Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Friday, May 1, 2009

Black Tea Versus Oolong Tea

By Jared Rothe

When it comes to teas, some people prefer black-tea over oolong-tea. Others might prefer green-tea, since it has received more attention for weight loss, anti-aging and anti-oxidants than the others. So which tea is better black or oolong?

All teas contain polyphenols, which are helpful for weight loss, because they attack triglycerides. They also contain Vitamins A, B, C, E and K and additional amino acids which are essential proteins and antioxidants.

Both teas have different processing with roasting and oxidation. Both are bruised when picked to help them release oils to help in the storing of them.

Oolong tea isn't processed as much as black tea and retains a lot more minerals. A lot of the minerals and vitamins in black tea are lost in the roasting process. Compare this to cooking vegetables too long and eating them raw. The raw retains more minerals and vitamins.

The main difference is between their taste and flavors. Black tea and the additional processing tastes different than oolong tea because more of the bitter oils are gone. Black tea has a richer taste. Oolong is more bitter with a sweeter taste afterwards.

While teas do contain caffeine, processing lowers the caffeine levels. The more processing done to the leaves, the less potent the caffeine content. Black-tea is almost caffeine neutral, while oolong still has a low caffeine level. Green tea has a higher caffeine level and is advertised for weight loss more often.

Black tea is the most popular in the United States for drinking as hot tea or iced tea, because of its robust flavor. Oolong and Green tea are increasing in popularity because of the anti-oxidant content and their function as a weight loss aid. - 17274

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leptin and weight los, Leptin weight loss accelerator

By Claude Edwin Theriault

Diet and exercise still factor into the attain and maintain equation, however with the newly emerging Leptin weight loss accelerator max potential can be seen and experienced. Safe and long lasting weight loss is for so many an unattainable thing , yet things are changing with the arrival of the Leptin weight loss accelerator on the market.

If the brains ability to hear the leptin message is restored a remarkable balance occurs ,resulting in sizable weight losses in a short time. Weight loss like more then 20 lbs in 8 weeks. As well as 4 inch reductions around the waist have been documented by university studies working with this.

I have been reading on Leptin, which is a messaging hormone created by fat cells, to tell the brain we have had enough to eat.It communicates with the brain ,and is responsible in the decision to either store or burn the fat. Most time the Leptin message is not heard by the brain due to over eating. This is called Leptin resistance.

If the brains ability to hear the leptin message is restored a remarkable balance occurs ,resulting in sizable weight losses in a short time. Weight loss like more then 20 lbs in 8 weeks. As well as 4 inch reductions around the waist have been documented by university studies working with this.

Diet and exercise still factor into the attain and maintain equation, however with the newly emerging Leptin weight loss accelerator max potential can be seen and experienced. Safe and long lasting weight loss is for so many a unattainable thing , yet things are changing with the arrival of the Leptin weight loss accelerator on the market. - 17274

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Boost your leg power and learn to jump higher

By Lynn Lopez

If you play sports, then you know how important it is to be physically fit, have a lot of muscle power that will help you play your chosen sports even better, and develop physical skills. As an athlete, you most likely want to learn how to jump higher. Jumping higher for certain sports like basketball and volleyball can give you a major edge, allowing you to reach places that other people who can't jump so high are unable to.

In order to learn how to jump higher, you have to improve your leg muscles' strength to start with. Your leg muscles act like your body's springs and they need to have sufficient force and energy to propel you upward as you jump. One way to develop leg strength is to do squats. Squats are a good way for your legs to be able to support your body weight; you will need this support whenever you jump and launch yourself upwards. Your legs have to have enough explosive power to perform the jump.

You can also try strapping ankle weights to your legs while you're doing jumping exercises. These weights can strengthen your legs, enabling them to exert more force in order to lift you and your additional weight upwards. Do several sets of jumps while wearing the ankle weights and you'll feel the difference a week later when you begin training without using the weights; you will feel lighter and be able to jump even higher than before. Ankle weights are available at any sporting goods store. Just make sure that you select a pair that you'll be comfortable with and won't be too heavy for you.

