Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Enjoying Alcoholic Drinks

By Owen Jones

In the West, alcoholic drinks are never far away from the scene at festive times, but do we aways know how to get the most from these expensive luxuries? Too many people these days just think its a question of 'getting as much down as possible in as little time as possible'. This is the wrong attitude.

After all, most people realize that a good meal does not consist of eating as many chips as possible in fifteen minutes, so why should that principle not apply to having a drink too? You will get far more enjoyment from a bottle of wine, if you spend an extra dollar on it and drink it slowly with a friend and some appropriate food than if you gurgle down a cheap bottle of plonk on your own. It makes evident sense, but not everyone sees it.

So, with that idea in mind, I have put together a few tips on how to get more pleasure from your alcoholic drinks, if you are old enough and of that turn of mind.

Gin and Vodka - if these white spirits are your proffered tipple, always keep the bottle in the fridge, not the drinks cupboard. Keep the mixers in the fridge too. That way the ice will last longer and you will not be tempted to have to swig it down before the ice melts. If you are having friends around, go one step further and put the bottle in the freezer. It will not go solid. You can even cut the top off a plastic cola bottle, put the bottle of gin or vodka in that, fill it with water and then freeze it. Remove the plastic bottle and you have an attractive "collar of ice" around your bottle.

The Last Tot - five minutes or so after finishing a bottle of spirits, tip it out one more time and the bottle that you thought was drained will deliver one more tot of contents. It is not a lot, but it is a pleasant free surprise. The same works for many alcohol based products including underarm roll-on and scent.

White Wine - white wines taste better when they have been gently chilled over a prolonged length of time, but if you get caught out by surprise visitors, put the bottle of wine in a jug of ice and cold water. Try not to have to put it in the deep freeze, it is too severe, but if you have to, then ten minutes is all that it requires.

Port - it is always better to decant port and older, heavier red wines, because of the sediment that may be in the bottom of the bottle, which tastes horrible and because it assists the aeration of the wine. However, it is not always easy to see when the lees are coming. The books say to use a candle, but they were written a hundred years ago. The concentrated beam from a flashlight is much better. Try using a Durabeam because its swivel head allows it to be aimed more accurately.

Decanters - sometimes the stopper becomes stuck fast. Tap it with another glass item and it should come loose. If not, run the neck of the decanter under hot water for a few seconds and it will come out.

Labels - if you store your wine in a damp place where the labels are likely to rot or fall off, spray them with hair lacquer beforehand. - 17274

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Pilates Mat Exercises Are Usually Rewarding And Challenging

By Thaya Kareeson

Pilates exercises have been around for awhile. It is only recently that people are starting to take them seriously and make it part of their every day lives. Different tools make Pilates easier to do on a daily basis. Pilates mat exercises might be what someone needs to start their physical fitness routine off right.

Pilates was first created as a physical fitness method in the early twentieth century in Germany. Even though it has a long history, in 2005 over eleven million people were reportedly doing it on a regular basis. As of that time, there were fourteen thousand instructors for Pilates in just the United States. Most instructors will provide Pilates mat exercises and the mats that they require, right in class.

Inner thigh lifts are one of the Pilates mat exercises that requires the mat to be laid out straight. The spine will line up with the mat's back edge as you lay on your side. The lower arm can support the head or stretch along the floor, while the lower leg is extended with hip to the mat. The upper leg will bend and the foot put on the mat in front of the hips. The upper arm will pull at the bottom of the bent leg as the knee pushes away. The inner thigh muscles of the lower leg will lift it off the ground a small amount. And the exercise is about lowering and lifting that lower leg with control, not letting it rest on the floor.

The Teaser One exercise is also one of the Pilates mat exercises that offers a great deal more challenge than others. This maneuver is started on the back with arms above the head. The legs are lifted up to a forty-five degree angle, then the abdominal muscles are tightened until the spine curls up. With hands floating over the legs then lifting up, the body comes into a V pose, balanced on the buttocks and lower spine. Maintaining control over the body, the back is lowered to the mat again, and the legs are lifted up to ninety degrees. The Teaser One helps to articulate the spine and roll it through flexion into extension.

