Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Monday, June 29, 2009

Review of the Most Popular Weight Loss Programs Online

By Dr Rob

Popular Online Programs You Can Try

Diets based on a single food are rarely healthy. The only thing that works, is when you combine the number one thing that makes you tick (your brain) with the best combination of foods, eating patterns, supplements, and exercises (and I dont mean busting your butt at the gym " healthy exercise has little to do with treadmills or weights). The unique approach to weight loss and healthy living takes you through a variety of actions that stimulate your fat burning engine, and speed up your metabolism. If your health care provider tells you that you should lose weight and you want to find a weight-loss program to help you, look for one that is based on regular physical activity and an eating plan that is balanced, healthy, and easy to follow. Doctors do not always address issues such as healthy eating, physical activity, and weight management during general office visits. Safe and effective weight-loss programs should include: Healthy eating plans that reduce calories but do not forbid specific foods or food groups. Once you learn the truth about what works to achieve and maintain a lean and healthy body you will be able to put it to work in your own life immediately and begin the transformation from the way you look right now to the way you want to be. Since it's a personalized plan, you may also include other healthy eating elements such as heart smart, cholesterol-lowering, diabetes plan, low-sodium etc in your customized diet plan.

Weight Loss Basics

Weight loss programs designed by nutritional counselors and diet specialists can help you achieve a healthy weight with ease. Weight loss programs may also include bariatric surgery and related procedures to remove excess fat and reduce the stomach size. Weight loss programs differ because they strike a nice balance between effective and enjoyable. Weight Loss programs are available for men, women, and diabetics. Weight Loss ProgramsWant to lose fat or build muscle mass without the guess work.

Popular Online Programs You Can Try

The Truth About Building Muscle by Sean Nalowanyj is a common sense fitness and nutrition program that shows you how to build muscle mass, increase strength and burn off excess body fat.

Turbulence Training by Craig Ballantyne is a program design to help men and women get in shape in the least amount of time possible.

Burn the Fat is a superb, comprehensive weight loss program that covers every apsect of losing weight.

The truth about abs program and its bonuses is well worth the price of $39. If you are serious about getting a flat stomach or even rock-hard six pack abs I would recommend this program.

The Average Joe Fitness Program is a straight-forward, step-by-step workout routine that will help you get in shape in only 80 minutes per week.

The truth about abs program and its bonuses is well worth the price of $39. If you are serious about getting a flat stomach or even rock-hard six pack abs I would recommend this program.

Weight Loss Basics

The truth about abs program and its bonuses is well worth the price of $39. If you are serious about getting a flat stomach or even rock-hard six pack abs I would recommend this program.

Tips for Getting and Staying Healthy

Diets based on a single food are rarely healthy. The only thing that works, is when you combine the number one thing that makes you tick (your brain) with the best combination of foods, eating patterns, supplements, and exercises (and I dont mean busting your butt at the gym " healthy exercise has little to do with treadmills or weights). The unique approach to weight loss and healthy living takes you through a variety of actions that stimulate your fat burning engine, and speed up your metabolism. If your health care provider tells you that you should lose weight and you want to find a weight-loss program to help you, look for one that is based on regular physical activity and an eating plan that is balanced, healthy, and easy to follow. Doctors do not always address issues such as healthy eating, physical activity, and weight management during general office visits. Safe and effective weight-loss programs should include: Healthy eating plans that reduce calories but do not forbid specific foods or food groups. Once you learn the truth about what works to achieve and maintain a lean and healthy body you will be able to put it to work in your own life immediately and begin the transformation from the way you look right now to the way you want to be. Since it's a personalized plan, you may also include other healthy eating elements such as heart smart, cholesterol-lowering, diabetes plan, low-sodium etc in your customized diet plan.