Plyometrics is also another option you should look into; one of the aims of this series of exercises work is to help you jump higher. The exercises basically consist of moves that enable your muscles to exert a large amount of force in the shortest period of time. Plyometrics is recommended for people whose bodies are well conditioned.

Remember that you shouldn't rush any of these exercises; you're not competing with anyone in learning how to jump higher. Some jumping programs claim to be able to help you learn how to jump higher in one week, some even as little as three days. Don't rush it. You should always perform the workouts under supervision by your coach or trainer to make sure that you're not injuring yourself. Just do the exercises at your own pace and soon you'll be able to see the fruits of all your hard work. - 17274

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Micro encapsuled vitamins/minerals

By Claude Edwin Theraiult

Plain fact and plain truth is that today's food is an over processed under nurishing mess, it really is. It is a basic prerequisite that we simply need to supplement our diets with food supplements to survive the pace of our non stop gogo lives.

The future is here now ,nothing will be coming to replace let alone top the brilliance of micro encapsulated nutrition of nanotechnology vitamins and minerals. I was personnally very impressed when I came upon the reading material on this breaking technology.

With it's micro molecular liquid structure of highly purified liquid clusters nano technology supplements surpass the binders and fillers form of capsules and tablets, or even the sub-lingual products.Having the real nutrition absorbed and utilized so much quicker and more completely by our body. Nothing out there surpasses it since it is so tiny and easy to sbsorb.

The future is here now ,nothing will be coming to replace let alone top the brilliance of micro encapsulated nutrition of nanotechnology vitamins and minerals. I was personnally very impressed when I came upon the reading material on this breaking technology.

All food supplements are not created equal however, the majority of companies are still cranking out the same old tables and capsules ,since people are still in the same old established habits of buying them. While a good research on Web 2.0 can show new innovation in nano technology and it's micro encapsulation of a multitude of nutrition. - 17274

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Benefits of drinking water:Get the facts how water can cure you

By Nicos Stylianou

Some time ago I read a book which was named "Your Body's Many Cries For Water". What was very interesting for me to learn, were the many benefits of drinking water on our general health.

As the author of the book says, the importance of drinking water is very crucial for our health. To prove his point, he mentions examples of some common ailments and shows, using medical terms, that the underlying cause for these ailments is the fact that we don't drink enough water. I show you some of the examples right below:


You should agree with me that some of the most common ailments that millions of people get afflicted with on a daily basis, are headaches and migraines. Most of the times, the underlying cause is very simple: You skipped on drinking adequate quantity of water.

You see, 75% of our brain consists of water and when it detects that there is shortage of it, it produces histamines which cause pain and fatigue. The intention is to make us slow down our activities, so as to preserve the minimum water quantity that will allow our brain to function properly.

Most of the times, a big glass of pure water and a 20 minute break will work better than any pain killer medication to make our headache go away!

Back Pain

Another one of the benefits of drinking water is that it helps us better cope with the distress and pain of a sore back.

Let me elaborate on this.

As you might probably know, our backbone is made up of a number of discs. While externally these discs are made up of a hard shell, internally they are filled with water. When the level of water inside is adequate, then they provide ample support to the disc, helping it cope with the pressure exerted on them when we move our upper body.

Now, when we move our body around, we put pressure on our discs. In response, the discs, being flexible enough, are able to expand and contract, depending on the movement. What happens next is that this action creates a suction which forces water from our body, surrounding the area of our backbone, to enter inside the discs. In this way, the hydration level inside is kept fairly constant.

As you realize, when the fluid levels (especially water) in our body are low, then there is not enough to keep the discs properly hydrated. So, most of the weight load of our body is shifted on the outer disc shells. Most of you have experienced the results on your back or neck: Pain, swelling and soreness occurs.


