Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tips on How to Select a Fitness Gym

By Amy Nutt

Just deciding to get fit or trying to maintain a regular exercise or workout schedule can be enough of a daunting task. There are so many programs available now, from yoga to strength training, and everything possible in between, and all can be done either at home or in a gym. Choosing a gym and a fitness program will depend on a few important factors.

Consider your fitness level and be realistic. Things like body composition and flexibility levels need to be taken into consideration. A doctor should be consulted before you begin any exercise program, especially if you have not been physically active for a given amount of time. Once you have determined the level of fitness that you are comfortably able achieve, then set one or even a few key goals. Perhaps one goal would be to tone up or lose those last 10 to 15 pounds, or maybe you want to take part in a benefit walk with friends or co-workers. Whatever the goals may be, they will help you stay focused and motivated.

You should think about the kind of physical activities you really enjoy. If you simply pick things that you think are easy, or like because they are trendy, you may soon find yourself finding excuses as to why you dont want to go to the gym after all. For example if you like to dance, then look for an exercise class that offers aerobics which includes dance moves. If you are a social person then go shopping for a health club or a gym membership as opposed to exercising alone at home. Also, dont join a club that has more to offer than you will realistically use or do. For example, if you have no love of a steam bath, then why join a gym that offers sauna privileges?

Whether you choose to exercise at home or at a gym, be sure to maintain variety in your routine. This will help to prevent overuse or injury to a specific joint or group of muscles. It will also help to prevent boredom resulting from a repetitive exercise routine.

If it looks like a gym or health club is the way you want to go, then you should consider the location. Depending on what time of day you plan to exercise and where it will fit into you daily/weekly schedule, you may want to have your gym be handy to home, or on your route to work. Also be sure to visit the gym you are considering at the time of day you plan to be there to do your workout. If you dislike crowds or prefer a large group to workout with, this will give you a heads up as to how busy the place is going to be when you plan on being there. When you visit, check the locker rooms to see if the showers are fresh and clean and look well maintained, or do they look like something from a horror movie?

You should also consider your financial status. Sometimes home gym equipment can be pricey as can memberships in health clubs. Dont join a gym to benefit your health then spend each day stressing out about how to come up with next months fees. Instead, if the dues are just too expensive, check your local city or municipality recreation department. Many times they will have regular exercise programs offered at a much more affordable rate, and with just as good of a variety of programs as your local gym.

Once you are involved in a regular exercise routine, dont forget that when you have achieved the goals you set for yourself, set new ones based on your new fitness level. This way you will always feel motivated and continue to grow physically and emotionally. - 17274

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Hypnosis Ignites Fast Weight Loss

By Robert Hudak

Often people fail to notice what they are doing to their bodies and overall health due to being so involved in their repetitious daily routine. Making matters worse, many people cannot differentiate between good foods and improper food; this results in weight gain and takes away any chance for fast weight loss.

Many people in general get excited about losing weight so they count their calories or follow a stringent diet plan. On the quest for fast weight loss many of us turn to hazardous diet pills and surgery. Although some may have success, they are still in need of a lifestyle change and must change their old ways of eating.

Although it would be nice to take a pill or have a surgery to end a lifetime of weight, its not that easy. If you are in search of fast weight loss, you should try hypnosis. Hypnosis has been in existence for many years. Hypnosis is an extremely effective tool in helping use their mind and gain control of their bodies.

Just like any major problem, the first step is acknowledging that you have a weight problem. This is necessary step in losing weight. Living in denial about your weight issue is common but until you face it, your weight will not magically lose itself. Programming the subconscious mind using hypnosis and start the life that you have been dreaming of can attain fast weight loss.

If you are looking to attain fast weight loss, hypnosis is the most powerful way to fulfill your goal. Many, especially in the area of weight loss and diet control, underestimate the power of hypnosis. By changing the way you think, your body will respond in a positive way. Remember that in most cases it has very little to do with what you are eating but rather what is eating you.

