Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Friday, October 23, 2009

What are the Best Cardio Exercises for YOU to Stay in Top Shape?

By Thong M. Dao

Have you ever wondered which cardio exercise is the best? Is it low or high intensity exercise routine? In fact, both programs help us burn off body fat. Now let's find out which one is better for fat loss?

Scientists first discovered that during intensive exercises, the body burns glycogen, which is a form of carbohydrates that are stored in the liver and muscles for energy. During low intensity exercises, the body will burn a lot of fat.

If you're wondering whether or not it works, the answer is no because there are so many obese folks still around, even though they are working out with low intensity routines. It still makes you wonder how it can be.

The scientists were right when they said the human body burns more body fat during low intensity cardio training like walking or swimming. But during a high intensity exercise such as running, the body will burn a lot more calories. Even if some of the calories burnt are from glycogen, there are still many fat calories burned as well.

To put the icing on the cake, when our store of glycogen gets low, the carbohydrates from the food we eat will later be converted into glycogen to fill up the store instead of body fat when they are left unused.

High intensity cardio exercise will juice up our metabolism even after we have completed our workout. What this means is that the body will continue to burn body fat hours after we have left the gym.

However, this is not the case with low impact cardio exercise which will not boost your metabolism that long. In short, chances are high intensity training helps burn more body fat than low.

We can add high intensity exercises into our cardio workout by introducing some interval training " one of the best cardio exercises. We can walk for 5 minutes or so, then break into some jogging for another 5 minutes.

Continue to rotate each set until you are done. We can do cardio exercises at the gym or at home. At the gym you can use cardio machines. The most important thing about cardio program is the amount of time and continuous routine.

And cardio workout not only burns body fat. More importantly, you'll experience high energy levels all the time.

If you've never tried cardio before, give it a shot. If you like exercising, you'll find cardio one of the best ways to boost energy and stay in top shape. For those who are just starting out, go slow and keep your cardio exercises on track - as it is very tempting to overexert yourself. - 17274

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How You Can Build Muscle As A Vegetarian

By Ryan M Hall

Contrary to popular belief, you CAN build muscle as a vegetarian. The main hurdle you will have to overcome is the fact that protein aids in muscle building. The downside of course is that most people get the majority of their protein from animal sources. So how can you over come this?

1. Eat More Protein

Many vegetarian body builders use soy as their best source of protein. This is because soy products like edamame, tofu and soy milk offer all 8 essential amino acids that your body requires to build lean muscle. Soy milk can replace cows milk in many recipes, and tofu is a great replacement for beef or chicken. In fact, soy contains more protein content than beef.

Nuts like walnuts, sunflower seeds, almonds, cashews and pistachio nuts are a great source of both protein and healthy fats for vegetarians. Keep a jar or package around to snack on at all times and you can be sure to get enough protein through the day.

One of the first ways most body builders ensure that they get enough protein is with protein shakes and supplements. Most of these protein shakes are soy or whey based and can offer upwards of 21 grams of protein in each serving. Adding these to your diet will give your body the protein it requires.

2. Vitamins And Minerals

You should be getting most of your needed vitamins and minerals if you eat a balanced diet. With that said, many vegetarians suffer from a vitamin B12 deficiency because most vitamin B12 comes from meat. Adding a vitamin B12 supplement or good multivitamin can cure this quickly as well as add to your energy levels. The protein shakes mentioned above often provide at least 1/3 of your daily servings of vitamins and minerals.

3. Fats

If you eat a good portion of nuts each day, you will be getting a great balance of good fat each day, but many vegetarians still need to get more essential fatty acids as they are commonly found in meat. Another option you have is to add a tablespoon or two of flax seed oil to your daily diet. Flax seed oil is one of the best sources of the essential amino acid alpha linolenic acid.

You can build muscle as a vegetarian if you make the changes and dietary additions mentioned above. Doing so will set you up to build muscle fast if you follow a good muscle building program. - 17274

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Steer Clear Of These Food Bombs

By Johncoc Hermsin

In today's fast-paced society, Americans find little time to prepare and eat nutritious meals. That is why the line at the fast food drive through is so long at peak meal times. Consequently, Americans suffer from obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Having a tasty but unhealthy snack every now and then will not ruin your health, but if you consistently make poor food choices, your health will suffer. If you want to lose weight, just start eating better or if you want to lose fat and build muscle you must remove these foods from your diet.