Water also plays a vital role in the biological process associated with high blood pressure.

As experts on internal medicine claim, one of the leading causes of high blood pressure is low blood volume. As the basic constituent of the blood is water (83% of our blood to be precise is just plain water), then you can understand that when we deprive ourselves of this valuable fluid, then the blood volume goes down.

When the total volume of our blood goes down, then an alert is triggered in our body. What follows is that our blood circulatory system self-adjusts by directing all blood flow to the most vital organs, switching everything else off. High blood pressure inevitably ensues, as a consequence of this blood redistribution.

In summary, the examples I gave you above are just a few of the many health benefits of drinking water, for you and your family as well.

However, I should stress the following: Not all water that we get at our houses is created equal. Its quality varies greatly, depending on a lot of factors such as where it originates (could be ground water or surface water), the kind of treatment it undergoes, etc. The subject of water quality is a very diverse one and is surely beyond the scope of this article. My personal opinion is that it is definitely worth it to spend some time investigating the issue and decide on taking action to ensure that the water at your house is the purest it can be. - 17274

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Somatotropin Anti-aging Supplement

By Claude Edwin Theriault

HGH or Somatotropin as it is called is certainly not just for bodybuilder types , all men and women can benefit from it. The injection type is long outdated, sub-lingual is not absorbable. The new cost effective therapy is the human growth hormone precurser, a safe natural ammino acid stack that makes own body produce own hgh as when we were 20 years of age.

It is this regenerate and repair IGF-1 signaling protein that is responsible for the massive regrowth and repairprocesses that occur on the cellular level.Improving on many of the degenerative breakdown changes that occur as we age.

Once Human Growth hormone or hgh is released into the blood stream by the pituitary gland it quickly attaches inself to receptor cells, particularly in the liver where it signals Insulin like Growth Factor ( IGF-1) to circulate for the next 22hrs.

Hormones are very important chemical messanger substances produced by glands to do very specific and important health related actions. In the case of the pituitary gland and hgh,at 40 it is releasing only half of what it was at 25,at 60 years of age only one third. With degenerative cellular and tissue breakdown incurring as a result.

Not all gHP youth formula is created the same, so shop carefully for the one that has that hard to get world medical patent. Also absorption is critical since it is a large amino acid molecule. Research until you find that fountain of youth; as I have I done. - 17274

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Find out Why Phosphatidylserine reduces brain fatigue and increases memory vitality

By James Zack

Phosphatidylserine, also known as PS, is a proven, safest and effective restorative agent in curing memory dearth syndromes. You can have this effective compound to improve your brain functions. It is a component of chemical compounds called Phospholipids, which are excellent memory booster vitamins for the brain function. In fact, they are the most essential components in human cells, especially cell membrane.

There have numerous scientific experiments which have proved that Phosphatidylserine is actually a good option for those are down in the dumps or even elderly persons who have trouble remembering most things. In many countries such as Italy, Europe and Scandinavia, these have been put to use. It is also widely considered to be a form of brain food for people of all ages, pushing up their memory to new levels. Phosphatidylserine is considered to be a great help in cognitive functions and hones your memory remarkably.

Action of Phosphatidylserine

Phosphatidylserine aids the nerve cells to create glucose and to merge with the interneuron transmitters. As a result the learning curve and memory is enhanced greatly along with other thinking related activities. Actually, it makes the nerve cells more receptive to signals by increasing the number of sensory spots where messages can be received. It also makes the cell membranes stable and ensures that the brain works properly. It is even responsible for the transfer of chemical messages. Numerous scientific researches have shown that Phosphatidylserine enriches your brain and boosts the level of acetylcholine in it, which is extremely important for attention spans and focusing abilities.

Phosphatidylserine motivates your mind to create more dopamine. It is easy to observe how numerous people suffering from clinical depressions seem to get better quickly with the help of this substance. Many research cases have proved that Phosphatidylserine can affect the working of your brain considerably.

