Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Will Acai Berry Help Me to Lose Weight Before My Wedding?

By Ricardo d Argence

No matter how long you have until your wedding day will might be struck by how much weight you want to lose in time. Many people use dietary supplements and one that is recommended is Acai Berry. What are the details of this supplement and does it do everything it says it will?

The wonderful and ubiquitous Acai Berry is one of the most advertised supplements now being offered on the internet. There are many claims, supposedly truthful testimonials, and eye-catching banner headlines that call this simple fruit a miracle that will cure all ills, increase your energy and endurance, and even cause you to lose unwanted weight in record setting time. But before you get too caught up in some of these ads, perhaps you should take a breath and get the real facts about what the Acai berry can and cannot do.

Many of the claims get spun into outlandish claims that will offer more disappointment than benefits even if some fruits, berries, and foods are good for people to enjoy. There isn't a single fruit or food item that could ever do everything Acai berry is alleged to be capable of.

The amount of benefit that a person would receive is directly proportional to the amount of berries that they eat. It will also depends on how fresh the fruit is when you eat it. Unless you're lucky enough to live in the Amazon region, you're not going to find this fruit in its fresh form because it has such a short shipping and shelf life.

This fruit may indeed have some viable claim that there are some molecular components that can fight or prevent certain cancers, increase energy, and boost the bodys natural immunity systems, but research is just in the early stages and many other factors have to be considered.

As a supplement the FDA is not able to make the advertisers curb the ads. Acai products are being sold at incredibly high prices now with nothing to back the hype and claims that are being made. There have been just disapointment for the ones that have oredered some of these products.

There are no side effects that would warn people away from these products, but if you place your entire faith and hope in what the Acai berries can do for you there will likely be some disappointment ahead. The berries do have vitamins and good fats that can add to a normal diet and the antioxidants are also present, but not in quite the degree that many advertisers claim.

When it comes to weight loss please remember that you still have to burn approximately 3500 calories in order to lose one pound of fat and this ability is just not in the Acai Berry arsenal, and never will be. If you want to lose weight, you are still going to have to cut back on your calories, exercise, and exert some real effort and commitment.

If you do some research you will notice that every weight loss product on the market claims to contain ingredients that, when carefully examined, turn out to be the same. People want desperately to believe that there are miracle cures for everything and for all conditions, but the hype and media advertising blur the truth and fantasy until many normally rational individuals fall victim to the claims. - 17274

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A Guide To Banana Calories

By Rachel Greene

Bananas are one of the most popular foods all over the world. They are also one of the easiest to eat, especially if you are watching your diet, as you can carry them around with you until you want to eat them quite easily.

As with all fruits, bananas are good for you on a general health basis. The actual calories in a banana can vary widely as this fruit can range from the tiny to the outsized. But, in very general terms you can expect anything between 70 calories for a small banana through to +/-140 for a particularly large specimen.

Calorie counting your banana can be an important thing to do if you are watching your overall health or if you are on a diet. As a particularly popular fruit many people want to know the impact that eating bananas will have on their diet. So, what can a banana give you apart from 70-140 calories?

Bananas are actually a very rich source of vitamins and minerals. They are, for example, great at boosting your potassium levels and are a good source of calcium, magnesium, fiber, protein and healthy carbohydrates. One of the great things about eating a banana as a snack is that it can take a while for the body to absorb its nutrients which simply means, if you are on a diet, that it can leave you feeling fuller for longer.

In vitamin terms the average banana also gives you plenty of vitamins A, B and C in various forms. They are also low in sodium which is, once again, great news in healthy eating terms. You could almost say that eating one banana gives you access to as many good things as a meal!

The fact that bananas are absorbed relatively slowly also means that they can give you a steady and consistent release of energy after you have eaten them. For this reason they are often the favored fruit of athletes looking for a quick energy surge followed by a long lasting energy boost.

You may also find that bananas also have other health benefits as well as healthy eating ones. Their high potassium content, for example, can be beneficial to your blood pressure and to your overall cardio vascular health. Their fiber content is also thought to work against heart diseases. And, many sufferers from ulcers and related stomach disorders find that they can tolerate bananas over most any other fruits.

So, this fruit could be the ideal health solution for people of all ages. Bananas are also great for children (and adults) as their calcium content helps promote the growth of healthy bones.

