Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Monday, October 12, 2009

Chiropractic and Reducing Stress

By Dr. Jason Fowler

We certainly live in stressful times. It's not easy to assess whether our era is the most stressful, but we do have plenty of daily stress. The job, the home, the kids, the relatives, and the economy - all these stresses add up and yet we wonder why we have so many aches and pains.

Many ailments are stress-related. Americans are notoriously overweight. Overeating is a stress-coping mechanism.1 Headaches and backaches are often associated with increased stress. There's a strong correlation between high blood pressure and stress, ulcers and stress, and even cancer and stress.

What can we do? The external stresses in our lives aren't going away. Our activity-filled lives are busy and complex - there is always going to be stress. The key is to help avoid or ease the physical effects of stress. Interestingly, chiropractic treatment can be of great assistance in reducing the effects of stress on the body.

In general, stress causes muscles to tighten. This is an unconscious reaction. Tight muscles cause a cascade of further muscle tightening, shortening of muscles and ligaments, and a resulting decrease of mobility in joints, particularly shoulder joints, hip joints, and joints of the spine.2,3

The overall mechanical effect of stress has a number of additional consequences. All the extra unconscious muscle activity wastes precious nutritional resources and uses up energy needed for critical body functions. Lactic acid accumulates, irritating nerve endings and further increasing muscular tightness. And, importantly, the losses in spinal joint mobility lead directly to increased levels of pain. This, of course, leads to more stress.

This vicious circle of stress, muscular tightness, and pain can be relieved and reduced by chiropractic treatment.4 Chiropractic therapy is especially designed to improve joint mobility of the spine and pelvis. This gentle, effective treatment gradually restores maximal spinal motion. Muscle tightness is alleviated, metabolic processes begin to return to normal, and nutrients become more available to help maintain healthy functioning. Levels of pain are reduced, and we become better able to withstand the physical effects of stress.

Your chiropractor will explain the many benefits of treatment, and can provide instruction in stretching techniques and specific exercises that help maintain the positive results of therapy.

There will always be stress in our lives. We can learn how to reduce the physical effects of stress, and become stronger, healthier, and happier in the process. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Take a Break! A few quick tips -

Get up out of your chair or leave your workbench and walk over to an open window. Change your point-of-view. Breathe some fresh air. Go for a five-minute walk, either in the corridors of your building or out-of-doors. Call a friend and chat for five minutes. Close your eyes, and clear your mind, and take an imaginary vacation - relaxing on a warm beach, deep-sea fishing on a beautiful yacht, or skiing down a gorgeous mountain.

These short, focused breaks will help reduce muscular tightness and physical stress, and also help your brain recharge so you can be more creative and productive!


1Marchesini G, et al: Psychiatric distress and health related quality of life in obesity. Diabetes Nutr Metab 16(3):145-154, 2003 2Weickgenant AL, et al: Coping activities in chronic low back pain: relationship with depression. Pain 53(1):95-103, 1993 3Burns JW: Arousal of negative emotions and symptom-specific reactivity in chronic low back pain patients. Emotion 6(2):309-319, 2006 4Hurwitz EL, et al. A randomized trial of chiropractic and medical care for patients with low back pain. Spine 31(6):611-621, 2006 - 17274

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Best Muscle Building Strategies

By Wakelin Smith

Building muscle quickly means you need to be aware of the latest research in the best muscle building routines. All of the best muscle building programs should include drop sets, negatives, flexing and strip sets as the main components. Other types of repetitions can be added, but the drop sets, negatives, flexing and strip sets should always be present.

Drop sets are done with dumbbells. Start with a slightly heavy set of dumbbells, do one set and then do a repetition with a lighter set of dumbbells, then another repetition with a lighter set again. You should rest for several seconds between each repetition, but the key is to force yourself to do more after you feel you have reached your limit.

Not everyone knows what negatives are. And they are just as important as the positive types of weight lifting. While positive weight lifting pushing the weight away from your body, negatives pull the weight towards you. Both types are important for the best muscle building routines. The most effective way of adding strength to a weak bench press is with negatives. How do you do this? Place the bar as high as you comfortably can, and simply bring the weight down toward you.

Flexing is another important technique for building strength. Flexing should be carried out between each other type of weight training that you use in your routine - during the periods that you would call your resting periods. Flexing also ensures that you keep your muscles pumped throughout your routine.

Strip sets should always be done at the end of your weight lifting session. Stripping one or two plates from the set while you are performing your lifting routine will help you manage a larger number of repetitions with greater ease.