Sometime back, for a research study, around 149 normal men and women falling between the ages of 50 and 70 were administered medicines to treat the usual cases of memory loss that were connected to increase in age. This group was administered 100 mg of PS every day for three months along with regular medicines. Those who were given Phosphatidylserine faced much better recovery and they could perform memory related jobs such as recalling phone numbers, names and faces of people. Compared to this, those who had been given regular medicines could not find any notable improvements in their memory.

For severe memory impairment or loss, generally it is advisable to take two 100mg pills of Phosphatidylserine. If you go beyond taking 300 mg every day, you will not find any remarkable memory advancements. You can have Phosphatidylserine in tandem with any other popular brain pills or memory pills available in the market such as Gingkgo Biloba. However, there is a limit to this dosage along with the regular consumption of PS, that is, you need to add 40 mg of Gingkgo Biloba for each 100 mg of PS.


Apart from particular working of the brain, Phosphatidylserine is known to enhance the working of your brain using numerous undefined methods. Proof is there that externally ingested phospholipids can actually rejuvenate the internal phospholipids in the cell membranes.

Phosphatidylserine works together with different methods connected with synaptic antioxidant and it controls cytotoxic factors such as nitric oxide and TNF-alpha. It even works together with the NGF(nerve growth factor) and boosts the amount of glucose present in the brain and therefore if memory is enhanced, it is because of these reasons.

Various other substances such as Acetyl-L-Carnitine, B vitamins, vitamins E and C, selenium and magnesium help increase the efficacy of Phosphatidylserine. It's wonderful to learn that now scientists are attributing Phosphatidylserine with added benefits such as lowering the problems that come about because of physical and mental tension. No wonder it is the favored supplement among sports people and the elderly. It is also very good for curing diseases that arise because of mental and psychological problems. - 17274

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Wholesale organic food

By Karol Wariala

Co-authored by: Sesame Dressing. Grocery stores have diversified their offer significantly signing more contracts for wholesale organic food. Nationwide representatives serve clients in the system of individual vendors across the country. Wholesale organic food is usually provided by producers or large suppliers that sell it to supermarket and regular grocery stores from where the individual consumer shops. The items are most often provided in bulk form with very attractive discounts so that more and more people are targeted on a regular basis. Therefore, the organic food transactions that support the market are actually based on wholesale agreements that provide the fundamentals as such.

Wholesale organic food can be bought for individuals too. The whole purpose of this form of purchase is the fact that a larger quantity of products is involved, which is generally referred to as bulk. On certain occasions the individual client will be able to buy a more reasonable amount; if this is not the case, associate with some relatives and friends and shop together to save money and enjoy the benefits of wholesale organic food.

The Internet now comes with the largest offer of wholesale organic food you'll ever find, and the search engine will prove priceless for certain advanced searches.

Moreover, you should be able to find links to web sites that promote wholesale organic food as well as contact details of manufacturers and distributors. Sometimes the wholesale option is not exactly the best one and you may need to contact stores that sell directly to individuals.

The online shopping option goes hand in hand with delivery for people who live farther away and who are more interested in buying wholesale organic food. Some organic adepts have even started buying clubs as a means to be able to benefit from the advantages of organic food at a low price.

Friends, family members and co-workers are the first to join such clubs, but you'll have to put down all the details of the wholesale organic food bulk, the minimum orders, the logistics and the price. There is even the possibility to post signs around the community and attract other people too.

This is a simple feasible method of reaching the quality food products you want without the costs and the difficulty that you'd have to face otherwise. There is no other easier way to get access to wholesale organic food than group shopping. Think about it well and analyze all the pros and cons! - 17274

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Banishing Cellulite for Good

By El Bilson

The cosmetic industry has spent millions of dollars on various products and procedures claiming to be a real solution to banishing cellulite. There are lotions, creams, body wraps, ultrasonic massagers and medical treatments such as mesotherapy. Is there any truth to the hype? Can any of these products really get rid of that frustrating cellulite?

