Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Great Protein Drinks

By Samantha Carter

Getting protein into your system, whether you were working out or not used to be very difficult, it involved eating a lot of lean meat and eggs etc. Along came whey protein, with the fastest absorption rate imaginable. This resulted in a massive boost in popularity and has to massive sales.

Protein shakes are usually made with one or two scoops of whey protein powder with each scoop containing approximately 24 grams of protein each. One of the standard ingredients is milk, usually low fat skim milk. This is where the variety comes in, now based on what you wan you can have banana or any other fruit along with something like peanut butter.

When people hear the word supplements, they immediately think steroids. That was the image that whey protein had initially. Now people have gotten wise to its massive benefits and general lack of side effects. Unfortunately it is still a little expensive but in time should drop even further.

Protein shake recipe 1:

Peppermint Oatmeal Shake Ingredients: Mix 2 scoops of Alpine Milk Chocolate Protein Delite or other protein with 1 cup sugar free vanilla ice cream 1 cup oatmeal 2 cups non-fat milk 1.2 cup water a splash of peppermint extract!

Whey protein shake recipe 2:

Wild Berry Boost Ingredients: 2 scoops vanilla flavor whey protein powder (Whey Best, Scipro) 8 raspberries 4 strawberries 15 blueberries 16 ounces nonfat milk 1/2 cup ice cubes

You should definitely try on out after or before a workout. You won't regret it. - 17274

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Muscle Building Tips to Develop a Wide, Muscular Back

By Ricardo d Argence

While a well developed chest and arms is clearly an important part of any complete physique, the truth is that these muscles only play a small role when compared to a much larger, much more intricate muscle group that most people severely neglect in their training programs. I am, of course, talking about the major muscles of the back: the lats, traps, spinal erectors, rhomboids and lower back.

And if you are not training your back in the right way because that's an area you cannot check in the mirror or because you think it's just doesn't worth the effort, then its clear that you doesn't know how important that area is.

70% of your upper body muscle mass resides in the back area! Nothing can replace the upper body thickening effect of big, bulging lats and a set of wide, tall trapezius muscles. That's how important your back is. I am, of course, talking about the major muscles of the back: the lats, traps, spinal erectors, rhomboids and lower back.

Please, get up off that bench press and put down that EZ-curl bar for just a moment and let me share a simple, step-by-step workout that you can use to build the muscular back you so desperately need.

1) Deadlifts. The deadlift will work you from finger to neck to toe and is irreplaceable in developing strong, thick back muscles. The deadlift will stimulate growth throughout the entire back complex and should be the cornerstone of your routine.

2) Vertical pulling movement. To get the most bang for your buck I recommend a basic overhand chin-up. This is the bread and butter of vertical pulling movements and will stimulate growth in the lats like no other exercise. Examples: v-bar pulldowns, chin-ups, lat pulldowns, etc.

3) Horizontal pulling movement. For maximum results, stick to a basic freeweight rowing movement. I usually recommend bent over barbell rows, but bent over dumbbell rows are an acceptable choice as well.

4) A shrugging movement. It may not be the most important part of the routine, but it also plays an important role to succed. A basic barbell or dumbbell shrug will be enough for this part.

Perform 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps of deadlifts, overhand chin-ups and bent over barbell rows and 2 sets of 10 to 12 reps of barbell shrugs. That's all.

Perform this workout once per week with full effort and I guarantee that your upper body will appear thicker, wider and more muscular than ever before.

What about specific routines for the chest? What about the biceps, triceps and shoulders? How about the thighs, calves and abs? Don't worry, I will write about them in future articles. - 17274

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Will Tonalin CLA Help You Lose Belly Fat?

By Jane Moore

Can Tonalin CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) really help you lose weight? Recent studies are giving hope to the idea that a simple natural supplement may give people a boost in their weight loss struggles. Millions of Canadians struggle with weight problems. Being overweight causes significant health problems and is damaging to one's self esteem.

Research done by a Canadian nutritionist, found that overweight adults taking a daily supplement of CLA lost weight prior to the Christmas holidays. The subjects taking CLA supplement also kept the weight off over the holiday season while they were indulged in holiday cakes and cookies and reduced their daily exercise regime.