While in hypnosis you can be given suggestions that you can be given suggestions that you lose your desire for sugar and inappropriate foods. That water is becoming your drink of choice. You can also be programmed for fast weight loss and that it is easy and fun. This process will make losing weight something your body really enjoys.

There is no limit to what can be achieved through ongoing programming. When a person is hypnotized the suggestion can last permanently, however if a suggestion was to wear off it would start to weaken after four days. The real secret to fast weight loss is to reinforce the new behavior on a daily basis. This is accomplished by listening to a hypnosis CD daily.

Thirty minutes of hypnosis will create a deep level of relaxation that is equivalent to two hours of REM sleep. By programming your mind for fast weight loss while you are asleep, your mind and body can work together to create the ideal image that you always dreamed of.

Listening to hypnosis CD's daily helps achieve the true success with hypnosis. The desire for inappropriate foods can be eliminated by strengthening your old weak habits with ongoing reinforcement. This process will assist you in achieving fast weight loss and will also give you more willpower, discipline and self control. - 17274

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Prevention of Low Back Pain

By James S Knolon

One of the most amazing parts of the human is the spine. The spine is an amazing engineering feat. The spine is designed to distribute the weight of the body across its length. The spine gives us the ability to walk upright. Our dependence on our spine is one of mobility. Many people experience low back pain. Low back pain comes when there is a concentration of force. This concentration of force can stress the muscles and soft tissues of the spine. You can take preventative actions to minimize this type of occurrence.

Let us start with diet. One principal reason that many people experience the pain and discomfort of a low back injury is because of the Standard Western diet, high in fats, processed foods and sugars. This is a major contributor to the increasing rates of obesity in society. Obesity along with decreased amounts of exercise has led to an increasing number of people who suffer from low back pain.

Preventing low back pain means taking positive action to improve your overall health as well as your back health. This is obvious, but one must first start with ways to protect the back in your activities. This means learning the correct ways of lifting, sitting and standing. Sitting and standing in a slouched position increases the stress placed on the lower back and increases the probability of an injury.

Simple things like sitting and standing can help reduce the occurrence of low back pain. Many people sit with their shoulders slouched or too far back in the chair. You should sit more upright and support your spine. When you sit in a slouched position with your shoulders forward, it puts more pressure on your upper back. This is easy to correct by holding your shoulders back and sitting straight in the chair.

Lifting techniques are very important as you are adding additional weight to your body weight. You can hurt your back lifting all sorts of objects. Most people just pick up items by bending over using their back to pick them up. The strongest muscles of the body are the leg muscles. Use your legs do the lifting even of lighter items. To use your legs you must bend your knees. Then just stand up with the object keeping your back straight.

Exercise is another great preventative practice for low back pain. Start with a stretching course for the muscles. You can then do light exercises. Just going for a walk for 20 minutes can contribute greatly to good spine health. This will help to strengthen the muscles of the back as well as your heart.

Massage chair therapy is used extensively to restore flexibility in the lower back muscles. There are a variety of massage techniques that are used to stimulate the muscles of the lumbar area. Slight stretching of the soft tissue areas is important for them to maintain their elasticity. Massage chairs use techniques such as kneading, vibration, compression and tapping to soothe and relieve the sore muscle areas.

You should also examine how you sleep. Your sleeping position is very important. We typically spend anywhere between 6 to 8 hours sleeping per day. This is perhaps something we do more than anything else. It is better to sleep on your back than on your stomach. Some people find that putting a pillow between their knees helps to keep their spine straighter, if you sleep on your side. Sometimes the mattress does not support properly, but with the addition of a small rolled towel under your lower back can provide the support you need.

We are very dependent on our spine for our mobility. It is important to take preventative actions to keep it healthy. If you do suffer from low back pain then it is important to strengthen the lower back. Check with your physician as to how you can prevent low back pain in your situation. Ask your physician about diet, exercise, sleeping position, massage chair therapy and proper lifting techniques. Massage chairs can be a great tool to help you maintain the ideal health of your spine. - 17274

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You Should Consider Cooking With Alfredo Sauce

By Ferdinand Emy

Once you have your ingredients ready, there are several things that you can do to prevent ruining your dish. The most common recipes do not add cheese or butter while the cream is on the heat, as this can cause the cheese to stick to the pan or the butter to cause the cream to separate. When the cream is added to the pan, it should be done off of the heat, with the cream being returned to the heat after it has been warmed in the pan. Have your pasta pot prepared in advance Alfredo sauce is best consumed immediately. Also, ingredients may be altered depending on whether or not there are attempts at making the Alfredo more healthy.