In summary, it certainly is possible to build muscle fast. So what are you waiting for? - 17274

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You Will Never Build Muscles Without Quality Protein

By Ricardo d Argence

Protein is essentially the building block that your body uses to build muscle and you can bet that your body needs it!

Every protein contains amino acids which are essential to cell growth and for the health of the tissues and muscles in your body.

There are plenty of reasons for you to be looking into proteins and what they can do for you. You'll find a lot of them if you are an athlete or a bodybuilder or even if you just lead a fairly active lifestyle.

Protein is one of the most important things that you can think about when you are looking at bodybuilding. Although it is exhausting right now, it's necessary for your good health for the long haul.

Small muscle damage is common in bodybuilders. Protein is what your body uses to repair the muscles that are damaged in the average workout, and you'll find that they also make you stronger than you were before.

It is fortunate that good protein can quite easily be found in a variety of places. Due to the fact that it is a protein that is loaded with amino acids and potassium, plenty of bodybuilders out there use whey.

You'll also find that egg whites are a great source of protein and readily available. If you are a vegan or a vegetarian, you may find that soya beans are going to work best for you. If you don't have any dietary restraints, you will learn that lean red meats are a good way to get protein in your diet.

You may not have the time or the inclination to prepare food in this fashion and this is where supplements come in. You can usually take a supplement in a pill or a powder form that you mix up into a shakes. This is a great way to make sure that you regain those vitamins and minerals that you can lose, this is a good idea when you are on the run and don't have time to do shopping, and if you are looking at working out on a regular basis.

Making sure that you are taking good care of your impaired or overworked muscles is a very important part of good bodybuilding. Never forget that protein supplements are essential if you want huge muscles. - 17274

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Tips To Build Muscle...Even If You Are A Vegetarian

By Ricardo d Argence

Just before I tackle the main purpose of this article which is to show how to build muscle vegetarian style I will briefly outline the different types of vegetarians.

A vegan is someone who doesn't eat animal products, including meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, and so on. A pesco vegetarian is someone who eats fish and other dairy products, but doesn't eat red meat or poultry. Lacto-ovo vegetarians eat eggs and dairy, but don't eat meat or fish. There are other types as well, but these descriptions will suffice for this article.

Because vegetarians don't eat things like red meat, they are at lower risk of certain diseases, like hypertension, diabetes, and some types of cancer, as well as heart disease and coronary artery disease.

As you may agree the reasons for changing to be vegetarian are compelling indeed and that is before we even begin to discuss the idealistic side of things such as being less cruel to animals, saving food for starving others, conserving the rainforest, becoming more friendly to the environment and such like.

However, many people who want to become vegetarian may be hesitant to do so because they may think they'll have trouble building muscle mass when they work out. However, if you consume soy, this is a great way to build muscle. In reality, soy is higher in protein than beef and has all eight of the essential amino acids.

You can easily get soy from such sources as soymilk, tofu, and textured soy protein. However, as long as you consume enough calories in the forms of good foods like seeds, rice, beans, nuts, legumes, and vegetables, you should get enough protein, plenty to build a lot of muscle.

Alright so that is protein dealt with but what about vitamins and minerals, particularly zinc, vitamin D, calcium, iron and vitamin B12? Well, supplements should be taken by vegans for this.

If you're vegetarian but you eat dairy products, you're not going to have any shortages of B12. If you want to make sure you are meeting all of your nutritional requirements, you can try a nutritional replacement powder as part of your daily calorie consumption, too. And don't forget about great sources of vitamins and minerals like leafy green vegetables, and fruits. All of these things are going to help you build muscle as a vegetarian.

In short, there are lots of benefits to being vegetarian, including for you even if you have bodybuilding is one of your goals. Eating right and planning are important for you as a vegetarian bodybuilder, but it's also important for those who eat meat. As long as you eat enough and eat properly, you should have no problem building muscle as a vegetarian bodybuilder. - 17274

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What Can Be Considered as the Top 10 Superfoods?

By Travis Van Slooten

A healthy and balanced diet consists of a wide range of different foods to provide you with all of the nutrients your body needs. This means that no one healthy food is really any better than another. That said, the following top 10 super foods are must-have additions to any healthy diet.

Leafy Greens. Popeye wasn't kidding when he said spinach makes you strong. They're absolutely loaded with vitamins and nutrients. While they may not be too appealing by themselves, you can always mix them in with other foods.