The remarkable results of this holiday study were repeated by researchers at the University of Wisconsin which is located in Madison, Wisconsin. This second study had a sample size of 40 overweight adults. In this second study researchers gave half of their study subjects a daily supplement of Tonalin CLA while the other half took a placebo pill. The subjects were studied over a period of six months

Throughout the period of the study, there were no differences between the control group and the CLA supplement group with respect to the amount of physical activity or the amount of calorie intake. The researchers found that the group that took the CLA supplement lost weight prior to the Christmas holiday season and did not gain any weight over the holidays. They also found that the control group had Christmas holiday weight gain that was significantly more than compared to that gained in the pre-holiday period.

During the pre-holiday period, which for the purposes of this study included November and December, the group taking the CLA supplements lost weight while the control group gained a total of 1.5 pounds of fat mass. As is to be expected, both experimental groups did less physical activity over the holidays. However, the CLA supplement group still managed to reduce their total body fat mass. Over the course of the 6 month study period, the CLA group lost a total of 2.2 pounds of fat. The subjects who took the CLA supplement found that there was also a tendency to lose belly fat. Losing belly fat is great for your health as that is the type of body fat that increase the risk of heart disease. Just over two pounds of fat might not sound like much but this loss was strictly ?fat? and not muscle loss or water loss. The researchers were able to measure the exact ?fat? loss by using highly accurate and sophisticated tools including under-water weighing.

Tonalin CLA is the only patented and clinically proven form of CLA that the majority of research studies have been done with. There are different types of CLA supplements. Research studies that mixed the two most common forms together showed the greatest promise of measurable weight loss. These specific types of CLA supplement capsules are commonly found at health food stores and drug stores.

In determining whether CLA supplements would be an appropriate inclusion in your weight loss program you should speak to your pharmacist. Studies have shown that that there are minimal to no risks associated with mixed-form Conjugated Linoleic Acid or Tonalin CLA supplements. - 17274

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Reduce Belly Fat With Tonalin CLA Supplements

By Jane Moore

Can Tonalin CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) really help you lose weight? Recent studies are giving hope to the idea that a simple natural supplement may give people a boost in their weight loss struggles. Millions of Canadians struggle with weight problems. Being overweight causes significant health problems and is damaging to one's self esteem.

Research done by a Canadian nutritionist, found that overweight adults taking a daily supplement of CLA lost weight prior to the Christmas holidays. The subjects taking CLA supplement also kept the weight off over the holiday season while they were indulged in holiday cakes and cookies and reduced their daily exercise regime.

A few years later researchers from the University of Wisconsin attempted to repeat these findings. This study lasted a total of six months and different periods within this six months were analyzed. Nutritionists gave 20 overweight study subjects a daily supplement of Tonalin CLA pills and the other 20 took a placebo pill.

Throughout the period of the study, there were no differences between the control group and the CLA supplement group with respect to the amount of physical activity or the amount of calorie intake. The researchers found that the group that took the CLA supplement lost weight prior to the Christmas holiday season and did not gain any weight over the holidays. They also found that the control group had Christmas holiday weight gain that was significantly more than compared to that gained in the pre-holiday period.

During the pre-holiday period, which for the purposes of this study included November and December, the group taking the CLA supplements lost weight while the control group gained a total of 1.5 pounds of fat mass. As is to be expected, both experimental groups did less physical activity over the holidays. However, the CLA supplement group still managed to reduce their total body fat mass. Over the course of the 6 month study period, the CLA group lost a total of 2.2 pounds of fat. The subjects who took the CLA supplement found that there was also a tendency to lose belly fat. Losing belly fat is great for your health as that is the type of body fat that increase the risk of heart disease. Just over two pounds of fat might not sound like much but this loss was strictly ?fat? and not muscle loss or water loss. The researchers were able to measure the exact ?fat? loss by using highly accurate and sophisticated tools including under-water weighing.

There are different types of CLA supplements. Research studies that mixed the two most common forms together showed the greatest promise of measurable weight loss. These specific types of CLA supplement capsules are commonly found at drug stores and local health food stores. Tonalin CLA is the only patented and clinically proven form of CLA that the majority of research studies have been done with.

