Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Why Am I Unhealthy?

By John Windsor

Health. A small word but a very BIG meaning. Health and all it represents can sometimes be a drug in itself. Every day we are bombarded by the pharmaceutical companies telling us how wonderful their products are for us.

Money is the key for these companies. We have latent fears about our health that are exaggerated by their advertising tactics. This fear is the key motivator for us to go out and buy their products.

We worry ourselves into a state of disrepair, much in the same way as our cars can break down if the correct maintenance is not given. Our mechanic as it where, could be merely a change in the way we think about our health, but how can we do this. Is there an actual technique we can use to change our viewpoint, let's see.

Examining the control centre within us is always a good place to start, so let's take a look at how this marvellous computer called our brain actually functions.

The brain is made up of a large tissue mass located not surprisingly in our craniums. The cerebrum is the largest part and is the heaviest part of the brain. It's here that the thinking processes take place and it controls all our voluntary muscles, you know the ones that move when we want them to move, for instance if we wanted to kick a ball etc. Our short term memory is also located here. Housed here is also our involuntary control system which regulates breathing and heartbeat etc.

The brain as we know is a large muscle mass which resides in our head...no surprises there then!!! The biggest part of the brain is the cerebrum. The cerebrum makes up most of the brains weight. This is the thinking part of the brain and it controls our voluntary muscles, the ones that move when we want them to.

"Fair enough John, thanks for the biology lesson, now what?"

Well let's see.

The conscious aspect of us isn't something that we need to consider at this point only the subconscious element, for a very good reason.

A certain part of us is housed elsewhere. By us I mean you and me. Trying to give this certain something a name is difficult for some people.

There is an element of us which doesn't reside in the brain. Now you notice I used the word us as in you and me. Something which is intangible, indescribable and which defies having a name.

Just stay with me for a second because it will become clear. This extra element isn't something tangible, but more of a feeling, something we feel is part of us but which seems to be connected like a third party spectator looking in from a distance. This extra something just knows for some reason.

Labelling something with a recognised word can sometimes help us become comfortable with it. So let's give it a name that we all recognise. Let's call it our soul.

"I'm with you so far, but this article is all about health, so where does it fit in to your point."

Good point, so let's discuss this.

Let's accept for a moment that our soul knows everything, in other words it already has all the answers for us, ready and waiting.

"Just wait one cotton picking minute here. If it has all the answers, then why don't I get a heads up BEFORE the grief happens, it would just make life so much easier."

"Hang on, if it knows all the answers then why the heck doesn't it just tell us what to do BEFORE it happens!!! This would save us so much grief."

"Right, so what exactly are you saying, are you saying that we don't have the ability to understand what's being said.?"

The language used isn't what's important but the way it's communicated, is. The message comes in a form that is way beyond our mortal comprehension and understanding, however the good news is that we have a built in interpreter that can input this message in a way that we can understand, and we receive these messages in the form of a feeling or knowing.

"Right, so what you're actually saying is that our soul knows absolutely everything, can tell us how to heal ourselves and give us a heads up on the next lot of lottery results.


"There must be another explanation, because if this were true I would always have enough cash and my health would always be perfect, wouldn't it.?"

Very simple answer, it's because we hear but we don't listen half the time. We run around with no direction and because of this we can contract an illness or disease, or to put it another way dis-ease.

We need to develop our soul listening skills to the point that this all make sense in order to heal ourselves.

"But how?"

This my friend is for a whole other time, but don't worry just join my newsletter and we can work it out together.

Until then just remember.

"Thoughts become things, always chose the good ones."

Your Friend

John - 17274

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