And, in the general scheme of things we should all be looking to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day to stay healthy. Bananas are often the easiest option for us here and they also go great with breakfast cereals and other meals so can be relatively versatile. So, next time you need to reach for an energy snack reach for a banana! - 17274

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Post-Pregnancy Fat Loss Diet Must Gives You Plenty Of Nutrients

By Christine G. Shannon

New mothers want a diet to lose the fat fast after they have finally had the baby. Chances are you are concerned about your weight gain while you were pregnant. Whether you decide to breast feed or not, you are wondering what happened to your shape. What are you going to do to exercise everyday or diet to lose baby weight and get rid of mommy's fat?

Before beginning a lose weight after birth program it is very important to visit your physician for advice, because the health of your baby depends on your good health too. A good weight loss after pregnancy diet is one which is suitable for your dietary needs and you yourself. A good post pregnancy diet will only work in the long term when it gives you choices about what to eat. You also need to schedule your meals through the day. This is something that is good for a new mother.

Weight loss diets, after you have had a baby, should always consider possible hormone imbalances that are involved with being pregnant and having a baby, in order to work effectively, and this is true of any diet. A program that helps you burn fat and maintain good health and energy levels to keep up with the new baby will always be the diet of choice.

The best baby fat loss program means following a sensible diet which takes into account your personal preferences and bodily requirements. This will help you to lose weight in a safe and healthy way. Obviously you are thinking about long term result which is why it is important to diet in a healthy manner. When you lose weight too fast, it is very difficult to keep it off. Also rapid weight loss can lead to other health problems and is not recommended.

You cannot simply starve yourself to lose pregnancy weight as this is unhealthy and leads to malnutrition. It also leaves you feeling miserably stressed and edgy. Not something a nurturing mother needs. Proper dieting takes time and patience. You must commit yourself to losing weight properly after having your baby.

Because your body has gone through a lot of changes during your pregnancy, it has had to adjust to the additional weight. You need to get your metabolism burning fat again, which means knowing what to eat and when to eat, in order to get your body back to normal and healthy. Once you have found the diet that works to do all this, you will know it is the best one for you.

Because every woman's body is different before, during and after pregnancy, what may work for one person, doesn't for another. The important thing is to remember you are not alone, every new mother goes through the same thing. It took nine months for you to get to this weight, and it will take time to burn baby fat off.

You can get back you pre-pregnancy body. It just takes time and a good meal plan. Be sure that you chose wisely. Learning more about losing the baby fat is always a good idea. Fat Loss 4 Idiots at the link below may be just what you are searching for. - 17274

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Clinical trials of quick loss acai burn

By Collin James

Clinical Case Study #1 - Quick Loss AcaiBurn took 30 obese people, split them up into 3 groups of ten and did what they called there double blind placebo test. The results of this first study proved some very interesting results for both AcaiBurn and the participants.

Group 1 received just the calcium/potassium salt of 60% HCA extract from Garcinia cambogia. Group 2 received Garcinia camogia extract, chromium polynicotinate, and Gymnema sylvestre extract. Group 3 received a placebo.

All individuals were placed on a 2000 kcal/day diet; ingested the recommended test supplements 3 times a day, 30 to 60 minutes before meals; and completed their supervised walking 5 times per week.

The results after 8 weeks proved that the ingredient in the supplements worked as the first group lost and average of 12 pounds, the second group an average of 14 pounds and the lat groups lost an average of 3 pounds per member.

Scientific Study # 2: In this double blind study, 60 moderately obese individuals were assigned to the same three groups as study # 1. After 8 weeks, group 1 lost an average of 10 pounds. Group 2 lost 12.54 pounds. And the placebo group lost 3.53 pounds.

Our conclusion was that when individuals in both case studies used the provided supplements containing hydroxycitric acid, niacin-bound chromium, and Gymnema Sylvestre Extract, they were able to help people with weight management. - 17274

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Why Your Biceps Aren't Growing

By Jason King

Almost all body builders that begin a weight training regime want bigger biceps. These are the muscles that show strength, and weight trainers like their shirts fitting tightly at the top of their arms. Because the biceps get a lot of attention they become the most over trained muscle which means for a lot of gym users their muscle growth actually goes in reverse.

The first reason that most body builders train their biceps too much is because they pay too much attention to body building magazines. Nearly all magazines have an article that will help you get bigger biceps within 6 weeks. In the article you'll see a massive weight lifter, and he'll tell you his biceps routine.

A regular arm workout in a magazine will usually be a workout of about 20 sets of exercises. This is way too many sets to stimulate growth in your biceps. You will almost be able to give your back, cheat and shoulders a good workout with 20 sets, and your biceps don't require no where near this many sets. After reading the article you'll usually see a photo of the weight lifter sitting their with his favorite protein shake in his hand. The whole article is an ad for the supplement he's holding, and is in no way suppose to help you get bigger arms. They want you to buy the supplement.