Cellulite is caused by pockets of fat under the skin. The odds that you will get cellulite are mostly based on your genetic makeup. Most women have at least minimal cellulite but some cases are more extreme than others. If you have only a small amount of cellulite, lotions and creams can be a real solution to banishing cellulite for you.

Most over the counter cellulite treatments contain the same ingredients. Caffeine, aminophyline and collagen work towards smoothing and tightening the skin. Vigorously massaging the creams or lotions onto the effected area will increase the circulation in the area. This will help any fat that is getting broken down to metabolize and will allow the body to get rid of it as a waste.

For moderate to severe cases of cellulite, don't waste your money and energy on lotions and fancy creams. Many times, more extensive treatments are needs to get rid of cellulite. One such treatment is called endermology. This treatment involves a powerful electronic device that massages the effected areas. Endermology can be slightly uncomfortable and leave minor bruising. However, most patients see results of smoother, tighter skin within a few weeks. The problem is that multiple sessions will be required and sessions can be expensive.

Mesotherapy is one of the best treatments for cellulite on the market. It is a minimally invasive cosmetic medical procedure that can be very helpful for women who have tried other treatments with little success. Mesotherapy involves a shot containing a special formula that is given to the patient in the effected area. The special injection formula is tailored to the patient but includes pharmaceutical and homeopathic medicines, vitamins, amino acids and minerals. This formula is designed to promote the destruction of the fat in the cells, the metabolism of that fat and the renewed appearance of the skin.

Mesotherapy injections are given in a doctor's office or treatment center under local anesthesia. Mesotherapy is great for working professionals as it involves very little recovery time. Patients can be back to there normal routines immediately after a treatment session. Multiple injections may be needed depending on the severity of your cellulite. But mesotherapy is reknowned for being a real solution to banishing cellulite.

Products that usually provide no value in treating your cellulite include over the counter vitamins, herbs and cellulite wraps. However some women swear by certain products that have improved their skin. In general, cellulite pills are not effective and can contain herbs that interfere with your other medications. However it is important to find something that works for you.

Another tip for banishing cellulite is to lead a healthy lifestyle. Our bodies are very susceptible to various toxins from the foods we eat, the air we breathe and the products we use. These toxins can build up in the body over time and lead to various health problems and skin disorders. By eating fresh, healthy foods and getting regular exercise, you can decrease the amount of cellulite on your body. You will also gain immense health benefits as well. - 17274

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Is Oprah Really Endorsing Acai Weight Loss Products?

By Carter Sinclair

The acai fruit is a small purple berry native to palm trees found on the edge of the Amazon river. This berry is thought of as a superfood because of its high levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which promotes many important health benefits.

This amazing fruit is packed full of free radical fighting antioxidants which helps the body fight off disease, improve metabolism, stabilize insulin levels, increase overall energy levels, and fights off the signs of aging.

Dr. Nicholas Perricone, MD has concentrated his dermatology practice in conducting studies on food and other natural products that give the maximum of benefits to the skin and the body. In his most recent publication called the Perricone Promise, he has highlighted a super food called the acai berry that has caught the attention of many.

After this amazing revelation Oprah Winfrey rushed to feature Dr. Perricone on an episode of her show. On Oprah he showed why the acai berry was ranked as the #1 superfood in the world. It was also featured on CNN, NBC, Men's Health, Vouge, and the London Times.

In his presentation Dr. Perricone listed his top 10 superfoods for anti-aging, and it is no surprise that the acai fruit was his number one. The high antioxidant count of this fruit is what it allows it to give you the look and feel of someone much younger.

After that appearance on the Oprah show, some shady marketers started using Oprah's name and likeness to promote their acai berry products. What they did was twist this simple appearance and make it look like she was actually promoting their product.

So, while Oprah made it a point to feature this amazing fruit on her show, in order to raise awareness, she has yet to come out and endorse any specific acai product.

