Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Cooking With Fish Sauce

By Ferdinand Emy

Fish sauce is one of the fundamental ingredients in Thai cuisine. Like salt in western cuisines, and soy sauce for Chinese and Japanese cuisines, fish sauce is utilised to add a special flavor distinctive to Thai cooking. There's no Thai peculiarity kitchen that does not have fish sauce in the cabinet, and very few recipes that do not employ it in one form or another.

Fish sauce is, in the most simple of terms, the essence of fish. Derived from the leftovers of fermented fish, it can have a rather fishy flavor or more subtle tones. The style of fish sauce is dependent on how long the fish is permitted to ferment. As a rule, the longer that it has fermented, the less it will taste like fish. High quality fish sauce has light undertones of fish in addition as other flavors. Younger fish sauce will taste strongly of fish.

Fish sauce is normally thick and brown in color, a result of being fermented for nine months to a year, on average. It's either added to water or oils to make a dipping sauce, or directly added to meat and vegetables while they cook.

While it's most commonly utilized in Thai cuisine, it has found a place in other cuisines, such as Lao, Cambodian, Filipino and Vietnamese. It does not tend to be utilized in Western cuisines ofttimes, as there is less of a reliance on seafood and ensuring all catches of fish are utilised.

Fish sauce originally began to be employd so that the little fish with little commercial value wouldnt go to waste. As the poorer individuals of Thailand were likewise resourceful, they found that the fermentation process had the benefit of this type of sauce. As it grew in popularity, small fish were kept so that they could be utilised in fish sauce.

Depending on area, the ingredients of fish sauce may transform. Some areas will only use one specified type of fish to make fish sauce. Others will employ any fish that doesn't have commercial value. These variances permit for fish sauces to have distinct flavors and be partnered good with sure dishes. When you are picking which fish sauce to employ, you should experiment with the diverse types, as you can alter the last flavor just by being selective on which sauce you employ.

Fish sauce may be bought by the bottle in numerous stores that carry Asian goods. - 17274

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Body Building Supplements, How to Use Beta-Alanine

By Ricardo d Argence

You might be wondering what is so great and different about Beta-Alanine. Well to make it clear, this supplement has been thoroughly researched in universities and tested on humans for exact reactions, which have proved to be positive.

So here are some facts about Beta-Alanine, which can be helpful in making you understand its goodness. This is an supplementary amino acid which is needed by the body but cannot be found in the normal chicken-veggie diets. That is why consuming this as medical dosage is very important.

The simple reason why Beta-Alanine is so important to the body is that when in the body it gets changed into carnosine which provides energy and power to your body. This is very crucial because carnosine is present in the muscles of the body, especially the type 2 kinds, those involved in rigorous exercises. So this also helps in building of muscles and strength.

The way which this helps is the building of muscle mass is a bit indirect. Carnosine helps reduce buildup of lactic acid, which causes muscle aches and exhaustion during extreme workouts, by neutralizing hydrogen ions which form it. Therefore, taking Beta-Alanine through the carnosine, will aid you to lower the formation of lactic acid which will enhance your performance.

So for all you people trying to forge out a new body with rigorous gym workouts, Beta-Alanine supplements are a must for you, as they enable you to prepare harder for getting muscles, by keeping that lactic acid away. This is also a great help to those who specialize in metabolic workouts, as it gives them the zing needed to get over their tiredness quickly and hence continue doing long and arduous workouts helping in calorie loss.

These supplements are much more important to those doing hard training than for a person aiming for more moderate workouts. Moderate sets don't require supplements to provide extra energy because the formation of lactic acid is much smaller, producing less exhaustion.

So go ahead and ask your nearest medical store to give you some much needed Beta-Alanine supplements. Just have the tablets and see your fatigue and pains disappear.

