Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

How To Look Taller - Simple Steps To A Taller You

By Shaun Davids

Have you always wondered how to look taller? You will be shocked how a simple change in attitude and your clothing can make you gain height. These are not the only techniques to make you taller - getting the right nutrients and straightening your posture can also protect you from bones diseases and from shrinking in your old age.

Let us first talk about your wardrobe. You already be dressing to make you biggest assets stand out, but did you know you could use your clothes to make you look taller too? You could do this by wearing clothes of a similar color, particularly darker ones. And for even more of a height enhancer you could add thin vertical stripes to give you more length.

By wearing two-toned clothing-such as dark pants with a white shirt-you draw a line across your waist where the two colors meet, which makes you look shorter, especially if your pants are high on your waist. For how to look taller, avoid patterns such as plaid or polka dots. Most of all, try to choose clothing that fits you well and makes your limbs and torso seem long rather than short.

Wearing the correct shoes and also help you become taller. High heels and shoe lifts are great for making you look taller. And to make your feet look bigger, try wearing tennis shoes, boots or any other "large" shoe.

Also when learning how to look taller, your hair cut makes a big difference. It is best to have shorter hair, as opposed to longer hair that "shortens" your neck and torso.

How you stand and sit is also very important. Maintaining a posture where you back is straight and your shoulders back not only helps you look taller, but it also strengthens your back, bones and core muscles.

Most importantly, attitude is everything for gaining height. It's easier said than done, I know, but exuding confidence can do wonders for your self image. When you are smiling, positive, and professional, people notice this and respond to it.

As opposed to being unhappy, depressed, and negative, where people lose respect for you. For how to look taller, always remember it starts with your attitude. - 17274

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How To Find High-Quality Acai Berry Powder

By Travis Van Slooten

Acai berry powder is a relative newcomer to the food supplement market. Only appearing in the last few years, many people are just now hearing about it. But in the short time it has been on the American market, it has gained a tremendous amount of coverage from television shows and health specialists. Because of this, there are now numerous companies selling acai berry supplements and other products. While this makes it easy to find these products, it can make it hard to find the higher quality ones. There are a few things you should know that will help you find the best products at a great price.

What should I avoid?

There are a few things that some companies will do, or not do, which can negatively impact the quality of their products. Some companies use a spray-drying process which removes the nutrients from their acai berry powder. You essentially end up with a worthless product. Some companies will also save money by processing the seed of the berry. The seed comprises most of the berry and reduces the nutritional value of the acai powder when processed with the fruit. If a company uses the seed in their powder, you are getting about 20% of the benefit you would get from a pure berry powder.

What should I look for?

Knowing what to look for will save you a lot of headache when shopping for acai berry powder. Always make sure the label says the product is freeze-dried. Freeze-drying acai berry locks in the nutrients and can contain as much as 50 times the antioxidant level of spray-dried acai berry. Since most companies will not openly say they spray-dry their product, you can assume that any company which does not say they freeze-dry their product does not use the preferred method. You also want to make sure you are getting only the best organic acai berry. This usually means looking for wild-harvested acai, as it will contain no chemicals or additives.

Where can I get the best acai berry powder?

Given the sheer number of companies trying to make money from the acai berry craze, you may be struggling to find one that is high quality and does not make you feel uneasy about giving them your business. The first thing you want to look for in a powder product is freeze-dried acai. The other method of drying the berries is by spray-drying. This method is inferior to freeze-drying because most of the nutritents are destroyed during the process. The second thing you want to look for is wild harvested, organic acai. This will ensure that the product is free from any insecticides and fertilizers.

By following these two simple criteria, you'll be able to find the best acai berry powder supplements! - 17274

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Giving Skin Some Respect

By Art Gib

When thinking about your skin, you don't usually think about it being an organ. But, it is. It is actually the largest organ our body has. Organs are essentially a system of cells that make up a collection of tissues and function as a whole.

You can still go to your dermatologist for problems, but most of us don't have severe enough difficulties to warrant a trip to the doctor. You just want your hair and skin to glow, be healthy and shiny, and not have gone through hours worth of regimens to get it.

