Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Saturday, July 18, 2009

How To Become Taller Even After Puberty

By Shaun Davids

Are you trying to figure out how to become taller, without having to rely on those useless height pills? If you are willing to work hard towards it, it will be easier than you think. Stop asking yourself, "How can I grow taller?" and follow these 10 ways now.

1. Stretch:

The first thing that you should do in the morning is to exercise, but before you do those hard-core exercises, you may want to do some stretching first. You can do this while you are still lying down on the bed, to waken up your senses. Stretch your arms as if you were pulling it up, and then stretch your legs downward, as if you were pulling it down. Doing this every morning before you wake up would help in your quest on how to become taller.

2. Take Deep Breaths:

Breathing is also a good exercise in the morning. Go ahead, and take some deep breaths. Inhale deep with your nose, hold your breath, and then exhale with your mouth. Do this repetitively to fill your lungs with oxygen.

3. Get Some Sun:

An important way how to become taller is to get enough sunshine. This helps our bodies produce vitamin D - which helps us grow. So, in the morning, stand outside for a bit and absorb some of the weak sunlight.

4. Walk:

Once you have stretched and done some breathing exercises, you are ready for your morning walk. This is a great exercise that can be done anytime, in fact.

5. Rub your pressure points:

After your walk, you should finish by rubbing and massaging some of your body's pressure points to help release height growth hormones. This type of massage is considered both an exercise and a way to relax tired muscles as you learn how to become taller.

6. Work on your posture:

You should always try to sit or stand up as upright as possible. By pulling in your abdomen and puffing your chest out, you will strengthen your core muscles. And to maintain your posture, try keep your chin upright too - look straight ahead, and push your entire head back inline with your spine. This is a great way how to look taller too.

7. Rest:

After your exercise you may feel a little tired - that is fine, but make sure you get some rest then. Your body has refuel itself so that your muscles can grow and become taller. So whenever you feel tired - have a short 20 minute "power nap" and then get back to what you were doing.

8. Straighten your spine:

When you are lying in bed and are about to go to sleep, try lying with your back flat and your spine straightened out.

9. Have plenty water:

Do not forget to drink plenty of water. You need water to keep you from dehydration and to replenish the lost moisture in your body while exercising.

10. Ease Up On the drinking and smoking:

If you have got into a bad habit of drinking alcohol and smoking, then this is a great time to quit. If you want to figure out how to become taller, then quit these bad habits that stunt your growth and toxic your body. - 17274

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Which Food Cause Rosacea

By Linda Robison

Which Foods Cause Rosacea? Many people assume that certain foods cause eczema because they get a reaction right after eating a certain diet. However the truth is, eczema symptoms and flare-ups that occur after eating are usually due to an allergic reaction.

Eliminating certain foods that youre allergic too can help relieve inflammation and redness, but most people find that they have to also use some type of treatment for rosacea like natural creams and lotions to reduce redness and inflammation.

What is rosacea and what are rosacea symptoms? Rosacea is skin disorder characterized by flushing and redness. This usually shows up on the cheeks and nose. For some people, rosacea is hard to distinguish from a rash or sunburn, until the swelling and inflammation shows up.

Physicians dont know what causes rosacea but suspect there might be a genetic connection and that this disorder could be hereditary. Other causes may include:

- Sun exposure - Prescription medicines - Emotional stress - Hormonal changes - Environmental changes

Certain foods that can trigger allergic eczema symptoms include casein, like that found in milk and dairy. In fact, dairy is responsible for up to 75% of allergic reactions. Other foods include gluten, wheat, seafood, nuts, soy, and eggs. Some not so common allergens are food additives, food colorings, and preservatives. The problem with pinpointing which food is causing the problem is that many symptoms do not appear until one to two days after eating it.

Rosacea Diet: One of the best ways to reduce rosacea flare-ups, in addition to avoiding allergic foods, is to change the diet and stay away from highly acidic foods. When following a good rosacea diet try to avoid:

- Alcohol - Meat - Fried foods - Processed foods - 17274

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Mighty Memory - Ways To Improve Memory

By Chris Jensen

Memory is a vital part of the learning process. Without it, learning would be impossible. Without memory, you would repeatedly have the same experiences for the "first time." Memory gives richness to life - the pleasure of happy remembrances as well as the sorrow of unhappy ones. Here are ways to improve memory:

1. Put the information into a rhyme. A good example is the verse that begins, "Thirty days hath September", which helps many people remember the number of days in each month.

2. Provide clues by means of acronyms. Acronyms are words formed from the first letters or syllables of other words. For example, we use the acronym RICE to help us remember the management for sprains or strains, which is rest, ice, compression, and elevation.