Weight loss is a combination of many factors including boosting your metabolism by healthy eating and exercising. Weight loss is a complex, interrelated physical and behavioral process. Weight loss is a dilemma that everyone is trying to solve. Weight loss is a slow, difficult process, but one that can be made easier if you are ready to address many areas of your life and if you are willing to reach out for support from health professionals, friends, and family members. Weight loss is not a seven week program, but a lifelong commitment to good nutrition and lifestyle and the more you understand about weightloss, the easier it will be for you to come up with a plan that works for you. There are so many weight loss programs available right now that's it's difficult to choose the right one for you and your body. - 17274

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Proper Nutrition Supports Adult Stem Cells

By Andrea Rousseau

Stem Cell Research has attracted a lot of controversy because of its perceived moral implications around using 5 day old embryos, know as blastocysts, in the research process. By using the inner cell mass, Embryonic Stem Cell research destroys the embryo. This, understandably, attracts intense moral objections.

Adult Stem Cell research does not use embryos, therefore no life ends in the research process. Sources of adult stem cells include bone marrow, peripheral blood, and amniotic fluid, to name a few. The use of adult stem cells in battling disease and injury shows huge promise.

Research has shown that stem cells are a renewable source of replacement cells to treat disabilites, conditions, and diseases. Adult Stem Cells are somewhat inactive cells, but can respond quickly to tissue injury and stress. [neostem.com]

Adult stem cells are quite resilient, and have the ability to "morph" into other kinds of cells. Studies have affirmed the phenomenon know as "plasticity." In other words, adult stem cells have the ability to differentiate into other cell types such as heart cells or nerve cells.[Life Extension, Oct 2007] For this reason, your own adult stem cells are the key to your own treatment.

Disease fighting and anti-aging strategies require that stem cell growth be properly stimulated. Potent Nutrition at the cellular level is essential to maintaining health and preventing disease.

Researchers have conducted studies that show there is a direct relationship between higher servings of blueberry, green tea, carnosin, catechin, and vitamin D3 and the proliferation of human bone marrow. Studies have also shown that Resveratrol has a positive effect on stem cell health.[Life Extension, Oct 2007]

There are some superfoods readily available that can give you a great foundation for cellular health. Blueberries are among the fruits with the highest antioxidant activity and anti-inflamatory properties.

Amla is an extremely nutritious fruit with the richest natural source of vitamin C, and protects cells from free radical damage. Acai is rich in Omega fats and is a great source of vitamins and minerals. - 17274

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Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Bodybuilding Program Review

By Chloe Bishop

"Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle: Fat Loss Secrets of the World's Best Bodybuilders and Fitness Models" is a fat loss and bodybuilding program written by Tom Venuto. It's designed for those who would like to transform their bodies effectively, naturally and permanently.

Tom Venuto's Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle is the #1 best-selling diet and fitness e-book since 2003. In fact, it's one of the best selling e-books on ANY subject in the history of the Internet.

Who Should Use Burn The Fat Program?

- Men and women, bodybuilders, fitness enthusiasts...

- For those who want to lose excess fat

- Those who had been struggling all their life to lose weight and keep it off

- People whose success seems to have stalled and is now desperately trying to lose the last 10 or so lbs- but not getting any results.

Tom Venuto's Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Program: The Pros

1. Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle does an expos of the scams and cons being perpetrated by the diet and weight loss industries. After reading Burn The Fat, hopefully you won't get easily manipulated again into buying magic potions and pills that don't work.

3. Because Tom Venuto believes in bodybuilding without drugs or harmful potions, he wouldn't try manipulate you to buy supplements or similar products. With Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle, you only get the raw truth, no B.S!

3. The amount of success demonstrated by Burn the Fat users from all over the world is simply staggering and difficult to ignore.

4. I've read a lot of books about fat loss, but Burn The Fat is by far the most comprehensive of them all.

5. It doesn't take a one-size-fits-all approach. It honors your individuality and shows you how to find the optimal diet and exercise routine that works for YOU. You'll analyze your body type, measure your Basal Metabolic Rate, determine if you're carbohydrate tolerant or intolerant, and learn what the best protein, carbohydrates and fat ratio is optimal for your body.

(This is very crucial to your success. In fact, lack of personalization is a common reason why many people struggle to make certain weight loss programs work for them!)

6. Burn The Fat also addresses a fundamental aspect of your self-improvement process: your mental training. You'll learn all about it in Chapter 1 - "How To Set Powerful, Compelling Goals That Will Propel You Forward and Charge You Up with Unstoppable Motivation!"