To date research has indicated that there are minimal risks in taking the mixed-form Conjugated Linoleic Acid or Tonalin CLA supplements. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist if considering whether CLA supplements would be an appropriate inclusion in your weight loss program. - 17274

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Heart Healthy Eating on the Run

By Keira Adams

With the time pressures facing so many people these days, they are frequently eating on the go. You're usually better off eating at home rather than dining in a restaurant. But it's still possible to make healthy selections if you have to eat fast food. Keep these guidelines in mind as you choose your next fast food meal.

These days, most fast food chains are realizing the health problems being caused by some of their menu offerings. To meet the challenge, they have introduced many food choices that are better for your heart. For instance, many fast food chains now have salads on the menu. All the same, look out for the saturated fat in the dressing. Salads that are garnished with deep fried chicken aren't as heart healthy as the ones containing grilled chicken.

For your sandwich, opt for grilled chicken over fried. Also, asking for lots of veggies on your sandwich is always a good idea. Go for dressings like mustard or ketchup instead of mayonnaise, which is high in saturated fat.

Choose fruit or salad as a side dish rather than fries. So instead of a lunch laden with saturated fat, you'll be feeding your body the fiber and vitamins it needs. You might also choose milk or juice over soda as a beverage with your meal. This can aid in maintaining normal blood sugar and give you additional vitamins and minerals.

When you're genuinely hungry for a hamburger and French fries, it's alright to eat them now and then. However, watch out for the size of the serving. A lot of fast food restaurants provide servings that are big enough for more than one meal. To reduce the amount of saturated fat in your meal, choose a small hamburger and small fries, or even a kid's meal.

If you're giving your kids fast food, don't forget that there are often healthy choices like apple slices and mandarin oranges available. Opt for juice or milk over soda.

If Mexican is on the menu, a basic bean burrito or taco can actually be quite good for your heart. By loading it up with lots of veggies, you'll be able to raise the fiber content. Although a taco salad might seem healthy, it's often laden with saturated fat and calories.

If you're eating fast food for the majority of your meals, you're putting your heart wellness at risk if you don't choose wisely. Eating at home is the best choice. But if that's not practical, take a look at some of the healthier choices available. - 17274

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Agarikon Conk As a Potential Smallpox Remedy - NPR Interview with Paul Stamets

By Dr. Markho Rafael

In an interview on National Public Radio, world-renown medicinal mushroom expert Paul Stamets recounts his discovery of the healing properties of agarikon, a mushroom growing on 500-year-old trees in the old growth rainforests of the northwestern United States.

Knowing that mushrooms are susceptible to many of the same microbes as humans, how could it be, he asked himself, that this perennial wood conk managed to stay healthy for 50 years in the dripping wet rain forest without rotting? It must have a powerful immune system, he concluded, with potentially powerful medicinal compounds that could benefit humans.

Stamets describes the agarikon conk as looking like a bee hive when viewed from the ground. Remember, they grow on the trunks of ancient tree giants, sometimes high up. (Use the agarikon-link on this page to view a picture of Paul Stamets holding an agarikon mushroom.) Please be aware that this is a threatened species and should be left alone in most cases. Just get out your digital camera if you are lucky enough to find a specimen. (Otherwise, no one may believe you.)

Using a proprietary extraction method on his organically cultivated agarikon, Stamets created an agarikon medicinal. He sent a sample of it to the Defense Department for testing within the BIO Shield Program, at a top security lab facility in Ft. Dietrich, Maryland. The BIO Shield Program is dedicated to finding remedies for use against bioterrorism threats and potential biological warfare agents, such as anthrax or smallpox.

Reportedly, tens of thousands of natural as well as manmade remedies are tested through the BIO Shield Program. According to drug discovery supervisor John Seacrest, Paul Stamets agarikon extract scored one of the rare hits against viruses related to smallpox. In other words, it effectively inhibited smallpox related viruses under lab conditions.

Following this discovery, Paul Stamets now has a patent pending on a mushroom-derived anti-viral drug. One of his financial backers, Boston-based investor John Norris, bases his support in part on the fact that, as he says, not everyone is able or willing to be vaccinated against diseases such as smallpox.