While our other organs are given the highest priority, like our hearts, kidneys, intestines, eyes, lungs, and so on, our skin does a thankless job of protecting us every second of our lives. Our skin breathes and absorbs and fights off the bad guys, those pesky bacterias and viruses.

They know their products, but they don't know you. Unless you have a particular person that has attended to your needs for many years, but that doesn't happen as often as you want. They may go to another store and start touting other products that don't work for you. Or they may move away. Or you may move away and have to start all over.

Your skin also absorbs what's around it and applied to it. Because it breathes, it can be affected by pollution and unhealthy air. Because it absorbs, it will take in whatever chemicals you put on it through your lotions, moisturizers, creams, perfumes, powders, and the like. If you put too much of these things on your skin, you can essentially smother it.

They make recommendations based on your answers and you can choose the products based on their advice. Who better than the manufacturers will know their products better and what they can do to help you? They've invested all kinds of money for their scientists to address the plethora of skin and hair types, climate concerns, as well as common and uncommon problems.

With such handy tools available at your fingertips, taking care of your skin has become more personalized and easier to control and slow the aging process despite your genetic factors or environmental exposures. - 17274

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Your Guide to the benefits of Beta Alanine

By Ricardo d Argence

If you want to get the best from your workout and you don't want to fall for the latest hype or diet with the so-called "medical experts" touting this or that miracle product, you need to know why a particular supplement works and how it does. These days, these companies are doing a booming business, and come up with products that they call "new and improved" every day. Of course, these also come with big price tags and fancy packaging.

However, it's rare to come across a supplement that actually helps you improve your health. One such supplement that does just that is beta alanine

What is beta alanine? And why is it so special? This supplement has been carefully researched at universities and tested on humans to see what their reactions are, and those reactions have proven to be positive.

Here are some things you should know when it comes to beta alanine, such that you may be able to understand why it's so good more clearly. Beta alanine is an amino acid supplement that the body needs, but it normally can't be found in the average diet. For that reason, considering beta alanine at a medical dosage is quite important.

How does beta alanine work? Beta alanine is important to the body because the body changes it into carnosine, providing power and energy to your body.

This is very crucial because carnosine is present in the muscles of the body, especially the type 2 kinds, those involved in rigorous exercises. So this also helps in building of muscles and strength.

But the manner in which it helps in muscle building is somewhat indirect in nature. Carnosine helps in the neutralizing of the hydrogen ions, produced in the body during extreme workouts, which help in the formation of lactic acid in the area getting worked on most, causing exhaustion and aches. Hence intake of the Beta-Alanine, through the carnosine, helps you reduce formation of lactic acid and thereby enhances your performance.

Who should, and shouldn't, take it? For all you people trying to forge out a new body with rigorous gym workouts, Beta-Alanine supplements are a must for you, as they enable you to prepare harder for getting muscles, by keeping that lactic acid away. This is also a great help to those who specialize in metabolic workouts, as it gives them the zing needed to get over their tiredness quickly and hence continue doing long and arduous workouts helping in calorie loss.

But if you are someone going for moderate workouts you will not be in as much need of taking these supplements as the ones doing hard training. This is simply because in the moderate sets the formation of lactic acid will be minimum and therefore the exhaustion automatically less, hence requiring no supplements to provide excess energy.

So go ahead and ask your nearest medical store to give you some much needed Beta-Alanine supplements. Just have the tablets and see your fatigue and pains disappear.

Finally, remember that you always need a wholesome diet and good nutrition, to give your body the fuel it needs to do what you want it to do. This is very important if you are a bodybuilder. So if you want to become "buff," make sure you eat a well-balanced diet and never ignore entire food groups, since this can only be to your detriment. Instead, make sure you eat a balanced diet in the right proportions.

Always remember to take that Beta-Alanine supplement to give your muscles and your body that added boost to continue doing the workout needed to get you fit and in the most gorgeous shape. - 17274

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Do Acai Berries Have Side Effects?

By Mark Walt

The acai berry has been called a miracle fruit and super food that can help you lose weight, keep looking young and stay healthy. Acai berries are deep purple in color and grow in Central America's Amazon jungle. The fruit is full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that our bodies need to stay healthy.