When you exercise your back and shoulders, all the pulling exercises that you do will have already given your biceps a decent workout so giving them another 20 sets will definitely train them too much. Weight lifters in magazines can blast their biceps with 20 sets because they're normally on steroids and growth hormones. This type of routine is impossible if you're not taking any enhancement drugs.

After all the training you give your back and shoulders all you need to do to get your biceps to grow is about 4 sets a week. You don't have to risk any injuries to your arms to make them bigger, all you need to do is make sure you gain strength.

All you need to do is add extra weight to the bar every week, and as you gain more strength then your arms will get bigger. Getting bigger isn't achieved with adding more sets to your routine. If you fail to add extra weight or extra reps to your routine then your muscles won't grow.

If you don't gain the strength to add more weight or extra reps every workout then you need to look at what you're eating. To get stronger you need to eat enough carbs, protein and healthy fats to aid the repair of your muscles. Without the right balance of macro nutrients, and enough of them you won't get bigger. Eating enough small meals spaced out through the day will cause a natural anabolic effect in your body that will cause you to get bigger.

Keeping a journal of hop your getting on will help you discover what is working best for you. When you get all of the little things right you'll start getting the gains you're after. - 17274

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Why Oprah recommends the acai berry for weight loss.

By Casandra James

Ever since leading physician, Dr. Nicholas Perricone, declared the Acai Berry as the Number One Superfood, many fake supplement manufacturers begun to abuse the marketing term "Acai Burn". Many first time buyers are complaining that they have been ripped off by these Acai Berry scams.

For more than a thousand years, Amazon natives have been using the Acai Berry as food and as a cure for common ailments. Dr. Nicholas Perricone and his scientist colleagues have tested and proven the Acai Berry's amazing use as an agent in cancer cure and prevention, immune system boost, and weight loss.

The weight loss benefit of Acai Berry is increasingly becoming its most important use. Being the world's top fruit in antioxidant content (five times more than the antioxidant content of blueberries!), the Acai Berry is a very powerful weight loss supplement because it improves digestive processes and speeds up metabolic rates.

The Acai Berry has a particularly low glycemic index which makes it a suitable additive to the diabetic diet. Unlike most commercialized weight loss supplements, AcaiBurn offers other health benefits such as cancer prevention, decreased risk of heart diseases, and strengthened immune system. Heck, it even gives you better vision and a beautiful, radiant skin!

Acai Berry is only found in the Amazonian rainforest and is very hard to export overseas. This is the main reason why the bulk of Acai Berry marketing is done over the internet. There are only a few sites that offer real and genuine Acai products. - 17274

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A Healthier Heart Can Be Yours in the Produce Aisle

By Curtis Adams

Most people know that they should include plenty of vegetables and fruit in their daily menu. Adding any type of fruit or vegetable is going to be good for you. But some are more important than others when it comes to your heart health.

Two important categories of vegetables are dark, leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables. Instead of iceberg lettuce, choose a variety that has a darker green color. This means that it contains more heart healthy nutrition than lighter varieties. You should also include lots of broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and cabbage in your diet.

When it comes to fruit, citrus is the big winner. Pick oranges, grapefruit, lemons and limes for a healthy heart. It's best to eat the whole fruit because you'll get more fiber. But fruit juice also contains nutrients that are healthful.

Most people have between one and three servings of fruits and vegetables each day. This is nowhere near the recommended five servings that's a bare minimum. And eating between seven and nine servings is even healthier. Just don't attempt to escalate from one serving to nine in only one day. Take it slow and add them into your diet gradually. Here are some tips to help you sneak in extra servings throughout the day.

If you like eggs for breakfast, add some tomatoes, onions, peppers and mushrooms. Drink some fruit juice with your toast and coffee. Make up a smoothie containing whole fruit that you can take with you as you head out the door. Or add some fruit to your cereal.

At lunch, include lots of veggies on your sandwich like lettuce, sprouts, and tomatoes. Eat a bowl of vegetable soup. Eat a small salad along with your main course, or make the salad itself the entree. Adding fruit to your salad gives both a flavor and nutrition boost.

If vegetables are already a staple of your evening meal, try adding an extra serving to your plate. If you're not eating a vegetable with dinner at all, make a point of adding one. Stews and hearty soups are a great way to include veggies in a satisfying meal. Or try having a salad right before the main course.