Deep fried fats and oils: Deep fried greasy food will wreak havoc on your cholesterol levels. Plus, foods deep fried in fats and oils have been linked to cancer.

White flour: Wheat is a nutritious food until the bran and germ is removed, leaving behind a product that lacks essential nutrients. Refined flour products are also linked to an increased risk of heart disease.

Sugar: Besides the added calories, many people are not aware that the fructose in refined sugar also contributes to high cholesterol levels.

Canned soups: Many popular soups found on grocery store shelves are amazingly high in sodium, fat and calories, particularly the cream varieties.

Donuts: There is nothing nutritionally virtuous about a deep fried refined white flour blob dipped in sugar.

Energy drinks: You may get an energy boost from some popular energy drinks on the market, but you also get sky high amounts of sugar, caffeine and carbohydrates.

French fries: Extremely high in trans fat, calories, salt and the carcinogen acrylamide, French fires are also responsible for rapidly raising your insulin levels due to the simple sugars found in potatoes.

Granola Bars: While there may be some nutritious components to granola, most commercially available granola bars typically have about as much fat, sugar and calories as candy bars.

Dried Fruit: You may have munched on it during a hike, or packed it in your lunch, but you might want to forget it altogether. Dried fruit is often coated with sugar and is loaded with additives and preservatives.

Margarine: Once though of as a healthy alternative to butter, the trans fat in margarine is linked to a higher risk of heart disease.

Sodas: Sodas and colas are packed with tons of sugar and caffeine. Even diet sodas contain artificial sweeteners that may lead to long-term, unpleasant side effects.

Hot Dogs: There is nothing healthy about the hot dog. This summertime grill staple is loaded with preservatives, sodium and fat. Choose lean chicken or salmon for your next cookout. - 17274

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5 Helpful Tips for Constipation Treatment - Part 1

By Tom Ladbroke

Are you constipated? Well the majority does it occasionally for some and more often for others. This article will deal with the way you can obtain the help you probably need for constipation.

While this is not all inclusive in itself, you can consort other resources for all the colon help you could need. Most individuals who have constipation will say that it is one of the most painful experiences they've had. There are a number of reasons and causes of constipation.

1: Consumption of junk foods and foods that lack masses of fiber.

This is the cause of the majority of constipation cases. Since this is a time of instancy, fast foods have become commonplace. A lot of people have no idea how to eat well.

As long as you can grab some sandwich, burger or fried chicken and the stomach feels full, everything's settled. As a result, foods are not readily digested. All the fiber necessary to stimulate bowel movement are almost non-existent.

2: Inadequate fluid intake.

People don't drink fluids these days -at least not enough to compensate for bodily needs. Hence, when the feces gets to the rectum, the little moisture remaining in it is absorbed by the rectum. Because stooling requires moisture to enable the easy passage, it becomes hard to freely pass stool. That's why there is a lot of straining to get eliminate the waste.

3: Leading a sedentary life.

You can get constipation if you don't look after yourself and exercise regularly. Exercise can be of immense help in getting relief from constipation. Your physical activity helps with healthy bowel movements and relieves constipation.

4: Hormonal imbalance in women.

Pregnancy can cause constipation both because of the change in hormone levels and because of the pressure from the uterus on the intestines. Because you have read about some of the reasons, it would be best if we continue on so you can have the help you need with constipation.

Eat lots of Fiber!

Bulk forming laxatives or dietary fiber is obtained by eating fruit and veg. Increasing the quantity of fruits and vegetables in your meals and cut down dairy and meat products, it is the easiest way to incorporate this into your lifestyle.

But, in certain cases, some people could find it difficult to deal with the amount of fruits that are required. Whenever this happens you should take wheat bran, oat bran, psyllium seeds or other fiber supplements.

To make this whole process less painful, if you feel the urge to snack between meals choose fruit and you will be well on your way. The only bad part of this method occurs if the patient has stitches or adhesions. Before getting on in treatment in some circumstances it is advisable to consult a physician.

In addition, particular fibers have sugar; accordingly, diabetic patients cannot take such. When this happens, it is best that the patient gets sugar-free fibers. Fibers should not be taken in great quantities rapidly. Little quantities are best for beginning.

