Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Monday, May 18, 2009

Detox Diet Or Natural Weight Loss

By Ron George

Detox diets are designed to wash out the system therefore if you are considering this technique, here's a couple things you should be informed of. First off, detoxifying diet programs are not made to assist you in dropping your weight but simply aids to clean your metabolism. For a couple days, you'll need to give up certain foodstuffs and use some laxatives to help clean out the bowel and liver.

Throughout that time, you will need to consume many fruits and vegetables because in most instances, they are fresh and raw, since cooking takes out needed minerals and even vitamins. People that can properly complete this program report they feel a lot better and boast enhanced get up and go. Detox diets are not advised for people that have specific health conditions especially people that have been diagnosed with diabetes, eating conditions, heart conditions and other chronic issues. That additionally also not be done by those who are pregnant or lactating mothers. Teens should not try the detox diet for that matter since that will steal from them nutrients that are important for their rapid growth and development.

Detox diet plans should just be performed once or twice a year as it may turn habit-forming. Some have compared regular detox diets to smoking or drugs wherein it's hard to give up and this may end in health issues such as eating disorders, heart conditions even death.

If you believe starting a detox diet does not have ill effects, reconsider as there's a couple such as acne, head aches, weariness, appetite and even irritability. You may also experience these if you choose to use detox supplements because most of the ingredients are actually laxatives, which entails heading to the restroom more often and everyone knows, this could be messy. When this happens, you ought to drink lots of liquid to prevent dehydration, mineral imbalances or any other problems associated with the digestive system.

Since the detox diet will only last several days, you may feel that you lose weight, but in reality, you will only lose water and some muscle which will be regained when you end your diet and start consuming normal food. Currently, there haven't been any research projects that verify the efficiency of the detox diet. As a matter of fact, there is currently no evidence to verify these toxins are removed especially if your liver and kidneys are functioning right since you must be capable of releasing urine as well as stools consistently.

Clearly, there's a few positive and negative feedbacks for detox diets. Since you understand exactly what those are, you can decide for yourself whether it's a thing you wish to try or not. Don't forget to consult your physician if you choose to do it because like it was mentioned before, there are specific individuals that shouldn't try it based upon their condition.

Keep in mind that besides utilizing this method, your body has a natural way of taking care of that issue so you may let nature take care of it or push it from your system. There's additionally alternative diet programs aside from the detox diet that may help you even if there are no guarantees that what is good for one particular individual, will be good for someone else. - 17274

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Get your children to eat healthy food

By Alex Hendricks

Our kids may get older, but the desire to spend time with them never really goes away. Use these tips to make your family mealtime an enriching experience.

-Have a variety of good-for-you snacks on hand for everyone to choose from. -Set a good example, by eating smart yourself. -Don't turn dinnertime into a "food fight". Make healthy eating a non-negotiable part of your day. -Let your kids help choose, cook and serve meals. They're more likely to eat healthy if they feel like they've had a say.

These are great ways to incorporate healthy eating into family life, but it's not easy to do it when everyone is so busy and cheap fast food is so widely available. Here are some methods by which you can bring the above strategies into your daily routine.

Kids that eat with their families have been found to be:

-healthier eaters by nature, and much less prone to overindulging on fried and sweet foods -a lot less likely to smoke marijuana or use other drugs, or to drink alcohol

When kids eat with their parents, they are more likely to try new foods, and their parents are modeling healthy choices. Teens, however, are independent by nature and they probably will be less than enthusiastic about a family dinner.They still need their parents' advice and discipline, and using dinnertime as a chance to reinforce the rules is a good idea. Try these tips:

-Invite your teen's friends over for a cookout. -Give them a say in what your family buys, cooks, and eats.

Have a nutritious meal when everyone is home, even if you have to order in to do it. If your family has a busy schedule like most, you might have to adapt a little. It could be as simple as pushing dinner back by an hour or two, or maybe going for Chinese food on Tuesdays. - 17274

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Take Full Advantage of Natural Supplements for a Trim Figure

By Thong M. Dao

We must not understate the importance of physical exercise to our health and fitness, but we can also enjoy the health and fitness benefits by taking supplements. It's unquestionably the truth that not all supplements available are competent in quality or benefits, but using the right ones can really help to ensure a healthy and balanced physical condition.