You don't have to completely overhaul your diet in order to add more vegetables and fruit to the menu. Simply add a serving here or there. It won't be long before you're getting what you need for optimal heart wellness. - 17274

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Use Wheatgrass Juicers to Create Healthy Wheatgrass Juice

By Randal Pike

Wheatgrass is a powerful source for many vitamins and nutrients. To capture the healthy benefits of wheatgrass, wheatgrass juicers make the task fast and easy. In just a few minutes, you'll have a glass of wheatgrass juice that meets the recommended daily serving.

What exactly is wheatgrass? It's a green leafy vegetable that comes from the wheat grass. The young grass belongs to the cereal grass family, along with oat, barley and rye grasses. Your local nursery or farm is a good source for purchasing fresh, organic wheatgrass. You can also grow wheatgrass at home from seeds purchased at health food stores. Wheatgrass juicers made for home use press the wheatgrass into juice.

When you use wheatgrass juicers, your end result is a glass full of vitamins A, B, C and E and essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and sodium. Wheatgrass is also high in amino acids, natural enzymes, chlorophyll and fiber. According to health experts, wheatgrass can prevent heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Other health benefits of wheatgrass include helping with digestion and ridding the body from toxins that can cause various illnesses and diseases.

To enjoy the healthy benefits of wheatgrass, a two ounce serving of wheatgrass juice once or twice a day is recommended. Using only wheatgrass juicers to make wheatgrass juice is important because wheatgrass juicers crush the wheatgrass leaves while extracting the juice from them. This method preserves all the vitamins and nutrients.

Wheatgrass juicers are made specifically for processing wheatgrass. They use a squeezing action that presses the wheatgrass into liquid. Wheatgrass juicers are different from regular juicers. One major difference is the speed. Unlike juicers that have a 1000 RPM, wheatgrass juicers have an 80-120 RPM to ensure that wheatgrass enzymes are not destroyed. Wheatgrass juicers come in two options, manual or electric. The Blender Juicer Depot at www.blenderjuicerdepot.com can help you choose which wheatgrass juicer is best for you.

With manual wheatgrass juicers, you do all the work, so make sure it's easy to handle. With a manual wheatgrass juicer, you will be crunching the wheatgrass, rather than shredding it, to squeeze out the juice. You'll want to have the option of refeeding the pulp back into the juicer to get even more wheatgrass juice out, so be sure to choose a manual wheatgrass juicer that has this feature.

When considering electric wheatgrass juicers, look for those with stainless steel juicing parts and are self-feeding. A multifunctional wheatgrass juicer is also beneficial for making other juices. In terms of the motor, good wheatgrass juicers have motors around 90 RPM or higher. While lower priced electric wheatgrass juicers may be less powerful and probably have plastic parts, these economical wheatgrass juicers can get the job done as well.

Wheatgrass is a natural way to obtain so many healthy vitamins and nutrients. In order to make delicious wheatgrass juice drinks, wheatgrass juicers are a necessity. When maintaining a healthy way of life, wheatgrass juicers are an essential appliance. - 17274

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Will Fish Oil Help With Arthritis

By Dr. Bill

Over the weekend a question came in regarding fish oil and arthritis, and the person who wrote in wanted to know what foods to eat and what supplements would help with her arthritis problems.

Stay away from fast foods and processed foods. Try to stick to vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, fresh fruits, and some dairy. You want foods as close to their natural state as possible.

When you go to the grocery store you should only shop in 3 areas, at most: The area for meat/poultry/seafood, and the vegetable and fruit areas. All the rest of the packaged products can just just sit on the shelf, undisturbed by you.

That's something to shoot for, but sometimes we all fall short. Sometimes a good deal of processed food finds its way onto the menu.

Keep in mind that the elements that provide real nourishment for your body, like enzymes, vitamins, fatty acids, minerals, amino acids, and other elements, are usually stripped from processed foods.

Not getting these vital substances in the right amounts, especially fatty acids, can result in inflammation.

Long chain omega-3 fatty acids are essential to combating the pain and joint stiffness of inflammation. They do this by helping to block dietary omega-6 fatty acids, which are high in the Western diet.

Food manufacturers usually strip out the essential elements you need for a very simple reason. It's called "shelf life." They don't want their product to spoil, so they take these essential elements out to retard spoilage.