Citrus Fruits. It's a known fact that Vitamin C is a great help in building up our immune system. Grapefruits and oranges are only two of the citrus fruits that are rich in vitamin C and other nutrients, plus they're fun to eat too.

Tomatoes. Whether you chop them up into a pasta dish or just eat grape tomatoes as a snack, you get loads of vitamins and lycopene to help maintain a healthy diet.

Avocados. Not many single foods can offer as much benefit as the avocado. From nutrients to fiber to 60% more potassium than a banana, the avocado has just about everything the body needs.

Brown Rice. White rice has been refined and loses a lot of its healthy properties, but brown rice is a great staple for any healthy diet. Rice has become a staple in many cuisines all over the world and recipes are not hard to come by.

Salmon. A list of the top 10 superfoods wouldn't be complete without a protein source. Fish is one of the best sources of protein, and a great substitute for red meat. And when it comes to fish, you can't go wrong with salmon, although farmed salmon tend to have more fat and are generally less nutritious.

Milk. Most Americans don't get enough calcium and milk is one of the best ways to get your daily dose. Low fat milk is a great way to start a day.

Sweet Potato. Another all-in-one super food, and a delicious one at that, is sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes have a little bit of everything, and they go great with almost any meal.

Water. Often overlooked, and not really thought of as a food, water, nevertheless, makes up 60% of a human being's body mass. More than any other single nutrient, it is vital that your diet includes healthy amounts of water.

Acai Berry. A new discovery in the healthy foods department, fresh acai berry is only available in certain areas of Brazil where they are grown, but acai supplements can give you as much of the health benefits found in fresh acai. Acai contains a lot of nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants that is practically unmatched by any other fruit.

All of the foods on this list, when combined, will result in an incredibly healthy diet, which is the first step towards living a healthier lifestyle. Most of them can be found in your local grocery store. Acai berry supplements, however, might have to be purchased online. But this can be done easily and cheaply, and these supplements perfectly round out the list of the top 10 super foods. - 17274

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How To Lose Man Boobs (about man boobs and what works and doesnt work)

By Steve Brodie

There is a significant portion of the male population who will experience breast development, or man boobs, clinically known as gynecomastia, which is the breast tissue in the chest swelling. Typically man boobs occur temporarily during situations such as adolescence and other times of hormonal upheavals in the body. In older men it is often the result of drugs involving hormones, and of course hormonal imbalances induced by external environmental factors, and of course excess weight. If there is a rise in estrogen, or a lowering of testosterone the results in men can equal man boobs.

Man boobs can be a very embarrassing condition for men. For the most part it is psychological discomfort and stigmatization that is resultant from having man boobs. Some go the extent of wearing specially designed compression vest to hide their man boobs and this only increases the feeling of isolation because it makes playing sports, swimming or going to the beach a source of embarrassment.

It is wrong to think that gynecomastia only affects overweight or obese men, even slim men can get man boobs. This means that simple exercise focused on fat loss doesnt always meet with success for man boobs. You need to combine exercises specifically designed for man boobs with diet and lifestyle alterations for true success.

There are surgeries available like reduction mammoplasty, however it should be a last resort because of the associated risks and high prices tag. The surgery usually requires either excess fat or gland excision (depending on the underlying cause). Not usually covered by health insurance, this kind of surgery will also leave you scarred and may not even solve the problem, so leave it for the very last resort.

Now youre asking well how can I try to lose man boobs? Like anything there is not a magic cure that will disappear them overnight. But there are definite steps to take that can help vanish them naturally " surgery is the last resort, remember! Generally it boils down to diet and exercise to diminish those man boobs. You can help along the process with different herbal supplements, but these are not miracle pills.

There are a lot of trick-hormones in our environment these days " substances that look to the body like a hormone but are really chemicals and which the body treats as hormones. For example, especially for man boobs avoiding estrogen like compounds is important; these compounds catch in the estrogen receptors in your body and can do a world of damage to your hormonal balance. They can come from heating plastics, which releases phenols which the body sees as estrogen and from soy products and even almonds among others.

Exercise is also important, for general health and well being as well as eliminating man boobs. Targeted exercises that burn fat on the chest are important, especially if your man boobs are resultant from excess weight. While hormonally related man boobs can be far more difficult to deal with, in either case exercise is an important part. Finding a routine that is specifically designed to deal with man boobs is very helpful and will save you from doing needless exercises that will not target those problem areas.