And finally always remember that good nutrition and a wholesome diet, with all the right kinds of food and nutrition group is very important in body building. So if you want to get a good body never ignore even the smallest food group, rather balance it all out in the right proportion. And always remember to take that Beta-Alanine supplement to give your muscles and your body that added boost to continue doing the workout needed to get you fit and in the most gorgeous shape. - 17274

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Get A Good Detox Menu

By Ferdinand Emy

If you live in a city, have a desk job (and a stressful one at that), drive an hour at least each day, and do not do exercise, then you probably are forcing your liver to do extra work trying to do away with all that excess of toxins.

Why is my body full of toxins?

Toxins are generated from several sources. The most manifest one is the pollution in the air that we breathe in huge cities. We similarly get toxins from all the chemicals that are in our food, specially junk food or food that has been processed to the point that it loses its nutritional value. Some of these chemicals are preservatives and colorants in canned food. Moreover, when we stress, we add our own toxins to the combine.

So as to cleanse our body from these toxins, a detox menu is recommended.

Why should I consider a detox menu?

A detox menu will get rid of those toxins in your body. You will feel healthier and more energetic when you follow one. Additionally, you'll make your liver's work much simpler, since the liver is the organ that takes care of the natural detoxification of your body. This'll greatly reducing|shrinking the danger of a serious liver failure or liver disease in the future.

What does a detox menu comprise of?

While a detox menu varies from one health specialist to another, there are many common items to most.

Foremost of all, a common request is the prohibition of alcohol. Alcohol is very hard for our liver to get rid of. If taken in large quantities for a long period of time, it may start accumulating scar tissue on the liver, which will result in cirrhosis, a failure of the liver.

Another thing that is taken out of the picture by a good detox menu is meat, and peculiarly read meat. Red meat is similarly a challenging thing to handle for our liver, Although not as hard as alcohol.

Consuming raw foods is also common in a good number of diets. The reason that this is requested by a detox menu is that processed foods contain a lot of chemicals that are not natural and may rest in our bodies.

Finally, the most common denominator of any detox menu is drinking water; lots of it. Water is not only the most natural of substances, but its the medium through which our natural detoxification system operates. It allows us to get rid of toxins naturally, and it is the most required component of our bodies. - 17274

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Berry Builds Foundation For Success

By Rachel Peddriski PHD

The acai fruit is an amazonian treasure that is known to the locals as the tree of life. It is harvested from a palm tree in the Brazilian rain forest where the magic of the amazon can be seen and experienced in one magical berry.

A Dr. and best selling author wrote a book called, "the Perricone Way" where in it he states that the acai fruit is the #1 super food in the world. The berry is packed full of antioxidants, amino acids, and essential fatty acids that fight harmful free radicals in the body.

This amazing fruit berry has everything the body needs such as:

A very high concentration of antioxidants that help fight premature aging (10 times more than red grapes and 10-30 times the anthocyanins of red wine)

Amino acids and trace minerals that help with the building of muscle regeneration and proper contraction

The perfect blend of healthy fats, fiber for your diet, and nutrients that help lower cholesterol help promote that digestive system

Antioxidants have long been known to be an essential part of any diet. Antioxidants are substances that protect the cells against the damaging effects of free radicals

Harmful substances such as radicals are produced when the body breaks down food. the toxins can also be found in tobacco smoke as well as the water we drink. As these harmful free radicals enter our body, they can create problems such as cancer, heart disease, and other types of serious health ailments.

Acai fruit is rich in vitamins A and B and contains as much protein as an egg. This is crucial in fighting off disease.

The fatty acid content in the acai fruit is similar to that of olive oil. It is rich in monounsaturated oleic acid. Oleic acid aids omega-3 fish oils in penetrating the cell membrane. The blend helps keep the cell membranes supple. This allows all hormones, neurotransmitters, and insulin receptors to function more efficiently.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a strong source of food that contains all the essential nutrients the body requires then look no further than the acai fruit. Look for organic quality acai products as they have the most power. - 17274

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Mens Fitness And Weight Loss Tips

By Casy Wigwire

Weight loss and diet plans are an extremely effective way of losing excess fat and reaching your solid core that you've been dreaming about. BUT...Diet and exercise weight loss plans Start here.

