Fat Loss 4 Idiots Secret

Monday, June 29, 2009

Proper Nutrition Supports Adult Stem Cells

By Andrea Rousseau

Stem Cell Research has attracted a lot of controversy because of its perceived moral implications around using 5 day old embryos, know as blastocysts, in the research process. By using the inner cell mass, Embryonic Stem Cell research destroys the embryo. This, understandably, attracts intense moral objections.

Adult Stem Cell research does not use embryos, therefore no life ends in the research process. Sources of adult stem cells include bone marrow, peripheral blood, and amniotic fluid, to name a few. The use of adult stem cells in battling disease and injury shows huge promise.

Research has shown that stem cells are a renewable source of replacement cells to treat disabilites, conditions, and diseases. Adult Stem Cells are somewhat inactive cells, but can respond quickly to tissue injury and stress. [neostem.com]

Adult stem cells are quite resilient, and have the ability to "morph" into other kinds of cells. Studies have affirmed the phenomenon know as "plasticity." In other words, adult stem cells have the ability to differentiate into other cell types such as heart cells or nerve cells.[Life Extension, Oct 2007] For this reason, your own adult stem cells are the key to your own treatment.

Disease fighting and anti-aging strategies require that stem cell growth be properly stimulated. Potent Nutrition at the cellular level is essential to maintaining health and preventing disease.

Researchers have conducted studies that show there is a direct relationship between higher servings of blueberry, green tea, carnosin, catechin, and vitamin D3 and the proliferation of human bone marrow. Studies have also shown that Resveratrol has a positive effect on stem cell health.[Life Extension, Oct 2007]

There are some superfoods readily available that can give you a great foundation for cellular health. Blueberries are among the fruits with the highest antioxidant activity and anti-inflamatory properties.

Amla is an extremely nutritious fruit with the richest natural source of vitamin C, and protects cells from free radical damage. Acai is rich in Omega fats and is a great source of vitamins and minerals. - 17274

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