Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Which Energy Drink Rocks?

By Joseph Young

Does your energy drink rock? There are more than 500 different types of energy drinks on the market today. I am sure you have a favorite, and for good reasons. Deciding on which one ROCKS the most is determined by the consumer ultimately, but not only. So, what rocks about them? Is it the rush, the taste, the look and feel of the can, or does it rock because your friends drink it?

Energy Drink Flavors

I think what draws some people to drinking energy drinks besides the rush is the flavor. Some are looking for something that really tastes good. Flavor is a huge point. When manufacturers create these they know that the energy drinks they make must have appeal, not in looks only but particularly in flavor.

When it comes to comparisons, energy drink ingredients will say it all. It is not the look of the can, the TV ads, or online promotions, it is taste test factor, proven by the consumers. Some will not like one because it is too salty, or too sugary. Others, it has too much or not enough caffeine. What ingredients do you like?

Energy Drink Labels

The manufacturers know that in this case, looks can be everything, especially when it comes to marketing their product. I mean go on Youtube and search out the main competitors in the energy drink industry such as Red Bull, Monster, and Amp. Their appearance is flashy, bold, luring, and in your face. Some have put everything possible on it to lure the marketplace, such as almost naked women, and drug resemblances. If they made it so it looked like a bottle of Robitussin, would you buy it? So the look or appearance of energy drinks does account for something, right or wrong.

Does Your Energy Drinks Perform?

We have covered the taste, the appearance and some of the marketing of energy drinks, but what about the ultimate, that is, performance?

* Does your chosen energy drink perform for you?

* Are they hyped up but lack power?

What will make one energy drink stand out above another will ultimately be the effects the energy drinks have on those consuming them. Young people to middle aged people alike are by the droves buying energy drinks and consuming them like soda pop. The soda pop industry saw that and that is why they have come out with their versions. You might say it is a fad, but one that is here to stay for a while it seems.

Does your energy drink rock? If so, tell us about it on our blog. That's right we are desiring your feedback. Please, mature comments only, and they will be displayed, promise!

Cheers, Joe - 17274

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Muscle Building Supplements : Using Them Effectively

By Mark Walters

Those of us who love to build up our muscles tend to have an unfortunate attitude of wanting to achieve too much, too soon, and our progress, and even our overall health, can suffer as a consequence. To see solid, long lasting results from your efforts, you first need to get the basics in place, and then proceed on in a steady, consistent manner.

Simply taking muscle building supplements, with the expectation that your muscles will magically grow as a result, is a wholly misguided point of view. The key is in the word 'supplement', i.e. they are meant to supplement your main efforts, not be the main effort itself.

That's not to say that you should ignore muscle building supplement though - far from it. It is, however, essential to get your exercise regime and diet in order before you even consider using any shape or form of muscle building supplement. If a diet or regime is not working for you at present, adding a supplement into the mix won't suddenly make it work for you.

So, lets look at the important components, from a dietary aspect, of a muscle builders regime...

Water - No, there is no mistake, and I'm not losing my mind, water definitely tops my list as the number one essential to a proper workout regime. Just think, water comprises almost 3/4 of the total muscle tissue. In other words, it is what muscle is mainly made of.

Powdered Proteins - Protein powder is cost-effective while being a super convenient way to add much needed protein and calories to your current dietary program. All you need to do is mix the powder with a little milk or water, et voila, you're ready to go! If you're one of those extremely lucky individuals who don't naturally put on weight, but you want more muscle mass, protein powders are just what you need. The most popular being Whey protein, derived from milk whey.

Minerals & Vitamins - Whilst there are still people who claim that the benefits if multi-mineral or multi-vitamin tablets and supplements are negligible, no-one can claim that they will do you any harm. There are enough supporters of them to give them credibility, and you have nothing to lose by using them, particularly so if you're following a limited dietary program.

Creatine Monohydrate - This is the most commonly used muscle building supplement. Why is that? Well, put simply, it works! By all means try out other supplements, but always use them as an addition to creatine, not as a replacement for it. The fact that so many fanatical muscle builders use it is evidence enough of its worth. - 17274

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The Best Muscle Building Strategy

By Pat Summers

Getting comfortable at the gym can definitely take some time. People just starting out are often overwhelmed with so many machines and such to choose from. If this describes your situation, don't despair. With a few helpful tips, you'll be well on your way.

Don't be confused here. I'm not going to tell you how to get big, but I'm simply going to tell you which muscles need to be worked out if you're looking to get big.

However, following a steady workout plan can go a very long way toward building your body proportionally in a way that brings great results. Let's look at the muscle groups that you'll need to work out.

First, there's the chest. This has always been the most important muscle group to me, even though others would disagree. I simply happen to believe that a strong chest will make working everything else easier.

In addition to the chest, bigger back muscles will provide an equal benefit to your overall appearance, making you look thicker on the whole. Pull-ups, one armed rows, and other exercises will do the job here.

Another integral muscle group is your shoulders, which also includes your traps. Fit a shoulder day into your workout routine.