3. Use a mental picture. A mental picture can be provided by the key-word method. This is particularly useful in learning foreign words. For example, you want to remember that the German word Gabel means fork. First, you think of a key word in English that sounds like the foreign word. For example, gobble. Next, you connect the two words through a mental image, such as that of a person gobbling food with a fork. From then on, to recall the meaning of Gabel, you would remember gobble and the stored image linking it to fork.

Using rhymes, clues, and mental pictures are generally termed as mnemonic devices.

Mnemonic devices work best for remembering lists of specific items such as words or phrase, and not for learning complex materials such as stories or poems.

They say that the number of patterns of connections of nerve cells in a person's head greatly outnumber the number of stars in the universe. They also say that the great scientific theorist, Albert Einstein just had an average-sized brain. Therefore, we are all capable for greatness. The secret lies in the way we use our brain.

Memory is a vital part of the learning process. Find the ways to improve your memory and discover your limitless potential. - 17274

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Barrys Bootcamp DVD's The Ultimate Workout

By Diana Keening

Burning off about a thousand calories with a single workout is just part of the benefits of Barrys Bootcamp DVD. How about having some fun while you work out? Get rid of that unwanted weight in the belly area and turn your tummy into a youthful, lean and flat stomach. With the bonus benefit of the gold resistance band, Barrys Bootcamp DVD workout becomes Hollywood's Best Kept Secret. Even well known personalities like Katy Holmes, Eliza Dushku, Jamie Lee Curtis, Teri Hatcher and Christina Applegate are just a few who depend on Barry's Bootcamp workout.

This is an excellent solution to not only ridding your body of that unwanted fat but toning up as well. If you have tried workout programs in the past and have had trouble staying with them, you will find yourself looking forward to this workout each day because it is so much fun it goes very quickly. One hour a day with this bootcamp workout and your body will be transformed.

This is a new way of using FIT or Focused Interval Training techniques. This combination of training techniques makes your workout burn fat nine times quicker than other comparable workouts. The celebrities agree that this is a quick and effective solution to losing fat and toning at the same time. Once you begin this workout you will be amazed at how your energy level is increased. The secret to Barry's Boot camp workout is you are not working harder but smarter. His more efficient program leads to a more effective way to spend your workout time.

The founder of the Bootcamp program, Barry Jay, took a job in a fitness studio in Hollywood after moving to Los Angeles. In a year's time he had developed a program for working out that caused his classes to be sold out. The program that is now known as Barrys Bootcamp was officially formed in 1998 and is now widely referred to as the Best Workout in the World. Barry has the tactics of a drill-sergeant and this is combined with his motivation type techniques as part of his fun-filled atmosphere.

Those who use the program and talk about what it does for them all agree it makes them do more than they thought they were capable of doing and they love the music. They all say it is like having your own private trainer.

Weight lifting and cardio is combined in the DVD Bootcamp workout that deals with all the muscles. Barry's idea for the program is that the workout should be not only disciplined but it must be fun to be effective. Because it is fun, the user will be consistent with the workouts and this is a key component in a successful program. Working this program faithfully will make the user feel really good about their efforts and about about themselves. No matter where the user begins, the program was created to build endurance.

Watching this DVD you will notice that the participants are all working at their own fitness rate unless the instructor has called for a count to bring them into unison. This gives it a feel of being in a real gym experience. The workouts are designed to cover every part of the body and each segment has the warm-up and cool-down portions.

Barrys Bootcamp DVD workout will begin changing and toning your body as soon as you begin using it. The instructions and the motivating techniques are all there to help you transform your body. - 17274

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Faster Weight Loss With The Right Superfood

By Jane Larose

Many people who encounter some kind of weight management problems often resort to dietary products available in the market. People who are losing hope and don't believe they could still lose weight are given hope when they see infomercials or advertisements about pills they could take to shed the weight. The truth is, not all these products actually work and worse some of them even have some adverse effects on our body. This is when research about the product would be most useful. Be sure to review the product before you take any of it.

Acai berries are one of the products that are becoming increasingly popular in the market today. These are actually fruits harvested in various countries in the Central and South America. Locals are using these fruits from the acai palm trees for many many years for the medicinal benefits they provide as well as for its culinary benefits. It has been in the recipe of many desert selections like cakes and yogurt in countries like Peru, Brazil and Belize.

Various companies are now marketing acai berries as a dietary supplement and weight loss product all over the world. It comes in various forms like powder, juice or even as fresh or dried fruit. All this is bringing the benefits of an organic product to many people and even to places where the acai palm tree doesn't grow.

