Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Double Standard: Presidential Exercise

By Dr. Bill

I just read an article that says President Obama works out 6 days a week, for 45 minutes, and this doesn't count the time he spends playing basketball. W used to work out every day too, and somehow liberals managed to criticize him for it.

According to what he said on Jay Leno, the new President has also managed to sneak in bowling, too. Maybe he should invite Paul Krugman down from his pedestal, to bowl a few frames with him. A little of the common man might actually rub off on Krugman. Come to think of it, lets invite Frank Rich and Maureen Dowd too, and I'll give a dollar to charity for every point over 129 the President bowls, and a dollar for every point over 100 the rest of them bowl. I'm dropping the score for the others, because the only things they're good at exercising are their mouths.

People say that being the President of our country, the leader of the free world, is the most stressful job one can have. So I am very pleased to see that Obama is working out every day, the way Bush did.

If you want some visual proof of the way in which stress takes its toll on our Presidents, compare the photos from Inauguration Day to the photos taken on the President's last day in office. You'll see a lot more grey hair, wrinkles, and dark under eye circles in the photos taken then, as the President makes his exit.

I can't tell you how many times I have heard people tell me that they can't fit in the time to exercise in their daily lives.

Are you telling me that your schedule is more hectic than that of the President of the United States?

Others tell me it's too expensive.

The last time I checked, walking was free of charge.

I also hear people telling me that they don't have a support system for their exercise plan -- they think no one will encourage them.

You just have to do it, for you.

People also tell me that they don't know HOW to exercise.

Today there are literally thousands of places you can go for help, and a whole bunch of them are free of charge.

So here is what I have to say: Get started, and NO WHINING ALLOWED!

If Presidents from two different parties, with two different agendas can work out, so can you. It doesn't cost anything to get started, and you can form your own support group, and dig up all the information you need all by your lonesome.

Here's a tip that will help you get started: take a pharmaceutical-grade, enteric coated fish oil.

Pharmaceutical-grade fish oil will cost you some money, but you have to think of it as an investment in your health. I have recounted many, many stories here of people taking fish oil, who have received enormous benefits from it, and it seems as though the medical community is really beginning to take notice and start recommending high quality fish oil for their patients.

Take my advice and get your hands on the fish oil, as soon as possible. Stop complaining, get started, and watch the results take place -- you could be 10 pounds lighter by the first of June. - 17274

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Kitchen Gadgets for Moms Who Want Healthy Families

By Jackie Tungsteiner

One common electronic appliance found in healthy kitchens is a vegetable juicer. Juicers are used as a way to quickly prepare all of those extremely healthy raw vegetables so you can get enough of them into your diet. Eating them one at a time every day can cause you to learn to hate them. If you turn them into juice instead, you can drink a small glass once per day in a few seconds. That makes it much easier to get them in.

Healthy people use stainless steel kitchen utensils. Stainless steel products are healthier because of their lack of plastics. Plastics are made from refined petroleum products. Over time, these plastics slowly begin to break down. They can allow unwanted materials to seep into your food. Who would want that?

Glass containers are more healthy. This is because of plastics also. Glass containers are usually pretty smooth and easier to clean. Food particles have a harder time sticking inside of glass containers as most of the other ones. Cleaner containers means less bacteria growing on the particles left behind after washing dishes. Glass containers don't have the petroleum based components that may allow some seepage of unwanted byproducts into your stored food.

Look inside the kitchen of a health minded couple and you may see a food dehydrator. Dehydrating allows you to keep the enzyme rich foods that you love to snack on without cooking away all of the really beneficial enzymes of the food. If you have healthy things to snack on, it will be a lot easier to watch what you eat when hunger strikes. Why not make it easier to stick to a healthy lifestyle?

Some healthy homes keep filtered or purified water on hand. You can install a central water filtration system for the whole home or just put one under your kitchen sink. If you don't want either project, you can just get yourself a pitcher with the filter in it. Water filtration is one of the simplest ways you can upgrade the health of a kitchen. It is an easy way to reduce you body's exposure to toxins.

Look inside a healthy cook's kitchen and you'll probably find an assortment cookbooks. In order to keep meals interesting, you need to try new recipes. Otherwise, you will get tired of eating the same old things. Spend a few bucks and get yourself some interesting healthy cookbooks.

If you want to make certain healthy foods like pesto and hummus, you are going to need a food processor. If you are making a lot of soups or casseroles, having an electric gadget to do some of the chopping will make meal preparation a lot less of a chore. A food processor drastically speeds up the process of chopping and grating. This is great when you're short on time but you still want to eat healthy. They are a worthwhile investment. - 17274

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A Complete Muscle Building and Fat Burning System

By Josh Owen

What is the Weight Lifting Complete Program?