Next on the list is your arms. Don't assume that anything involving your arms will suffice, because some exercises target the biceps, while others target the triceps. Each group should have its own set of exercises.

The last essential muscle group that I'll mention here is the legs. These are possibly the most important all in all, as many serious body builders say they would choose legs if they could only work out one muscle group.

Other possibilities are abdominal workouts, lower back muscle building techniques, forearm training, and more. Mix these muscle groups in with some running and you'll be well on your way to some great results. - 17274

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More Than Just HCG Detox Drops

By Amelia Handley

Did you read Article 1? Because this is Article 2 in the series. The series is going to document my travel through preparing for and then actually following the popular HCG diet. I avoided HCG weight loss clinics by opting for a reputable online company. I hate frequent appointments and I didn't want to pay for the office visits (I don't have health insurance) so it was a logical choice for me. After looking around I decided to work with HCG Diet Direct.

In the first article I also mentioned that I might not make the journey through the HCG detox drops diet alone. I am currently in the process of bullying a friend into doing it with me. If she agrees then the first one of us to "slip up" will owe the other one a pair of jeans. I love new jeans. So I'm going to make sure it's not me. I'm following the diet religiously. (At least that's my intention, but I haven't yet started the diet so don't hate me if I have to admit to a slip up or two).

She's not quite decided; she's taking her sweet time in my opinion. But while she's thinking about it I came up with another issue that needs resolution before we can get moving. There are all sorts of additional tools and products that look fabulous on the HCG Diet Direct site. And I want all of them! The first must have was the cookbook. No way was I going to live without it once I knew of its existence. Any variety is better than no variety on this type of low calorie diet .

There are also some additional options that I'm going to consider. I'm on a tighter budget than I'd like just like you probably are so I've decided to pick two additional items. The cookbook was my first item so I've got one more to choose from the product line.

They all seemed like a good idea. There's the Metabolizer and Energy Supplement and the B-Total Sublingual Drops. There's the Thyroid Function and Hormone Balance supplements. And then there's the Colon and Liver Function product. I quickly narrowed it down to the B-Total Sublingual and the cleanser.

I was thinking about the Colon Cleanser and Liver Function product because I've been hearing about cleanses for years and always thought they seemed like a good idea. I was thinking about the B-Total Sublingual because I read a testimonial that said it was the reincarnation of Vitamin B shots in oral drop form. And that seemed like a fabulous idea since the Vitamin B shots are an effective weight loss treatment on their own and could only increase my weight loss results.

So you're about to be the first to hear about it...I'm going to go ahead and purchase the B-Total Sublingual Drops in addition to the HCG detox drops. Whew! I hate being frugal. Maybe I'll change my mind and only limit myself to 3 additional products instead of 2. These things can be so difficult! - 17274

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Omega 3 And A Healthy Heart

By Kirsten Whittaker

A diet loaded in omega-3s is thought to be good for your heart, helping to cut the risk of toughening of the arteries, unstable pulse, coronary, unexpected cardiac death and even cardiac arrest. And the link between Omega 3 and heart health is only the start of the significant benefits of these good fats.

Batches of omega-3 fatty acids are not just good for helping the hearts of healthy people, these nutrient elements also have benefits for those who have existing coronary disease according to new research based totally on many large studies that concerned more than 40,000 subjects.

These results, broadcast in the journal of the american University of Cardiology, concerned a commentary on 4 studies on omega-3 and heart problems prevention and have pushed pros to endorse omega-3 fatty acids be part of all healthy diets.

Our bodies can't make these omega-3 trans acids on their lonesome, so 5 hundred milligrams a day of components EPA ( eiosapentaenoic acid ) plus DHA ( docosahexaenoic acid ) is what's endorsed for healthy adults.

Anyone with heart disease or heart failure will want to double the sum to a range of 800 to one thousand milligrams a day, as the report found this to supply a robust protective effect. Daily augmentation of DHA and EPA for these patients was discovered to bring a thirty percent reduction apropos heart related death.

When it comes to cardiac arrest, adding omega-3 additions showed a definite preventive effect, reducing deaths in those with cardiac arrest by 9%. Considering the grave diagnosis frequently given these patients, this number is encouraging.

Omega-3 fatty acids work at the cell membrane level and should be what helps the electrical activity of the heart as well as improving muscle tone, stabilizing plaque, blood pressure and other things associated with a healthy heart.

The typical American diet has a ratio of bad to good fats of twenty to 1, that's's 1 omega-3 crushed by many more of the more dangerous sort of trans acids.

Getting good fats from food is the only way to go as ninety percent of the nutrient ( vs. Half of the supplement form ) is absorbed into the body. Natural sources of good fats include walnuts, canola oil, broccoli, cauliflower, kidney beans, spinach, grape leaves, cantaloupe, Chinese cabbage, flaxseed as well as fish like herring, mackerel, sturgeon and anchovies.