It isn't always easy to eat the right kind of food. But these guidelines should provide some help. - 17274

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Advance Wellness Research Promotional Offers Info

By Linda Kemp

Imagine never missing taking a dose of your favorite health supplement because you ran out and forgot to get more. Advanced Wellness Research knows how frustrating that can be, which is why they offer a convenient auto-ship program. With auto-shipping, you choose what product you want and when you want to receive it.

Then, Advanced Wellness Research delivers it to your door according to your schedule. Advanced Wellness Research offers a variety of products designed for your health and wellbeing. Products like: Acai Berry and the Bright Teeth Whitening are just a few.

What about safety? Advanced Wellness Research puts every product they sell through a strict screening process to ensure their high quality and safety. They promise never to sell anything that they wouldn't give to their own families. If you're still not sure,

Advance Wellness Research offers all of their products on a risk-free trial basis. This ensures that you're getting only the products that benefit you the most.

Your Health - Your Schedule - If you're using health supplements to lose weight, feel better, look better or have more energy, then you know how frustrating it is when you get off schedule because you're supply is out.

Getting to the store can be tough with a hectic lifestyle, and ordering online can take weeks for delivery. Advanced Wellness Research, Inc. wants to be sure that you get your health products when you need and according to your schedule.

You can choose to receive your products once a month, once every other month, or whatever suits you best. And, you can cancel the shipments any time you want.

Most health experts agree that whatever you do for good health, it's best to stick to a schedule. Advanced Wellness Research will make sure that you do. Begin today. Find out what you have been missing. - 17274

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Health Tea: Some Tea May Help You Lose Weight

By Christoph O Conner

Green tea is a tasty beverage that is no longer a match for deserts but can aid in weight loss. Green tea is rich in antioxidants which can help you loose weight. It also casues your metabolism to work harder which again helps with weight loss.

Green tea helps speed up the rate at which your body burns fat. However you still need to exercise and eat well to gain the maximum benefits.

Green tea is known to increase the rate at which your body will burn calories. This is becasue green tea speeds up your metabolism causing more weight loss. Green tea also contains many antioxidants that are responsible for weight loss as well.

EGCG, an antioxidant found in green tea, helps the body release fat into the blood stream which helps a person loose weight. Green tea also uses the fats in your body as energy causing weight loss.

Another benefit of drinking green tea is it helps reduce cravings. Even when eating healthy and exercising a person tends to have cravings. Studies have shown that people who drink green tea consume 60% less calorie than those who dont. Green tea helps calm cravings and prevents you from filling up on unneccesary caloires.

Most beverages people drink, especially coffee, contain large amounts of caffeine. Green tea has less caffeine than most beverages and is a great substitute for coffee lovers. Also people tend to abstain from adding cream and sugar, which is high in calories and fat, to tea.

Green tea can really help with giving a person the energy they need to work out for extended periods of time. Due to the fact it speeds up your metabolism this in turn give you more energy for your workouts.

Green tea is a healthy and beneficial beverage. It helps aid weight loss and keep your body healthy and free of many toxins. - 17274

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Advance Wellness Research Offers Info

By Linda Kemp

Congratulations! You come to the right place. Advanced Wellness Research, Inc. is dedicated to bringing you, our customer, a wide array of innovative and pioneering wellness products that will both enrich and extend your healthy years of living.

We do this by searching the globe for hidden jewels in personal wellness to find revolutionary products. We then conduct extensive research to determine the products effectiveness and safety.

Only after this lengthy process, will Advanced Wellness Research bring the item to you for consumption. It's your body and your life... we won't ever carry a product that we wouldn't give to our own families.

Testing - our products are thoroughly tested for effectiveness and safety. Unlike other "snake-oil" products on the market today, our products have actually shown measurable results.

Free Trials - most of Advanced Wellness Research products come with a Free Trial. Don't just take our word for it, try our products for free before you commit to bring them into your daily lives.

Convenient Auto Delivery - once you have tried one or more of our products and determined it's for you, we will enroll you in our monthly reorder program designed to ensure that you always have our products available for consumption.

Before we bring you any product and make certain promises about products, we make sure that these products are thoroughly researched and proven effective for most user. While we do not claim to have created each and every product we sell, we can assure you that a lot of thought and analyzing went into selecting the product among many others.

At the present time, Advanced Wellness Research, Inc. is researching some products in weight loss, detoxification, skin care and general wellness. Provided that these items pass the stringent tests we require, we will begin introducing these products in 2009.

You owe it to your health to try Advanced Wellness Research. With the risk-free policy and cancel-at-any-time shipping, you have only superior health to gain. - 17274

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