Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tone Abs Are The Secret To Good Health

By Jace P. Andersen

Everyone nowadays is obsessed with tone abs. They look great on a slim or muscular body. They are what we used to determine if someone is in good shape. But tone abs are much more that aesthetics. Besides looking good, they represent a healthy body.

The abdominal muscles are a very important muscle group in the body. They are our midsection that protects our internal organs. Whereas our heart and lungs have a ribcage to protect it, our intestines rely on our abs. These muscles must stay strong as they are a main defense for our body. They hold our body together. Making sure your abs are tone is a great way to stay in shape overall.

The abdominal muscles are extremely important to our posture. They help us stand up straight. When are abs are not strong we tend to slouch. We then rely on other muscles to hold our body upright. These other muscles (such as our lower back) were not meant to do our abs job.

A good abdominal workout can often help with lower back pain. Because weak abs tend to get help from other muscles, making them stronger prevents that. When abs are stronger they no longer depend on other muscles. Building stronger abdominal muscles and using them instead of the back muscles can prevent lower back pain.

Because the abdominal muscles and back muscles are so close, correct abdominal exercises are important. When engaged the abdominal muscles can get help from other muscles. This is especially true if they are weak. This can cause the other helper muscles to become injured. When doing an abdominal exercise make sure the abdominal muscles are actually engaged.

Balance is often overlooked in abdominal exercises but it should not be. Balance has been important to professional athletes for many years. Good balance prevents injury and encourages increased performance. Balance also helps the body to work as a whole - meaning each muscle does its job. When there is poor balance, muscles compensate and often cause injury. One of the abdominal muscles main job is to ensure good balance.

Not only does balance keep the body's muscles running smoothly, it also prevents everyday injury. Poor balance causes falls and other injuries. Without good balance it is difficult to stand on one leg or even walk. The abdominal muscles are extremely necessary for standing on one leg.

When looking for a good abdominal workout, sometimes you should consider balance exercises. Taking time to do these types of exercises to strengthen balance will benefit your abs. Yoga is a great example of a balance exercise program. Even doing exercises with a balance ball is a good idea. Although these exercises say they improve balance, they do so by toning the abs.

The abdominal muscles may be the most important muscle group to keep tone. They help with posture. They are the reason we can stand up straight. Tone abs help maintain our balance and have been the secret of gymnasts. They prevent injury to out vital organs. Perhaps most importantly, tone abs just look good! - 17274

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