Let's look at a couple of the things that we can pick out which can help us in this way. You might be astounded to discover that this will work for you also.

Supplements that bring in natural metabolic stimulation are good if you are looking to lose weight. You could also eat some food that will result in the lowering of your appetite in a natural way.

Green tea extract or tea bags will do a lot for your metabolism and help you burn fat on a consistent basis. Growing in the desert areas of Africa are cacti known as Hoodia Gordonii. Basically working as an appetite suppressant, this plant will deceive your brain into believing that you are full and no longer hungry.

You may also find that employing supplements will help to balance out your body. All of us are dealing with vitamin deficiencies unless we have been taking supplements for a while.

It is important to get enough vitamin C and B on a regular basis. A balanced metabolism is not the only advantage; these supplements will also have a significant impact in helping you reach and maintain your fitness goals.

Another way in which supplements can help you is to clean your body of free radicals. These free radicals are in our body as a consequence of bad eating options as well as our exposure to outside environment.

This will damage tissue and flip our body out of balance. By taking good antioxidants such as green tea in your diet, it will help your body to continue to be fit and healthy. - 17274

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Cylapril Energy and Weight Loss

By Jake Wakefield

There are many weight loss products out there so it can be difficult to decide on which one is really the best for you and your needs. Luckily, a new product known as Cylapril, has been released that has ofered help already to thousands of consumers.

Cylapril is not just an everyday weight loss product like all the others, it is a comprehensive formula that promotes weight loss and helps you move towards a healthier, more energetic life.

Besides just helping you lose weight and keep it off, Cylapril also features the added benefit of dramatically increasing your energy levels. Additionally, the best part about this is that it is unnecessary to change your current lifestyle or habits.

Additionally, Cylapril can be used by anyone of any age. The only requirement is that you be interested in losing weight.

Cylapril will help you rid your body of toxins while encouraging weight loss and promoting a healthier life. If this matches up with your goals, then Cylapril may be your answer.

Cylapril can be used both in the short run and in the long run. Your body will not grow immunity to Cylapril so that you can continue to use it at normal levels for as long as you like.

Cylapril is a weight loss product that has been used by thousands of users and has received thousands of positive reviews. If you are interested in losing weight, then definitely check out the free trial currently being offered by Cylapril. In this way, you will be able to tell for yourself if it works or not without having to pay any money at all. - 17274

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The Good And Negative of Atkins Diet Plans

By Shay Liffkinn

The Atkins diet is probably the most known and popular type of low-carb diet today. A lot of other forms of low carbohydrate diets are found on the market which all focus on the idea of eating high protein and low carbohydrate. The choice is hard and this article shows why you should chose Atkins diet.

It is scientifically proved that low-carbohydrate eating improves healthy living. The weight loss of people sticking to Atkins principles is significant as these people also report themselves. And weight is lost although the calories are not restricted. Studies have also shown that this diet improves triglycerides and increases good cholesterol. For diabetics it is ideal because blood glucose is reduced and insulin sensitivity is improved. Furthermore blood pressure lowers and lower blood insulin levels. In comparison to diets based on the low-fat principle, it does not lead to extensive loss of muscle mass.

Low-carb dieters report further benefits which are not yet scientifically proven. They notice an increase in energy, improved concentration as well as a decreased desire for sweets. Furthermore the mood is better and their condition less depressive.

This is true for all types of low-carb diets. However, some benefits are only known of people living according to Atkins principles. After years of sacrifice it is great to eat all the meals again which are forbidden in a low-fat diet. For Atkins dieters it is normal to enjoy a steak, butter and cream. They are even encouraged to eat substantial meals including fats and oils.

Compared with other low-carb diets Atkins is very simple to use. It is based on a list with accepted meals which can be eaten as much as you want. The only thing you need to remember are some basic carbohydrate counts.