Have you thought about the goal you will be reaching? 2) Do you even know where to start once you get the nutrition? 3) Are you sure you will be disciplined enough? 4) How much weight do you plan on losing? 5) What are your biggest weaknesses and how will you overcome them?

Variety: my brain gets bored if I feed myself with the same foods repeatedly. I need variation, I need creativity in all my life, meals included. That's why fad diets are a big no-no for me: who can eat cabbage soup for a month and not die of boredom in the 31st day? A typical Acai Force Max day could include a chocolate chip scone for breakfast, a vegetable beef soup at lunch, macaroni and cheese at dinner, pretzels for dessert and light yogurt with fresh blueberries as snacks.

Hunger control: I've got this dizziness problem that prevents me from respecting any strict diet that supposes an individual could eat only three meals a day. I remember a book by Carlos Castaneda, in which Don Juan Matus, his Indian mentor explained Carlos that the best way to stay fit is to eat very small portions many times a day, rather than bigger quantities two-three times a day. I can't agree more with him, I've always felt like having at least 5-6 meals a day.

Is this program for you? The plans I'm about to reveal to you are weight loss plans for teenagers, mens weight loss plans and woman's weight loss plans. With the exception of a few body parts we have very similar bodies that accept and reject the same foods. The body knows what is healthy for it and what isn't and so do I.

Flexibility. Nutritionists say that weight loss plans need to be adjusted according to the age and the health status of the overweight person. For instance, mens weight loss diets should be totally different than womens diets. It's normal for a man to eat different foods than a women does, and that's a plus of the Acai Force Max program: it makes the difference between individuals.

Brad Pitt is one example of the success stories resulting from these new natural fat burners. Required to shred 5% of his body fat - 20 lbs - for his recent movie "Burn After Reading", his personal trainer put him on a workout plan accompanied with one of these new fat burning supplements in which he successfully reduced his weight in the required 8 weeks. - 17274

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Lower Back Pain Exercises Get Some Important Tips About Exercises For Back Pain

By Celestine Nell

Are you searching the information highway for lower back pain exercises? It seems that when people want to know about exercises for back pain they usually end up searching the internet on the information. We all know that more and more people are beginning to experience back pain problems.

If you have been suffering from back pain; then you have come to the right place. We are going to reveal why exercises for back pain can help you get the relief that you are looking for. Not many people realize how important it is to implement lower back pain exercises to help them get the relief that they are looking for.

One of the best things is that when you begin implementing exercises for back pain; it does not take very long and can be done in the comfort of your own home. Many people in today's society have found themselves suffering from this problem because of the type of lifestyle that they live.

Chances are you may be experiencing these problems as well. If you want to get started with lower back pain exercises then here are some tips that you can begin using to get the relief that you desire.

1. Be Patient: Anyone who has suffered from back problems understands that all they want to do is get rid of the pain quickly. One of the great thing about back exercises is that as long as you continue on a daily basis; then you can begin to notice a difference in as quickly as 4 to 6 weeks.

2. Refrain From Pain: Whenever anyone does any type of lower back pain stretches we all know that they are going to feel a slight discomfort while doing the exercises; however avoid causing it to be painful. This means that if you begin to feel pain you may be stretching too far; stop pulling otherwise you could cause more damage than good.

3. Walking: If you are like thousands of other people who sit at a computer everyday; it is very important that you begin stretching as much as possible throughout the day.

