Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Benefits Of Liquid Calcium.

By Neil Butterfield

Magnesium and calcium are two of the most important minerals your body requires. Without Magnesium, your calcium isn't working as hard as it should be; as hard as you need it to be. If you're using pill forms of calcium, you're definitely not getting the benefits you should. Liquid calcium is the clear choice and I'm going to tell you why.

Thanks to marketers, many people believe that pills are as good as liquid calcium. In actuality, with pills, less than 25% is absorbed by the body, whereas with liquid calcium almost 100% can be used.

Calcium is lost through your urine, and this loss increases with a diet high in meat or other proteins. Being water-soluble, liquid calcium is quickly absorbed by your body, which eliminates most of this problem. Liquid ionic calcium is the best liquid calcium available.

Its a common mistake to think that a person is getting adequate calcium through their diet. Actually thats seldom the case. Calcium deficiencies are very common, which is all the more reason to take liquid calcium.

Liquid calcium magnesium helps so much with digestive problems that it's often a key in creating in OTC heartburn medications and saline laxatives. So of course, the best time to take it is after you eat.

You know calcium is good for bones, but did you know it was also good for blood clotting and nerve impulses? In pregnant women, it can stimulate contractions during labor as well as aiding in the production of milk.

If a child does not get enough calcium, they will get rickets. If an adult does not get enough calcium, they will get osteoporosis or osteomalacia (softening of bony tissue.)

Modern studies show a link between a lack of calcium and high blood pressure and colon cancer.

Symptoms of being low on calcium include: tingling of the fingertips and around the mouth, muscle spasms, numbness and painful aches.

Calcium can even aid in weight loss. If you're not getting enough calcium, your body thinks it's starving, so you will not be able to loose the extra weight without it.

Calcitriol is a main cause of high blood pressure. Calcitriol is a hormone that constricts your arteries putting excess pressure in your heart. When you aren't getting enough calcium, calcitriol levels increase drastically. Calcium is good for your heart a good for your nervous system.

If you suffer from PMS or menstrual cramping increasing your calcium and magnesium intake can make a significant difference. It all comes down to hormones that work to regulate your calcium and when there isnt enough they make sacrifices and you become irritable, suffer severe cramps, and even get depressed.

Liquid calcium gives you five times the protection over pill calcium for diseases like colon cancer and polyps.

Since taking calcium won't hurt you, and taking too little definitely will; starting to take a liquid calcium supplement now is the best way to protect your health for the future. After all, you're probably calcium deficient and don't even know it. - 17274

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