As a former second at the FDA, John Norris should know enough about the field of medicine. And obviously, his belief in Paul Stamets agarikon extract is strong enough to put his money where his mouth is. His goal is that they may someday sell this agarikon extract for the defense stock-piles of NATO armies, with doses numbering in the hundreds of millions.

That may still be a few years into the future, though. Paul Stamets new mushroom related anti-viral medicine first has to stand up to exhaustive testing, and then eventually be approved for release by the FDA.

Note: The above article is intended for informational purposes only. Agarikon has not been approved by the FDA for use as a medicinal. Never use any herbal or mushroom-product for medicinal purposes unless advice to do so by a licensed medical practitioner.

Reference: NPR Morning Edition, Smallpox Defense May Be Found in Mushrooms by Tom Banse, August 4, 2005. - 17274

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Never Fall for Low Calorie Diets

By Thong M. Dao

Before you start your low calorie diets, I would recommend you to stop and read this article. I hate seeing folks start a low calorie diet plan to lose weight fast, just to come to a conclusion that it does not work.

We have received a huge amount of reports from individuals who have tried many popular low calorie diet plans, for weeks and even months. Unfortunately the success they had was small, only a couple of pounds. Many individuals have gotten so aggravated with low calorie diets, that they stop trying to lose weight all together.

Unfortunately, they did not have a chance to read this article. If they had, they would have found out that low calorie diet plans make your body become malnourished. And if that's not bad enough, you will start to feel ill and tired all the time, sometimes unable to complete regular activities, let alone exercises.

The reason for this is their metabolic rate was too low. If you wish to lose weight successfully, you must keep a couple of things in mind.

1. Calories are not our enemies. Believe it or not calories are our friends, they supply the necessary nutrition and energy our body needs. This helps maintain our metabolic rate, which allows us to burn unwanted fat.

The bad calories are those available in junk foods. So while you won't accumulate fat by eating 10 apples per day (even though a single apple contains almost 100 calories), you will surely get fat by eating 10 burgers!

That's the basic difference. You need to avoid empty calories (i.e. junk foods) and embrace negative calorie foods, such as fruits and vegetables.

Now negative calorie doesn't mean that there is no calorie in these foods; it only means that in order to digest themselves, these foods will force your body to burn more calories than what they provide. This results in calorie deficit which will ultimately result in weight loss.

2. You must build muscle. Are you aware that in order to maintain themselves, your muscles will burn a lot of your calories? In other words by building our muscle, we will get rid of unwanted weight more easily.

Eating protein-rich foods is a good way to build lean muscles, working out regularly in the gym is another. There's another yet advantage of eating protein-rich foods: you won't feel hungry too often and the possibility of overeating is slim to none.

By following a low-calorie food diet, you do not have enough energy to build muscle. Instead you lose muscle and your body can not burn fat since your metabolism remains lower than normal. This is one of the reasons why low-calorie diets are not effective.

Most low-calorie diets will only assist you to lose water and muscles. Unfortunately, you may think you have lost a lot of pounds, however you have not lost the most important of all: fat. If you can't lose fat, you can't get fit! - 17274

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Bucks County Experts Teach On Six Pack Abs Made Easy

By Kareem F Samhouri, DPT, CSCS, HFI

Exercising on unstable surfaces is the fastest way to improve your results in your six pack ab quest. In an effort to improve results amongst all of my clients, unstable surface training has become a major influence, also leading to smaller bellies, stronger low backs, and faster results in all aspects of fitness.

Training for functional abdominal strength while training for aesthetic purposes just makes sense. Functionally, your abs work to stabilize your lower spine, flex your trunk, rotate your trunk, and digest food. It is always important to consider the actions of the muscles you are training for two reasons:

Improve the likelihood of stimulating an entire muscle, as opposed to one region. Also, functional strengthening techniques generally lead to better regularity of working out, as you will be able to feel stronger with all daily activities.

Stomach fat reduction to the extent of achieving six pack abs requires diet modification as well as training. However, the statement should be made that lifestyle modification is much better than dieting, in that it is not temporary. Foods that require increased energy for digestion are considered less efficient, and, therefore, require more caloric expenditure for digestion. These foods are more likely to help you overcome the obstacle of belly fat reduction.