If you decide to use fish oil or other supplements to get the omega-3 you want, remember that these products aren't as regulated as they may be, even in the U.S.

Beware 'too good to be true' claims or reports of dubious quality that isn't published in a respected journal. Don't settle for anything less than quality manufacturing, reputable firms will trumpet this fact.

Know too that fish oil capsules are probably going to contain the same contaminants as fresh fish, and have been known to leave you with an unpleasant odour to your body.

The linkage between Omega 3 and heart health appears to be getting stronger all of the time, so have a look at your consumption levels and ensure you are getting sufficient. - 17274

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Why Getting Rid Of Flabby Arms Is Almost Impossible If You Have A Sleep Debt

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Study after study has shown that as a society we are more sleep deprived than ever. And if you want to get rid of your flabby arms, sleep deprivation will hold you back. It's really that critical.

The bad news is that a lack of sleep reduces your chances of getting toned arms through a wide variety of different mechanisms. A lack of sleep, for example, reduces testosterone. A key hormone for burning arm fat.

More importantly, no sleep translates into a poor mood. In other words, you mind will make mole hills seem like mountains.

So here is how to get rid of flabby arms by getting more sleep:

1. Do not go towards the light. Unwanted light can singlehandedly interrupt deep and restful sleep. The solution? Get better blinds or wear a sleep mask. This may sound a little drastic, but sleep is extremely important if you really want to get rid flabby arms.

2. Exert your brain. Your brain uses ATP to produce energy. If you exhaust a lot of ATP during the day, you will sleep better at night. So make sure you take part in activities that are mentally challenging.

3. Try not to sleep in. The occasional sleep in won't do much harm. But be careful. You see, if you sleep in more than once you run the risk of disrupting your regular sleeping patterns. And this will make getting rid of flabby arms very difficult.

4. Determine whether or not you have a substantial sleep debt. Everyone has some level of sleep debt. If you completely eliminated your sleep debt, you would have no drive to fall asleep. Do something monotonous. If your eyes become heavy, your sleep debt is too big.

5. Avoid huge increases in stress. A large increase in stress during the day can alter your sleep at night. You see, the neural pathways can remain overactive. Thus, try to mitigate huge stressors during the day.

Getting a full night's sleep will make the process of getting rid of flabby arms much easier. Managing a sleep debt while trying to get toned arms is like trying to run a marathon with a bag of rocks on your back. So get sleeping! - 17274

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Sand, Water And More: Boxing Punch Bag Fillers

By Jose Luis Maldonado

Information on boxing punch bags is everywhere on the Internet, and it's all yours if you perform a quick Google search. The biggest question out there is without a doubt how you can fill your own boxing punch bag.

Several schools of thought exist on this topic. Some feel that water is the best filler, or sand -- the ever popular choice -- or even grass.

The first two choices will work well, but depending on the bag you're using, what the shell is crafted from, and the weight of your bag. Filling a regular boxing punch bag with water is not a good idea unless you love mopping.

Grass is the only choice here that just doesn't work, no matter what you're filling. Packing a boxing punch bag with grass will result in a soft bag that won't condition anyone's fists and will start to smell in the future.

Do consider that when it comes time to fill your boxing punch bag, you'd be best served by purchasing an empty shell from the store rather than letting your aunt sew some kind of material for you.

Even if you're trying to be budget savvy, the consistency of your bag will be wrong and it simply won't last long enough to warrant spending any money at all -- unless you don't mind throwing away your money.

So what can someone do that doesn't want to buy a full priced boxing punch bag? Never buy a sack and go with it. Sacks are not built to take the kind of pain you're going to be dealing on it day in and day out.

Buy an unfilled bag and save yourself the hassle that will come when your sack refuses to take anymore and spills its contents all over the floor. The great thing about buying an empty shell is that they're very cheap. The filler of a boxing punch bag is what makes for an Everlast instead of an Aries or TKO.

There are numerous materials with which you can fill a boxing punch bag. Rather than picking just one, the best, time proven method is to use several different materials and combine them for a nice mixture for your bag.

Some materials you could fill your boxing punch bag with include:

* Any items made from cotton

* Cloth or yarn made from wool

* Normal air

* The foam of a mattress

* Water or other liquid

* Used and unwanted clothing

* Shreddings or saw dust

* Pillow or any other type of feathers

* Rice that is dry

* Any kind of sand

* Packing material, such as styrofoam

* Rolled tight and packed up garbage bags

* Tires that have been shredded, or rubber of any type

Here is what your dojo does, something that you'll probably never hear from anyone, even after requesting an honest answer. The formula is as follows.

Take your boxing punch bag and pack it tight with cloth, taking care to eliminate any looseness because you'll wind up with a deformed, overly soft bag if you aren't.

What do you do to combat this?

Pour in some find sand near the bottom to maintain your bag's shape and keep it weighted. Line the edges with cloth -- you can use sleeping bags or army sacks if you'd like.

Fill the middle of the boxing punch bag with feathers for example and any type of rubber that's available. - 17274

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