Dieters are encouraged to find their personal carbohydrate level which varies widely from person to person. This level is responsible for your personal weight gain. Some people should not eat more than 90 grams a day, others can eat 120 grams a day without gaining weight. The level is found during the first phase of weight loss and pre-maintenance and is valid for the rest of the life.

Dr. Atkins diet is popular and well-known. There are many books, online texts and online groups available and it is easy for you to inform yourself. But there are not only advocates for Atkins diet. Many people have a quite bad opinion on it and many misconceptions are underway. Don?t be surprised if you will find yourself defending your new form of diet against its enemies.

So what are the bad sides of Atkins program? It is tiring, especially in the beginning, to have to count the carbohydrates of everything you eat. This is essential if you want to stay under your personal limit of carbohydrate. Another aspect is the Induction, which is hard to understand because it works the other way round and does not concentrate on carbs and sugar. Induction is not everything, but still many people quit because they cannot cope with induction.

Some people experience a so called carb crash on the 3rd or 5th day of the diet. The carb crash is a reaction on ketosis and it occurs because the body is suddenly running on fat and not on carbohydrate. Although the effects are not so bad many people quit the diet because of this experience.

Yet the benefits prevail and there is a reason why Atkins diet is so popular: it works and many people have finally lost weight and have improved their way of living. - 17274

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The Fear of Food Must be Broken To Beat Obesity

By Carlene Jones

As I introduce my new obese clients to my fast weight loss methods based on eating real whole food, they panic. I was the same way. At 256 lbs, depressed to the point that I was worried for my safety I made an appointment with a naturopath. I told her my concerns for my health, my history of obesity and a lifetime of dieting. She wasn't much help, but allowed me the blood tests to prove my thoughts on what was wrong with me. The following year after I had lost 136 pounds with a raw foods diet, I returned for my final blood work. It was then that she shared with me the note she made on our first visit: "Patient views food as poison."

She was right. After helping so many other obese women, I have realized I was not alone. For many of us food is our greatest nemesis. We love it, but hate it. Actually, we fear it more. Even as a child I never ate any food, including good foods like apples, without guilt or fear of being judged. Many of my clients say the same thing, yet the number one reason the obese quit diets is that they just want to eat like a normal person.

For those of us who have grown up with obesity or entered the dieting world early, we have no idea what "normal" eating is. All we know is how to diet or not diet, and the not diet has nothing to do with eating right. We have proven to ourselves over and over again, that we have no control over the food we eat except when on a structured diet, and then it is only until we can't do it anymore.

The obese have no clue how to eat like a regular person or even how much food we can eat to maintain our weight. When I tell new clients they are going to start their program on a 1800 calorie diet they want to turn and run. All we seem to know is starvation and deprivation as methods to lose weight. The thought of eating that much food and not be in overeating mode seems unrealistic. It takes me a good two weeks to convince them that 1800 calories is still slightly in weight loss mode for most.

That first week almost everyone of my clients feel lost. They try to eat, but when I go over their food lists with them it is obvious they are living on typical diet foods and quantities, and most don't get even close to the 1800 calories. I always say, obese men and women are experts in starving. Where we have no experience is in eating to maintain our weight. By the second week I have them eating better whole foods, but still with apprehension. It isn't until the third or even fourth week before they start to trust the process and open their minds to how great it can be to eat foods that taste good and satisfy their daily appetites as well.

No one person is like the next, so no one diet is perfect for everyone. Each person must find the foods that appeal to them without causing them to overeat. Eating foods that are meant for dieters doesn't work for the obese, but it is all we know. Knowing when and how much to eat is not something left to the diet gurus to tell us, but for us to determine based on what works best for us. This is the only way to lose the weight and maintain it for life. Yet few have the courage to believe it.

We are so distrustful of food and our own ability to manage it that it is actually harder to get the obese to eat then it is to them to starve. If I said, okay here is this liquid diet, you won't eat for six months, they would sign on in a minute, but when I say I am going to make them eat, they back off not believing they could succeed.

