Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Monday, December 7, 2009

Still Waiting for HCG: 9th Day

By Amelia Handley

Lisa and I are still awaiting the delivery of our HCG and the HCG diet protocol that comes along with it from HCG Diet Direct. While we've been waiting we've been looking around for info online and we've found a few sticky topics that get talked about a lot. And they're going to be a bit rough if they're actually true. We're treating them as rumors at this point; nothing's set in stone until we get the HCG diet protocol booklet from HCG Diet Direct. Then we'll have to really deal with the trouble areas.

But for history's sake I thought I'd dedicate my daily article for today to the problems I foresee. I'm definitely going to have a big issue of diet soda isn't allowed. I figured it might be since it's zero calorie, but I've heard some say that you can't have it. I'm also going to really dislike it if I'm limited to just one kind of berry (the strawberry is great, but there are so many other yummy options out there to choose from). And I also heard that there is no approved ground meat. That seems difficult to me since there are really lean ground meat options out there. And lastly...what's this I hear about no substitutions?

Really? No diet soda? No Crystal Light? That's going to be tough for me. I mean...if it's true. I'm still hoping this one will fall on the rumor side of the scale. If it's actually listed in the HCG diet protocol handbook I'll have to deal, but until that point I'm going to be planning on using it to tide me over as I refrain from having Cheetos or chocolate cake.

And what about this rumor I hear about berries? I thought all berries were really quite good for you, but some comments I've read suggest that the strawberry is the only approved berry on the fruits list for the official HCG diet protocol. If so...I'm so sad. I really like berries: raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, AND strawberries. I'm keeping my fingers crossed they're all approved until I read differently in the handbook.

And that brings me to the lack of ground meat on the approved HCG diet protocol. It seems fairly logical, but I just wanted to complain really quickly because it's going to make it hard to make good HCG diet protocol approved choices at the next family barbeque. But that's alright. I'll figure something out!

So...no substitutions? Yikes! I think it would make it a lot easier if I could split up my little bits of food to have a little here, a little there throughout the day, but some forums are saying you just can't do that. That seems a bit beyond strict, but maybe there's a good reason for the rules. I sure would like to option of saving a serving of fruit for a late night snack, though. So...again...keeping my fingers crossed this one is actually just a rumor.

And now we're at the end of my sad tale. I feel like I've whined at you enough for the day. I'll let you go ahead and hold your breath waiting for my next titillating installment as I document my course through the HCG diet. - 17274

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