Acai Berry's Benefits and Side Effects
Acai berries were discovered in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil and are said to be used as part of the diet of the natives for centuries already. The fruit wasn't known to the Americans until recently when nutritionists and health experts became aware of its health benefits. The acai berry is considered to be the number one antioxidant food.
Our body needs antioxidants to cleanse our system of various toxins. Antioxidants help fight cancer cells and rid the body of the toxins from the food that we eat and the pollutants that we encounter on a daily basis. One of the benefits of the acai berry is its high antioxidant content which is 300 percent more than antioxidants from other fruits. Presence of more antioxidants in the body mean a healthier body. It isn't a wonder, then, that the native people of the Amazon rainforest are free of the harmful toxins that cause various diseases.
Acai berry is a great way to fight obesity, too. Isn't it great? Yes, it is. Obesity is one of the major problems nowadays because of unhealthy food and lifestyle that most of us have. Well, it can no longer be much of a problem because acai berry has the combination of antioxidants, amino and essential fatty acids that help a lot to burn fats. It will help you achieve the balanced weight that's just perfect for your body.
Acai berry can help boost our immune system to fight diseases. Again, because acai berry has a great amount of antioxidants, toxins are flushed out of the body. Combined with other essential acids, it can be an anti-viral and anti-bacterial agent which is a great boost for our immune system. This can be achieved when acai berry becomes part of our regular diet.
Bad cholesterol known as LDL is a threat to our heart, thus, low levels of this bad cholesterol can help prevent heart diseases. To have a healthy heart, we should maintain high levels of good cholesterol known as HDL. Acai berry components can help fight bad cholesterol and maintain a good level of the good ones. It also promotes the absorption of other vitamins such as Vitamins A, D, E and K.
Would you also believe that attaining good eyesight can be achieved with acai berry? Well, you better believe it. Acai berry also contains an antioxidant found in bilberries known as anthocyanins that can help relieve eye strain and improve eyesight. The anthocyanins, when combined with other antioxidants found in acai berry, can fight other eye diseases such as glaucoma.
Acai berry can also be a great stamina booster. Simply explained, when the body is healthy, has a great immune system and free from diseases, it has more capacity to provide us with more energy, thus, helping us gain stamina. High stamina is a must for athletes, so it may be helpful to try eating acai berries before a game and observe the results.
After discussing the benefits of acai berry, let us move on to the possible side effects of this already famous berry. As mentioned earlier, acai berries have been eaten raw by the natives of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil prior to the discovery by the health experts in the United States. Those natives have been eating them for hundreds of years and so far there were no report of negative effects.
It has been observed, though, that consumption of acai berry can lead to lose of appetite. For those who are on a diet and doesn't want to gain weight, losing appetite can be another positive effect. However, there are those who consider lost of appetite as a side effect.
The other thing is that, because it's gaining popularity now, it may cost you a lot buying product containing the juice of acai berry. It's because most manufacturers are into the acai berry bandwagon now. Although I've said that raw acai berry has no side effects, I cannot guarantee the supplements and other processed acai berries sold in the market now. It's because they may have added other substances such as caffeine to their products. Might as well check the nutrition facts to be sure. There's no harm doing that.
Always remember this, weigh the acai berry benefits versus the acai berry side effects. I'm sure that the positive effects will weigh more than the side effects. - 17274
Our body needs antioxidants to cleanse our system of various toxins. Antioxidants help fight cancer cells and rid the body of the toxins from the food that we eat and the pollutants that we encounter on a daily basis. One of the benefits of the acai berry is its high antioxidant content which is 300 percent more than antioxidants from other fruits. Presence of more antioxidants in the body mean a healthier body. It isn't a wonder, then, that the native people of the Amazon rainforest are free of the harmful toxins that cause various diseases.
Acai berry is a great way to fight obesity, too. Isn't it great? Yes, it is. Obesity is one of the major problems nowadays because of unhealthy food and lifestyle that most of us have. Well, it can no longer be much of a problem because acai berry has the combination of antioxidants, amino and essential fatty acids that help a lot to burn fats. It will help you achieve the balanced weight that's just perfect for your body.
Acai berry can help boost our immune system to fight diseases. Again, because acai berry has a great amount of antioxidants, toxins are flushed out of the body. Combined with other essential acids, it can be an anti-viral and anti-bacterial agent which is a great boost for our immune system. This can be achieved when acai berry becomes part of our regular diet.
Bad cholesterol known as LDL is a threat to our heart, thus, low levels of this bad cholesterol can help prevent heart diseases. To have a healthy heart, we should maintain high levels of good cholesterol known as HDL. Acai berry components can help fight bad cholesterol and maintain a good level of the good ones. It also promotes the absorption of other vitamins such as Vitamins A, D, E and K.
Would you also believe that attaining good eyesight can be achieved with acai berry? Well, you better believe it. Acai berry also contains an antioxidant found in bilberries known as anthocyanins that can help relieve eye strain and improve eyesight. The anthocyanins, when combined with other antioxidants found in acai berry, can fight other eye diseases such as glaucoma.
Acai berry can also be a great stamina booster. Simply explained, when the body is healthy, has a great immune system and free from diseases, it has more capacity to provide us with more energy, thus, helping us gain stamina. High stamina is a must for athletes, so it may be helpful to try eating acai berries before a game and observe the results.
After discussing the benefits of acai berry, let us move on to the possible side effects of this already famous berry. As mentioned earlier, acai berries have been eaten raw by the natives of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil prior to the discovery by the health experts in the United States. Those natives have been eating them for hundreds of years and so far there were no report of negative effects.
It has been observed, though, that consumption of acai berry can lead to lose of appetite. For those who are on a diet and doesn't want to gain weight, losing appetite can be another positive effect. However, there are those who consider lost of appetite as a side effect.
The other thing is that, because it's gaining popularity now, it may cost you a lot buying product containing the juice of acai berry. It's because most manufacturers are into the acai berry bandwagon now. Although I've said that raw acai berry has no side effects, I cannot guarantee the supplements and other processed acai berries sold in the market now. It's because they may have added other substances such as caffeine to their products. Might as well check the nutrition facts to be sure. There's no harm doing that.
Always remember this, weigh the acai berry benefits versus the acai berry side effects. I'm sure that the positive effects will weigh more than the side effects. - 17274
About the Author:
Jessica Matias outlines to you the acai berry benefits and acai berry side effects.
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