New obese clients are always tentative with their food the first week. When we go over their food list it is always filled with the typical diet foods in quantities that are not worth the bother. When I question them about their choices they will defend the food stating that they really like it. I mean really? Who honestly likes sugar free anything or those rice cakes? For them these foods are treats. What happened to us? Who filled us with so much fear of real food? Breaking through these old habits is tough and it can take weeks.

Making that switch is not easy. It takes me a while to calm their nerves and get them to trust the process. Once they do, they are surprised by the types of foods they can have in their lives and that yes, even with 1800 calories a day they can maintain their weight while feeling satisfied and full. But still that nagging thought that they are cheating, that they are breaking the dieting rules persist. Even when they are experiencing fast weight loss.

Making the decision to not let food, or the fear of it control you is freeing. No longer will you give in to cravings because you believe the food is stronger than you. Food will become what it is meant to be: nutrition and fuel. It is when that happens that the obese can step away from their fat suit for life. - 17274

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Movie 300 Fat Loss Muscle Building Workout for Men & Women

By john foxtruffy

The movie 300 workout is the talk of the fitness world. It's helped actors get ripped Greek Statue bodies by causing weight loss and calorie burning.

The 300 workout is pretty incredible, also cool being featured On ESPN, and Mens Health. Everyone is always looking for the workout 300 on the internet. So here is the mini version of the workout for you made for the average man and women.

Exactly how the original 300 Workout goes, not easy.

a) Pull ups - 25 reps b) Dead lifts with 135lbs - 50 reps c) Push ups - 50 reps d) 24-inch Box jumps - 50 reps e) Floor wipers - 50 reps f) 1-arm Clean & Press with 36lbs Kettle bell - 50 reps g) Pull ups - 25 reps

NO scheduled rest between these exercises. Although, eventually you'll slow down. I went and tried this workout last week and managed to get it done in about 20 minutes or so. Try a 300 workout for you!

This workout can easily be changed if needed. Exercises can be adjusted, and can drop the number of reps down. Example: 200, 150, or 100 - still being the total body challenge.

Example, you might do a 200 rep workout - this is great for men with moderate fitness.

5 Chin ups 20 prisoner squats 20 push ups 100 Jumping Jacks 30 Bicycle Crunches 10 decline push ups 15 body weight inverted rows

Optionally, you can do 100 reps of jumping rope to finish off the 300 total reps.

Women that are intermediate can do a 150 repetition workout.

5 Body weight Inverted Rows 10 Bodyweight Sumo Squats 15 bodyweight squats 15 Push ups (doing as many regular push ups, followed by kneeling) 50 jumping jacks 10 spider man climbs 20 reverse lunges 25 bicycle crunches

Add in the 50 rope skips for a total of 200 reps " or if you want 150 skips for a total of 300 repetitions.

Its Tough, but fair. You can do your own different versions of the 300 workout and become your own ripped body. Work with a trainer if needed so you could come up with other ideas. Do not train like this everyday though. Just use some of these workouts once every other month as an extra challenge for yourself.

For your regular fat burning workouts, stick to the Turbulence Training workouts for men and women. You'll dramatically boost your metabolism, burn fat, and maximize your total fitness so that you will be ready to go and do your very own 300 test. - 17274

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Loosen Up Stiff Joints Quickly

By John Steely

As we get older, our bodies begin to age, too, and we begin to see the results of wear and tear from many years of use.

One of the most common afflictions is joint mobility problems. Essentially, your joints may stiffen and you may feel pain when you try to move.

Unfortunately, this problem can occur for events that we usually find enjoyable like going hiking or playing a sport like golf.

Is it necessary to endure these joint problems and pain? Not really. There are many solutions today that can help you.

What you might be ready for is "Arthenol GS", a supplement designed specifically for joints.

Arthenol is considered to be the most advanced and complete joint support supplement available anywhere in the world at this time.

Among many of its ingredients are BioCell Collagen II, Chondroitin Sulfate, Hyaluronic Acid and Glucosamine Sulfate.