Six pack ab success depends largely on consistency and diligence. In order to improve your fitness level to this extent, it is best to progress slowly over time. An exercise program aimed at long-term results is an exercise program aimed at long-term success. - 17274

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Martial Arts Nutrition Guidelines

By Amanda Gamdana

Being a contestant in a MMA tournament calls for a lot of work and so, a lot of training is necessary for you to be competitive. Martial arts differ from MMA in that because in martial arts, you can only use the established techniques for that particular martial art but in the case of MMA, players can use any martial arts technique. Some of the counterattack and attack moves are allowed in the MMA but are not accepted in regular martial arts. MMA is not just a men's sport since at this very moment several women have also become part these games.

The physical prowess of players is essential and fighters can move faster if they build up powerful muscles along with heightened senses along with the knowledge of different MMA techniques can you give you an advantage and ability to win the game. To gain more physical power, several players use nutrient supplements that can take the form of pellets, syrups, powders, or capsules.

Athletes now are encouraged to have low fat and high carbs diet because carbohydrates are the main energy source. When you plan to compete in a match or tournament, you will require a lot of energy and with adequate carbohydrates as part of your diet, you will have sufficient energy to complete the fight. Besides the carbohydrates in your daily food intake and food supplements and you'll need fiber. Pasta and bread may be rich in carbohydrates but these foods lack vitamins, minerals, or fiber and if your goal is to be physically fit then you should be eating natural foods.

The body's building blocks are proteins and all athletes, without regard for their sport should be using the right proteins so if the foods you consume do not have proteins will want to take protein supplements A lot of companies exist all over the world that manufacture or produce these protein supplements however, you'll want to talk to your doctor before taking any nutritional supplement. Medical advice is still the best because if you ingest too much it may have harmful side effects to your body.

Health hazards can be by consuming too many fatty acids and fats so while, during short periods, they might become effective to your body over the long term, undesirable effects could become noticeable. Omega 3 is a fatty acid which is needed for stopping the excessive fat storage though it also helps to stop muscle tissue from breaking down.

Mineral supplements are just as important as that of vitamin supplements so see your doctor in order to choose your best nutritional supplements for you. Nutrition is a very important factor a player depends on to achieve victory though it is not sufficient by itself so you need to ensure that good nutrition is supplemented by an extensive knowledge of different fighting techniques. You must also have superb reflexes and sound mind, and then combining these you will have the upper hand in mixed martial arts competitions.

Mixed martial arts fighting athletes should always be conscious of how important of nutrition so they should get with their doctor or nutritionist and then by doing so, they can decide what to take. Set up an appointment with your nutritionist now while you're still training, so you can shape the condition of your body as well as your health. - 17274

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Depression Symptoms Help - Natural Relief

By John Laney

Some types of depression are severe and dysfunctional. This means you don't have the energy or willpower to go to work or even get out of bed. If you are having severe symptoms, see a doctor immediately, there is good help available.

Dysfunctional depression is not the norm. Common depression symptoms are feeling bad, fatigued, unhappy, perhaps that your life is meaningless. But you can still go to work and handle basic chores. You are probably suffering from some form of "common" depression.

Happily, common depression symptoms can be reduced and often cured with some simple nutritional and lifestyle remedies. You can experience relief often within just a few days.

There are several simple nutritional changes that you can try for some immediate depression relief. The first and most powerful is to cut refined white sugar completely from your diet.

White sugar causes sugar blues. You get a rush of good feeling from eating something like a doughnut, then within 60 minutes your system releases lots of insulin to get the sugar out of the blood stream. All this insulin then causes low blood sugar for another few hours. The insulin is so effective it gets rid of too much glucose from the blood stream.

Now here's the surprising fact: low blood sugar causes many common depression symptoms. It makes us feel tired and low energy. It makes us feel irritable and disinterested. And it can even cause dark mood swings. Low blood sugar affects the brain and nervous system negatively.

Refined white sugar actually causes low blood sugar! Our natural bodily response to produce insulin creates low blood sugar. So eating sugar causes our blood sugar levels to spike up and down all day long, which creates mood swings and other symptoms.