The quality of information inside the book is top-notch. Check out the key points you can look forward to learning from Burn the Fat:

* 8 powerful strategies for fat loss sans diets or deprivation

* Easily and Cheaply calculate your body fat / muscle ratio

* Honoring your metabolic individuality and body type: Do the best with what you've got!

* The rule of balancing calories and the maths of fat loss

* Boost your metabolism and turn your body into a lean mean fat-burning machine!

* The optimal combination of protein, carbohydrates and fats for improving your muscle-to-fat ratio

* How to speed up fat loss, boost muscle growth, and increase energy

* How much Protein do YOU need? Are you carb-tolerant or intolerant?

* How to get as lean as a bodybuilder or fitness model using a new twist on the old low carb diet

* Why water is essential for fat loss, how much you need, and what else you should (and shouldn't) drink

* How to design your own effective and result producing meals and menus.

* What the supplement companies hope you never find out

* Cardio training secrets for maximum fat loss

* Why diet and cardiovascular exercise are not enough

Burn The Fat Feed the Muscle: The Cons

Because it's a robust package, you might feel overwhelmed by the amount of information there. However you'll never need to buy another fitness book because everything you'll ever need to know about fat loss is packed in Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle.

Probably the main "downside" is that the program requires you to put in the necessary hard work, discipline and motivation. But let's face it: a beautiful body doesn't come in a magic pill!

Again, as with any effective long-term solution, this ain't no quick fix that promises you your dream body without requiring any effort from you. So if you're looking for an easy way out of your problems, this isn't for you.

Aesthetics-wise, the e-book itself looks plain (not much pictures to look at) so it's a bit difficult to read from your computer. It's best printed off and read on paper.

So What's The Final Verdict?

I give Tom Venuto's e-book a 10 out of 10.

If you take into consideration this program's reputation, the success stories it has received from people all over the world, the expertise you'll gain, the money and time you'll save (by not wasting anything on bogus products that don't work), having a price tag of $39.95 makes Burn The Fat an excellent value for money.

But be warned again: Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle is NOT for everyone. Ensure you fit the profile before buying this product.

Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle is made for individuals who want what truly works when it comes to fat loss and those who are ready to pay the price necessary to achieve the body they want.

If you are now ready to make the necessary changes to achieve the body of your dreams through honest work, discipline and commitment, then you've found a solution that truly works. Thousands of men and women have already used this program and successfully transformed themselves. Is now your time to do that, too? - 17274

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You Can Lose 20 Pounds In A Month With A Malibu Pilates Chair

By Steve Estes

In that the Malibu Pilates Chair is quickly gaining in popularity with the exercise elite, even though it is fairly new, one question that readily springs to mind is-will it help you lose 20 pounds in a month?

Most people know about Pilates now, as it is in every major city and in most health clubs and gyms. And while it is a stand alone system of exercises by itself, there are also a number of well known Pilates machines that can greatly aid you in your quest to lose 20 pounds in a month.

The best known of these is the Pilates Reformer. While this might sound more like a medieval torture device, it is actually a world class state of the art piece of exercise machinery. Although it is a big machine, it can be perfect for anyone looking to purchase the perfect home gym device.

Secondly, there is the so-called Pilates Power Gym. This baby will run you just under $300. It is very portable and at that price, more affordable. It has almost everything the Reformer has but without the steep price tag. It will easily fit in every home work out space and you might even be able to try one out at your local health club before you buy.

Finally we have the "as seen on T.V." Malibu Pilates chair. This is causing quite a stir in the exercise world. You might have seen Susan Lucci's infomercial where she endorses it. It is certainly the most portable of these three. Since you can probably pick one up online for just under two hundred bucks it might be the most affordable as well. That's not that bad a price for such high quality.

Whichever one of these devices you should happen to choose, don't go whole hog your first week on them. Go slowly, and work your way up the intensity ladder. There's nothing worse that the aches and pains of the weekend warrior when you trying to lose 20 pounds in a month.

