Which Energy Drink Rocks?
Does your energy drink rock? There are more than 500 different types of energy drinks on the market today. I am sure you have a favorite, and for good reasons. Deciding on which one ROCKS the most is determined by the consumer ultimately, but not only. So, what rocks about them? Is it the rush, the taste, the look and feel of the can, or does it rock because your friends drink it?
Energy Drink Flavors
I think what draws some people to drinking energy drinks besides the rush is the flavor. Some are looking for something that really tastes good. Flavor is a huge point. When manufacturers create these they know that the energy drinks they make must have appeal, not in looks only but particularly in flavor.
When it comes to comparisons, energy drink ingredients will say it all. It is not the look of the can, the TV ads, or online promotions, it is taste test factor, proven by the consumers. Some will not like one because it is too salty, or too sugary. Others, it has too much or not enough caffeine. What ingredients do you like?
Energy Drink Labels
The manufacturers know that in this case, looks can be everything, especially when it comes to marketing their product. I mean go on Youtube and search out the main competitors in the energy drink industry such as Red Bull, Monster, and Amp. Their appearance is flashy, bold, luring, and in your face. Some have put everything possible on it to lure the marketplace, such as almost naked women, and drug resemblances. If they made it so it looked like a bottle of Robitussin, would you buy it? So the look or appearance of energy drinks does account for something, right or wrong.
Does Your Energy Drinks Perform?
We have covered the taste, the appearance and some of the marketing of energy drinks, but what about the ultimate, that is, performance?
* Does your chosen energy drink perform for you?
* Are they hyped up but lack power?
What will make one energy drink stand out above another will ultimately be the effects the energy drinks have on those consuming them. Young people to middle aged people alike are by the droves buying energy drinks and consuming them like soda pop. The soda pop industry saw that and that is why they have come out with their versions. You might say it is a fad, but one that is here to stay for a while it seems.
Does your energy drink rock? If so, tell us about it on our blog. That's right we are desiring your feedback. Please, mature comments only, and they will be displayed, promise!
Cheers, Joe - 17274
Energy Drink Flavors
I think what draws some people to drinking energy drinks besides the rush is the flavor. Some are looking for something that really tastes good. Flavor is a huge point. When manufacturers create these they know that the energy drinks they make must have appeal, not in looks only but particularly in flavor.
When it comes to comparisons, energy drink ingredients will say it all. It is not the look of the can, the TV ads, or online promotions, it is taste test factor, proven by the consumers. Some will not like one because it is too salty, or too sugary. Others, it has too much or not enough caffeine. What ingredients do you like?
Energy Drink Labels
The manufacturers know that in this case, looks can be everything, especially when it comes to marketing their product. I mean go on Youtube and search out the main competitors in the energy drink industry such as Red Bull, Monster, and Amp. Their appearance is flashy, bold, luring, and in your face. Some have put everything possible on it to lure the marketplace, such as almost naked women, and drug resemblances. If they made it so it looked like a bottle of Robitussin, would you buy it? So the look or appearance of energy drinks does account for something, right or wrong.
Does Your Energy Drinks Perform?
We have covered the taste, the appearance and some of the marketing of energy drinks, but what about the ultimate, that is, performance?
* Does your chosen energy drink perform for you?
* Are they hyped up but lack power?
What will make one energy drink stand out above another will ultimately be the effects the energy drinks have on those consuming them. Young people to middle aged people alike are by the droves buying energy drinks and consuming them like soda pop. The soda pop industry saw that and that is why they have come out with their versions. You might say it is a fad, but one that is here to stay for a while it seems.
Does your energy drink rock? If so, tell us about it on our blog. That's right we are desiring your feedback. Please, mature comments only, and they will be displayed, promise!
Cheers, Joe - 17274
About the Author:
Want to find out more about energy drinks #1, then visit Joseph Young's site on how to choose the best performing energy drink you desire.