This makes this dish an excellent alternative to the standard red sauces and meats normally associated with Italian meals. The secret to good Alfredo sauce is a mixture of ingredients and technique. Add toppings to Alfredo sauce, it is supple. Plan to make your Alfredo sauce when you can dedicate time to it. Great with meats and seafoods, as well as with vegetables, you can easily turn Alfredo into a one course meal.

While mainly affecting aesthetics and lengthening cleanup time, it can also affect the flavor of the dish. The process of making the sauce goes by very fast, so you will want to make sure you have everything nearby so that you don't risk scorching your cream as you cook. Unlike many Italian dishes, Alfredo sauce is extremely rich, with the base ingredient being cream. Start boiling the water part way through the sauce making process so that your Alfredo sauce and pasta finish at the same time. Prepare any toppings in advance, and warm them on a grill prior to serving.

As scorching the cream is the most common cause of ruin of an Alfredo dish, this simple preparation can prevent disaster. The common ingredients of standard Alfredo sauce are: Heavy Cream, Parsley, White Salt, Pepper, Butter, Parmesan Cheese. Cooking times and amounts may vary from recipe to recipe. In the case of zucchini and other vegetables that don't sit well, put them on the grill or in the frying pan just as the sauce is nearing completion. As Alfredo is so heavy on cream, butter and cheese, it is often viewed as a treat or avoided on many diets.

By properly preparing your pan by preheating and cooling the pan slightly with water, you can prevent the cream from scorching. Prepare your Pan Scorching Alfredo is only the first of the risks. Alfredo is not a sauce that you can leave alone for long. Don't to stir frequently Reducing cream by half requires patience and dedication. Do not add cheese while sauce is on the burner A common mistake is for individuals to add the butter and cheese to the sauce while it is still on the burner.

Do not make this error unless the recipe calls otherwise. Before you begin cooking, have your water for your pasta already prepared, and the amount of pasta you want cooked put to the side. When you go to make your Alfredo sauce, you should be sure you have all of your ingredients prepared in advance. - 17274

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How to Use Herbal Remedies to Conquer Hypertension

By Yolande Koy

A disease that everyone should be aware of is hypertension, otherwise more commonly called high blood pressure. Approximately a third of Americans are currently living under the specter of this disease. The incidence rate of this disease has exploded in recent times and shows no signs of slowing down. Hypertension brings with a rise in heartbeats, clogging of the arterial wall and blood volume increases.

No one is immune to this disease and it really does not distinguish whether you are young or old, male or female, your current health or what race you are. The widespread increase of this problem can be attributed to the modern inactive lifestyle, being deskbound most of the time, poor nutrition and stress.

However, there are ways for you to treat or at the minimum keep it under control. It would require you to have a balanced meals, frequent exercise and herbal remedies. The most well known and effective of these herbal remedies to control this disease would be the humble garlic. There is a unique herbal remedy, which is often recommended by herbalists, by making a mixture of garlic and raisins. This unique combination may be too bizarre of a combination for some, and may seem like jumping straight into the deep end for people that are trying herbal treatments for the first time.

Grapefruits would be easier option on the palette. Despite being a popular breakfast item, the benefits are little known to most. Vitamin P can be found in abundance in the fruit. This vitamin is known to reduce blood pressure. In addition to the grape you could eat a carrot, which also helpful to control high blood pressure.

The more exotic herbs beyond fruits and vegetables would include Garcinia, hawthorn berries and a superb herb for hypertension, Shepherd's Purse. The blood vessels are relaxed and cleansed with these herbs. Other than that, you could use a blend of sarpagandha, Siberian ginseng, motherwort, mistletoe and lime blossoms. To give an extra boost, you may add one teaspoon of honey to the infusion.