And remember, weight loss isnt just all about exercise. It is also vitally important that you learn how to eat right. My personal preference and the plan I try to follow religiously is food combining. This method, combined with my use of the Malibu Pilates chair workout made it quite easy for me to lose 20 pounds in a month. - 17274

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Poppy Seeds and the Good It Brings

By Amanda Rush

Are you fond of pastries? If yes, you are most probably well aware of the many food ingredients including the famous seeds baked in or sprinkled in your favorite pastries. If not, then clicking on this page will make you acquainted with important seeds whose facts are interesting enough to have this article devoted for them.

Although pastries are sold in large quantities everyday, many people rarely take time to find out the facts about the poppy seeds sprinkled in these pastries. Only food enthusiasts and people who work as chefs or cook know the important information related to poppy seeds. If you want to be one of the few who know the facts, read on and find out.

Poppy plants are mostly found in Asian regions where the general climate provides for the best temperature for the plants to grow. Poppy seeds, which are found at the head of poppy plants, are small dried seeds that taste like nuts.

Although in the present time poppy seeds are mostly used for cooking foods, during the ancient times they were mainly used for medicinal purposes. In Greece, Hippocrates introduced these seeds to his fellow Greeks as a medicine for insomnia. Todays time, poppy seeds are introduced as herbal remedies for curing coughs, earaches and toothaches. In addition, these seeds are also long known to fight off inflammation, fever, dysentery among other sickness. Hence, it is no wonder why poppy pods are widely cultivated today as much as in the previous centuries.

Poppy seeds are most popular today as food ingredients in different pastries. Most of the time, they are sprinkled in cakes, bread or rolls. Aside from its nutty taste, poppy seeds are very enticing to eat because of the nutrients each seed contains. The seeds contain linoeic acid, oleic acid, and unsaturated fatty acids. Moreover, the seeds have extracts that can be used in cooking and making soaps.

Apart from its health benefits, poppy seeds are perceived to be a symbol of fertility and prosperity. They are used in rituals and as amulets to fight off bad luck and to attract love, money, and luck. Red poppy seeds are also a symbol for fallen warriors.

Poppy seeds may bring a lot of advantages, but they can also be dangerous when taken without knowing its negative effects. Aside from nutrients, poppy seeds contain alkaloids such as morphine and codeine which are addictive. According to health experts, poppy seeds can be eaten when ripe because at that stage alkaloids are only minimal and hardly detrimental to the body. Unripe seeds contain a lot of alkaloids, hence can pose danger to physical and mental health.

Getting all these facts about poppy seeds is definitely beneficial to be able to get the best out of the seeds and get rid of the threats they can pose to our mental and physical health. - 17274

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Milk Allergy Explained

By Maja Maartens

Cow's milk is one of the most general allergy-causing foods in children, and it's the foremost origin of allergic reactions in especially young babies.

Milk allergy has an effect on more or less 2 percent to 3 percent of tots worldwide, and its symptoms and signs can be difficult enough to cause sorrow not just for an allergic kid, but also for the child's family. But the good news is that nearly all kids grow out of a milk allergy by the age 2 or 3.

Allergic reactions ordinarily show a few minutes to a few hours after you consume milk " but every now and then it can be days before symptoms and sign occur. Signs and symptoms range from soft to serious and might include wheezing, vomiting, hives and digestive problems. Seldom, milk allergy can cause anaphylaxis - a severe, life-threatening reaction.

Milk Allergy Symptoms

Three types of milk correlated allergy symptoms have been documented:

1. Symptoms develop promptly following eating/drinking cow's milk. Reactions for the most part affect the skin, causing hives and/or eczema.

2. Symptoms set in several hours after ingesting cow's milk. Symptoms of this type are mainly diarrhea and vomiting.

3. Symptoms set in more than twenty hours after ingesting. The most symptom for this type is diarrhea.

Symptoms of milk allergy can affect the skin, causing rashes or hives; the digestive tract, causing bloating and diarrhea, and the respiratory system, causing runny nose and asthma.