Then, if the patient thinks it's required, it can slowly increase. In fiber content a space of one week is adequate for each phase of increase. Fiber comes in all forms, the best sources though are fruit, veg, Citrucel, Konsyl Fiber, Maltsupex and other supplements. - 17274

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The Best Beachbody Products

By Jesse Regan

Being fit and healthy is currently one of the biggest concerns of people around the world. What with the pictures of those fit and sexy celebrities out there, who would not want to look like them? That is why people now have a much healthier lifestyle and focusing eating a proper diet. Exercising is another way to do so. That is why people going to the gym and hiring a personal trainer is currently a big trend. But with the economic and financial crisis looming today, doing so is a bad idea because memberships to great gyms and hiring a good personal trainer can cost a lot of money. So the best way for you to keep yourself fit and not spend too much money is to workouts from home by enrolling in an online fitness program.

This may sound like an expensive ordeal, but in reality it is not. In fact, you will surely save more money this way. One of the most top selling home workout programs is the Beachbody Program. It is an online fitness system from a fitness company that manufactures and markets fitness brands and products such as the Turbo Jam, P90X, Hip Hop Abs, Power 90 and Slim in 6.

A lot of the satisfied customers have stated that the Beachbody products are really fun and have very effective outcomes. The clients of the Beachbody program are amazed with the things that they experience from using these intense yet very easy to follow workouts and the products that they used as well.

So, what are the most noteworthy Beachbody products? First off, there's the P90X workout series, which is one of the company's top best sellers. The P90X workout series is presenting their customers with the capacity to obtain super fit, sexy and sculpted healthy bodies in a period of ninety days. This product boasts of doing so from the comfort of your own home with no need to use any heavy and expensive equipment.

The Shakeology program is supplemented by the Shakeology Fiber Boost. You need to add this flavorless powder into your daily Shakeology shake or any other shake or drink. It is very easy to mix in, so you will not be feeling any lumps at all.You will be losing weight and adding more fiber into your diet.

The Shakeology program is complemented by the Shakeology Fiber Boost. Adding this flavorless powder into your daily Shakeology shake or any other shake or drink will give you more fiber in your diet. It is very easy to mix in, so you will not be feeling any lumps at all.

The Beachbody Company workout accessories are great too. Things like the Plyometrics Mat, designed for safety, comfort, longevity and performance; the Beachbody Squishy Ball, a small but very effective resistance tool to be used to tighten up and tone the abdominal muscles.

These are some samples of information about fitness tips that you can access on the internet. - 17274

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Different Treatments To Help You Reduce Man Boobs

By Steve Brodie

When an excess of tissue builds up on the chest of a male causing him to take on the appearance of having breasts, this is gynecomastia, or you would probably know it as man boobs. Man boobs can be caused by two main factors: either there is an underlying hormonal imbalance in the body, or there is simply an excess of fatty tissue around the breast. Either case is absolutely treatable so don't just dream about getting rid of man boobs - put in the effort and they will go.

There are times when gynecomastia can occur naturally in the body and go away again without treatment. You can see the condition in some newborn babies when an excess of estrogen from the mother results in 'little man' boobs, but these usually go within a couple of weeks. Around thirty three percent of adolescent boys will experience breast development as their hormones change, but in most cases when hormones re-establish a balance they will disappear. For adult males the problem is not so common, but a little harder to deal with.

There a quite a few diverse causes for gynecomastia development in adult males. The simplest cause to deal with is in the case of obese or overweight men. Because everyone's body is unique everyone also stores fat differently, so one man may store fat evenly across the body, another may store it in the upper torso, and hence he gains the appearance of breasts.

Different types of medications can also cause man boobs. Some such drugs are epilepsy drugs, ulcer drugs, anti-androgens and even chemotherapy. Some everyday prescription drugs for heart disorders and anxiety and depression medications may also have man boobs as side effects. These drugs for health conditions are not the only culprit.

The other biggie for creating man boobs is the use of anabolic steroids. Steroid use is of course done to gain that buffed up rock hard physique which some men seem to be crazy for, but down the track that may all turn upside down and result in a more feminine figure than before. The way steroids work is to block the production of natural testosterone which can result in higher than normal estrogen levels and of course estrogen levels like that will start to bud breasts.

On top of this other drugs can have similar affects on the body. Heroin, Marijuana and other methamphetamines can all result in man boobs because they have such a profound distortion on hormones. Unhappily for a lot of men alcohol, especially beer is a big cause of man boobs. Man boobs can also be the symptom of a serious underlying disease in the body like lung cancer or liver cancer as well as cancer of the pituitary and adrenal glands.