Honey in itself is useful in controlling hypertension. It also helps to strengthen the heart and blood vessels. You can mix it into a drink and take it every morning. Take a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of lemon juice and mix it with water. For the more daring, you can substitute the lemon juice with onion juice.

Having a balanced meal goes a long way in helping to deal with high blood pressure. Vegetables, especially tomatoes, spinach and leafy vegetables are great for dealing with high blood pressure. For in-between meal snacks, fruits offer a great alternative to regular junk food. Apples, oranges and bananas are easy to get at your local grocer. Beyond that, you could also start fasting once or twice a week. On the day you are fasting, instead of taking your normal meals, drink fruit juices.

Finally, stress is fairly common to everyone nowadays. It is however, important that you know how to cope and control the stress. There are many people that use yoga to help unwind after a hard day's work. Other than that, you could use the soothing smells of aromatherapy or a nice relaxing massage. - 17274

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5 Simple Steps for Choosing Muscle Building Programs

By Mark Dale

Many people who've followed muscle building programs have failed to make good muscle gains because they've misunderstood what it takes to succeed. In order to stay motivated it's very important to see regular growth and to see the changes in the mirror.

The reason so many people fail is because they follow the wrong muscle building program, and by that I mean a program that is not suitable for their individual needs. The result of following the wrong program can be anything to poor muscle gains to actually losing muscle, or even getting a serious injury through overtraining.

If you are looking for a muscle building program that can be customised for your goals, body type, and size then I suggest you think about the following 5 main points when choosing your next program:

Training Time

Muscle building programs aimed at gaining lean muscle mass will not have you training for hours in the gym. Your workout routines should last no more than 45 mins, but should be intense and push your strength to the limit.

Workout Variety

Workout routines must be changed every 8 to 12 weeks. You body is very clever and remembers the exercises you did last week, which is why they get easier over time. By changing your routine you are literally shocking your muscles into further growth.

Take Rest Days

You need plenty of rest to help your muscles grow and to help your body recover from your workouts. Every good muscle building program must include rest days and you should always take a week off at the end of your 8-12 weeks program.

Use Strict Form when Working Out

When doing any sort of physical activity you must make sure that you do them safely, using the correct form and speed. Look out for muscle building programs that provide you with exercise databases that are either video or illustration based. If you are unsure of how to do an exercise correctly then don't do it -watch the video or study the illustrations and practice with a light weight.

Diet is Very Important!

Diet is the key to every bodybuilder's success. However any muscle building diet must be personalized to your body type and goals. The best muscle building programs will provide diet plans for every individual. This means diet plans will cover all calorie levels and include meals from 2000 - 6000 calories a day. The best meal plans I've come across even cater for vegetarians or those who need to avoid specific foods.

So there you have it, 5 simple but very important tips to stimulating fast muscle growth. Make sure you bear these points in mind when looking for a suitable muscle building program. - 17274

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Do You Know How Keeping a Daily Health Diary Can Help You Reduce Your Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

I get frustrated when I glance down and see another, dark, ugly bruise that I have no idea where it came from. I am just so tired of the tender skin that these bruises cause, and I'm also just sick of answering all the concerned questions about my easy bruising that I need to really ponder about what I can try to do to stop the bruising. The difficulty lies in the fact that there are numerous situations that can be the cause of our bruising, and pinpointing the exact solution can be more than a little hard to accomplish. After all, we're always on the run, and it can be hard to remember daily happenings over time. This is when a daily health journal can become a tremendous personal resource.

Begin by always having a notebook with you. It can be small, but there should be plenty of room to record a decent amount of data in it, while still being of a size that's convenient to keep with you when you're at work or when you go out to eat. This notebook should be a record of all occurrences that affect your body during the day, and the list of things that can may tend to be very long. While you're trying to find an answer to the puzzle of why you subject to bruising so frequently, this can be a resource that will provide you much better information than simply trying to recall everything that happens during any particular day.