So if you want to feel better, cut out refined white sugar. You don't have to give up sweets, you can use natural sweeteners like stevia to sweeten food all you want. But if you are suffering from common depression symptoms, try this simple cure and see how you feel within 3 days. There's much more you can do to feel great, but this is a good start. - 17274

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Want Delicious Food? Try A Grill

By Dan Smith

Today in the world there are many kinds of grills. However, we can point out a few grills in particular that are particularly popular. These grills are either fueled by charcoal or gas with some people claiming each side to be the best.

Worldwide grills have been made and used for years now. However, in the United States, grills did not really get their start until E. G. Kingsford, a relative of Henry Ford, suggested that a charcoal plant be placed next to Ford's car plant.

In the 1960s, outdoor gas grills were finally invented in Arkansas by two men who worked for a power company. The power company wanted William G. Wepfer and Melton Lancaster to design a new way to get customers to buy and use natural gas in order to increase sales and profits. These two men came up with the outdoor gas grill as a fine way to market natural gas.

Typically charcoal grills use lump coal in order to cook food. The grills come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes.

The sizes that might be included are round or circular, square, rectangle and more. Grills also tend to have either lids or no lids as well as venting systems and heat control systems to get a better cooking experience.

One of the most important parts of a grill is the burner. The burner is the part of the grill that provides the central source of heat and therefore is the most emphasized part in dealing with cooking food.

The materials used for gas grill burners are normally stainless steel, aluminzed steel or cast iron.

Cooking grids, rock grates and heat shield are also vital parts of the grill because they help protect the burner from dripping food or grease while at the same time dispersing heat around the grill to get a better cooking process.

Hulk Hogan's Ultimate Grill is a grill that has become very popular in the United States due to its ease of use and excellent cooking qualities. If you want a grill for your home to cook food, check out Hulk Hogan's Ultimate Grill now. - 17274

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Look and Feel Amazing with These Colon Cleanse Benefits!

By Rebecca Richardson

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?? Ready to give up dieting all together? Thank goodness you found this article! I am here to inform you that Its Not Your Fault That Your Diets Aren't Working! And even better news...There IS something you can do about it!

No matter how much you diet, or which diet you choose, a clean colon will make all the difference in the world. It is nearly impossible to be thin, especially healthy, with a clogged, unhealthy colon. Think about it - this is your body's elimination system; if it isn't working properly, how is this affecting your body? Read on to learn about colon cleanse benefits

Lose Weight - This is one of the best colon cleanse benefits! It is very common to lose 5 pounds right off the bat, but some people report losing 10-15 pounds from their cleanse! If you stick with it, and commit to a healthy lifestyle, your weight loss will continue!

End Constipation - I think this one is self-explanatory. If you are often constipated, you definitely need a colon cleanse! This will get you on the right track to a healthy digestive system. You should be having 2-3 bowel movements a day. I am amazed by the number of people who report only having one per day or less. This may seem normal to them, but they have no idea how damaging this is to their body! Dont be one of them!

Promote Healthier Skin - The toxins that have developed in your digestive track end up spreading to the rest of your body. Your skin reflects your health, so if you are unhealthy, chances are, you are unhappy with the appearance of your skin. Perhaps you have heard this phrase: Until youre 20, you have the face you are born with, and after that you have the face you deserve. Treat yourself right! After your first colon cleanse, you will notice your skin clear up in just a couple of weeks!

Decrease Your Risk of Colorectal Cancer -A very common result of a polluted colon is the development of polyps (a foreign growth). According to HealthandWellness.com, Most cases of colorectal cancer begin as polyps. With a clean and properly functioning colon, your chances of developing colon cancer are greatly reduced.

Eliminate Bad Breath - Your mouth is where food enters your body, so it is the first portion of your digestive track. When your colon and intestines become clogged with food that is just rotting away, you can bet that your breath will reflect this.

Supports Health of Vital Organs - When there are toxins in your body, its defense mechanism is to store more fat to protect your vital organs. This is because toxins are fat soluble, so the fat can absorb the toxins, sparing your organs most of the time. Once you cleanse your colon, toxins are eliminated, and your organs are safe. Not to mention, there will be no need to retain the extra fat!

Are you ready to experience all the colon cleanse benefits and change your life for good? - 17274

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