Yes it is a horrible thing to have to deal with, but those suffering from man boobs neednt feel helpless. Using diet and exercise, herbal supplements and other natural remedies can see you getting rid of your chest fat in far less time that you think. Being free of your man boobs is not a dream, you can achieve your goal - 17274

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Best Tips To Dieting And Burning Fat

By Jim Evans

Although supplements are meant to help you lose weight, they still require a healthy diet and exercise. Fat loss supplements help your body to increase its energy, stabilize metabolism and suppress your appetite. Supplements can be very beneficial to your physique if you take them in the right dose and stick to a good diet. Non-stimulate fat burning supplements are an excellent choice for body builders who do not take caffeine or stimulates. Another supplement that is very popular and has good outcomes is food suppressants, which help with your body's desire to eat.

To have the right body you must do the right things. One of them is to drink enough water. Our body contains a lot more fluid than the meat and fat that we normally see. One gallon a day is very healthy and should be consumed through out the day. This means that the kidneys will be able to do it's job correctly and be able to turn fat cells into energy. If not enough water is drunk though out the day, the livers are forced to work more than usual for the kidneys and your weight loss strategy also decreases.

When you start your body building diet, try your best to consume at least 5-6 small meals a day. By consuming these amounts you are speeding up your metabolism and burning more fat cells. Foods that are the most beneficial to your diet are ones that are high in protein and carbohydrates. Protein helps your body build and repair muscles and the carbohydrates give you the energy to do so. Foods that are rich in protein are fish, red meats, poultry, dairy products, beans and egg whites. Remember that as a body builder your food is more beneficial and healthier raw.

The one thing that always gets to all of us is stress. Stress is one of the top concerns for weight loss. By eliminating stress, you will be able to focus and eat right. Overeating is very common among every individual and can be seen everywhere but these people just don't realize it. Stress will cause the digestive system to shut down and store extra fat which is not good for your health.

If you haven't already started, then you need to since fast pace walking or jogging is one of the best natural ways to keep that blood flowing in your system. If you are in the elderly group, usually older people carry a light 1-2 pound dumbbell and head over to the local mall where they are safe and walk around. Younger people should focus on jogging which speeds up the process more and works better. By controlling the lungs to breathe better, you will be able to jog longer and attain better results in the long run. - 17274

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Bodybuilding Tips, Finding The Best Cardio Machine For You

By Ricardo d Argence

Set foot in any traditional gym across the country and you'll find an endless array of different cardio machines, from treadmills to stationary bikes to stairclimbers to ellipticals.

A well structured cardio program obviously plays an important role in any effective fat burning workout plan; but which cardio machines are best and what criteria should we use to determine which machines to focus on?

Listen, it's not a complicated process, and there are basically two main factors when deciding which machines to add to your program.

1) Find one that is easy to use. Even though our technology has brought about several new innovations around cardio machines, you want some simplicity. If you can keep your session short, concise and highly intensive, you will be able to get more benefits out of your workout.

The reason a cardio machine is popular is because you don't have to focus on your balance or form. Well, not too much anyways.

Instead, the main goal is to have a high level intensity. The best way to do this is by using a basic and straightforward cardio machine.

2) The machine should minimize the risk of injury. One of your primary goals when it comes to both weight training and cardiovascular exercise is to keep your joints and connective tissues strong and healthy at all times.

For this reason, you should try to stick to machines that produce low impact on your joints and that also don't aggravate any existing injuries you may have.

We would also recommend that you experiment with different machines. If one causes more discomfort than the other, it's important to stay away from it. Here are a few machines I would recommend based on everything we covered above.

Upright Stationary Bike- This is about as straightforward as it gets. It will allow you to focus in on high intensity instead of form and balance.

Keep in mind this is also a low impact exercise. This means your joints won't go through a huge amount of stress. Plus, they are great for interval-style training.

Recumbent Bike- If you choose the recumbent bike as your cardio machine, your body will be in the seated position. The end results are that your lower back won't have nearly as much stress on it. This is especially important for individuals with lower back problems.

Treadmill. Another great choice when implementing an interval-style of training. Treadmills are a great alternative to running outdoors, because the platforms are designed to produce less impact on the joints. If you want to increase the difficulty you can also raise the platform up on an incline.

It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or exercise veteran, the stair climber works for everyone. It's another low impact movement and allows you to focus on a harder effort instead of your balance and form. Just make sure you don't lean on the handlebars, which reduces the intensity of the workout.