You might want to use a daily calendar, but if not, date the page that you are going to start on , and as the day transpires, jot down everything thing that happens that has an effect on your body. For instance, you may want to concentrate on the food that you eat. Record everything honestly as it will become a real resource for you at the end of the day. Make reference to whether you noticed that some of your food was especially greasy, or if you were even interested in eating it. Was caffeine a part of your meal, or are you considering that maybe its time for you to really think about cutting out caffeine entirely? Did you drink any alcohol?

You should also consider what level of activity you enjoyed. Did you end up exhausting yourself, or did you complete the day feeling as if you were still full of restless energy? This information can tell you a great deal, so be certain to analyse your findings. Did you run into anything that was hurtful, or did you managewhere you should to get a lot of activities done, even if it tired you out? This is also a good time to notice if there are any new bruises, how large they are, and where they show up. With this information at hand, it will be easy to record how long they last and if any treatments you are using is helping to make them go away quicker.

There are lots of benefits that keeping a daily health diary can have for you. You can really see how your diet and your exercise affect your health, and if you keep it up, you'll have the answer to your bruising problem in no time at all. - 17274

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Acai Berry Juice Drink

By Dana Hawkes

One of the easiest ways to get acai berry in an acai berry diet is to purchase juice. Acai berry juice can be an excellent way to get what you want. While you may look up acai berry diet reviews to follow the best type of juice to purchase, looking at these three tips can help you to make the best juice decision.

Percentage Juice

How much juice is really in acai berry juice drink? The acai berry diet relies on knowing how much acai berry you are getting into your system. By knowing the percentage of actual acai berry juice (not including the pit) in the drink, you can know exactly how you are doing.


The ingredients that are in the acai berry diet juice are also important. If you are not drinking complete acai berry, you are going to want to know what else you are putting into your body. Avoid acai berry diet juices that add a lot of excess, unneeded sugar.

Cleansing Drink

Those who are looking for a detox with the acai berry diet will be looking for two forms of juice; the acai berry juice and the cleansing juice. Cleansing juices that feature some acai may be better, but you do not need acai in your cleansing drink. The cleansing drink should feature other antioxidants and nutrient rich vegetables to help in the cleansing process. The cleansing drink is most often had after the acai berry diet juice drink.

Be sure to watch for drinks that try to say that they use the entire acai berry. They should not be using the pit, which makes up a majority of the acai berry. IF this is the case, find a new type of juice for you to use with your acai berry diet. - 17274

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Best 10 Tips to Put Your Metabolism on Fire

By Thong M. Dao

Are you one of the many who need help to enhance your metabolism? Increasing your metabolism will allow you to lose weight quicker with the least amount of effort. Metabolism requires a high energy level and consumes calories.

There are several factors that affect your metabolism, such as the amount of muscle tissue, the meal frequency, genetics, stress levels, personal diet and activity levels.

Here are 10 home run tips that will lead metabolism to win the game.

1. Build up lean body mass. It is only natural that metabolism decreases with age, but it is possible to counter the effects. The amount of muscle you have is a strong determinant to the ability to burn calories and shed fat. So it goes without saying that exercise is essential.

With a workout regime that includes weights at least twice a week, you will build muscle mass. In between your workout days include other activity such as walking or swimming. Your additional activities will allow you to continue to burn calories.

2. Daily consumption of breakfast. If you wait to consume food later in the day, your metabolism will decrease considerably. Breakfast is an extremely important meal, however too many people ignore that fact. Look around and you will notice that those who eat breakfast are thinner compared to those who do not.

3. Eat spicy foods. Hot cuisine with peppers can increase metabolism.

4. Welcoming sleep. Research shows that those who sleep less have a higher risk of gaining weight. Are you aware muscles recover within the last hours of sleep?

5. More water please. Everyone needs to drink water. Water does not just help function our body properly, it also removes toxins from our body especially when our body is burning fat.

