Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Benefits of Wheat Berries

By Scott Davis

Living our modern life of convenience and processed food we seem to have forgotten what it was like to eat natural foods. Simpler, whole foods seem to be such a thing of the past. Especially since anything that takes longer that 5 minutes to cook seems to be an outrageously long prep time.

But there has been a resurgence reminding us of the importance of whole foods. Reminding us of simpler times when people didn't eat overly processed foods. This whole foods revival has reminded us that things like whole wheat berries, the fancy name for whole wheat kernels, contain a more complete set of nutrients.

Getting Back to Healthy Ways

As a soft or hard grain, wheat berries can be added to bread (baked with) or salads, where they make a satisfying crunch sound while filling our bodies with fiber, iron and vitamins B and C. You can also mill your wheat kernels to make flour which you will then use to make all kinds of satisfying and healthy products, from pasta to bread to cookies to pastries (muffins and cookies). The kernel of whole wheat contains 3 important elements that must be present in order to earn the appellative of whole grain: endosperm, bran and germ. You can even plant the whole grain to grow your own wheat if you have the land, the time and the patience.

Just be Creative

While it may be strange to start cooking with whole grains initially, with a little creativity you'll be on your way. There are tons of whole foods recipes to choose from. Just pick something that suits your fancy and that your family can enjoy. Getting children who are accustomed to processed foods eating whole foods may be difficult as your getting started. But starting children eating whole foods at a young age will get them into good habits while they are still young.

Eating Whole Foods Regularly

Immediately switching to whole wheat and grains may seem like quite a shock to people who are used to processed foods. But it doesn't have to be like that. This isn't an all or nothing thing. By slowly adding whole wheat and whole grains to your diet you can make it a smooth transition. Start using whole grains by swapping standard items for their whole grains alternatives. Doing it like that will make the process go so much smoother.

Examining the Food Pyramid

They US Food Pyramid recommends between 6 and 11 servings of whole grains a day. This can include wheat berries and other cereals, breads and pastas. On serving is 1 slice of bread or a half-cup of cereal or pasta. So it is pretty easy to gradually add whole grains to your diet, one serving at a time. - 17274

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