Even though Pilates mat exercises should mostly be done on the floor, some will start standing up, like the 'walk out and push up' exercise. Start standing at the foot of the mat with the arms extended above the head. As the arms lower, the chin drops to the chest and the spine curls. The pelvis remains pushed forward. With the hands flat on the floor and heels together, walk the right hand out, then the left. The right hand moves to be even with the left and the body is tightened. With the head lifted so that the crown is in alignment with the spine and the legs are in center line, the body is now in what is called 'head to heels as if like steel'. The elbows then bend an inch, which lowers the body slightly before the elbows straighten once more.

Another type of push up that is included in the Pilates mat exercises many people do is that of the Leg Pull Front Support. This is started face down on the mat and would be uncomfortable on a straight floor. The palms are at the sides of the body, near the shoulders. The legs are extended and the knees are lifted, with the toes pushing on the mat. While keeping the body in alignment, the hands push up until the shoulders and chest are over the thumbs. The shoulders press down the back and release, so that the area above the heart in the back is soft while the same 'head to heels like steel' position is used. With the abdominal muscles tight and the ribs pulled back into the spine, this position is held for several seconds before slowly being released, with control, and the body comes to the mat again.

Pilates mat exercises should be done with a genuine Pilates mat, not a yoga mat. Yoga mats are thinner because they intend for yoga practitioners to feel the floor. For Pilates, exercisers need to be padded from the floor, so the mats should be half an inch thick and made of good quality foam. Pilates mats can be rolled up or folded. They should also be about four feet by eight feet in size.

Pilates mat exercises can be a very practical method that can be used by people of many different physical abilities. There are exercises for people who have injuries, as well as those who aren't as flexible or agile yet. Doing Pilates mat exercises is a safe way to get fit, become stronger and increase flexibility. - 17274

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Muscle Building For Women, How To Get The Body Of Your Dreams

By Ricardo d Argence

Today more than ever before, women are diving into the world of fitness and bodybuilding. Women want to achieve their own ideals, show off their curves and have a beautiful, lean physique. Of course they also want to look younger, be healthier and feel better each and every day. Participating in female muscle building will not just improve your body but will improve your overall health.

Technically there is no strict distinction between body building workouts for men and women. Why should there be when they both have the same number and type of muscles and bones.

The main difference between men and women in terms of muscle building is that men have much higher levels of testosterone, which helps to build muscle. Women on the other hand have more estrogen, which naturally works towards storing fat. Regardless of these hormonal differences however, if you follow the correct workout and nutrition strategy you'll be able to see results.

Some women also mistakenly believe that muscle turns into fat. They then are hesitant to get starting with a workout program because they believe if they ever stop, than all of their hard work will turn into flab.

The truth is that muscle tissue and fat tissue are completely different from one another and can't just turn into each other. You gain and store fat when you ingest more calories than you burn every day. This can be caused by stopping your workout plan or by eating improperly, however, your muscle mass doesn't just magically transform into fat.

When bodybuilders stop exercising or they retire they would inevitably gain weight because their metabolic rate goes down and physical activity is reduced too.

Bodybuilding can be of great advantage to women. The important thing to remember is that if you want that perfect shape for your body you need to work with great focus, determination and patience. You will need to put in a while lot of handwork to get desired results.

1. If you are going to build your muscles you will have to make some changes in your diet. You might have a little difficulty in doing this but at the end of the day it is totally worth it.

Try eating small meals every two to three hours instead of eating big meals three times a day. You can easily fit these breaks into your schedule no matter how tight your workday is. The meal has to be small and healthy, so you wont need much time to finish it.

2. Another thing you should do is to start working in compound exercises into your workouts. This will save you time because you workout more muscles at one time and it will also stimulate muscle growth throughout your entire body. The most popular and effective compound exercises include the bench press, squats and deadlifts. Using these exercises will help you easily pack on muscle mass.

3. But muscle building is not only about exercising. Its also about catching on your sleep on your regular basis. If you want to build your muscles you need to get at least 8 to 9 hours of sleep every night.

This is so important because your muscles really don't grow while you're awake. Your body is too busy with many other natural processes. Therefore, your muscles only get the chance to grow and be repaired while you are resting. - 17274

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How Does The Body Process Sugar?

