym or is determined to flatten that tummy will surely see flatter abs from gym workouts soon. Remember though, as important as it is to focus on gym workouts and fitness, it is just as important to focus on healthy eating. If you're not burning fat while building those muscles, you will not be able to see them. - 17274

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A Few Tips For Weight Loss With Your Diet

By Brian

Your weight loss program can get down right tiring sometimes right? With all the 'you can eat this' or 'you can eat that', sometimes it's a bit much.

I bet the weight loss plans you've read through recently have said you can eat this, but not that, this and not that right?

There are plenty of diets out there that tell you to exercise much much harder and eat about half of what you used to. Changes are your body will start to crave for food as it feel deprived.

Low calorie diets only have a certain effect on the body as found in some recent studies. It was found that our bodies utilize and absorb more nutrients from food we like and that dieting alone may not prevent heart disease.

So don't just eat only vegetables for breakfast, lunch and dinner, it may not be doing as much good for your body as you think.

When you smell something you like, your brain tells your stomach to activate and produce more digestive juices. These juices help break down proteins and metabolize it into your body better.

Before you go and eat everything that smells good consider:

1) Chips, chocolate and all manner of junk food, although smelling good, need to be avoided. You need to eat food that has nutritional value in it. Vegetables and fruits are a good choice and you can prepare them in any way you like to eat it.

2) Is it because people are around that you are eating? Are you eating because of stress or high emotions? Well you have to ask yourself these questions and try and control the foods you eat when you get into these kinds of situations.

3) The way you eat your food is also important. You need to control how you eat so that you can eat for pleasure. Do this by chewing slowly, enjoying your food as you go. It is important to lengthen your meal because it takes time for your brain to register that you are full. If you eat too fast, your brain won't tell you to step and you'll keep going.

These tips aren't too hard to implement into your diet plans are they? - 17274

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Massage Chair Review for Sanyo HEC-DR6700K Massage Recliner

By Steve Esquire

We will provide an evaluation of the luxury Sanyo HEC-DR6700 massage chair. The DR 6700 is made by Hitachi Electric Company for Sanyo. This product review will touch on some of the cool electronic features, massage therapy functions and warranty coverage. We present our analysis of the DR-6700 massage chair recliner.

Warranty coverage is the dryer of the subjects that we are obligated to cover, but in the long run it can be very important. Massage chairs are complex machines with both electrical components and mechanical mechanisms. Quality levels continue a steady improvement, but there are occasional issues. Make sure you protect yourself with an adequate warranty.

The warranty coverage of the Sanyo DR 6700K is 3 years on the roller mechanism. The roller mechanism is contained in the chair back and is responsible for providing the massage therapy for your back, neck and shoulders. Parts and Labor are both covered for 1 year for the rest of the massage chair. Sanyo also gives you 1 year of in home technician service. That means a qualified technician will come to your house and repair the massage chair.

What kind of massage therapy do you get with the DR6700? The DR-6700 comes with four pre-programmed programs. Sanyo has developed themed massage programs which consist of Fine, Recovery, Stiffness and Relax. These programs are well designed and provide for effective massage therapy depending on the focus selected.

Manual massage techniques are also available in the DR6700. These manual treatments use one particular technique like kneading which can then be used to cover a particular spot or region of the body. These techniques are great where you want a specific type of relief. The other manual massage techniques include Shiatsu, Grip, Kneading, Tapping and Combination Kneading/Tapping.

When in manual mode, you can select many different options to suit your needs at that moment. You can adjust the intensity of the massage to be more or less penetrating. You can adjust the width of the rollers for certain manual massages. This lets you get more around the spine or you can get a wider coverage to get the shoulders.

There are even more options on the area of your back that you would like to target. Choose from neck and shoulders, lower back, lower body and quick course. You can select the massage technique that you wish and then have it focus in these regions. This is very helpful if you have stiffness in a particular area.

The DR-6700 comes with some advanced electronics that are also integrated into the massage chair. There is a Stiffness Detector. This measure the degree or perspiration and pulse rate when your fingers are placed on the secondary remote sensor. The massage chair is then able to determine areas in the body that have unusual tension or stiffness. The on board computer then automatically targets these areas for relief.

Need a good lower body massage? This Sanyo model comes equipped with an air compression massage system for the lower body. A compression massage uses a squeezing action to relieve tired, aching muscles. The air compression massage targets the legs, calves and feet. They have also integrated a heater to warm the bottoms of your feet.

The Sanyo DR6700K is a luxury massage chair. It has many of the same features as the highest model the DR7700K. The specialized GK rollers provide an excellent over the shoulder massage which is unique to the Sanyo line. There are also interesting features like the stiffness detector to automatically locate and target areas of tension in your body. The warranty coverage is good for this model. This is a solid massage chair recliner and definitely worthy of your consideration for your massage therapy needs. - 17274

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