Man boobs are treatable, so no more feeling like you will have those flabby boobs forever. In some cases man boobs disappear by themselves, other times men get them surgically removed, but with the associated costs and risks, this is not a great option.

If you have discovered that a medication you are taking is the cause of your man boobs, then it's a good idea to talk to your doctor about finding a suitable alternative to the current medications - often the man boobs will go by themselves after the switch. Man boobs that are the result of steroid use can be hard to get rid of, especially if you have been on steroids for a while. If your man boobs have just started to bud, or they are showing up as sensitive areas near the nipple you can begin by firstly stopping the steroids, some suggest also taking an estrogen blocker. Most bodybuilders will keep estrogen blockers handy just in case they see the start of breast development. If gynecomastia from steroid use is left untreated for a long time, it may mean that permanent breasts will form, and unfortunately in these cases surgery is usually the only option, though these cases are rare.

Getting rid of man boobs doesn't happen in a day, or even a week, but it is definitely possible. Start by finding out what is causing your man boobs and then you will be able to find the right natural cure, the only thing that is not an option is feeling helpless in your fight with the flabby chest! - 17274

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Detoxify Safely With Colon And Body Cleanse

By Jared Rite

The modern era has brought several conveniences to the people. There are many benefits to these conveniences but there are also certain disadvantages. People are now accustomed to having things almost instantaneously extending to the food that they eat. What they may not know about these instant foods are that they increase toxic wastes in the body. Accumulation of these wastes causes the following health issues: poor digestion, gas pain, constipation, diarrhea, slow metabolism, muscle pains, fatigue, and respiratory problems to mention a few. If you have any of these symptoms, you may want to consider an effective colon and body cleanse that will free you from these health issues.

Because of this need, the market is flooded nowadays with various detoxification products that are easily available from health stores, retail stores, and even supermarkets. These products have a common goal that is to be able to free your body from the harmful toxic substances and wastes. But they also vary in their procedure to give you a good colon and body cleanse. It is therefore crucial to select a product that best fits your specific cleansing needs and requirements. You also have to be able to read the instructions carefully and follow the right dosage.

If you are doing your detoxification for the first time, the safest way is to start with the natural colon and body cleanse. You can do this by watching your diet and ensuring that what goes into your body are healthy foods that satisfy the recommended daily amount of nutrients needed by your body. You have to cut down on certain foods such as those high on fats and sugar, and increase your consumption of healthy foods.

There are also specific diets that promote colon and body cleanse such as diets that are high in fiber, fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as drinking plenty of water will help flush the toxic wastes from your system. IF you combine your healthy diet with a natural supplement that cleanses your body then you will be able to enjoy the benefits from this powerful combination.

Your body will experience a renewed vitality when you do a colon and body cleanse. This is because you will be able to eliminate the toxic wastes that have accumulated over time causing you all the symptoms and health issues that wear your body down. Additionally, you will be able to easily absorb the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals necessary for a healthier body.

With your body free from these harmful toxins after performing your natural colon and body cleanse, you can start to enjoy your revitalized health. Now, all you need to do is to maintain your healthy lifestyle including watching your diet and performing colon and body cleanse from time to time. Your good choice and efforts will pay off with a good healthy body. - 17274

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How Does the Michael Thurmond Weight Loss Plan Work?

By Peter W.L. Owen

You've probably heard of the Michael Thurmond weight loss program. When you're in desperate need of losing weight, it's always a good idea to see what's out there before jumping into the next big weight loss theory. Michael Thurmond is the weight loss guru who claims that you can lose 30 pounds in 6 weeks. Let's take a moment to see what the Michael Thurmond weight loss program is exactly all about.

You Have a Unique Metabolism

Michael Thurmond also calls it his six week makeover plan that transforms your body beautifully. He claims that each one of us has different metabolisms that react differently. Certain foods will cause your body to burn fat while for someone else the same food might result in fat gain. Therefore the first part of his weight loss program determines what kind of metabolism you have. You need to answer a few questions he provides so that your body type can be analyzed.