By Cliff Pape

It seems that sugar is all around us, and to be honest, unless you are eating a low carbohydrate or sugar busters type diet, you wont be able to eliminate you ingestion of sugar. This is not necessarily a bad thing, because your body can utilize sugar in a matter that does not contribute to weight gain. But, too much sugar can lead to packing on excess fat. Why is this? Much has to do with the way you body processes sugar.

One of the two forms of carbohydrates are simple sugars. (The other form being starches) Simple sugars are in the form of processes/refined sugars that can be found in junk food or in a natural form which would be found in fruits. Clearly, junk food sugars are worse than natural sugars although both are processed the same way. The same could also be said for starches, since the body will break them down into simple sugars in the bloodstream.

Ultimately, when sugars are released into the bloodstream, there will be a clear effect on the system. Specifically, the pancreas will react to the presence of sugar by releasing a hormone known as insulin. It is insulin that is employed to move sugar through the bloodstream and to the cellular level.

What is so important about sugar that is needed by the cells? Basically, sugar is a source of energy. When the body needs to expend energy, it will employ the sugars in the cells to deliver such a response. This is why the low carbohydrate diet yields such an effective weight loss impact. With little or no sugar in the system, the body will have to burn protein and stored fat for energy. Hence, fat cells are metabolized by the body.

This brings up another point that needs to be mentioned. When you have a diet that is very high in its sugar content, and you do not burn it, the excess sugar turns into fat rapidly. This is the reason why refined sugars are known for causing obesity. These sugars are loaded with calories, which are difficult to burn off, which usually result in there being a lot of calories turning into stored fat.

Natural sugars and carbohydrates are much lower in calories and they do not break down and flood the bloodstream as quickly. This means they are less worse than other sugars at causing excess weight gain.

Regardless of the type of sugars you take in, it is always best to never overdo it. The reason is, a diet that is loaded with sugar will mean the bloodstream will be flooded with insulin. This can lead to terrible problems such as diabetes and heart disease over time. This is most certain a serious issue, which is why people need to pay attention to the effects of sugar on the body and how much they take in. - 17274

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The Three Ideal Bicep Workout Exercises

By Rob Maraby

Biceps workouts can be developed with a variety of exercises to get quality effects. Biceps are the most beautiful aspect of the body. It is one of the most worked muscles in the body, together with the arms and chest. The muscles get worn out after a strenuous workout. So it is vital that you do all you can to make sure they recuperate. To recuperate the muscles they need to be feed with proteins, minerals, vitamins etc. Big muscled arms must have more of these nutrients to recuperate. Proper diet is an essential ingredient of a successful biceps workout.

Here's an illustration of a very good bicep workout: you will be utilizing dumbbell curls. To execute this workout, basically sit on the edge of the bench with your back straight. Hold one dumbbell in each hand. Your arms should be hanging at your side. Place your palms ahead with the thumbs pointing out. Elbows must be kept against the hips and should not move. Then carefully lift the dumbbells and contract your biceps. Lower the dumbbells slowly, holding it under control. The dumbbells will activate the muscles of both of the arms and chest to an extent and assist in building huge muscle mass in the top body region. The age-old tested dumbbell curls are by far the best equipment for any biceps workout.

You can also build up big guns by utilizing compound movements like Barbell Rows and Pull-ups, even though they are intended principally for the lats.

Another great movement to integrate to your bicep workouts includes the standing bicep curl. To do this exercise, just take a shoulder width grip on the barbell-fingers ought to be approximately 12 inches separate and curl the bar with your back upright. When you reach the top of the movement, flex your biceps to force tension on them. If you don't make a conscious attempt to contract the muscles the stimulation will almost entirely be centered on the joints and bones. An important aspect while performing this movement is that the elbows have to be held fixed with the waist to obtain effective benefits from this biceps workout.

These 3 bicep workout exercises can go a long way to develop mass on your arms. Employ them and grow big arms in no time - 17274

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The Ten Best Core Exercises For Building Rock-Hard Abs

By Marquis Walls


Lie down on your belly and lift your body off the floor, resting your weight on your forearms and your toes. Keep your body in a straight position ( without arching your back ) and hold for so long as possible.