You may be wondering what these ingredients are able to do for your joints.

Essentially, they act in order to reduce joint stiffness, promote mobility, help comfort sore joints, renew cartilage, promote flexibility and more.

As you can tell, it is greatly helpful in helping joint mobility and reducing problems that may occur with problematic joints.

So, if you are experiencing joint problems or pain, you may want to try out a free sample of Arthenol and see if you get any results. For a limited time you can get a free sample of Arthenol and try it for yourself today! - 17274

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Do You Know Why We Shouldn't Ignore Bruises?

By Carolyn Cooper

We've talked at great length about bruises that materialize for apparently no reason, and for the majority of us, finding a solution to this issue is only a matter of adding strength to our circulatory system and learning to be a little more careful. However, it is still critical to understand that whether our bruises hurt or not, or whether they are sizable or not, bruises are a clear sign that damage has occurred to our body. Obviously a bruise tells us that there are broken blood vessels; however, we must remember that bruises can also be an indicator of something else that is not right happening with our body.

For example, one thing that bruising easily can indicate is a circulatory system problem, or it can also be pointing in the direction of diabetes. Diabetes happens when sugar is being removed from the blood which in turn makes the blood thicker. This causes the white blood cells to have a more difficult time attacking an infection in order to overcome it, which may then lead to a variety of diverse complications. Be aware of this, if you have a family history of diabetes, you should always be certain that you keep an eye on your bruises diligently.

Bruising easily may also be an indicator of a suppressed immunity system. If you have a compromised immune system, you'll discover that it may lead to a variety of opportunistic infections, viral situations and bacterial issues. You could also find that you might be experiencing easy bruising due to your immune system's overreactive response to outside stimuli. For example, allergies, asthma, and autoimmune diseases will fall into this category.

Blood related diseases like leukemia, certain lymphomas, and liver disease may all be indicated by easy bruising. Easy bruising can also be a sign of some nutritional deficiencies, systemic lupus erythematosus, or an infection of the bloodstream. You should also know that you should consider the possibility of aplastic anemia, which is a blood disorder in which the bone marrow can no longer produce sufficient new blood cells.

This has been a lengthy list of ailments, and it is generally more likely that you are dealing with a situation that can be cured with some specific supplements or an excellent bruise treatment. However, the truth of the matter is that we can't stay away from the fact that a bruise is an indication that something has been damaged in our bodys systems. We should welcome the fact that we're given advanced warnings like this so that we can treat them better, and the more education that we can have about what we might be experiencing, the better off we will be.

If you notice that you are bruising more easily, it can be essential that you take your concerns to a doctor; specifically you have a history of family problems. This is something that can help you get the help or treatment that might prove vital later on. - 17274

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Lose More Weight With Resveratrol Select

By Jake Wakefield

Are you looking to lose weight and burn fat? You may be interested in taking a supplement to help you achieve that.

One supplement that has been getting particular attention has been Resveratrol Select.

Resveratrol Select contains the equivalent of 200 glasses of wine in resveratrol content. Why might this be useful to you? Let's examine the benefits.

For many years, it has been shown that fruits like cranberries, blueberries and grapes along with wine contain resveratrol. Resveratrol is an antioxidant and provides all the benefits that an antioxidant does.

But that's not all. Recent studies suggest that resveratrol can have a positive effect on helping maintian normal-range cholesterol levels, supporting insulin health and optimizing metabolic and immune pathways to protect cells and improve mitochondrial function.

This supplement, Resveratrol Select, helps you keep healthy levels of glucose and burn fat while improving your cardiovascular function.

Resveratrol Select has green tea leaf extract among many other helpful ingredients. Green tea has long been shown to have many benefits including burning fat, reducing carbohydrate utilization, increasing exercise endurance and increasing metabolism.