His Body Sculpting Principle

Focusing on the problem areas when you exercise is the basis of Michael Thurmond's workout plan. You as dieter should establish which areas need attention. It's those areas of your body you don't feel comfortable with when walking in a bathing suit. You then receive an exact set of exercises that will target those areas you've pointed out. Michael Thurmond believes that you only need 35 to 40 minutes of workout per week. Professional fitness trainers will probably disagree with his claim. Trainers believe that you need a complete workout at least 3 times per week.

Eat the Right Foods at the Right Times

What I do like about the Michael Thurmond weight loss program is that it encourages dieters to eat. Most programs tend to go the route of starvation and by doing so you teach your metabolism to slow down. The body needs a steady flow of eating patterns. Small portions of food, at regular intervals per day, have proven time and time again that it initiates the fat burning process of the body and continues to lose weight until it has reached its ideal level.

What is the Conclusion?

It is clear that Michael Thurmond believes in eating certain foods that fits your metabolism. He also believes in targeting those problem areas which you're unhappy with. I have faith in his diet plan and believe in eating small portions of food of up to 6 times per day. I don't necessarily believe that training for only 35 minutes per week will give you a new body. The body needs a complete workout before even your problems areas will start to change. You need to be focused when you set your mind on the Michael Thurmond weight loss program. Don't allow yourself to fall for temptation. - 17274

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Texas Chooses to Lose Weight with Homeopathic HCG Weight Loss Formula

By Amelia Handley

Texas is famous for being the 2nd largest state in the nation. People generalize Texas as a place that is bigger than life. We've all heard the saying, "Everything's bigger in Texas." Unfortunately, not everything should be bigger. As a nation we have a severe issue with obesity and Texas has definitely not escaped unscathed. Texas can currently claim a 24% obesity rate (that's 3rd in the nation with only Mississippi and West Virginia out-ranking them).

Their high ranking in comparison to other states when it comes to obesity may be the reason that Texans are some of the most frequent customers when it comes to HCG for weight loss. Homeopathic HCG offers the best results in the industry with the exception of select surgical procedures. Average HCG dieters lose 1 to 2 pounds per day while on the program.

This particular weight loss formula is a serious, low calorie diet that has to be strictly followed for a limited period of time. Dieters can choose between two programs: one lasting 25 days and the other lasting 40 days. Both are followed by the maintenance period. The maintenance period is said to be one of the main benefits of the formula and the single most important factor in making sure the weight loss is long term.

Considering the fantastic effects offered by the homeopathic HCG weight loss formula...it's no surprise that one of the highest ranking states when it comes to percentage of the population that is categorized as obese also constitutes one of the largest buying groups of the formula. It's just got excellent results (short and long term) in comparison to its competition. The homeopathic hcg is an all natural element being re-introduced into the dieter's body. It then fulfills its natural physiological function - interacting with the hypothalamus to control the eating and drinking section of the human brain. It also enables the body to property dispose of empty fat cells. After dieting empties the fat cells they don't just stick around as they do in other dieting programs. Instead the fat cells are absorbed into the body.

Many dieters try and try and try to lose weight and while some are successful they are the minority. And of the minority that actually succeeds in losing weight...they gain it back right afterwards because they've got all these empty fat cells hanging around looking for fat to pick up! This doesn't happen with the homeopathic HCG weight loss formula because the body re-learns the natural process of absorbing fat cells when they are empty.

So the Texans are getting it right! They are looking at the issue...and they are reaching for the most logical solution. There's something so Southern about getting right to the bottom of the issue as soon as you realize it's out of control. We should all take a look and see if we can't do the same. - 17274

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Have You Ever Considered a Seven Day Diet Plan? Here's Why You Shouldn't

By Peter W.L. Owen

Do health practitioners and fitness trainers recommend going on a 7 day weight loss program? Certain things might be a good enough excuse to go that route such as a friend's wedding or high school reunion. You've also been saving money to buy that blue dress that would go perfect with your new hairstyle.

If you need to attend such an event, then I would even go so far as to say: "go for it". Do dieticians and fitness trainers have enough reasons not to recommend it? Take these facts into consideration when the moment arises when you need to make such a decision.

You're Training Your Body to Burn Fat Slowly

Ok so you decide to give the 7 day weight loss program a go. Its instructions clearly states that you're only 1100 calories allowed per day. Most people will laugh at you when you tell them that you only eat 1100 calories per day. What happens to your body? Your body starts to adapt to your current food intake. It adapts because it has to preserve itself. How amazing is that? Your body has its own inelegance.