Push-up plank

Like the plank, except that you are in a push-up position, resting your weight on your hands and toes and holding so long as possible.

Ball roll-ins

Place your hands on the ground and your feet on top of a Swiss ball. Bend at the knees and roll the ball toward your chest. Hold this position and roll the ball back out.

Side bridge

Lying on your side, prop yourself on one elbow, forearm on floor and vertical to your body. Then raise your hip up off the floor to achieve a straight line from armpit to ankle, with only elbow and side of foot touching the ground. Hold for so long as possible on each side.

V hold

Lie on your back and bend at the waist as you extend your legs and arms into the air to form a "V." Hold the position for as long as possible.

Twisting crunch

Get into a crunch position, then raise your body up into a crunch and twist from side to side.

Lying windmills

Lie on your back with your arms as your sides and raise your legs till they're vertical to the floor. Slowly lower your legs to one side as low as you can while maintaining complete spine and shoulder contact with the floor. Bring your legs back up to center and lower them to the opposite side.


Lie down on your belly and raise your torso off the floor with your arms extended in front of you and feet raised up. Hold the position as long as possible.

Swiss ball plank

Place your feet on the ball with your forearms on the ground and hold the position for so long as possible.

G lute push-up

Lie on your back with your feet resting on top of a Swiss ball. Raise your butt off the floor, pushing your body up as high as possible. Hold for as long as you can. - 17274

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Easy Weight Lifting Routines

By Mick Milligan

With so many weight lifting routines available it is important to pick one that will suit you. Everybody knows that the secret to a successful workout is structuring it right.

Lets begin by saying that you must be clear in your mind with what you want to achieve. Do you want to tone up, lose some fat or increase your body mass? That depends also on your fitness level, you need to be honest with yourself here as there are many weight lifting routines that are for the pros and if you are just starting out a weight lifting routine of this nature would certainly not be suitable.

Some people are scared by the thought of the work involved in building big biceps or getting a wash board stomach simply because they have tried and failed before. People fail because they don't find the right weight lifting routines suited for them and doing exercise of any nature that is too intense will inevitable turn to failing or possibly an injury. Speak to a fitness instructor or get advice online and make a plan of action that will get you on the right path.

Push and pull weight lifting routines are by far my favourite. They are quite simply a mixture of bite size exercises that use pushing and pulling movements. If you choose to do both pushing exercises and then follow straight on to pulling you can do a double workout that is very effective. Even this was too much another option would be to do pushing one day and pulling the next, this too can be effective. My favourite push technique is bench press but leg squats and should press are also good. Shoulder shrugs and deadlifts are great pulling exercises that i perform in my regime. Try and use your body weight and incorporate it into your routine. Use the proper equipment such as benches with pulleys and work your way all the way up until you are using upto 60% of your own body weight in your exercises.

Building yourself up will help to make sure you do not overdo it or cause yourself injuries and ensures you can manage the exercises comfortably. In addition remember to eat healthily and keep yourself nutritionally balanced with working out and eating the right foods and you will have that dream body quicker than you think. - 17274

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Weights: Why It Is Important?

By Benedict Perez

Weight lifting is also known as strength training. For some weight lifting is a passion and some do it to lose weight, muscle tone and body reshape. One of the reasons a lot of people do not lift weights is because they are intimidated by the word weight lifting.

People do not lift weights due to one reason or other. But believe me it is a very important thing and will keep you healthy for your whole life. It is the best thing that you can do to fight off osteoporosis, lowering of blood pressure, etc.

Weight lifting is an exercise in which you lift heavy weights. It is common in athletic competitions. The definition is totally simple. Then why many people avoid weight lifting? I have two probable answers for it. First is that they do not know what to do and from where to start and the second probable reason is that they have not yet realized the important of weight lifting in life.

There are many different myths developed about weight lifting. One of the most common myths is some people think that weight lifting give you big and bulky body especially muscles which they do not want. But all this is wrong. Bodies become bulky if you spend 4 to 5 hours for lifting weights. It is very difficult to build large muscles. Some people who want big muscles also take different type of medicines.