Many researcher conducted studies to establish the health benefits that the acai berries provide. Aside from the weight loss, effect that it is very popular for, it is also believed to be helpful in the good performance of the body's digestive, cardiovascular and immune systems. Many people who have used the product also claims that it provides healthier skin, better sleep and improved energy.

One of the impressive effects of taking acai berries is the detoxification benefits it provides. The product has high fiber contents that cleanses the stomach walls and flushes out the toxins present in the body. This in return would help the body properly absorb the nutrients from the food we eat.

Our heart also benefits a lot from the acai berries. There are presence of omega vitamins in this fruit that lowers the blood cholesterol and helps improve the blood flow. It also has anti-oxidants that are said to be good for our bodies aging process.

With the countless benefits that acai berries provide to our health, many people deemed it as the SUPER FOOD. Many health professionals are not endorsing this product not only for weight loss but also for overall health. In fact, many TV shows and magazines featured the acai berries.

In the various forms that acai berries are now available, some chemical preservatives are added to improve its shelf life. If you rather have it in it's purest, most organic form, you can also buy them as fresh or dried fruit. This is one of the best options available for those who are looking to find a dietary supplement. Not only help them with weight management but would also be good for their overall health condition.

Just remember that anyone with pre-existing conditions, pregnant or have any health concerns must consult with their physicians first before taking the product. It is currently sold everywhere in the world in health stores or you can also order it through the Internet. - 17274

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Give Your Old Bones An Overhaul

By Ivan Girevoy

A normal side effect of aging is the general weakening of muscle tissue and bones throughout the body. A sure way to reduce the stress on our weakening bones is to increase our muscle mass through strength training. EVERYONE can get a benefit from strength training no matter what age or physical condition. (and yes...you can start lifting weights at 90 years of age)

Strength training is a safe and effective method of reversing muscle loss in the elderly. This muscle loss is called sarcopenia. This condition actually begins around forty five years of age. At that time, the average person's muscle mass begins to decline at the rate of about one percent per year.

Due to the natural deterioration of the body. Strength training is a important aspect of senior physical exercise routines. Strength training helps prevent the breakdown of healthy muscle, tissue and bones. Strength training also strengthens connective tissues(ligaments) around the muscles and joints. When you add in the benefits of doing some sort of exercise in general, it can add years of vitality to your life.

The stronger a person's body is. The less chance of an injury occurring from an accident. A stronger body will be more resistant to virus related illnesses. You recover faster, feel better, sleep more soundly...the benefits are endless.

Recent findings show that positive impacts of a twelve week strength training program. In a group of volunteers with the joint disease osteoarthritis. Muscle strength increase by 14 percent and balanced improve fifty five percent after the 12 week program.

Another group of volunteers with chronic kidney disease using the same twelve week program also had some profound results. These volunteers on low protein diets, still increased their muscle fiber by thirty two percent and muscle strength by thirty percent after training. This was in contrast to those who did not train. This group about nine pounds or three percent of their body weight.

When it comes to strength training there are generally two types that are taught. These are body sculpting and body building. Body sculpting is the best form of trailing for seniors. This form seems to fill their needs. Body sculpting theory generally speaks to the ability of women to add about five pounds of muscle mass. Men will ad about ten pounds of muscle mass. this form of training is not about getting "bulked up". It is more focused on increasing the muscles you use on a daily basis in your everyday life.

The best part is you don't have to used heavy weights...and in some cases no weights at all. (I know of a 88 year old man who trains using two large cans of beans from the grocery store.)

Weight training should be done in very short sessions. Not only does excess work out time reduces the body building aspects of the work out. To start no more the two exercises or 15 minutes if your new to working out or are over the age of 75 when you start.

Work outs should be done in very short sessions for the best results. When weight training seeks to workout twice per week with two days rest among each session. - 17274

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Why Invest in a K2 Home Gym?

By Hanif Furqan

Why own the Bodycraft K2 home gym? It is ranked with the best engineered types of home gym on the planet and is reasonably priced. You can work out your entire body in one home gym when that home gym is the Bodycraft K2 home gym.

People use a load of excuses for avoiding exercise. We all know that working out can keep you from gaining weight and can even help you slim down. Exercise will also help you build muscle and transform yourself from being thin to being sculpted through using a regular exercise program. Working out with home gyms firms up muscles and helps you look nicer in your clothes. Even in situations where you shed some pounds due to dieting, you still ought to firm up your muscles. The Bodycraft K2 home gym will allow you to accomplish that, in the privacy of your own home.