6. Consume smaller meals. It's important to consume 4 to 6 meals in a time frame of every 2 to 3 hours apart.

7. Never skip meals. People tend to skip meals to lose weight, which is a big mistake since it slows down metabolism.

8. Follow the details to planning your meals. Eating occasionally is wrong. Plan in advance the correct amount of food along with the time frame.

9. Green tea. A good friend of metabolism is green tea. Green tea rejuvenates metabolism, and unlike coffee, it has no undesirable side effects.

10. Fruits, vegetable, whole grain and beans are key food sources to help with weight loss.

With time and patience you will find your weight loss issue going, going, gone. However, it takes continued practice with the assistance of these ten tips. - 17274

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What You Should Know About Antioxidants and Acai Berry Health Benefits

By Sears Flowers

So what is the acai berry and what makes it so popular with a growing number of health conscious individuals? Before we explain why this newfound fruit has become one of America's favorite new choices in healthy supplements, let's define what it is.

Acai mainly grows in the Amazon Rainforest and be described as a dark purple berry very similar to a grape. Even though it is very small, it packs a powerful dose of nutrients and vitamins very rich in antioxidants, healthy minerals and essential fatty acids.

So what is acai and how can we describe it? The fruit contains the highest levels of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and naturally grows in the moist area of the Amazon Rainforest where it has been harvested by natives for over 100 years. The berry looks much like a typical grape in that it is dark purple in color.

So where is this all heading? Now that the public at large is familiar with acai berry and all of its health benefits, mainstream companies are now jumping on the bandwagon to produce their own version of the berry. This is evident in many grocery stores throughout the country which now stock acai juice for consumers.

So what can we derive from all of this? It is very obvious as with all superfoods that have been discovered. Companies throughout the world will start harvesting the grape for mass distribution. Now that acai has quickly gained momentum as the latest superfood, we can expect to see a growing number of grocery stores stocking different brands of acai berry.

As more and more people take acai as a health food supplement, some of the more common benefits reported by users that take it on a regular basis include:

* An increase in stamina throughout the day

* A boost of energy

* Better digestion

* Healthier looking skin cells, hair and stronger nails

* Clearer mental focus

* Relief from chronic allergies

* Less stress and anxiety

As I performed research on the Internet, I discovered that while these are the most common effects, they are not all-inclusive. People around the world are swearing to the power of taking acai as a part of their daily nutritional antioxidant supplement with very positive results.

It is obvious that a diet rich in antioxidants helps to promote a healthy life. Eating certain types of fruits and vegetables is key factor in getting the right level of antioxidants in your system. In either case, you should seek to maintain a state of health that consists of getting the essential amino acids, vitamins and mineral either as a supplement or through natural foods.

Even though many people take dietary supplements as a means of not having to follow a strict diet, studies have shown that supplements alone will not have the same effect as natural foods unless they are combined with a dietary intake of food containing natural antioxidants. This is the best combination and has been proven to produce the greatest results.

Foods such as black berries, tomatoes, garlic, tea, carrots and spinach are a rich source of nutrients. As long as you are getting the proper balance of these, then it is perfectly fine to take additional enhancements such as vitamins C and E and other mineral supplements. This should all be combined with regular exercise to get the greatest results. - 17274

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Losing Weight With Goji Berry: Does It Work?

By Dorthy Weatherbush

The Goji Berry is a natural product that is used in the health food industry. It has also been used for centuries in Chinese traditional medicine.

Grown in both China and in certain areas of the Himalayas, the goji plant produces berries that are relatively small, are a vibrant red in color, and are extremely delicate to the touch. As a matter of fact, they are so extremely delicate that the berries are not plucked from the plant, but rather must be shaken off of the plant very gently. After they are taken from the plant, they are allowed to dry in the plentiful sunshine.

Most recently, the goji berry has been said to assist in the weight loss process; weight loss and medical experts believe that this is due to their low Glycemic index.

The Glycemic index describes that speed at which the foods that we eat are converted into blood sugar or glucose. The lower the Glycemic Index (GI) of a food, the slower the rate at which it converts into blood sugar. One of the big problems that most people encounter in relation to diet and weight control is the craving and urges to eat sugary, starchy foods that have a high GI index. What happens then, when we give in to the craving and indulge our desire, is that blood sugar levels soar or spike.