Yes you can learn more about exercises for back pain; all you have to do is visit the site below and discover which lower back pain exercises are going to help you feel better. - 17274

The Acai Berries Hidden Nutritional Secrets

By Max Benifitz

Acai berries are loaded with Polyphenols, Phytochemicals, Anthocyanins, what are they and what are the benefits of such compounds? Acai is one of the best sources for anthocyanins there is! Phytochemicals are the beneficial compounds found in fruits such as Acai, vegetables and tea. In these uncertain environments like climate and insect infestations it is these protective living matter which let plants survive. For humans, these compounds act as antioxidants which are very important for a good health and longevity. Many studies indicate that the use of antioxidants may assist in the prevention and treatment of anti-aging, heart disease, cancer, and other age-related degenerative ailments.

Anthocyanins are some of the more potent forms of antioxidants. We have all heard of the "French Paradox", how the people of France with their high fat diets and not uncommon unhealthy lifestyles are still below the percentage of related deaths from cardiovascular disease than many of the populations which exist today. One reason may be that they consume large amounts of red wine. Anthocyanins is an antioxidant found in wine, which is derived from grapes. The polyphenols (anthocyanins) in red wine, are believed to mitigate the effects of a fatty diet and smoking. There are evidences that anthocyanin, a polyphenol reverses, halts, and improve those afflicted with age related diseases. Anthocyanins (flavonoids) found in several fruits, a unique chemical structure present in it, makes them more potent by 6 to 8 times when compared to vitamin C One such fruit is called Acai (pronounced ah-Sa-E) contains the most highly concentrated forms of anthocyanins known thus far through intense research. Acai berries have anthocyanin, which is proven to be 3 to5 times the amount of that present in a glass of red wine, volume to volume when tested in an ORAL analysis (capacity measure).

Anthocyanins and their protective properties: Inflammation and Collagen: Anthocyanins neutralize enzymes that destroy connective tissue. The antioxidant quality that is posses stops connecting tissues from getting damaged and helps in repairing damaged proteins in the blood vessel walls.

The Nervous System: By preventing tyrosine nitration, the anthocyanin properties in Acai may help protect against neurological diseases. Acai contains primary anthocyanins, Cyanidin-3-glucoside which helps in reversing age related neurological deficits.

Large and Small Blood-Vessels: Anthocyanins ability to counter oxidants make them a powerhouse in the fight against arteriosclerosis. Even when present in small amounts anthocyanins effectively guards against LDL oxidation. Anthocyanins protect the integrity of the endothelial cells that line blood vessel walls and help to maintain micro capillary integrity.

Diabetes: One of the serious diabetic complications is retinopathy, which in most cases can cause blindness. This condition occurs when the body attempts to repair leaking, damaged capillaries, but does so by over producing abnormal proteins. The protection of anthocyanins may help prevent these capillaries from leaking and to help prevent abnormal protein proliferation.

Eyesight: Anthocyanins may also help improve eyesight by numerous mechanisms. During World War II, British fighter pilots were found to slightly increase their night vision. These findings were thought to be contributed by the large amounts of bilberry in the pilots diet. The effect of improved night vision is not long lasting but it is temporary after the consumption of the biliberry. On account of this newly discovered benefit, the pilots ate the bilberry fruits minutes before starting their work.

Sources: Pigmentated fruits are known to carry the highest amounts of anthocyanins. Fruits that offer the highest value of anthocyanins are those that can be eaten with their skin on. Acai, cherries, grapes, respberries, blueberries and bilberry are the name of few of these fruits. - 17274

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Gas Grilling Ribs: What You Should Know

By Ferdinand Emy

If you love ribs, but hate the extent of time that it takes to traditionally cook ribs on a regular grill you may find you are in require for a good number of tips for gas grilling ribs. Gas grilling ribs may help you to save quite a bit of time in the process of grilling ribs, providing you with great ribs in far less time than would traditionally be feasible. The only problem that numerous people find with gas grilling ribs is that the flavor just isn't the same. The following tips for gas grilling ribs will assist you to accomplish great tasting ribs on a gas grill in a fraction of the time.