Here is a more whole list of symptoms:

* vomiting

* hyperactive behavior

* diarrhea

* asthma

* hives

* runny nose

* rashes

* stuffy nose

* ear infections

* bloating

* watery eyes

* eczema

* allergic shiners (black around the eyes)

* recurrent bronchitis

* failure to thrive

The above symptoms are not restricted to people experiencing milk allergy. As you get to know food allergy symptoms, you will observe that numerous foods share a variety of common symptoms, such as: bloating, rash, and runny nose.

What is the Difference of Milk allergy and Milk Intolerance?

It is vital to tell between a real milk allergy from milk protein intolerance or lactose intolerance. Unlike a milk allergy, intolerance doesn't implicate the immune system. Milk intolerance triggers different symptoms and requires diverse treatment than does a true milk allergy. Ordinary signs and symptoms of milk protein intolerance or lactose intolerance include digestive problems, such as bloating, gas or diarrhea, after consuming milk.

Milk Allergy Prevention and Cure

The single way to prevent an allergic reaction is to avoid milk and milk proteins altogether. This can be easier said than done, as milk is a common food ingredient. Despite your best efforts, you or your child may still come into contact with milk.

Medications, such as antihistamines, may reduce signs and symptoms of a milk allergy. These drugs can be taken after exposure to milk to control an allergic reaction and help relieve discomfort. If you or your child has a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis), you may need an emergency injection of epinephrine (adrenaline) and a trip to the emergency room.

If you're at risk of having a dangerous reaction, you or your child may need to carry injectable epinephrine (such as an EpiPen) at all times. - 17274

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Things to Remember By to Help Avoid Angular Stomatitis

By Bart Icles

Stomatitis is an inflammation of the different parts of the mouths mucous lining, which may include the cheek, gums, tongue, lips, roof or floor of the mouth, and throat. This be caused from many reasons, such as ill-fitting dentures, poor oral hygiene, or from mouth burns from hot drinks or foods, or from the adverse reactions of strong cosmetics, medications, infections, radiation therapy, or from other allergens. Stomatitis that affects both the corners of the mouth is termed as angular stomatitis or angular cheilitis, angular cheilosis, or perleche.

Main Causes of Angular Stomatitis:

In children, the corners of the mouth or lips can be easily irritated by their constant lip-licking, as well as their unhealthy habits of sucking on and licking of dirty objects. In adults, cases may stem from poor diets or malnutrition, and an over closure of the mouth from wearing poor-fitting dentures. In malnutrition cases, there may be some significant deficiency of iron, and/or the B vitamins riboflavin (B2), folate (B9), cobalamins (B12). Severe lack of iron can lead to stomatitis, as it's an important element needed for the body's processes for cell replication and restoration, especially in the mouth and lips.

Children who suffer from angular stomatitis are the ones most adversely affected by it. The simple task of taking in solid food and liquids becomes almost impossible to do, as the act of opening the mouth itself produces moderate to severe pain, depending on the gravity of the condition. Some food or liquids may also irritate and tend to aggravate the open sores. With this comes malnutrition of the victim. With a weakened body follows a weakened immune system, making infections and diseases harder to address and resolve.

Treatment for Angular Stomatitis:

Treatment may come in the form of medicated and steroidal ointments and creams, as well as the application of homemade remedies. The duration and kinds of treatments is primarily based on the condition of the victim, and the present extent of the disease. When the disease is accompanied by a fungal infection (caused by candida), the victim has also to be given anti-fungal medicines, anti-inflammatory, and pain-killers to help ease the pain.

The severe imbalance of B vitamins and iron can be corrected with a proper nutritional intake of nutritious foods rich in B vitamins and iron. Some foods such as lean red meat, chicken, beef, fish, cheese, milk, green leafy vegetables, and more are well-advised to be taken in a daily basis to keep the body fit and healthy to combat diseases and infections. Good oral hygiene should be observed at all times, and for those with denture problems should consult a dentist to correct the problem. - 17274

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Amazing Power Foods for Women

By Curtis Ludlow

It's important to learn what to eat if you want to stay healthy.

Fresh fish, fruit, and green vegetables are the preferred food sources since these foods aid in providing the vitamin requirements of the body.