Purchasing the Bodycraft K2 home gym will cure all of your excuses to get out of exercise. Additionally, it will offer you some excellent reasons to commence - and continue - exercising. You can get a targeted workout that is customized for you every time you use the Bodycraft K2 home gym. You can do exercises such as leg presses and pull ups when you work out on the Bodycraft K2 home gym. Bodycraft has engineered a chair that enables you to sculpt your body using the pull bar. The pull bar can be used to exercise all of the muscles above your waist. You could even do abdominal exercises as well as quad extensions for legs and thighs. You will exercise as though you own 10 machines in your home, though fortunately, you will only own one when you get the Bodycraft K2 home gym.

When you realize how to accomplish your exercise program with the Bodycraft K2 home gym, you will get to use this machine regularly to perform the same workouts that can be done at a health club. Exercising your muscles is the best way to stay in shape. A home gym is not simply a machine to build muscle, but also a method to get in and stay in tip top shape. And the Bodycraft K2 home gym is so uncomplicated to exercise with that your whole family can use it.

But just because the Bodycraft K2 home gym is easy to use does not mean that this gym will just give you an easy workout. This is not the case at all. You will accomplish the same challenging fitness routine with this home gym as you would if you were exercising at the health club.

The K2 gym is the ideal home gym for someone who would like the power of the Bodycraft home gym at an affordable price. - 17274

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AcaiBurn Detox Helps You Lose Weight Now

By Jake Wakefield

Many people who encounter some kind of weight management problems often resort to dietary products available in the market. People who are losing hope and don't believe they could still lose weight are given hope when they see infomercials or advertisements about pills they could take to shed the weight. The truth is, not all these products actually work and worse some of them even have some adverse effects on our body. This is when research about the product would be most useful. Be sure to review the product before you take any of it.

A wonderful product from acai palm trees found in many parts of Central and South America is becoming very popular right now as a weight loss and health supplement. The acai berries, a fruit, is not new to many people. In fact, it has been used in cooking and as a medicinal fruit in countries like Brazil, Peru and Belize. They are often used in recipes for cake, yogurt and many other kinds of desert.

Various companies are now marketing acai berries as a dietary supplement and weight loss product all over the world. It comes in various forms like powder, juice or even as fresh or dried fruit. All this is bringing the benefits of an organic product to many people and even to places where the acai palm tree doesn't grow.

Many researcher conducted studies to establish the health benefits that the acai berries provide. Aside from the weight loss, effect that it is very popular for, it is also believed to be helpful in the good performance of the body's digestive, cardiovascular and immune systems. Many people who have used the product also claims that it provides healthier skin, better sleep and improved energy.

The acai berries have high fiber content. This is good in detoxifying the body and flusing out the toxins that thrives in the stomach. With these bad things out of the body, it can absorb more nutrients from the food we eat and improve our digestive process.

There are also anti-oxidants and omega nutrients present in the acai berries that are really good for the heart. The omega-6 and omega-9 present in the product help in lowering the blood cholesterol and there improves blood circulation in the body.

Many magazines, radio and TV shows popularized the acai berries for its wonderful benefits. In fact, many professionals in the medical and health field are now calling the acai berry the SUPER FOOD. This just shows that the product really works for many people.

Acai berries are still available in its natural form. It can be consumed on its own or be a part of a recipe in a healthy meal. While other products are often chemical based, acai berry is highly organic and even some of its forms only include very few chemical additives for longer shelf life. So if you are looking for a product you can use for weight management, you should consider the acai berry.

Acai berries could be bought in many local health stores in your area. If you find it difficult to find any, you also have the option to buy it from the Internet and have it shipped to your house. But again, make sure you read more about the acai berries to make sure it doesn't have any effects on you especially if you have an existing health concern. Better yet, ask your doctor or dietician if the acai berry is okay for you. - 17274

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Learn To Stay Healthy With A Periodic Colon Cleanse

By Everett Douglas

Body detoxification is an important factor to living health. Keeping your system clean of toxins and poisons that build up over time is the key to maintaining optimal health. This all starts in the colon or digestive tract where most toxins build up and over time are released in the bloodstream to other parts of the body.

How does the body build up dangerous levels of toxicity? The environment of the world in which live is the major cause. The air we breathe such carbon gas emissions and the foods we consume are filled with harmful toxins and pollutants which eventually get stored in the colon. Contamination will happen but period cleansing can help keep you from eventually sick.

The foods we eat are very often treated with chemical pesticides. Additionally, before when they are processed for mass distribution, they are often sprayed with chemical preservatives to keep the food fresher for longer periods of time. Consequently, we ingest these chemicals into the colon when we eat.

If chemicals remain in the colon for too long, they will soon slip into the bloodstream and find their way to the kidneys, liver and other vital organs. This can be very dangerous and can lead to serious illness.