The first step that should be taken before really gas grilling ribs is to boil the ribs. Use a large pot and fill it with water and then bring it to a boil before placing the ribs in the water. You could likewise employ beef broth if you wanted, which may impart the ribs with more flavor and taste.

Prior to moving the ribs to the gas grill you'll need to check them to see if they're tender. Generally they should boil for a minimum of thirty minutes. Forty-five minutes would be even excellent. Be sure to check them regularly. You will know they're ready when the meat may be pulled away from the bones.

Now you are ready to start gas grilling ribs. The ribs will already be mostly cooked at this point and should have plenty of juice. The next step in gas grilling ribs is to add in some flavor also as create an exterior crust. Take the ribs and place them with the meat side down on the grill. You will grill the ribs for approximately ten minutes. The goal at this point is to give the ribs a nice crust.

Next, you'll brush your favorite sauce onto the ribs. You may similarly turn off the burner on the gas grill. Close the lid of the grill so that the sauce will have a few moments to caramelize. Stay close to keep it from burning. The sugar in the sauce can in reality burn very cursorily and very simply so you'll require to continue checking the ribs about every minute or so to insure they do not burn. After the sauce has been caramelized, clear the ribs and serve! - 17274

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Maximum Health For Real Age Results

By Carlos Hbojanic PHD

Aside from the acai berry being an unsullied, mouth-watering, organically grown fruit- it is also rich with antioxidants. Antioxidants are nutrients as well as substances that slow the oxidation damage to our body.

The process of the body's cells consuming oxygen, creates a by-product known as a free radical that can do lots of harm to the body. Antioxidants play a huge role in preventing and repairing the damage done by these free radicals. Adding antioxidants to your daily diet is the best way to protect yourself from these free radicals.

The breaking down of the body's DNA and causes of cancer have been linked to Free radicals. They can wreak havoc on the body when left unchecked. The damage can be so severe to the cells that at times free radicals are responsible for them not working at all.

The types of damage these free radicals can do range neurological damage down to hormonal problems. A perfect food with just the right amount of antioxidants to fight these free radicals is found in the acai fruit.

Research has shown for years that when antioxidants are taken on a regular basis, the body is able to repair and maintain its cellular strength from recent as well as future attacks from these dangerous free radicals.

Dr. Perricone is the one who introduced the mainstream audience to this amazing fruit by writing a book entitled, the Perricone Promise. In this book he writes that the acai berry is the most perfect food on the planet.

In this book, Dr. Perricone also states that the acai fruit berry has every ingredient needed to look and feel younger. Also, according to Dr. Perricone the fruit contains everything needed to revitalize your health and hinder the process of aging.

The acai fruit is known as a super food that contains every nutrient your body needs in fighting harmful free radicals. If your goal is to improve your overall health, as well as strengthen and maintain your body, then you should look further into the numerous benefits of the this amazing fruit.

The acai berry is the perfect food to improve overall health, reduce aging, and fighting free radicals and could be just the missing supplement your body needs to creating the new you. - 17274

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Pregnancy Diet And Nutrition Tips

By Janine Rose Morley

Top Pregnancy Diets. Proper eating during pregnancy is critical. But what if you also concerned about weight gain? Although you should never try to lose weight during pregnancy, there are diets that are available during pregnancy that can cover your diet needs as well as account for your health and nutritional needs.

What top pregnancy diets must cover. Before we start looking at specific diets, lets briefly cover what needs to be part of your diet. You will need to have a diet that contains plenty of dairy, fruits, vegetables, proteins, and grains. You also need to make sure you get the proper vitamins such as folic acid, iron, vitamin C, and vitamin B12. You should avoid too much fat, sugar, and seafood that is susceptible to mercury. Stay away from alcohol and sugar substitutes. These are basic nutritional needs that a pregnant woman needs every day. Calcium is important, but you can fulfil your requirements with low fat milk.

