Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Monday, February 16, 2009

Is Eating Meat Good Or Bad

By Nate Rifkin

So should you be eating meat or not?

Here's the final answer: The human body was designed to eat certain kinds of food. And you can tell which kinds by looking at other animals.

Let's take a look at the characteristics of MEAT-eaters versus herbivore animals.


1. Have eyes that face forward. This is for hunting.

2. Have sharp teeth for tearing into meat.

3. Have a smaller stomach since meat is easy to digest.


1. Have sideways-facing eyes to watch out for predators.

2. Have almost exclusively blunt molar-like teeth for chewing tough vegetation.

3. Have large stomachs to get the nutrients out of grass.

So is your stomach as big as a beach ball or closer to a softball? When you smile, do you see sharp or entirely blunt teeth? Are your eyes facing forward?

Face it: We were meant to eat meat. Now if you're a vegetarian for personal reasons, that's fine. Just don't go spreading the gospel that you're healthier as a result.

Are there studies showing vegetarianism as more healthy than eating meat? Yes. But that's almost certainly because restraining yourself from eating meat shows you have self-disclipline compared to the average person. And being more healthy than the average person is not exactly a big feat.

Take someone with the same self-discipline and allow them to eat meat, and you've got a whole other result.

You must, however, stick to eating healthy meat that isn't stuffed with preservatives. Whole Foods makes great burgers which have ruined me for regular meat. If you go natural, the healthier stuff really does taste better. - 17274

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