So, if you end up at a website using Oprah's name and picture (these sites will usually be offering "free trials" as well), hit your back button as soon as possible. These sites are selling low quality products and using her name to trick people into buying. What you need to do is find a high quality product that actually delivers the benefits Dr. Perricone discussed on her show. So, while she does not actually endorse any one acai product, Oprah did use her fame to show the world how great this fruit really is. - 17274

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Lose weight today with Acai Burn Plus

By Casandra James

Cleansing your body with Acai Burn Plus removes built up waste that is stored in your digestive track.

In a lot of cases, food can get stuck to your colon walls. Your waste passage ways get clogged and further allow more waste to build up over time. This process is how colon problems start.

A clogged intestinal tract is an unhealthy one. This leads to colon cancer and the production of biological poisons that may result to bacterial poisoning. AcaiBurn unclogs your intestinal tracts and safely flushes out the waste accumulations out of your system.

Improve your over all cellular health with less free radicals.

When free radicals go untreated in the human body that can contribute to cellular deterioration. This process can speed up the effects of cancer as well as aging. Cellular deterioration is the leading cause of immature aging.

AcaiBurn contains essential vitamins and minerals that can improve your skin complexion, vision, and mental clarity. Thus, using AcaiBurn will make you feel younger each day you take the supplement. - 17274

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Cellulite Detox Diet to Eliminate Cellulite

By El Bilson

How effective is cellulite detox in eliminating unwanted body fat? Many women today are concerned about their cellulite. This has led them to seek various ways to get rid of it including detox diets, exercise plans and vitamin supplements.

Often times however, these solutions do not work and leave women feeling even more frustrated. Fortunately, various medical and natural procedures are now available to prevent the occurrence of this unsightly physical condition.

Most women will encounter cellulite at some point in their life. Cellulite is the lumpy deposit of body fat just below the skin. This lumpy buildup of fat under the skin gives it an unpleasant look. Added to this is the danger it poses to health due to the insufficient supply of blood in the areas affected. Failure to treat this soon could bring irreversible damage to skin and other health risks. Advanced medical studies confirm that among other methods of eliminating cellulite, cellulite detox is one of the most effective treatments.

To get rid of cellulite, many doctors recommend their patients do a regular exercise routine. By practicing a healthy diet and getting lots of regular exercise, you will be on your way to getting rid of cellulite. Detoxifying through a healthy diet has been found to be extremely effective not only against cellulite, but other health problems as well.

A cellulite detox diet consists of healthful and non-fattening foods. This diet is intended to do away with toxic substances in the body brought about by a past unhealthy habits and environmental factors. This diet helps by improving blood circulation, especially on the affected areas. This is accomplished by heightening the bodys metabolism and getting rid of toxins beneath the skin. Getting cellulite free skin is just one of the benefits of a detox diet.

Giving your body a break from a lifestyle that contributes to cellulite build up is vital to achieving your desired result. A good detox program starts with getting rid of junk foods and go for the low-fat and low-calorie alternatives. Another important thing to do is to take in more fresh fruits and vegetables, especially the green leafy ones. Foods high in fiber and protein are also good to consume.

Doctors also suggest that you eat plenty of apples, bananas, oranges, broccoli, celery, carrots, beans, and other fruits and veggies. White meat like fish and chicken (with the skin removed) can also be eaten without guilt since they are sources of lean proteins. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking a lot of water and tea, since drinking enough fluids can help flush toxins out of the body regularly.

Adopting and submitting yourself to a cellulite detox diet can do wonders in eliminating cellulite. Aside from engaging in physical activities and a healthy diet, one can also boost the effect by using clinically proven products like anti-cellulite creams and vitamin supplements. Some expensive procedures like surgeries are also available for those who can afford it. However nothing works as efficiently and yields more lasting results than good food, exercise, and products that contain only natural ingredients. - 17274

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