Top Pregnancy Diets. Should pregnant women choose popular diets? Doctors do not recommend going on a diet during pregnancy, therefore many popular diets should be avoided. Since the first thing we did was tell you to ensure you hit all your food groups, the last thing we would tell you is to remove them from your diet. The Atkins diet restricts the intake of certain food groups to induce weight loss. These are definitely two no-nos.

You can do the South Beach Diet while pregnant, with a caveat. This diet is based on getting rid of bad carbohydrates and replacing them with good carbs. Since phase one is about temporarily getting rid of all carbs, you should skip this phase and go straight to phase two. And because phase three is about maintaining weight, the diet is a winner all around.

The Zone Diet, with its 40% carbs, 30% fat, and 30% protein would fall inside the guidelines of an acceptable pregnancy diet, with proper modifications to ensure that all the nutritional guidelines are fulfilled.

Top Pregnancy Diets for Vegetarians. Vegetarian diets will fulfil your pregnancy requirements. If you take pleasure in tofu or soy milk, it can be substituted for milk. Make certain your soy milk is equipped with calcium. For breakfast, a traditional breakfast of cereal, toast, and wheat bread (two slices) will take care of mother and baby. You must also include a small serving of fruit and a glass of fruit juice. Lunch should include either a tofu sandwich or else a healthy salad with heaps of greens. Also include selected fruit. Dinner should too include whole grains and tofu. You ought to also include beans, legumes, and nuts. Do not neglect snacking at least twice a day. Snacks should include legumes, nuts, or seeds.

Water is very essential for everybody whether you are expecting or you are not, plenty of water is an inevitable part of your daily regime..Dieting throughout pregnancy must take a backseat to the needs of you and your baby. But if you stick to the guidelines, you can ensure that you can slip back into your pre-pregnancy clothes while your little one is still cooing from his bassinet by following the outlined top pregnancy diets accessible to you. - 17274

Your Children-Are You Protecting Them?

By Dr. Jason Fowler

The growing awareness of safe driving and state safety laws have alerted the general public and parents to the importance of using car seats for their small children whenever and wherever they are driving. Most states require the use of car seats for children under the age of 4 and weighing less than 40 pounds. However, these safety rules aimed at protecting children may cause serious neck and spinal injuries and can even be deadly if the child car seats are used incorrectly.

The American Chiropractic Association (ACA), its Council on Occupational Health and ACA member Dr. Michael Freeman, trauma epidemiologist and clinical assistant professor of public health and preventive medicine at the Oregon Health Sciences University School of Medicine, have developed the following general guidelines and safety tips to ensure proper car seat safety.

Make sure the child safety seat is appropriate for the age and size of the child. A newborn infant requires a different seat than a 3-year-old toddler. Car seats for infants should always be rear facing as the forces and impact of a crash will be spread more evenly along the back and shoulders, providing more protection for the neck. Car seats should always be placed in the back seat of the car-ideally in the center. This is especially important in cars equipped with air bags. If an air bag becomes deployed, the force could seriously injure or kill a child or infant placed in the front seat. Make sure the car seat is properly secured to the seat of the vehicle and is placed at a 45-degree angle to support the head of the infant or child. The lap harness should be fastened low, as close to the hips as possible; the harness should never be fastened around the waist. Make certain the shoulder harness is fastened securely and the straps lay flat against the body. Twisted straps can cause additional injury that might prevent the seat from working properly. Use a retention clip (if provided by the manufacturer) when securing a child safety seat with the shoulder harness. The retention or shoulder harness clip is an added safety feature and must be fastened close to the armpit of the infant or child. Borrowing or purchasing a used car seat can be dangerous. There is the possibility of unknown or undetected damage. Car seats that have been in a serious accident should never be used again. Be sure the seat meets federal motor vehicle safety seat standards. Consult the owner's manual or contact the manufacturer for that information. All car seats should have an owner's manual and instruction booklet. Be sure the clip between the legs of the child is fastened snugly. While car accidents can be dangerous for all passengers, small children are especially at risk, according to Dr. Scott Bautch, past president of ACA's Council on Occupational Health. "The weight of the head of a child makes the cervical spine much more vulnerable to injury," Dr. Bautch explained. "The infant has little control in the muscles of the neck, and the head can bounce from side to side and fall forward, which can cause serious spine and neck injuries. Children have more flexible upper bodies and shoulders. Make sure the harness comes up, way up, over the shoulders."

