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Saturday, June 6, 2009

Depression Symptoms Help - Natural Relief

By John Laney

Some types of depression are severe and dysfunctional. This means you don't have the energy or willpower to go to work or even get out of bed. If you are having severe symptoms, see a doctor immediately, there is good help available.

Dysfunctional depression is not the norm. Common depression symptoms are feeling bad, fatigued, unhappy, perhaps that your life is meaningless. But you can still go to work and handle basic chores. You are probably suffering from some form of "common" depression.

Happily, common depression symptoms can be reduced and often cured with some simple nutritional and lifestyle remedies. You can experience relief often within just a few days.

There are several simple nutritional changes that you can try for some immediate depression relief. The first and most powerful is to cut refined white sugar completely from your diet.

White sugar causes sugar blues. You get a rush of good feeling from eating something like a doughnut, then within 60 minutes your system releases lots of insulin to get the sugar out of the blood stream. All this insulin then causes low blood sugar for another few hours. The insulin is so effective it gets rid of too much glucose from the blood stream.

Now here's the surprising fact: low blood sugar causes many common depression symptoms. It makes us feel tired and low energy. It makes us feel irritable and disinterested. And it can even cause dark mood swings. Low blood sugar affects the brain and nervous system negatively.

Refined white sugar actually causes low blood sugar! Our natural bodily response to produce insulin creates low blood sugar. So eating sugar causes our blood sugar levels to spike up and down all day long, which creates mood swings and other symptoms.

So if you want to feel better, cut out refined white sugar. You don't have to give up sweets, you can use natural sweeteners like stevia to sweeten food all you want. But if you are suffering from common depression symptoms, try this simple cure and see how you feel within 3 days. There's much more you can do to feel great, but this is a good start. - 17274

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