As you can see, the combination of these ingredients provides a supplement that can greatly aid you in the pursuit of weight loss. Also, at the time of writing, Resveratrol Select is even giving away free samples of their product so you can try it at no cost first! Go ahead and try a sample today. - 17274

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The dietary benefits of Green Tea

By Julie Chan

Green tea is a very inexpensive, natural beverage that has many great weight loss benefits. It is a simple addition to your weight loss. It tastes good, so you don't have to add the artificial sweeteners, milk or cream. Green tea extract can be used if you don't like the taste of green tea.

Research has shown that green tea helps to reduce weight by stimulating the body's thermogenesis process, which increases the expenditure of energy and the oxidization of fat in the body. Many compounds found in plants have this effect. The special thing about green tea is that it does not increase the heart rate, and is therefore believed to be safer than diet pills such as ephidrine that also work by stimulating thermogenesis.

A lot of people who are overweight have or are at risk of developing hypertension and other cardiovascular problems, so the fact that green tea does not put pressure on the heart makes it a good choice. Ephidrine is not usually recommended if you are in this group but green tea is considered a safe option. It means that you can gradually increase your exercise levels without increasing your risk of heart problems.

There are only two ways to lose weight: one way is by eating less (consuming fewer calories) and the other is by increasing expenditure of energy (using up more calories). Green tea works by increasing output and this can be by around 4%. Most scientists believe that this is caused by the high quantity of catechin that is in the tea and its extract.

The powerful antioxidants contained in green tea have found to be very beneficial to your health. This includes improving the immune system, by stengthening it, it allows your body to protect itself against disease processes.

For people are sensitve to caffiene green tea contains caffiene. It is also recommended that if one decides to take green tea it would be best to limit other forms of caffiene in their diet, such as other teas, coffee or caffeinated beverages such as pop. Do not choose caffiene free green tea as the chemical process that occurs to remove the caffiene destroys the benefits from the plant.

At the same time you will need to exercise control in what you eat. If you eat more to compensate for the calories that are burnt by the tea, you will not lose any weight. Keeping to the same calorific intake that you have now and taking green tea should result in gradual weight loss and better energy levels over a few weeks. You can of course increase the speed of this by reducing calorie consumption and/or increasing exercise.

Since green tea is accepted by everyone as a natural and safe food with added benefits of antioxidants and proven assist in weight maintenance or control. It can cheaply and easily be added to any weightloss program and can be taken in a variety of forms, such as tea, extract or tablets. The great benefit is it is inexpensive and easily to obtain. - 17274

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Is Wu Yi Tea as Effective as Green Tea?

By Jared Rothe

Green tea and wu yi tea are both very effective in terms of bringing healthy benefits to the human body. Both of these types of tea contain natural substances that help keep illnesses at bay and facilitate in removing toxins and bad cholesterol from the body. After all, all tea products come from the same source: the tealeaves; the variation in the characteristics are present because of the location where they are harvested from.

Each tea is goes through a different fermentation process. Green tea is fully fermented and is dried and packaged. Wu yi tea is semi-fermented. The difference is wu yi tea is under the sun less and this effects the flavor differently as well as the smell and texture. More vitamins and minerals are lost in longer fermentation as well.

Wu yi and green tea contain substances that naturally aid our bodies such as: polyphenols, cathecin, and tea flavin and tearubigin. These can be categorized as tannin. This is where the differences begin.

The next concentration in tea is caffeine. Caffeine is abundant and research has suggested that it can reduce the risk of parkinsons disease, type 2 diabetes, and colon cancer. Caffeine in the right amount is very beneficial to the body.

Wu yi tea differs slightly in the tannin sub group classification. Wu yi tea has less amounts of cathecin than green tea. Cathechin plays a role in reducing the risk of diabetes, heart failure, and stroke. It is also very important in delaying the aging process.

However, wu yi tea contains higher levels of teaflavin and tearubugin. These make up the natural ability to lower blood cholesterol and prevent dementia from old age.

Wu yi tea contains higher levels of polyphenols than green tea. This antioxidant is helpful in cleansing the body of harmful toxins. This process helps to reduce the risk of cancer, degenerative diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis, and many others. - 17274

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