Here are the top 10 foods and nutrients that women should be consuming on a regular basis.

Wild Fish

A problem with some fish is that it is farm raised. Many of these farm raised fish are given hormones that accelerate the rate of it's development and growth. Be sure to eat only wild fish - not farm raised. Wild salmon is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids that are very important for women in particular.

Yogurt with Live Cultures

Due to pregnancy and other issues, the level of calcium can become low in a woman's body. Therefore, yogurt can be a great source of calcium since it also has friendly bacteria that can be digested easily.

Leafy Greens

Vegetables like broccoli, collard and kale are great store houses of a wide variety of nutrients including calcium, potassium and vitamin B complex. Apart from these, they also contain a high amount of antioxidants as well.


Water is in the list of nutrients since it's vital for the proper processing of fats and other nutrients. Hence, this is one of the most important nutrients that you should be drinking all day long!

Soy Beans

Soybeans and other soy products are great for fighting the bad cholesterol (LDL) and increasing the good cholesterol levels. They are also rich in phytoestrogen as well. You can have soy in the form of tofu or soybean nuggets.


Red Meat is a great source of iron, an essential nutrient for women who want to lose weight, get in shape and tone their muscles.

Flax Seed

Flax is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, fiber, and an abundance of other nutrients essential for the proper functioning of your body.


It's very important to get enough beta carotene in your diet. Foods like carrots and sweet potato will give your more than enough.


Beans are essential because they are high in soluble fiber, protein, and provide a host of benefits. Studies have shown that eating just one cup of beans a day can lower your cholesterol by 10% in just 6-weeks.

After you incorporate these amazing super foods into your diet you'll notice a significant jump in your overall performance level. Your energy will be sustain itself all day long. - 17274

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The World's Surprising Superfood From Brazil - The Acai Berry

By Janice A Ward

The acai berry (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) is an wonderful dietary finding. This little berry boasts the uppermost ORAC levels or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity of concrete food. There are a few spices that have a upper ORAC level but there are no foods that rank over the acai berry.

The acai berry has only been available for international expenditure in the recent past. It can only be grown in the rainforests of Brazil, as it requires a moist and swampy atmosphere to grow. It grows in huge bunches on the very same tree that provides the salad essential, hearts of palm, the acai palm tree.

The acai berry boasts a high fat content, which makes it extraordinarily perishable. The fat in the acai berry is parallel in composition and wellbeing advantages to the fat found in olive oil. It is a wholesome fat with a full range of essential fatty acids and Omega's.

The fruit is very delicate so it must be processed within 24 hours of being selected from the tree. It not, the innate nutrients will start to disintegrate. The greatest way to process the acai berry is with a freeze-drying method as it does not use heat or chemical, both of which can be injurious to the nutrients.

The acai berry contains a full range of fundamental and valuable nutrients, including healthy Omega fats, vitamins and minerals and a host of vital antioxidants. The acai berry is considered to be a superfood, which means that it provides outstandingly exceptional nutrition. The acai berry has twice the antioxidant power of blueberries, 10 times more than red grapes and 10 to 30 times more than red wine.

Acai berries have been promoted as being advantageous for such things as the prevention of heart disease and cancers, weight loss and the problems associated with aging. However, it is not a phenomenon food but it does offer tremendous nutrition and it can be a healthy addition to your diet and nourishment plan because it does offer such a wholesome array of nutrients.

You can find acai berry products in a selection of forms, including juices, smoothie mixes and supplemental tablets and capsules. The most essential thing to look for is the system of processing as freeze-dried is the best way to conserve the astonishing nutrition.

Acai berries can offer you an profusion of nutrition and they can be an particularly valuable addition to your beneficial nutrition and diet plan. There is little menace of problems from eating too much of them because they are a natural occurring food, but as with all things the acai berry should be consumed in moderation. - 17274

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5 Weight Loss Tips For George Washington University

By Josef Brandenburg

You might be preoccupied with thoughts of losing weight, if you attend George Washington University. Maybe you are thinking of taking off a few of those winter pounds or maybe you want a total change in your physical appearance. Adding a difficult thing like losing weight to full schedule of academics and activities makes it seem like losing weight is impossible. But whether you are trying to stay away from the Freshman Fifteen or you are just trying to get rid of a couple of extra pounds, these tips might help.