So why then do you lose weight so quickly in the first few days? You see, your body will still burn fat at the normal rate and then slowly realizes that you're eating a lot less then usual. As soon as it realizes it, your body will slow down its metabolism till it only burns around 1000 calories per day. That means that you won't lose more weight because your body has already adapted.

So you're finally done with the seven day weight loss program. What happens next? You would've lost those pounds and fit perfectly into the dress you wanted. You'll also go back to your old habits of consuming 2500 calories per day. Therefore what happens next is quite obvious. Your body will store the extra amount of calories because for the last 7 days it's been trained to burn at a pace of around 1100 calories. The hard cold truth is that your body will also take a bit longer to adapt than before and the result will be devastating. You'll gain more weight than you've lost. See it as a way for the body to protect itself from starvation.


A 7 day weight loss diet is a good idea for detoxicating your body, but it's not a good idea if you want to lose weight continuously. You'll only end up gaining more weight. You might be willing to take the fall for the sake of the wedding or reunion. Just follow it up with a long-term healthy weight loss plan so that you won't be in a worse condition than before. - 17274

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Growing Your Own Mini Vegetables without the Need for a Garden!

By Nick Jaggs

Through indoor micro farming one has unlimited access throughout the year to mini salads, micro greens and bean sprouts that are healthy and intensely flavoured. When plants are young they are also more nutritious and in some cases sprouted baby vegetables have considerably more nutritional value than you would get from more mature ones.

Many of us are familiar with the small stacking kinds of bean sprouters available and which you sit on a kitchen window sill. Although they offer us a taste of the health benefits to be garnered from bean and seed sprouts they only provide them to us on an intermittent basis unless we have several of them. Plus they only offer portions of a garnish size regularly. These stacking systems also limit you to growing without soil only smaller sprouts so things such as sunflower greens, pea shoots and the increasingly popular wheatgrass for juicing are strictly off limits using this method.

Hassle-Free Healthy Young Sprouts & Salads. If you are looking for ways to increase the amount of nutrients that you consume to improve your health taking care of these mini plantlets can prove a difficult task. With conventional sprouting jars and sprouters will require you to water and rinse them regularly. So if you wish to grow such plants but are out at work all day this can prove even more of a challenge.

So what do you do if the space available and time is limited and yet you still want to grow your own healthy sprouts and micro greens so you don't need to purchase inferior ones from a store?

There is a solution to this problem that will in turn provide you with the opportunity to successfully grown all year round your own organic sunflower greens, pea shoots, micro salads, beans and seed sprouts in plentiful supplies effortlessly. You don't even need to have a sophisticated, artificially lit; temperature controlled indoor growing room that uses hydroponics and fancy lighting. What is needed is a small amount of space, a small amount of electricity along with a water supply and some ambient lighting.

The EasyGreen Makes it EasyGrown. With the self contained fully automated EasyGreen MikroFarm hydroponics system you can very effectively produce enough of your favourite sprouts simply to make a different in your life and provide you with their many health benefits. Just a one box solution that will provide you with regular crops of mini vegetables but other plants as well. Chefs can even use these to grow good quality micro greens, baby salads and garnishes for their restaurants. As the EasyGreen is a modular system it provides you with the ability to place units on top of each so increasing the number of crops you can grow.

It allows you to grow all types of bean and seed sprouts, wheatgrass that can be juiced, sunflower greens with or without the need for soil, pea shoots to be used as garnishes or in salads, micro herbs to add flavour to your plate and miniature salad leaves. The possibilities are endless. You can even look at using a food dehydrator as well to add some variety to the mix.

How Does it Work? At its heart the EasyGreen employs some of the most advanced hydroponic technology available today. It consists of a rectangular box at the rear of which is a reservoir and to the front the growing chamber. It comes with a clear polycarbonate cover allowing light to flood the crops and water and any organic nutrients you wish to add is automatically sprayed into the growing chamber which is controlled by a timer so giving you complete control over exactly what the plants you are growing need.

With the EasyGreen you have a good selection of growing trays to choose from allowing you to tailor the growing chamber to meet your particular needs. So in effective you have the ability to mix and match what plants will be grown within it. If you are intending to grow wheatgrass, sunflower sprouts or baby salads then you should use the large trays. Whereas the junior (smaller) trays are more suitable to growing a wide selection of crops up to 10 varieties at a time in them.

