Muscle Building for Women, How to Get the Body of Your Dreams
A common misconception is that women have to workout much different than men do in order to see appropriate results. But the truth is, men and women are born with an equal number of muscles and workouts can just be tweaked to achieve the most success.
The main difference between men and women in terms of muscle building is that men have much higher levels of testosterone, which helps to build muscle. Women on the other hand have more estrogen, which naturally works towards storing fat. Regardless of these hormonal differences however, if you follow the correct workout and nutrition strategy you'll be able to see results.
One reason women don't participate in strength training is because they worry that as soon as they stop all of their muscle will turn into unsightly and unhealthy fat. This, however, is a common misconception.
However, this can be disregarded as it's completely false and is nothing more than a myth. You see, muscle and fat tissue are completely different and can't just transform into one another. On the contrary, a loss in muscle might coincide with a gain in fat when you stop a workout program because you stop stimulating muscle growth and you stop burning as many calories.
Without working out and building new muscle, your metabolism slows to a great degree. This means you will have an easier time gaining fat, and your muscles will cease to grow since you aren't working them out.
Bodybuilding can be of great advantage to women. The important thing to remember is that if you want that perfect shape for your body you need to work with great focus, determination and patience. You will need to put in a while lot of handwork to get desired results.
1. If you are going to build your muscles you will have to make some changes in your diet. You might have a little difficulty in doing this but at the end of the day it is totally worth it.
The easiest way to increase your metabolism is by eating 5-7 small meals and snacks every day instead of 3 large meals. This will keep your engine revving and it will also keep you feeling energetic at all points of the day.
2. If you want to build muscles you have build your workout with compound exercises. This way you can work on different muscle groups at one go. You can try deadlifts, bench presses or squats. There might be other options but these are the three most popular ones. So you should start your exercise routine with compound exercises. Then you can move on to various other kinds of exercising.
3. But muscle building is not only about exercising. Its also about catching on your sleep on your regular basis. If you want to build your muscles you need to get at least 8 to 9 hours of sleep every night.
When you are exercising vigorously your muscle tissues need time to build and repair. And this happens when you are sleeping. If you dont get enough sleep, your bodys muscle building potential will deteriorate steadily. - 17274
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