Thousands of people are already using the Weight Lifting Complete Program. Why haven't you heard about it? It's one of the biggest secrets in the muscle building and fat burning world. The WLC Program is a muscle building and fat burning system guaranteed to get you the body you've always wanted.

Is building muscle and burning fat really that important?

Body fat is dead weight that simply weighs your body down. Your entire body suffers from the extra body weight those fat rolls are adding. Body fat is unattractive and leads to many health problems including disease that leads to death.

Your muscle mass is very important to you. Some people never take the time to think about this, but what do you use throughout the day to make your life easier? That's right! Muscle mass helps you get places, do things, and survive. It's that important.

Muscle not only makes your life easier, but it makes your life more fun. Imagine your new levels of energy. You'll want to get out more and have fun with your family and friends. Watching TV all the time will be a thing of the past. You'll actually be proud of your lean and muscular body.

Does the Weight Lifting Complete Program work? What kind of information do you get with the WLC Program?

Before I move on, I want you to know that hard work and dedication is a requirement of the WLC Program. This is not a quick fix program or any type of gimick. You won't find a magic pill. You won't wake up after one day on the program and have the body of your dreams. You get a step-by-step guide that will lead to your dream body only if you work hard and follow the program.

The WLC Program teaches you how to build muscle and burn fat through 8 program components:

* Weight Lifting

* Diet and Nutrition

* Cardiovascular Exercise

* Measuring Progress and Making Adjustments

* Rest and Recovery

* Muscle Building Guidelines

* Fat Burning Guidelines

* Planning Your Program

Take a look at the components again. Have you ever used a program that combines all of those? Probably not. I've never seen a program available that includes all of the components above until now. You'll get optimal results because the WLC Program is a complete program. Just wait until you see what the program will do for you!

The 8 components you see above form the most complete program in the world. And that's exactly why the program is called the Weight Lifting Complete Program. Because it really is a complete system.

You'll soon have the keys to your new dream body. Congratulations. You no longer have to search and hunt for the information you need to make progress. You won't have to learn through trial and error experiences any more. I spent 10 years of my life learning so you don't have to.

Make progress starting right now. Get your copy of the WLC Program today. Get instant access at the link below. - 17274

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You must accept 100% responsibility for who you are right now. You are not limited to your current state -- you can change anything and everything as long as you first accept who you are at this moment.

By J. Park

Did you ever see doing thousands of crunches, ab exercises and moves all in trying get a smaller waist line, or to burn fat solely around their midsection?

Have you ever done this yourself? Well, I'm here to tell you that attempting to burn fat in just one little --or big-- spot on your body does not work.

If spot reduction did work, chewing gum would give you a skinny face, right? What you really need to do is to focus on what does work. If you want your body to burn fat around your midsection, then the latest ab crunch device isnt going to do it.

Here are 3 things you can do right now to burn more fat:

1. Maintain the muscle you have now.

What I mean by this is that you will need to perform some strength training exercises. This is important to you because muscle is a metabolically active tissue.

The bottom-line is that when you have more muscle, you burn more calories, and you can potentially burn more fat.

2. Feed your body every 3 - 3 1/2 hours.

You should eat a small meal every 3 " hours that contains a lean protein, fibrous carbohydrate, and starchy carbohydrate. Doing this will keep your blood sugar levels stable, which will give you more energy, and burn more calories, paradoxically. It will also keep you satiated and you will never feel like you are dieting or depriving yourself.

3. Use interval training.

An interval training program is any program that alternates high and low intensities of exercise. A professional athlete might have to sprint uphill for 30 seconds, whereas a grandmother could be performing a "high intensity" interval by doing five body weight squats.

The interval training method has been conclusively proven to be the most efficient way to elevate your metabolism and keep it high all day.

You must take action if you expect to see and feel physical changes in your body. DO SOMETHING about what you just learned.

What will you do?

Blaming anyone other than yourself is giving your power away. You must examine your beliefs about what is possible in your life. You must develop a strategy to acquire your goal, or find a personal trainer who already has a proven strategy to attain a similar goal.

You can improve anything and everything as long as you first accept who you are at this moment.

All change happens the minute you decide you are fed up and NOT going to settle for anything. Never settle for anything less than you can be. Make up your mind right now and set a personal fitness training goal for yourself.

Make your training goal challenging yet attainable. Set a deadline for its achievement and take action now! - 17274

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