1. Make time to exercise: Take a moment to think about how much you exercise. Even if you walk all over campus, chances are pretty good that you don't get nearly as much exercise as you need. Consider heading to the gym on campus or taking a physical fitness class. This is the ideal opportunity when you are a student at George Washington University. Weight loss is much easier when you are working to get your metabolism up and when you are actually enjoying the exercise.

2. Get a good nights rest: Your eating schedules can go haywire because of your Irregular sleeping habits. And your sleeping habits are effected when you lose track of the time when you are out with your friends or when you are cramming for a test, but you need to sleep the right amount, by going to bed early so you can get up early. Good sleeping habits will help your body cope with weight issues.

3. Eat right: While heading to the cafeteria at George Washington University, you should really put some thought into what you are going to eat. Are you going straight towards the junk food or will you make the healthy choice and go towards the salad bar? It is up to you to choose wisely since you make your own decisions at the cafeteria, when you are living by yourself at dorms. You have to make sure you eat good, health food to so that your body can get what it needs.

4. Dont get too stressed out: Stress is inevitable when you are at a university, and it can create many unwanted health issues, like putting on weight. For your body to maintain control, you have to make sure that you do not get too stressed out, so get rid of your stress by taking a stroll, reading an interesting book, or even taking to family and friends from back home.

5. Train in different ways: Any exercise will eventually lose its full force if done repetitively. Think about the different exercise options to include when you are putting together your routine. Keep things interesting and get the most out of your exercise routine by finding different exercises that work well together. - 17274

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Lose Weight Fast

By J Hunter

Lose weight fast by the numbers may not have really occurred to you before. It is easier to want fast results and just think that your scale is off, but with some real diligence, fast weight loss can be achieved.

The first questions to answer is how much you weigh and how do you normally eat during one day. Weigh yourself in the morning before eating and dressing and enter that weight with the date in you notebook. Ask your doctor what a good weight is for your age and frame. Look on any chart on the Internet or a nutrition book to find out how many calories you need to consume. Your BMR or basal metabolism rate is found on an interactive chart which asks for your weight, gender, and age. Your rate is then calculating and you are given a number of calories that your body needs just to function.

With your notebook as your constant companion, choose a beginning page for some simple math. For example: You are a female age 34 and weigh 150 pounds You are 5'2". Look at several weight charts in books or on the Internet. The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company published a basic chart in the late 1950's which was somewhat lower than some newer charts. Therefore, you could be anywhere from 109-136 pounds and that would depend on age and frame. You would therefore think that you would like to lose at least 14 pounds or just a little less than 10% of your weight.

If won't be fun at first to write down your food but soon you will see that you may be eating more calories than you originally thought. Be fair and honest with yourself and count the dressing on your salad, soda, juice, and any snacks you have consumed from the vending machine. These tend to add up so make sure you are counting them.

There is an unofficial way to find out how many calories you need to maintain your bodyweight. Usually you can use you bodyweight in pounds and multiply it by 12. For instance, 140 pound person would be 140 x 12 = 1680 calories. Generally, this would be the amount of calories it would take to maintain the current bodyweight.

Look at the BMR chart and jot down the number of calories that you need to maintain your body weight. Since you will to lose weight and not maintain this weight, start by subtracting a number that will make your total calories no lower than 1200. You must eat 1200 calories for your metabolism to function properly. Lower consumption interferes with metabolic rate. You probably see that this is a slow process when you limit calories only.

The best you can do will involve an increase in your activity level. It is just a matter of math and burning more calories than you need for maintenance. One half hour of walking will use 150 calories. Other activities are figured by the time you spend doing each kind. The more you burn calories, the faster you lose your unwanted weight.

SO by performing a few brief exercise workouts a week and cutting a few calories a day, we find that we can lose weight fast. Writing down the calories you consume will let you know what unecessary food you can cut out of your current eating plan. - 17274

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