The bodys natural defense to high blood sugar levels is then automatically triggered, and the pancreas creates insulin. The result is that the blood sugar level nose dives, starting off a chain reaction of craving more sweet and starchy foods. The viscous cycle has begun.

Along with the unstable level of blood sugar in the body, you get a feeling of tiredness and have a lack of energy which means that the body will not feel like exercising. Now you have the perfect conditions for being overweight: a low desire to exercise and a high desire to eat all the wrong foods.

Look back now at the goji berry, we can see that it compares favorably to healthy foods in terms of its glycemic index; its index is 29, apples are 38, and oranges, 42. In addition to a low GI, goji berries have other wonderful content that make them extremely healthy including fiber, which helps control blood sugar levels and chromium, which can do the same thing but also helps maintain muscle mass, even while the body is shedding pounds. Because muscles use up more calories than fat, this helps the body's metabolism.

Goji berries also have a plethora of nutrients that assist in converting food into energy and riding the body of fat including thiamin, calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, and sodium.

When we are young, our bodies are kept slim by naturally created growth hormones. Consequently, as we age, our bodies slow down on the number of growth hormones that are created which causes smaller amounts of muscle tissue to be created and but greater amounts of newly created body fat. Goji berries, however, contain amino acids and potassium which help the body to generate growth hormones.

As wonderful as the goji berry is, it is not by itself the only solution to losing weight and looking great and it doesn't claim to be. Moreover, it is good to use in combination with other diet and weight loss plans including the Medifast meal replacement program.

Medifast is a leading weight loss and meal replacement program, and if used along with the goji berry should enhance the program's affects for your body and stimulate more weight loss.

By themselves, goji berries are good for you, but will not cause you to lose a significant amount of weight. However, you can maximize their potential in their supplemental capacity. - 17274

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Do You Back Down or Do You Build Muscle?

By Owen Scott

What type of approach do you take when it comes to weight training and working out?

Are you prepared to lift weights and workout?

Do you take a log book to the gym with you?

How much weight did you lift last time? How many reps did you do?

Surely, you have a plan to improve on the previous workout. If you want to build muscle, you better plan on getting better and making progress each and every workout. If you don't give your body a reason to build muscle, it's just not going to happen...

With that said, I'm going to tell you right now that you need a certain mindset when you enter those gym doors. If you want to build muscle, you're going to have to develop this mindset.

Preparing your mind for weight training is vital. If you fail to prepare your mind and develop this mindset, you are doomed for failure. You'll end up working your butt off and getting nothing in return. No one wants that.

If you want to make progress each workout, build muscle each workout, and get the body you've always wanted, you need to listen up. Don't do what I did and waste years and years of time.

You've got to develop the warrior mentality. A switch must turn on inside you when you step into the gym. When that switch comes on, the warrior inside you comes alive. You then know that when you leave that gym, you will be victorious. You know you did everything in your power to build muscle.

When those gym doors shut behind you, there's absolutely no turning back. You are now in the middle of the battle arena. It's you against the weights. You don't turn back. You don't quit. You draw your weapon (your log book), and you give everything you have. The time is now.

Sure, weight lifting is tough. It's even tougher when you battle the weights each and every workout trying to lift heavier or do more reps. But, you have to prove to your body that it needs more muscle to survive the next workout. Do that, and you will build muscle!

There will come a time during each set in which your mind will warn you to stop. Your mind is trying to protect your body in its current state. And your mind is doing its job. But, your body can do more. And when you do more, you get rewarded. You get lean muscle mass! You win the battle. Would a warrior ever quit?

Hell no. A warrior will not quit when the going gets tough. A true warrior will stick around for the fight because that's what the warrior lives for. A warrior never backs down from a fight - no matter the odds against him.

Do you have what it takes to develop the warrior inside you? We all have that warrior hiding inside of us. If you find him/her hiding inside, bring him/her out during those weightlifting workouts, and I guarantee you'll build more muscle than ever before! - 17274

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