Research has also shown that this amazing berry can boost your metabolism. Raising your metabolism level is a key factor in losing weight. One of the main reasons why the acai berry is gaining so much attention is because it can boost your metabolism and is also rich in antioxidants which helps your body fight disease.

People who live in the Amazon rain forests have been eating acai berries for a very long time. However, it wasn't until about five years ago that it became well known in the United States. It has grown in popularity as more of its health benefits have become well known.

More and more people are using acai berry products to help them lose weight. As it has become more popular, people are looking for additional information about this wonder fruit. One thing many people wonder about is whether or not there are any potential side effects to consuming acai berries.

The first thing one has to remember about acai berry is that it is a fruit. If you consume it in its natural state the chances of you developing side effects are about the same is if you were to eat an orange or apple. There have been many acai berry studies conducted and none have reported harmful side effects to consuming the fruit.

The acai berry helps to suppress your appetite due to the fact that the fruit is high in fiber and your body's metabolism also gets a boost. No wonder the berry has been so popular for losing weight. You just don't want to eat an excessive amount of them or you could end up with stool problems or have a bitter taste left in your mouth.

So the answer to the question is there really aren't any known harmful side effects when it comes to the acai berry, although, like anything else they should be consumed in moderation. When it comes to acai berry products, you need to watch for what sorts of ingredients, chemicals and additives may be added to the product to make sure none of these cause side effects. No harmful side effects have been discovered from the berry itself, but there may some acai products that contain additives and chemicals that have not been clinically tested.

If you are worried about possible side effects, you should buy all-natural supplements that don't contain any additives. The acai berry has so many benefits and includes generous amounts of very beneficial vitamin, antioxidants and minerals that help us to fight disease, lose weight and maintain our health. - 17274

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Best Abs Workout Routines: Your Guide To Getting Six Pack Abs Fast

By Lynn Howard

I would like to start by dispelling a huge myth about building six pack abs. You cant simply burn fat off your midsection to expose your abs. You can do sit ups, crunches, V-ups all day and develop a strong midsection but you wont be able to see them. With all the misleading advertisements for ab building machines its no surprise that people still think you can simply burn away the fat around your midsection by doing ab exercises. The following are the components you'll need to develop the best abdominal workout.

NUTRITION PHASE: Focusing on your nutrition may be the most important component to developing that sexy six pack you seek. Forgetting to consider your diet will be like riding a bike without your front wheel, you wont get far! Here are some dietary items for you to consider.

Hot Metabolism: Increasing your metabolism will help you to continue burning calories and fat long after you've finished your workout. Unlike your hybrid car you want your body to be very energy INEFFICIENT. You want your body to burn calories like an high powered muscle car. By eating 5-6 meals per day you will get your metabolism burning hot and fat will begin to melt off.

High Protein: Eating lean protein can not be stressed enough. Since you know that keeping your blood sugar even will reduce your cravings for sugar eating a lean protein will slow your digestion and smooth out your blood sugar levels. Protein is also vital in rebuilding muscle tissue.

High amounts of Water: This one is super basic. Keeping a high water intake will keep the toxins flowing through your kidneys and out of your body. It also will help prevent dehydration.

Lots of Fiber: Fiber plays a very important role in digestion, keeping things moving smoothly through your intestine. If you don't consume enough fiber in natural foods you can purchase ground flax seed and sprinkle it over a salad or whatever you're eating to keep the fiber intake high.

WORKOUT PHASE: Cardiovascular exercise is very important to any fat burning and ab building routine. Keeping your workouts short and intense is the best way to rev your metabolism into high gear and burn fat off your body. Most people mistakenly think long hours on the treadmill are the best way to burn fat off your body. Actually, its the best way to stop any good exercise plan from succeeding because you cant keep that up for long. So keep it short and intense.

Weights: Lifting heavy is absolutely essential to burning fat off your body. Since muscle is very energy inefficient it burns far more calories than fat. So by building muscle on your body you're actually increasing your fat burning potential of your body even at rest. - 17274

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