Simplicity Means Success. Each EasyGreen system comes with a specialist pump that creates an ultra fine mist of water that is oxygenated and provides you with a more optimized and advance growing environment for your crops. As the seeds contained within are watered evenly there is no need to initially pre-soak them and will often grow much more quickly. Also the mist has sufficient amounts of oxygen in it that is beneficial to the growth of the young crops roots. The generator also provides you with complete control over the growing chamber that is ventilated because every time the crops are watered the air is being filtered and cleaned. Plus because these systems contain no water jets or dripper nozzles you want have to spend time dealing with blockages.

What water source you use and whether you add nutrients to it including a Kelp solution to enhance the crops vitality is up to you. You are able to fine tune the water at any time of day or night at 15 minute intervals. After laying the seeds in the tray and filled up the reservoir you just set it up and forget about it, which is advantageous to those who lead busy lives. But you must ensure that the reservoir is topped up and harvest the young crops at the right time to obtain maximum nutrition and flavour from them.

Unlike other types of hydroponic systems the EasyGreen is one where the use of soil or compost in the trays is allowed and so is ideal for long growing crops such as wheatgrass, baby salads or sunflower greens. This system is undoubtedly the best no matter what sorts of sprouts or mini plant you wish to grow in yours and provides you with a regular convenient supply of foods to boost your health. Plus these use very little power and so won't have an adverse affect on the environment and although the cost to purchase is high initially you will soon begin to reap the health benefits from using it.

Each EasyGreen MikroFarm measures 24 by 18 inches and comes with five long trays. There are other trays available and can be brought at the same time as your initial purchase and will typically cost you around 149 in the UK to buy. It also includes a manual that is not only informative but offers guidelines and tips for growing different types of sprouts. This particular model can be purchased through UK Juicers Ltd who import it into the UK and provide with it a comprehensive sprouting book that will enable you to quickly become an expert in relation to this health subject. Also this company offer a range of high quality organic sprouting seeds to get you up and running. - 17274

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Run Away from Fad Diets as Fast as You Can

By Thong M. Dao

Now you're wondering why fad diets are such a big trouble. If you have ever done any research, you might have seen numerous websites that guarantee weight loss overnight or in a matter of days.

These programs, however, do not tell you that the results are only temporary. Approximately, 90% of what you've lost is water. As soon as you rehydrate your body, the weight will be back. And you have no other choice because if you don't, you'll suffer severe health problems and at worst, death.

Other fad diets are not so obviously crash diets but they're over hyped diet plans that tend to be fashionable for a while and usually make a lot of money for the inventor in associated product sales.

At best, these are good nutrition plans which will help you lose weight, but which you could probably have gotten for free from your doctor. At worst, they prove too difficult to follow that you will give up after a week.

The bad of fad diets

1. Diets that promise quick and easy weight loss are usually based on eating more of one food type and none of another. These do not give the benefits that you would get from a balanced diet.

These programs usually recommend supplements. The problem here is most of the times, the supplements they offer can't be absorbed into the body unless you eat foods that are not allowed by the programs themselves. If you're faithful enough to stick to your diet for several weeks, you may notice some changes, feel tired and weak due to nutritional deficiency.

2. Fad diets are often boring and over restrictive. After the first day or two, you'll not enjoy your meals anymore. You'll then start to crave food constantly and break the diet. You may even feel guilty, thinking it is your fault that you did not lose weight.

3. Most fad diets do not follow recommendations of the American Heart Association and similar bodies. The promoters may argue that you'll just follow the diet for a short time. But if you do not reach your desired weight in that time, then what? You either continue with a plan that is not good for your health, or stop and probably gain back what you've lost.

4. Fad diets, unfortunately, do not include enough consumption of fruits and vegetables in your weight loss plan, nor do they allow you to consume what your body needs.

5. Quick weight loss diets are just a temporary solution and do not help you to make permanent changes to your eating habits. Permanent changes are the only way to maintain your target weight once you reach it.

Yo-yo fad diets only make your weight fluctuate. And in some cases, you may end up gaining more weight than you've lost. The up-and-down weight issue hurts not only your health but also your self-esteem.

The only way to lose weight for good is to follow a healthy and moderate diet, exercise regularly and stay away from fad diets. If you come across a fad, run as fast as you can and don't look back. - 17274

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