Tips For Best Way To Gain Muscle
If the above is what you've been doing, you might get severely overweight and having a higher body fat instead of getting leaner. More importantly, you might also leave yourself in a state of over training, and wasting every effort so far! What's more important for you is to actually have a well designed fitness plans just for you.
With a goal in sight, you'll know exactly just how much you want to put in a week. If you goal is to get 15 pounds in about 4 months, you'll know that by just gaining a pound a week will get you there, and therefore you can devised a weight gaining plan that can get there!
Here are some more tips for gaining muscle mass:
1 - Dedication - When you have a realistic goal in terms of gaining muscle, you'll know that it doesn't just happen overnight. Therefore you'll need dedication and consistency when coming to gaining muscle. Pick up a good muscle program and stick to it, because jumping from one to another will not get you nearer to what you want.
2 - Training techniques - Poor technique can put you at risk of getting injured. You do not want that to happen because once you're injured, you might be out for a couple of weeks if it's severe! And therefore you might just give up your plan altogether.
3 - Eating right - Eating will make or break your muscle mass gaining goals. When you're trying to gain weight and gain muscle, eat balance meals that includes carbohydrates, proteins and fats. You should aim at eating about 45% carbohydrates, 35% proteins and 20% of fats. Also, try to eat around 5-7 times a day to fully utilize your metabolism potential.
4 - Natural progress - When it comes to building muscle mass, it is important to do it naturally, and progressing naturally. Pushing your body limits and lifting weights that are out of your league can have severe negative consequences to your goal. Therefore approach each workout session to try to better your previous session, but in a smaller increase! - 17274
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