Hopefully this has helped you understand which cardio machines are the safest and most effective fat burning solutions to include in your program. - 17274

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How To Treat Cystic Acne: Using A Good Facial Cleanser for Acne Prone Skin

By Linda Robison

Finding help for acne can be difficult, but treating cystic acne is a whole different ballpark. This form of acne is very resistant to most typical adult acne treatments and often times lead to scars. Acne sufferer can also have feelings of low esteem and shame.

Unfortunately unlike regular blackheads and whiteheads, there's no simple acne remover or herbal acne product that's a quick fix for Cystic acne, especially for individuals with severe cases (who should go to a dermatologist for more personalized care as soon as possible).

We need to understand the causes of cystic acne before searching for a cure. Cystic acne usually results from overactive oil glands which form pustules underneath the skin's surface and whiteheads and blackheads on the surface.

Once this happens, pores are irritated and clogged and the skin is damaged. At this point using simple over-the-counter remedies are just not enough. Many people have to resort to prescription medication such as antibiotics for acne.

The worst thing you can do is to try to squeeze the cyst or whitehead. This will only lead to more scarring. Severe acne treatment requires patience, especially if you're interested in trying a natural cure for acne. The first place to start is with a good facial cleanser cream that is pH balanced to eliminate bacteria and promote skin healing.

In addition to practicing good hygiene, many people seek out natural remedies for acne such as taking the mineral zinc. Other people have had good results taking vitamin b5 for acne. Studies show that these homemade acne treatments might be helpful in reducing oil production and promoting healthy skin. However, if your acne is due to a genetic predisposition or hormonal imbalances, these natural remedies may not be enough.

Adult Acne Cysts " Best Acne Product The editors of Wrinkle Free Skin Tips have over 25 years experience researching skin problems and discovered there are 3 simple and quick steps you can take to address the symptoms of acne, even in treating cystic acne.

The first step is clean the skin with a pH balanced cleanser which keeps a good moisture balance (not too dry, not too oily) and protects against bacteria overgrowth.

Second, apply an anti-bacterial treatment that doesn't damage the skin. Such treatments should have a soothing quality to help the skin rejuvenate. Third, treat your acne from inside out using a natural herbal product that even works as a severe acne treatment.

This can be accomplished by using special herbs for acne such as: Yellow Dock, Gardenia, Red Peony Root, Burdock, and Dandelion, you help clean the blood and endocrine system, regulate hormones, and relax the nervous system. These are important areas to address when treating cystic acne. Treating acne at the source is very important for optimum success. . - 17274

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Bodybuilding Workouts

By Quentin Sanderson

If you are one of those people whose metabolism is really fast, you must have been embarrassed by it on various counts. Looking physically fragile is not the best thing for people who are looking to make a career in sports for example. But the good news is that with proper diet charts and food intake you can put on mass, and fast. There are also some body workouts and weight lifting techniques that you can incorporate into your daily routine, to gain well-built muscles.

Although this might come as news to some of you out there, skinny people go through as much ridicule in high as do the fat people. People who have a lean structure are basically endowed with a high basal metabolic rate. This means that the body uses up any kind of nourishment that you provide it with immediately after consumption. This leaves little or no unused energy for the body to store as fat! Such people have no muscle mass. Their body is literally a mass of bones and skin.

Before starting out on any fitness program or weight lifting technique you should always keep in mind that you are not a body builder, that you do not have their stature and structure. So you have to keep in mind that you cannot afford to do what others do. In fact if you indeed follow a strict regimen and do specially designed weight gain exercises then you will have the possibility of gaining as much as 30 pounds in muscle weight in a mere period of one week. And subsequently if you keep maintaining the regimen you will be guaranteed with a whole new look by the simple virtue of getting a radically different body structure, which is broad and wholesome.

Another thing that you need to give adequate attention to is your diet. Its not about the number of calories that you are consuming but the kind of food you are eating. If you enroll in a hardgainer program you will be given a summary of the kind of food you should be eating. This would help you stay away from the food, which will hamper your plans to gain muscle mass in the long run. You have to take the right supplements and at the right time.

So, as you can see, just working out rigorously won't help you out one bit. This is simply because you are not of an average body structure, so your body will gain solid mass only when you give it the right amount of care, in terms of nutrients. Yes, food is as important in this weight gain regimen as exercises are, that is probably why you have been trying out all possible workouts but still staying the same.

If you are able to do the needful you will see your body change within a week and you will love the results. This would also help you attain self-confidence and self esteem. Use the program designed especially for you and there is no reason why you would not get desired results. - 17274

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