Underscoring the importance of proper car seat use, a recent article in Nation's Health reported the findings of a study conducted in Kentucky by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The study found a 37% drop in infant fatalities since the 1982 enactment of the state law mandating the use of child car seats. "To continue this decline, prevention efforts now must focus on the proper use of the seats to maximize their life-saving potential," the researchers said.

The key when traveling with small children is to be aware of and follow these rules and tips to ensure proper car seat safety. And remember everyone: Buckle up!

If you or one of your children have been involved in a serious automobile accident and have noticed neck and back discomfort, you should consider a visit to a chiropractor. - 17274

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What Are The Benefits Of Consuming Fresh Juice?

By Max Tain

Any fresh juice has a profound purifying effect on our body. Fruit and vegetable juices contain many amino acids, minerals, salts, enzymes and vitamins; you just have to consume them immediately after preparation. These natural drinks are necessary as a supplement, even if you don't follow a special diet.

Natural juices provide to the body the necessary carbohydrates and sugars. A fresh can be prepared by squeezing fruits, vegetables and herbs. The market offers a wide range of preserved fruit juices, which are pasteurized, containing ascorbic acid.

Is t possible to gain weight by consuming fresh juice? Nutritionists say it depends on what product you choose. If you opt for natural juices with a lower content of sugar, then you won't gain weight. Even more, this will act as a real weight loss diet, because fresh juices clean the body and help you to get rid of toxins. They are also a rich source of vitamin C. You don't have to consume a fresh juice every day, but it's better to do it as often as possible.

For a maximum effect, it's recommended to consume fresh juices immediately after preparation. The diuretic effect of fruit and vegetable juices influence favorably our health; at the same time, vitamins and natural sugars contained in fruits and some vegetables fortify the heart muscle, thereby increasing the power of contraction.

Tomato juice benefits are due to the vitamins contained. A 250 ml glass of tomato juice provides to our body the required daily amount of vitamin A and C. In order to realize the importance of vitamin A, it's enough to mention some of the complication that may occur in its absence: risk of infections, the appearance of disturbances in tooth growth, eye diseases, etc. Vitamin C is also important for the body, because it detoxifies and regenerates the body cells. An insufficient amount of vitamin C in food reduces the body resistance against infections and induces fatigue and depression.

You can drink fresh juice after exercising, because it helps in restoring the body fluids. It provides nutrients that will boost your energy. Fresh juices can replace food.

Carrot juice is recognized for its healing proprieties. Also, it protects the skin against daily aggressions. Therefore, to slow the aging process, make sure that your skin is perfectly hydrated and consume fresh juices and water. The nutrients contained by carrot juice are able to reduce photosensitivity, protecting the skin from the harmful action of sunlight.

Celery juice reduces the cholesterol level, fighting against rheumatic pains, headaches, cramps, fatigue, obesity and toxins. It ensures a proper functioning of the kidneys, having a diuretic effect. You can consume celery juice to improve digestion.

Orange juice is an excellent diuretic and laxative, having noticeable results in case of anemia, anorexia and various infections.

Apple juice fights against atherosclerosis and heart diseases. Golden apple juice is recommended in obesity and physical inactivity. It also stimulates the digestion process.

Grape juice fights against cancer and reduces the risk of mental diseases due to its relaxing proprieties. This juice is also known as vegetarian milk, because of its ability to replace breast milk. - 17274

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