Basic fact is that when you lift weights, muscles are built. Weight lifting will burn calories and will make you slim and trim. It will help you burn calories even at the time of rest. This is only because of toned body. Let us take an example. There are two individuals that are you and your friend. You go to gym regularly and do weight lifting and your friend do not do any exercise. Now you both are watching T.V. After one hour what do you think who will have burned more calories?

For this answer most of the people think that no calories have been burned as there is no work in watching T.V. But the thinking is totally wrong. You are the one who burn calories at the time of watching T.V. Do not afraid of big and bulky body. Just dedicate 30 minutes per day for 3 to 4 days per week and you will find that you are the fat in your body is replaced by muscles and you will feel good.

You do not have to roam around in bust markets to buy weights. All you have to do is search on internet to check the websites which work in this field. Choose a trusted site and buying on it you will get the product at your door steps.

Make a commitment and do weight lifting two to three days a week. It will tone your body and make you look good and slim trim. It will also help you in old age. - 17274

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Eat Well For Your Colon Cleanse

By Lindsay Barnes

Over time, the colon experiences quite a beating. This is all thanks to our poor eating habits, when we vacuum up absolutely everything that we can cram into our mouths, eat whatever type of food as long as it's available, can end our hunger pangs, and is affordable, and take a bite out of things that simply taste good, regardless of whether or not it is really bad for us. As a result, we not only gain weight, but we also introduce a lot of toxins and substances into our bodies. The only way we can get rid of those toxins is by performing a cleanse, and a colon cleanse can be especially effective in fighting off these waste materials.

The colon cleanse is met with skepticism by some people, saying that the colon is well equipped to handle any waste that we can throw at it. Still, some colon cleanse supporters argue that if that is the case, then why are there a lot of wastes that are not excreted by the body on its own, but can be removed with a cleanse? Whichever side you choose, it couldn't hurt to give yourself a little extra detoxification.

You don't need to do a colon cleanse that can be considered extreme, like regular colonic hydrotherapy sessions or month-long colon cleanses. All you really need to do is to be able to eat better and find the foods that can help sweep your body clean of all the toxins. Planning such a diet won't be a complicated thing. You don't really need to find expensive, hard-to-find food items to help your cleanse. Even your favorite supermarket can have the ingredients you need for a colon cleanse.

Let's start with vegetables. Not only are vegetables a good source of vitamins and minerals, but they also contain a lot of fiber, which is instrumental in cleaning out your system. Eat more vegetables than you do meat and junk food and soon you will feel a significant difference in how your body feels. You should also eat more fruits. They're one of nature's most powerful cleansers, plus they're good for you as well. If you don't want to eat fruits, you can simply mix them together for a nourishing and refreshing fruit smoothie.

Drinking water is also one of the best things you can do for your colon. Water washes away a lot of impurities and it also helps loosen materials in your colon. Such food items and substances will absolutely work wonders for your colon--and you don't even have to spend so much or sacrifice a lot of things to do so. - 17274

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Your Fat Burning Foods On The Bridge To Eating Healthy

By Thaya Kareeson

Going down the road to eating healthier is a great choice and you might be looking for the best choices for fat burning foods. You can eat well and not feel deprived while you are learning to make good choices and learn to burn fat.

Hitting the fruit section first, apples are a great fat burner and are chalked full of vitamin C as an added bonus. They also have a lot of fiber and are water based so they make you feel full. They have many benefits in addition to them fighting fat.

Pick up some berries while you are there too. You can rest assured that they are full of fiber and antioxidants that help in burning fat. You can use them for healthy snacks instead of processed sugar. They can be added to cereal or any other items for your sweet treats and then you will not feel deprived.

Raw almonds are a great source to fight off fat. They are full of protein, fiber and vitamin E. Almonds produce magnesium in your body which is very good for it. Almonds will also give you energy and builds muscle while it replaces fat. Almonds also regulate blood sugar. They are great snack to munch on and have on hand when you are hungry instead of grabbing something that is not good for you.

Eggs are also a great way to burn fat. Eggs are full of protein and will help your get through a day feeling good and having a lot of energy. You will feel full in the morning with energy and last until your mid morning meal. An egg for dinner is a nice twist once in awhile. Add a bunch of vegetables and it makes a great meal for any time of the day.