Toxins and poisons in the bloodstream also weaken the immune system opening you up to a wide variety of diseases. A regular body detox can prevent this as you follow a systematic process of cleansing your intestinal walls.

The colon acts like a waste plant that processes waste and for disposal. Just as a plant must be in good working order to prevent from contaminating a city's drinking water supply, the colon must always function to keep waste from entering the bloodstream.

How can you tell if you require a colon cleanse? There several signs to look for. The most common is feeling like you don't have any energy or strength. This is very typical of a toxic digestive tract. Stomach cramps accompanied with long term bloating can be another signal.

People suffering with high levels of toxicity often report felling low on energy all the time for no apparent reason. Some people become more susceptible to colds and flu or experience outbreaks of allergic reactions.

So what should you do to keep your colon clean for good health? It all starts by recognizing the need to periodically clean your colon. The process that purges your intestines of toxins can be done safely at home.

The most recommended cleansers are a potent blend of natural herbs and spices. They are extremely effective. Other ways include drinking large amounts of water over time. - 17274

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How Fruit Can Benefit Your Health

By Lee Taylor

Fruit is one of the most significant providers of nutrients and minerals in our diet. However, a lot of people overlook this and persist in consuming vast quantities of protein and starch. The result of this is an increasing incidences of diseases, such as diabetes, and obesity. Many people enquire what are the benefits from eating fruit?

These benefits are:

1. It is a very easy food to prepare that simply requires washing and eating. As there is no cooking it can also save on cleaning chores such as washing pots and pans.

2. Many fruits look very appetizing, with their bright colors, which is great for kids and they also usually taste as good as they look. A lot of people would actually consider fruit a treat or a desert.

3. In the gastrointestinal tract, fruit requires less energy to digest and absorb. As a result of this, many people report feeling more energized and have a requirement for less sleep.

4. Whilst on a diet of mainly fruit it is very difficult to actually become fat. The result of this is that the body fat level will fall leaving you feel healthy and lean.

5. Fruit consists of a lot of fiber. As a result it can assist with the movement of food through the gut and therefore many people will find that they don't suffer with problems like constipation whilst eating a diet of mainly fruit. With constipation some of this toxic waste remains sitting within the bowel some of which can get absorbed into the system. These toxins may lead to illness, disease and the sensation of feeling unwell. Eating a diet consisting mainly of fruit does away with this.

6. The digestion of fruit leaves behind very little in the way of waste products in the body. This can subsequently reduce the wear and tear on various organs and reduce the rate of aging.

7. Eating a predominantly fruit diet will allow your body to detoxify and cleanse itself on a regular basis. Waste toxic matter from the digestion of proteins, dairy products and starches can collect in the body over many years. Even consuming fruit for only a few days can help detoxify the body and get rid of these bad waste products. This can assist in the lowering of damage to the body and enhance the sensation of energy and well-being.

Therefore, if you are wanting to get fit and healthy or are experiencing ill health then increasing the amount of fruit you consume is a good way to reach your goal. - 17274

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Just What Is Cancer Anyway?

By Michael Allison

Everyone has heard the term cancer. It strikes fear in many of us simply by hearing it. We are always hearing something new - new research and new studies are telling us more and more about this awful disease. It's hard to filter out what this disease really is, why their so many types, and what causes it.

Under normal circumstances, the human body reproduces cells at a regular rate. Sometimes through outside forces, the DNA of some cells get damage and do not die off like they are supposed to. These reproduce at an unchecked pace and the growth spreads through the body. This is the basic explanation of cancer. Its' typically treated through radiation, chemotherapy, or by removing the infected tissues.

If left untreated, the tissues will keep growing. If the growth is localized and not affecting any other areas, the tumor is benign and harmless. Most benign tumors are left alone unless they are blocking something or for cosmetics reasons. Most benign tumors are treated by removing the affected area.

If the benign tumor spreads into other regions and affects the cells in that area, then it turns into a malignant tumor. This is the fatal version. Left untreated, the cancer cells can spread throughout the body via the blood stream and infect other organs.

Treatments for malignant cancer are removing the tissue, radiation, and chemotherapy. The latter two are effective against inoperable tumors such as brain and bone marrow. Researches into new treatments are coming along every year.

Remission is the hopeful outcome for a patient with cancer. There is no cure. The chance of reoccurrence differs depending on what form a patient has. So far the best prevention of cancer is to reduce certain behaviors and activities that have been proven to cause the illness.

Nowadays, there are hundreds of websites, such as CancerAnswers.info, providing support and information for researchers, survivors, and those concerned with the deadly disease. - 17274

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