Adding soy in your diet is also a good source for burning fat. Soy also has a lot of antioxidants in them which burn fat. You can add it to coffee or another drink such as a smoothie. If you do not eat eggs add more soy to your diet as a replacement.

Yogurt is a favorite for people who want to eat healthy and it is also a good fat burner. Any non fat dairy item from the dairy family will aid you in burning fat. The three a day rule is good for getting rid of fat and keeping up on your calcium. It is great for your digestive system.

Green leafy vegetables are also a wonderful source of fiber and are a great way to burn fat. All leafy greens include cabbage. Besides salads there are many wonderful and delicious recipes you can make that include all kinds of leafy greens.

You can eat healthier and live happier when you are eating foods that make you feel good. Fat burning foods are including in this and you can eat well knowing you are making good choices. Having a great eating style is a great way to live. - 17274

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Soups Made Simple

By Kristen Thorpe

Is there anything better that enjoying a warm bowl of rich soup on a cold day? The tastes, the textures, the endless varieties, and let's not forget the comfort food factor. While soups are often thought of as a wintertime food, there's no reason they can't be a year-round favorite. Many of the heartier soups can be a complete meal. And for the hottest days, you can always switch to chilled soup if you prefer. Below are some of are some of the basics about the types of soups you can make.

You can actually break down the types of soups in a few simple ways, most frequently by soups made with a stock base and those that can be made without stock. Additionally there is the option of fruit soups. Soups made with stock include broth, bouillon, and consomm. Soups that may be made without stock can include puree, cream, bisque, and chowders.

When creating your own meat-based soup stock, any of your favorite meats would be a good starter. Anything including beef, turkey, lamb, chicken, veal, fish, etc. would work fine. Using dark-colored meats will produce brown stock while white soup stock is made from light-colored meats. Vegetables commonly added to soup stock include onion, celery, and carrots. Soups in this category include beef vegetable, chicken soups, tomato soups, cabbage soups, and broth's.

If you're making a rich thick puree or cream type soup you'll find they can be a perfect main course for a light dinner or afternoon luncheon. Create such classics as creamed corn or creamed broccoli, split pea, oyster or lobster bisque, bean or potato puree, clam chowder, and much more.

Then there are the fruit soups - these are delicious chilled soups that are perfect on a hot summer day. Refreshing varieties include cherry, honeydew melon, strawberry, peach, and cantaloupe. Some cold soup recipes will list fruit juices as a mixer while others use a vegetable-based soup stock in the recipe.

There's nothing like well-made, scrumptious, homemade soup to make any meal complete. Remember to top your creamy soups with a simple garnish for that finishing touch. Serve soups like bean or onion in a covered soup dish, while your cream soups are best served in a round, flat soup bowl. Don't be surprised if everyone asks for seconds. - 17274

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Two Fast Tips To Lose Body Fat Fast

By Lenka Nokova

When you begin to look at the methods and strategies on how to lose body fat fast, you will find that the choices are innumerable. But, there are a couple of very easy tips that will help you to get started on your way to a healthier lifestyle without the need to make any drastic changes.

While you have probably heard about this tips, most people do not drink enough water. Water is vital to the body and keeps toxins flushed from your system and your body hydrated. When people do not drink enough water, their body will store water in the cells to provide the hydration that is required and the result will be fat.

When a person is not drinking enough water their body will retain water in the cells of the body. When the water and toxins accumulate in the body, it results in fat that is very difficult to get rid of unless you start drinking water to flush the toxins from your body and begin hydrating your body on a daily basis.

Another easy and quick tip is to think about your eating habits. Are you a person who eats sporadically during the day? When people don't eat regularly, their metabolism will slow down and fat will accumulate in the cells. This is the way that the body reacts to irregular eating, it stores fuel and runs organs in low gear. So, you may feel a distinct lack of energy or generally tired most of the time.

Beginning a program of diet and exercise gradually is often more successful than to try to make abrupt changes in your lifestyle. By gradually introducing more healthy food alternatives in your diet, drinking more water and eating at regular intervals throughout the day, you will begin to lost body fat fast.

Once you get in the habit of drinking water and eating regularly, adding exercise to your program will help you to tone and condition your body more easily. - 17274

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